Maurizio Ferraris - From Fountain To Moleskine (Brill Research Perspectives - Art and Law) - BRILL (2019)
Maurizio Ferraris - From Fountain To Moleskine (Brill Research Perspectives - Art and Law) - BRILL (2019)
Maurizio Ferraris - From Fountain To Moleskine (Brill Research Perspectives - Art and Law) - BRILL (2019)
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From Fountain to
The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological
Maurizio Ferraris
This paperback book edition is simultaneously published as issue 2.4 (2019) of Art and Law,
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Maurizio Ferraris
University of Turin, Italy
[email protected]
Photography was invented in the mid-nineteenth century, and ever since that moment
painters have been asking what they are there for. Everyone has their own strategy.
Some say they do not paint what is there, but their impressions. Others paint things
that are not seen in the world, and therefore cannot be photographed, because they
are abstractions. Others yet exhibit urinals in art galleries. This may look like the end
of art but, instead, it is the dawn of a new day, not only for painting but – this is the
novelty – for every form of art, as well as for the social world in general and for indus-
try, where repetitive tasks are left to machines and humans are required to behave like
1 As noted by George Kubler in The Shape of Time: Remarks on the History of Things, New
Haven: Yale University Press, 1962.
2 E. Jünger, The Worker: Dominion and Form (1932), Evanston: Northwestern University Press,
4 Ferraris
paper, a pen or an abacus; the development of ideas requires that they be fixed,
shared and transmitted, etc.). Also, more than a passage from technology to
thought, in art as well as in other fields, what’s happening is the elaboration
of new expressive techniques. Which in the visual arts consisted in going from
the pencil for reproduction to the hammer for destruction or construction – or
rather, indeed, to the pen, and today to the pen drive. What are the pen and the
pen drive for? Writing essays? Not necessarily. More simply, they are there to
make plans and renegotiate contracts.
bringing to the fore the link between artwork and reproducibility as well as be-
tween artwork and contract. The two points to be examined in order to under-
stand the question of the avant-garde are therefore the link between artwork
and reproduction and the connection between concept and contract.
3 N. Goodman, Languages of Art, Indianapolis and New York: The Bobbs Merrill Company,
4 L. Pareyson, Estetica. Teoria della formatività (1954), Milano: Bompiani, 1988.
5 U. Eco, Opera aperta (1962), Milano: Bompiani, 2012.
6 Ferraris
epistemology, which is not so much what the artworks say about the world
(a chemistry textbook is a much more accurate teaching tool than Goethe’s
Elective Affinities) but rather what we know about the works (that is, the very
ambitious sphere of artistic expertise). But ontology and epistemology are re-
lated by technology. How so? Very simply, the innovative character of an art-
work is essentially the result of doing, of a competence that not necessarily
(indeed, almost never) comes with understanding; technological innovation
produces the artwork, which is the ontological manifestation of artistic pro-
duction; and the epistemological reflection undertakes to bring out precisely
the innovative content that manifests itself in the ontology of the work of art.
It should not be surprising, therefore, if a technological transformation, that
is, the automation of representation through photography, has had such ex-
tensive consequences on the ontology and on the epistemology of art. What
I would like to draw attention to, however, is that this effect has been all the
stronger, ontologically, because the ontology, epistemology and technology of
the artwork imply an essential link with recording (which in turn is the condi-
tion of possibility of reproduction). Let’s have a closer look.
The object is what is referred to (“I promise I will give you 5 euros”, “X and
Y are married”, Beethoven’s Ninth in that it is different from the Eighth …);
the act is what produces the object; and the document is what makes the act
The presence of reproducibility since the classical age suggests that an im-
manent characteristic in the artwork is normality, which, again, has to do with
a kind of intrinsic reproducibility, a transcendental reproducibility to which
Benjamin does not seem to have paid attention. The reflection on art must be
based on normality, which is mostly the form of art. Focusing on the exception
(the deviation from the norm) or on excellence (perfection that is almost never
achieved) involves a misunderstanding of the actual development of art. This
misunderstanding has become the norm ever since Hegel, and has distorted
the understanding of the avant-garde. In agreement with the aesthetic reflec-
tion from Aristotle to Kant, the point is rather to start from the aesthetic norm
(following the perspective that I have previously defined “aesthetic normal-
ism”). Aesthetic extraordinaryism claims to find the norm of art in what ex-
ceeds the norm, and therefore traces the analysis of art back to the subjectivity
of the analyst, who will call great whatever they happen to like. Aesthetic what-
everism claims (as we will see speaking of Duchamp) that anything can be a
work of art. Instead, aesthetic normalism assumes that the artwork reflects the
logic of exemplarity, which bears the principle of repeatability.
I admit that at first it may seem frustrating to treat an artwork not as an
extraordinary entity, but as the prototype of the most ordinary of things, next
to screwdrivers, beers and guns. However, ultimately there is no reason to be
disappointed. Aristotle defines poetry as more philosophical than history, be-
cause the latter describes the contingent (dealing with what has actually hap-
pened, which can also be extraordinary), while the former grasps the universal
(what can happen, the likely, the ordinary)6: in so doing, he implies or postu-
lates exactly this averageness, and the theory of art as imitation only reinforces
the normalist approach to an ontology of art. (Almost) on the other side of
history, Proust writes that the task of the work of art is not to show us wonders,
but to serve as a telescope to grasp the general laws of life.7
This is particularly clear in visual art. The urinal is undoubtedly a very ordi-
nary object, but so are a triptych or a statue: compared to urinals, polyptychs
and statues are only rarer, but this is a quantitative consideration that does
not affect the ontological quality of the work. And let’s not forget that rarity
is a relative phenomenon on which it is inadvisable to build an ontology: in a
picture gallery, urinals are rarer than in the bathrooms of a Munich brewery,
but paintings and urinals still have, as it were, almost all their chromosomes in
common. In other words, consider what Hemingway told Fitzgerald when the
latter told him that the rich are different from other people: “Of course they
are: they have more money” (which is to say: they are equal to other people,
except they have a lot of money, which is ontologically rather irrelevant).
The normalist thesis therefore rests on two assumptions. The first is that art
constitutes a vague but not arbitrary territory, in which things come and go,
and artworks are placed next to notebooks, the wheel, the club, tables, chairs,
polenta, identity cards, driving licenses, booklets, and fake banknotes. But
not, for example, next to numbers and theorems, which – as we shall see – are
not and cannot be artworks. Nor next to pure psychological acts devoid of
external expression. The second assumption is that in art, what matters, are
not the exceptions, but the small things of average taste that furnish our
existence – works that are so so, and judged, I add, by people that are so so, i.e.
people who are not nor want to be experts. Suffice it to consider the case of
arte povera, which was born as an avant-garde movement linked to Duchamp’s
break, and which became a sub-aesthetic category of nineteenth-century-like
furniture. This explains why it is that art can merge with commodities, as we
will see at the end of this essay.
Just like heroic ethics, sublime aesthetics does not make much sense. Kant
rightly recommends not to preach nobility in moral treatises,8 since the mere
result of such high and unattainable models is to justify all kinds of baseness.
This is the impression that, despite everything, one has while reading, for ex-
ample, Adorno’s Introduction to the Sociology of Music,9 in which every type of
listener appears to be more or less defective or limited, and art an unlikely and
very boring path to holiness. Now, if Adorno is right, the only authentic listener
is one who is versed in all the history of music, including dodecaphony, to the
point of being able to perform the compositions he listens to; therefore, those
who flock to rock concerts or to the Salzburg Festival, or those who listen to
Aida in the Arena of Verona, are all victims of a cognitive hallucination, where
they believe they are listening to music but they are actually not. Well, if that’s
the case, then one might as well listen to trash. This is why modern music,
contrary to Adorno’s prediction, has changed, becoming kinder, and above all
8 “Only I wish they would spare the youth examples of so-called noble (suprameritorious) ac-
tions, which our sentimental writings bandy about so much, and to stake everything merely
on duty and on the worth that a human being can and must give himself in his own eyes”.
I. Kant, Critique of Practical Reason (1788), Cambridge (MA): Hackett, 2002, p. 193.
9 T. W. Adorno, Introduction to the Sociology of Music (1962), Stanford: Stanford University
Press, 2000.
From Fountain to Moleskine 9
10 Jacopo Domenicucci sent me this comment, for which I thank him: “The model / master-
piece / type series makes me think of the three French novelists who play each with one
of the three terms, respectively Stendhal / Flaubert / Balzac. The first is often asked if his
characters correspond to literary models and plays on their differences from them (con-
sider ‘notre héros n’était pas tellement héros’, or the fall from the horse in the Chartreuse,
right in front of the ladies); Flaubert is obsessed with the idea of producing masterpieces
(letters), and Balzac talks about types on every page (“l’était le type même du …”)”.
10 Ferraris
J. Derrida, “Signature Event Context” (1971), in Id., Limited Inc. (1972), Evanston:
Northwestern University Press, 1988.
From Fountain to Moleskine 11
12 V. Kandinsky, Concerning the Spiritual in Art (1911), New York, Guggenheim Foundation,
13 M. Foucault, The Order of Things (1966), New York: Pantheon Book, 1970.
From Fountain to Moleskine 13
14 To quote a book by Alessandra Donati, Law and Art. Diritto e arte contemporanea (2012),
Milano: Giuffrè. See also the book she edited with Gianmaria Ajani: G. Ajani, A. Donati
(ed. by) I diritti dell’arte contemporanea (2011), Torino: Allemandi.
15 J. L. Austin, How to do things with words, Cambridge (MA): Harvard University Press, 1962.
14 Ferraris
16 This cooperation was theorized by Umberto Eco, Lector in fabula (1979), Milano: Bompiani,
From Fountain to Moleskine 15
surprise factor, a slight transgression of the norm, to bring authority and nov-
elty in those arts that (unlike strongly codified traditions) allow for it. The con-
temporary variant is precisely the contractual thrill, in which the artist feels the
more revolutionary the more they develop sophisticated lawyer tricks. Here
the transgression and the surprise become the priority element of the work,
and the bureaucratic frisson takes the place of other elements (information,
emotion, aesthetic satisfaction) that were constitutive of traditional artworks.
The transformation of the world into a work of art, which was yearned
by the romantics, actually took place in the paperwork, with which art really
comes down to life. The bartender who does not give you a receipt for your
beer is potentially an absolute performer, but the event is even more sublime
and complete if accompanied by a fiscal investigation. We are all waiting for
the moment when a resident’s meeting will become a work of art, whose
vestige – the minutes – will be hung on people’s walls. In contract art, we find
the realization of Giuseppe Novello’s old vignette which depicts a young man
whose cultured family wanted him to be a composer, but who at night – under
the frowning eyes of a Beethoven bust – expressed his true vocation: accoun-
tancy. And this is far from strange. After all, Jeff Koons worked in the stock
market. And of course the perfection of contract art would be reached if
Cattelan received a chair in commercial law, so as to put to good use the exper-
tise accumulated in his years of artistic militancy.
17 W. Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility (1936), Grey
Room No. 39, Walter Benjamin’s Media Tactics: Optics, Perception, and the Work of Art
(Spring 2010), pp. 11–38.
16 Ferraris
Google I get almost nine thousand results, and if I select the search for images
I find almost three thousand reproductions of Brillo Box, the box of soap pads
exposed by Warhol in 1964 and now considered a pop icon. But if I do this
research on my iPad I have the three thousand images available in another
place, and so if I try on my iPhone. In short: on the same table, at a few centi-
metres’ distance, I have virtually nine thousand images of Brillo Box available,
and twenty-seven thousand sites that talk about it or reproduce it.
Benjamin was right about the way in which art suffers from the impact of
reproducibility. But he could not foresee that, with a change that culminated
in the documedia revolution, art thus anticipated industrial developments.
