DSA 4b1
DSA 4b1
DSA 4b1
The Satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task
would be incomplete without the mention of people whose ceaseless co-operation
made it possible, whose constant guidance and encouragement crown all efforts
with success.
I humbly express my thanks to our Principal Dr. K. Appa Rao for extending
his support and for providing us with an environment to complete our project
I would also like to thank our Vice Principal, Dr. B.Ramesh Reddy for
encouraging us which certainly helped to complete the project in time.
modeled us both technically and morally for achieving greater success in life.
Reddy, Dr. Y.V.N.R. Swamy and Smt. M.V.L. Bhavani, Department of Electronics and
I would like to express my heart full thanks to our parents for their unflinching
support and constant encouragement throughout the period of our project work
I would like to thank all the teaching and non-teaching staff members of
Electronics and Communication Engineering who have extended their full co-
List of Tablesiv
Microstrip line4
Applications to HFSS9
Photolithography process10
3.3 DESIGN S P E C I F I C A T I O N S 23
3.3.1Frequency of operation 23
3.3.2 Dielectric constant of the substrate 23
3.3.3 Height of Substrate 23
4.3 PATCH31
5.3 VSWR48
List of Figures
4.4Patch modelling31
4.6Patch dimensions modelling31
4.7.2Subtracting of objects32
4.8.1Ground formation33
4.10Validations checked36
5.5 Iteration-339
5.15 Representing the S11plots for three substrates47
List of Tables
Patch antenna 03
Parameters variation48
Microstrip antenna is the main key building for wireless communication
and global positioning system, to support the high mobility necessity for a
many more, but microstrip antennas have some disadvantages such as low
gain and narrow bandwidth.
Rectangular patch and ground plane are modified by introducing circular slots
parameters like VSW R, return loss, gain characteristics, field and current
Implementation of 5G(3.3-4GHz),
research is that he had reduced the waves to the millimeter level about
5mm wavelength and also, he is the first person to detect radio waves
using semiconductor junction.
patch of various shapes on the surface of a PCB with a ground plane onthe
other side of the PCB [8-11]. The RF current is given between the antenna
and ground plane. In recent years, these antennas have their importance
due to their thin planar structure used in various products, aircraft and
layer attached to the opposite site of the substrate which creates a ground
Diamond 1
Teflon 2.1
Taconic RF-35 3.5
Rogers RT/duroid 5880 2.2
Rogers RO4350 3.66
Dielectric Substrate: FR-4 (high loss, low gain antenna, cheap, easy
availability); low loss and low permittivity (RT Duroid 6002, PTFE, high gain
permittivity, low loss, low distortion); ceramic (Rogers RO 3200, low cost,
GPS patch antenna) etc. Dielectrics are used for improved mechanical
and electrical stability. They are utilized to decreasethe size of the antenna
(higher permittivity, lower size) and can assist with creating displacement
current which produces time changing Magnetic Field (by Ampere's Law).
This can thus deliver time differing Electric Field (by Faraday's law) and a
radiation capacity.
edge of the patch as shown in figure.1.2(a). This type of feed also called
Offset Microstrip line feed (contacting scheme). The advantage is that the
1.4.2Co-axial feed
the most common feeding technique used for microstrip antennas is Co-
radiating patch and the outer conductor is connected to the ground plane
as shown in Figure.1.2(b). The advantage of probe feed is that the feed can
1.4.3Aperture coupling
with microstrip line through an aperture and creates an electric filed in the
1.4.4Proximity coupling
scheme. In this feeding, two substrate materials are used so that the feed
line is given in between those two substrates and the patch is on top of the
upper substrate material shown in figure.1.2(d). Here, also the thicknessof
antenna increases.
Reliability Poor Good Good Better
Impedance Easy Easy Easy Easy
through the Transmission line and separated from the Antenna into free
(i) Curved wire: helical antenna and loop antennas comes under this
category these type of antennas are used for high frequency portable
transceivers which are used in ultra-wide band communications.
(ii) Bent wire: the radiation takes place more efficiently when the wire is
bent, either it may be single end or at both the ends of the wire
the wire is properly terminated, this type of wired antennas can work
2. Two-wire:
electric filed between the conductors. Both linear and half dipole comes
under this two-wire radiation mechanism
issues are quickly and precise gotten. Ansoft-HFSS uses the Limited
Component Technique (FEM), versatile cross section, and magnificent
• The name HFSS represents High Recurrence Structure Test system.
• Ansys HFSS has advanced over a time of years with contribution from
virtual prototyping.
• Microwave advances
• W aveguide segments
• RF channels
• Three-dimensional discontinuities
- W indows 7 64bit
- 1GB(orhigher)illustrationscard(DRD hashadgreat
with NVIDIA cards).
