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Appendix B

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Survey Procedures Manual

International Register of Shipping


SECTION 1 General


1.1 The Regulations contained in the IMO Code of Safe Practice for the Carriage of Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code 1998 Edition) are principally for the use of operators and promotes the safe stowage and shipment of cargoes in bulk. Compliance with the BC Code is not mandatory, however the Port State Control of a number of major trading nations require ships entering their ports to be provided with a certificate indicating that compliance with the Code has been achieved. In order to assist the operators carrying cargoes listed in the BC Code, on request, a Document of Compliance may be issued provided the requirements of this section and the BC Code Survey Checklist are applicable. 1.2 The surveyor should ascertain which of the appendix B solid bulk cargoes are to be carried, by reference to the existing certificate of compliance or owners instructions. The survey requirements will differ depending upon which solid bulk cargoes are to be carried. The applicable survey requirements for each cargo are listed in the table given in this chapter. This table lists those cargoes falling under appendix B of the BC Code, together with their UN number, BC code number and IMO dangerous goods class, where applicable. The last column also details the survey requirements for each cargo, which are the hardware requirements extracted from the BC code. 1.3 Some Appendix B cargoes are given an IMO Dangerous Goods Class. If any of these cargoes is to be carried it may be necessary for a Document of Compliance for the Carriage of Dangerous Goods to be issued. This is a mandatory requirement for a ship carrying, or intending to carry, Dangerous Goods as defined in 1974 SOLAS Ch VII, Regulation 2, except class 6.2 and 7, and is: a passenger ship constructed on or after 1 September 1984; or a cargo ship of 500 gross tons or over constructed on or after 1 September 1984; or a cargo ship of less than 500 gross tons constructed on or after 1 February 1992. Ships falling outside these parameters may also require a Document of Compliance, usually to satisfy Port State inspections. If one of these cargoes is to be carried, this should be brought to the Owners attention and a Dangerous Goods Survey carried out if necessary, by reference to the survey instructions covering the carriage of dangerous goods. 1.4 It should be noted that a Certificate of Compliance can only be issued covering the solid bulk cargoes as listed in the current edition of the BC code, and it is the owners responsibility to provide an IMO recognized name exactly as it is stated in the BC code. On no account should a certificate of compliance be issued listing any cargo, which is not covered by the BC code. 1.5 The expiry date of any Certificate of Compliance for the carriage of Solid Bulk Cargoes should be harmonized with that of the Safety Construction Certificate. 1.6 Every effort must be made to complete the survey in one operation but, if this cannot be achieved due to lack of facilities or other justifiable reason and only items of a minor nature are outstanding, Head Office should be advised of the outstanding items. The Certificate of Compliance should not be endorsed until the survey has been entirely completed. At initial/renewal surveys, the validity of the interim certificate issued is to be limited to maximum two months and the certificate is to be marked conditional. 1.7 The initial/renewal survey should be a thorough and complete examination with tests where appropriate. On completion, the equipment should, given adequate routine maintenance, be expected to remain in good condition and working order until the next renewal survey. On completion of the survey, interim Document of Compliance may be issued for five months. The List of Cargoes should be included in the Appendix (only Appendix B cargoes) attached to the certificate. Head Office will issue the full term certificate after review of the reports. 1 Spm-ch19.doc COPYRIGHT 2000 INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF SHIPPING

