Soco Team
Soco Team
Soco Team
Scene of crime officers identify and collect forensic, photographic and fingerprint evidence from
crime scenes.
Scene of crime officers (SOCOs – also known as crime scene investigators or CSIs) work alongside
police officers to help solve crimes. They're experts trained to take photographs of evidence and identify
traces left at crime scenes. They attend a wide range of scenes including vehicle crimes, burglaries,
murders and unexplained deaths. They may also attend post mortems.
Team Leader
1. Assume control - ensure safety of personnel and security at scene. Ensure personnel use
appropriate protective equipment and follow standard recommendations to protect them from any
health hazard which might be presented by blood or any other human body fluid.
2. Conduct initial walk-through for purposes of making a preliminary survey, evaluating potential
evidence, and preparing a narrative description.
3. Determine search patterns, and make appropriate assignments for team members.
4. Designate command post location and ensure exchange of information between search and
investigative personnel.
5. Coordinate with other law enforcement agencies and make sure a cooperative spirit is maintained.
6. Ensure that sufficient supplies and equipment are available for personnel.
7. Control access to the scene and designate an individual to log everyone into the scene.
8. Continuously reevaluate efficiency of search during entire course of operation.
9. Release the scene after a final survey and inventory of the evidence has been done.
Sketch Preparer
1. Diagram immediate area of scene and orient diagram with sketch.
2. Set forth major items of evidence on sketch.
3. Designate and label areas to be searched and advise team leader and all other search members of
nomenclature for designated areas.
4. Obtain appropriate assistance for taking measurements and double check measurements.
5. Ensure necessary administrative information, such as scale disclaimer (not drawn to scale), is
recorded on sketch.
Evidence Recorder/Custodian
1. Have significant evidence photographed before collection.
2. Describe evidence and its location on appropriate bag or envelope.
3. Sign and date evidence container/maintain chain of custody.
4. Appropriately collect and package evidence to maximize evidence integrity.
5. Maintain evidence log.
6. Use appropriate protective equipment (gloves) and methods when dealing with potentially
infective evidence (blood).
It is sometimes necessary to bring in expertise from an outside agency. The field of forensic science is
so broad today that no agency will have every form of specialty service available from among its
ranks. Typically, specialists are brought in from industry, the academic community, private scientific
laboratories, and similar concerns.
When dealing with outside specialists some pertinent aspects to consider are:
1. The competence and reliability of the specialist.
2. The ability of the specialist to work at a scene within law enforcement guidelines.
3. The role of the specialist in presenting expert testimony in court.
Specialists should be identified before they are needed in an actual case. A current list should be
maintained, if possible. The agency should meet with these individuals to determine the best manner
to jointly conduct search planning, operations, and follow-up activity.
The following list provides examples of specialty assistance to be considered (it is not meant to be
completely inclusive):
Blood Pattern Analyst
Bomb Technician
Medical Examiner
a. The SOCO Team shall not join any operations conducted by the local police or accompany the FRs or
the IOC in going to the crime scene. They will only respond upon request through the Operations Center
and after the IOC has already made proper assessment of the crime scene;
b. Upon receipt of the Request for Conduct of SOCO, the SOCO Team shall then conduct the scene of the
crime operations which include among others the narrative description of the crime scene, photography,
videography, crime scene search, crime scene sketch, crime scene location sketch, physical evidence
recording and collection, and other procedures necessary;
c. In case the SOCO Team needs to temporarily suspend the processing, the Chief of Police shall be
primarily responsible and accountable for securing the crime scene and ensuring its integrity until the
return of SOCO Team and the conclusion of the CSI;
d. After the termination of the SOCO, the SOCO Team Leader shall brief the IOC on the initial results
and thereafter conduct the final crime scene survey together with the IOC; and
e. The SOCO Team shall accomplish the CSI Form “4” - SOCO Report Forms and furnish the IOC of
copies of the same before leaving the crime scene.