Diversity and Abundance of Plankton in Different H
Diversity and Abundance of Plankton in Different H
Diversity and Abundance of Plankton in Different H
Abstract. Ramlee A, Suhaimi H, Rasdi NW. 2021. Diversity and abundance of plankton in different habitat zonation of Papan River,
Lake Kenyir, Malaysia. Biodiversitas 23: 212-221. Lake Kenyir is the largest artificial lake in Malaysia, yet there is limited information
regarding the lake’s ecology. This study aimed to determine the diversity and abundance of phytoplankton and zooplankton in various
habitat ecosystems along the Papan River, Lake Kenyir. Three distinct sampling points were chosen based on the diverse habitat
conditions, namely sampling point A (high water current area), sampling point B (shallow and muddy area) and sampling point C
(minimum water current area). Samples were collected horizontally using a 30µm plankton net with two distinct towing methods: boat
and hand towing to specific areas. The result showed that all sampling points had low chlorophyll-a concentrations ranging between 10
and 20 g/ml, indicating that no algae bloom had occurred. Bacillariophyta were found to have the highest distribution of phytoplankton
division in all of the stations (50.96%). The other division discovered was Chlorophyta (29.62%), followed by Charophyta (19.43%).
Additionally, 140 individual zooplankton species were discovered across all sampling locations. The phylum Rotifera is the most
dominant in terms of species distribution (60.00 %), followed by Arthropoda (31.43%), Ciliophora (7.14%), and Rhizopoda (0.71%).
The Shannon diversity index, evenness, and species richness measurements at sampling point A, B, and C revealed a range of index
values due to variation in plankton species due to interaction and habitat conditions. The variation in planktonic abundance in the Papan
River was attributed to their habitat preferences due to the freshwater lake's ecosystem's different zones and conditions.
Figure 1. Map of the location of sampling point in Papan River. The label on the map indicate a different sampling point
RESULT AND DISCUSSION major division in all stations. The other division found
were Chlorophyta (29.62%) followed by Charophyta
Water quality (19.43%) and Ochrophyta (1.57%). Freshwater diatom
According to Table 2, the water quality parameters at species Pinnularia biceps was the dominant species in with
sample points A, B and C differed, indicating that the three 78 individuals recorded.
sampling points had varying environmental conditions. The
highest turbidity (NTU) was reported at sample point C
(0.32±0.17), followed by sample point B (0.03±0.002) and
A (0.029±0.003). The salinity of all sample points was less
than 0.5 ppt, indicating that the river was pure freshwater
(Ohrel and Register 2006). The maximum temperature
observed was 31.44±0.22ºC at sampling site C, whereas
25.96±0.20ºC and 28.22±0.95ºC were recorded at sample
points A and B, respectively, indicating the optimal temperature
parameter for phytoplankton growth and development.
Sampling point
Based on Figure 4 and Table 3, in sampling point A Phylum Species
there were 12 species of phytoplankton were recorded Charophyta Staurastrum punctulatum - + +
belonging to 3 different divisions. Bacillariophyta Cosmarium sp. - + +
(98.48%) was the major division with 53 individuals, and Staurastrum anatinum - + -
Pinnularia biceps was the dominant species. Other Closterium parvulum - + -
distributions of division Charophyta (1.52%) were recorded Mougeotia sp. - + -
with no division of Chlorophyta found. Meanwhile, in Micrasterias laticeps - - +
Sampling Point B, the distribution division of Charophyta Cosmarium depressum + + -
Chlorophyta Actinastrum hantzschii + + +
(98.04%) was the highest, followed by Bacillariophyta Scenedesmus sp. - + +
(1.96%) with a total of 6 species of phytoplankton and Bacillariophyta Pinnularia biceps + - +
Cosmarium sp. was the dominant species with 18 Melosira sp. + + -
individuals. In Sampling Point C, a total of 10 species of Cyclotella sp. + - -
phytoplankton were found with Scenedesmus sp. was the Pinnularia splendida + - -
dominant species with 81 individuals. Division of Fragilaria sp. + - -
