Challenges Faced in Coffee Production
Challenges Faced in Coffee Production
Challenges Faced in Coffee Production
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3 authors:
Biswajit Mallick
Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Siddhartha Das on 19 July 2020.
E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234
Technical competency and challenges in coffee
JPP 2020; Sp 9(3): 46-52
Received: 03-04-2020
production in Odisha, India
Accepted: 05-05-2020
Siddhartha Das, Sudeepta Pattanayak and Biswajit Mallick
Siddhartha Das
Department of Plant Pathology, DOI:
MS Swaminathan School of
Agriculture, Centurion
University of Technology and Abstract
Management, Paralakhemundi, Coffee is a brewed drink prepared by processing of roasted coffee beans. It differentiated from other
Odisha, India beverage in aroma, taste and quality drinks. Most of the countries have grown, processed and consumed
as well as exports coffee products to get good income. In this race, India also takes part and has a great
Sudeepta Pattanayak role in coffee production and export to international markets. Indian coffee fetched an international trade
Department of Plant Pathology, value for it’s special characters like blending quality, mild and less acidic nature. India divided into two
MS Swaminathan School of parts as traditional and non-traditional region of coffee production. Almost 97% of coffee produced from
Agriculture, Centurion traditional area having Western Ghats and rest 3% from non-traditional area having Eastern Ghats and
University of Technology and north-eastern states. South-western part of Odisha covered by Eastern Ghats has evidence of coffee
Management, Paralakhemundi, production since 1930’s. Coffee production started a long year ago but a number of constrains and
Odisha, India challenges reduce quantity and quality of coffee in Odisha. Lack of education and awareness among
tribal plays an important factor for lesser amount of cultivation. Unavailability of land, laborers,
Biswajit Mallick
Department of Plant Pathology,
uncertainty in seasonal rainfall ceases production. Inappropriate market structure, large marketing
MS Swaminathan School of channels and selling price is not satisfactory to attract new growers. Biological challenges like insect pest
Agriculture, Centurion infestation, newly emerging diseases are harmful for quality coffee beans. Except all dearth of interest
University of Technology and and government supports coffee cultivation is merely difficult in Odisha. This article aims to forecast a
Management, Paralakhemundi, clear view of coffee production and challenges in Odisha region.
Odisha, India
Keywords: Coffee production, beverage, challenges, biotic stress
Coffee (Coffea spp.) belongs to the family Rubiaceae. More than 120 varieties of coffee
existed from which mainly two varieties Arabica (Coffea arabica) and Robusta (Coffea
canephora) are widely cultivated and well known for flavor and taste. It is a bushy shrub
evergreen perennial plant well grown in tropical and sub-tropical region. Main vertical trunk
along with plagiotropic growth habit resembles a tree like structure, so it needs regular pruning
to attain a desirable plant height. Plant has dark to light green, waxy and shiny leaves. Axil of
coffee leaves bear small white sweet smelled flowers in cluster. Fruits developed from
fertilized flowers once in a year.
It is believed that coffee is native to Ethiopia. It has history of cultivated and used for drinks
since ancient age. Coffee suffered a long journey to reach in Middle East and India by
16thcenturies. It introduced in India by a Sufi saint named ‘Baba Budan’ in 1670. He smuggled
seven raw coffee beans from Yemen to India and planted on Chandragiri hills in Chikmagalur,
Karnataka. Afterwards it extended to states Kerala and Tamil Nadu so called traditional area of
coffee cultivation, which accounts 97% of production followed by Andhra Pradesh, Odisha
and north-eastern states known for non-traditional area accounts rest 3% of coffee production.
In the laps of time, coffee acquired a place in Odisha. During 1930s king of koraput,
Rajbahadur Ram Chandra Deo planted a coffee estate near to Kolab basin Jeypore, Koraput.
Since 30s cultivation of coffee increased dramatically and covers six districts Koraput,
Kalahandi, Ganjam, Gajapati, Phulbani, Keonjhar of Odisha. Koraput is fascinating
manifestation of creation as a part of Eastern Ghats. It has an average elevation of 870m along
with highest hill peak Deomali situated an elevation about 1,672 m. High altitude, laterite soil and
conducive climate has a good impact on coffee cultivation. Government of Odisha promoted
cultivation of coffee since 1970. Most of private growers, tribal along with coffee board took part to
Corresponding Author:
increase the cultivable area and production. Currently in Koraput 3,200 hectares under coffee
Siddhartha Das
Department of Plant Pathology, cultivation from which coffee board and private planters hold 10.54 and 943 ha respectively, where
MS Swaminathan School of rest area belongs to tribal coffee growers. Coffee plantation and characterized plant morphology is
Agriculture, Centurion represented through Figure 1. Now a day’s Koraput being well-known for its tribal (Adivasi) coffee
University of Technology and products. The district has capability of 10,000 ha area for coffee production, but more or less
Management, Paralakhemundi, constrains remain minimize the production. Odisha holds fifth rank among the top coffee producing
Odisha, India states in India.
