Hyde Genealogy Ord 02 Wal W
Hyde Genealogy Ord 02 Wal W
Hyde Genealogy Ord 02 Wal W
929 .2
V.2 ,
Vol. II.
Entered accorJing to Act of Congress, in the year 18G4,
in the Clerk's Ofhce of the District Court for the Northern District of
New Yorlc.
two sons and one daughter. Capt. John Fowler his eld-
est son, b. 1 March, 1681, at ISTew^ Haven removed to Leb-
anon about 1702, where he married and settled, and where
he d. 8 May, 1751. By his wafe Sarah, wdio d. in 1774, at
the age of 88 years, he had three sons and two daugh-
ters. Capt. Dijah Fowler, their } oungest son, b. 10 une,
Gen. Amos Fowler and his wife Lydia L. Backus (1768.
settled at Lebanon, where he was a member of the legisla-
ture, and served in every grade of office in the militia, np to
the rank of major-general, and where she d. 6 Jan., 1849.
legislature lSo5.
in They were livinji' :it Bozrrih in 1858,
and had iive children:
1. Man/ Frtmcf^s, b. 20 Nov., 184;").
2. Lnc'retia ILjil,'. b. 29 Sept., 1850.
3. DunU'l Aldiiso)), b. ;U Jan 1853..
After the death of liis first wife, Gen. Amos Fowler re-
moved to Windsor, Conn., where he m. jS'ov., 1854, Sarah
Hayden of AVindsor, where they were living in 1858, and
lie had by her one child : Laura Lncretia, b. about Jan.,
After the death of Jabez Tracy, his widow became the
second wife of his third cousin. Major Eleazer Tracy (1179,)
of Franklin.
52346. Lucius.
5234c. Samuel.
5234cZ. Delia.
5234fi. Marcia.
5234/'. Annette.
ham, by his first wife Mary Tracy (431), was a great grand-
daughter of Jabez Hyde (8) of the third generation. He
graduated at Yale in 1800, and engaged in the business of
teaching. He m. 24 Sept., 1800, Mana De Forest, b. 1790,
at Huntington, daughter of OtlniielDe Forest and Hannah
Tomlinson. They lived at Colchester, Huntington, and
Stratford, Conn., where he was a teacher al)out 40 years.
He had a fine literary taste, and considerable poetic talent.
She d. 12 Jan., 1828, at Huntington.
His children hy her were :
May, 1849; Roscoe L., b. 10 Dec, 1850, d. 21 Sept., 1851;
Harriet Amelia, b. 22 April, 1853 and Lois Eleanor.
3. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Sept., 1826, d. Sept., 1827.
4. Elizabeth Lord, b. 1828, d. 1839.
5. Henry Oliver, b. 20 June, 1831, m. 29 Oct., 1856,
Mary Elizabeth Wilcox, daughter of Charles Wilcox and
Hannah his wife of Niagara Falls and was living at Youngs-
2. Mary EUzaheth, b. 7 July, 1823, d. 15 June, 1827.
3. Mary Anne, b. 19 June, 1827, d. 16 Nov., 1831.
5247a. A daughter (twin), b. 24 May, 1806, at Fairfield, died unn.
5248. Amy EHza, b. 9 July, 1808, at Charleston. She m. 29 June,
1836, at Nashville, Tenn., Julius Humphrey, son of Dr.
Erastus Humphrey and Anne his wife, who were from Can-
ton, Conn. They settled at Nashville, and removed to Clarks-
ville, Tenn., and in 1860, were living at San Francisco, Cal.
They had seven children, the four first born at Nashville,
and the others at Clarksville :
2. Adeline, the second daughter, m. Barasel Lackey, and
died at the age of 30 years, leaving four children.
0. Anne, the third daughter, m. James Iceminger, and in
1858, had five children.
5272. Adaline Barstow, b. 12 May, 1807, at Rome. She m. 11
Sept., 1828, John W. Matthews, b. in 1804, in Greeubriar
county, Va., son of Townsend Matthews and Nancy Wil-
liams. He was captain of a steamboat on the Ohio in 1858,
and they were living in Meigs county, 0. They had two
sons and sis daughters :
2. ffe/Ien, who m. Dr. Stone of Rome, 0., where thcj were
living in 1859, .J,.
VI. Anne Lord Lyme, Conn., 4 Dec,
(1824), born at
1754, eldest daughter of Capt. Enoch Lord (436) and
Hepzibah Marvin, was a great granddaughter of Elizabeth
Hyde (9) of the third generation. She m. 1 Sept., 1774,
Capt. Stephen Johnson, b. 22 Feb., 1753, at Lyme, second
son of the Rev. Stephen Johnson of Lyme, by his first
wife, Elizabeth Diodate.
[The Rev. Stephen Johnson, b. May, 1724, at Newark,
]Sr. J., was son of N"atlianiel Johnson, Esq., aud Sarah
Ogden of Newark. He graduated at Yale, 1743, and was a
Congregational clergyman. He m. 26 July, 1744, Eliza-
beth Diodate, b. 11 July, 1722, at New Haven, eldest
daughter of William Diodate and Elizabeth, his wife.
This William Diodate was a descendant in the fourth
generation of the Rev. John Diodate of Geneva, in
Switzerland, in whose family John Milton lived when he
was in Geneva. The Rev. John Diodate was b. about
1579, at Lucca, was professor of divinity at Geneva, and
was the author of a large volume of commentaries upon
the Bible an English translation of which commentaries
25 Nov., 1854.
6. Eliza Gates, b. 23 July, 1823, d. 7 Nov., 1823.
7. William Gates, b. 23 Oct., 1824, d. 3 April, 1826.
8. Eliza Gates 2d, b. 22 Jan., 1827. at Boston. She m.
11 April, 1853, George D. Puffer of Brooklyn, N. Y., where
they were living in 1857, and had three children George :
1. WilUam.
George lochl., of Akron, 0.
6 July, 1854.
2. Elizabeth Louisa, b. 24 Oct., 1823. She m. 1850,
Rev. Alexander Reid, missionary to the Choctaws, and d. in
1854 at Spencer academy in the Choctaw nation. They had
one child John Graham.
beth Hyde of the third generation. She m. 15 Oct.,
1787, Nathan Wilcox, b. 16 Nov., 1760. 'They settled at
Killingworth, and removed to Le Hoy, N. Y.
Their children were
1. Herbert Lord, b. 4 Jan., 1837, a lawyer at Geneseo in
1858, unm.
2. Sarah Cecilia, b. 25 July, 1840, unm. in 1858.
3. Sarah Louisa, who died in infancy.
5438. Frances M. Duncan, b. 9 Oct., 1822, at Morrisville. She m.
25 Sept., 1843, Enoch T. Bond, born at Keene, N. H., son
of William W. Bond and Nancy L. Ealston. He was a
lawyer, and they settled at Mount Morris, N. Y., and in
1855, removed to Lockport, where they were living in 1859.
They had six children :
4. Frances J"., b. 30 March, 1834, m. 6 March, 1853,
Joseph Fry. They had, in 1859, one child Greorge Benja-
1852 ;
Charles Martin, b. 2 April, 1854 ; Anna Maria, b. 4
April, 1856; Harvey B., b. 1858.
3. Oliver Charles, b. 22 Aug., 1826, m. 14 May, 1856,
Kate J. Beadle of Collinsville, where they were living in
1859 ; and had two children Arthur Warren, b. 27 May,
2. iVanci/, b. 31 Jan., 1813, m. 23 Oct., 1839, Rev.
Thomas Kendall Fessenden, born at Brattleboro, Vt., son of
Joseph Fessenden and S}bil Lane Holbrook. He graduated
at Williams college 1833, and was a Congregational clergy-
man. They were living at Homer, N. Y., in 1858, s. p.
3. Louisa Catherine, b. 4 June, 1815. She d. 3 Nov.,
1832, at Farmington, unm.
4. Caroline Augusta, b. L5 July, 1817, m. 14 June, 1843,
Isaac N. Lee, son of Isaac Lee of New Britain. He was a
manufacturer, and in 1858, they had six children Thomas :
1. Henry Edmund,
b. 19 July, 1804, m. Lucy Bliss, and
d. 1833.
2. Catherine Payne, b. 13 July, 1806, at Moreau.
3. Maria Berry, b. 26 May, 1809, at Black liock, d. 13
July, 1811.
4. Mary, b. 5 July, 1811, at Black Bock, m. Kobert J.
5. Nathaniel, b. 6 Feb., 1813, at Black Rock. He m.
Susan Farusworth, and was a farmer at Warren, Pa., in 1854,
and had two children Ellen D., b. Oct., 1850 and Marian, b.
Aug., 1852.
May, 1853.
2. Seth Ely, b. 3 June, 1809, at Moreau, m. Sept., 1840,
Harriet E. Allen, daughter of Gen. Ethan B. Allen, of Ba-
tavia. He was a lawyer, and they settled at Buffiilo. N. Y.,
where he was elected a justice of the supreme court of the
state in 1847, which office he held at the time of his death.
Hed. 15 Sept., 1851, at Buffalo, where she was living in 1559.
They had five children Francis, b. 28 Nov., 1841 Charles,
: ;
don, b. 27 Oct., 1853.
8. Amos Hawley, b. 22 Sept., 1821. He graduated at
Union college 1848, and was a Presbyterian clergyman, mar-
ried and settled at Nottingham, Md.
9. Gurdon Giles, b. d. 17 Aug., 1850, unm.
19 March, 1825,
5496. Joseph, b. 29 July, 1788, at Lyme. He m. 12 May, 1819,
Eliza Berry, b. 1798, daughter of Col. John M. Berry and
2. Joseph, b. 9 Oct., 1821, m. Anne Eliza Chaplin. He
was a physician, and they settled at Kalamazoo, Mich., and
removed to California.
3. Sidney Berry, b. 29 Oct., 1823, m. Caroline M. Swarzee,
and was living at Iowa City in 1859, and had a son Ed- :
Feb 1857.
b. 17 Aug., 1853.
8. Mary L., b. Nov., 1831, at Lima, d. Jan., 1833.
6615. Gurdon, b. 15 April, 1785, Lyme. He m. 2 July, 1809,
his fourth cousin, Anna Peck(6375), b. 20 Dec, 1788, at
Lyme, youngest daughter of Jasper Peck and Phebe Dorr
(2250) of Lyme. They settled at West Bloomfield, N. Y.,
where he d. 31 Jan., 1825. She was living at Murray,
N. Y., in 1858. They had six children, all except the first
born at West Bloomfield :
and Anne.
: : :
Jan., 1856.
Cordelia Henrietta, b. 24 Jan., 1817, m. 1834, Samuel
Decker, b. at Lima, N. Y., son of John Decker and Phebe
Mather. They settled at Lima, removed to Lyons, and from
there to Michigan, where they were living in 1859, and had
six children Giles Clark, &c.
James Marvin.
3. Jennet, b. 2 July, 1820, d. 15 July, 1820, and was
buried in the arms of her mother, who died the same day.
5518. Joanna, b. 15 Jan., 1781, at Lyme. She m. 7 June, 1804,
Payne Kenyon Leach, born at Waterford, Conn. They set-
tled at West Bloomfield, where he became a wealthy farmer,
exercising a generous hospitalitj alike to friends and rela-
tives, and to rich and poor. He d. 12 Dec, 1846, at West
Bloomfield, where she was living in 1859. They had nine
children born at West Bloomfield.
1. Euth Chirk, b. 11 July, 1805, m. 7 June, 1826, Baza-
leel Cheney Taft, and had one child Chloe Joanna, b. 4
1. Clark, b. 1806.
2. Thomas Oilman, b. 1809.
3. FheJ)e, b. 1812, m. and d. 1851, at Ingham, Mich.
4. George, who died young and unm.
b. 1846.
3. Louisa, b. 1812, m. William Patten, and d. 28 Jan.,
1832, and had two children : Jane L., b. 1 July, 1843 ; and
Charles W., b. 7 Oct., 1845.
4. Jane, b. 1818, m. Henry, Griffin, and died s. p.
5. Frederick, b. 12 Nov., 1821, died in childhood.
6. Richard, b. 1 March, 1826 ; in 1860 he was married,
and had two children.
5550. Phebe, b. 2 June, 1786, at Lyme. She m. 17 Sept., 1821,
Gardner Gallup of Salem, Conn., and had one child, that died
in infancy.
in 1858, and had two children Elisha I., who was living at
New York in 1858, and had two children ; Harriet A., who
m. Gilbert Grrauger, and was living at Chicago in 1858, and
had two children ; and Avis, born and died in 1824.
3. Frederick A., b. 18 March, 1796, m. Cornelia M. Butch-
er, daughter of Ruluff Butcher of Canaan, Conn. They were
living at Cleveland, 0., in 1858, and had six children Theo-
5. llaria Ely, b. 15 Oct., 1807, at Lyme, m. 23 May,
1832, Rev. Barach B. Beckwith, b. 29 March, 1805, at Lyme,
son of George Beckwith and Patience, his wife. He grad-
uated at Williams college 1827, and in the theological de-
partment of Yale, in 1831, and was a clergyman. They set-
tled at Athol, Mass., removed to Castine, Me., 1831, and to
Gouverneur, N. Y., in 1843, where he became pastor of the
Presbyterian church, where they were living in 1858.
6. Fliehe Huhbard, b. 2 Oct , 1809, at Lyme, d. 20 July,
f 1830, unm.
5553. Thomas Sill, b. 10 April, 1770, at Lyme. He was a ship
master, and was lost at sea, and d. unm. (^See No. 1895.)
5554. Dudley, b. 11 April, 1774, at Lyme, d. 15 Sept., 1775.
5555. Dudley 2d, b. 24 April, 1776, at Lyme. He m. his mother's
first cousin, Phebe Sill (1895). daughter of Joseph Sill
(450) of Lyme, by his second wife, Azubah (Lee) De Wolf,
(,^ee No. 1895.)
5556. Erastus, b. 8 March, 1778, at Lyme. He m. Elizabeth Ely,
daughter of Adriel Ely, and Sarah Stowe of Lyme (see No.
1459). They removed to Brownville, N Y., where she
died. He Wiis living at Brooklyn in 1858, with his son.
He had one son Erastus, and three daughters.
June, 1857.
5578. Theodore, b. 12 Jan., 1808, at Windsor. He graduated in
the medical department of Yale college in 1831, and was a
physician. He m. 20 June, 1833, Eliza N. Kowland, daugh-
ter of Rev, Henry Rowland of Windsor. They settled at
Windsor, where he d. 29 April, 1853. They had two chil-
dren :
7. Sarah, b. about 1816, who m. about 1836, Gilbert
lleiley, of Troy, N. Y. They settled at Starkey, N. Y., and
removed to Kingston, Pa., where they were living in 1863,
and had five children Elizabeth, who m. John J. Pfouts of
Nov., 1853.
2. Alpheus, b. 19 July, 1828, and d. 12 Nov., 1851, unm.
3. Joanna, b. 26 Jan., 1831, and d. 13 June, 1832.
4. Joanna 2d, b. 7 April, 1833.
5. Eunice A., b. 29 May, 1836.
6. Asenath, b. 21 June. 1843.
7. Ellen, b. 5 April, 1847, and d. 21 Jan., 1851.
5641. Asenath, b. 13 Dec, 1798, at Oxford. She m. Samuel
Lewis, and d. March, 1850.
5642. Diana, b. 31 Jan., 1803, at Oxford, and d. 25 Aug., 1804.
5643. Susan, b. 10 Dec, 1804, at Oxford. She m. Avery Cleve-
land, and d. 15 May, 1839.
5667. Elihu.
5668. Robert. He graduated at Williams college 1803, and was a
clergyman. Preached at Angelica, and afterwards at Dans-
ville, N. Y. Hem. Van Campen, daughter of Moses Van
Campen of Dansville. Their son, JoJin Niles, graduated
at Yale 1839, and was a clergyman in Oswego county.
5569. Mary.
5675. Ebenezer Guernsey, b. 10 Jan., 1796, at Middletown. He
m. Lucy Lyman. They had no children.
5676. Ruth, b. 9 May, 1785, at Middletown. She was living in
1858, unm.
5677. Phebe, b. 8 May, 1788, at Middletown. She m. 12 June,
1812, Thomas Hill Hubbard, b. 5 Dec, 1781, at New Haven,
Conn., son of Eev. Bela Hubbard, D. D.. rector of Trinity
church. New Haven, and Grace D. Hill, and grandson of
Lieut. Daniel Hubbard of Guilford, and Diana Ward.
ITh'is Diana Ward, b. 11 Feb.. 1710, at Killingworth, who
m. 13 Oct., 1730, Lieut. Daniel Hubbard of Guilford, who was
b. 1697, and d. 28 Sept., 1751, was the youngest daugh-
ter of Andrew "Ward and Deborah Joy of Killingworth, and
was granddaughter of Andrew Ward and Tryal Meigs of Kil-
lingworth, and great granddaughter of Andrew Ward, one
of the of Weathersfield, Conn., who d. 1659, at
first settlers
19 Nov., 1849.
6. Mary Ann Pitkin, b. 17 Jan., 1821, d. 14 March,
7. Thomas Bering, b. 14 Dec, 1823, d. 1 Sept., 1855, at
Brooklyn, unm.
8. Mary Smith, b. 24 Aug., 1825, m. 20 Sept., 1849,
Erasmus Darwin Litchfield, b. 7 Dec, 1818, at Pompey,
N. Y., fourth son of Hon. P]lisha Litchfield and Percey Tif-
fany. He was a merchant, and they settled at Brooklyn,
where he was living in 1858. She d. 6 June, 1856, at the
Island of Madeira. They had one child Frederick Darwin,
b. 11 June, 1851.
9. Edward Burr, b. 8 Oct., 1826, d. 14 July, 1845, at
Utica, unm.
5. Frances, m. Pomeroy.
5683. Frances, m. Thomas Skinner.
5684. James.
5685. Keuben.
5686. Robert, m.
5687. Abigail, m. Whiston.
1. David P. 2. Elizabeth.
5693. Lydia, who m. William Lusk, and d. 25 Dec, 1854, at Lisle,
N. Y., and had four children :
9. Victoria.
VI. Isaac Hubbakd (1942), born at Middletown, Conn.,
24 Sept., 1749, eldest sonoflSTeliemiah Hubbard and Sarah
Sill (460), was a ,g:reat grandson of Elizabeth Hyde (9) of
the third generation. He was in the army of the revolu-
tion. He m. Ruth Coleman, settled at Middletown, re-
moved to Oneida county, l!^. Y., and to Ashtabula, O.
1. 3Iary.
2. George.
1. Horace.
2. John.
5725. Nathaniel, who married, and settled in Chautauque county,
N. Y., and had a family.
5726. Nehemiah, who married, and settled in Steuben county, N. Y.
5727. Joseph, who married and died.
5728. Sarah, who m. Goodwin of Michigan.
1. George.
2. Leander, who lived in Middletown, Conn.
5754. Phebe, b. 10 May, 1766, at Lyme. She married her father's
third cousin, Calvin Selden (1470), fourth son of Ezra Sel-
den of Lyme, by his first wife, Elizabeth Rogers (358.) {See
No. 1470.)
5755. Kate, b. 5 May, 1774, at Lyme. She m. Rufus Perry of
Shelburne, Nova Scotia, who was drowned with his father-
in-law, in the Connecticut river, 8 March, 1800. They had
two children born at North Lyme, where she d. about 1848.
1. Elizabeth, b. 12 April, 1796, m. William Bradbury, and
settled at North Lyme, where he d. about 1848. She was
living with her daughter Elizabeth, at Providence, in 1858.
They had eight children born at North Lyme William, a :
John Elliot.
He 1843, Elizabeth Ely, b. 14 July, 1802, at
then m. in
Lyme, youngest daughter of Charles Ely, and his first cousin,
Elizabeth Perkins (5784). She d. 20 July, 1854, at Lyme,
s. p. where he was living in 1858.
5761. Martha, supposed to be living in 1859, unm.
5762. Bridget, supposed to be unm. in 1859.
5763. Arabella (twin of last), died in childhood.
5764. Jane, m. Giddings of Sherman, Conn., and had several
5765. Temperance, died in childhood.
1. George, of Prattsburgh.
2. Saloma, m. Abel Babcock of Chester, Mass., and d.
May, 1854, at Clinton, N. Y., and had three children.
3. Mart/ Anne, m. Stannard, who d. p.
.f. She then
m. her mother's first cousin. Similus Brockway Ely (5760),
of Lyme, Conn., third son of Abner Ely (1957) and Bridget
Brockway, and died leaving one child by him John Elliot
Frances, b. 1851).
6. 29 Sept., 1812, and d. 25 Dec, 1813.
David, h.
7. 19 Feb., 1815, was a merchant, and went to
Uli/sses, b.
St. Thomas, W. I., and m. 1837, Henrietta Van Bretton,
daughter of Baron John Van Bretton. of that Island. They
subsequently lived at Laguira, 3Larseilles, and New York, and
in 1859, at Norwalk, Conn. They had six children Eliza-
beth Van
Bretton, b. Sept.. 1838, at St. Thomas; Georgi-
anna Florence, b. 1840, at St. Thomas, m. 1856, Henry H.