By “documedia revolution” I mean the union between the institutive power
of documents (the web is the largest archive that history has ever known) and
the dynamism of the media (we are all both receivers and producers of mes-
sages, while until recently we were only receivers), in a framework in which
robotics automates the production of objects just as, almost two centuries ago,
photography automated the reproduction of objects. Now, it is precisely this
circumstance that makes the experience of art an anticipation of both indus-
try and capital.
Benjamin looked back, just like the angel of history. He regretted the loss of
aura, albeit with a less apocalyptic tone than Adorno. In fact, however, there
are intrinsic values in technical reproducibility, which forces artists to think
of alternative strategies, such as that developed by Duchamp (significantly
absent in Benjamin’s reading). And not only that: if we switch from the pho-
tographic reproducibility of images to the reproduction of sounds first with
gramophones and now with the Web, we have an effect that is not of loss of
aura, but of canonization (Jazz or Pop would have ended up like all the previ-
ous kinds of popular music, if there had not been technical reproducibility).
But above all, technical reproducibility can produce a peculiar aura effect,
which derives from the charm of the brand as opposed to the signature, as pop
art demonstrates. Most of all, the ongoing documedia revolution ensures that
the modes of production of the auratic work of art (and above all individual-
ity) become the modes of industrial production, now that the production is no
longer necessarily serial. Thus we have a history of developments in art and in
technology that run parallel, but obviously in a non-harmonious way, in which
the traditional criteria identifying the artwork are called into question.
Mona Lisa x x x x x x
Fountain x x x x
Brillo Box x x x x x
Moleskine x x x x
18 M. Ferraris, Documentality. Why It Is Necessary to Leave Traces (2012), New York: SUNY.
19 M. Ferraris, La fidanzata automatica (2007), Milano: Bompiani.
From Fountain to Moleskine 19
Rather, their point was that a work of art is first and foremost a thing, that is,
something with well-defined characteristics in terms of physical size, temporal
duration, and sensory perceptibility.
20 M. Heidegger, “The Origin of the Work of Art”, in Martin Heidegger: The Basic Writings. New
York: HarperCollins, 2008. I have analysed the characteristics of this aesthetics – which
I call “extraordinarist” because it confers an extraordinary ontological status to works of
art – in La fidanzata automatica cit., pp. 13–16.
21 A. Danto, The Transfiguration of the Commonplace (1981), Cambridge (MA): Harvard
University Press.
22 M. Ferraris, Estetica razionale (1997), Milano: Raffaello Cortina.
20 Ferraris
2.2.2 Aisthesis
Things and artwork necessarily fall under the senses. By this I mean that art-
works, like things, must necessarily be existing objects, existing under the
mode of sensible presence. Thinking of a work of art is not tantamount to
experiencing it, and experiencing a work of art means using certain sensory
channels and not others. The reference to sensibility as a common trait to
things and artworks highlights three main aspects in the definition of a work of
art: the necessity of sensibility in the artistic experience; the fact that sensibil-
ity is characterized by a specific unamendability, that is to say by being so and
not otherwise; and, finally, the ecological character of the artworks – in simple
terms, the fact that artworks (as we shall see when dealing with impossible
artworks) are necessarily on a human scale.
2.2.3 Sensibilia
The reference to sensibility is not accidental in art, and the founder of philo-
sophical aesthetics, the Leibnizian Johann Gottlieb Baumgarten, was far from
wrong to define aesthetics as the science of perfect sensible knowledge.23
What I would like you to notice is that the same identical constraints apply to
the philosophy of art, which, for what I said, is “aesthetic” in the same narrow
sense. Without an object that is sensible and accessible through a certain sen-
sory modality, there would be no artwork, and without artworks there would
According to Baumgarten, aesthetics is defined by the following five modes:
“AESTHETICA (theoria liberalium artium, gnoseologia inferior, ars pulcre cogitandi, ars
analogi rationis,) est scientia cognitionis sensitivae”, Aesthetica, I, 1750, § 1.
From Fountain to Moleskine 21
be no art. What about conceptual art? Does it not disprove all this? No, because
without a piece of paper displayed in an art gallery containing the concep-
tual work, we would not speak of conceptual art; the true artwork, therefore,
as I recalled in the previous chapter, is the inscription on which the concept
is recorded. The so-called “concept”, therefore, as we have seen, is a contract.
And the contract is a sensible object, since it is the recording of an act, and no
recording can take place in the absence of matter.
Art may be the domain of appearance, the unfaithful copy of the idea or,
positively, the sensible but truthful appearance of the idea – whatever the case,
this appearance must obviously manifest itself to eyes, ears, and touch.24 It is
an essential characterization. A concert does not lose much if heard on the
radio, but an exhibition of paintings becomes completely different through
that medium – in this case, it becomes a description (while the concert re-
mains an execution); moreover, this description is much poorer, for example,
than the radio commentary of a football match, because in the latter case at
least there is a purpose, which the description of an exhibition lacks (what is
being transmitted, in fact, is a set of information and evaluations). The same
linguistic fact, in speech arts like poetry or narrative, manifests a very different
dimension than, for example, in the informative use of language. To realize this
it will suffice to consider that, strictly speaking, if telepathy existed one could
conceive telepathic newspapers, telepathic scientific journals or telepathic
elections, while it seems unlikely that there should be telepathic poems or nov-
els. In fact, a hypothetical telepathic poet would only inform us of a psychic
object (say, the poet contemplating infinity) and not of the specific content
of the representation of that mental state (for example, a hedge in Recanati).
And even assuming that it came directly into our heads, circumventing the cul-
tural industry and the artworld system, and corresponded to the content and
not the object, we would still not deal with something related to feelings
and things, but rather with something that (obviously, for the happy few who
had already experienced it) recalls a mystical illumination.25
Of course, every technical transformation involves changes (and potentially
enrichments) in the experience of art, as widely shown by the web, but physi-
cal constraints are still central both to the enjoyment of the artwork (I will
never really see an exhibition on the phone), and to the same identity of the
24 Later we will see why it is less suitable to manifest itself to taste and smell.
25 Typically, the infusion drunk by Amazonian shamans, the Ayahuasca or yajé, scientifically
called “telepathine” because of the telepathic effects that are attributed to it, is the basis
of religious experiences, not of artistic ones. At most, we can imagine it as a substitute for
e-learning and distance education in general, or of radio and TV – not as an alternative to
museums, novels or even films.
22 Ferraris
artwork (if someone steals my painting it is very different from someone steal-
ing a photograph of it, while the original remains at my house). This, indeed,
is a crucial point. Museums do not merely collect reminders of artists’ ideas,
and a library cannot substituted by its catalog. The very strategies developed in
defense of copyright, which rest on the protection of literal formulations,
confirm the link between physicality and identity of the artistic object,26
which once again proves to be akin to the ordinary object. A classic objection
to the physicality of art, however, sounds like this: when I look at a painting
that depicts Julius Caesar, I only see stains of color, the rest is added by the
spirit that contemplates it. In this regard, though, I would note that what
the spirit adds is only what is already in the picture: one who knew nothing of
Julius Caesar would recognize that particular figure and not another. If then
one decides to paint a pipe and to write “this is not a pipe” under the image,
the fact remains that everyone recognizes it as a pipe (or, in the hypothesis of
a spectator who does not know what a pipe is, a small brown and seemingly
wooden object). So, my idea is that it is absolutely right not to reduce art to
sensation, since we have a lot of sensations and they are not all artistic, but
surely such reductionism is a lesser evil than talking about art without refer-
ring to aisthesis.
26 I refer the reader to “Problemi di ontologia applicata: la proprietà delle idee”, in A. Bottani
and C. Bianchi (ed. by), Significato e ontologia (2003), Milano: Angeli, pp. 104–115.
From Fountain to Moleskine 23
is therefore true that there are forms of art (for example, narrative or portrai-
ture) that can have a cognitive scope, and it is true that there are civilizations
of which we only have their artistic productions, which therefore constitute
the only knowledge we have of them. But this does not mean in any way that
knowledge is the primary function of art. It is certainly possible to learn some-
thing about Ireland from Joyce, but if knowing Ireland is the goal it is cheaper
and more effective to buy a travel guide or read an essay.
In 1917 Duchamp exhibited a urinal and declared that it was a work of art, en-
titled Fountain and signed R. Mutt. The point was not to seek beauty, or rather
to avoid “retinal art” or visual pleasure just like Marinetti shunned the moon-
light. The artist has better things to do than “pursue beauty in all its forms”;
this is nonsense that we can leave to the Baron de Charlus or to the furnish-
ings of Villa La Capponcina. The point, explains Duchamp, is “to create a new
24 Ferraris
thought for that object”, i.e. for the urinal. But what thought, exactly? Indeed,
rather than elaborating a new concept, which hasn’t yet been done (and since
it’s been one hundred and two years I’m afraid it never will be), it is a matter of
drafting a new contract with the user, who has to be very patient, just like the
reader has to be patient with me now.
The patience is primarily needed due to the charge of negativity that lies
at the center of this operation, which presupposes all of the previous art and
yet denies it. It is not the concept that is new – in fact, it is a continuation of
romanticism, of the conception of the work of art as a sensible appearance
of the idea. What changes is precisely the contract with the user (who, inci-
dentally, and with a change full of consequences, can no longer, by definition,
be a commissioner: if there is one thing that cannot be commissioned, it’s a
readymade). The contract manifests itself primarily as negativity, that is, as the
exclusion of a traditional identifying character of the artwork, namely beauty
as a specific feature of the fine arts as opposed to the useful arts. By doing
without beauty, i.e. the “retinal” character of the artwork, Duchamp thought he
got rid of sensibility to make room for ideas, but actually he simply eliminat-
ed the most striking (and ultimately circular: what defines beauty?) element
of the artwork, while preserving other, much more substantial traits of the
aesthetic contract: title and signature.
3.1.1 Whateverism
The contract sounds like something generic, but that’s not quite the case, since
the objects of transfiguration are not generic things. Duchamp’s readymades
are artifacts or parts of artifacts: urinals, bottle-racks, bicycle wheels. In fact, we
insist on their character of readymades, of manufactured items. Their charac-
ter of commodity, however, stands out when it is used to show that the artist’s
craft is not necessary to give the object its artistic character. What’s surprising,
in fact, is to discover that there is no mention of beauty in the contract identi-
fying the work of art. All that is required is the recording of an act.
Duchamp voiced a widespread feeling after the explosion of the avant-
gardes, that is, the sense that anything can be a work of art (this is what I would
suggest to call “aesthetic conventionality”); that the true purpose of art is not
to please the taste of the users, but to demonstrate this theorem; and that the
philosophies of art must endorse it with what I call “whateverist theory”, so
From Fountain to Moleskine 25
3.2.1 MOBA
In 1993, in Boston, they opened the MOBA: a Museum of Bad Art. This unusual
institution organises exhibitions and conferences developing an idea that is
simple but efficacious: take some bad paintings and call them by their real
name. This doesn’t always work: some pieces are not that bad after all, and
overall one gets the impression that the percentage of bad art is not signifi-
cantly greater than that present in many museums of fine arts, both ancient
and modern. What matters, though, is that MOBA ironizes about what for a
century now has been the fundamental aesthetic creed of avant-gardes, which
I would call “dogma of aesthetic indifference”. That is, the thesis according to
which beauty is no longer the primary objective of what used to be called “fine
arts” to distinguish them from useful arts. This aesthetic (or more exactly an-
aesthetic) creed comes from afar and goes back at least to Romanticism, char-
acterised by Hegel (who didn’t really like the Romantics) as a prevalence of
content over from, as a prearranged and strongly wanted disharmony.