- 12-48 GB of Smash
Antennascanbefabricatedusingtwomethods.Theyare(1) Photolithography
The format is made utilizing CAD devices and print out of the
wake of drying, the veil is put over the substrate and is presented to the
are evacuated utilizing the etching procedure utilizing Ferric chloride. FeCl3
shown in figure.1.9.
direct sounds, in effect simulating being inside a large room. For testing
antennas, radars RF anechoic chamber is used in which interior surfaces
are covered with radiation absorbent material instead of acoustically
absorbent material shown in figure.1.11. RF anechoic chambers are used for
measuring of antenna radiation patterns, electromagnetic interference.
Figure.1.11Anechoic chamber
sure that their elements work properly. A Vector Network Analyzer contains
both a source used for generating a stimulus signal and a set of receivers
which are used for determining the changes in the stimulus caused by
devices to be analyzed in
can obtain higher data rate and greater bandwidth using DGS.
In our proposed design circular slots are introduced in the patch and the
also design specifications are mentioned. The design flow of the proposed
antenna is discussed.
Chapter 6: Concludes the highlights of our work in the thesis and future
different research papers. The following survey describes the step- by-step analysis
that the incorporation of a U-slot in the patch can provide a flat input
resistance and a linear input reactance across a wider bandwidth than the
at the antenna input, the impedance matching frequency of the antenna can
be varied. The fabricated prototype antenna attains a tunable frequency
range from 2.6 to 3.35 GHz. The proposed antenna is simple in structure, and
is used for W IFI (2.4 GHz frequency range) applications. This antenna is
3. Gazala Pravin et al proposed a low cost microstrip patch antenna array for
networks, in which a good VSW R value was observed but this antenna
they explained about different feeding techniques but works only for few
4.69-5.10 GHz, which makes a nice compromise between antenna volume and
impedance bandwidths. 5G has brought several new sub-6 GHz bands (such
as N77, N78, and N79) and the new 4 x 4 multiple-input multiple- output
(MIMO) specification, which greatly increase the antenna number of a 5G
suitable for net W LAN and W iMAX applications is proposed in this letter. The
5.2 GHz. W hen the inverted-L slot is etched, the antenna produces a second
resonance at around 4.1GHz. Then, with the addition of the metamaterial reactive
loading, the resonant frequency of the antenna will be shifted down, and a third
resonance covering the 2.4-GHz band occurs. Consequently, the antenna can cover
the 2.4/5.2/5.8-GHz W LAN and 2.5/3.5/5.5-GHz W iMAX bands with a very compact
dipole loaded with a single microstrip line for multiband antenna systems. The
2.3 ~ 2.6 GHz; W LAN bands at 2.4 ~ 2.5, 5.2, and 5.8 GHz; W iBro/W iMAX bands at 3
~ 4 GHz. 8.Pedro Cheong, Ke Wu, W ai-W a Choia and Kam-Weng Tam proposed
Yagi–Uda Antenna for Multiband Radar Applications In this letter, a simple and
compact Yagi-Uda antenna with good antenna gains is proposed for multiband
namely 1.9, 2.5, and 3.5 GHz.It demonstrates high performance of the designed
multiband Yagi-Uda antennameasured operating frequencies are 1.89, 2.54, and 3.51
GHz, respectively, and the realized antenna gains are 6.29, 4.63, and 6.77 dBi,
correspondingly. Measured front-to-back ratios are better than 10.8 dB, hence
the 2.40-2.51GHz, 3.35-3.94 GHz and 5.02-6.63 GHz frequency ranges, which is
suitable for W LAN 2.4/5.2/5.8 GHz and W iMAX 3.5 GHz applications.
has a simple structure, which consists of four Γ -shaped electric plates which can
change the current distribution and realize four operating frequency bands. The
multi-band antenna can realize the operating frequency bands (the reflection
coefficient ≤ -10 dB) from 1.86 to 1.92 GHz (3.2%) in the first frequency band, from
2.30 to 2.65 GHz (14.2%) in the second frequency band, from 3.40 to
3.80 GHz (11.1%) in the third frequency band, and from 5.30 to 6.92 GHz (26.5%) in
11. Jingli Guo, Yanlin Zou and Chao Liu proposed by A novel compact
patch pairs with opposite phase feed. Considering the coupling between two
patches in the design, an antenna with a size about 54.5 × 22 × 20 mm 3 is
constructed and tested. The simulated and measured results show that the
antenna has the active reflection coefficient less than -9.6 dB in the band 2.6-6
GHz. The radiation performance of the antenna is good over the whole
frequency band.