Kaven of St. Thomas, and living at New York in 1859 ; Ju-
dith Rowena, b. 1843, at Laguira Charles Uly.sses, b. 1846,
Carlisle of Sheldon.
He then m. Lucy Willard, and had by her four children :
l.Ulisha, of Sheldon.
2. Samuel B., of Sheldon.
3. George.
4. Whiting, of Sheldon.
5. John.
6. Sarah, who m. 1. Robert Wood, and had a son, Theo-
dore Wood; and m. 2. Rev. Nathaniel Martin.
7. Lovice, m. Giles Martin, and had a daughter: Joanna;
and a son.
8. Lucy, m. Joel Whiting, and had three children Joel; :
2. Peter Pearson, b. 18 Jan., 1818, a farmer, living at
Pavilion in 1860, with his mother, unm.
3. George Buel, b. 11 Sept., 1819, m. 17 Feb., 1852, Sarah
S. Clark, daughter of William Clark and Cornelia Stewart of
Kendall. He was a mechanic, and they were living at Chi-
cago in 1860, and had one child Marshall Murray, b. 12
6. Eenri/,h. 7 Sept., 1836, and was unm. in 1859.
5802. Mary Sears, b. 22 June, 1804, at Lyme. She m. Deacon
William Marvin of Lyme. They were livingat Marilla, N. Y.,
in 1859, where he was for several years agent of the American
Bible society, and of the tract society. They had seven child-
ren :
1. EUjah. Elisha.
2. 3. David W. 4. Emeline.
5. Richard Eli/. 6. Erastus.
5809. Peter, b. 12 Nov., 1783, at Lyme. He m. Sarah Lewis of
Pownal, Vt. They removed to Ashtabula county, 0., where
he died. They had four children :
1. Isaac Garretson.
Their cldhh-en were :
ter of Horace Wells and Emely his wife, and had in 1858
two children Mary Hillhouse, b. 23 March, 1855 ; and
Their children were :
2. Eoger, b. 13 Dec, 1824, m. 1 Jan., 1856, Julia A.
Wells, Nov., 1827, at East Windsor, daughter of Joshua
Wells and Eunice Crane. He was a farmer, and they were
living at Lyme in 1857 s. p.
3. Henry Awjustus, b. 6 July, 1827, living in Placer coun-
ty, Cal., in 1857, unm.
6028. Charles Chandler, b. 8 Feb., 1791, at Norwich. He gradu-
ated at Yale in 1808, and was a lawyer. He m. 14 Nov.,
1820, Ellen Elizabeth Perkins, b. 25 May, 1799, at New
London, daughter of Judge Elias Perkins and Lucretia Shaw
Woodbridge, and granddaughter of Dr. Joseph Perkins and
Joanna Burnham of Lisbon.
[This Dr. Joseph Perkins was eldest son of Dr. Joseph
Perkins of Norwich, by his second wife, Mary Bushnell, and
was grandson of Deacon Joseph Perkins of Ipswich, and af-
terwards of Norwich, and Martha Morgan, his wife. See 14
Gen. Register, 113, &c.'\
They settled at Black Hall, in Lyme, where he was a jus-
tice of the peace, a member of the legislature, and judge of
probate. He d. 7 Aug., 1839, at Lyme, where she was liv-
ing in 1858. They had eight children, the two first born at
New London, the others at Lyme.
1. Fanny Rogers, 5 March, 1822, m. 1 Sept., 1842,
Shubal F. Bartle(i, b. 1811, son of Rev. Shubal Bartlet of
East Windsor, Conn. He d. in California in 1850, and she
was living with her mother at Old Lyme in 1858, and had
by him three children Ellen, b. 6 March, 1844, d. 1847 j
Sept., 1857.
2. Charles Griswold, b. 19 April, 1835, m. 20 Aug., 1857,
Agnes Gillett of Painesville, 0., and in 1838 they were liv-
ing at Mayville, Wis., where he was secretary of the north-
western iron company.
3. John Henry, b. 29 March, 1837, graduated at Amherst
1857, and was unm. in 1858.
4. Frances Griswold Lane, b. 4 Dec, 1839, unm. in 1858,
5. Frederick Harper, b. 12 May, 1841.
6. William Leicester, b. 5 March, 1844, and d. 2 Feb.,
7. William Lane, b. 6 July, 1845.
6036. Marian, b. 4 Dec, 1801, at Lyme. She m. 23 Feb., 1820,
Thomas Shaw Perkins, b. 6 Aug., 1793, at New London, son
of Judge Elias Perkins and Lucretia Shaw Woodbridge {see
No. 6028). He graduated at Yale in 1812, and was a law-
yer. (He first m. Cornelia Leonard, (3238), youngest daugh-
ter of Timothy Leonard and Mary Baldwin (899) of J^an-
singburgt, who d. s. p.) They settled at Waterford, Conn.,
and removed to NewLondon. He d. 14 Oct., 1844, at sea,
on his voyage to the Sandwich Ishiuds. She was living at
Old Lyme in 1857. He was one of the commissioners of
common schools of the state of Connecticut, and was a suc-
cessful lawyer. They had eleven children :
beth I.
4. Richard, b. 24 Feb., 1802, and d. 8 Feb., 1803.
5. 3Ianj J., b. 14 Dec, 1803. m. S. S. Miller, and d.
11 Oct., 1830, and had one child, Lucia W., b. 27 Sept.,
1830, who m. J. Stratton.
5. Emely L., b. 20 March, 1807.
7. Richard L., b. 28 March, 1810, m. Nancy Mar-
vin and had three children: Ellen C, b. 17 Sept., 1838;
Emma L., b. 29 July, 1842; and Richard, b. 30 July, 1844.
8. Daniel D., b. 22 May, 1813, m. Elma Anderson.
They were living at Batavia, N. Y., 1859, where he was edi-
tor and proprietor of the Republican Advocate, and had two
children: Daniel E., b. 16 July, 1837; and James M., b.
21 Jan., 1844.
6048. James, b. 10 March, 1777, at Lyme. He m. 24 Jan., 1803,
4. TViniiwi H. 5. Edioard.
6. 7. Charles.
8. George. 9. Li/dia. 10. Augusta. 11. Ellzaheth.
60G2. fcSamuel, b. 4 Jan., 1771 at Lyme. He m. Catherine Living-
ston of Albany, and settled at Middletown, and had seven
children. The only information I have obtained of those
children is very imperfect, but I am informed that they
were :
15. George, b. 2 Jan., 1808, m. 11 Aug., 1836, Mahala
Shannon of Perrysburgh, N. Y., where they were living in
1859, and had three children George Waite, b. 10 June,
1. aiarlotte. 2. Ellen,
3. Isaac Rand, b. Nov., 1804.
He, Isaac Rand Jackson^ m. Louisa C. Carrol of Philadel-
phia, granddaughter of Charles Carrol of Carrolton, and was
Cliarge de Affairs of United States at Copenhagen, and died
there 27 July, 1842, at the age of 37 years.
6077. Lois, b. 9 Feb., 1765. She m. 1797, Jacob Stone, and d. 12
Aug., 1828, and had five children :
Wch^^yA- Ua^-finx^'^
kia, 111. He
was a lawyer, and was delegate to congress
from the territory of Illinois, and was afterwards judge of
the United States district court for the district of Illinois.
He d. 1850, aged 06 years. She was living at New Haven
in 1859. They had nine children, probably all born at Kas-
1. 2. and 3. Catherine, William, and Lucrctia, all of whom
died in childhood.
4. William 2d, b. about 1816, who m. Elizabeth Douglass,
lived at Springfield, 111., where he
d. about 1858, and left
five children : Douglass, captain and aid-de-camp
Nathaniel ;
7. John, b. 12 March, 1823. He graduated at West Point
military academy in 1842, and was an ofiicer of Topographical
engineers in the United States army, in the war with Mexi-
co. In May, 1861, he was appointed a brigadier-general of
volunteers, and in 1862, a brigadier-general in the United States
army, and major-general of volunteers, and commander of the
army of Virginia. He m. about 1860, Clara Horton daugh-
ter of Valentine B. Horton, Esq., of Pomeroy, 0. {See Ap-
pemlix 6r.)
8. Cynthia, b. about 1826, m. James E. Yeatman, stepson
of the Hon. John Bell of the United States senate. They
settled at St. Louis, Mo., where she d. in July, 1854, and
left one child Nathaniel Pope.
6120. William W., who was living at Norwich 18G0, unm. lie w^s
a farmer.
6121. Henry T., was a lawyer. He m. 7 Dec, 1835, Juliana Trum-
Woodbridge, b. 12 Sept., 1815, at Detroit, eldest
daughter of his tirst cousin, Governor William Woodbridge
(6128) and Juliana Trumbull. They settled at Detroit,
where they were living in 1858. They had four children :
Dudley Woodbridge then m. Maria Morgan, daughter of
General George Morgan of Marganza; and d.' 3 April, 1853,
at Marietta. He had by her eight children born at Marietta :
the peace, county clerk, etc., and where they were living in
1859. They had five children John Trumbull, b. 5 June,
age of 9 years.
6132. Sarah, b. 28 Jan., 1777, at Norwich. She m. 26 May, 1803^
at Marietta, John Matthews, b. IS.Dec, 1765, at New Britain,
Mass., son of Daniel Matthews, who m. a sister of Gen. Israel
Putnam. He was a soldier of the revolution, and was a sur-
veyor, and they settled at what is now Putnam, 0. In 1808
they removed to Moxahala Mills, near Zanesville, 0., where
he was a farmer, miller and a distiller, and where she d. 23
Aug., 1828, and he d. 31 Oct., 1828. They had three
children, the two first born at Springfield (now Putnam),
and the last at Moxahala Mills :
b. 1856.
2. Alexander Ilamiltou, b. 27 Aug., 1807, who d. 5 June,
1842, at Carthage, 111., unm.
3. Dc(vid Woodhridge, b. 2 Dec, 1811, d. 4 Sept., 1852,
at Louisville, Ky., unm.
6142. Mary Lucas, b. 13 Sept., 1785, at New Haven, where she was
living in 1860, unm.
6143. Rebecca Woolsey. b. 12 June. 1794, at New Haven. She m.
2G Sept., 1816, Rev. Nathaniel Hewett, D. D., b. 28 Aug.,
1788, at New London, Conn., son of Nathaniel Hewitt and
Sarah Avery, and a descendant of Capt. Thomas Hewitt
of Stonington, and Hannah Palmer.
[This Capt. Thomas Hewitt was a shipmaster. The fam-
ily tradition is, that he was a son of Joseph Hewitt, who m.
Priscilla Alden, daughter of John Alden and Pri'seilla Mul-
lins of the Mayflower. But he was probably too old to have
been a grandson of Priscilla Mullins; who was married only
twenty-eight years before he was a mariner at Stonington,
and only thirty-six years before his marriage. He m. 26
April, 1659, at Stonington, Hannah Palmer, b. 15 June,
1634, at Charlestown, Mass., daughter of Walter Palmer of
Charlestown and afterwards of Stonington, by his second wife,
Rebecca Short, and settled at Stonington. In 1662 he sailed
on a coasting voyage, and he and his vessel were never after-
wards heard of. He had two sous Thomas Hewitt ; and
Benjamin Hewitt.]
Rev. Nathaniel Hewitt graduated at Yale 1808, and was
a Presbyterian clergyman. He was ordained, and settled at
Plattsburgh, N. Y., in 1815, as pastor of the Presbyterian
church at that place. In 1818 they removed to Fairfield,
Conn. He was settled as pastor of the first Congregational
church there. In 1827 he was appointed general agent of
the American temperance society ; in which employment he
continued many years, and was one of the most efiicient and
powerful advocates of the temperance cause. He visited
England and assisted in forming the British and Foreign
Temperance Society. In Dec, 1830, he became pastor of the
second society at Bridgeport, Conn., where she d. 4 Jan.,
1831. He had by her six children, the first born at Platts-
burgh and the others at Fairfield.
1.Rebecca ILWionse, h. 22 June, 1817, d. 30 July, 1831,
at New Haven, unm.
2. Jumes Billkousc, b. 14 June, 1819, and d. 14 Sept.,
Nathcmicl Augustus, b. 27 Nov., 1820; graduated at
Amherst college, and was an Episcopal clergyman, and after-
wards a Catholic priest, and belonged to the order of the
Paulists was living at New York in 1863, unm.
7. Alexander II.
The wife of Andrew Shepherd was the widow Maria
(Gilbert) Christmas, daughter of Felix Gilbert and Miss
Grant; by whom he had one daughter, who m. a sou of
Gen. William H. Winder of Maryland.
1. 2. Te7i Broeck.
3. William. 4. Mansfield Lovell.
6161. William, b. 22 Nov., 1820, at Watervliet. He graduated at
the medical department of the university of New Y'ork in
1845, and was a physician. He m. 25 June, 1845, Cornelia
Lawrence Hillhouse, b. 19 Nov., 1825, at New Haven, eldest
daughter of his first cousin, James Abraham Hillhouse (6139)
and Cornelia Lawrence. They settled at New Haven, where
she d. 26 June, 1851, s. p.
He then m. 18 Jan., 1854, Frances Julia Betts, b. 28
Nov., 1822, at Newburgh, N. Y., daughter of Judge Samuel
R. Betts, of the U. S. district court, and Caroline Dewey of
the city of New Y^ork, and niece of Judge Charles A. Dewey,
of the supreme court of Mass. They were living at New
Haven in 1861, and he had by her three children, born at
New Haven.
James, b. 19 Nov., 1854.
2. Charles Betts, b. 25 Nov., 1856.
3. Francis, b. 12 Sept., 1859.
6162. Sarah Anne, b. July, 1813, at Watervliet. She m. April,
1838, AmosS. Perry of Troy, N. Y., where they settled and
where they were living in 1861. They had seven children,
born at Troy :
died there.
TVieii- chihlrcn icere :
.6160. Daniel F., who m. 1 Sarah Ames, and 2 Delia 31atlock, and
had five children
1. Danid. 2. Sarah, &c.
6167. David Hillhouse, b. at Montville. He graduated at Yale,
1810, and was a lawyer. He m. his fourth cousin, Miriam
Leonard (3235), second daughter of Timothy Leonard and
Mary Baldwin (899) of Lansingburgh (see No. 3235), and
had one daughter who d. unm.
6168. James, b. at Montville, and graduated at Yale in 1818.
He m. Caroline R. Thompson, and d. in 1858, and had five
children :
in 1858.
6196. Lucy, 18 May, 1788, at Williamstown.
b. She m. Oct.,
1812, Lee, Mass.. Rev. Sylvester Selden, b. 1786, at
Middle Haddam, Conn., son of Rev. David Selden and
Cynthia May. He graduated at Williams college 1807, and
was a Congregational clergyman. They settled at West-
brook, Conn., and removed to Hebron, where he d. 4 Oct.,
1841. She was living at Greenville. Conn'., in 1859. They
had three children born at Westbrook :
S. Brinsmade and Lydia Elliot, his wife, settled
atWashington, where he was a justice of the peace, and
where he d. 31 Jan., 1813 and she d. 24 May, 1836.
and Hilliard W.
2. Elizabeth Ann, 16 April, 1827, m. David C. Hin-
man, and had a son, Edward C, b. 4 Dec, 1848.
1. George.
2. Vi'altcr, graduated at Yale, 1822, and was a lawyer
married, and settled at Pine Plains, where he d. in 1844,
and left two children
Cornelius and Ellen.
: ;
1. John P.
2. George Dorr., m. Jane Butler, was living at Sharon 1861,
and had two children Robert and Julia.
: ;
Jan., 1858.
3. Edward Clark, h. 3 Nov., 1835, m. 3 Feb., 1858, Eve-
lina E. Ireland, and was living at Rochester, Minn., in 1858.
6327. Palmer, b. 1797 at Chatham. He m. 21 Dec, 1817, Eliza-
beth Wilcox, daughter of Aaron Wilcox and Elizabeth Far-
mer of Dover. N. Y. They were living at Cana'an, N. Y., in
1858. They had one child :
Chatham. In 1837, they removed to Providence, 111., where
he was postmaster and a justice of the peace. They were
living in Henry county, 111., in 1858. They had twelve
children, born at Chatham :
6. Edmund, b. 9 Oct., 1818, and d. 2 Jan., 1854, unm.
7. John Lottridge, b. 19 Oct., 1820, m. Mary Teft of
Hoosick, where they were living in 1861, and had two child-
ren : a son who died in infancy and Jane.;
upon some of his near relatives who had the typhus fever,
and where he became a victim to the same disease. She
survived him, and was living in 1863, at the age of 80
Richard Hunting, b.
1. 9 March, 1814, m. 1841 Mary Ten
Eyck of Schodack, N. Y. ; was a merchant, and they were
living at Austin, Texas, in 1858, and had five children.
2. Oliver Jasper, b. 28 March, 1817 ; was a physician,
and m. 4 May, 1848, his father's first cousin, Angeline Reed
Door (6363>, fifth daughter of Dr. Russell Door '(2249) and
Palsa Plana Bull of Chatham.
3. Edward Richard, b. 19 Feb., 1819; was a lawyer, went
to Texas in 1852, and was mayor of the city of Austin. He
m. 1 Oct., 1857, Mary Ann Champlin, and settled at Scho-
dack, N. Y., where they were living in 1858.
The widow of Dr. Richard Sears Peck, m. his nephew. Dr.
Joseph Chadwick, son of Joseph Chadwick and Phebe Peck
(6373), but she had no issue by him.
6373. Phebe, b. 28 Aug., 1778, at Lyme, She m. 13 June, 1799,
Joseph Chadwick, b. 26 Jan., 1772, at Lyme, son of Reuben
Chadwick and Martha, his wife. He was a merchant, and
they settled at North Lyme, where he was a justice of the
peace, and where he d. 1831. She was living at West
Bloomfield in 1858. They had two children, born at Lyme
1. Joseph, b. 26 April, 1800, graduated at Yale 1821, and
was a physician. He m. at Chatham, N. Y., Mrs. Phebe
(Hunting) Peck, widow of his uncle, Dr. Richard Sears
Peck (6372) of Chatham. They settled at Chatham, where
he d. 30 June, 1841, s.p.
2. Julia Ann, h. 30 Dec, 1802, m. George F. Langworthy,
a farmer, of Stonington, Conn., where they were living in
1858, and had three children.
6374. Elizabeth, b. 21 Oct., 1780, at Lyme. She m. 1798, James
9 84
1. Frank. 2. Alfred.
6394. Jonas, b. 13 Aug., 1829, at Athens. He was living at New
Virginia, Iowa, in 1858.
6395. Joseph M., b. 13 Aug., 1829, at Athens (twin). He m. 5
March, 1856, Julietta B. lieyuolds. He was a lawyer, and
125 ^ ' •
: :
| d. 3 Oct., 1823.
1. Augusta, b. 1835.
2. Francis Butler^ d. at the age of 12 years.
3. Edward Dorr, b. 1838.
He then m. 20 May, 1845, Mary Augusta Cooke of Cats-
kill, daughter of Judge Apollas Cooke. She d. 19 Aug.,
1848, at Catskill. He had by her one child
4. Frederick Cooke.
He then m. 14 Oct., 1851, Elizabeth Frances Benson,
daughter of Abraham Benson of Fairfield, Conn. They were
living at Catskill in 1858, and he had by her four children,
born at Catskill
5. Francis Butler 2d. 6. George.
7. Lydia Butler. 8. Sophia Bay.
6444. Charles Alexander, b. 8 Nov., 1814, at New York. He gradu-
ated at Williams college 1833, and was a lawyer. He m. 26
Oct., 1836, Pastora J. De Forest, daughter of David De For-
est of New Haven, Conn. They settled at New York, where
he kept his office, and was living at Staten Island in 1858,
and had three children :
b. 5 Sept., 1862.
2.Charles. 3. Ellen.
6445. Ellen, b. 15 Feb., 1807, at New York, d. 7 Dec, 1823, unm.
6446. Caroline Ann, b. 7 May, 1809, at New York, d. 23 April,
6447. Caroline Lydia, b. 1 March, 1820, at New York, where she
died in 1861, unm.
6448. Ellen Ann, b. 6 Feb., 1826, at New York, d. 30 Nov., 1831.
d. Sept., 1849.
3. Cornelia E., b. 9 Sept., 1822, at Lyme, m. 1843 Ed-
ward Sackett, son of Augustus Sackett and Minerva his
wife of Sackett's Harbor, N. Y. They settled at Sackett's
Harbor, and she d. Nov., 1854. He had by her three child-
ren : Hobart, b. 14 Feb., 1844; George B., b. June, 1849;
and Frederick B., b. July, 1852. He then m. 1856 Louisa
Doe of Saratoga Springs, daughter of Walter Doe and
Mary Emerson of Wilton, and was living at Chicago in 1858.
4. George Griffin^ b. 7 Aug., 1824, at Glen's Falls, and d.
in June, 1825.