Nonetheless, like in any religion, the dogma of aesthetic indifference has
many more followers in theory than in practice. When writing an essay on aes-
thetics, one is always ready to affirm that what one is dealing with is a con-
ceptual experience in which beauty is a fossil out of place. One is not as ready,
From Fountain to Moleskine 27
27 “Here I am, you poor sketches escaped from – or marching towards – the madhouse,
which arouse disdain in those who take life tragically, while causing moments of clamor-
ous hilarity in those who take it as a game (as they should)”.
28 Ferraris
Also, it is not so bad when compared with many works of art that fill gal-
leries and museums, and that appeal to Great Conceptual Art: the art that has
cultivated the dogmas of aesthetic indifference and auratic omnipotence. If
the works of the “nutcases” were often ugly but not on purpose, those of the
Great Conceptual Art are just as ugly, but purposely so. One would be tempted
to see this as an aggravating factor but instead, thanks to a somewhat miracu-
lous process (as it has to do with transfiguration), it is not so. While laughing at
the Vittoriano, scorning its ugliness and pitying its author are all accepted at-
titudes, if one risked doing the same with Great Conceptual Art one would be
in trouble, accused of nostalgia, incompetence, bad taste and aesthetic insen-
sibility (and it’s bizarre, given that this art does not aspire to beauty). Beauty is
no longer art’s business, and if you don’t get it then you’re an ignoramus.
If you think about it, this doctrine is bizarre, because it is like saying that
health is not medicine’s priority. Given that Great Conceptual Art came not
long after the Vittoriano, someone could malevolently think that the dogma of
aesthetic indifference is a later version of the fable of the fox and the grapes.
Yet the intimidated audience accepts and endures. They go to exhibitions,
applaud and buy if they can, proving to be much less self-confident than the
nineteenth century bourgeoisie, which would perhaps scorn Impressionism,
but at least, in so doing, showed that it had its own taste. Great Conceptual Art
users, instead, can at most say to themselves: “I could have made this”. But they
are wrong: the endeavour is far beyond their reach – it is very, and romanti-
cally, monumental.28
In the age when nutcases were competing for the Vittoriano, Nietzsche
wrote Beyond Good and Evil proposing a transvaluation of all values which
would be translated, among other things, into that foolish readymade that is
the Puglia cruiser planted in the middle of the park at D’Annunzio’s Vittoriale.
Nietzsche’s project was undoubtedly ambitious, but is was indeed realised in
art. When the last unprepared visitors – those ready to label all kinds of works
as ugly – were gone, a spell was cast so that their very children or grandchil-
dren now exclaim “Beautiful! Beautiful!” in front of works that have only one
declared feature, namely that of not aspiring to beauty.
The Zarathustra of this transvaluation was obviously Duchamp, thirty years
after the nutcases of the Vittoriano and only ten year before the Vittoriale read-
ymade. But Duchamp’s genius did not consist, as is sometimes believed, of his
breaking with the past. On the contrary, it consisted of his art’s ultimate con-
tinuity with tradition. His urinal, like the Mona Lisa with a moustache, draws
28 On the link between Great Conceptual Art and Romanticism see also B. Groys, History
Becomes Form: Moscow Conceptualism (2010), Cambridge (MA): The MIT Press.
From Fountain to Moleskine 29
to beauty, to the status of what Duchamp called “retinal art” – which, besides,
does not apply to other things of supposed aesthetic value, such as design ob-
jects. Therefore, Duchamp’s real stroke of genius, much more than the ready-
made, was the practical elaboration of the thesis of aesthetic indifference. This
thesis proves to be valuable and salvific in an age of aesthetic confusion, in
which the eclecticism of many traditions generates the situation of suburban
villas described by Gadda in Acquainted with Grief: they “had something of the
pagoda and something of the spinning mill, and they were also a compromise
between the Alhambra and the Kremlin”. In this grab-bag of styles, classes,
tastes and cultures, no one could be sure of one’s own taste, and everyone had
reasonable grounds to think one was wrong: the estimators of Impressionism
felt insecure because now that movement had been overcome by Cubism, the
lovers of Art Pompier felt the same because they were considered “poor in
spirit” by the enthusiasts of Impressionism and Cubism, and Andrea Sperelli
felt under-confident because of the suspicion that the furnishings of the Villa
La Capponcina were rubbish. Then, all of a sudden, there was Duchamp’s
break with the past: what matters is not Beauty, but the Concept. Once this is
clear, with a radical Copernican revolution, one can stop worrying.
One important clarification needs to be made, though. I said that the
dogma of aesthetic indifference comes from afar and goes back at least to
Romanticism, which was characterised by Hegel as a prearranged and strongly
wanted disharmony.29 It is not by chance that, as we have seen, in 1853 the
Hegelian Rosenkranz wrote Aesthetics of Ugliness,30 grasping the spirit of
the age: beauty was not needed, the aura was enough, although this took place
in the epoch of the daguerreotype – that is, of the technical reproducibility
that, according to Benjamin,31 causes the end of artistic aura. At least from this
point of view, Romanticism is far from Classicism. But is it really true? With a
choice charged with consequences, Hegel dates back the birth of Romanticism
and makes it coincide with Christian art. Christ on the cross is not nice to
look at,32 what matters is the spiritual significance of the scene: here, in this
extreme conceptualism, we have the most powerful antecedent of Duchamp.
The bottle rack or the bicycle wheel are not beautiful either, and there is some-
thing hyper-religious in the degradation of art represented by the urinal. All
romantic art develops this hyper-spiritual vocation – and the same goes for
29 G. W. F. Hegel, Aesthetics. Lectures on Fine Art (1835), Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1975.
30 J. K. F. Rosenkranz, Ästhetik des Häßlichen (1853), Königsberg: Bornträger.
31 W. Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility, cit.
32 M. Bacci, The Many Faces of Christ. Portraying the Holy in the East and West, 300 to 1300
(2014), London: Reaktion Books.
From Fountain to Moleskine 31
its heirs, the avant-gardes, which not coincidentally mainly took place in the
Christian world (to my knowledge there are no Islamic, Jewish, Confucian,
Taoist, or Hindu avant-gardes). The claim made by contemporary visual art
that beauty is not its main concern is a statement of hyper-conceptuality.
Well, but if the avant-garde refers to romanticism, and romanticism to
Christianity, then the classic and the modern, which seemed to be separated
for millennia, are actually very close. As often happens, the history of the spirit
does not throw anything away, and keeps both aesthetic religion and the
romanticism of the cross.
In “Pourquoi l’art gréco-romain a-t-il disparu?”, one of the most remark-
able chapters of L’empire gréco-romain,33 Paul Veyne describes an important
moment in late antique art. The choice to abandon the canon of beauty did
not happen, in classical art, due to an abrupt interruption by which artistic
mastery turned into ineptitude and inexpressiveness. Such a claim is as puer-
ile as the idea that, roughly in 476 after Christ, we went straight from Roman
legionaries to the knights of the round table. In fact, on the margins of the
classical world, there was a moment in which it was decided to let go of beauty,
with a complex evolution that finds a perfect correspondence in the artistic
events of the past two centuries. First of all, people abandoned the canon of
ideal beauty, and made space for individuality. That philosopher or that mag-
istrate are undoubtedly uglier and more disproportionate than some mythi-
cal figure, but it’s them, really them. Then, something really conceptual came
forward: Plotinus’ intelligible beauty, or expressiveness at all costs, sometimes
even parody. In all these cases, the balance between form and content is lost,
not through incapacity, but through a deliberate decision: we are not inter-
ested in expressing beauty, we want to express something else. For example,
the hierarchy, as in the mosaics of Sant’Apollinare; or concordance, as in the
tetrarchs of Venice; or power, as in the Colossus of Barletta. And let’s not for-
get that these deformations already contained elements that, again, modern
arrogance tends to attribute to romanticism and the avant-gardes: the irony,
the ridicule, the unfinished.
Therefore, not only does modernity manifest the symptoms and transfor-
mations of an aesthetic religion that is the classical one in all respects, but, for
its part, the classical world proves to be anything but indifferent to the seduc-
tions of the ugly, of the deformed, of the badly made. And above all it is very
capable of recognizing the centrality of the concept in the work of art. One
might object that this is true for the terminal stage of classicism, for the ap-
parently traumatic moment, which in fact lasted for centuries, in which the
Greco-Roman civilization faced its end. But is not so. Indeed, the primacy
of the concept, the excess of content with respect to the form, does not only
concern the end of classicism, but also its close or remote antecedents, which
are not the manifestation of a form that prevails over the content, but, on the
contrary, present a predominance of the content over the form, that is, a total
Let’s take the pyramid. What can be more conceptual than a pyramid? Hegel
(without realizing that, in so doing, he was attributing to Egyptian art the
characteristics of romanticism) rightly defined it “the symbol of the sign”: on
the outside, a huge and insignificant solid; on the inside, an accumulation of
scriptures and secrets and, at the center, the embalmed body of the pharaoh.
Or think of Stonehenge. What is conveyed is not some aesthetic concept, but
much more: an astronomical conception and a vision of the world. Or consider
the Lascaux caves, which from this point of view appear even more sublime,
because the drawings seem to manifest a figurative will, but their intent was
probably different, and had to do with magic (or at least with what we very
improperly call thus) and hunting. One might object that none of these ex-
amples can be part of what we commonly call “art” – but this shows precisely
how high their conceptuality is. The pyramids, Stonehenge, and cave paint-
ings are pure concepts. Their authors would have been ashamed if someone
had thought of comparing them to those futile creations that we call “works
of art”.34 In short, there are few areas in which modern arrogance is so badly
placed as that of art. No one claims to have made works more beautiful than
those forged by the ingenuity of the ancients: everyone places themselves on
the horizon of the sentimental, and then of the conceptual. But all claim that it
was the moderns who introduced something radically new into art, something
of which nobody had the slightest hint before: disenchantment, seriality and
conceptuality. Well, as we have just seen, this is false. The modern work of art is
the object of a religious cult that is not diminished by seriality; and the ancient
or very ancient work of art was no less serial and conceptual than those that
populate modern art galleries.
34 On the modern origin of the notion of art cf. S. Settis, “Rinascimento e decadenza: una
simmetria necessaria”, in Mitteilungen des Kunsthistorischen Institutes in Florenz, LVI
(2014), Heft 2, pp. 139–151. On the crisis of the notion of art in the contemporary age, cf.
G. Agamben, Archeologia dell’opera (2013), Mendrisio: Mendrisio Academy Press.
From Fountain to Moleskine 33
35 On the notion of “Artworld”, see H. S. Becker, Artworlds (1982), Berkeley: University of
California Press. The first theoretician of the Artworld has been the American philoso-
pher Arthur C. Danto, in his article “The Artworld”, in The Journal of Philosophy, 61 (1964),
pp. 571–584.
36 J. R. Searle, The Construction of Social Reality (1995), New York: Free Press.
34 Ferraris
although the quality of the artist is not as exclusive as the theories of genius
supposed, the fact remains that some people are more artistic than others,
but above all that, unless we assume an omnipotent collective intentionality,
or more correctly a total conformism, claiming that Hitler was an artist is no
less daring than claiming that Elena Ceauşescu was a scientist. Both things
have been and can be claimed in a way (Hitler painted, and Elena Ceauşescu,
despite never going to school, was president of Romania’s leading chemical
research institute). Nevertheless, saying that Hitler was an artist and Elena
Ceauşescu a scientist would simply be nonsense.