Survey Procedures Manual International Register of Shipping 1.8 Annual Surveys should be held within three months before or three months after the anniversary date of the Certificate of Compliance. Anniversary date means the day and month of each year that corresponds to the expiry date of the Certificate of Compliance. 1.9 For an annual survey, an examination of all the applicable items of equipment should be carried out, together with tests as considered necessary, all to an extent which, in the surveyor's judgment, indicates adequate condition until the next due survey given proper maintenance. The stringency of the survey is to be to the surveyor's satisfaction and in general will depend upon the condition of the equipment. If any shortcomings are noted then the cargoes to which that requirement is applicable cannot be carried and should be removed from the certificate of compliance. After completion of an Annual Survey, the Certificate of Compliance is to be endorsed. The Certificate of Compliance shall cease to be valid if the Annual Survey is not carried out within the specified period. 1.10 An additional survey shall be held after the repair of a defect or replacement or renewal of equipment that affects the safety of a ship or the completeness of its equipment with respect to the applicable requirements of Appendix B of the BC Code. The Owner/Master of the vessel should report such repairs, replacements or renewals to the organization responsible for the issue of the relevant certificate, in order that an additional survey may be held if considered necessary. SECTION 2 Survey Requirements 2.1 The survey requirements vary depending on the cargo/cargoes carried. The requirements are summarized in the table below:



B.C. NO.


SURVEY REQUIREMENTS (See below) 14, 16, 25, 26, 28, 38, 42, 52 41, 52 14, 16, 25, 26, 27, 28, 38, 42, 52 1, 2, 5, 7, 11, 14, 16, 23, 28, 29, 38, 42, 44, 52

ALUMINIUM FERROSILICON, POWDER (including briquettes) ALUMINIUM NITRATE ALUMINIUM SILICON POWDER, UNCOATED ALUMINIUM SMELTING BY-PRODUCTS ALUMINIUM REMELTING BY-PRODUCTS (including but not limited to: aluminium dross, aluminium salt slags, aluminium skimmings, spent cathodes, spent potliner) AMMONIUM NITRATE with not more than 0,2% combustible substances including any organic substance calculated as carbon, to the exclusion of any other added substance.

1395 1438 1398 3170

4.3 5.1 4.3 4.3



10, 11, 39, 41, 49, 50, 52


Survey Procedures Manual

International Register of Shipping



B.C. NO.


SURVEY REQUIREMENTS (See below) 10, 11, 39, 41, 49, 50, 52

AMMONIUM NITRATE FERTILIZERS, TYPE A (A1) Uniform non-segregating mixtures of ammonium nitrate with added matter which is inorganic and chemically inert towards ammonium nitrate, containing not less than 90% of ammonium nitrate and not more than 0,2% of combustible material (including organic material calculated as carbon), or containing less than 90% but more than 70% of ammonium nitrate and not more than 0,4% of total combustible material. AMMONIUM NITRATE FERTILIZERS, TYPE A (A2) Uniform non-segregating mixtures of ammonium nitrate with calcium carbonate and/or dolomite, containing more than 80% but less than 90% of ammonium nitrate and not more than 0,4% of total combustible material. AMMONIUM NITRATE FERTILIZERS, TYPE A (A3) Uniform non-segregating mixtures of ammonium nitrate/ammonium sulphate containing more than 45% but not more than 70% of ammonium nitrate and containing not more than 0,4% of total combustible material. AMMONIUM NITRATE FERTILIZERS, TYPE A (A4) Uniform non -segregating mixtures of nitrogen/phosphate or nitrogen/potash type or complete fertilizers of nitrogen/phosphate/potash type, containing more than 70% but less than 90% of ammonium nitrate and not more than 0,4% of total combustible material. AMMONIUM NITRATE FERTILIZERS, TYPE B Uniform non -segregating mixtures of nitrogen/phosphate or nitrogen/potash types or complete fertilizers of nitrogen/phosphate/potash type, containing not more than 70% of ammonium nitrate and not more than 0,4% of total added combustible material or containing not more than 45% of ammonium nitrate with unrestricted combustible material. BARIUM NITRATE CALCINED PYRITES (Pyritic ash, Fly ash) CALCIUM NITRATE CASTOR BEANS CHARCOAL COAL





10, 11, 39, 41, 49, 50, 52



10, 11, 39, 41, 49, 50, 52



10, 11, 39, 41, 49, 50, 52


10, 11, 36, 37, 41, 52

1446 1454 2969 -

003 005 010

5.1 MHB 5.1 9 MHB MHB

41, 52 41, 45 41, 43, 52 41, 51, 52 34, 35, 51 1, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 20, 28, 32, 33, 34, 40, 46 3



Survey Procedures Manual

International Register of Shipping



B.C. NO.