5. Maria Sterling, b. 22 June, 1826, at Granville, N. Y.
(posthumous), m. Sept., 1850, Jesse Healy Morley, a mer-
chant of Cleveland, son of Albert Morley and Philena his
wife, of Painsville. They settled at Cleveland, where she d;
4 Sept., 1856, and where he was living in 1858. They had
two children: Cornelia Beckwith, b. Sept., 1851; and
Frederick Healy, b. July, 1855.
6451. Edmund Griffin, b. 1796 at East Haddam. He lived at
Somers, Conn., where he d. Oct., 1841, aged 46.
6452. George, b. about 1799 at East Haddam. He m. and lived at
Molino, N. Y., where he d. Feb., 1850, s. jj.
6453. Barzilla, b. at East Haddam, was a physician. He m. and
had a family, and was living at Monmouth, 111., in 1858.
6454v Elizabeth, b. at East Haddam. She m. her fourth cousin,
Micah Sterling Sill (5506), third son of William Sill
(1888) and Jemima Sterling (5561). He d. at Hartford,
N. Y., s.^9.
She then m. Milton Boyce, and was living at Broad Brook,
Windsor, Conn, in 1858, s. p. (See No. 5506.)
6455. Harriet, b. about 1803 at East Haddam, and d. 22 June, 1816.
6456. Emeline Eve, b. at Ellington. She was living at East Had-
dam in 1858, unm., and was blind.
3. b. 20 June, 1842.
Rohert, b. 12 Aug., 1849.
6463. Elizabeth Griffin, b. 20\\ug., 1804, at New Hartford; m^
living at Austinsburgh in 1859, unm,
1. Thomas. 2. Caroline.
G.304. Mary Anne, b. 1798 at Sag Harbor. She m. John Stine, a
merchant of New York, and had two sons, who were living
at Bridgehampton in 1858 :
1. John. 2. Thomas.
G505. Caroline, b. at Sag Harbor. She m. Nathan Rogers, a minia-
ture painter of New York. They removed to Bridgehamp^
ton, where he erected a splendid house, and d. in 1844. She
: :
in 1858.
6. Eniely Moreliousc, b. 30 Aug., 1841, at Greenfield, unm.
in 1858.
7. Alva Den ison,
b. 11 Oct., 1845, at Broadalbin.
8.Lorctta Eliza., b. 13 June, 1850, at Clarendon.
6518. Phebe, b. 15 Nov., 1796, at Greenfield, d. 15 July, 1798.
6519. Phebe 2d, b. 30 Aug., 1801, at Greenfield, d. 7 July, 1803..
, -n
b. 27 Jan., 1801, at Rutland, \ „,
^ ^j^g ^j
\0) c m
After the death of his first wife, William H. Denison,
m. 25 Feb., 1823, Mercy (Belden) Gridley of Castleton,
widow of Deacon Eber Gridle3^, and removed to Castletou,
where she d. 31 Dec., 1854, and he d. 7 May, 1856.
His child hy her %oas
1. Denison.
2. 3Jari/ Frances, who m. George H. Slade, and had six
children: Lucy Perrin Henry Charles; Orlando Nelson;
; ;
6551: Lyman J., who was a lawyer, and settled at Cooperstown, N. Y.,
where he was a member of the legislature, and where he was
living in 1860, unm.
6552. Anne, who m. James Donley of Milford, and had a family.
6653. Saphroua, who m. Barney of Middlefield, N. Y., and had
a fiiraily.
2. 3Jartha A., b. 1 Jan., 1816, in Pike county, Pa., m. 16
March, 1834, at Brockport, N. Y., Oliver H. Buel, b. 12
May, 1812. They lived at Bushnell's Basin, N. Y., and re-
moved to Ottawa, 111., where they were living in 1357, and
kept the Ottawa House. They had five children Martha :
2. James Watson.
6626. Ira Post, b. 12 April, 1812, at Camillus. He graduated at the
Fairfield medical college in 1841, and was a physician. He
settled at Brighton, Mich., where he was living in 1858, and
was judge of probate, and was uum.
6627. Henry Harrison, b. 7 Jan., 1814, at Camillus. He m. 1844,
Amelia Wells, daughter of Dr. Wells. He commenced busi-
ness at Leoni, Mich., was a farmer at Grass Lake, was post-
master and member of the legislature, and in 1858 they were
living at Jackson, Mich., where he was a clerk of the state
prison. They had three sons and two daughters.
6628. Hiram Thurston, b. 17 June, 1819, at Caniillus, d. 27 Nov.,
6629. John Calvin, b. 27 Sept., 1824, at Camillus. He went to
California, and d. 3 July, 1851, unm.
6630. Laura, b. 24 May, 1810, at Camillus, d. 27 Feb., 1813.
6631. Lucina Clarissa, b. 29 Sept., 1815, at Camillus. She m. 28
March, 1837, Guy Moses, son of Zabina Moses. He was a
mei'chant, and they settled at Marcellus, where they were
living in 1858. They had four sons and one daughter.
6632. Caroline Laura, b. 13 July, 1817, at Camillus. She m. 30
Sept., 1841, Robert Warden, son of Robert Warden from
Scotland. He was a farmer, and they ssttled at Green Oak,
Mich., where he was supervisor, justice of the peace and
: :
1. b. 30 Nov., 1852.
3Iary Collins,
2. Charles Bingham, b. 12 Dec, 1854.
3. Lucij Clara, b. 6 Aug., 1856, d. 13 Oct., 1857.
4. Bernett Scott, born and died in 1858.
5. Lucy^ b. 6 June, 1861.
6. A
son (twin of last), whose Christian name I have not
6646. Elizabeth (Kaahumanu), b. 8 March, 1829, at Honolulu, edu-
cated at Mount Holyoke female seminary, &c. She was a
teacher at Hunter, N. Y., in 1861, unm.
6647. Lydia Denton, b. 25 Dec, 1834, at Honolulu, educated at
Williston female seminary, and at the York Square ladies'
seminary at New Haven. She was a teacher at the Dela-
ware literary institute, Franklin, N. Y., in 1861, unm.
Rev. Hiram Bingham then m. 24 Aug., 1852, Naoma
I Emma Morse, b. 13 June, 1802, at Westfield, Mass.,
daughter of Jacob Morse and I^Taoma Sikes of Springfield.
I She was a teacher at Troy, 'E. Y., and at the south. At
the time of their marriage she was principal of the York
Square female seminary at New Haven where they were ;
living in 1863.
: : ;
b. 23 Dec, 1852.
He (C. M.) then m. 1814, Mrs. Mary (Mills) Chapin,
daughter of Isaac Mills of Chatham, N. Y., and widow of
Ptufus Chapin of Columbia, N. Y. In 1841, they removed
to Vei-non, N. Y., where he d. 28 April, 1854, and she d. 17
June, 1854. He had by her one child:
1860, and Liicinda, who ni, John Oltnstead of Yonkcrs
N. Y., and died in 1851, and had five children.
3. Lijdia, b. 14 Feb., 1791, m. lU Feb., 1818, Joseph
Hotchkiss of Harpersfield, N. Y., who d. 26 Sept., 1831. They
had six children Jane, b. 28 Nov., 1813, and in 1839 went
went to Cuba for his health, and died there Eliza, who m.
Those children were
6777. William Mullins, b. 7 Dec, 1768, at Lebanon.
6778. Jabin, b. 26 Jan., 1771, at Lebanon.
6779. Andrew, b. 25 May, 1785, at Lebanon.
6780. Eunice, b. 19 Jan., 1767, at Lebanon.
6781. Sarab, b. 16 Aug., 1773, at Lebanon.
6782. Lydia, b. 18 Oct., 1776, at Lebanon.
TJieir children were
6798. Levi, b. 1774, at Bennington, died in cLildliood.
6799. Henry, b. 8 Feb., 1777, at Bennino-ton. He m. 1795, Mary
Aboi, b. 8 July, 1773, at Norwich. They settled at Ben-
nington, and removed to Maysville, N. Y., and he d. 9 Oct.,
1845, at Roscoe, 111. Thay had five children
Hacldey of Norwich (see Nos. 1079, 40, 53 and 235). Tliey
settled at Bozrah, where tliey had six cliikh-eii recorded
to them.
YL Andrew Lathrop
(2495), born at l^orwich. Conn.,
26 Oct., 1764, son of Deacon Simeon Lathrop and
Hannah Abel (589), was a great grandson of Margaret
Post (15) of the third generation. He probably m. 22
Jan., 1789, Lucretia Smith of Franklin. They settled at
Bozrah, where he was a justice of the peace. She d. 9
Oct., 1801.
His children hy her icere:
6847. Simeon, b. 25 Nov., 1792, at Bozrah. He probably m. Abi-
gail who died, and had by her one child
, :
5. Ahmon
PeckJiam, b. 21 July, 1826.
6. 25 Oct., 1828.
Jane, b.
7 and 8. Daniel Austin and Lydia Zerviah (twins), b. 23
April, 1832.
9. Anne, b. 20 May, 1834.
6848. Azariab, b. 25 Feb., 1796, at Eozrah. He m. 2 Dec, 1824,
Talitha Huntington (6927), b. 13 Feb., 1794, at Franklin,
tliird daughter of Elisha Huntington (2535) and Nancy Rudd
(2603) of Franklin. They settled at Franklin and removed
to Vernon, and had children
five :
supplies for theAmerican army, during the siege of Bos-
ton,and he was a member of the legislature. He d. 25
Dec, 1790, at Demerara, W. I. He was a merchant and
a ship master.
T/ieir children loerc
two children Olive,
: b. 11 July, 1887 ; and George Lansino-,
b. 25 March, 1841.
3. James JaraJ, 3 Dec, 1819, resided at Cleveland, 0.
4. Catherine Margaret, b. 16 Jan., 1816, m. 6 Sept., 1836,
John A. Lyon of Cleveland, 0., and had two or more child-
ren : Catherine, b. 18 Sept., 1838; James, b. 2 Aug., 1841.
5. Sman Hester, b. 23 Feb., 1818.
6. Helen Alvord, b. 4 Aug., 1823, m. 5 July, 1847, John
E. Taylor of Lansingburgh, who graduated at Union college
1839, and was a lawyer. They settled at Troy and removed
to Jonesville, Wis., where he died.
6863. James Grant, b. 16 March, 1781, at Norwich. He m. 30
Nov., 1836, Sarah Osgood, born at Andover, 3Iass. They
settled at Syracuse, N. Y., and had three or more children :
6872. Elizabeth Tracy, b. at Norwich. She m. 14 Aug., 1793,
Daniel Lathrop, b. 13 Oct., 1769, at Norwich, youngest son
vau~>^ M'^z.
of Dr, Joshua Latlirop of Norwichj by his second wife, Mercy
Eells of Stonington.
[This Dr. Joshua Lathrop, b. 8 Majj 1723, at Norwich, grad-
uated at Yale 1743, and was a physician and druggist, m. 21
May, 1748, Hannah Gardner, who d. 24 July, 1750, s. ^j.,
and after her death m. 5 Nov., 1761, Mercy Eells of Stoning-
ton, and d. 29 Oct., 1807, was the youngest son of Thomas
Lathrop and Lydia Abel, and grandson of Samuel Lathrop
the second and llatinah Adgate of Norwich. (^See No. 438.)
Daniel Lathrop graduated at Yale in 1787. They settled
at Norwich, n'here he d. 1825. They had four children,
born at Norwich :
1. Charles.
2. Henri/.
3. George, who was dead in 1859.
Silas Hartshorn.
4. Luci/, b. Noy., 1826, d. Nov., 1837.
5. Alithea Lord, b. Sept., 1828, m. Sept., 1845, Amos A.
Hall of New London, and settled ai Willimantic, and had
three cli^ldren Alithea A.; Ella Gertrude
: ; and Anne W.
6. Hezeklah, b. 1 Feb., 1830, m. 11 Oct., 1853, Frances
H. Smith. They were living at Franklin in 1860, and had
three children Hezekiah, b. 4 Jan., 1855, d. 2(3 March,
widow Alice
of the Mayflower, and his second wife, the
Calvin Tracy and wife settled at Coventry, and he
afterwards removed to western New York, and probably
from there to Ohio.
Their children were
6944. Calvin, b. 16 March, 1784.
6945. Chester, b. Nov., 1787.
6946. Gurdon Huntington, b. 13 July, 1798.
6947. Anne Huntington, b. 12 Jan., 1783.
6948. Elizabeth, b. 4 Nov., 1789, d. 28 June, 1795.
6949. Irene, b. 2 July, 1792, m. Samuel Loorais of Coventry.
6950. Elizabeth 2d, b. 17 June, 1796, m. Arad Talcott.
6951. Mary, b. 8 June, 1800.
: :
b. 7 March, 1857.
5. Catherine Westcott, b. 14 May, 1825, m. Nov., 1852,
Rev. Urijah Underwood, a clergyman, and they were living
at Andover, Conn.^ in 1860, and had one child : Mary E., b.
19 April, 1855.
7017. Jirah Isham, b. 22 March, 1790, at Bozrah. He m. 14 Nov.,
1811, Belinda West, b. 1791 at Bozrah, daughter of Abel
West and Sarah Wightman of Bozrah. She d. 25 Dec,
1819, .s.
He then m. 25 Jan., 1821, his fifth cousin, Nancy Hinck-
ley (2670), eldest daughter of Timothy Hinckley (667) and
Saloma Strong of Lebanon, and d. 6 Aug., 1829, at Colches-
ter, s. J}. ( See Nos. 2670 and 6881.)
7018. Jedediah, b. 4 Feb., 1792, at Bozrah. He was living at
Almont, Mich., in 1860, and probably had a family.
7019. Witherell, b. 6 June, 1800, at Bozrah. He was living at
Almout, Mich., in 1860, and probably had a family.
7020. George, 28 Nov., 1802, at Bozrab. He m. 25 Oct., 1826,
his fifth cousin, Mary Hinckley (2673), b. 7 Aug., 1804, at
Lebanon, fourth daughter of Timothy Hinckley (667) and
Saloma Strong. He was a farmer, and they settled at Boz-
rab, removed to Lebanon in 1830, to Colchester in 1831, and
back to Bozrah in 1832, where they were living in 1860.
They had four children :
Augustus, b. 2 x\pril, 1811.
Julia Ann, b. 24 May, 1814.
3. BtUnda West, b. 13 July, 1816.
7024. Phcbe, b. 8 April, 1796, at Bozrah, d. 25 April, 1797.
7025. Phebe 2d, b. 25 July, 1798, at Bozrah. She m. John Hil-
Hard of Salem, who died ; and she was living at Almont,
7047. Anna Hart, b. 11 Sept., 1813, at New London. She was liv-
ing at Troy, N. Y., in 1858, unm., and had been for many
years connected with the Troy female seminary, as a teacher.
7048. Ellen, b. 10 July, 1818, at New London; d. 17 Aug., 1819.
7072. .
7098. Nancy, b. 12 Oct., 1786, at New London. She m.
7099. Martha, b. April, 1789, at New London. She m. Henry
7100. Sarah, b. 6 April, 1792, at New London. She m. West,
who died, and she was living at New London in 1859, his
YTE. Ehoda Hyde (2697), born at Lebanon, Conn., 4
Feb., 1785, second daughter of Oliver Cromwell Hyde
(682) and Mary Lee of Lebanon, was a great great grand-
daughter of iSamuel Hyde (4) of the third generation.
She m. 20 Oct., 1805, Philetus Newcomb, b. 29 Aug.,
1784, at Sunderland, Vt., son of Dr. Calvin Newcomb and
Eunice Lee. He was a cabinet-maker. They settled at
Trenton, N. Y., where she d. 28 Dec, 1837.
His only child hi/ her toas :
1. Edioin E. 2. Charles D.
1809, Leighton Joice. They settlecl at Middleburgh,
N. Y., and removed to Windham, JST. Y., and in 1855 to
Brooklyn, K. Y., and in 1857 to Minnesota.
7206. Anne 2cl, ^ b. 19 March, 1824, C d. 30 April. 1829.
7207. Elizabeth "W., V at Norwich, -| living at Norwich in
J (^ 1857, unm.
7208. Sarah Eliza, b. 11 Dec, 1826, at Norwich, where she was liv-
ing in 1857, unm.
1. Julia m. Albert Pierce, of St. Louis.
2. EUzahcth. 3. Robert M. 4. James N.
7284. Sarali Mills, b. 24 April, 1817, at N. Y., d. 23 April, 1825.
7285. Martha, b. 26 April, 1821, at New York, d. 30 April, 1821.
7286. Julia Ely, b. 1 April, 1824, at New York. She m. 13 Nov.,
1844, Alexander Bunker, of Brooklyn, N. Y., who d. 11
Aug., 1846.
She then m. 22 Oct., 1854, Washington H. Haven, and
was living at St. Francisville, Mo., in 1856.
7287. Henrietta Mills, b. 20 Nov., 1826, at New York. She ra. 6
July, 1848, Dr. Charles S. Shelton. They were, in 1856, as-
sistant missionaries ofthe A. B. C. F. M. at Madura in
7288. Aurelia Carrington, b. 6 Oct., 1828, at New York. She m. 2
Oct., 1848, Edward C. Halsey, b. 3 April, 1825, at New-
town, N. Y., son of James M. Halsey of the U. S. navy.
They settled at Brooklyn, N. Y., where they were living in
1856, and had three children :
: :
1. John A. 2. Charles R.
7295. Anna Maria Willis, b. 27 Aui>-., 1830, at Portland, d. 9 Nov.,
7296. Julia Anna, b. 12 Sept., 1834, at Portland. She m. Dec,
1854, Charles B. Richardson of Boston, and in 1857 had one
child :
1. Mary
Louisa, b. Aug., 1847.
James. 3. Charlotte Whiting.
7299. William Henry, b. 24 Feb., 1822, at Lisle. He m. 18 Feb.,
1852, Caroline D. Ford, b. 11 Nov., 1821, daughter of Rev.
Henry Ford, formerly of Morristown, N. J., and afterwards
of Lisle, N. Y. They had in 1856 one child :
7315. Clarissa, b. 17 Nov., 1811, at Lisle. She m. 31 Dec, 1845,
Isaac Sines, b. IS June, 1798, at West Mendon, N. Y., sun
of Philip Sines and Abigail Hildreth. He was a laruier,
and they settled at Canton, Mich., where they were livin<;- in
1857, and had one child
George Henry, b. 12 April, 1848, at Canton.
7316. Eliza Maria, b. 14 March, 1814, at Ogden. She m. 27 Jan.,
1844, John Morton, b. 15 May, 1815, at Gorhaiu, N. Y.,son
of John Morton and Rebecca Moody. He was a farmer, and
they were living at Van Buren, Mich., in 1857, and had five
children, born at Van Buren :
De Angelis and Elizabeth Webb
of Holland Patent, N. Y.
They settled at Buffalo, where they were living in 18(33, and
had three children :
1. John.
2. Jonathan.
7346. Hannah, b. 22 March, 1747, at Norwich. She m. her first
cousin, Lemuel Hough (2546), the eldest son of Capt. David
Hough (611) by his first wife. Desire Clark. {See iVb.
7347. Margaret, b. 2 July, 1758, at Norwich, d. 13 July, 1759.
7348. Sarah, b. 27 April, 1765, at Norwich. She m. 1 Oliver
Adams, a physician of Plainfield, N. H., who died there.
She m. 2 David Morse, of Sharon, Vt. They removed to
Plattsburgh, N. Y., and from there to Johnstown, N. Y.,
where they died.
7349. Anna, b. 27 Jan., 1766, at Norwich, and d. 29 Jan., 1766.
7350. Another child born at Norwich, who died in infancy, and
probably unnamed.
7365. Azel.
7366. Eunice.
7367. Walter.
N. H.
Their child was :
Second wife of Gov. Joha Haynes of Hartford, from King Egbert I,
and from the kings and nobility of England, Scotland, France,
Spain, &c., and showing also the descent from her of many of the
descendants of the first William Hyde of Norwich, who are
embraced in the body of the Hyde Genealogy.
1 Generation. —
Egbert, the first saxon king of all England,
was the eleventh in descent from Cerdic, the Saxon, who founded
the West Saxon kingdom of the heptarchy at the commencement of
the sixth century. Flountius, a monk, of Worcester, who wrote in
the first quarter of the twelfth century, endeavors to show that
Cerdic was a descendant, in the tenth generation, of Woden or
Odin (called by the Romans Othinus) and his wife, Frea or Frigga;
as follows
1. Woden, made himself master of a considerable part of the
north of Europe, in the third century ; and died in what is now
Sweden. By his wife, Frea or Frigga, he had six sons: Wecta,
Caser, Wethelgeat, Weldeg, Beldeg, and Eaxneta. (^See Speed's
Hist, of Enrj., 200, &c.)