12. Hang Wong, Ka-Ming Mak and Kwai-Man Luk proposed by A wideband
dipole due to the shorted bowtie patch antenna and an electric dipole are
excited together. Almost equal radiation pattern in the E-plane and H-planes is
built using the recently developed U-slot loaded patch technique. W ith the
operating frequency of 1.575 GHz, the size of the patch is 0.13λ o × 0.13λ o ,
while the ground size is 0.315λ o × 0.315λ o and the thickness of the substrate
is 0.05λ o . The measured gain is 4.5 dBi, and axial-ratio bandwidth is 3.2%.
locations, it is demonstrated that the conical and the broadside modes which
operated at the same frequency range. For a tested antenna operated at 1.85
GHz, the bandwidth (SW R<2) achieved is 24%,and the isolation between
the two input ports is 28 dB. The gains of the conical and broadside modes are
networks, the antenna can be reconfigurable in radiation pattern. The antenna can also
15. Neha Tanzeem Sagar designed an Ultra W ideband Circular Ring antenna
16. Wen-Chung Liu et al Slots are used in the ground plane to excite
standard (3.5/5.5 GHz). W ithout using defected ground plane antenna is not
matched.W ith the use of L-shaped strips improves impedance matching and
patch antenna, with design operating frequencies of 6.53 GHz and 8.62 GHz,
9.556 dBi with corresponding reflection coefficients of -18.69 dB (VSW R = 1.263) and
18. Huachong Liu,Linglong Meng and Xingyue Huo a novel dual-band dual-
coplanar waveguide feed integrated on the ground plane to realize the design
resonant frequency points are excited. The measured results show that the
design can produce resonance at two frequency points of 4.6 GHz (TM 01
mode) and 5.2 GHz (TM 02 mode), and the peak gain is
2.23 dBi and 4.40 dBi respectively. The E-plane dual directional radiation is maximum
at ±45°. 19.Shuai Gao, Lei Ge, 3. Shuai Gao, Lei Ge, Dengguo Zhang and Wei QinWei
Qin proposed a low- profile dual-band stacked microstrip monopolar patch antenna is
achieved. The measured results demonstrate that the antenna can achieve
impedance bandwidths from 2.24 to 2.53 GHz in the low band and from 5.42 to
5.98 GHz in the high band, separately. Besides, the proposed antenna possesses a
wavelength of 4.1GHz), which can be easily hidden on the top of a vehicle. W ith
these merits, the proposed design is very appropriate for wireless local area
network (2.4-2.48 GHz and 5.75-5.825 GHz) and car-to-car (5.85-5.925 GHz)
Antenna W ith a Cross Dipole for Dual Polarization A dual-polarized shorted bowtie
antenna integrated with a cross dipole is presented. The electric cross dipole is
added to generate a symmetric radiation pattern and to compensate the high back
radiation due to the shorted patches. This novel dual-polarized antenna is designed
for the existing DCS, PCS, and 3G mobile communication systems working between
1.71and 2.17 GHz. Stable and symmetric radiation patterns at slanted plusmn45deg
polarization have been obtained over the operating frequency bands. Measured
isolation between the two input ports is over 28 dB. The gain of the proposed
antenna is also stable with frequency. The average is about 6.6 dBi 20.Ka-Ming
integrated with a cross dipole is presented. The electric cross dipole is added to
generate a symmetric radiation pattern and to compensate the high back radiation
due to the shorted patches. This novel dual-polarized antenna is designed for the
existing DCS, PCS, and 3G mobile communication systems working between 1.71and
2.17 GHz. Stable and symmetric radiation patterns at slanted plusmn45deg
polarization have been obtained over the operating frequency bands. Measured
isolation between the two input ports is over 28 dB. The gain of the proposed
6.6 dBi
achieve high bandwidth [9- 18]. The feeding method used to excite the
Ground Length Lg 28
Ground W idth Wg 24
Radius of circle 3 R3 12
Segments of circle 3 R3 3
Radius of circle 4 R4 10
Segments of circle 4 R4 3
Radius of circle 5 R5 5.4
Segments of circle 7 R7 3
Segments of circle 8 R8 3
this frequency range. For our design 3 GHz resonant frequency is selected.
