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Ekonomi This paper was compiled to fulfill the English course assignment

Supporting lecturer :

Adhe Risky Mayasari, M.Pd

Group Name 1:

1. Ardiansyah Sidiq (2351030131)

2. Dian Mutiara (2351030154)
3. Mutia Az-zahra Sahasika (2351030069)
4. Nabila Nurdihya Syifa (2351030070)
5. Tamara Dwi Berlian (2351030105)






We give all praise and gratitude to Allah SWT who has given His mercy
and grace so that this paper, entitled "Economic English", can be completed well.
We don't forget to give prayers and greetings to our lord, Prophet Muhammad
SAW, who has been a role model in various aspects of life.

This paper was prepared to fulfill one of the assignments in the English
economics course. In this paper, we attempt to explain economic English. We
realize that this paper is still far from perfection. Therefore, we are very open to
constructive criticism and suggestions to improve this paper in the future.

Finally, we hope that this paper will be useful for readers, especially in
deepening their understanding of Islamic science and philosophy. May Allah SWT
always guide us all in seeking knowledge and putting it into practice in everyday

Wassalamu'alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Bandar Lampung, 6 October 2024

Group 1


FOREWORD ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

LIST OF CONTENTS .................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
CHAPTER I ................................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
A. Background ........................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
B. Formulation Of the Problem .............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
C. Purpose ...............................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
CHAPTER II ................................................................................................................3
DISCUSSION ............................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
A. Understanding Part Of Speech ..................................................................... 3
B. Understanding Nouns, Types and Functions ..... Error! Bookmark not defined.
C. Understanding Pronouns, Types and Functions Error! Bookmark not defined.
D. Understanding Adjectives, Types and Functions ........................................11
CHAPTER III ............................................................................................................ 15
CLOSING ......................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
A. Conclusion ......................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
B. Suggestion ..........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.
BIBLIOGRAPHY .........................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


A. Background

English is an international language. By mastering English well,

we will be able to communicate with other nations in this world. Besides
that, we will also be able to increase our insight and knowledge for the
progress of our nation and country, because we will be able to read English
literature, listening to foreign radio broadcasts, and watching other science

Thus, in the end we can master knowledge in all fields. Parts Of

Speech in English means types of words or word classes. It is called parts
of speech because it is the parts of speech or parts of sentences (remember,
basically sentences in language are sentences that are spoken, not written),
because these words are a system that is needed to form a sentence,
without looking at what their respective tasks or functions are.

So, these words are the "basic materials" in a sentence "building",

not the "function" of words in a sentence. Why is that? Because a word
can have several (more than one) functions in a sentence. There are several
types of Part Of Speech, namely noun, adjective, adverb, pronoun, and so
on. Each type has a different meaning and function.

B. Formulation Of the Problem

1. What Understanding Part Of Speech?
2. What Understanding Nouns, types and functions?
3. What Understanding pronouns, types and functions?
4. What Understanding Adjective, types and functions?

C. Purpose
1. Knowing Understanding Parts of Speech.
2. Knowing What Understanding nouns, types and functions.
3. Knowing what Understanding pronouns, types and functions.
4. Knowing what Understanding Adjective, types and functions.


A. Understanding Part Of Speech

McGregor (2009) states that all languages consist of thousands of

words with different types or classes from one another. These words are
classified into several different types of classes consisting of verbs, nouns,
and adjectives and adverbs.

Nouns are words that specify objects or things of a similar nature,

including humans, animals, objects, places and abstract things. Adjectives
are a type of word that indicates the quality or nature of an item or object,
whether it is a living thing or an inanimate object, based on several things
such as age, size, color, speed and shape. Verbs are words that describe
actions or activities, statements, events and processes, whether in concrete
or abstract form.1

B. Understanding Nouns, Types and Functions

 Understanding Nouns
Nouns is a word used for nameing people, objects, animals,
places and abstract concepts. This English noun is one of the eight
parts of speech. Apart from being simple (consisting of only one
word), these English nouns may be in the form of phrases: noun
phrase (my bag, the book). Noun phrase is a combination phrase
between a noun (as the core) and a modifier. Noun may also

IDARYANI, S.S., M. TESOL, “ English For Collegei”, (Lhokseumawe, Desember, 2015), hlm 1.

collaborate with other parts of speech form words with meaning
new ones called compound nouns (water fall, road show).
 Noun Function
Noun has function as following :
a. As subject in a sentence (subject of a sentence)
Example :
1) Joni has read the book for 3 hours.
2) The Lion ate a goat.
b. As object complement in a sentence (subject / object
Example :
1) Mr. Jhon is a doctor.
2) She was a chef.
c. As object direct (direct object)
Example :
1) He bought a car last week.
2) Messi kicks the ball.
d. As object not direct (indirect object)
Example :
1) She gave her mother a flower.
2) My father brought my sister a cute doll.
e. As an adverb ( preposition)
Example :
1) She has arrived at the airport
2) Students study English at the school.
 Types of Nouns
1. Types of Nouns Based on Writing

Based on writing , noun consists of of two types :

a) Proper Noun
Proper noun are nouns that have a physical form. name ,
nickname until place in a way specific and written with letter
capital . Examples are Jakarta, Raisa, and Everest.