2. Beldeg, or Balder, their fifth son, m. Nanna, daughter of
Gewar, and had a son,
3. Brandius, or Brando ;who was father of
4. Froodigarius, or Froethgar who had a soq,
5. Wigga who
; was the father of
6. Gewesius, or Gewisch whose son,
5. Cuth, died, leaving a son,
6. Chelwald, who was the father of Kenred.
7. Kenred had four sons and one daughter. His eldest son, lua,
was the eleventh king of the west Saxons. Another of his sons was
8. Ingills, who was the father of
9. Eoppa, who left a son,
10. Easa, who was the father of
11. Alkmund, sometimes called Ethelmund, who was the father of
12. Egbert, the 17th king of the West Saxons.
3 Gen. —
Alfred the Great, b. in 849, youngest son of King
Ethelwulf, succeeded to the crown 23 March, 872, upon the
death of his youngest brother. King Ethelred I. He m. in 869
Alswitha, daughter of the Mercian earl Ethelred Muchel and
Edburga his wife. He d. 28 Oct., 901, and she d. about 904.
They had three sons and three daughters Edmund, who died in :
4 Gen. Edward the Elder, second son of Alfred the Great,
succeeded to the crown upon the death of his father. He m.
Eguina, the daughter of a shepherd or farmer, and had by her two
sons and one daughter Athelstan, his successor Alfred, who died
: ;
same time of the death of his father, s. p. ; Edwin, who was drowned
in the time of King Athelstan Elfleda, who was abbess of Ram-
say Eguina, who was the second wife of Charles III of France,
and was mother of King Louis III Ethelhild, who became a nun
about 967, who succeeded his half-brother, King Edward the Martyr.
986, who d. about 1011 s. p.; Egbert, b. about 988, who died young
and unm. Edmund, b. 99U, who succeeded his father in the king-
dom ; Edred b. ^992, who died at about the age of 22; Edwy, who
survived all his brothers of the full blood, and was murdered at the
instigation of Canute the Dane in 1017 ; Edgar, b. in 998, who
probably died in childhood a daughter, whose name I have not
8 Gen. —
Edmund, surnamed Ironsides, his third son, succeed-
ed to the crown upon the death of his father. He m. in 1014,
Algitha, the beautiful widow of Sigcfurth the Dane, and had
by her two sons Edward, b. in 1015; and Edmund, b. in 1017,
10 Gen. Margaret, the eldest daughter of Edward the Exile
(and after the death of her brother Edgar Atheling, without
issue the sole heiress of the Anglo-Saxon croWn of P^ngland,) m.
Malcolm III, king of Scotland, (son of Duncan I., who was mur-
dered by Macbeth, his cousin.) She had by him three sons and one
daughter: Edgar; Alexander; and David, who were successively
kings of Scotland after the death of their father ; and David, the
last, was the progenitor of James I, of England, and of Victoria,
the present queen of England. The daughter was Matilda, who m.
King Henry I, of England.
11 Gen. Matilda of Scotland, only daughter of Malcolm
III, and Margaret his wife, m. in 1100 Henry Beauclerk (young-
est son of William the Conqueror and Matilda his wife), who
ascended the throne of England as Henry I, 2 Aug., 1100 ; upon
the death of his brother. King William Kufus. Matilda of Flan-
ders the mother of King Henry the first, was daughter of Baldwin
V, the seventh count of Flanders, and Alice, daughter of Robert I,
king of France. And through her paternal ancestress, Judith,
(daughter of Charles the Bald, king of France), wife of Baldwin
the first count of Flanders, was descended from the Emperor Charle-
magne. And through her paternal ancestress, Alfritha, wife of
Baldwin II, count of Flanders, she was descended from Alfred the
Great, and from Egbert, the first Saxon king of all England. Ma-
tilda, the first wife of King Henry I, d. 1 May, 1118. He had by
her two children William, b. 1102, who d. 26 Nov., 1120, s. p.
12 Gen. Matilda, daughter of King Henry I, married Henry
IV, emperor of Germany, as his second wife, and he died without
issue by her.
She then m. 8 April, 1127, Geofi"rey Plantagenet, count of An-
jou, son of Foulk, king of Jerusalem. She had by him three sons :
Henry Plantagenet, who afterwards became king of England j
Geofi'rey, count of Nantes; and William. Geofl"rey Plantagenet,
her second husband, d. about 1150, and she survived him and d. 10
Sept., 1167.
13 Gen. —
Henry Plantagenet, her eldest son, born 1129, came
to the throne of England as Henry II, 25 October, 1154, upon
the_ death of King Stephen. He m. Elenor, eldest daughter of
William V, duke of Acquitaine. He d. in 1189. and she survived
him and d. in 1204. They had five sons and three daughters :
1. William^ who d. in the 5th year of his age. 2. Henry, b. Feb.,
1155, who was duke of Normandy, and d. 11 July, 1112, s. p.
3. Richard, b. Sept., 1157, who succeeded his father in the king-
dom as King Ilichard I, and married and died s. p. 4. Geoffrey, b.
23 Sept., 1159, who m. Constance, daughter and heiress of Cavan,
duke of Brittany, and was in her right duke of Brittany, and d.
19 August, 1186. He had two children Eleanor, called the Maid
14 Gen. John Plantagenet, the youngest son of King Henry
II, ascended the throne of England 6 April, 1199, upon the
death of his brother, Richard I ; to the exclusion of his nephew^
Arthur, duke of Brittany (the posthumous son of his brother^
Geoffrey), who was the rightful heir of King Richard I. He m.
about 1190 Isabel, daughter of William I, earl of Gloucester; from
whom he was divorced in the first year of his reign, and had no
issue by her. He then m. in 1200 Isabel Tallifer, daughter and
heiress of Aymer Tallifer, count of Angouleme. He had by her
two sons and three daughters 1. Henry, b. 1 Oct., 1206, his suc-
15 Gen. Henry Plantagenet, the eldest son of King John
succeeded to the crown, as Henry III, upon the death of his
father. He m. 14 Jan., 1236, Eleanor, the second daughter of
Raymond Berengier, count of Provence, son of Count Alphonso,
and grandson of Alphonso I, king of Aragou. They had six sons
and three daughters 1. Edioard, his successor, b. 28 June. 1239.
16. Gen. —
Edward Plnntagcnet, his eldest son, succeeded to
the crown, as Edward I, upon the death of his father. He in.
in 1254, for his first wife, Eleanor, only child of Ferdinand III,
king of Castile, by his second wife, Joan, daughter and heiress
of John, Count of Ponthieu. She d. 24 Nov., 1290. He had by
her four sons and nine daughters Juhn, Henry, and A/phonso, who
Alice, Beatrice, and Blanch, all of whom died young and unm.
Mary, who became a nun; and Elizaheth, who m. 1 John, earl of
Holland and lord of Friesland, and 2 Humphrey De Bohun, earl
of Hereford and Essex.
Edward I then m. 8 Sept., 1299, Margaret, daughter of Philip
III, king of France, and had by her two sons and one daughter;
Thomas, created earl of Norfolk ; Edmund, created earl of Kent
and Eleanor, who died in childhood. Edward I d. 7 July, 1307,
and his widow d. in 1317.
17 Gen. Joan Plantagenet, second daughter of King Edward I,
called Joan of Acres, from the place of her birth, was b. in 1272,
at Acre (Ptolemais) in Syria, where her mother staid while her
father was engaged in the crusade. She m. about 1291 Gilbert De
Clare, earl of GloucesW and Hereford, eldest son of Richard, earl
of Gloucester, by his second wife, Matilda Lacy (daughter of John
Lacy, earl of Lincoln), and grandson of Gilbert De Clare, the first
earl of Gloucester of that surname, and Isabel Marshall. She had by
him one son and three daughters 1. Gilbert De Clare, who suc-
After the deatli of her first husband, Joan of Acres m. Sir Ralph
De Monthermer, who was summoned to parliament as earl of Grlou-
cesterand Hereford. She had by him Edioard, who died s. p. ; and
Thomas, whose daughter Margaret m. Sir John Montague, and was
mother of John Montague, earl of Salisbury.
18 Gen. 31argaret De Clare, third daughter of Joan of Acres
by her first husband, m. Pierce De Gaviston, earl of Cornwall j
who was taken and beheaded in July, 1310, by Guy Beauchamp,
the twelfth earl of Warwick, and died s. p.
She then m. Hugh De Audley, second son of Nicholas Lord
Audley, a descendant of William Lougspee, earl of Salisbury, natural
son ofKing Henry II., by the fair Rosamond Clifford. Hugh De
Audley was created earl of Gloucester about 1338. His wife d. in
1342, and he d. in 1347. They had one child Margaret.
19 Gen. Margaret De Audley., their only child, m. Ralph
Stafford, Lord Stafibrd, steward of Gascony, who was created
earl of Stafford about 1352. They had two sons and three daugh-
ters: Hugh Stafford, his successor; 8ir Richard Stafford; Beatrice
Stafford, who m. 1 Maurice Fitzmaurice, earl of Desmond, and 2
Thomas, the fifth Lord De Ros; Joan, who m. John Charlton, Lord
Powis and Margaret, who m. John Stafford. Ralph Stafford, the
first earl of Stafford, d. about 1370, and his wife survived him.
20 Gen. Hugh Stafford, their eldest sou, succeeded, as the
second earl of Stafford, upon the death of his father. He m.
Philippa Beauchamp, daughter of Thomas Beauchamp, the four-
teenth earl of Warwick, and Katheriue Mortimer, his wife, daughter
of Roger Mortimer, the fourth earl of March of that surname, a de-i
scendant of Lionel Plantagenet, duke of Clarence and earl of Wilt-
shire. Philippa Beauchamp, through her ancestress, Gundred De
Warren (daughter of William, the second earl of Surry,) who m.
Roger De Bellmont, the second earl of Warwick, was descended from
Gundred. daughter of William the Conqueror, who m. William De
Warren, the first earl of Surry. Hugh Stafford and Philippa Beau-
champ had four sons and four daughters Thomas, William, and
21 Gen. Margaret Stafford, his eldest daughter, m. Ptalph De
Nevill, Lord Nevill of Raby, who was created earl of Westmore-
land in 1397. He had by her two sons and seven daughters. The
third of those daughters was Philippa. He then m. for his second
wife, Joan De Beaufort, daughter of John of Gaunt and widow of
Robert Lord Ferrars, and had by her eight sons and five daughters.
Cecely, the youngest of those daughters, m. Richard Plautage-
23 Gen. —
Thomas Dacre, his eldest son, m. Eliza Bowes, daugh-
ter and heiress of Richard Bowes, and had one child Joan ; and
25 Gen. —
Sir Thomas Fienes, their son, m. Alice Fitz Hugh,
daughter and co-heir of Henry Fitz Hugh, baron of Ravensworth,
and granddaughter of Richard Nevill, earl of Salisbury, which Rich-
ard Nevill was a son of Ralph Nevill, the first earl of Westmoreland,
and his second wife, Joan l)e Beaufort, daughter of John of Gaunt
and Catherine Swinford. Sir Thomas Fienes died in the lifetime of
his father.
26 Gen. —
Thomas Fienes, his eldest son, became Lord Dacre of
the South, upon the death of his grandfather, Richard Fienes, the
seventh Lord Dacre of Gillesland, in 14cS4. He m. Anne Bouchier,
daughter of Sir Humphrey Bouchier and granddaughter of John
Bouchier, lord of Berners. Thomas Fienes, Lord Dacre of the
South d. in 1534.
27 Gen. Catherine Fienes, his daughter, m. Richard Loudenoys
of Briade in Sussex, and had two children Robert ; and Mary,
28 Gen. —
3Iary Loudenoys, their daughter, m. Thomas Harla-
kenden, son of John Harlakenden of Warhorn in Kent, and had
three sons John ; William ; and Roger.
29 Gen. Roger Harlakenden, their third son, b. about 1535, m.
Elizabeth Hardres, daughter of Thomas Hardres, Esq., and settled
at Kenardiston, in Kent, and had three sons and one daughter:
Roger; Richard, b. about 1565; Thomas, b. about 1568; and
Mabel, b. 1558. About 1583 Roger Harlakenden purchased of the
Earl of Oxford the park and manor of Earls Coin, in Essex, where
he d. 21 Jan., 1603.
81 Gen. —
Mahel Harlakenden, one of his daughters, b. 27 Sept.,
1614, came to Cambridge, Mass., with her brother Roger and his
family, in Oct., 1635, in the ship Defence. About 1636 she became
the second wife of Gov. John Haynes of Cambridge, Mass., who was
of Copford Hall, in Essex, England, and came to Cambridge. Mass.,
3 Sept., 1633, with the Rev. Thomas Hooker, in the Griffin, and
was made governor there in 1635. In May, 1637, he removed, with
his family, to Hartford, Conn. He was elected the first governor of
that colony in April, 1639, and d. 1 March, 1654. He had by
Mabel Harlakenden, his second wife, five children 1. John ILir/nes,
was a lawyer and a judge of the supreme court of the colony of Con-
necticut, and d. in 1713, leaving a son and a daughter Joseph :
Tracy, the first wife of Elijah Backus, Esq., of New London and of
Marietta {see No. 4l39) ; and of Amos H. Hubbard of Norwich,
Conn., whom. Eliza Lanman. (^ee A'b. 6040.)
After the death of her first husband, Mabel (Russell) Hubbard
m. 9 Dec, 1707, Rev. Samuel W^oodbridge, b. 1683, son of Rev.
Benjamin Woodbridge of Medford and Mary Ward, his wife. He
graduated at Harvard in 1701, and was a Congregational clergyman,
and was ordained as the minister of East Hartford, 30 March, 1705,
where she d. about 1722. She had by him six children : 1. Ward
Woodbridge, b. in 1708, and d. 21 Nov., 1728, uum. 2. Samuel
Woodbridge, b. 1711, and d. 16 June, 1719. 3. Elizabeth Wood-
bridge, b. 1714, m. Little. 4. Deodafus Woodbridge, h. 1716,
graduated at Yale 1736, went to Lewiston, Pa., and d. in 1755.
5. Mabel Woodbridge, b. 1718, m. Nathaniel Little of Lebanon,
Conn. 6. Russell Woodbridge, b. 8 May, 1719, m. 16 Jan.,
1741, Anne Olmstead of East Hartford, and d. 5 Nov., 1782, and
had nine children.
Mehitable (Wylhs) Russell, after the death of her first husband, m.
in 1680 Rev. Isaac Foster, who graduated at Harvard iu 1671, and
was a Congregational clergyman, and was settled as the fifth minis-
ter of Hartford, Conn., who d. 20 Aug., 1682. She had by him
one child, Anne Foster, b. in 1681, who m. 29 Nov., 1699, llev.
Thomas Buckingham, b. about 1668, who graduated at- Harvard in
1689, and was a Congregational clergyman, and was settled at Hart-
ford, Conn., where he d. 19 Nov., 1731, and she had by him one
son, Joseph Buckingham, who graduated at Yale in 1723.
Mehitable (AVyllis) Foster, after the death of her second hug-
band, m. about 1684 Eev. Timothy Woodbridge, born at Burford, in
England, son of Rev. John Woodbridge of Andover, and after-
wards of Newbury, Mass. He graduated at Harvard in 1675, and
was a Congregational clergyman, and was settled as the sixth minis-
ter of Hartford 18 Nov.,"l685, where she d. about 1713. She had
by him two sons and three daughters: 1. Timothy Woodbridge, h,
1685, graduated at Yale in 1706, was a Congregational clergyman,
and was settled as minister of Simsbury, Conn., 13 Nov.,^ 1712.
2. Asahel Woodbridge, b. about 1704, graduated at Yale in 1724,
and was a Congregational clergyman, and was settled as minister of
Glastonbury, Conn., 4 Oct., 1728. 3. Mary Woodbridge, who m.
William Pitkin. 4. Euth Woodbridge, m. Pearson of Newark,
N, J. 5. Susanna Woodbridge, who m. in 1728 Richard Treat.
33 Gen. Rnth Wi/IIis, b. at Hartford, the youngest daughter of
Samuel Wyllis and Ruth Haynes, m. 2 June, 1692, Rev. Edward
Taylor as his second wife. (His first wife was Elizabeth Fitch,
daughter of Rev. James Fitch, the first minister of Norwich. See
Norwich Jubilee, 296.) Rev. Edward Taylor was b. in 1642, at
Sketchley, in Leicestershire, just on the boi'der of Warwickshire, in
England, graduated at Harvard in 1671, and was a Congregational
clergyman, and was settled as the first minister of Westfield, Mass.,
where his first wife d. in 1689, and had a son, Samuel, b. in 1675,
and seven other children. He died 29 June, 1729; and Ruth Wyl-
lis, his second wife, survived him and died the succeeding January.
Abigail; and Frances H. Eldad Taylor, Esq., was also the ancestor
of lienry W.Taylor, Esq., of Canandaigua, who was one of the
judges of the court of appeals of the state of New York.
For the seven first generations, commencing with Egbert, the first
Anglo-Saxon king of all England, see Aj^jJendix A.
8 Generation. —
The Princess Goda, youngest daughter of King
Ethelred Ethelred the Unready, by his last wife, Emma of
II. called
Normandy, daughter of Richard, first duke of Normandy, held lands
in Gloucestershire in the reign of her brother, King Edward the
Confessor {see 2 Ellis^ Doomsday Book, 119), which lands remain
in the hands of some of her descendants at this time. She m. for
her first husband Dreux, count of Vexin, called by English his-
torians Walter De Mante, count of Mantes. lie was great grand-
son of Waleran, who succeeded Hugh the Great, duke of France,
fother of Hugh Capet as count of Vexin in 956, and is said
to be descended from the Emperor Charlemagne and Hildegarde
of Swabia, his wife. He went on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem,
and d. in Bythinia about the first of July, 1035, and she d. in
1054. They had four sons: 1. Gcmtliier {Walter). ± Rudolf ov
Ralph. 3. Fouljucs. 4. Poutoise.
10 Gen. — Harold
Be Mantes, their only son, m. Matilda, daugh-
ter of Hugh
Lupus, the first earl of Chester, and Ermitiude his
wife, and had by her two sons John De Sudely, and Robert De
11 Gen. —John, the eldest son, inherited the lands of his father
in Gloucestershire, and became John De Sudely, lord of Sudely
and Toddingtou. He m. Grace Tracy, daughter and heiress of
Henry De Tracy, feudal lord of Barnstable, in Devonshire. They
had two sons Ralph, the heir of the father and William, who in-
: ;
herited the lands of his mother, and assumed her family name of
13 Gen. —
Sir Oliver Tracy, his oldest son and heir, was one of
the knights of Gloucestershire in the time of King John, and as
early as 1695 he was in possession of the estate at Barnstable.
16 Gen. Henry Tracy, of Toddington, his eldest son and heir,
presented to the church at Marthoe in Devonshire in 1275.
17 Gen. —
Sir William Tracy, of Toddington, his son and heir,
was one of the knights of Gloucestershire in 1290, and had a com-
mand in the Scottish war. His son,
20 Gen. Sir John Tracy of Toddington, his son and heir, was
in parliament as one of the knights of Gloucestershire in 1357, and
was sherifi" in 1308 and 1369,
21 Gen. —
Sir John Tracy of Toddington, his eldest son, was a
member of parliament. He was sherifi" of Gloucestershire in 1378,
and died in 1379.
25 Gen. —
Henry Tracy Esq., of Toddington, their eldest son and
26 Gen. —
Sir William T'racyof Toddington, their eldest son and
heir, was sheriif of Gloucestershire in 1513. He m. Margaret
Throckmorton daughter of Sir Thomas Throckmorton of Coss
Court and Margaret Orduey his wife, and granddaughter of Sir
John Throckmorton, who m. Eleanor, daughter and co-heiress of
Sir Guy De La Spine, lord of the manor of Cough ton, in Warwick-
shire, and died about 1531. He was one of the first who embraced
the reformed religion in the time of King Henry VIII. In his will,
instead of leaving his soul to God, through the intercession of the
Virgin Mary and the rest of the saints, &c., according to the then
common form, he stated briefly his belief as a Christian, and his
hope of salvation by the grace and merits of the Saviour, and then
proceeded as follows
"As touching the wealth of my soul, the faith that I have taken
and rehearsed is sufficient, as I suppose, without any other man's
works or merits. My ground and belief is that there is but one
God. and one mediator between God and man, which is Jesus Christ.
So that I accept none other in heaven or earth to mediate between
me and God ; all others to be but petitioners in receiving grace.
And therefore will I bestow no part of my goods for the intent that
any man shall say or do aught to help my soul. For therein I trust
only to the promi.>^es of Christ he that believeth and is baptized
28 Gen. Nathaniel Tracy of Tewkshury their second son re-
ceived lands from his father at that place.