The second is that the extension of the Artworld thesis to social reality in
general is misleading. The constitutive law “X counts as Y in C” applies only to
the Artworld: C is the artworld, and not the social world in general, because
in the social world in general there are conflicts and contradictions that are
not present in the world of art. Consider these examples: 1. X-urinal counts as
Y-Fountain in C-gallery; 2. X-piece of green paper (or piece of metal, or sack
of salt, or byte) counts as Y-dollar in C-United States; 3. X-use value counts as
Y-exchange value in C-market. It is certainly much easier to accept a urinal as a
work of art than to accept a fake note or a damaged commodity. In this sense,
the work of art is not a prototype of social objects, but rather (in agreement,
this time, with the general rule “Object = Recorded Act”) it is a subspecies. This
circumstance is all the more important because it is what allows for the fusion
between art and social reality as a whole, which I will examine in the fourth
While the rule “X counts as Y in C” was inapplicable to social reality as a
whole, unless one wanted to postulate an omnipotent collective intention-
ality, the rule “Object = Recorded Act” is already the ordinary rule of social
reality, which very naturally also applies to the work of art as a social object.
This rule also applies to readymades, while, as we have seen, the latter cannot
be generalized. The readymade is, indeed, something made, it is an artifact, the
result of an industrial process (for what pertains to the model: as we will see,
Warhol ‘s concrete specimen is instead the result of an artisanal process, even
if not by Warhol’s own hands). The contract is now: Object (and, as a subspe-
cies, Artwork) = Recorded Act and Commodity = Recorded Object. Here the
commodity results from a double recording and registration – indeed, it is a
registered trademark.
anything can be art) and anaesthetism (the thesis that art does not need to
be beautiful). Again, Carlo Dossi could easily laugh about the crazy project
for the Vittoriano, but in front of the urinal (in fact, the urinatory, the idol of
an absorbed prayer) today we must be very serious and thoughtful like good
children on a school trip. You cannot ask for your money back any more than
a failed miracle can induce a believer to embrace atheism. The believer will
reformulate their question and their faith, elaborating alternative theories,
which in the case of art can be declined in terms of a dialectic between elites
and people.
3.4.1 Elites
The elite focuses on auratization by creating a cult that is as exclusive as it is
irrational, and is based on the credo quia absurdum. The apparent desecration
capitalizes, in fact, on the sacred value of art, and herein lies the core of in-
timidation. Like Mona Lisa’s moustache derives its prestige from transgression
and lese majesty, so the readymade presupposes a consecration that is con-
substantial with the desecration. Duchamp, in showing his objects, exploited
precisely the canonical value of art, an entire patrimony of respectability and
of auraticity that brought balance to an otherwise disadvantageous deal: bow
to this ugliness (remember that for Hegel romanticism found its fundamental
paradigm in the scandal of Christ on the cross), because with this genuflection
you honor the unknown god of art. On the pedestal, the thing becomes a work
of art, and the devoted user will contemplate urinals and bottle-racks with the
same tense and aesthetically focused attitude that is dedicated to romantic
art. Indeed, in art galleries we behave as if in church, or in Bayreuth: we often
keep quiet, or whisper, and it seems impious to enjoy the artworks as they did
in the eighteenth century, when the lights were left on and people ate at the
theater. Even the chardonnay and the cheddar offered at galleries, in the end,
have more the meaning of a Eucharist than that of a party snack – the latter
would reduce works of art to ornaments and accompaniments.
Surprisingly, therefore, while the artist desecrates (at least apparently), the
user consecrates, and feels invested with a decisive task: to bestow the value
of art, with their faith, on an ordinary object, just like a fallen meteorite in
the desert can be transformed by the faithful into the symbol of the only
God. The common element to the two experiences, the ritual in the gallery and
the one in the desert, is mystery: it is not very clear what is expected from the
work of art, but it is a kind of redemption. In short, if the technical reproduc-
ibility of the work of art produced a loss of the aura deriving from uniqueness,
this aura was promptly reconstructed by the faith of the users. The outward
manifestation of devotion is often inadequate, and therefore saying “beautiful,
36 Ferraris
3.4.2 People
As opposed to the elites, the people develop alternative cults, which are now
recognizable and universalizable (or at least transferable) thanks to the cul-
tural industry as manufacture of reproducibility. In fact, like all forms that are
too ascetic, intimidation allows for indulgence, that is, for spaces where plea-
sure is returned, like a feast given with the pretext of honoring a given saint.
It is no coincidence that the era of Great Conceptual Art, like that of the ro-
mantic spirit, is the only one in the history of taste that has devised compen-
satory sub-categories: Kitsch, Camp, Pop etc. (and one of these, i.e. Pop, was
then assumed within Great Conceptual Art as a stratagem, to which I will go
back in a moment). These come to the rescue when taste is no longer sure of
itself, or when it cannot dare confess its predilections. If one wants to listen to
Lady Gaga and likes her better than Stravinsky, if one likes the Campbell’s soup
boxes and knows nothing about Picasso, and above all if one is bored to death
by looking at Duchamp’s urinal for the umpteenth time, there is a way out: it
suffices to state that one likes Kitsch, Camp and Pop, and one will make a great
This suggests that the element common to the Camp-Kitsch-Pop compen-
satory triad is the fear of being judged, and even more of judging – indeed,
an unsure taste. For a full “customs clearance” (to use a Camp, Kitsch or Pop
expression, I’m not sure which) of the phenomenon, we must wait for its out-
come and natural development: postmodernism. Consider, for example, a sig-
nificant conversation between Charles Jenks and Susan Sontag: Jenks’ idea is
From Fountain to Moleskine 37
that people ruin their lives for the sake of principles, and that it’s better to be
nihilists, that is, not to worry about those who judge us Camp, Kitsch or Pop.
Hence the genealogy. We start with Camp, first in England and then worldwide,
we continue with Kitsch and Pop, and we finally reach the peak with postmod-
ernism and weak thought. The latter gives to the lovers of Camp, Kitsch and
Pop – that is, to the whole of humanity – a degree of good conscience, a kind
of absolution or plenary indulgence: “don’t worry, you do not have bad taste.”
Or rather: even bad taste has its space and social dignity: it even has dedicated
essays, manuals, conferences and conventions.
The Romantics sought a synthesis between philosophy and art; they pur-
sued a new mythology. This dream, however, has yielded two fruits: ascetic art,
which took its first steps in later Beethoven’s style, and Kitsch, which originally
designated the taste of the new bourgeoisie of Munich, who could not stand
Beethoven’s quartet but adored Loden capes. With time and with industry,
capitalism and imperialism, the phenomenon became universal, by passing
through stronger cultural circuits and important industrial circuits. The soli-
tary Kitsch of Hölderlin saying that man dwells poetically was thus replaced
by Brian Jones in a pinstripe suit in Swinging London, Gina Lollobrigida, Victor
Mature, Flash Gordon and the monumental lapels of Gianni Agnelli’s double-
breasted suit. This “anything goes” situation would have pleased Nietzsche:
“I am all the names in history”, as he wrote to Burckhardt. Or, as Arbasino wrote
in his novel Super Eliogabalo, “Nietzsche, Adorno, Lacan, Totò”. All camp, no
doubt. And, if that’s how things are, the most camp of all is Martin Heidegger, in
a Tyrolean jacket and with a nightcap on his head (all aspects well captured
in Thomas Bernhard’s camp book Old Masters), intent on proclaiming that the
work of art is nothing more than the truth of being setting itself to work, illus-
trating his thesis with the temple of Paestum, the shoes painted by Van Gogh
and a poem by Conrad Ferdinand Meyer.
37 F. Nietzsche, Beyond Good and Evil. Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future (1886), Cambridge
(UK): CUP, 2012. Nietzsche, theorizing the pathos of distance, was the first victim.
38 P. Bourdieu, Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste (1979), Cambridge
(MA): Harvard University Press, 1987.
From Fountain to Moleskine 39
How long could the break last? Not much, also because in the meantime the
world continued to overflow with beautiful cars and people, with very fancy
food and, thanks to large-scale distribution, with very attractive packaging for
the all kinds of goods. After retiring from art galleries, beauty reappeared in
supermarkets. Andy Warhol understood this very well, and in 1964 he exhib-
ited a box of Brillo steel pads (a Procter & Gamble product), identical to the
one found in stores except slightly larger and made of plywood. The continu-
ity with the urinal is only apparent. Brillo was not just found and exhibited,
but manufactured on purpose; there are no pads inside; its material and size
are different from the original’s. Above all, it is a beautiful object. The person
who had designed it and who, incidentally, was also an artist in his own right,
the abstract expressionist James Harvey, wanted it to be beautiful, otherwise
Procter & Gamble would not have paid him – just as the Pope would not have
paid Bernini if the colonnade had left him dissatisfied. Let’s go over the articles
of this new contract.
more evident), Campbell’s soups, Brillo Boxes and, of course, Marilyn Monroe
and Liz Taylor for a simple and decisive reason – they are beautiful, which,
again, cannot be said of Duchamp’s urinal or bottle rack. At the 1964 exhibition
there were other Warhol works derived from commercial packaging: Kellogg’s
flakes, Del Monte peaches, Campbell’s tomato soup, and Heinz Ketchup. Now,
for a shared sentiment, the vast majority of visitors found them less beautiful
than Brillo Box and today the quotations of the respective works still reflect
that impression. How is it possible? Well, the answer is simple. Brillo Box was
objectively more beautiful than the box of tomato juice or that of peaches.
39 Today, “Brillo” are still the soap pads par excellence in the United States, albeit with a
slightly different packaging (cf. I do not think that
the longevity of the product is due to its artistic consecration, but it certainly owes some-
thing to its packaging, which is still affected by James Harvey’s influence.
From Fountain to Moleskine 41
4.2.2 Size
Thus, ideal objects remain outside the catalog of works of art. Does this mean
that any physical object (such as to have a place in space and time) can be
one? As said, not necessarily. For example, a statue that were twenty kilome-
tres tall, or even just two thousand meters tall, could not be a “work of art”. The
criterion may appear extrinsic, yet it matters, indeed, and sets limits that prove
to be intrinsic to the essence of the work of art. The twenty-kilometre statue
could never be perceived entirely, with a single glance, nor could it ever really
be located as an object of contemplation. When Christo wraps the Chinese
wall, first of all he does not wrap it all, and secondly he actually photographs it
and puts it in catalogues: the artwork is the catalogue rather than the wrapped
wall, which exists only to amaze the bourgeois and to be photographed. In
short, works of art share certain characteristics with commonplace objects,
and in particular that of fitting into the human environment, in terms of
size and duration. Let’s verify this.
4.2.3 Space
As for space, a two-millimetre statue, which could only be seen with a micro-
scope, would in fact be a performance made with a microscope, and not a work
in itself; likewise, a copy of Don Quixote that were as big as a stock cube (and
which could only be read with a lens supplied with the micro-book) would not
42 Ferraris
be not a real book, but a curiosum. The moral is that essentialism is a highly
recommended strategy, provided that one focuses on the real essences; in par-
ticular one has to be willing to recognize the essential in what often appears
to be inessential. God hides in sizes: after all, we are used to considering the
issues of size as extrinsic with respect to art, but when an artwork cannot be
seen entirely with the naked eye and requires, say, a journey to a satellite, it
certainly goes beyond the sphere of artworks; conversely, saying of a city that is
“people-friendly”, to say that it is “on a human scale”, is a compliment.