Example proper noun sentences :

(Agatha Christie wrote many books).

(Agatha Christie wrote many books).

b) Common Noun

The opposite from proper nouns, common nouns are

common types of nouns or No specific so that the writing No
preceded with letter capital . Examples are city, singer, and

Example common noun sentences :

(I want to be a writer).

(I want to be a writer).

2. Types of Nouns Based on The amount

Based on the amount , noun can shared into two categories :
a) Plural Noun

When a object amount to more from one , then object the it

is said plural or many . In language English , noun plural This
marked with existence endings –s or –es. Examples include cats,
pens, and houses.

Example plural noun sentences :

(The basketballs roll across the floor).

(Those basketballs rolling on the floor).

b) Singular Noun

If a object only one , then object the it is said singular .
Noun single This No own suffix whatever so that the writing used
like nouns in general . Examples include cat, pen, and house.

Example singular noun sentences :

(James buys me a basketball as a birthday present).

(James bought a basketball as present repeat my year).

3. Types of Nouns Based on Its nature

Based on In terms of nature , nouns are also divided into
a) Countable Noun

Noun type This is a noun that can counted although in

amount big even though ( for example amount population earth ).
This countable noun Can used with a/an, the, some, any, a few, and

Example countable noun sentences :

(She owns many cars because her dad is rich).

(He has Lots car Because his father is rich).

b) Uncountable Noun

Noun type This is a noun that is not Can calculated

( eg.object in form liquid and powder ). Noun This although in
amount Lots still categorized as object single . Uncountable noun
this Can used with some, any, a little, and much.

Example :

(Amy drinks coffee with a lot of sugar).

(Ammy drinks coffee with lots of sugar).

4. Types of Nouns Based on Its existence
Based on existence physically , noun divided into two
types :
a) Concrete Noun
Concrete noun are nouns that can be identified use one of
the of the five panca senses we . That is , concrete nouns
are things that can seen , touched , tasted , kissed aroma ,
and heard . For example , ice cream, doorbell, and papers.
Example concrete noun sentences :
(Will someone please answer the phone?)

(Can somebody answer telephone the?)

b) Abstract Noun

Abstract noun are nouns that do not Can identified through

sensing But can thought and felt . This is things abstract which is
an idea or concepts . For example : happiness, stupidity, and

Example abstract noun sentences :

(I can’t imagine the courage it took to do that).

(I don't Can imagine the courage it takes For do That).2

C. Understanding Pronouns, Types and Functions

• Pengertian Pronouns

Pronouns is words used to replace people or things. Pronouns generally

replace the position of nouns, namely as subjects, objects or
complements. So it can be concluded that pronouns are words used to
replace people, animals, and objects. Pronouns in English are words used
to replace nouns. These nouns can be humans, animals, places and
Supervisor et al., “ENGLISH LANGUAGE PAPER FOREWORD,” 2017.

abstract concepts. The purpose of using pronouns can be caused by many
things such as to be shorter, a name is not mentioned repeatedly in a
sentence and the effectiveness of a sentence.

• Fungsi Pronoun

Berbeda dengan noun, Pronoun dapat berfungsi sebagai:

1. Subject

The subject here is the person who does it. Contoh: They eat.

2. Objects

Objek disini adalah target atau sasaran dari subjek (orang yang
melakukannya). Contoh: Jenny killed him.

3. Object of Preposition

Prepositions include in, on, at, with, by, etc. The pronoun that is placed
after the preposition is called its object. Contohnya : She was-
surrounded by them.

4. Complement

Pronouns can also be used as complements. Contoh: Lisa is My sister.

• Jenis-jenis Pronoun

a. Personal Pronoun

It is a pronoun for a person or object that occupies the position of

subject and object.

1) Pronoun Subject

Contoh : “Where is Simmon?” “He is in the kitchen.”

2) Pronoun Object

Contoh : John likes them.

b. Demonstrative Pronoun

Say Function Example

This Single Object This is my pen

These Plural Nouns These are our


That A single object that is far What is that ?


Those Distant plural nouns Those are our


c. Indefinite Pronouns

Is a pronoun used to replace people or objects and quantity is not clear.


1) Each = each, each, each

I have two watches, each costs Rp. 100,000,-

d. Interogative Pronouns

These are question words that are used as pronouns, namely who, whom,
what, and which.

Say function example

Who Asking people as subjects Who teaches you

English ?

Whom Asking people as objects Whom does she
love ?

Whose Ask the owner Whose car is

this ?

Which Asking which one to Which do you

choose prefer, the tea or
the coffee?

e. Reflexive

Reflexive pronouns are pronouns that are a reflection of the pronoun

itself. These pronouns include myself, yourself, herself, himself, itself,
oursevels, yourselves, and themself. These words are used when the
subject and object in a sentence are the same person. Example: I hit
myself with a stick.

f. Possesive Pronoun

Is a pronoun that shows ownership derived from a personal pronoun.