30 Gen. Capt. John Tracy \\h oldie&t son, was one of the original
proprietors of Norwich, was a justice of the peace, and represented
the town for six sessions in the legislature. He m. 17 Aug., 1670,
Mary Winslow, b. 1646, daughter of Josiah Winslow and Martha
Bourn of Marshfield, and niece of Gov. Edward Winslow of the May-
flower. He d. 16 Aug., 1702, at Norwich, where she d. 31 July,
1721. Four of his children were married and had families. His
son, John Tracy, m. Elizabeth Leffingwell, and was father of John
Tracy who m. Margaret Hyde (38) of Enth Tracy, who m. Elijah
30 Gen. -Thomas Tracy, the third son of Lieut. Thomas Tracy
and his first wife, married and had eight children, and died about
1694 at Preston, Conn,
30 Gen. Daniel Tracy, the fifth son of Lieut. Thomas Tracy
and his first wife, m. 1 Abigail Adgate, eldest daughter of Deacon
Thomas Adgate and his second wife, Mary (Marvin) Bushnell, and
had by her one son, Daniel Tracy, who m. Abigail Leffingwell;
2 the widow Hannah (Backus) Bingham, and had by her two other
children, who died s. p. He was killed 29 June, 1728, by the fall-
ing of a bridge at Norwich Lauding which he was assisting in
30 Gen. Miriam Tracy, the only daughter of Lieut. Thomas
Tracy and his first wife, m. Lieut. Thomas Waterman one of the
original proprietors of Norwich, son of Robert Waterman and Eliza-
beth Bourn of Marshfield. She had by him eight children, seven
of whom married and had families. Thomas Waterman, her eldest
son, m. Elizabeth AUyn, and was the father of John Waterman,
who m. Anne Hyde (49) ; and of Asa Waterman^ who m. Lucy Hyde
(40). John Waterman, her second son, m. 1 Elizabeth. Lathrop,
2 Judith Woodward, and 3 Elizabeth Bassett. He was father of
William Waterman, who m. Margaret Tracy (594); and of Plannah
Waterman, mother of Gen. Benedict Arnold, the traitor. Elizabeth
Waterman, her eldest daughter, m. Capt. John Fitch of Windham,
and had four children. Martha Waterman, her third daughter, m.
Deacon Reynold Marvin of Lyme. Lydia Waterman, her fourth
daughter, m. Eleazer Burnam,and was mother of Daniel Bur nham,
who m. Irene Tracy (597). Joseph Waterman, her youngest son,
m. Elizabeth Woodward and had seven children, six of whom died
unmarried. Anne Waterman, her youngest daughter, m. Josiah De
Wolf of Lyme.
The death of this good woman has stricken with deep grief the
hearts of many who were connected with her by the ties of con-
sanguinity, and spread gloom and sorrow far beyond the limits of the
domestic circle in which she moved so long, and within which she
was loved so well.
She expired on the 24th ult., at Saratoga Springs, where she
had resided many years, in the well-known mansion of the Chan-
cellor, and surrounded by the members of her tender and aifectionate
family. To them the loss will prove irreparable, and many, very
many, of the inhabitants of that village will long and sincerely
mourn the departure of one who was always their friend, in sun-
shine and in storm, in sickness and in health.
Mrs. Walworth was an eminently pious and estimable woman. She
was one of those women in whom are found combined all those charm-
ing qualities which constitute the affectionate wife, the tender mother,
the true friend, and the sincere Christian. Those who knew her
best learned to love her most. It was her good fortune to be placed
in a situation which enabled her to gratify the natural benevoleuce
of her heart, and that served to develop those be.autiful traits of
character that shone so brightly about her path, and clearly marked
her footsteps through a loug and useful life. She failed not to. ren-
der thanks to her God for all His goodness, and ever strove earnestly
to make a good use of the blessings He showered upon her so boun-
While she never neglected any of the multifarious duties that
devolved upon her in her relations of wife and mother, but dis-
charged them all faithfully and well, yet she ever found time to go
about doing good, in meek imitation of Him whom she loved and
served ; and she was always ready to listen to the cry of the needy and
to obey with alacrity the disinterested promptings of her generous
nature. Among the poor and the afflicted she moved as a minister-
ing angel, carrying with her timely relief, and bestowing upon those
who needed it such Christian counsel and consolation as made the
faint heart strong, even in the grasp of the Destroyer, and caused
the star of Hope Eternal to shine brighter and brighter as the
suff"erer's hold on life grew weaker and weaker. Her kind heart
beat in unison with all the cares and trials of the worthy of her
fellow beings, and, in doing what she could to alleviate them, she
drew no line of distinction between rich and poor, high and humble,
hut dispensed her charities and exercised her benevolence with an
even hand, and with a single eye to the accomplishment of good.
Those stricken ones who mourn the loss of a faithful wife and a
fond mother, will long continue to feel keenly the bitter pangs of
such a bereavement, and cherish her memory iu their hearts while
lifeendures. But there are many who, with the writer of this feeble
testimonial to her superior worth, will ever remember her for her
numberless acts of kind, full-hearted benevolence for her uniform
(See No. 2935.+)
Mortally wounded on the battle-field of Gettyshurgh, Pa., on the
3d and died on the 4th day of July, 1863, Lieut. George Augustus
Woodruff", U. S. A., son of George and Augusta S. Woodruff" of
Marshall, Mich., aged 23 years.
Lieut. Woodruff" graduated at the U. S. military academy at West
Point in May, 1861, with a high grade of scholarship, and with the
general esteem of his class. He was one of the number of promising
young officers who within the past three years have gone forth from
the academy to various positions in the federal army, and whose
merits and services, whenever fully and impartially recorded, will
not only render their names precious to every true patriot, but
will also reflect the highest honor on that noble institution which
has enabled them to exhibit a conduct equal to their courage.
His standing being such as to give him a position in the ordnance,
he nevertheless preferred the more active service of the artillery.
In the first instance, however, he was ordered to the army of the
Potomac and to the position of assistant adjutant-general to Colonel
and acting Brigadier-General Wilcox of Michigan; and took part in
the fix'st battle of Bull Run in that capacity, and was engaged upon
the most exposed portions of the field and in the thickest of the fight,
retiring in company with the regulars who brought up the rear.
Immediately after this he was promoted to a first lieutenancy, and
at hisown request was assigned to his proper place in the artillery
of the regular army being attached to what was then known as
hours before sunset, just as Couch's division were having their left
turned, the enemy penetrated between him and the corps of Heint-
zleman. Half an hour would have cut our column in two, which
would have insured the defeat of our army."
Within this half hour the division of Gen. Sedgwick, led by this
battery, at quick time, came up and to its rapid and well directed fire,
which resulted in his death soon after. The command now again
devolved upon Lieut. Woodruff', which command he held in all sub-
sequent engagements till death severed the connection.
The next and last action, or rather series of actions, in which he
was engaged were those ever memorable ones at Gettysburgh on the
2d and 3d of July, 1863. On the 2d, the battery was engaged in
four artillery fights and in one battle. And on the 3d, it was engaged
in eight artillery fights and in one battle before 1 o'clock p. m. ; when,
in the words of a brother oflicer, an eye-witness and participator in the
scene, addressed to the father of Lieut. Woodruff, " the most tarrific
battle of the war opened. For an hour and a half your son's and
three other batteries bore the concentrated fire of one hundred and
fifty guns. Then the rebel infantry moved forward to attack in front
of the batteries. Our front was soon cleared, and George rode up
and ordered me to go with two guns to the support of the other bat-
teries, which were in danger of being taken. He was turning to go
to the rest of the batter}'^, when a musket ball struck him on the
right of the spine issuing near the lower rib."
This proved to be a mortal wound, and which he seems to havo
felt to be such. Upon being helped to dismount, he extended his
hand to his friend, and next in command, Lieut. Egau, and bade
him good-bye. He survived, however, till the next day, bearing
the pain of his deadly wound without a groan or a murmur; his dying
moments being soothed by the kind care of his surgeon and the
affectionate attentions of his brother officers and men, and by the
consciousness of having discharged the highest duty a human being
can perform, and more than all, as we humbly trust, by that Chris-
tian taith in which be had been trained from infancy, and from
which, in his manhood, he did not depart.
Though still only a lieutenant in the regular army, his merit had
been recognized on the field by recommendation for a captain brevet
at Fair Oaks, and subsequently at other actions on the peninsula for
those of major and lieutenant-colonel.
He was buried by his companions in arms on the field where he
had fought so well ; and where he expressed a wish that he might b^
laid. But his remains were shortly afterwardg removed to the rural
cemetery of liis native town, and placed beside those of his beloved
mother, who had preceded him to the spirit land less than a month
before. She being taken away suddenly from the evil to come, and
he, as it since appears, without ever learning, though repeatedly
written to respecting it, the bitter news of her death. Heaven thus
kindly shielding each from the crushing sorrow.
Thus has gone another precious sacrifice to the fell spirit of this
unnatural rebellion. Another witness before the judgment seat
against those at whose door lies the guilt of this fearful strife.
Inscrutable, indeed, are the doings of Him who so often calls away
the young just entering upon the active stage of life, matured for its
duties and enjoyments, appearing on it only long enough to inspire
proud hopes of their brilliant success, and then suddenly withdrawn.
Yet of all the victims which death has gathered in this cruel war,
there has fallen none whose character had a juster claim to respect
and admiration. Truth, duty and kindness were the elements out of
which it grew ; and no nobler illustration of each could be found in
all the patriot host gathered with him to the defence of the govern-
ment and the preservation of the Union. The temptation and license
of the camp never betrayed him to forgetfulness of a faithful mother's
teachings. A brother officer, who knew him long and well, speaks
of him thus :
" For three years we were hourly companions at the
military academy, and since I have been in service he was my model
and guide ; and I can truly tell you I know of no virtue he wanted
or one vice that he possessed." But pure, good and dear as he was — a
most dutiful son, an affectionate brother, devoted friend, true patriot
and soldier —
he has gone, as we may humbly hope, where Christian
heroes and martyrs have gone before him. His work was done,
and he has departed a victor and conqueror from the battle-field of
{See No. 3096.)
Was b.
13 Sept., 1813, at Cornwall, Conn., and was a grand nephew
of Judge Theodore Sedgwick of Stockbridge, who was a judge of
the supreme court of Massachusetts. He was a descendant of the
eighth generation from Major-General Robert Sedgwick of Charles-
town, Mass., one of the first settlers of that town, who " was
nursed up in London's artillery garden, and was stout and active
in all feats of war." That descent was as follows : 1. AVilliam,
/. .^ /^^y ---- ^^
John Sedgwick graduated at the "West Point military academy in
1837, aud was appointed 1 July, 18o7, a second lieutenant of artil-
lery, and promoted to a first lieutenancy in 1839. He was in the
battles of Contreras and Churubusco in Mexico, in August, 1847 ;
whose death has just been announced to the court, is now added to
this number, and we are called upon to pay a tribute of respect to
his memory.
Few men have left behind them a more enviable reputation than
Mr. Porter. In all the stations of life which he was called to fill,
and they were numerous, he fully met the public expectation, and
performed his duties with marked ability and success. His attain-
ments in the profession to which he devoted himself, were of a high
order. As a sound lawyer and safe counsellor he was among the
first of the profession, and for integrity of character and honesty of
purpose he had no superior. I remember him well thirty years ago,
when I first became a member of the bar in this county; he was
then in the full and successful practice of his profession. I re-
member also his associates and competitors at that time — Mason,
Sullivan, Bartlett, and others, eminent in the profession — and it is
no small praise to him to say, that among such men he maintained
a high reputation as a lawyer, and his counsel and services were
much sought after and relied upon.
I have been engaged with him and against him in the trial of
cases; and any one thus situated could not fail to observe and ac-
knowledge his superior ability and carefulness in the preparation
and management of his cases. He was distinguished for the accu-
racy and soundness of his judgment, and for his extensive know-
ledge of the law and its practice. As a special pleader he stood in
the front rank of the profession, at a time when special pleading
was more regarded in practice than at the present day. His man-
ner in court was peculiarly unassuming. Nothing was ever said by
him for the mere purpose of display but he stated his positions
life unsullied, and has gone to another world, where, I trust, he re-
ceived the welcome of the good and faithful servant.
(JVo. 6117.+)
Was the third son of Judge Nathaniel Pope of Kaskaskia, 111.,
formerly of Kentucky, and was, through his maternal grandmother,
Lucretia Hubbard of New London, Conn., descended from Gov.
Leverett of Mass., and from the Rev. William Hubbard of Ips-
wich, the historian of New England. Through his maternal
ancestress, Mabel Harlakenden, the second wife of Gov. Haynes
of Hartford, he was also descended from Alfred the Great, from
William the Conqueror, from the earls of Warwick and the earls
of Stafford, and from other kings and oth6r nobility of England.
(^'ee Nos. 2139, 7038, and Appemh'x A.)
He graduated at West Point military academy in 1842, and was
appointed a second lieutenant in the corps of topographical engineers.
He was at the taking of Monterey, in Mexico, in September, 1846,
by the troops under Gen. Taylor and was promoted to a first lieu-
found Gen. Grant's army much reduced ; and called to him Gen.
Pope, and all his forces, from the neighborhood of New Madrid and
Fort Pillow, and placed him and his corps on the left wing of the
army which was to advance upon the confederate stronghold at
Corinth. The march commenced on the 27th of April, and be-
tween that and the IGth of May there were frequent skirmishes
with the enemy. And there' were two sharp engagements at and
around Farmington, a few miles east of Corinth, in which Gen.
Pope's division was prominent. The siege of Cdrinth commenced
on the 20th of May, 1862. On the 28 of May the left wing of the
army, under General Pope, attacked what afterwards was found to
be the most important part of the confederate works ; which attack
was most vigorously resisted. The next day Gen. Pope opened upon
that part of the defences of Corinth with heavy artillery, when the
confederates retired from the battery and allowed him to occupy the
position which they had so vigorously defended the day before and
before daylight on the morniug of the 3Uth of May the last of the
confederate army retired from their works, and the siege of Corinth
was ended.
In June, 1862, he was summoned to Washington to take the
command of the army of Virginia, after Gen. Jackson of the con-
federate army had compelled Gen. Banks to retreat from Winchester
into Maryland, had defeated Gen. Shields at Port Eepublic, and had
compelled Gen. Fremont to retire before him. He was made a briga-
dier-general of the regular army on the 14th of July, 1862, and
assumed the command of the army of Virginia, and marched to-
wards Kichmond, and arrived at Culpepper Court House, a few
miles north of the Rapidan river, early in August. On the 8th of
August, 1862, on hearing that the confederates had crossed the
Rapidan in force, he sent forward Gen. Banks, with two divisions, to
hold them in check. On the 9th Banks advanced to the neighbor-
hood of the Cedar Mountain, abou^ half way between Culpepper
Court House and the Rapidan. A desperate conflict here ensued, in
which many were killed and wounded on both sides ; but in which
the Union forces were eventually worsted, owing to the strong posi-
tion of the confederates.
Gen. Pope, with the army of Virginia, remained near Culpepper
Court House until the 17th of August, when he learned that the
confederate army, under Gen. Robert E. Lee, was only a few miles
in front of him, in overwhelming force, .lie therefore fell back and
recrossed the Rappahannock, and prepared to defend the passage of
that river by the confederates, at the Rappahannock Station, on the
Orange and Alexandria railroad, and at the numerous fords above
and below that place. He received orders from Washington to hold
the line of the Upper Rappahannock until the troops of Gen. Mc-
Clcllan, which were being brought around from Harrison's Landing
and up the Potomac, could arrive and march to his assistance. And
for several days there was continuous fighting in his front, along the
river, from the Rappahannock Station northward in which the appa-
tage was gained on either side. The conflict was terminated by the
approach of darkness ; and both parties, exhausted by the fatigues
of the day, lay upon their arms, ready to renew the battle on the
morrow; the Union army having nearly exhausted its provisions
and forage.
The conflict was renewed about one o'clock in the afternoon of
the 30th of August, and the fighting soon became general along the
whole Hue of the Union army; Heintzleman occupying the extreme
right, McDowell the extreme left, and Sigel, Porter and Reno being
posted in the centre. And by four o'clock in the afternoon the
whole of Gen. Pope's forces in the field were engaged at close quar-
ters with the enemy. About five o'clock in the afternoon, Gren. Lee
pushed forwards immense masses of troops against the Union left
and centre, and the conflict became terrific along those portions of
the line. The Union left at length gave way, and at nightfall had
been forced back half a mile. And Gen. Pope finding it useless
to contend longer with superior numbers and in the exhausted con-
dition of his troops, retired across Bull Run to the heights of Cen-
treville. Some fighting afterwards took place on the evening of the
1st of September, in which Generals Kearney and Stevens were
killed. On the afternoon of the 2d of September, in pursuance of
orders from the commander in chief, Gen. Halleck, the troops under
the command of Gen. Pope retreated within the defences of Wash-
ington, and arrived there without further loss on the 3d of Septem-
ber ; when Gen. Pope was relieved of his command of the army of
He was then assigned to the department of the northwest, where
he soon succeeded in putting an end to the outrages which the in-
dians in Minnesota had been committing upon the frontier inhabit-
ants of that state.
{See M. QSQO.-i-)
Her former pastor, the Rev. Dr. Philemon H. Fowler, of the First
Presbyterian church in Utica paid this well deserved tribute to the
memory of her virtues.
Mrs, Bagg united a number and a variety of excellencies which
few of us can find elsewhere in the circle of our acquaintances.
Strength and delicacy, fervor of feeling and coolness of judgment,
the nicest susceptibility and perception, and the utmost energy and
resolution, combined to give completeness to her character.
Though endowed by nature with the qualities that win affection
and inspire respect, it was from grace that her crowning beauty and
attraction came. Preeminent among her Christian charms was the
benevolence she cherished and practiced. Usefulness was the end
of her life. In every relation and in every sphere she merged her-
self in others. In the family, where we all most act ourselves, and
where no disguises are kept up, and where our freest and fullest de-
velopments are made, she appeared almost unconscious of her own
interests and wants, in an engrossing regard to her kindred, whom
she constantly served.
There are three positions in the community with which my mind
most readily associates her. They may be judged humble by the
world, and we may have thought her condescending in taking them;
but her usefulness there gave them dignity and honor. The one is
as a member of a sewing society, where, by her presence and exam-
ple, she encouraged charity to the poor the second is as a teacher
in a mission Sunday school, where she long and faithfully and suc-
cessfully taught the neglected children of parents of foreign birth;
the third is as the principal directress of an orphan asylum, where for
so many years she watched over motherless childhood with maternal
tenderness and assiduity.
affection and unflagging zeal, she so admirably acted her part, that
as a counselor and helper we looked upon her as indispensable in the
household, in society, and in the church.
When her anticipated removal from Utica was first announced,
our feelings would have forbidden her leaving and when we yielded
to the Providence that called her away, we rejoiced that the great
metropolis to which she went was a wider theatre for those labors of
love in which she so much delighted, and for which she was so
eminently fitted. Scarcely, however, had she reached her new
home, before sickness arrested her untired activity.
During her welcome visit here, in the summer of 1858, it was
painfully evident tbat her vigorous constitution began to be under-
mined and though she subsequently rallied somewhat, she never
" I am deeply impressed with the call which I have had, to be pre-
pared at any moment to leave all the things of this life ; and I re-
joice always in the blessed promise of the life to come."
The physician whose care she enjoyed at Saratoga was a Luke in-
deed ; and under his ministries, and those of a cultivated and pious
matron who assisted him. and in the society of a Christian house-
hold, who made her resort even less a sanitarium than a home, she
spent a few days most agreeably, and with an apparent amendment
in health. Suddenly, however, a new shock of disease fell upon
her, and she was borne from a cheerful circle to a couch of languish-
ment where, in a few hours, she fell asleep in Jesus.
(See JVo. 767.)
The descendants of William Hyde, to the seventh generation inclusive, with very fcw exceptions, are
in this genealogynumbered successively, in each generation; so that each descendant has his or her
individual number. The male children of the same parents, in the numbering of those generations,
are first numbered? in the order of their births, before the females and then the female children of the
same parents are numbered, in the order of their births. And such descendants will be found in their
proper places in the genealogy, by the numbers set opposite their respective names in the index.
To render the indexing of the descendants more convenient, those having the family names, respect-
ively, of the ten families which were the most numerous, are indexed by themselves in the first ten ;
parts of the index. And all those having other family names will be found in Part XI of the index.
The ten families which are thus indexed separately, are 1, Hyde; 2, Lord; 3, Griswold; i, Abel; 5,
Tracy; 6. Sill; 7, Huntington; 8, Dorr; 9, Rogers; and 10, Ely.
In the first ten parts of the index, the descendants of William Hyde are indexed alphabetically
according to the Christian names. But in I'art XI of the index, they are arralfeed alphabetically,
according to the family names; and those having tlie same fiimily name, are also generally arranged
alphabetically, according to the initial letters of the Christian name.
Thus to find Clarina Griswold, the wife of Nathan Elliot, the reader must look among the C's in
Part III of the index, where her individual number will be found to be 498. And then by referring to
that number in the genealogy, her name and marriage will be found at page 52 followed by this mark,
t, to indicate that further particulars of her and her husband and descendants, will be found in their
proper places, according to that individual number, in a subsequent part of the genealogy.
But to find Lucy Elliot, the eldest daughter, wife of Ilov. Seth Swift, the reader must look among the
Elliots in Part JCl of the index, where her individual number will be found to be 2165. And by refer-
ring to that number in the genealogy, her name and marriage will be found at page 190 ; followed by
the same +, to indicate that further particulars of her and her husband and descendants will be found
in their proper places, according to that individual number, in a subsequent part of the genealogy.