4.2.4 Time
And now we come to time. At a given hour of the day, people want to go to
sleep, and I suppose that Aristotle was alluding to this, too, when he proposed
unity of time, place and action for tragedies. Now imagine a novel of a million
pages. At the age of fifty, who would have the courage to undertake its read-
ing? And who would begin to read it, even as a boy, while hoping (as is always
recommendable) to do also something else in life? And who would ever even
write it? Even the Bible, dictated by God, is a big book, but it does not have a
million pages. In short, works of art must fit human life: we cannot imagine a
symphony that lasts for a millennium. As Slow As Possible, John Cage’s com-
position that lasts 639 minutes (over ten and a half hours) is not quite part
of the repertoire of all concert halls, let alone Satie’s Vexations (24 hours of
piano). Time counts, and how. Warhol’s Empire (over eight hours of Empire
State Building shot on a fixed camera) overcame the patience of film buffs and
already Wagner’s Ring faced some problems in being executed (question: how
many of you have ever heard the whole Ring? I certainly haven’t, and yet I have
heard many shorter works a dozen times). These limitations, of course, are
valid for the experience of artworks. They cannot ask me to spend a thousand
years reading an epic Finnish poem, but the Kalevala can very well survive for
centuries. This, however, is another story.
become a work of art: since the work of art is a physical object, it can present
itself as such only to dogs, and not to human ears. However, since the work of
art is also a social object, that is, it exists as a work of art (and not as a mere
physical object) only because there are humans who consider it such, then
the concert of dog whistles, which cannot be heard by humans, is not a social
object, and the fact that it is a physical object for dogs does not entail that it is
a work of art. It would be different if there were a screen reproducing sound
intensities; in this case the canine symphony would be a visual work of art
(a kind of conceptual art), but not a musical work. No dog whistles concerts,
then. Let’s get over it.
So, summing up: the Pythagorean theorem, number 5, a twenty-kilometre or
two-millimetre statue, a novel of a million pages and a concert of dog whistles
can never be works of art. It seems to me that we managed to refuse the con-
ventionalist thesis without much difficulty. Even if only the six objects I have
listed could not become artworks, it would be enough to prove that it is not
true that anything can be a work of art. And note that when I say that it is
not true that anything can be a work of art, I also mean to say that a hypo-
thetical “anything”, a chameleonic and ever-changing thing, could never be a
work of art either. In fact, imagine an object that changes continuously. In the
morning it’s an insect, in the afternoon it looks like an admiral, in the evening
it’s a computer program and at night it’s Duchamp’s urinal. This is the first day.
Then, the next day it is a camel, a penny coin, a passport, a drop of rain in the
pinewood and Mona Lisa. The third day it is other things, and so on, forever.
This hypothetical object is the practical realization of the dream of infinite in-
terpretation: here there is work for everyone. Yet, such a thing, if it could exist,
could never become a work of art, because a work of art needs an identity, it
must be X and not Y. And the work of art, no matter how many interpretations
it can admit (which however are not infinite, contrary to what people some-
times think: try to interpret the Via Crucis as a Dolce & Gabbana catwalk), it
cannot be anything whatsoever.
40 Cf. M. Bernal, Black Athena: The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization, Piscataway:
Rutgers University Press, 1987.
41 J. L. Austin, Sense and Sensibilia, London: Oxford University Press 1962, p. 8.
42 Alfred Jules Ayer defined things “familiar objects”, cf. A. J. Ayer, The Foundations of
Empirical Knowledge (1940), London: Macmillan, p. 2.
43 M. Proust, In Search of Lost Time. Time Regained (1927), New York: Modern Library 1999,
vol. IV.
From Fountain to Moleskine 47
parties and convivial moments which, at most, was repaid with a glass of wine
and a seat at the table.
Thus, the commodity is not the opposite of the work of art. It is the essence
of it. In fact, the commodity is not just the hell of the market, as claimed by
cheap moralists; it is also, and above all, a promise of happiness, which does
not lose value by not being kept (denying this would mean, for example, that
Baudelaire’s Passante, being fugitive and therefore not keeping her promise of
happiness, is fraudulent) .
44 S. Plath, Last Words (1961) in The Collected Poems. New York: Harper, 2018.
48 Ferraris
section at MOMA and other institutions. But more surely and more profoundly,
what will facilitate their survival, just like in museums of ancient art, is not
so much their design character, but the fact that they are legion, like the ter-
racotta army that guards the emperor’s tomb. Perhaps, among the most fragile,
what will survive are the magnifications, because they are made of more resis-
tant materials: the wooden Brillo Box instead of the cardboard one. Or perhaps,
even more ironically, the readymades will only survive for their object value,
or regular objects will be mistaken for readymade items. They are what con-
stitutes our serial canon (which reaches out to the equally serial classic canon
found in museums of ancient art). This canon is identified with three Bs.
4.4.2 Beautification
The work must be beautiful, otherwise nobody buys it. Commodities must
not be daring and shocking, but must be reconciled with the public, as in the
passage from Joyce to increasingly affable literature. Value is given to hedonic
aspects previously made unsuitable by the criticism of “retinal art” and con-
ceptual negativity. This is true both for real works of art, which indeed are rare,
and above all for quasi-works of art: design, fashion, food, body care and, in
general, the return to classic hedonism after modern asceticism.
With design comes the desire to produce a beautiful and functional
object – an activity that, unlike art, requires more than the approval of a critic
and a gallery owner. A designer has to deal with the need for functionality,
technical reproducibility, and industrial feasibility. Hence, a paradox on which
perhaps it is worth reflecting. The intimidated common sense accepts that
anything can be a work of art. But at the same time design teaches us how dif-
ficult it is to produce good objects, and shows that it is not at all true that, for
example, any object can be a design object. As a result, if it is true that being
a work of art is, for an object, something like a sanctification, while being a
design object is, so to speak, a lesser promotion, a sort of beatification, one
would say that in the twentieth century it was easier to be saints than blessed.
Design, unlike Great Conceptual Art, cannot afford romance, the excess of
meaning and aesthetic indifference.45 No, it must preserve some classical bal-
ance between interior and exterior, as well as between form and function. It is
from this observation, I believe, that one should start, not to return to a pre-
modern beauty, but rather to highlight the unsaid of the readymade, its secret
face, and its truth. First of all, as I suggested with the example of the museum,
45 Or, as Bruno Munari recalled when finding the differences between designer and artist,
the former always has to do with the need to find solutions for everyday problems. See
B. Munari, Artista e designer (1971), Bari: Laterza.
From Fountain to Moleskine 49
there is a relationship between the object and the environment. The urinal
outside a museum, for example in a landfill, would not have generated any
conflict, which shows that Duchamp was not fully sincere when he declared
his own indifference to “retinal art”. On the contrary, he was very sensitive
to this fact, but, indeed, he kept it secret. In short, the public endures many
“vexations” because beauty has taken refuge elsewhere, in a different world
compared to the intimidation of Great Conceptual Art and the indulgence of
Kitsch-Camp-Pop, although it is willing to dialogue with both. It can be found
not only in the very elegant walls of galleries housing artworks whose priority
is not beauty, but also in the design of furniture, hotels and restaurants, and
above all in the number of splendid objects that are industrially produced.
But, in fact, wasn’t this also the deepest secret of readymades? The fact that
the object had its own character, its hidden beauty? It seems that even the
most deliberately outrageous of readymades, the urinal, had been exposed for
the first time by a gallerist who found it beautiful, – that is, for a reason op-
posed to that officially declared by Duchamp. In these objects, which are hast-
ily defined as “minor art”, today there is the basis for major art, for something
that can allow us to overcome the age of Great Conceptual Art. This beauty
has always been there, waiting, wherever there are objects, these secondary
witnesses of our lives: in attics, junk shops or in those wonderful archives of
objects called hardware stores. Nails, pliers, hammers, keys, screws and thou-
sands of other objects – all meticulously classified (otherwise how could you
find them?) – constitute an inventory of worlds and therefore of possible sto-
ries, from which to draw hundreds of novels (like a couple who goes to buy
nails and a hammer to hang paintings in their new house, and then he or she
comes back a few years later to change the lock) and above all a potentiality of
forms whose aesthetic resources are available to every narrator.
4.4.3 Beatification
Marx wrote that commodities are fetishes that lead us into the “mist-enveloped
regions of the religious world”.46 And it is entirely correct to say that shopping
46 “A commodity is therefore a mysterious thing, simply because in it the social character
of men’s labour appears to them as an objective character stamped upon the product of
that labour; because the relation of the producers to the sum total of their own labour
is presented to them as a social relation, existing not between themselves, but between
the products of their labour. This is the reason why the products of labour become com-
modities, social things. […] In order, therefore, to find an analogy, we must have recourse
to the mist-enveloped regions of the religious world. In that world the productions of the
human brain appear as independent beings endowed with life, and entering into relation
both with one another and the human race. So it is in the world of commodities with the
50 Ferraris
centres are today’s basilicas, just as it is entirely correct to define certain goods
as dutiful (must) and religious (cult). In fact, if more than once people have
sought to drive out the merchants from the temple, this is, trivially, because
the temple is a market in which intangible assets are traded; and the market is
a temple, as shown by the neoclassical facades of stock exchanges.
So it is true that there is no more sacred art (understood as art about sa-
cred subjects) and that we can no longer build beautiful churches. But in new
and often beautiful cathedrals – museums – there is perpetual adoration. This
being the case, then, art is not dead at all, but it is more alive than ever, and
indeed has taken the place of religion. Which is paradoxical, but not too much:
the aesthetic religion that classicism attributed to the Greeks and Romans
celebrates its glory today, under our eyes, in processions to museums, equiva-
lent to purification rites, as well as in the priest-like absorbed tone with which
the shop assistant of a design shop illustrates the merits of a lamp. Is there a
real conceptual difference, say, between ritual processions, a fashion show,
a rock concert, or a football match? In the Zeppelinfeld of Nuremberg, in 1935,
the altar of Pergamum was rebuilt to welcome Hitler: this demonstrates how
(again, contrary to what modernity assumes of itself) the division between
religion, politics and aesthetics is far from being overcome. The place of the
exhibition assumes as much importance as the work exhibited, and has a
strongly aestheticized character.
A beatification takes place, which occurs in spaces of great beauty. The
value evaporates from the object and migrates elsewhere, and is placed in
the surroundings, hovers in the environment, with a transition from the ergon
to the parergon, from the work to its frame. Then, from the frame, the aesthetic
appeal can once again concentrate in one spot: not in the artworks, but in the
capital element of the modern museum that is the museum shop, where you
find objects that participate in the ritual and make it part of your life in the
form of bags, ties, pencils and various pieces of stationery. I would like to prove
this with some notes about museums, where – this is the central question – the
“normal” aesthetic experience is rarely given.
Venice, Punta della Dogana. This is the typical case of the comforting func-
tion entrusted to the context. The works of art are not all beautiful, even if as
usual the visitors murmur “beautiful, beautiful”. Some are ugly, or irrelevant,
and the eye, inevitably, always falls on the surroundings, not finding sufficient
products of men’s hands. This I call the Fetishism which attaches itself to the products of
labour, so soon as they are produced as commodities, and which is therefore inseparable
from the production of commodities”. K. Marx, Capital (1867–1894), Volume One, Part I,
Chapter One, Section Four,
From Fountain to Moleskine 51
I had a conference the day before and in the evening I had to leave for Italy.
Without a car there’s only so much you can do in LA, so I took a taxi to the
museum, waiting for the time to go to the airport. I have plenty of time and
the place is wonderful, with a stupendous sea view. I walk around without
haste, and when I’m tired enough to feel the need to sit down, I find my-
self standing in front of James Ensor’s immense Christ’s Entry into Brussels.
Completely unexpected, it strikes me, and really gives me the idea of a miracle.
Well, this is the kind experience that we are told should happen in art – but, at
least for me, it is very rare indeed.
The most surreal museum of my life, however, was not an ordinary museum,
but a strange metamuseum that I once found without looking for it, a shop in
Turin collecting all the gadgets of museum shops all over the world, from of the
various MOMA, MOCA, MET, and so forth. Only the MOBA was missing. In my
opinion the owner had understood the essence of the cult that is celebrated in
museums, and had collected its relics. Nevertheless, as is usually said of great
artists, his genius must have been misunderstood, and the shop, if I’m not mis-
taken, has closed down.