SURVEY REQUIREMENTS (See below) 15, 34, 35, 51, 52 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 24, 34, 40, 48, 51 15, 28, 34, 35, 40 17, 25 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 16, 25, 26, 28, 38, 42, 44, 52 1, 2, 4, 7, 14, 16, 25, 26, 28, 38, 42, 44 21, 34, 35, 51, 52

COPRA, dry DIRECT REDUCED IRON, DRI (not to be confused with iron sponge, spent) such as lumps, pellets and cold-moulded briquettes DIRECT REDUCED IRON Briquettes, hot-moulded FERROPHOSPHORUS (including briquettes) FERROSILICON, with 30% or more but less than 90% silicon (including briquettes) FERROSILICON, containing 25% to 30% silicon, or 90% or more silicon (including briquettes) FERROUS METAL BORINGS, SHAVINGS, TURNINGS OR CUTTINGS in a form liable to selfheating Iron Swarf Steel swarf FISHMEAL, STABILIZED FISHSCRAP, STABILIZED anti-oxidant treated FLUORSPAR (calcium fluoride) IRON OXIDE, SPENT IRON SPONGE, SPENT LEAD NITRATE LIME (UNSLAKED) (Calcium oxide, quicklime, dolomitic quicklime) MAGNESIA (UNSLAKED) (Light burned magnesia, calcined magnesite, caustic calcined magnesite) MAGNESIUM NITRATE METAL SULPHIDE CONCENTRATES PEAT MOSS with a moisture content of more than 65% by weight fine to coarse fibrous structure PETROLEUM COKE calcined or uncalcined PITCH PRILL PRILLED COAL TAR PENCIL PITCH POTASSIUM NITRATE SALTPETRE RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, LOW SPECIFIC ACTIVITY MATERIAL (LSA-I)

1363 -


4.2 MHB


016 020 -



022 -

MHB 4.2


22, 34, 35, 51, 52

1376 1469 -

025 030 032

MHB 4.2 5.1 MHB MHB

41 9, 30, 34, 35, 41, 51, 52 41, 52 41 41

1474 -

035 038


41, 52 19, 34, 35, 51 9, 16, 31, 34, 35, 41, 51 41 41

040 050


1486 2912

5.1 7

41, 52 41, 43


Survey Procedures Manual CARGO NAME UN. NO. B.C. NO.

International Register of Shipping IMO CLASS SURVEY REQUIREMENTS (See below) 41, 43 34, 35, 51 8, 9, 11, 17, 18, 22, 34, 35, 47, 51, 52

RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL, SURFACE CONTAMINATED OBJECT(S) (SCO-I) SAWDUST SEEDCAKE, containing vegetable oil (a) mechanically expelled seeds, containing more than 10% of oil or more than 20% of oil and moisture combined MEAL, oily OIL CAKE SEED EXPELLERS, oily SEEDCAKE, containing vegetable oil (b) solvent extractions and expelled seeds, containing not more than 10% of oil and, when the amount of moisture is higher than 10%, not more than 20% of oil and moisture combined. MEAL, oily OIL CAKE SEED EXPELLERS, oily SEED CAKE, containing vegetable oil (c) solvent extractions containing not more than 1.5% of oil and not more than 11% of moisture. MEAL, oily OIL CAKE SEED EXPELLERS, oily SILICOMANGANESE (With a known hazard profile or known to evolve gases) With a silicon content of 25% or more. SODIUM NITRATE CHILE SALTPETRE CHILEAN NATURAL NITRATE SODIUM NITRATE AND POTASSIUM NITRATE, MIXTURE CHILEAN NATURAL POTASSIC NITRATE SULPHUR (lump and coarse-grained powder) TANKAGE Garbage tankage (containing 8% or more moisture) Rough ammonia tankage (containing 7% or more moisture) Tankage fertilizer (containing 8% or more moisture) VANADIUM ORE WOODCHIPS, with moisture content of 15% or more WOODCHIPS, with moisture content of less than 15%