A few of the descendants of the eighth generation have individual numbers; and those numbers will be
found in the proper Parts of the index, opposite the names of those de.scendants. Only a few of the de-
scendants of the eighth generation, and none of the ninth and tenth generations, have individual num-
bers. But such descendants, in the genealogy, are recorded immediately after, and in connection with
their last ancestor who has an individual number. And in the proper Parts of the index, their names
will be found opposite the individual number of such ancestor, followed by this mark +, to indicate
that the reader must look for the record of such descendant, in the genealogy, in connection with the
record of the ancestor to whom that individual number belongs.
Thus : to find Major-General John Sedgwick, of the eighth generation, the reader must search for
his Christian name among the Sedgwicks, in Part .17 of the index, where the individual number of his
mother Olive Collins (3096) will be found opposite his name, with this mark +, annexed to it (3096,+)
to indicate that his record will be found in connection with hers in the genealogy.
Part XII of the index contains the names of husbands, not of the Hyde blood, who have married
female descendants of William Hyde. Such husbands are alphabetically arranged in the index, under
their family names and those having the same family name, are also arranged alphabetically according
to the initial of the Christian name. The name of the wife, with her individual number, is set opposite
the name of the husband to show that the particulars of the husband must be sought for in the gene-
alogy in connection with that individual number. And if she has no individual number, the number of
her ancestor who has an individual number is added to her name in this Part of the index, with tliis
mark +; to indicate that the particulars of the husband must be sought for in tlie genealogy in connec-
tion with that individual number.
Part A'lII of the index, contains the names of wives, not of the Hyde blood, who have married male
descendants of William Hyde. Such wives are alphabetically arranged in the index under their family
names; and those having the same family names are also arranged alphabetically, according to the ini-
tial of the Christian name. The name of the husband, with his individual number, is set opposite the
name of the wife, to show that the particulars of the wife must be sought for in the genealogy in con-
nection with that individual number. And if he has no individual number, the number of his next
ancestor who has an individual number is added to his name, in this Part of the index, with this mark,
+ ; to indicate that the particulars of the wife must be sought for in the genealogy in connection with
that individual number.
In some cases, duplicate and triplicate numbers will be found. But in such case there arc marks of
distinction in the index, as well as in the body of the genealogy; as 408, 468a, 40S6, &c. The names of
descendants who died in infancy or in childhood, are not contained iu the index.
PAET I. ^ /
Cheistian names of descendants of the first William Htde of Norwich,
bbaking the family name of hyde, with the names of the peesons they
married, &c. :
Aaron Hall,
1198 INDEX.
Barnabas B. m. C. A. Cran- ]
dall, j 4566
Bazaleel, m. M. Porter, 129
Bela B., m. Mary Marsh, 1736
1200 INDEX.
Clara Virginia, 3634f
Clarence Levi, 33G8+
" Melville, 3440+
Clarissa, m. J. L. Paterson, 7G0
" m. Sim. Backus, 1087
" m. J. Sampson, 1559
" 2G57
" m. M. B. Silliman, 2908
" m. John Hyde, 4618
" 4723
" A. m. Edw. Downs, 4111
" M.m. J. D.Hendricks, 2961+
Cleora, m. — Burns, 4591+
Collis Allen, 7163+
Corasanda, m. C. B. Jolinson, 4172
Corbin, m. 4598+
Cordelia, m. John Ewart, 2976+
" B. m. Chas. Aikin, • 3376
Cornelia, d. unm. 4080+
" m. Darius Doty, 4589+
" Elnora, 5163
Cornelius C. 5156
" Allen, 4114+
" P. V. N. m. C. J. Hill,4080+
Cortland, 4704+
" Cleland, 4699+
Corydon, m. Anne Lyman, 2739+
" m. A. Richardson, 7163
Cynthia, m. John Gilbert, 749
" m. Arch. Welch, 2735
" d.unm. 2788
" A. m. Gardner Odd, 4176
" Amanda, 7252
" M. m. S. S. Benedict, 2795
Cyrenus R. m. S. A.Tompkins 5159
Czarina, 4703+
1202 INDEX.
iza F. d. unm.
1204 INDEX.
Francis Edward,
1206 INDEX.
Lucia E. m. K. Harrison,
Marion E. m. Henry I. Fonda, 4354
Martha, m. Jabez Post, 308
" m. Joseph Martin,
1212 INDEX.
Eoduey, m.
Sarah Aurelia,
1216 INDEX.
Charles D.
Maria Therese,
1220 INDEX.
Casper K. m. J. "Willams,
1224 INDEX.
Hellen Louisa,
1230 INDEX.
Christian names of descendants of the first William Hyde of Norwich,
Asenath, m. S. Lewis, 5641
Bliven S. m. C. A. Latlirop,
Borradill, d. unm.
Butler, d. unm.
Byron Gautier,
" W. m. H. A. Grinnel,
" Cook,
Calista M. m. A. Keyser,
Calvin S. m.P. E. Bogardus,
" m. Justin Hall,
" Antoinette,
" E.
" H. m. Asaph Fitch,
" K.
" L. m. S. A. Vrooman,
" A. m. W. V. Wagner,
" D.
" Frances,
" Payne,
" m. M. Swackhamer,
" A. m. M. F. Reynolds,
" Augustus,
" E. m. Jen. Bull,
" Henry,
" S. m. E. Newbury,
Charlotte, m. Erie Kent,
" E.
" M. m. G. Huntington,
Clarissa S. m. Sylv. Cone,
" T. d. unm.
" Tredway,
Cora Sophia,
Cook D. m. L. A. Harrig,
" M. m. E. M. Loomis,
Cyrus Denison,
Daniel, m. A. Knight,
A. Barnes,
m. H. Huugerford,
Elizabeth, N.
1234 INDEX.
Christian names of descendants of the fiest 'William Htde of Norwich,
bearing the family name of huntington, with the names of the
persons they married, &c. :
1238 INDEX.
Maria, m. H. W. Ripley,
Thomas, m. A. Backus.
1242 INDEX.
Elizabetli, m. J. Dempsey,
Mary, d. unin.
1244 INDEX.
Chkistian names of descendants of the first William Hyde of Norwich,
bearing the family name of ely, with the names of the persons they
married, &c. :
Names of descendants of the first William Hyde of Norwich, bearing other
SILL, HUNTINGTON, DORR, ROGERS, or ELY ; with their numbers, or
Abbot, Albert D.
Adgate, Sarah TV.
rmstrons;, Edward H.
1252 INDEX.
Armstrong, Rebecca,
Avery, Dr. j
1254 INDEX.
Badger, Orestes,
Badgley, Amelia D.
" Benjamin F.
Edna M.
" Frances D.
" Horace C.
" Laura S.
" Lucia E.
" Maria M.
1256 INDEX
Baldwin, Harvey I. m
" Hellen M.
" Henrietta M.
" Henry T.
" Hilliard W.
" Horace,
" Horace,
" Horace,
" Horace H.
" Horatio M.
" Isaac,
" Isaac,
" Jabez B.
" James,
" James,
" JaneE.
" Jennet S.
" Jolin B.
" John H.
" John H.
" John M.
" Julia A.
" Laurin N.
" Louis,
" Marion A.
" Mary,
" Mary,
" IMary E.
" Mary E.
" Mary E.
" Rachel B.
Rachel L.
Samuel A.
" Samuel S.
" Samuel S.
" Samuel Y.
" Sarah C.
Sarah M.
" Stephen Gr.
" Susan T.
" William A.
" William B.
" William J.
Balis, George H,
" Henrietta E.
Ball, Adeline,
Barker, John,
Bartholomew, Hiram E.
Beckwith, Ruth A.
1260 INDEX.
ingham, Caroline L.
1262 INDEX.
Blanchard, Naomi A.
Bradford, Ursula, 59G9 Bristol, Hannah A. 3227+
Brown, diaries H.
Buel, Bazaleel H.
1266 INDEX.
Butler, Lovisa,
1268 INDEX.
Clapp, Anne,
Clark, Ruth M.
1272 INDEX.
Cole, Elizabeth,
Collins, John W.
1274 INDEX.
Cone, Charles S.
1276 INDEX.
Culver, Jonathan E.
Davenport, Jolin,
1278 INDEX.
Delano, Ellen B.
1280 INDEX
Edgerton, Lycurgus,
Elliot, Homer, 6176+ Elliot, William F. m. 6178
" Plorace, m. 6188 " William H. 5766+
" Isaac, 5769 " William H. 6172
James GrJ 6184 " William R. m. 5414
" Jared, m. 1846
" Jared, 6187t Ellis, Alanson, 4818+
" Jared Lay, 5406 " Elizabeth,
" John, m. 2159 " Mary,
" John, m. 5767 " Mary, 6954
" John, m. 6176 " Myron, 4818+
" John, 6176+ " Urania, 6953
" John H. m. 5771+
" Julia P. 6177 Elwood, Arthur H. 3619+
" Louisa, m. 5768+
" Lucy, m. 2165 Elmore, Elisha S. 5527+
" Lydia, m. 2167
" Lynde, m. 1850 Emerson, Margaret, 2819+
" Lynde, m. 5413
" Maria A. 5419+ Ensign, Charles, 5801+
" Maria J. 5409 " Frank,
" Mary, m. 5773
" Mary A. m. 5415 Ensworth, Harriet E. 7224+
" Mary A. m. 6181
" Mary C. 5766+ Estabrook, Joseph, m. 3307
" Mary J. 6174+ " Levi H. 3308
" 3Iary L. m. 5404
" Mary L. m. 5404+ Everett, Arthur, 3372+
" Matthew, m. 2160 " Carrie,
" Matthew G. 6178+ « Harriet L.
" Matthew Gr. m. 6179 " Mary C.
" Mirriam J. m. 5771+
" Nancy, m. 1854 Everson, Duane S. 6385+
" Nathan, m. 2161 " Giles H.
" Nathan A. 6180 " William E.
" Nathan G. 6185
" Oscar, 6187+ Failes, Ebenezer, 2369a
" Oscar H. 6174+ " Elizabeth, 2369 c
" Phebe, m. 2168 " Ruth, 23696
" Rebecca, m. 6183
" Richard, m. 1849 Fanning, David G. m. 7038+
" Richard J. m. 2164 " Eugene, 2829+
" Richard J. 6190 " Francis,
" Rufus, m. 1851 " Henry H.
" Samuel, m. 5768 " Lucy C. 7038+
" Samuel, 6189 " Thomas C
" Sarah, m. 1855
" Sarah, m. 2169 Farnsworth, Abel, 6799+
" Susan A. m. 5420 " Henry,
" Timothy, m. 5770
" William A. •
6176+ Farrar, Abby C 4741+
1286 INDEX.
Fillmore, Mary E.
Follet, Marcia,
1288 INDEX.
Freiot, Angeline,
G:^vdner, Austin,
1290 INDEX.
Gordon Daniel W.
Green, Caroline A.
1294 INDEX.
Griffin, Lucy,
Hall. Anno W.
" Arunali II.
" Beniamiu Fj»
" Charles S.
" Christine,
Cornelia I.
" Edward B.
" Edward F.
" Edward H.
" Ellen M.
" Fannie A.
" Frances H.
" Frank D. P.
" Frank S.
" Frederick,
" George H.
" Harriet
" Helen J,
" Henry,
" Henry C.
" Henry G. C
" James D.
" Jerusha,
" Josephine E. M.
" Judelia,
" Lewis H.
" Lucretia A.
" Martha,
" Mary,
" Mary B.
" Mary E.
" Mary E.
" Richard H.
Samuel H. P.
" Sarah M.
Theodore P.
" William B.
" William B.
" William S.
" William W.
Hallock, Jerusha,
Halsey, Adeline S.
" Edward C.
" Eleanor S.
Hamilton, Adolphus,
" Alexander S.
1296 INDEX.
Hargraves, Harriet A.
Hart, Mary A.
1298 INDEX.
Hayes, Mumford,
1300 INDEX.
Hillhouse, Samuel,
Holmes, Laura J.
1302 INDEX.
Hubbard, Harriet A.
1306 INDEX.
Jackson, Ellen,
Jewett, Frances,
1308 INDEX.
Kernan, Joseph,
Kingsbury, Elleq,
1312 INDEX.
Ladd, Dan,
Langdon, Sarah,
ithrop, Enoch T.
Latlirop, Susan,
1316 INDEX.
Lay, Grurdon,
Lee, Benjamin, m.
" Benjamin,
" Benjamin F.
" Charles,
" Charles,
" Charles,
" Charles,
" Charles C
" Charlotte L.
" Daniel,
" Edmund B.
" Elias,
" Eliza,
Eliza A.
" Elizabeth,
" Elizabeth,
" Elizabeth,
" Elsie Anne,
- Ely,
" Emma C.
Enoch L.
" Erastus,
" Eunice,
" Eunice,
" Eunice M.
" Frederick,
" George,
" George D.
" George D.
" George W.
" George W.
" George W.
" Hannah,
" Hannah E.
" Harriet,
" Harriet C.
" Harriet M.
" Harriet W.
" Henry C.
" Henry T.
" Irene M.
" Jane,
" Jeremiah P.
" Joel Gilbert,
" John,
" John S.
" John Wesley,
" Joseph,
" Joseph,
" Joseph,
1318 INDEX.
Leffingwell, Elisha D.
Mann, Isaac, 4523+
" Lucy L.
ansfield. Amy,
Manwaring, Sarah,
1322 INDEX.
Marvin, Abigail,
Mather, Ezra S.
1324 INDEX.
Mattison, Clara S.
McKnight, Charles H.
1326 INDEX.
etcalf, Emely E.
Metcalf, Sarah,
Mitchell, Stephen,
Morse, Edward A.
1330 INDEX.
Mosely, Titus,
Niles, Elizabeth, 5G92+ Niles, Mary E.
Evali, 5752+
George, 5704f
George, 5774+
Harriet, m. 5()9G
Harriet S 5G89+
Harvey, m. 5703
Harvey, 4780+
Hattie A. m. "
Henry, 5359+
Henry, 6337+
Henry C. 5706+
Henry C. 5689+
Henry E.
Henry N.
Henry T. 5359+
Hiram E. M. 4781+
IraH. 4780+
Isaac, 5690
Janette R. 5359+
Jerome H,
John, 5705+
John B. 5359+
John J.
John J.
John M. m. 5699
John M. 5703+
John M. m. 5706
John 0. m. 5689+
John W. 4780+
Joseph, m. 1935
Joseph, 5688«
Julia, 5688+
Julia, 5752+
Juliet, 5698+
Justin, m. 5692
Lucadia C m. 5698+
Lucy, 5688+
Lucy, m. 5694
Lucy, 5705+
Lucy, 5710
Lydia, m. 5693
Maria H. m. 5698+
Mary, m. 1939
Mary, 5362
Mary, m. 5695
Mary, 5752+
Mary A. m. 4780+
Mary A. m. 5359+
Mary A. m. 5774+
1332 INDEX.
Parker, John M.
Par son P, Williaui, 6072+ Patterson, Saphronia, . 4553+
" AVilliam W. m. 6081 "
Sarah, m. 5599a+
" Sarah, m. 4507
4529+ "
Patrick, Cliaries, Sarah A. G. 4504+
" George H. " '
Scth, 2857+
" Sophia, m. 2919
Patridge, Samuel S. 4472+ " Stephen R. 4553+
" Thomas, m. 5599a+
Patten, Amy, 6345+ " Thomas J. 2916
" Charles W. 5549+ " TJri Hill, m. 2856+
Jane L. " William, m. 2857
" Anne,
Paul, Catharine M. 3758+
Patterson, Ashbel, m. 2856 " Cornelia,
" Ashbel, 2856+
" Ashbel, 2857+ Payne, Almira,
" Anrelia, m. 2861
" Caroline, m. 2859
" Charlotte, 2860
" Edward A. 2917+
" Elisha G. 4504+
" Elizabeth, 2921
" Elizabeth S. m. 5599a+
Erastus, m. 4504
" Erastus A. 4504+
" Eunice A. m. 4508
Ezekiel M. m. 4599a+
" Frances E. 2917+
f' Frederick W. m. 2918
" George W. m. 2917
" Harriet, m. 2922
" Harriet E. m. 2856+
" Henry, 2914
" Henry D. m. 2856+
" Isabella, 2857+
" John E. m. 2915
" John, m. 5599a+
" John Jerome, 2856+
" Josiah, m. "
" Josiah, 2857+
" Josiah B. 2856+
" Julia M. m. 2917+
" Lewis A. 2918+
" Lucy E. 4504+
" Maranda, 4553+
" Mary, m. 2920
" Mary A. m. 5599a+
" Matthew A. m. 4506
" Nathan, m. 5599«+
" Robert, in. 5599a+
1336 INDEX.
Pearpy, Hannah,
eck, Dudley,
1338 INDEX.
Peck, Norah,
1340 INDEX.
Pierce, Almira A.
Piatt, Elizabeth S.
1342 INDEX.
Post, Elmira,
Potter, Lucien B.
1344 INDEX.
Eandall, Anna,
" Erastus R.
" Griswold,
" Harriet,
" Hezekiah A.
" Jolin M.
" Marvin T.
" Mary,
" Mary A.
" Nancy,
" Rachel,
" Rosamond W.
" Ruth,
Randlett, Elvira L.
" Minnie,
" Samuel L.
Ransom, Albert H.
" Albert H.
" Anne A.
" Charles H.
" Charles J.
" Elizabeth D.
" George W.
" John C.
" John H.
" Mary A.
Rawson, Charles H.
" Ella C.
" Emma L.
" Mary E.
Ray, George,
" Martha,
Raymond, Abigail,
" Adelaide L.
" Adeline C.
" Andrew,
" Anne,
" Anne,
" Anne E.
" Caleb 0.
" Calvin C.
" Catherine G.
" Charles H.
" Charles L.
" Charlotte,
Kaymond, John,
1346 INDEX.
Reed, Franklin,
Kice, Mary,
Eobinson, Henry N.
Eossiter, Edwcard C.
1350 INDEX.
Kudd, Kalph,
."^rribner, Charles S.
1352 INDEX.
Shear, Caroline,
Shethar, James,
1354 INDEX.
lith, Cassimer W.
1356 INDEX.
Stanton, Adelaide,
Stephens, Addie W. 3178
Sterling, Adeline,
" Alma C.
" Alma R.
" Amasa,
" Ambrose S.
" Anne L.
" Ansel,
" Asahel M.
" Avis C.
" Caroline,
" Charles A.
" Charlotte,
" Clarissa,
" Dudley,
" Edward,
" Edward B.
" Elisha,
" Eiisha,
" Elisha,
" Elisha,
" Elisha T.
" Elizabeth H.
" Ellen E.
" Emeline,
" Emely P.
« Emma B.
" Erastus,
" Erastus S.
" Ethiel B.
" Frances J.
" Frances N.
» Frank S.
" Frank S.
" Frederick,
" Frederick^
" Frederick A.
" George A.
George A.
" George H.
" George W.
" Harriet,
" Harriet A.
" Harriet A.
" Harriet A.
" Henry D.
" Isabella,
" Isabella C.
" Isabella C.
1358 INDEX.
Sterling, William,
Stoors, Emma,
1360 INDEX.
Sweet, Loran S.
Thomas, Julia A.
Towner, Ammi,
Tucker, Willis 0.
1364 INDEX.
Voorheis, Clarence B.
Wadhams, Moses,
1366 INDEX.
Waite, Richard,
"Ward, George A.
1368 INDEX.
^Yaterman, Fanny,
"Watson, Mary E. 80G2+ Weems, Edward M.
llicliard S.
" Susan S.
" Winslow,
Wells, Charlotte,
1372 INDEX.
Willard, Emelia R.
"Williams, Simou II.
1374 INDEX.
Wolf, Hiram D.