Example: This is your book. → This book is yours.

g. Reciprocal Pronoun

Is a pronoun that shows a relationship of interaction. Example: Tom and

Ann kept looking at each other and smiling. (Tom and Ann kept looking
at each other and smiling)

h. Relative Pronoun

It is a pronoun that refers to a noun that comes before a relative pronoun

or relative clause (adjective clause). A relative pronoun is a pronoun that
begins an adjective clause/relative clause.

1) Relative Pronoun as Subject: What's the name of the tall man who just
came in?

2) Relative Pronoun as Object: He has married somebody whom I really

don't like.3

D. Understanding Adjectives, Types and Functions

 Definition of Adjective
Adjective is a word that gives information more on a noun or
pronoun. For example are, tall man, old house, red car. The words “ tall,
old, red” are adjectives that give information more on the words “man,
house, and car”. Adjectives can be used more from one in the single noun
in A sentence . An adjective word gives information about colour, size,
characteristic, quality, quantity or personal traits of a noun or
Examples :
The beautiful girl entered into the room.
The tall, beautiful girl entered into the room.
The tall, thin, beautiful girl entered into the room.
The tall, thin, beautiful and intelligent girl entered into the room.

White, red, black, green, purple, yellow, orange, brown , and black
are adjectives because to explain color from noun or pronoun. Beautiful,
pretty, ugly, thin, slim, fat, tall, and short are also adjectives. These words
are explain characters physique from a noun or pronoun. Intelligent, brave,
courageous, determined, exuberant and diligent are words. Adjective
words that describe properties from a noun or pronoun . Use of adjectives
in sentence . Adjectives are used in two forms that is before noun and after
verb ( after stative verbs : seem, look, be feel etc)

1. Before the noun

(Mei, 2017), hlm 541-543.

Examples :

 He ate a delicious mango.

 She bought a red car.
 I saw a cute baby.
 I don’t like hot tea.

The use of adjectives can also used after words​ Work or

statistical verb (i.e. seem, look, sound, taste, appear, feel, be) which
acts like stative verbs.

Example, Iron is hot

“Hot” is an internal adjective sentence above that appears after the

auxiliary word “is” and the auxiliary word “is” plays a role The same as a
stative verb. The adjective “ Hot” that appears after the auxiliary word "is"
explains about the noun (subject) "iron".

Examples :

 Your problem seems difficult.

 That book was good.
 This pizza tastes delicious.

 Adjective Function

All adjectives​ or adjectives describe the noun in front of them.

Adjectives can used on nouns in singular and plural forms.

 Types of Adjectives

Adjective in Language English can shared become a number of

types , that is :

a. Descriptive Adjective
That is an adjective that describes condition or form a
objects . words that are included in group This are : beautiful ,
big , clever , high , low , etc.​ ​

Example : Amira is a beautiful girl

b. Distributive Adjective

That is an adjective that is distributive ( divided ).

Some example he said are : each (each), every ( each ), either
( one from ), neither ( not one ) , etc.

Example : They study English every day

c. Possessive Adjective

That is an adjective that states or show ownership

( ownership ).

Example : my (mine), your (thine)

d. Demonstrative Adjective

That is the adjective used For show a object .

Example : This (This – single)

e. Interrogative Adjective

That is the adjective used For ask a object.

Example : What (whether)

f. Quantitative Adjective

That is the adjective used For to explain amount object.

Example :

1. Many (many - for things that can counted)

2. Much (for things that are not can counted)

3. A little (a little - for things that are not can counted)
4. A few (a few - for countable objects)4


A. Cunclusion

1. Part Of Speech McGregor (2009) stated that all languages consist of

thousands of words with different types or classes from one another.
These words are classified into several different types of classes
consisting of verbs, nouns, adjectives and adverbs.
2. Noun is a word used For naming people, objects, animals , places, and
concepts abstract. Noun Language English This is One from eight parts
of speech.
3. Pronouns is a words used to replace people or things. Pronouns
generally replace the position of nouns, namely as subjects, objects or
4. Adjectives is a word that gives information more on a noun or pronoun.
Adjectives can be used more from one in the single noun in A
sentence . An adjective word gives information about colour, size,
characteristic, quality, quantity or personal traits of a noun or

B. Suggestion

We realize Still there is lack in study this, good That from aspect
delivery material and in matter give information about Knowledge Islam
and Philosophy. Therefore that, the author suggests to all over readers,
especially academics​ For do research and develop his expertise so that
knowledge will science become more broad and strong.


IDARYANI, S.S., M. TESOL, “ English For Collegei”, (Lhokseumawe, Desember,

2015), hlm 1.

Supervisor et al., “ENGLISH LANGUAGE PAPER FOREWORD,” 2017.


ENGINEERING STUDENTS”, (Mei, 2017), hlm 541-543.

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