For our design FR4 EPOXY dielectric material is selected which is having
3)Calculation of Length
4)Return Loss
Return loss is a figure that means the proportion of radio waves appearing
at the input of the antenna that are eliminated as a ratio against those
signals that are taken. For example, a reception apparatus. In the system
that the power given to the antenna under-test (AUT) is P (in) and the
power returned back to the input port is P(ref), the level of difference
between the occurrence and returned power in the travelling waves is
given by the proportion Pin/Pref. If this level results higher then,the better
W hich is a positive quantity if ref in P < Pi. Also defined in another way, RL
W here ρ is the reflection coefficient at the input of the antenna under test
AUT. That is, return loss is the negative of the reflection coefficient
(VSW R) then
The above figure describes the design flow of the proposed antenna.
patch. First the ground plane is drawn using rectangle shape tool. The
ground and the patch are two dimensional. Substrate layer is created by
using box as it is having thickness of 1.6mm. Patch is also drawn using
rectangle tool and dimensions are given as per the Table.3.1. Now, the
input to the microstrip antenna can be given by using offset feeding
technique and it is also drawn using rectangle shape. Since the ground and
patch are conducting materials, we assign boundary as Perfect E (copper
given through lumped ports. In this design as we are dealing with radio
Set Model
Units To set
the units:
Select the menu item 3D Modeler > Units
Select Units: mm
Click the OK
button To set the
default material:
Using the 3D Modeler Materials toolbar, choose Select
Type FR4 epoxy in the Search by Name field; Click the OK button
To draw the rectangular Patch, click on the toolbar. Then draw a box tool by
giving the following data as shown below.
As we all know that the Patch and Feed line are consideryed to be
single object and same material. So, we have to unite them. Click on both
objects that you need to unite that is Patch and Feedline in the history
tree. Click on one and hold the CTRL key and click on the other. Right Click
Edit > Boolean
> Unite. Thus, these 2 objects are united.
Figure.4.7.1Uniting of Objects
To draw the Ground Plane, click on the toolbar. Then draw a box by giving
To draw the Microstrip Feedline, click on the toolbar. Then draw a planein
technique. To draw the input port, click on the toolbar. Then draw aplane
as per the dimensions by giving the following data as shown below.
Choose the object Port from history-tree, right-click and assign
excitation. In our case, it is lumped port. Click lumped port, name it asyour
To assign Lumped-port excitation
Select the menu item HFSS > Excitations > Assign > Lumped port Lumped
port: General
Name: p1
GHz, Maximum Number of Passes are 19 and loss tangent per Pass is 0.02.
HFSS > Analysis Setup > Add Sweep. Select Solution Setup: Setup-1. Click
OK button. Then Edit Sweep W indow. Sweep Type: Fast, Frequency Setup
Type: Linear Count, start: 1GHz, Stop: 16 GHz, Count: 1000. Click OK button.
To validate the designed model, select the menu HFSS > Validation
toolbar (located next to the green validation check mark). This will run all
simulation setups associated with the current design. Alternatively, you
may right-click on an individual solution setup (such as in the Project
Manager and select 'A nalyze').
In this chapter the complete design of the microstrip patch antenna using
HFSS is discussed and mentioned about analysis setup, solution setup. In
next chapter, the parametric analysis is done to analyze the characteristics
of proposed antenna and experimental results are observed.
Figure 5.1Iteration-1
slots at each corner of the circle 1having radius of 12.5mm and a circular
slot at the center of patch with radii 15.4mm and 4.4mm as shown in
Figure.5.3 Iteration-2
figure.6.5 .
Figure.5.5 Iteration-3
Figure 5.9 Representing the structure along with properties of substrate with
material FR-4 epoxy
W ave forms are as follows
Figure 5.10 Representing the S11and VSW R plots for FR-4 epoxy
Changing of substrate is very simple, just click on substrate and edit the material as
Figure 5.11Representing the structure along with the properties of substrate with
material Duroid
similarly change the substrate as Rogers RO3006 and observe the result.
Figure 5.13 Representing the structure along with properties of substrate with
Rogers material
According to the analysis it is found that the antennas gives better performance
only with the FR-4 epoxy substrate . hence it is finalized for the design.
Figure 5.15 Representing the S11plots for three substrates
Figure 5.16 Representing the VSW R plots for three different substrates
5.3 VSW R
VSW R stands for Voltage Standing W ave Ratio, which is a function of the
Hence a microstrip patch antenna is designed which works under
different frequencies. The substrate used here is FR4 epoxy having relative
fabricated and tested used for obtaining good impedance matching along
with improvement in Bandwidth. Operating frequency range of
The future scope of our project is that we can make the microstrip
Innovation, 2018.
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[15]Jing Pei, An-Guo W ang, Shun Gao, Wen Lang, “Miniaturized Triple-
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[36] Vivek Singh Rathor and Jai Prakash Saini, “A Design of Swastika
[38] Wen-Chung Liu, Yang Dai and Chao-Ming Wu, “Design of Triple-
July 2011.
[39]Y.F. Cao, S.W. Cheung and T.I. Yu, “A Multiband Slot Antenna for GPS/
Propagation, 2015.
Ait lafkih, Seddik Bri and Mohamed Nabil Srifi, “Novel Design of