1376 INDEX.
Woodwortli, Mebilable,
Names of males, not descendants of William Hyde the first of Norwich,
u 1
bridge j
" S.m S. Denuison 5599c
" Z.m M. A. Hyde 3344
Abbey L. m M. Johuson 3734
Abel C. m M. Post 15
" J. m II. Gifford 253
" N. m A. Marshall 634
" li. m A. Waterman 1011
Abernethy I. m M. Lawrence4558+
Ackley — m II. Jewett
. 2032
Adams B. m F. Hyde 4544
B. T. m G. De Lamater6385+
" C. m M. Waite
1378 INDEX.
E.G.Bingham 6639+
— —
" m ]}rockway
. 5757+ . Crippin J. m
L. L. Hyde 3583 ")
Currier —
m. A. Davcn])ort 3079+
. De Lamater J. m E. Dorr 2252
Curtis C. S. m M. H. Peck 5791+ Delano L. H. m M. G. J. Hyde 7213
" E. m
M. Metcalf ) n-nos. Delassus L. m L. Elliot 5404+
^'^-^-^ Delavan E.CmH.A.Schuyler 6158+
E.Abel I
" a. T. m M. Anderson 4205+ Delong M m P. Fox 3759+
" H. m F. Warner 4529 Deming S. m M. C. Hyde 4605+
Gushman A. m C. Hyde 428 Dempsey J. m E. Dorr 6351+
" N. m A. M. Rogers 4442 Denio F. m C. Edgertson 4623
" P. m A. Sill 6378+ Denison A. C m P. C. Ely 6577
Cutler A. m Lois Lathrop 3731^/ " Capt. m A. Raymond 2201
m H. A. Gilbert 2889
J). G-. " D. m A. Hyde 1781
" W.H. m C.H.Matteson 4269 " E. C. m E. L. Lathrop 3992
Daboll Dr. m P. Collins 3053A; " F.C.m M.A.Armstrong 4846+
Dakin S. D. m M. Mumford 5861+ " G. m J. Butler 1333
Dalee F. m S. D. Walworth 1344 " J. m. P. Griswold 82
Dana G. m C. M. Dodge 3539 " L. m P. A. Ely 6580
" J. m D. Lathrop 6843^? " M. m C. D. Shoemaker 5599+
" 0. N. m C. M. Denison 6531 " N. m E. Sill 1907
Danforth M. m C B. Marvin 5548+ " R. m D. Griswold 81
Daniels 0. m N. D. Peck 6367+ Dennet W. S. m H. A. Hyde 2951
Danly J. m E. S. Shoemaker 5599+ Dennis E. m S. Hough 113
Darly — . m J. Sheldon 3064+ Denovant D. m L. Darrow 5448+
Darrow Z. m Lucy Lord 1861 De Pew J. m E. W. Mather 6056+
D'AutremontC.mS. Collins 3194 Destin G. m M. J. Oviat 6123
Davenport H. m P. Pierpont 3079 Devereux N. m M. D. Butler 4216
" N. m L. Metcalf 6765 Dewey A. m C. Hough 7361
Davidson A. m R. Tracy 3760 " E. m R. Hyde^ 973
Davie — m A. W. Westgate 4179 " J. W. m A. Rudd 1799
— m L. Hyde
Fay — m M. J. Ladd
. 4822+ Shepherd j
" B. F. m M. L. Hyde 3344 Flinn W.m C. Elliot 5416
" B. F.m M. H. Orcutt 4687+ Flint — m Emma Stoors 7362+
" J. P. m C. Hyde 4048 Fobes — m L. R. Leffiugwell 3420
Feek P. L. m H. Throop 2840 Folger W. A. m P. T. Denison 6506
Fenn J. W. m M. J. Spencer 5242a Follet L. m M. V. i\. Bailey 4086+
Fenton J. D. m M- G. Alden 4665+ Fonda H. I. m M. E. Hyde 4354
Ferguson J. m E. Hyde 2907 Foote A. m E. Hutchinson 7117
Ferrier T. m S. Denison 5599c " I. m H. Hyde 764
Ferris G. W. G. m M. E. Hyde 4164 " J. C. m L. Lee 6317
1388 INDEX.
G. m M. Kingsbury 4976 Grinnell B. m P. Denisou 2290
" H. m M. Dorr 6306 " R. m E Hyde 4614
Gordon A. m Mary Hyde 1546 Griswold C. m P. Niles 5702
" W. m C. Armstrong 1604 " E. m M. Wolcott 2595i
1390 INDEX.
" R. m L. E. Hayes 5889-{- " A. m S. Hyde 4643
" S. m F. Chester 1430 " A. m M. S. Sill 5494+
" S. m C. L. Baldwin 3219f " C. m M. A. Lester 7201
" S. m H. ]\Ietcalf 3895 " C. m S. T. Bingham 6620
" S. m Philura Tracy 2510 " C. B. m C. Hyde 4172
" S. m A. Johnson ] 5338
." E. m L. A. Wadhams 3123+
J. M.C.Stewart [5385 " E. m L. E. Lord 5437
" W. m J. E. Watkinson 5672+ " E. B. m M. P. Dean 6549
" W.S.mC.WHuntington6882+ " G. m M. R. Tracy 3834+
Huntley B. m L. Spencer
2015+ " H. m M. Rogers 7099
" M. m Mehit. Sill 1901 " I. m E. Gifford 255
" N. m M. Pearson 1979 " I. m H. J. Hough 6998
" 0. D. m M. Stark
] 2824 " J. m E. Harris 1425
H. R. Stark j 2826 " J. m M. Hyde ) 4091
Hutchius W. m L. Bingham 558 L. Hydef 4093
Hutchinson E. m E. Hyde 684 '<
J. D. m E. S. Hubbard 5679
" S. m P. Barker 1613 " N. m E. Harter 4546+
Hyde Thos. m P. Hinckley 668 " N. m E. C. Raymond 5934+
" —mM.Hinckley 2665 " 0. m E. M. Armstrong 4758
Iceminger J.mA.Cherrington 5271+ " R. P. m E. Dorr 6346+
Ingalls A. m M. J. Metcalf 6760+ " S. m F. Abel 6808
Ingersoll G. m. H. H. Peck 6371+ " S. m A. Lord 1824
Ingraham J. m A. W. Mather 4475+ " V. M.'m L. M. Jewett 5903
Isham E.- ni N. Pierpont 3063 " W.H.m E.A.Perkins 5783+
" 0. m Mary Hyde 696 Jones A. m M. H. Day 3342+
Ives Levi m C. Shoemaker 5599+ " C. m E. Beckwith 6322
" H. R. m Alice Chester 3757+ " E. m S. A. Hyde 4088+
Jack M. m Rox. Selden 4472 " H. m P. S.'Marvin 5548+
Jackson A. m H. Parsons 6076 " J. m J. Mauwarino:; 6494
" D. m Mary Hyde
. 4084 " P. C. m Fanny Wales 6843e+
" E. m N. M
Hyde 4118 " S.m D.Hyde 1324
" E. E. m N. L. Mather 6056+ " W.P.mJ.E*'.Huntington5560+
" G. W. m S. G-. Truman 373 If !
Jordan S. m L. A. Rogers 3363+
Jacobs H. m P. Blanchard 2992
1394 INDEX.
Joslin W. m R. Mosely ]
^„^q^ Kimball J. L. m S. Hyde 1288
b. Mosely •'
L. m
M. P. Greenleaf 6105+
Judd G. m M. P. Woodward
3054+ •
M. P. m L. Hempstead 4311
" G. m 3129+
L. A. Parker " S. m S. Hyde 697
" S. m 2536
D. Huntiugton " W. m L. Lathrop 3731m
Judson L. P. m A. C. Pratt 3554 Kimberly J. L. mE.L.Hawley 5499+
Kasson M. m E. Hyde 1706 " S. m M. S. Potter 4806+
Keables F. m P. E. Armstrong 4757 King C. S.m M. D. Sill 5537+
" F. J. m N. J. Robinson 6821+ ''"
G. G. m L. Dewey 5241c
Kedzie G. H. m H. Smith 4133+ " J. m J. Lay 2069
Keeler A. T. m E.Armstrong 4812+ " J. R. m E. F. Prince 6164+
" Cm M.A.Lee 6312:- " T. m Ruth Hyde 781
" E.m P. A. Sill 5585+ " — m — Lord 447
" J. A. m
C. Doane 3966 Kingsbury A. m S. Hunt- \pQ-
Keith R. m M. Cleveland 3523 ington j
" I. m E. Tracy 3761 " E. m Phebe French 402
Keller S. m H. L. Dorr 6332+ " T. G. m H. Huntington 3004
Kellogg —
m J. A. Gardner 5959+ KingslandA.B.m A. C.Abel 4522+
" A. m S. Smith 3390+ Kingsley A. m D. Mansfield ) 1373
" N. m H. A. Pierpont 3074+ H. B. Smith j 5263
" S. m S. Manwaring 7045 " C. A. m M. A. Hough 7020+
" S. F. m I. M. Marsh 5799+ " D. m E. Bingham 556
S.H.mC.B. Huntington 3071+ " E. D. m R. Elliot 6183
Kelly D. m A. Reynolds 468(/ " H.m S.E.Huntington 6932+
" G S. m Z. Robinson 2692 " J. m Dice Abel 6805
" J. m E. Hyde 786 " J. m Parnal Abel 6802
Kelsal R. m H. Throop 2840 Kinney T. m E. M. Hyde 3337
KelseyE. S, m E. Sill 5504 " W. B. m E. C. Dodge 3544
Leffingwell M. m
S. A.Whaley 2829-f-
" P. m
E. Hyde 422
" P. mS. Rogers 1021
Leighton I. Y. m"j. Wood 3324
Lemou D. S. m E.P. Mitchell 6206+
Lemond J. B. m D. M. Dorr 6333-}-
Lenierch C. M. m E. S Griffin 6441-1-
Leonard T. m M. Baldwin 899
" T. L. m S. A. Hyde 7175
" W. m E. Bradbury 5755
Leslie A. m N. King 2987
Lester E. m L. Mauwaring 2570
" J. m S. Hyde 690
" 0. m C. S. Pratt 2905•^
Lewis C. m E. A. A-'incent 6312-J-
" I). W. m E. Collins 889
" I. m A. A. Hyde 1122
" J. W. m M. L. Hyde 4734
" P. B. m 0. Huntington 4559+
" S. m A. Sill 5641
Liddle T. R. m E.Vandeveer 6387+
Lille J. m S. Hyde 2864
Lincoln W. H. L. m J. Pearson 5800
Linderman J. m S. C. Hyde 5061
Lisk D. m A. Waterman 14C3
" W. m —
Hyde. 807
Litchfield E. C. m Q. H.
" E. D. m
M. S. Hubbard 5677+
Little B. m Anne Hyde 2757
" _ H. H. m
H. M. Keyes 5790+
" "
J. mS. B. Keyes
Maine A. m M. S. Hyde 72G2 Marvin J. m R. Clark 5517
" C. m E. Tracy 88(55 " J. m P. Sterling 5560
" M. mS.Tracy
I. 3841 " M. m S. R. Lord 5325
Malcolm W. m F. Cone 5511+ " S. m L. W. Sill 5510
Mallery G. m S. Sutler 54G4 " T. m Sarah Lay 2067
MandevilleE.S.m ASBurdick 4192+ " W. m INI. S. Pearson 5802
" H. m Schott— . 5613 Mason E. m M. Brown 174
Manly T. m Dorcas Sill 1919« " J. m M. D. Hyde 1123
Mann — m L. Lay
. 5982 *
Matheny F. m Jane Dorr 6406
" B. L. m L. L. Abel 4522+ jMather B. m I. Peason 468
Manning B.ni A.A.Robinson 6821+ " E. m E. Selden 1472
" D. m A. Gifford 1145 " E. m L. P. Sill 6378+
" E. m L. E. llobinson 6821+ " S. m L. Griswold 2109
" H. C. m H. Rogers G505+ " S. m J. Sill 5476+
" J. m T. Hyde 1502 " S. m E. Waite 6056
" J. P. m M. T. Robinson 6821+ Matsou D. m Lois Sill 5473
" S. m T. Hyde ] 4890 " I. m C. Johnson 5330
A. Hyde I 4891' " N. m M. Sill 5472
Mannoir T. m A. C. ¥. Jarvis 5386+ Matthews — m M. Rudd 7109+
Hosier — A. Hyde
. 4710 Noyez D. R. m P. Lord
" r. T. m 480G+
S. J. Potter " J. m Jane Lord 1825
Moss G. W. lu C. E. Hyde 1787 " J. mE. Schiefteliu 5381+
Moulton I), m H. Hyde 126 " J.B. m
L.E. Armstrong 4849
Mowry W. G.m L. A. Green 3840+ " L. H.mD. J. Smalley4187
Mudge L. m R. K. Hyde 2964 " N. m
S. Niles 5360
Miliken S. m V. Parsons 6079 " S. H.mL. P. Hosmer6085+
Mullisan G.M.KuiL.OSmitli 3561 " W. C. m
A. H. Tracy 68()0+
Mumford T. m 31. S. Smitli 5681 Nutting W. S. m. H. Stark 4193
Muno-er S. B. m M. E. Ely 6586 Nye S. m Sarah Hyde 306
Munu 0. m A. Adgate 4491 Oakes C. H. m
R. Miles 3163+
Munsel J. m D.Edgerton 1511 " F.m F. H. Tracy 3«37+
Munson J. m Anne Hyde 342 Odel G. mC A. Hyde 4176
" W. m F. L. Wilcox 7240 Olcott 3Lm H. W. Cowlcs 5468+
Murdock J. m Phebe Sill 458 Olin AV. S.m S. Sweet 4137+
Murray C. m C. Warner 2791+ Olmstead A. m 31. Bigalow 1283
Mycall J. m E. Parsons 6075 " A. m Lydia Hyde 4531+
Mygatt H.R.m E. M.Tracy 3737+ " A. m P. Griffin 6437
Needliam M.D. m H.A. Pratt 2905+ " C. m C. Hyde 4691+
Nevins H. m L. Manwaring 6481 " E. m 31. Hyde 3477
Newbury W.L. m J.B. Clapp 4215+ " J. m L. Davenport 6765+
" — m M. P. Hough 7355+ " J. C. m Lucy Niles 5694
Newell A. m H. B. Sill 5536+ Onderdonk F. m J. 3Iitchell 6316+
" R. m E. Hyde 1116 " H.V.H.m S.P.Mitchell "
" Ft. C. m J. Pratt 5560 Orcutt W. m E. H. Converse 4687
Neweomb P. m R. Hyde 2697 Ormsby E. m Ruth Hyde 396
Newman J. m 31. E. Dorr 6362 Osborn F. m H. W. Warner 6198+
Newton A. E. m L. E. Hyde 3364+ Osgood 31. m 31. Huntington 4559+
" J. m A. Waite 6047+ Ostrander J. F. m R. Wells 3575
" L. m J. A. Gager 5305 " W. A. L. m E. R.Dorr 6351+
" W. m. 0. Hyde 2736 Ouderkirk J. m R. Sweet 4136+
Nichols B. m 31. A. Rogers 7310 Oviatt E. m H. Hyde 1725
" E. m E. J. Connett 6407+ Packard A. m Peck 4561
Niles A. m 31. A. Dorr 6337+ Paddock S. m 31ary Harter 4546+
" B. m Lucy Sill 459 Page 31. m L. 31ather 4482
" J. m S. 31osely 4780 " R. S.m 31.31. Smalley 4188
" J. m H. Elliot 5774 " W. G. m 31.6366+
" N. m N. Lathrop 1837 Paige— m L. Edwards 4468+
" W. m Julia Ely 5752+ Paine E.m E. Weeks 2231
" W. S. m 31. Mosely 4781 Palmer — m Hyde
31. 2876
North J. m Z. Fillmore 6795+ " A. nr R. Tracy 3742
" J.D. m E.31. Badgley 5241c+ " A. R. m L. Hackley 6764+
Northup D. m 31. 31cCoy 3082+ " C. m C. Ro-ers 3405
" G. m R. F. Tracy 5232 " E. A. m H.^A. Hyde 4025+
Norris C. J. m E. J. Hyde 2959+ " H. m E. B. Abel 6668+
Norton A. m R. Collins 884 " H. B. m S. E. Tracy 5227+
" G. G, m 31. Hyde 4541 " U. m P. 31arvin 5560+
" H. m D. Beach 3128+ " W. m L. Tracy 3785
1400 INDEX.
Scott J. N. m
S. Woodbridge 6130+ Sheldon J. m H. Patterson
" L. m
M. Ladd 4808 " P. m M. A. Hyde
Scoville A. mS.E.Hotchkiss6323+ " T. P. m L. F. Clark 5614+
" A. C. m
A. Armstrong 4811+ Shelly G. m R, Bishop 3164+
D. m E. E. Gray 3147+ Shelton C. S. m H. M. Hyde 7287
" R I. mM. E. Wadhams 3144+ " W. m A. Rudd
G. 52406
Scribuer J. F. m M. Sheldon 5791+ " m A. Niles
J. 5697
Scripture C. P.m Hyde I
" m L. S. Stanley 3204
E. M Hyde j
Shepherd A. m M. Hillhouse6150
Scudder C. m S. L. 7035+
Coit " D. m L. Bartholemew 3127+
" C.W.mA.H.Blatchford7035+ " H. N. m S. Frisbie 6330+
" M. S. nili. C. Blatchford 7035+ Sherman A. B. m W. Tracy 3832
Seaman J. F. m F. J. Rogers 4434 " G. R., m H. J. Douglass 4149+
" S. m A. A. Baldwin 3219+ " S. m P. Mosely 4770
Searle E. A. m N. H. Porter 7360+ " K. m S. J. Holeomb 4150+
" L. m H. M. Sill 5634+ Sherwin C. W. m L. S. Hickox 3068+
Sedgwick A. W. m Ftuth Hyde 762 SherwoodW.W.mE.E Phelps 5840+
" B. m Collins 3096 Shethar J. m M. Collins 892
" J. m M. Stanley 3174+ Shields J. m J. Pettis 3760+
" S. m A. Baldwin 3217 Shiner I. m M. H. Post 6606
Selby S. F. m S. A. Fisk 5718+ Shively A. J. m M. F. Best 5864+
Selden E. m E. Rogers 358 Shoemaker E m E. S. Denison 5599
" E. m L. Jewett 2027)
" S.
E. K. Hyde 5043
L.S.Comstock 2026+
Shrives P. S. m
E. J. Barnet 4140+
" F. C. m M. G, Noyes 5342+ " W. R. m
E. A. Barnet 4140+
" J. m J. L. Sill 5621+ ShulerDW mH.E.DeLamater6385+
" J. C.mL.M. Griswold6029+ " J. m M. DeLamater '6388
" R. C. m J. A. Sargent 4292 " J. D. m H. DeLamater 6389
" S. m L. Swift 6196 Shute C. F. m M. A. L. Adgate 4501
" S. H. m S. A. Lay 5978+ Sibley 0. m L. Rudd 5239/*
Sergeant J. L. m E. M. Backus 3608+ Sill A. m H. T. Dorr 2251
" A. H. m H. D. King 5241c+ " J. m Phcbe Lord 66
" F. W. m A. Parsons 6092 Silliman J. m E. Ely 5784+
" I, m M. Parsons 6093 " M. B. m C. Hyde 2908
Sexton — m L. L. Raymond 5927 Simmons L. H. m J. Hyde 7167
Seymour H.m H.J. Hinsdale 4627+ Simonds J. m Anne Hyde 342
" W. m A. B. Clark 7140+ Simons H. m Olivera Cook 7359+
" W.L.mS.C.Huntington3541+ Sims G. m G. Hyde 428
Shannon A. m D. J. Hyde 4165 Sines I. m C. Stanley 7315
Sharp 0. m S. Tracy 3854 Sisson N. m M. H. Rogers 3412
" R. m S. Patterson 5599a+ " P. m M. Hinckley 2672
Shaw E. H.m L. M. Wadhams 3122+ " S. H. m —
Mosely 4760+
" J. m H. M. I^Ietcalf 3270 Skinner —
m M. A. Lee 6315
Shear P. m E. Mitchell 6316+ " L. N. m J. Dorr 6398
Shearer J. m M, Hyde 4597+ " R. m F. Pierpont 3062
Sheldon C. m E. Pierpout 3064 " T. m Lois Hyde 1625
" D. m R Willguss 6607+ Slade G. H. m M. F. Dana 6531+
" E.m- E.Ely 462 Slater J. F. m M. A. Hubbard 6040+
" E. m H. T. S. Dimock 6381+ Slocum H. C. m M. Hyde 13f<7
" H.G-.m Z.S.Bingham 4213+ " M. m E. Mosely 4760+
Stannard — m M. A. Niles 5774+
Stanton J. m Barnet
J. T. 4122-1-
" J. ni E. Manwarino; 6491f
" J. m
C. E. Elliot 5405
Staples B. L. m
L. Smith 1393-}"
Twining J. B. m
E. Stoddard 7303 Wales 0. m M. Hydo 1555
Twitchell L. m
J. M. Sill 5586t '•
G. E. m A. Lathrop 6843e
" T. C. m
L. A. Tracy 4004 Walker — . m L. Jewett 2017
Tyes T. M. m L. Mather 4479+ " —m . S. Page 4482+
Tyler H. m H. Hyde 3332 " G. mH Davenport 3079+
" K. m H. Moriran 2582+ " J. m J. Sill 5546
" S. m E. Rogers 14(il " A. J. m L. Hyde
J. 5097
Underwood — m L. Collins -3199 " W. R. m A. C. Leach 5518+
" U. m C. W. Hough 7016+ Wallace C. m E. Hyde 2958+
Vail I. E. m M. Rouers 1462 Waller P. m Eliza Jewett 7332
" J. W. m M. 4621+Edgerton Waliath J. J. m M. St John 2820+
Van BurenHBmCEKiugsley 6805+ Walter E. m A. Collins 3091
Van Buskirk J.M.m E Hyde 1323 " F. S. m E. J. Ely 5343+
VanNoruan C.Hm EDewey 5241a+ " P. m E. Jewett 7332
Van Valkenburgh D. m J. ) otcp
Walton H.N.m E.H. Mather 6062+
T? rv
h. Iracy r
" W. B. m S. P. Gold 5666
Van Wage u en Gr. H. m C
Walworth B. m A. Hyde 312
B. Pierpont j
" J. m P. Denison 530
Van agner W. m C. A. Sill 5588+
Wagner 55 Ward R. m A J. Roberts 5740
Van Woert A. m C. A. Piatt 4276 Warden R. m C. L. Bingham 6632
Vandeveer T.mE.DeLamater 6387 Wardwell N.P.m EBSterling 5558+
Velie E. L. m T. Griffin 6441+ Ware H. m S. ivaymond 5974
Vernon E. m F. Sill 5469+ Waring C. M. m A. G. Smith 3210+
Vial F. m Eliza Sill 5585+ " J. B. m H. A. Sterling 5551+
Vincent H. m Eunice Lee
xjee 6312+ Warn H. m J. Pierpont 3066
Voorhies W. E. m N. M 4535+
Warner C. m C. Hyde 2790
Huntington " Dr. m M. Griswold 6030+
Vought J. m H. Mumford
ford 5681+ " E. B. m F. S. Clark 5514+
Vrooman S. A. m C. L. Sill 5588+ " H.H.m S.Hyde 2791
Wade B.F.ni C.A.Bosecrans 5720+ " J. m E. A. Matthewsop 5120
" H. D. m L. C. Pratt 3555 " J. m C. Elliot 2166
V/adhams A m T. Collins 880 " J. H. m M. H. Tracy 3767
" D. in P. Collins 885 " L. m Anne Lord 1492
" M. m A. Collins 882 " R. m M. L. Gilbert 2888
Wadsworth A.S.mL. l)enison4227 " W. m E. Hart 6056+
" 1). m S. Sedgwick 2930 Warnock J. m H. Dorr 6396
" — m S. Gould 5606 Warren J. m Eunice Hyde 304 .
