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Preposition 2024

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Preposition of Place/ Positioning (Static/ stagnant):
above, on, over, below, under, off, before, in front of, behind, beside, next to, by, against, in, out of, outside,
between, among, at, opposite etc.
 Dc‡i †evSv‡Z above, on, over e‡m|
i. mvaviYZ †KvbwKQz „higher than‟ eySv‡Z above e¨envi Kiv nq A_©vr †Kvb wKQy Ab¨ †Kvb wKQyi †P‡q `~i‡Z¡ Dc‡i †evSv‡Z above e‡m| GwU wb‡PiwU‡K
¯úk© K‡i bv ev cover K‡i bv|
ii. mvaviYZ †KvbwKQz Ab¨ †KvbwKQz †_‡K „higher level‟ eySv‡Z above e¨envi Kiv nq| Z‡e mivmwi Dc‡i _vKv eySvq bv|
 Over: †Kvb wKQy Ab¨ †Kvb wKQy‡K ¯úk© K‡i ev ¯úk© bv K‡i †X‡K ivLv ev Kvfvi Kiv eySv‡j over e¨envi Kiv nq|
 On: †Kvb wKQy Ab¨ †Kvb wKQyi Dci ¯úk© K‡i Av‡Q †evSv‡Z on/upon e‡m| G‡¶‡Î †X‡K ivLv ev Kvfvi Kiv gyL¨ welq bq|
Examples (Try yourself):
a. We played the match 1000 mitres _________ the sea level.
b. The umbrella is _________the table.
c. The umbrella is _________her head.
d. Write your address _________ the line.
e. The Himachal Pradesh Cricket Association [HPCA] Stadium in Dharamsala is 1317 metres __ sea level.
f. At first, she felt very nervous. When the plane got _________ the city, she became easy.
g. The blue box is _________the desk.
h. Do you live in the apartment _________ the market?
i. She put the blanket _________her little son.
j. Put some butter _________ the piece of bread.
k. She saw the book _________ the bed.
 wb‡P †evSv‡Z below, under e‡m|
 Below n‡jv above-Gi wecixZ| mvaviYZ †KvbwKQz GKB surface ev Z‡j „lower than‟ eySv‡Z below e¨envi Kiv nq A_©vr †Kvb wKQy Ab¨ †Kvb
wKQyi †P‡q `~i‡Z¡ wb‡P †evSv‡Z below e‡m| GwU wb‡PiwU‡K ¯úk© K‡i bv ev cover K‡i bv|
 hLb mivmwi †KvbwKQz †KvbwKQzi wb‡P _vKv eySvq bv ZLb below e¨eüZ nq| G‡K cv‡ki w`K †_‡K Dc‡i _vKvI ejv †h‡Z cv‡i|
 mvavibZ ZvcgvÎv I D”PZv cwigv‡ci †¶‡Î below e¨eüZ nq|
Under: Under n‡jv over-Gi wecixZ|
 mvaviYZ †Kvb wKQy Ab¨ †Kvb wÎgvwÎK (three dimensional) wKQyi wb‡P eySv‡Z e¨envi Kiv nq| ¯úk© K‡i ev ¯úk© bv K‡i Ae¯’vb‡K †evSvq, G‡¶‡Î hvi
wb‡P _v‡K †mwU wb‡PiwUi m¤ú~Y© ev Ask we‡kl †X‡K iv‡L|
 gvbwmK Pv‡c _vKv eySv‡ZI under e¨envi Kiv nq|
 †KD Kv‡iv Aax‡b KvR Kiv ev Kv‡iv Aaxb¯’ eySv‡ZI under e¨envi Kiv nq|
 msL¨vq ev eq‡m †QvU/ Kg eySv‡ZI under e¨eüZ nq|
a. The sun disappeared _______ the horizon.
b. He is _______ me in position.
c. The climbers stopped several hundred meters _______ the top of the mountain.
d. The baby is _______ the umbrella.
e. Write your name _______ the line.
f. There are 300 employees _______ him.
g. The temperature is five degrees _______ zero.
h. Parts of the city are _______ sea level.
i. He is _______ mental pressure.
j. The sales representative are _______ huge mental pressure.
k. The cat is _______ the sofa.
l. He was wearing a blue shirt _______ his sweater.
m. The whole village was _______ water.