2913 1386

055 -

7 MHB 4.2



8, 9, 11, 17, 18, 22, 34, 35, 47, 51, 52



8, 9, 11, 17, 18, 22, 34, 35, 47, 51, 52



16, 17, 25, 26, 28



41, 52



41, 52

1350 -


4.1 MHB

8, 11, 17, 18, 52 22, 51

070 075 075


41 34, 35 34, 35, 51


Survey Procedures Manual CARGO NAME UN. NO. B.C. NO.

International Register of Shipping IMO CLASS SURVEY REQUIREMENTS (See below) 34, 35 34, 35, 51 1, 2, 4, 7, 11, 14, 28, 41, 52

WOOD PULP PELLETS, with moisture content of 15% or more WOOD PULP PELLETS, with moisture content of less than 15% ZINC ASHES ZINC DROSS ZINC RESIDUE ZINC SKIMMINGS


080 080 -


Depending upon the cargoes carried, compliance must be ensured with the relevant paragraphs given below (the number corresponds to the number in the last column of the table survey requirements). Sources of ignition 1 Is all electrical equipment and cabling in the cargo spaces (including that associated with cargo space ventilation fans) and adjacent hazardous spaces or zones either: (a) capable of being positively isolated, throughout the period during which the cargo is on board, from position(s) outside any hazardous space or zone, by removal of links or operation of lockable isolating switches or circuit breakers, or other effective means; or (b) of a suitable certified safe type with all cable (with the permitted exception of that for intrinsically safe circuits) having a metallic braid or run in metallic conduit; or (c) simple apparatus (e.g. thermocouple or similar temperature sensor, level switch with no electronic component, etc.) incorporated in an i-s circuit; (d) (within the following locations only: ventilated spaces adjacent to a cargo hold, having access to the hold only via a self closing gastight door; on open deck, zones, or semi -enclosed spaces having an opening, within 3m of a cargo hold ventilation outlet) of type of protection n or of a type not generating arcs or sparks in service and whose surface does not reach unacceptably high temperatures, or of a type otherwise offering protection against risk of ignition of gas? 2 3 Is the electrical equipment of the types mentioned in note 1 above of Group II or IIC? Is the electrical equipment of the types mentioned in note 1 above of Group II, IIA, IIB or IIC?

4 Is the electrical equipment of the types mentioned in note 1 above of temperature classification T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 or T6, or, in the case of 1(d), known to have a surface temperature not exceeding 450C? 5 Is the electrical equipment of the types mentioned in note 1 above of temperature classification T2, T3, T4, T5 or T6, or, in the case of 1(d), known to have a surface temperature not exceeding 300C? 6 Is the electrical equipment of the types mentioned in note 1 above of temperature classification T4, T5 or T6, or, in the case of 1(d), known to have a surface temperature not exceeding 135C? 7 Is portable electrical equipment of a suitable certified safe type for exposure to atmospheres containing combustible gas, of Group and temperature classification as given in the previous notes (as applicable to the cargoes permitted to be carried)?