Wood N. m S. A. Hyde 2978 Woodworth fl m M.F. Maples 3388+
" R. m S. Sheldon 5787+ " J. m M. Hyde 688
" R. H. m E. A. Patterson 4508 " S. m P. Tracy 6116
" S. m L. Wood 8328 " S. m E. Lathrop 2497
" Z. in E. Ilouo-h 617 Woolscy J. W. m L. Goodwin 3211
" — m Emma Stoors 73(32f
. Wooster H. m L A. Walter 3091+
Woodbrid^o D. m L. Backus 2144 Worden A. m R. Armstrong 4811 +
" S. m E. Rogers 1445 Worthington A. m A.L. Leach 5518+
" W. m II. Bio-elow 1284 " D. L. m I. L. Pearson 5794+
Wooding C. m S. M. Dewey 52416+ " E. m G. C. De Lamater 6884+
Woodrow — m F. Baker 6150+
" J. m P. Birchard 409
Woodford D.m J.M.Latlirop) n-jo-ij Wright A. m H. Adgate 4492
" H. S. m L. A. Wadhams 3120+
Woodruff G.H. m A. B. Gott 3217+ " E. W. m M. H. Swift 6193+
" J. m N. S. Robinson 3045 " H. m M. A Pearsou 5794+
" J. mE Kint,^ 5241c+ " H. B. m E. Robinson 2688+
" W. m
P. Hyde 763 " Wm C. W. Swift 6193+
Woods P. L. m
E. A. Mattison 4270 Wyman J. m C. PL 3Ietcalf 6762t
Woodward J. m2705a
H. Phelps Yale A. J. m J Frisbie 6330+
" J. D. m S. M. Hyde 3348 " W. C. m M. Dewey 5241rZ
" S. m S. R. Butler 5459+ Yeatman J. E. m C. Pope 6117+
" S. P. m M. Picrpont 3054+ " T. m L. Pope 6117+
Woodworth— ,m M. A.Willes 6839 Yeoman J. m Adel. Sill 5537+
" A. m E. W. Rogers 4415 " R. m B. Latimer 6252*7
" A. m L. Hough 6982 " S. m N. Wightman 4887
" A. m N. Hough 7022 Yerrington E. F. m J. Hyde 4721
" B. m Laura Hyde 3293 Young E. S.m S. J. Greenleaf 6105+
" C. m H. H. Metcalf 676 " H m Mary Hyde 1041
" D. S. m S. H. Bailey 7156 " J. m L. J. Howland 5892+
" E. in M. T. Rudd 5237
Names op females, not descendants of William Hyde tiie first op Norwich,
1414 INDEX.
1416 INDEX.
m J. Noyes
Col ton A. 5340+ Corwin Wid. m G. W. Potter 4806+
" m L. W. Curtis
E. 4529-i- Cosset M. A. m J. R. Jewett 2002
Comstock D. m Elijah Hyde 28G2 Cottle S. m Henry Hayes 5885
" I. m R. Pearson 5794 Cottrell M. A. m J. L. Tracy4819
" L. m H. Bottam 3352 " P. m I. S. Mosely 4760+
" M. m J. E. 8elden 5915 Coulson A. m Simon Hyde 1563
" M. m 0. Reymond 2039 Coulter M. m M. L. Cardall 4230
S. m S. Hillhouse 2151 Covil M. B. m W. C. Wey 3203+
Conant A. ni A. Mosely 4772 Covey H. m L. F. Sill 1919
" L. m A. Huntington 3719 " L. m T. H. Peck 2671+
" M. m Z. J. Mosely 4773 Cowen M. m J. Pierpont 3055+
" S. m B. Johnson 4391 Cowdry M. A. m D. Smith 3390+
Cone E. m H. A. Peck 3339-i- Cowles C. m R. L. Joice 7192
" L. m Abner Lay 5971 " S. G. m G. Robinson 3049
" M. m D. Metealf 193 Cos A. S. m R. Huntington 3027
" M. mR. Hubbard 5722 Coy M. m S. Warren 2791+
" S. P. m S. P. Jewett 5860 Crandall C. A. m B. B. Hyde 4566
Conger A. m C. A. Montagu 4516+ " F. m Chas. Lee 6311+
Connor M. m J. H. Hyde 4089+ " H. H. m R. H. Hyde 1380
Fredenburgli C. mH
Ganey E. A. m I. P. Brooks 3130+
Woodruff GannettDWmCB Sedgwick 3217+
Freeman E. F. m G. Jewett 5849 Gardner A. m J. Lathrop 709
" L. m J. A. Hamilton 5382+ " A. m C. D. Fillmore 5268
" M. L. m Frau. Hyde 2893 " F. m D. C Whaley 2829+
<' M- W. m A. Hawley 5500+ " H.A.mW.H.H. Fillmore 5267
Frcleigh C. M. m C " J. m R. Raymond 6238+ .
2148 1552
Locke L. m J. H. Barnet 4122+ Lyons J. m Wm. Dorr 2255
Lockwood E.m J. L.Warner 4527 Mabbet J. A. m B. T. Jewett5844+
" H. M.m A.D.Fillmore 5270 Mactier Wid. m D. Jewett 7328
" L. m L. McCurdy 1839 Madison M. E. m G. C. Leach 5518+
" P. m C.H.Hyde 5113 Maine H. M. m E. Mitchell 6316+
Loder Anne m Slier. Hyde 1716 Mallory R. ra J. H. Goodsell 3078+
Lodowick C. m W.W.Curtis 4529+ Mann C. m H. M. Paine 6300+
Longfellow M.m J.Greenleaf 6104+ " E. m Theodore Sill 1921
Lougyer C m Alfred Gould 5602 Manning Cm J.31. Baldwin 3224
Loomis A. m H.R. Edgerton 5147 " N. m J. Griswold 6709
" M. M. m H. Baldwin 3220+ Mansfield M.m S.L.Bingham 5894
" N. m E. Hutcliinson 7113 " S. A. m Vincent Pitts 6335+
Lord A. m A. Huntington 2538 Maples 31. A. m Henry Sill 6379
" A. m S. Gifford 247 Mariner H. m 0. Truman 3731 i+
" A. m F. E. Tracy 3779+ Marsh E. m Ben. Hyde 1738-
" E. m Prosper Rudd 2600 " H. m Sam. Ely 461
E. mBenj.Hyde 48 " J. E. m H. E. Niles 5689+
" E. A. m J. Botume 3350+ " M. m B. B. Hyde 1736
« L. W. m Geo. G. Sill 5478 " R.m H.Baldwin 896
» M. m Oliver Abel 2480 Marshall A. m Henry Sill 5476
" M. H. m F. Griffin 6430 " L. m S. Metcalf 910
" S. W. m E. C. Hyde 3470 '
" N. m Moses Niles 19-36
" T. m T. Backus 6118 Martin A. m T. D. Look 5454+
" Wid. m David Hougli 6979 ''
D. A. m Rial Tracy 1201
Lottridge E. m And. Wolf 6420 " E. m G. Huntington 2539
Lovelaud A.F.mCMGriswold 4594+ " H. m J. Hutchinson 7114
" M. A. m J. M. Rudd 3603 " J. m Levi Hyde 213
Lovell E. m C. F. Waite 6072+ " P. m E. Mosely 4764
" L. C. m H. Rogers 1455 " S. A.m N. L.Raymond 6242
Loveridge H.mW.Wadhams 3123+ Marvin A. m M. Parsons 2113
Lovett E. If. m Henry Hyde 2871 " E. m S. Griswold 502
" M. m Geo. Dorr 2236 " H. m Enoch Lord 436
Low Sarah C
m John Ely 1999/+ " M. m Uriah Hyde 303
Lucas J. m U. Collins 3104 " M. m Stephen Lee 470
1430 INDEX.
Ridgeway MCm WAPierpont 3055+ Root L. S. m T. N.Williams 4339
lliggs AEui 13WHuutincton 5560+ " M. L. m F. W. Cowles 5468+
llipiey A. m J. II. Colt'' 6511 Rose L. m I. C Hyde 7250
" E. m F. A. Tracy 1266 " S. m Josh. Stark 2815
" el. C. m S. M. Dorr 6358 " S. A.m S. H. Sill 5650
llislcy Mar. m Jas. Hyde 1095 Ross L. J. m J. B. Mosely 4777+
" Saph. m C.F. Mattisou4267 Rossitcr E. D. m Ebon. Hyde 1<»24
Eivers lieb. m N. Avery 2848 Rowe E. M. m A. J. Ilvde 4161
liobbins E. m 11. N.Denison 6474 " J. A. m G. J. Hyde 4160
" E. L. m S. H. P. Hall 6086+ " Z. m Z. R. Jewett 2001
" F. m Elihu Hyde Rowell T. P. m Edm. Dorr 6404
" H. M. m J. N. Ely Rowland E. N. m Theod. Sill 5578
" J. ru J. S. Bingham 6616 " L. m Asa Hyde 389
" M. m J. Griswold 2223 " T. m G. Wolcott 2595c
lioberts A. m David Abel Royce J. m J. W. I^ham
572 2800+
" A. m H. L. Hyde Rucker E. m A. W. Ilydc
4090 4098+
" H. m J. H. Armstrong 4813+ Rust C. m R. A. Hyde 7249
" M. m E. Hubbard Russell E. m E. Isliam
1944 3063+
" S. m S. Bailey 7151 " E. m A. W. Hyde 4113
" Wid. m W. J. Niles 5689+ " H. m H. W. Sill 6379+
Robinson A. m R. S. Tracy 3871 " M. A. m D. W. Hyde 5098
" A. C. m T. T. Hyde 4605+ ''
S. G. m W. C. Denison 6520
" A. R. m M. W. Mather 6056+ " Wid. m P. Pearson 5795
" D. m Z. L. Tracy Ryan M. m T. W. H. Sweet 4138
" E. m Asahel Hyde Sabiu E. m David Ladd
1534 1578
" H. m A. Huntington 788 " —
m A. C. Hubbard 5712+
" J. m Lyude Elliot
1436 INDEX.
Tupper A.E.rn Simeon Hyde 3439 Wade Wid. m Steph. Tracy 1202
Tiirole S.E. m W.A.Pierpont 3055+ Wadhams E.mLDShoemaker 5599+
Turner A. m Joshua Abel 561 " M. m W. H. Brooks 3130+
" A. m M. C. Raymond 5934 " 0. m L. C. Wadhams 3144+
" E. m J. I). Goodsell 3078+ WadsworthSmETHuntington 3022
Turney — m Clevel. Keith 3523+ Waeir Mary m George Hyde 1710
Tuttle E. m A. Wadharas 3165+ Waite A.m J.H.IIunfeiugton 4559+
" M. m E. Wadhams 3125 " C. m John Hicks 4135+
" M. m E. T. Sterling 5551+ " L. m M. Parsons 2113
" S. m C. Beckwith 6319+ " L. m Lynde Waite 6046
Tweed E. m W. R. Elliot 5414 " L. m ^Y. W. Sweet 4135+
Tylsv A. m H. M. Denison 55986+ Walcott M. m Rufus Hyde 215
Tyler F. D.m W.M.Converse 4314 Waldo Eliz. m A. P. Hyde 4642+
" M. m G. E. Bingham 5896 " Lois m Gr. H. Lathrop
Udell M. A. m J. M. Sill 5491+ Wales A.H. m W.P.Howard
Underner J. m H. A. Foster 6806+ " S. m Phin. Abel 2458
Underwood M. m Wal. Fish 2807 Walker E H.mS.Huntington 3071+
Upham A. M. m John Bates 5605+ ''
A. H. m I. Davenport 6765+
Upson C. S. m J. C.Sterling 5557+ " J. m E. Weaver 4375
Uptelgruft E. A. m A. H. I
" H. M. m T. M. Boi,'ersl452
Brown J
J. m Eliph. Hyde" 776
Utlcy F. m J. Kingsbury 1663 Wallbridge M. m E. Hyde 1549
Utter N. A. m M. Collins 3116 " M.'m C. A. Kingsbury 4987+
VanAllen M. ni G. Mitchell 6316+ Waller M. m F. Cleveland 3527
VanBergen m S. J. Matson 5336+ " P. m J. Elliot 2159
VanBuskirkJ.mWm. F.Hyde 1777 Wandall S. m T. Waite 6072+
YanCampen —
m R.Hubbard 5668 Ward C. m J. P. Sill 6376+
Vanderburoh AmllDSterliug 5551+ " C. m F. L. C. Denison 6521
Vander Heyden M.A.m ] " L. m D. Crowell 5732
Remus Hyde j
" L. E. m L. M. Purdy 6541
VanDresser M.m D. L. J). " M. A. m Sylv. Mather 6056+
Huntington " P. m Barak Dorr 2254
VanLoon E. m Shadraek Sill 1902 " S. M. m S. L. Selden 4470
VanNess S. m Walter Hyde 2740+ Warden M.
mK.S.Bino-ham 6625
VanRensselaer LBm JohnSill 5491+ M.
VanSurdam K. m P. Mosely 4760+ Ware C. A. m Chas. Hyde 2958+
VanVechten A. E. m E. A. ] 309(3-}- Waring R.mP.C.Huntingtou 1430+
Huntington f Warner C. m G. W. Warner 4525+
" M. A. m A. H. Sweet 4136+ " C S. m A. H. W.
I 4084+
VanVraukin C. m J.
Jackson j
Ilillhouse " I. m Justin Foote 2938
Vaughan m Simon Hyde
P. 691 " L. A. m J. P. Johnson 3733
Vamilyea A. m E. Mitchell 6316+ " M. m 2963+
N. K. Crates
Vinton R. M. m Hor. Fitch 2881 " S. m Jasper Hyde
VonBrettou H.ni Ulysses Ely 5784+ Warren E. A. m C. Bishop 3164+
VonJakob T. m E. Robinson 3047 " E. B. m J. C. Buttrc 5247+
Vose Wid. m T. H. Vail 4461 '^
L. m Hector Hayes 5888
Vrecley A. m C D. Palmer 3405+ " M. E. m A. J. Hyde 5036+
Wade Vi. m i\. Denison 2266 " —
m Marsh Ely 1958
f M. m Rich. Waite 6047 Washburn A. m Eliph. Hyde 147
i\^ishburn E.O.m J.II.Collins 80S9 Wheeler Hm E. JMitehcll 62(»6
Waterman A. m A. MarsliaH r>.'51 " M.mJas. Tracy 1197
A. in Asa Ada;ate 1477 Whipple A. m n. W. Mather 5823
E.m Sam. Abel 2871' " E. S. m J.S.Huntington 0936+
M.m Silas Hyde 210 Whitakcr A. m J. W. I)cwcy5241
S. m Ste. Gifford 248 " S. R. m John Wood 3310
S. m Jos. Hyde 418 Whitcomb A. m. B. N. Hyde 4151
S. m Sam. Post 534 White A. m Jath. Peek 1815
Watkins M. m A. H. Ely 6570 ''
I. m W. W. Niles 5359+
Watrous 11. m Jolin Lay 5977 " L. C. m J. S. Houghton 4101+
Watson S. m H. A. Sill 5577 " L. J. m E. D. Huntley 2824t
Watson Wid. m K.Metcalf 67U2 " Maria m John Sill 5493+
Wattles Abig. m Daniel Hyde 23 " Mary m Sim. Gray 200
" Mary m Dan Hyde 121 " Mary m Reuben Clapp4632
" S. m Walter Hyde 133 " P. m E. H. Huntington 6916
Watts Abig. m Theo. Adgate 4483 " R.ni R. L. Stanley 3202
Waud Anna m J. C. Mattison 4268 " Sarah m S. P. Jewett 5860
Way Sarah m John Lord 442 " S.H.mC.T.HuutincjtonSOia
Weatbcrliy M. A. m N. Atwood 3950 Whiting C. m R. Mather 6056+
Weaver Phil, m Giles Hyde 5155 ''
E. C. m Henry Warner 4525
S. K. m J. B. W^eaver 4376 " F. m Henry Mather 6056+
Webb Eliz. m Chr. Hyde 1079 " H. D. m L. Waterman 3906
H.M.m N. D. Morgan 4212f " M. m L. M. Austin 6461
Mary m C. Huntington
6915 " S. A. m J. T. Avery 2852
Webster A. C m L. A. Hyde
5071 " — m E. Sheldon 1964
Weedoa M. m J. Hayward 7120 Whitman H. m Eben. Hyde 779
Weeks M. m E. D. Sill 6376t Whitmarsh L. m Benj. Lee 6312+
Ween Rachel m Jos. Bingham 550 Whitmore P. m L. x\rmstrong 4869
Welch J. m E. B. Huntington 6881+ Whitney D. m C. D. Gilbert 2884
" L. m C. Baker 4761+ " E. W. m W. G. Sterling 5551+
Welden H. m Joseph Lee 6311+ " S. m Asahel West 2804
Wellman B, m Hiram Hyde 1321 " S. G. m G. W Stoddard 7298
Welles A. C. m H. E. Parsons 0083+ Whitter L. m J. T. Bingham 5896
Wells A. m H. H. Bin-ham 6627 Whittlesey A. m S. R.S. Mather 4475
Eliza m T. B. Abel
'-' 6800+ " M. A m 0. I. Lay 5978+
« E. S. m Pliny Hayes 5884 " M.R.mN.T.Wadhams3143+
" Jane mD.H. Raymond 5931+ Wickwire H. m G.F.Raymond 5933+
" J. A. m R. Griswold 6027+ " L. m C. B. Manwaring 6483
" Martha m. J. Armstrong 1600 Wightman D.E. m U. H. Hyde4703
" Ruth m U. Rogers 1435 " L. P. m Jos. Hough 7005
Went worth M. m Levi Hyde 243 " S. L. m U. H. Hyde 4703
Wentz Elvira m J. Stone 3226+ Wilber E. m E. D. Post 6524t
Wesson Mary m Judson Hyde 3585 Wilcox A. m Dan Hyde 2754
West B. m J. I. Hough 7017 " A. m G. W. Jewett 2004
Westbrook J. m Edwin Sill 5585+ " A. m M. Hayes 5887
Wetmore E. J. m E. Williams 2819+ " A. A. m C. A. Elliot 5760t
J. m J. H. Clark 3802 " C W. m J. T. Shuler 6389+
" M. m S. Lathrop 1832 " E. m Palmer Dorr 6327
.Wheeler E. m M. E. Mitchell 6207 " E. m N. Gordon 4860
" H. m S. B. Lee 6309+ " M. E. m H. 0. Spencer 5242<»
1 181
1442 INDEX.
Page 1122, line 11 from bottom, for 1784 read 1783; and line 20 from bot-
tom, for 1782 read 1772.
Page 1128, line 10 from top, for 1806 read 1800; and line 2 from bottom,
for 1797 read 1795.
Page 1154, line 15 from top, for Louis read Lois.
Page 1161, line 11 from top, for Flounlius read Florcntins.
Page 116G, line 7 from top, for 1112 read 1182; and line 10 from top, for
Cavan read Conan.
Page 1169, line 9 from top, for Eliza, read Elizabeth.
Page 1170, line 5 from bottom, for supreme read superior.
Page 1171, line 17 from bottom, after died read in 1763; and line 21 from
bottom, for she read he.
Page 1172, line 23 from top, for 1732 read 1742.
Page 1175, line 20 from bottom, for Poutoise read Po7itoise.
Page 1177, line 4 from top, for 23 Geji. read 24 Gen.
Page 1178, line 14 from bottom, for Martha read Margaret.
Page 1184, line 11 from bottom, for eighth read sixth.
Page 1187, line 3 from bottom, after volunteers read 17 May, 1861, and
major general of volunteers.