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n. There was a big clock _______ the painting on the wall.
o. There are _______ 8 players in each team.
p. You can’t get NID if you are _______ 18.
 „Lack of contact‟ ev „separation‟ †evSv‡Z on Gi wecixZ off e‡m|
a. He is off the town now.
b. The hat is off the head.
 mvg‡b †evSv‡Z before, in front of e‡m|
 Before: GKwUi Ae¯’vb Av‡iKwUi gy‡LvgywL n‡j before e‡m|
a. Sumi is before me.
b. Never come before us.
 In front of: hLb mvwi ev jvB‡bi mwbœ‡e‡k GKwUi Ae¯’vb Av‡iKwUi mvg‡b †evSvq, ZLb in front of e‡m|
a. Sumi sat in front of me.
b. There is a tree in front of the building.
 wcQ‡b †evSv‡Z behind e‡m|
a. Sumi was behind the banyan tree.
b. The boy was behind the wall.
 g‡a¨ †evSv‡Z in, between, among e‡m|
 In: mvavibfv‡e †Kvb wKQy Ab¨ †Kvb wKQyi wfZ‡i _vKv ev Aew¯’Z Av‡Q †evSv‡Z in e‡m|
a. The tiger is in the cage.
b. The pen is in the box.
c. He is in the central room.
 Between:
a. mvaviYfv‡e `yB‡qi g‡a¨ †Kvb wKQz eySv‡Z
b. `yB‡qi AwaK †`k, †Kv¤cvwb BZ¨vw`i g‡a¨ Pzw³ eySv‡Z
c. `yB‡qi AwaK proper noun Gi g‡a¨ †Kvb wKQz eySv‡Z
 Among:
a. mvaviYfv‡e `yB‡qi Awa‡Ki g‡a¨ †Kvb wKQz eySv‡Z
b. msL¨v D‡jøL bv †_‡K ïay plural eySv‡j
a. Distribute the books ________ the two boys.
b. Distribute the books ________ the boys.
c. Distribute the books ________ the three boys.
d. Distribute the books ________ Rana and Sumaiya.
e. Distribute the books ________ Rana, Sumaiya and Shamim.
f. You should have read the treaty ________ the sixteen countries.
g. In 1890-1893 its shores were divided by treaty ________ Great Britain, France and Germany.
h. Iliana has been a favorite ________ them.
i. The last thing she wanted was rivalry ________ the men.
j. The coffee shop is ______ the two buildings.
 †KvbwKQz †KvbwKQzi evB‡i †evSv‡Z out of ev outside e‡m|
Out of/outside n‡jv in /inside-Gi wecixZ |
a. The boy is out of/outside the classroom.
b. The cows are grazing out of/ outside the badminton court.

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 Kv‡Q/av‡i/wbK‡U/cv‡k/A`~‡i †evSv‡Z by, beside/next to, near, nearby e‡m|
* mvaviYZ nearby Gi c‡i direct object _v‡K bv| nearby mvaviYZ †Kvb sentence ev phrase Gi †k‡l e¨eüZ nq|
* †Kvb wKQy Ab¨ †Kvb e¯‘i Lye Kv‡Q †evSv‡Z by e‡m|
* †Kvb wKQy Ab¨ †Kvb wKQz †_‡K Aí `~i‡Z¡ †evSv‡Z beside/next to e‡m|
* †KvbwKQy Ab¨ †Kvb wKQy wbK‡U †evSv‡Z near/close to e‡m| G‡¶‡Î `~iZ¡ next to/beside/by-Gi †P‡q †ewk|
a. Rukaiya is sitting by Rizwan.
b. There’s a box with a ball nearby. ( NOT The ball is nearby the box.)
c. She sat beside the tree.
d. She was standing next to/beside the young man.
e. Our house is close to/near the building.
 Within: †Kvb mgq, ¯’vb ev †KvbwKQzi mxgvi g‡a¨ eySv‡Z within e¨envi Kiv nq|