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Preparation of seeds
Especially plants are screened properly before for seed
Fig 1: (A) Shady coffee garden canopy (B) Appearance of nodal purpose. Fully ripped healthy and well-developed berries are
blossom (C) Coffee flowers (D) Appearance of fruits collected, pulped and sieved. Seeds are mixed with sieved
wood ash prior to dry in shade place. After discarding cut,
Varieties of Coffee triangular and elephant beans seeds are treated with
Coffee plant has a long life span of 70-80 years, but it fungicides like captan or thiram.
produces quality fruit up to 50 years. To maintain proper
frame and shape of plant, pruning is important operation in Nursery Practices
every year. Both Arabica and Robusta type of coffee Light loamy soil of good drainage, high organic matter
cultivated in Odisha climatic condition. Arabica has cauvery, content with water and shade facilities place is important for
Chandragiri, Ruiru-ii, 4643 Sln-795 and Robusta has B-4, nursery bed. Raised beds of 15 cm height, 1m width and
Sln-274, Sln-270 varieties. Harvesting of Arabica and convenient length required. Incorporate well-decomposed
Robusta coffee is shown through Figure 2. compost of 10 kg and 2 kg fine sieved agricultural lime. Lime
helps to neutralized soil pH. Make nursery beds at a distance
Table 1: Characteristic of Arabica and Robusta coffee of 40-45 cm for better drainage. An overhead pandal should
Characteristic Arabica Robusta be present above nursery bed for appropriate shade.
Vigorous growth and
Bushy type plant with
Plant type
profuse branches.
more branches than Sowing of seeds
Arabica. January-February is the optimum time for seed sowing. Seeds
Leaves are elliptical, small. Leaves are wide and sown 1.5-2.5 cm apart with the flat side down wards in rows
Old leaves are dark green larger than Arabica, of nursery bed. Cover the rows with a thin layer of fine soil
Leaves type
where new leaves are pale leaves are pale green and a layer of paddy straw. Regular irrigation and protection
green in colour. colour.
from direct sunlight by an over head pandal is essential. Seed
Bunch of flowers arise in More bunches arise in
nodes. Minimum 25mm of nodes of Robusta in starts germination about 45 days after planting which are
Flower rainfall required for full compare with Arabica. It moved to secondary nursery made with polybags.
blossom of flowers after 7-8 takes 7-8 days for
days of rain. blossom. Secondary Nursery
It takes about 9 months to It takes about 10 months Polythene bags with numerous holes in the bottom filled with
Fruit mature fruits. 10-20 deep to mature fruits with a mixture of forest soil, FYM, and coarse sand in the ratio
red fruits on each node. light red color. 6:2:1 respectively. Sprinkle little amount of water and dig a
It is highly resistance to hole of 5cm in middle of mixture with a stick. Remove
It is less resistance to insect
attack of insect pest and seedling in capping stage, break little portion of the tap root
Resistance pest. Also highly susceptible
less susceptible to rust
to rust disease. and transplant to the polythene bag. Keep bags under shade in
Generally higher quality,
overhead pandal made before. Maintain regular irrigation in
Less quality of beans poly bags for 6 months. After coming six pair of leaves,
Berry Quality sweet smell, aromatic in
produced in Robusta. plants are ready for transplantation to the main field.
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Fig 3: Different coffee plant operations (A) Pulper machine (B) pulping operation (C) fruits feeding to pulper (D) collection of parchment
Fig 4: Comparative analysis of different varieties of coffee production from 2014-15 to 2018-19
Tough coffee production gains such an important position but coffee berry. Adult female made about 1mm diameter
if we follow 2014-15 to 2018-19 production rates, then we get perforation on upper surface of berry. Holes filled with debris
consecutive years havoc yield or production loss. To find out are clearly visible on naked eye, which deposit over the berry.
the exact cause of such types of production loss we get major It may be brown or grey in color. Female found in the
biotic stresses takes an important role for this cause. mesoderm of two seeds. Sometimes un ripen berry rotten by
Production loss is represented through Figure 4. Major borer.
challenges of coffee production describe below.