4.4.4 Brandification
When objects are unique or almost there is no need for strategies to identify
them. At most, one identifies a mode of artisan production or (in the case of
food products) an indication of origin (Bordeaux or Port wine, etc.). But when
the commodities are produced serially and in a standardized manner, they
become identifiable through their brand, which also guarantees their quality,
origin, and all those characteristics that in a pre-industrial economy were guar-
anteed (if they were) by the the manufacturer or trader.
Brillo constitutes, so to speak, the awareness and the aesthetic enhance-
ment of a circumstance that in itself was accidental, and derives simply from
the progressive establishment of an industrial and standardized production
system, on the one hand, which therefore, on the other, is identified by an
idiomatic characteristic that makes it recognizable. It is this spirit of com-
modification that condenses into Brillo. “Brillo” is a proper noun, a registered
trademark, and therefore it is an extension of the logic of the duplicity of the
signature: on the one hand, it is unrepeatable and individual and, on the other,
is made to be repeated indefinitely to identify an industrial product. This logic,
if transferred to art, just as happens with Brillo, involves a significant – though
not always perceived – transformation of the Artworld, because it produces a
rapprochement between the world of a peculiar type of commodity, i.e. the
work of art, and the world of commodities in general. This is the intermedi-
ate stage of a dialectic that will lead, in the case of Moleskine notebooks, to
From Fountain to Moleskine 53
Are we talking about something else entirely? Some would say yes. I believe
instead that this is a renegotiation of the artistic contract. Personally, I con-
sider it even more ingenious than that drafted by Duchamp, which after all
was still dripping with romanticism (the artist transfigures the object, which
becomes an Artwork by magic). That is why I am amazed that the same person
can stand pensively in front of Fountain and then demonstrate against Burger
King (it does happen).
In 1917, at the time of Caporetto and the October Revolution, Duchamp ex-
hibited a urinal in a gallery and in 1964, when Lyndon B. Johnson began the
American military escalation in Vietnam, Warhol exhibited larger-scale re-
productions of the Brillo soap pad boxes. The logic that presided over these
artistic gestures marked an era, but this era is now gone. The world in which
they existed was a society of standardized industrial production, marked by
the centrality of commodities, and characterized by the predominant role of
communication (advertising). In a completely coherent fashion, Duchamp
and Warhol transformed standardized goods into works of art, and they did so
with a provocative attitude that caused clamour – with the mediation of crit-
ics and other happy few of the Artworld – in the world of communication. At
the time of Raphael none of this would have been possible. Standardized pro-
duction did not exist, therefore not only painters, but also ordinary craftsmen,
created unique pieces. And communication was not necessary, given that the
artists knew very well whom to address to make themselves known: to great lay
or ecclesiastical patrons. Besides, the latter had no need for the recommenda-
tions of art critics and experts to be advised in their purchases, as instead was
normal for the twentieth-century bourgeoisie, uncertain of its own taste and
above all eager to make investments.
On closer inspection, the world of Duchamp and Warhol, today, is no less
remote than that of Raphael. Even if we have not yet fully acknowledged it,
we are witnessing a “documedia revolution”, which consists in the union be-
tween the institutional power of documents (the web is the largest archive
that history has ever known) and the dynamism of the media (we are all both
receivers and producers of messages, whereas until not long ago we used to be
only receivers). This revolution has transformed not only knowledge but the
whole social world, with a speed and a power whose only equivalent can be
found in the capitalist revolution of the early nineteenth century. However,
we have not yet conceptualized this transformation and we are used to inter-
preting it as an evolution of capitalism, of the age of commodities and com-
munication. The analysis of art is no exception: museums, critics, artists and
galleries often behave as if we were still in Duchamp’s time, which is a bit
surprising in a world (the artworld) that has traditionally been conceived in
From Fountain to Moleskine 55
some elitist sects might gather to listen to dodecaphonic music and stare
Marina Abramović in the eyes, with the same retro spirit with which they
would go to a party meeting, buy vinyl records or hire a typist. But the
majority of people enjoys high-quality products that – I repeat- are
strongly individualized thanks to “profiling”, on the web and off the web.
Has the time finally come for the death of art? Of course not: on the con-
trary, this will be its rebirth, since art is made to give pleasure and recog-
nition, not boredom and intimidation.
In this context, the point is to write a new contract, the last among those drawn
up between artists and users in the last hundred years.
Arnoux’s idiotic husband. Might as well stick with Fountain. The design that
matters, and which I propose to call “strong design”, consists in taking an ob-
ject whose production is delocalized and automated, and whose function is
essentially useless – just like the Moleskine notebook – and “create a new way
of thinking abound that object “. Wasn’t this Duchamp’s project? Except that
now it permeates the whole world. Duchamp was indeed a prophet, but his
prophecy concerned primarily industry.
In industry today, as in art yesterday, the solution to automation cannot be
reduced to “handcraft”, but must focus on the notion of “creactivity”, which is
not a gross spelling error, but a variant of creativity on which I will concentrate
in the next article of the contract. The project is the essence of art, which is
no longer defined by the object and its potential beauty: in the same way, now
that the production of goods is delocalized, automated and metamorphosed,
industrial activity undergoes this same process of spiritualization, i.e. of pro-
duction of intangible assets. Here is what art can teach industry. Art has dealt
over a hundred years in advance with the dematerialization of products that
now characterizes industry. A hundred years later than art, the whole capital
world has now landed in Arcadia. The production is transferred to developing
countries, while innovation is available to everyone. Industrial countries retain
the advantage of owning data, but China is the one winning this race.
The real advantage lies in intangible assets, which are the real object of the
strong design that I am proposing.48 Consider two fundamental characteristics
of design. First, its instrumentality: design is born from the attempt to face
certain problems, and often solutions are found through practice, by doing.
Secondly, its operativity: in design the result is often related to how things go
beyond the project, in relation to an operativity that is independent of the in-
tellectual and planning level that allows one to find the right tools to address
a problem. The power of Google or Amazon, just to make the usual examples,
comes from an innovative scheme based on the development of old things
(the file in the case of Google, the postal market in the case of Amazon), but in
a new context, understanding its full documedia potential.
48 On the transformation of labour towards immateriality (design) cf.: A. Gorz, Critique
of Economic Reason, London, Verso, 1989 and Id., The Immaterial: Knowledge, Value and
Capital, London, Seagull Books, 2010. On the change in manufacture, see On Robotics and Humanities:
-for-the-21st-century%E2%80%8B/. On Industry 4.0:
58 Ferraris
practical and without self-destructive excesses. But what could strategy be?
Certainly not something purely immaterial, given that Hitler was saved in the
Rastenburg attack by the very table covered with papers on which he elab-
orated the strategic plans of the Wehrmacht. But, leaving wood and paper
aside, consider the strategy to create a new way of thinking about an object:
is it pure inspiration without perspiration? Or is it something with respect to
which the object is indifferent, a pure idea or a pretext? In Duchamp’s case,
one might think so. When it comes to Warhol and Moleskine, though, certain-
ly not. Consider someone who knew quite a bit about strategy like Helmuth
von Moltke, the architect of the Prussian triumph of 1870. In 1871, in the year
of the Lettres du voyant, he defined strategy a “system of expedients” (System
von Aushilfen). And he added: “Only the profane see the course of a campaign
as the coherent execution of an original idea, previously elaborated in all its
details by the commander, who remained faithful to it until the end”.
Creativity is creactivity: one creates only by reacting, in contact with the fric-
tion of reality, and practicing what Luigi Pareyson called “formativity”49 – the
artistic practice finds its own rules as it goes. There is no spirit without letter.
The object and the technical apparatus are never extrinsic, and indeed are the
occasion for Moltke’s “system of expedients” to emerge. They are the wedge:
the apparently dead and instrumental moment that can be transformed into
art, in spite of Benedetto Croce’s pure intuition (an in spite of many praises
of creativity as a gift from the gods). The wedge, indeed, titles a paragraph of
Pareyson’s Aesthetics, and Umberto Eco has dedicated a memorable essay
to it.50 Creativity, in short, is reactivity: an active reaction to technical emer-
gences and pre-existing constraints. The constraint thus becomes a possibil-
ity, without referring to some previous meaning but, on the contrary, bringing
out the meaning from the constraint and the resistance. Faced with technical
reproduction, and above all technology qua reproduction, twentieth-century
art anticipated the fundamental characteristics of the revolution in progress,
that is, the intervention of technology, the growth of automation and its condi-
tion of possibility – recording. It will come as no surprise that today the avant-
garde model is equally omnipresent in management, advertising, and politics,
as they all must amaze, surprise, shock and take people aback. This creativity
is articulated in documentality, formativity and performativity.
49 L. Pareyson, Estetica. Teoria della formatività (1954), Milano: Bompiani 1988.
50 U. Eco, “Sporcizie della forma” (1993), in Rivista di Estetica, 40–41 (monographic issue,
Luigi Pareyson, estetica e ontologia della libertà, XXXII, pp. 17–23).
60 Ferraris
5.2.1 Documentality
The thesis underlying the hypothesis of documentality is that the glue of soci-
ety must be sought in the sphere of the fixation of actions and of construction
of social objects. This perspective can be structured into four parts.51
1. Life and documents. What people can do, in terms of businesses and
personal life, is strongly conditioned by – if not completely dependent
on – documents. Recording is what makes social objects possible, things
like promises, bets, tasks, and money: they require communication, but
they must be fixed as recordings, otherwise they would be empty talk. A
stock exchange session without price lists, a marriage without register, a
sale without a contract, a court without a sentence would be frivolous ex-
ercises indeed, and if you knew you’d forget everything you are reading I
doubt you would have bothered reading these lines. We produce acts that
do not necessarily have to be linguistic,52 and which acquire their mean-
ing only if they are inscribed. Once inscribed they acquire the power
that we know they have, from signatures that decide of war and peace,
to typos that cause crashes in the stock exchange. This is why documents
are so crucial: this is why we line up to get them and we are desperate
if we lose them, and this is why documentality is such an important in-
gredient in society. This is why the documedia revolution prophesied by
Derrida in Grammatology took place.
2. Texts and motivations. In a way, even people’s profound motivations
and initiatives depend on texts. In a first, more obvious and elementary
sense, the role of documentality in the constitution of intentionality
concerns the advantages ensured by sharing plans in the management
of collective intentionality.53 Acting based on written documents is the
secret of military effectiveness, but more extensively it is the foundation
5.2.2 Formativity
Mediation comes first. According to Pareyson, artistic practice finds its rules
as it goes. This, however, does not only hold for art, but applies to technology
in general, which on the one hand appears as the realm of iterativity, but on
62 Ferraris
the other presents itself as the sphere of inventiveness – which is all the more
interesting as it is exposed to chance. Nobody could foresee from the begin-
ning all the possible uses of the lever and the wheel (not to mention those of
more complex devices). So, the functions that philosophers often ascribe to a
human super-faculty, the imagination, should rather be attributed to the pos-
sibilities of recording, externalization and accumulation that are immanent to
The priority of mediation means that it is not necessary to have a concept
in order to act. It is enough to have competence without understanding,54 that
is, a way of doing and mediating. Art is a field in which the competence with-
out understanding typical of technology has always been theorized (“Sing, o
goddess” is ultimately the acknowledgement of this fact). The artist cannot ac-
count for why they created the artwork exactly that way (Leibniz’s doctrine
of nescio quid): ever since the invocation of the muse in Homeric incipits, art
has always been thought to be inspired in the artist. In other words, it comes
from the outside, it is not determined by the author, and most of the times the
latter’s descriptions of the compositional process appeal to unconscious ele-
ments, or to an automatism that guides its realization (the characters dictate
their actions as if they were alive, certain words – for example “nevermore” in
Edgar Allan Poe’s Raven – guide the whole composition).