Survey Procedures Manual International Register of Shipping 8 Is all electrical equipment and cabling in the cargo holds (including that associated with cargo space ventilation fans) and in any space having a direct opening into a hold either: (a) Capable of being positively isolated, throughout the period during which the cargo is on board, from position(s) outside any hold or space with an opening into a hold, by removal of links or operation of lockable isolating switches or circuit breakers or other effective means; or (b) Of a type having ingress protection rating at least IP55 and surface temperatures not exceeding 200C (or assessed by a competent authority as suitable for use in the presence of combustible dusts), with all cable (with the permitted exception of that for intrinsically safe circuits) having metallic braid or armor, or run in metallic conduit? (Note: Certified safe type equipment having temperature classification T3, T4, T5 or T6 may be accepted, provided that it has ingress protection rating IP55, or better). 9 Is portable electrical equipment of a type having ingress protection rating at least IP55 and surface temperatures not exceeding 200 deg. C, suitable for exposure to atmospheres containing combustible dusts (or assessed by a competent authority as suitable for use in the presence of combustible gas)? 10 Is all electrical equipment and cabling in the cargo spaces capable of being positively isolated, throughout the period during which the cargo is on board, from position(s) outside any hold space, by removal of links or operation of lockable isolating switches or circuit breakers, or other effective means? 11 (a) (b) Are all sources of ignition eliminated? Are there Prohibition Notices for welding, burning, cutting or other operations involving the use of fire, smoking, chipping and use of naked lights, or the introduction of other sources of ignition including the use of spark or arc-producing equipment, posted in the vicinity of cargo spaces?

Ventilation 12 13 (a) (b) 14 (a) (b) (c) Are workspaces (stores, workshops etc.) adjacent to the cargo spaces adequately ventilated? Can adequate surface ventilation be maintained? (Natural ventilation is sufficient) Are arrangements such that air is not directed into the body of the cargo? Are the cargo spaces ventilated by at least two separate fans? (A common ventilation system with 2 fans connected is acceptable) Is the total ventilation at least six air changes per hour, based on the empty space? Are the requirements of the Load Line Convention for openings not fitted with means of closure (i.e. height of ventilation inlets and outlets for mechanical ventilation arranged for continuous operation) complied with? Is good surface ventilation provided? (Natural ventilation is sufficient) Is ventilation such that any escaping gases cannot reach living quarters on or under the deck? Are the cargo spaces provided with mechanical ventilation? Are the requirements of the Load Line Convention for openings not fitted with means of closure (i.e. height of ventilation inlets and outlets for mechanical ventilation arranged for continuous operation) complied with? Are spark-arresting screens fitted to ventilators? Is it possible to avoid cargo ventilation? (i.e. Can ventilators be completely closed?)

15 16 17 (a) (b)

18 19

Temperature measurement 20 (a) Are means provided for measuring the temperature of the cargo in the range 0 oC to 100oC? 7 Spm-ch19.doc COPYRIGHT 2000 INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF SHIPPING

Survey Procedures Manual International Register of Shipping (b) Do such arrangements enable the temperature of the cargo to be measured, while loading and during the voyage, without requiring entry to the cargo space? 21 Are calibrated portable instruments, suitable for use from outside the cargo spaces, provided for measuring cargo temperature? 22 (a) (b) Are means provided to enable the temperature to be taken throughout the cargo? Are the measurements recorded and is the information kept on board?

Gas detection 23 (a) (b) 24 (a) (b) (c) 25 (a) (b) 26 (a) (b) 27 (a) (b) 28 (a) (b) 29 (a) (b) 30 (a) (b) Are there at least two suitable calibrated and certified explosimeters provided capable of detecting flammable gases? Are the measurements recorded and is the information kept on board? Are there at least two suitable calibrated and certified instruments provided to monitor for the presence of Oxygen and Hydrogen? Are such measurements taken at regular intervals throughout the voyage, recorded, and the information kept on board and made available on request? Are the instruments suitable for use in an inert atmosphere? Are there at least two suitable calibrated and certified detectors provided for quantitative measurements of Phosphine? Are the measurements recorded and is the information kept on board? Are there at least two suitable calibrated and certified detectors provided for quantitative measurements of Arsine? Are the measurements recorded and is the information kept on board? Are there at least two suitable calibrated and certified detectors provided for quantitative measurements of Silane? Are the measurements recorded and is the information kept on board? Are there at least two suitable calibrated and certified detectors provided to monitor for the presence of Hydrogen? Are the measurements recorded and is the information kept on board? Are there at least two suitable calibrated and certified detectors provided for quantitative measurements of Ammonia and Acetylene? Are the measurements recorded and is the information kept on board? Are there at least two suitable calibrated and certified detectors provided for quantitative measurements of Hydrogen Sulphide, Sulphur Dioxide and Hydrogen Cyanide? Are the measurements recorded and is the information kept on board?