Chlorophyta (73.28%) was recorded as the significant Achnanthes sp. + - -
division followed by Bacillariophyta (22.13%) and Hantzschia sp. + - -
Charophyta (6.87%), respectively. All recorded species of Cymbella sp. + - -
Frustulia rhomboides + - -
phytoplankton in all sampling points were shown in Figure 5. Nitzschia sp. + + +
Meanwhile, Figure 7 and Table 4 showed that sampling Ochrophyta Dinobryon sertularia - - +
point A recorded 21 distinct species with Arthropoda
Noted: ‘+’: present, ‘- ‘: absent
(66.67%), the dominant phylum and freshwater copepod,
Mesocyclops leuckarti dominant species. Other phylum
Table 2. Water quality parameters across three sampling points in Papan River, Malaysia (Mean ± SD)
Sampling point
Point A Point B Point C
Turbidity (NTU) 0.029± 0.003a 0.03±0.002a 0.32±.0.003a
Salinity (ppt) 0.014±0.002b 0.013±0.01b 0.022±0.002a
pH 7.73±0.32a 7.82±0.93a 7.94±0.78a
Temperature (°C) 25.96± 0.58c 28.21±1.06b 31.44±0.22a
DO 57.80± 1.52b 59.03±1.64b 67.44±1.50a
Chl a (µg/mL) 10.90±0.27b 12.15±0.69b 21.18±0.38a
Note: All values are mean ± standard deviation (n: 3). The different small letters indicate significant different between water quality
parameters (P<0.05)
216 B I OD I V E R S ITA S 23 (1): 212-221, January 2022
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
Figure 5. Phytoplankton species recorded in Papan River, Malaysia: 1. Dinobryon sertularia; 2. Staurastrum anatinum; 3. Cosmarium
sp.; 4. Actinastrum hantzschii; 5. Cosmarium depressum; 6. Closterium parvulum; 7. Mougeotia sp.; 8. Fragilaria sp.; 9. Staurastrum
punctulatum; 10. Frustulia rhomboides; 11. Nitzschia sp.; 12. Pinnularia splendida; 13. Pinnularia biceps; 14. Scenedesmus sp.; 15.
Micrasterias laticeps; 16. Cyclotella sp.; 17. Melosira sp.; 18. Achnanthes sp.; 19. Hantzschia sp.; 20. Cymbella sp.
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
10 11 12
13 14 15
Figure 8. Zooplankton species recorded in Papan River, Malaysia: 1. Rotaria neptunia; 2. Polyarthra vulgaris; 3. Trichocerca sp.; 4.
Paramecium sp.; 5. Brachionus urceolaris; 6. Vorticella sp.; 7. Leberis diaphanous; 8. Chyndorus sp.; 9. Lecane sp.; 10. Brachionus
plicatilis; 11. Mesocyclops leuckarti; 12. Thermocyclops crassus; 13. Hemicypris sp.; 14. Euglypha tuberculate; 15. Kurzia sp.
Figure 9. Shannon Diversity index, Evenness index and Species Figure 10. Shannon Diversity index, Evenness index and Species
Richness of phytoplankton in Papan River, Malaysia Richness of zooplankton in Papan River, Malaysia
RAMLEE et al. – Plankton distributions in Papan River, Malaysia 219
Abundance and variation of zooplankton spread of bdelloid rotifers is inversely related to the depth
In terms of species abundance, Rotifera, Copepoda, and of the freshwater environment. Campillo et al. (2011) also
Cladocera densities were lower than those found in the stated that species and population numbers might drop as
other river of Lake Kenyir, Tembat River (Saidin 2016). habitat depth increases. This may have reinforced the
Rotifers were the most abundant zooplankton in the Papan current findings, in which most bdelloids, including
River, while copepods and cladocerans constituted the Rotaria neptunia, are found in the shallow littoral zone.
typical zooplankton population in tropical freshwater lake Furthermore, Rotaria species may float on the surface of
ecology. The low diversity of species and zooplankton aquatic plants. Most of them survive by relying on food
abundance at the research site were almost certainly due to and nutrients along the surface area, indicating that Rotaria
environmental factors. As Gilbert (2017) mentioned, the is prevalent in the shallow littoral zone (Wallace et al.
population density of rotifers is determined by food 2015; Jaturapruek et al. 2020). However, due to the variety
availability in deep and shallow water. Additionally, the of bdelloids rotifer in most freshwater habitats, the genuine
shallow water area was most significant at sample site B, behaviours and environmental preferences of bdelloids
resulting in a high rotifer density and biomass, whereas rotifer, particularly Rotaria neptunia, is still under early
competition between zooplankton species was observed at observation.