Social interaction is another eminent example of formativity. The image of
human action as an unconscious practice that becomes aware only through his-
torical becoming (an image that comes from Vico up to Hegel and historicism)
fully reflects this circumstance. We do not know why we act a certain way, and
only sometimes can we explain it. Reciprocally, knowing the principles guiding
our actions does not make us more efficient (otherwise, the professors of the
military academies would be the greatest strategists, which almost never hap-
pens). Finally, coming to mathematics and seemingly more abstract forms of
thought, Alan Turing’s great discovery consists in understanding that, in order
to calculate, it is not necessary to know what mathematics is, but to have the
technical skills that enable calculation. What did Vico say again? Homo non
intelligendo fit omnia: humans act before understanding, and understanding, if
and when it comes, is not the premise (as the Cartesians think), but the result.
This is the intuition underlying the pragmatist “learning by doing”.55
Learning a language, painting a picture, but also performing a mathematical
54 Theorized with several examples in D. Dennett, From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The
Evolution of Minds, London: Penguin, 2017.
55 G. Maddalena, The Philosophy of Gesture (2015), Montreal and London: McGill-Queen’s
University Press.
From Fountain to Moleskine 63
5.2.3 Performativity
The asset is intangible but not immaterial. So much so that it produces
effects: documentality generates performativity.56 Drafting a project does not
mean giving a sensible colour to ideas, mainly on the two-dimensional sur-
face of a project, but producing effects – hopefully positive ones – in a three-
dimensional world. Now, what is the difference between a project and a
representation? The project follows an adaptation line of this type: Drawing
→ World. A representation instead follows a line of adaptation World →
Drawing. We are very willing to admit that representations can fail to represent
the world, and we can ideologize this failure with abstraction and conceptu-
ality: the fact remains that failure is a constituent part of the representation.
Strangely enough, we are not willing to recognize that a project also has failure,
deviation, modification, and accident as its constitutive (and not accidental)
characteristics. As if the project was exhausted in the representation, without
the world. And without considering that, more profoundly, the complete cycle
of a project is World → Drawing → World: from a social and natural world, to a
design, through various representational difficulties, and from here, through
56 A. Armando, G. Durbiano, Teoria del progetto architettonico. Dai disegni agli effetti (2017),
Roma: Carocci, “L’architettura degli effetti”, pp. 377–484.
64 Ferraris
57 Ibid.
From Fountain to Moleskine 65
so much a concept, but above all the network of rules and bureaucracies that
constrain planning, and which are not simply limits but also, at the same time,
58 B. Bachimont, “Between Formats and Data: When Communication Becomes Recording”,
in A. Romele, E. Terrone (ed. by), Towards a Philosophy of Digital Media, (2018),
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. See also Bernard Stiegler, e.g. B. Stiegler, La société au-
tomatique (2015), Paris: Fayard.
59 L. Floridi, The Fourth Revolution. How the Infosphere Is Reshaping Human Reality (2014),
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
60 L. Floridi (ed. by), The Onlife Manifesto. Being Human in a Hyperconnected Era (2015),
London: Springer International.
61 L. Floridi, Infosfera. Etica e filosofia nell’età dell’informazione (2009), Torino: Giappichelli.
62 P. Teilhard de Chardin, Hominization, in Id., The vision of the past (1923), New York: Harper
& Row, p. 71.
66 Ferraris
society as a liquid society,63 in which ideas meet. Instead, it is the field of a life
that – if not “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short” like human life outside
society according to Hobbes – certainly is more laborious, less informed and
less transparent than one would like it to be. When social networks and com-
puter services clarified that the web world was indeed the real world, the only
one that exists, it was reiterated that the web was an infosphere in which we
exchange information, neglecting the decisive fact that everything that takes
place on the web is recording rather than communication.
This is the truly decisive aspect, metaphysically speaking: the web is neither
a dream world nor a sphere of empty words; it is a docusphere, a field that,
through an unprecedented recording power, creates documents. Only once we
understand this circumstance can we talk about the web while knowing what
we are talking about (which raises the doubt, hyperbolic but not unfounded,
that so far that we have talked about the web without truly knowing what
it was – but this would not be the first time since the discovery of the West
Indies). The web, from an ontological point of view, is not a representation of
society, but rather society itself, because society is made up of social objects as
recorded acts, and recording is now increasingly taking place on the web. In
fact, the web is much more than a super-television that transports and com-
municates information, which is then passively received by the user. The web
records and archives, and while with the spoken word and the old media there
can be communication without archive (recording is lost), with the advent of
writing, as well as the web and the new media that depend on it, the recording
is preserved and there can even be archive without communication.
This is why we need a Copernican revolution to reveal the structures of so-
cial reality: instead of asking what the human and society are in themselves, let
us rather ask how they manifest themselves through technological expressive-
ness. This revolution is all the more significant in the social and anthropologi-
cal field because, unlike the natural sphere investigated by Kant, there is no
reason to postulate an essence of the human being and society that is different
from their appearance, that is, from their concrete forms of manifestation. The
web, they say,64 is a revolution: the fourth, after Copernicus, Darwin and Freud.
They also say that this is a silent revolution.65 And they are right, because it is
an underestimated and misunderstood revolution, one that occurred without
But here’s the point: it occurred without clamour because it uses a silent
technique, i.e. recording. It is recording, and nothing else, that gives the web
its power,66 and what I wish to do is reduce the web to the principle of record-
ing, which is also the constitutive element of society as such.67 This anthro-
pological revolution is also, and quite significantly, the fourth technological
revolution68 related to writing (the first being the invention of writing, the
second the passage from codes to books, and the third the printing press). If
(not so long ago) oblivion used to be the norm and traces were the exception,
today the opposite is true. This possibility, immanent to the nature of the web,
emerged when Internet platforms began to collect consumer data to profile
them. In this sense, the web has been considered as a sort of panopticon.69
Actually, by manifesting itself as recording, the web qualifies as the current
form of social reality, which consists precisely in a sphere of acts recorded and
defined as documentality. The web has ceased to be considered as obviously
virtual,70 and there are ongoing rearguard arguments between proponents of
the real71 or at least partly real72 character of the web. However, only by leav-
ing these academic disputes behind can we grasp the philosophical and actual
essence of the web. The web is a great recording apparatus, and from recording
it draws its power and its normative force.
i.e. it is not a simple immaterial extension of social reality, but is defined as the
elective space for the construction of social reality; 4. it is mobilization rather
than emancipation, that is, it does not immediately provide liberation (as was
believed when the web took its first steps) nor is it simply an instrument of
domination, but it is rather a mobilizing apparatus, one that makes us perform
actions; 5. it is emergence rather than construction, in the sense that it is not
somebody’s deliberate project, but rather the result of many components that
have come together in a non-programmatic form; 6. finally, it is opacity and
not transparency, that is, it is not self-evident but, on the contrary, needs to be
clarified, revealing once again a strict isomorphism with the iceberg of social
reality, and in particular with its tip – i.e. capital. The documedia revolution al-
lows us to understand what would otherwise be inexplicable. As recording, the
web intervenes in the genesis of capital (it is itself the principle of capital for-
mation). Secondly, we understand why the web is at the basis of the transfor-
mations of labour, which is increasingly characterized as mobilization: indeed,
the web works as an archive that keeps track of our actions thus acquiring the
normative power of a document, which in turn causes new actions (as an ex-
ample, think of the double tick on WhatsApp: the message has been received
and read, therefore answering becomes almost obligatory). Postmodernism
dreamed of a liquid, tolerant and memory-less modernity. What has emerged,
instead, is the most powerful archive of all time, which multiplies and perfects
the power of social reality.
73 M. Carpo, The Second Digital Turn (2017), Cambridge (MA): The MIT Press.
From Fountain to Moleskine 69
is the hand (some say that Siri will change things in this respect, but I am not
so sure).
This process can be divided into three functions: 1. documentation, i.e. the
growth of information on traditional commodities (think of the production
tracing processes); 2. intermediation, i.e. the fact that the web takes the place
of traditional mediation not only in the economy, but also in politics and so-
cial relations. Indeed, a service economy (think of the activities carried out by
telephone companies or online stores such as Amazon) does not consist in
producing artifacts, but in generating and circulating documents relating to
the services offered and to their users; 3. production through 3D printing, by
running programs formulated the same way as documents (as a result of which
the difference between design and production disappears, from a conceptual
point of view). Let’s examine these three functions in more detail.
5.4.1 Documentation
First of all, the documentation is passive, so that the document-commodity is
a documented commodity: for example, the type of fruit, its degree of ripeness,
its shelf life, its sugar content. This is the cognitive advantage of the hyper-
documentation of products, which is a growing phenomenon. Before, the only
information available used to be the price: condensing a large amount of infor-
mation into the single summary of the price thus appears to be a largely inad-
equate solution. To illustrate the characteristics of documentation, I propose
five paradigmatic cases.
1. Contractual art. The first example is precisely the contractual art which
fully reveals how prophetic it was with respect to the rest of society. When
the production of objects is automated (which, in the case of painting,
happened almost two centuries ahead of industry), the character of art is
institutional, which is not so much in the production of an object (this
is essential, but, in fact, does not necessarily have to be done by hand by
the artist, or expressly), but rather the implementation of the contract
about the definition and enjoyment of the artwork underlying the rela-
tionship between producer and user.
2. Logos. The second, in line with contractual art, is quite obviously the logo,
criticized for reasons that are largely inscrutable74 or, better, purely ideo-
logical. Indeed, despite being sometimes unattractive from the aesthetic
point of view (but as we have seen this is a continuation of the process
74 N. Klein, No Logo: Taking Aim at the Brand Bullies, Knopf Canada, Picador, 1999. The text
has been widely discussed, but it has not been considered that logos and brands are prin-
ciples of responsibility and, therefore, liability.
70 Ferraris
75 M. Carpo, The Second Digital Turn (2017), Cambridge (MA): The MIT Press.
76 A. Armando, G. Durbiano, Teoria del progetto architettonico. Dai disegni agli effetti (2017),
Roma: Carocci.
From Fountain to Moleskine 71
5.4.2 Intermediation
There is a second area in which the documentation of goods becomes central:
that of intermediation. Traditional intermediations were not documents, but
basilicas, courts, travel agencies, parliaments or radiotaxis. The current inter-
mediations (which for incomprehensible reasons are often interpreted as dis-
intermediations) are archives intended for the management of documents (if
you prefer to call them “data management platforms”, you can, but it would be
less informative). Since the documents concern the whole sphere of social ob-
jects, their intermediation and management take place not only in the sphere
of the economy (where, as we shall see, the single company gives way to the
market), but everywhere. Partitocracy gives way to populism (more efficient,
but from an electoral point of view, not in terms of government). War gives
way to terrorism, whereby an activity that was previously managed by profes-
sional groups with managerial criteria is now entrusted to the market run by
freelancers recruited in ways similar to Uber drivers. Real communities give
way to media communities, also in the context of an improvement in living
conditions that it would be moralistic to condemn: why argue with the neigh-
bour when you can do so with an antipodean? Why drink cheap champagne in
a dodgy bar when there are so many people to meet on dating sites?
We are dealing with an active documentation, in which we witness the
creation of market-companies that allow for the circulation of commodities –
which explains, why now that almost everything is done by machines, we still
do not work fifteen hours a week. The commodities must move, and either we
go to the goods (as was done traditionally) or the goods come to us (as hap-
pens in the documedia world). But for the goods to come to us, it is necessary
72 Ferraris
for documents to ensure their transfer. And this is where the new forms of
intermediation come in: Upwork for work, Bitcoin for money, Amazon for
goods, Google for knowledge, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for the social
world. Each of these intermediations replaces a previous one: Amazon instead
of Walmart, Airbnb instead of Hilton, Uber instead of Hertz. And each of these
intermediations transfers a relatively large part of the work to those who re-
ceive the services, which explains why – without knowing it, and without any-
body bothering to tell us – we now work fifteen hours a day.