31 Are there at least two suitable calibrated and certified detectors provided for q uantitative measurements of Methane and Carbon Dioxide? 32 (a) Are there calibrated and certified instruments provided on board suitable for use from outside the cargo spaces for measuring: (i) concentration of Methane in the atmosphere; (ii) concentration of Oxygen in the atmosphere; (iii) concentration of Carbon Monoxide concentration in the atmosphere? Is the instrument fitted with an aspirator, flexible connection and a length of tubing to enable a representative sample to be obtained from within the square of the hatch? 8 Spm-ch19.doc COPYRIGHT 2000 INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF SHIPPING


Survey Procedures Manual International Register of Shipping (c) Is the tubing stainless steel, approximately 0,5metres in length, and 6mm nominal internal diameter, with an integral stainless steel threaded collar? (The collar is necessary to provide an adequate seal at the sampling point.) (d) Is a suitable filter provided to protect the instrument against the ingress of moisture? (e) Are the sample results logged on a form that records cargo hold, date and time for each measurement? 33 (a) Are two sampling points provided per hold (approximately 12mm in diameter), positioned as near to the top of the hatch coaming as possible, one on the port side, the other on the starboard side? (The sampling points should be as per figure G.2.7, Appendix G of the amended BC Code) (b) Is each sampling point sealed with a screw cap to prevent ingress of water and air? (c) Are the arrangements fitted such that the watertight integrity of the ship is not compromised?

34 Cargo spaces containing this product may become oxygen-depleted. Have notices to this effect, warning that precautions should be taken prior to entry, been prominently displayed in the cargo area? 35 Are there calibrated and certified instruments suitable for use from outside the cargo spaces for measuring the concentration of Oxygen in the atmosphere? (SOLAS VI-A/3) Cargo stowage 36 Are arrangements such that fertilizers of this type can be stowed out of direct contact with a metal engine-room boundary? (The use of flame-retardant bags containing inert materials or any equivalent barrier approved by the competent authority may be used). 37 Has it been confirmed that fertilizers of this type are not stowed adjacent to any tank or double bottom containing fuel oil if such oil is heated to more than 50C? Cargo space integrity 38 Are the bulkheads to the engine-room gastight?

39 Has a pressure test been carried out to confirm that there is no leakage of manholes or piping systems from fuel tanks situated under, or leading through, the cargo spaces in which this cargo is to be loaded? 40 Are the boundaries of the cargo spaces where this cargo is carried resistant to fire and water?

Protective equipment 41 Are protective clothing, dust-masks and goggles provided on board? (For solid bulk cargoes the protective clothing is to satisfy the equipment requirements specified in Appendix E of the BC Code for the individual substances, which states that, protective clothing varies in its resistance to various chemicals and the clothing provided should be suitable for the substances being carried. The manufacturers recommendations concerning suitability for various materials should be followed. Other clothing of reasonable thickness does, however, afford some protection, even if the cloth itself may be attacked.) 42 Are there at least two self-contained breathing apparatuses provided additional to those required by Ch II-2, Regulation 17 of the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended? Hold bilge arrangements 43 Can appropriate precautions be taken to avoid penetration of the cargo into other cargo spaces, bilges, etc.?