Major challenges in coffee production Cultural practices and phytosanitary measures are important
Coffee is known as cash crop. Cultivars can get a long-term to check attacks of berry borer. After harvest left over berries
benefit up to 50 years from coffee estate for doing one time are main source of borers that infect new berries, so harvest
investment. It helps in strengthening economic condition of healthy along with infected berries reduces borers attack from
farmer as well as known for GDP grower of the state. Coffee 70% to <6% (
estate maintains and conserves bio diversity of forest, Cephalonomia stephanoderis and Proropsnasuta have
prevents soil erosion, forest fire and reduces podu cultivation. parasitoid effect whereas C. stephanoderis reduces 16-45%
It also creates a better livelihood for human being and a safe attack of borers. Quinalphos 25 EC @ 1.7ml/L or
place for different animals. However, many benefits from lamdacyhalothrin 5 EC 0.6-0.8ml/L effective against berry
coffee cultivation still growers are not interested. Biotic, borer.
abiotic and social stress plays a major role for diminution of
the coffee production. White stem borer
Being a producer one has to live in uncertainty until coffee is White stem borer (Xylotrechus quadripes) severely attacks on
processed, bagged and the actual price has been paid. Arabica variety grown without shade. Primarily larvae enter
Unpredictable weather causes damage to coffee production. into hardwood by making tunnels and filed with excreta of the
Currently, change in climate leading to raise in temperature grubs. Ridges around stem showed symptoms with yellowing
and diversified rainfall patterns creates threat to coffee and wilting of leaves. Young plants may die within a year of
cultivation. Sudden and heavy rainfall during harvesting and infection. Symptomatic characterization is exactly similar as
processing period have a negative impact on quality coffee described by Venkatesha, 2001 [7].
production. Rise in diurnal temperature reduce growth and
flowering ability as plants are sensitive. Landslides destroy Management
hectares of cultivable area and soil become unfertile and large Optimum shade management in coffee estate controls stem
sloppy area become unfit for cultivation. borer. Regular pruning of branches with uprooting and
Coming to social stress education is an important factor. burning of infected plants ceases pest infestation. Severity of
Illiterate farmers are not aware about package of practices for stem borer on Arabica coffee and it’s management described
cultivation. Over 90% of farmers are small and medium. by Venkatesha in 1999 [9]. Spraying of neem kernel extract
Economic condition of tribal does not support for initial around stem region found to be effective. Natural predators
investment without any production up to three years. Due to Apenesia spp. has effective against the pest in field condition.
less price of parchments, problem in marketing and lack of
government support farmers are not interested for coffee Mealybugs
cultivation. Planococcus lilacinus is important sucking pest of coffee.
Biotic stress like insect pest (Le Pelley, 1968) [5] and disease Both nymphs and adults suck sap from young leaves.
incidence causes huge loss in coffee plantation. Management Mealybugs infect nodes, branches, spikes and berries. In sever
of coffee disease pests were characterized and estimated by stage honeydew excretion develops sooty mould which
Venkatesha, 1998 [8]. Some important insect pests are cited affects photosynthesis.
Coffee berry borer Proper shade management in coffee estate controls pest
Berry borer (Hypothenemus hampei) is one of the harmful infestation. Removal and destruction of ants is important in
pests among all pests seen in coffee cultivated area. After field condition. Dusting of Malathion 5% or quinalphos 1.5%
eight week of flowering borer attacks near the apex region of is effective predators like lady bird beetle controls pests.
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Disease free seeds treated with Benomyl 50%WP (1g/kg
seeds) are effective against disease.
Root Rot
Causal organism: Rosellinia arcuate
Fungus enters through injuries/wound on root either by insect
or nematode or by mechanical tools. Symptoms are easily
visible as the leaves wither and branches turn into dry rot.
Fig 5: Coffee rust
As disease spreads through root system, uproot the infected Cercospora leaf spot
plants, cut trunk and twigs. Burning of infected plant debris Symptom
immediately should do to prevent infection. The hole made Small eye-like yellow spots appear on leaves that slowly
after uprooting of plants can be treated with methyl bromide. increase up to 5 mm. Later it turns gray-white in center while
brown color around spot. Characterization of American leaf
Wilt spot is welly characterized by Rao and Tewari in 1987.
Causal organism: Gibberella xylarioides Diseased berries dried, blackened and poor in quality.
Symptomatic characterization is represented through Figure 6.
Discoloration of leaves to yellow, dry up and heavy fall of Management
leaves are primary symptoms. On trunks, small cracks where Follow seed treatment with hot water. Use disease free and
bluish-black stain appears. Within few weeks or months entire resistant variety of coffee. Remove and burn infected plant
plant withers and dies. debris and clean working equipment frequently.
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