The commodity thus manifests its own humanity. Obviously the other side
is also valid, namely that the humanization of the commodity has its counter-
part in the commodification of the human. But, really, I cannot understand
what is so surprising about this. The word “value” was notoriously as marvel-
lous as “sense” for Hegel, since it simultaneously indicates an unconditional
moral principle (the non-negotiable value of life, for example) and the econom-
ic principle of exchange value. These two apparently contradictory meanings
are actually coherent with each other, and have a common root: documental-
ity as the origin of both social objects and moral intentionality.
What is taking place is a documentation of the world of life: the social
world, and the documents that make up its main structure, converge with the
media world, creating a situation in which recording (the traditional sphere
of bureaucracy, economy, capital) and communication (the sphere of mass
media and individualized social networks) come to constitute a single reality.
Former industrial plants are reborn as warehouses and malls are replaced by
Amazon. This is how Amazon answers the question: how do commodities get
to people’s homes? Amazon produces documents, managing and acquiring a
gigantic flow of data that allow it to perfect its algorithms, thereby obtaining
a cognitive surplus value. The latter is precisely the documedia surplus value,
i.e. the difference between the value of the data provided by the platforms
to the users and the value (much higher, because secret and individualized)
of the data that users provide to the platforms.
5.4.3 Production
The third form of the documentation of commodities, which perfects the
previous ones, is 3D production, which as I said assimilates the production
of objects to the writing of documents. On the one hand, we have a growth
of documediality: if in the sphere of information and intermediation the doc-
ument refers to pre-existing objects or agents, here it is the document itself
that is productive not only in the context of social reality (as traditionally oc-
curs), but also in the production of artifacts. This transformation is also an
epochal turning point in the history of the document. The first documents
were oral, i.e. one-dimensional (oaths, promises); then they became written,
From Fountain to Moleskine 73
77 M. Carpo, L’architettura dell’età della stampa (1998), Milano: Jaca Book.
74 Ferraris
changed social structure that generates the need of services once provided by
the family organization.
These data, in other words, do not speak only of themselves (often boast-
ing), as happens in financial capital, but (if collected and interpreted prop-
erly), they tell the lives of billions of people (those who produced them) with
a quantitative extension that can turn into qualitative precision, to the point
of knowing individuals better and more than they know themselves. So, if
industrial capital produced goods through machines and labour, and if finan-
cial capital produced money through money (or at least hoped to do so), the
documedia capital produces money through the data that each of us gener-
ates on the web. What is more important, however, is that these data are not
constructed, but emerge as a result of our activity on the web. Google cannot
print data like the Bank of America can print dollars; unless it wants to pro-
duce fake data, it can only collect them by recording our mobilization, which
is therefore the source of the wealth of GAFAM.
5.5.2 Docuworld
A documedia market is a huge library, bearing knowledge of the individual.
Documedia platforms store the flow of multidimensional information. The
documedia market, which not coincidentally reduces the company to an
internet intermediation, is particularly developed in the field of travel, car
sharing, and electronics. Amazon (which is a market rather than a company,
if we think about it, or rather is a company that proposes itself as a market),
documedializes everything from books to shoes. There is a decentralization
of decisions, typical of the market, but at the same time (and this is the prob-
lem to be solved through the socialization of documedia profits)80 there is a
centralization of profits, typical of the company. If companies want to survive,
they must introduce new market elements: in particular horizontality. It is im-
portant to note a circumstance that plays a key role in the transformation of
labour: it is rightly observed that the passage from goods to documents shifts
the decision-making power from managers to rich data flows coupled with
machine learning systems; but in addition to the transformation of corporate
governance, it should not be underestimated that the major transformations
will concern the very nature of companies.
Not only will traditional commodities face the processes of documedializa-
tion that I have just described, but companies will have to incorporate systems
of document collection and management that reduce the gap (and degree of
dependence) between traditional businesses and GAFAM. The so-called big
data should be more correctly called big documents, because they do not simply
account for states of things, but produce events, in that they have a performa-
tive nature. Some have proposed the term “datafication” to define the ongo-
ing phenomenon,81 but it seems more appropriate to speak of “documents”, as
the documedia turn has produced precisely a process of documentation. More
documents are produced than ever before, and what was previously not docu-
mentable is now documented. But what is a document? “Document” trans-
lates the Latin documentum, from doceo, meaning “what shows or represents
a fact”. This description seems to fit all three spheres in which it is customary
to speak of documents: the historical one, where “document” designates all
that appears relevant for the reconstruction of the past; the informative one,
where the term includes everything that conveys an information, more or less
in the sense in which “.doc” is the format of Microsoft Word files; and the legal
one, where it indicates what has legal value. Intuitively, it is this third sense,
which is also the oldest and most traditional, that appears to be most specific.
The other two values, the historical and the informative, derive from the juridi-
cal one – so historians say. Here “juridical” is to be understood, at least in my
theory, in an extensive sense, which pertains to the overall process of inscrip-
tion of all that is socially relevant, from economics to religion.
If this is the prevailing meaning in the definition of “document”, be it public
or private, prescriptive (as a law) or descriptive (such as a passport, driving
license, diploma), then one should integrate and specify the description of
document as a “representation of a fact” with that of document as “record-
ing of an act”. Acts here are things like ordering, promising, betting, and so
forth. In many cases they are linguistic, but not always (I can order something
with a wave of the hand, I can greet with a nod, etc.). Documents record these
acts, and that is why they matter: the identity card proves that I am me, my
grandfather’s will justifies the validity of a given inheritance, the credit card re-
ceipt certifies that I have paid. From the perspective I am proposing, the docu-
ment must be conceived not as something given once and for all, constituting
a stable class of objects, but rather as the reification of social acts which, in
turn, change in the course of history and geography. The constant, here, is not
offered by the type of acts or by the resulting documents, but by the fact that
without acts and without inscriptions a society is not conceivable. So, not all
inscriptions are documents, but all inscriptions, under certain conditions and
provided a certain social power, can become such.
81 V. Mayer-Schönberger, K. Cukier, Big Data: A Revolution That Will Transform How We Live,
Work, and Think (2013), Boston: Eamon Dolan.
From Fountain to Moleskine 77
82 M. Ferraris, Documentality. Why It Is Necessary to Leave Traces (2009), New York: SUNY,
83 V. Crescenzi, La rappresentazione dell’evento giuridico, cit., p. 19.
78 Ferraris
falling into a circular reasoning. I can show my medical degree to testify that
I am not an impostor, but what makes it a proof is the fact that it is valid, so
much so that if its validity is questioned, for example in court, it would be
necessary to produce supporting evidence. In other words, a document cannot
itself prove its validity.84
Differentiated by these peculiarities, the document in the strong sense and
the document in the weak sense are nevertheless united by the circumstance
of being valid only in a context. I can use a strong medieval document, for ex-
ample a will, as a weak document, for example as an attestation of a testator’s
assets in a local history article. The strong document, which has expired in its
legal function, finds a new topicality as a weak document valid in historiogra-
phy. In both cases, however, there must be an assembly (at least two people)
willing to consider the document as such. This is even more true of uninten-
tional documents, such as traces and exhibits, which do not have a document
value per se, but acquire it within a specific legal, technical, or political context.
The latter can also intervene to make the trace evident, for example with traces
of DNA or carbon 14, which are not at all visible to the naked eye.
2. Formal documents and informal documents. The documedia revolution
leads us to identify an intermediate sphere, which I propose to call “informal
documents”. These are the documents that are produced on social media: they
are not unintentional like weak documents but they are not deliberately aimed
at the construction of social objects either, as happens in the case of strong
documents. It is difficult to make predictions, but it is likely that, since the dif-
ference between formal documents and informal documents does not lie in
the document, but in the issuing authority, there will be a progressive canon-
ization of informal documents, following the process by which the cell phone
number has progressively become an identification system with functions
similar to those of the signature.
85 T. Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century (2013), Cambridge (MA): Harvard University
Press, 2014.
80 Ferraris
exchange. Which shows that there can be a social object even in the complete
absence of intentionality, provided that there are records and algorithms able
to deal with it: the algorithm that buys or sells shares has no form of awareness
of its work, and yet its operations are effective, while if the human agents at a
stock exchange were aware and intentional, but no transactions were tracked,
then the whole operation would be pointless. It follows that the commod-
ity’s document-becoming is not a deviation, a spiritualization or a cognitive
transformation, but simply the revelation of its essence. From the docume-
dia perspective, commodities (and, more clearly, spectacles) are revealed as
“sensible-supersensible (sinnlich übersinnliche) or social things”,86 where the
relationship between things is only a social relationship between people,87
and things manifest themselves as documents (Debord complains that the
spectacle can easily be managed in a monopolistic form by bureaucrats,88 thus
recognizing its document nature).
86 K. Marx, The Value-Form. Appendix to the 1st German edition of Capital, Volume 1, 1867,
in Capital and Class, No.4 Spring 1978, pp.130–150, available at
87 “It is only the definite social relation of people (der Menschen) itself which here [in the
commodity] takes on for them the phantasmagoric form of a relation of things.”. K. Marx,
The Value Form (1867–1894), cit.
88 G. Debord, Society of the Spectacle (1967), Black & Red, 1977, § 64; on how bureaucrats took
power after the October revolution, cf. § 104.
82 Ferraris
While the production of artefacts in a factory brings the object to the fore,
data collection or exchanges on social media (which in turn produce further
data) bring to the fore the relationship between people. The latter is an ex-
plicit relationship in the productive space that has taken the place of factories,
namely social media. With what appears to be the end of alienation, people’s
activity often consists not in the production of objects, but in the creation of
documents that express thoughts and preferences, all within a relationship
that takes place on social media. This is obviously a prolongation of the classic
exchange of opinions and daily chat, except that it can last longer, not being
incompatible with work activities that most often – again – consist of the pro-
duction of documents (unlike the age of production, which took place in very
bad communicative conditions). Above all, unlike the social exchanges of the
past, it leaves traces, i.e. it is configured as a production of documents. From
this point of view, the difference between working time and living time is lost.
What we produce as workers, and what we produce as generic human beings,
is made of the same stuff: of documents.
And even when the relationship between people is less evident, as in the
case of data collection caused by any of our web activities other than those
involving a relationship between people (for example, reading a newsletter,
browsing a catalogue, making a purchase), the fact remains that at the centre
of the process there isn’t the production of an object, but the subjects, their
habits, their preferences, their consumer habits. This is a Copernican revolu-
tion, in which the fundamental concern of the market no longer consists in the
production of objects (which has become unproblematic and resolvable with
processes that, as in 3D printing, can produce individualized products), but
the knowledge of subjects, and more precisely knowledge of the individual.
In both cases, the fundamental commodity is not the industrial product, but
the document generated by the exchange of data, by the need for distribu-
tion, or by the acquisition of data. The latter, indeed, is the main activity: the
contemporary counterpart to the production of commodities in the industrial
at the centre of the market and social attention. In the twenty-first century,
the documedia revolution is not only undermining the traditional forms of
economic mediation and political representation, but also forces us to rethink
the very methods of production, distribution and consumption of goods. And
what was once only a problem for artists has now become a problem for ev-
eryone. Since artists seem to have solved it better than philosophers (because,
unlike the latter, they could not fall back on teaching), philosophers should
learn from artists – not concepts (artists have never been particularly brilliant
at those) but contracts, i.e. ways to renegotiate relations with the world. And
they should try to share them with those who are neither philosophers nor art-
ists, but who in some way are forced to become both in the face of the impera-
tives of the documedia revolution. The philosophy of art would finally help
everyone, and I hope the present essay has offered a small contribution in this
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