Survey Procedures Manual International Register of Shipping 44 Have means been provided in the cargo hold bilge arrangements to ensure against inadvertent pumping through the engine-room? 45 Can appropriate precautions be taken to avoid penetration of the cargo into bilges, wells or between ceiling boards? 46 (a) Are means provided for measuring pH values of hold bilge samples? (b) Do such arrangements enable the pH values to be measured, while loading and during the voyage, without requiring entry to the cargo space? Atmosphere control 47 Is the ship equipped with facilities for introducing Carbon Dioxide or another inert gas into the cargo spaces, if the voyage exceeds five days? (Note: It is suggested that the quantity of Carbon Dioxide to be carried for topping-up purposes is 5% of the gross volume of the holds in which the cargo is to be carried. A cock or valve should be fitted to each hold where Carbon Dioxide may be introduced. The piping system need not be of a permanent nature. It should not be connected to the Carbon Dioxide fire fighting system.) 48 Can the cargo spaces be maintained throughout the voyage under an inert atmosphere containing less than 5% oxygen and less than 1% by volume hydrogen? (This is required where the substance has not been manufactured or treated with an oxidation and corrosion inhibiting process which has been proved to provide effective protection against dangerous reaction with sea water or air under shipping conditions) Fire containment/extinction 49 (a) (b) Are there adequate supplies of water f r fire-fighting purposes immediately available from the fire main o whenever this cargo is on board? In case this cannot be supplied by the ships pumps, is capacity increased to the required amount by means of portable pumps?

50 If cargo is carried adjacent to the engine-room, is the bulkhead between the cargo space and the engine-room insulated to Class A-60 standard? 51 Is a fixed gas fire-extinguishing system provided, in accordance with 1974 SOLAS Chapter II-2, Regulation 53.1.3? Dangerous Goods 52 This cargo is classed as dangerous goods under 1974 SOLAS Ch VII, Regulation 2, and compliance with 1974 SOLAS Ch II-2, Regulation 54 may be required for its carriage. Regulation 54 is a mandatory requirement for a ship carrying, or intending to carry, dangerous goods as defined in 1974 SOLAS Ch VII, Regulation 2, except class 6.2 and 7, and is: (a) A passenger ship constructed on or after 1 September 1984; or (b) A cargo ship of 500 gross tons or over constructed on or after 1 September 1984; or (c) A cargo ship of less than 500 gross tons constructed on or after 1 February 1992. If the ship falls within the above parameters, is it provided with Dangerous Goods, Document of Compliance (Form DGI-IS or DG-I-PMS as applicable), indicating that it is suitable to carry the appropriate classes of dangerous goods in bulk? 10 Spm-ch19.doc COPYRIGHT 2000 INTERNATIONAL REGISTER OF SHIPPING

Survey Procedures Manual SECTION 3 Reporting

International Register of Shipping

3.1 The relevant survey checklist SBC-FM should be used when carrying out surveys and relevant portions of the checklist is to be filled as applicable for the list of cargoes to be carried (and indicated on the certificate). A copy submitted to Head Office along with survey reports. 3.2 At first surveys by IS, copies of the previous societys certificates along with the list of cargoes to be carried out and list of any outstanding deficiencies, recommendations etc should also be forwarded. 3.3 On completion of renewal surveys or First Survey by International Register of Shipping, an INTERIM certificate SB-I-IS (SB-I-PMS for PANAMA vessels) should be issued, valid for 5 months. 3.4 On completion of other surveys (annual and intermediate), the existing full term certificate on board is to be endorsed in the relevant column indicating the date, place and surveyors name and endorsed using the IS/PMSB seal. A copy of the endorsed certificate must be submitted to Head Office. If the surveyor finds any deficiencies and these are not corrected during surveys, the specific cargoes to which the deficiency relates to must be deleted from the certificate under cover of office stamp, signed and dated by the surveyor. A copy of the amended certificate must be submitted to Head Office. 3.5If the owner requests for a change in the list of cargoes to be carried (to carry a cargo which is not covered in the certificate), a survey must be carried out to ensure that the additional requirements, if any, for that specific cargo / cargoes are complied with. If found satisfactory, the additional cargoes may be listed in the existing certificate under cover of the IS/PMSB stamp and signed and dated by the attending surveyor. A copy of the amended certificate and the survey checklist SBC-FM duly filled up as applicable for the additional cargo/cargoes is to be submitted to Head Office.


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