sample points A and C. This study established two distinct
groups of zooplankton: a sizable group of purely Shannon’s diversity index, species richness and evenness
littoral/benthic species that dominated in-stream and index
shallow habitats (Sampling points A and B) and another According to Teittinen et al. 2016, the diversity of
group that freely roamed group within pelagic depth diatom communities found on the stones of a stream river
habitats (Sampling site C). was significantly greater (1.86-2.72) than the diversity of
Littoral species feature prominently because littoral diatom communities found in another habitat. However,
environments have a greater diversity of niches than deeper sampling points B and C had low levels of diversity,
pelagic environments. Arthropoda and Rotifera of the evenness and species richness, as would be expected in a
littoral zone have diverse habitat preferences, including shallow and low-flowing lake environment, resulting in
submerged sediments, sand, rock surfaces and the water elevated nutrient concentrations (Browning et al. 2014). At
column (Gomes et al. 2020). Thus, the abundance of littoral both sample points B and C, most species were desmid
species may indicate adaptive radiation in terms of food algae, resulting in low levels of richness due to the limited
preferences and geographic niches. Additionally, it reflects variation among algal taxa. Similar to a previous study by
that numerous taxa of zooplankton with a high diversity of González and Roldán (2019), a low richness value of the
species, such as rotifers and Arthropoda, including phytoplankton community was detected in the tropical
cladocerans, have a littoral origin (Brandorff et al. 2011; Pampulha reservoir as a result of blooms or high densities
Kuczyńska‐Kippen and Basińska 2014). Similar to the of desmid and cyanobacteria. The difference in diversity
previous study by Sanoamuang et al. (2012), the rotifer index of all sampling points may also be due to the
species most likely to dominate Lake Kud-Thing's shallow interaction between zooplankton and phytoplankton, which
area in Thailand are remarkably diverse in terms of affected zooplankton abundance at all Papan river sampling
freshwater lake rotifer species. It should be noted that, due points. Phytoplankton is the primary food source for
to the geographic diversity of the littoral zone and possible zooplankton and other aquatic organisms in most
limitations on proper and representative sampling freshwater habitats. The region’s growing phytoplankton
techniques in the coastal zone, the accurate number of population, mainly desmid algae, increased zooplankton
species in the littoral zone is more likely to be diversity at all sample points. A recent study by Shah et al.
underestimated than in the pelagic habitat. As a result, our (2012) discovered that environmental factors promoting
stated dominance of littoral species should be regarded as phytoplankton development also resulted in expanding
an approximation at best. predatory zooplankton populations in Malaysia’s Pedu
Rotaria neptunia, a bdelloid rotifer, was the primary reservoir. Furthermore, Rahman et al. (2016) stated that
zooplankton in the Papan River, a commonly documented increasing phytoplankton diversity increased variable
rotifer species in tropical freshwater bodies. Previous zooplankton mean growth rate, abundance and diversity.
research by Jaturapruek (2016) found that most Rotaria Additionally, phytoplankton diversity is a strong predictor
neptunia species are found in lakes, reservoirs, and rivers of zooplankton dispersal and a critical metric for studying
in Thailand, with tropical environment factors and the dynamics of zooplankton populations (Striebel et al.
parameters influencing their distribution. This study found 2012).
that similar characteristics controlled the distribution of this The observed effect of phytoplankton diversity on
species in the Papan River. Bdelloid rotifers are small zooplankton abundance fluctuations may have implications
aquatic animals found in freshwater habitats. According to for the dependability of resource availability further down
Örstan and Plewka (2017), bdelloid rotifer may be the food chain in the Papan River ecosystem. As a result,
identified by the pair of ciliated, eversible discs (corona) the Papan River is home to a diverse assemblage of
that most species have on their heads, as well as their phytoplankton and zooplankton taxa, indicating planktonic
distinctive creepings like an inchworm or a leech, and the species are plentiful in Lake Kenyir. In other words, their
majority of this bdelloid rotifer is found in shallow areas. natural bio-ecological characteristics or behaviour patterns
Previous research from Nowell et al. (2021) found that the influence the niches they occupy. Varying zonation
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