a. There are almost 600 coaching centres within 3 kilometres of Shanir Akhra. (limit of place)
b. Rajib will have written several books within 2029.(limit of time)
 †Kvb wKQz †KvbwKQzi wecix‡Z †evSv‡Z opposite e‡m| G‡¶‡Î GKwUi Ae¯’vb Av‡iKwUi wecix‡Z nq Z‡e mvaviYZ ci¯c‡ii gy‡LvgywL _v‡K|
a. The house is opposite the shop.
b. My betterhalf sat opposite me in the dinner.
 †Kvb wKQy Ab¨ †Kvb wKQyi mv‡_ †njvb w`‡q ev mshy³ Av‡Q †evSv‡Z against e‡m|
GQvovI, wec‡¶ ev weiæ‡× eySv‡ZI against e‡m|
a. Lean (‡njvb †`qv) the ladder against the wall.
b. We are against corruption.
Preposition of Movement
Over, under, past, across, through, to, towards, up, down, along, round, between, into, out of, onto, off, from,
against, behind etc.
 cvi nIqv MwZ ‡evSv‡Z over, under, past, across, through e‡m |
 Over: Dci w`‡q cvi nIqvi MwZ †evSv‡Z over e¨eüZ nq|
a. The boy jumped over the wall.
b. The plane flew over the stadium.
c. A beautiful white bird flew over the lake.
 Under: †Kvb wKQyi wbP w`‡q hvIqvi MwZ ‡evSv‡Z under e‡m|
a. The rabbit ran under the table.
b. The ball went over the wall and then under the table.
 Past: †Kvb wKQyi cvk w`‡q AwZµg K‡i hvIqvi MwZ‡K eySv‡Z past e‡m|
a. Rajib ran past the building.
b. I walked past the post office.
 Across: †Kvb wKQyi Dci w`‡q GKw`K †_‡K Ab¨w`‡K AwZµg K‡i hvIqvi MwZ‡K †evSv‡Z across e‡m|
a. The walked across the large field.
b. The little lass was running across the road.
c. The old man boated across the river.
 Through: †Kvb wKQyi †fZi w`‡q/ ga¨ w`‡q AwZµg K‡i hvIqvi MwZ‡K eySv‡Z through e¨envi Kiv nq|
a. The cat ran through the tube.
b. We walked through a deep forest.
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 ‡Kvb wKQyi w`‡K Pjvi MwZ †evSv‡Z to/ towards e‡m|
mvaviYZ mywbw`©ó w`K (destination) eySv‡Z to Ges Awbw`©ó w`K (direction) eySv‡Z towards e¨eüZ nq|
a. He is going to New Market.
b. He is going towards New Market.
 †Kvb wKQyi Dc‡ii w`‡K Pjvi MwZ †evSv‡Z up e‡m|
a. The electrician is climbing up the ladder.
b. Mike likes riding his car up the hill.
 †Kvb wKQyi wb‡Pi w`‡K Pjvi MwZ †evSv‡Z down e‡m|
a. The spider moved down the tree.
b. It is easier to run down the hill than go up.
 †Kvb wKQyi eivei Pjvi MwZ †evSv‡Z along/by e‡m|
a. Hena was wandering along/ by the road.
b. They rode along/ by a narrow road.
 †Kvb wKQyi PZzw`©‡K Pjvi ev †Nvivi MwZ ev ‡Kvb wKQyi cvk w`‡q Ny‡i Avmvi MwZ †evSv‡Z round e‡m|
a. Hena was wandering round the house.
b. Please, draw circles round the misspelt words.
 †Kvb wKQyi gvS w`‡q Pjvi MwZ †evSv‡Z between e‡m|
a. Hena was running between the two houses.
 †Kvb wKQyi evwni n‡Z †fZ‡i MwZ †evSv‡Z into Ges †Kvb wKQyi †fZi n‡Z evB‡ii w`‡K MwZ †evSv‡Z out of e‡m|
a. The ball went out of the stadium.
b. She came into the room.
c. The man came out of the counter fast.
 †Kvb wKQyi Dc‡i cwZZ nIqvi MwZ †evSv‡Z onto e‡m|
a. He jumped onto the chair.
 †Kvb wKQyi Dci n‡Z wew”Qbœ ev weP¨yZ nIqvi MwZ †evSv‡Z off e‡m|
a. The cat jumped off the chair.
b. An apple fell off the tree.
 †Kvb ¯’vb n‡Z MwZ †evSv‡Z from e‡m|
a. The man ran away from his hut.
b. The books are brought from Nilkhet.

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 evZvm, †mªvZ, g‡bvfve BZ¨vw`i wecix‡Z ev cÖwZK‚‡j MwZ †evSv‡Z against e‡m|
a. They boated against the strong tide.
b. He couldn’t fly his kite against the wind.
 †Kvb wKQyi wcQ‡b †_‡K Zv‡K AbymiY K‡i Pjvi MwZ †evSv‡Z behind e‡m|
a. Tina is coming behind the doctor.
b. He is running behind fame.

Preposition of time:
On, in, at, by, within, since, for, during, after, before, till, until etc.

 On : †Kvb wbw`©ó w`‡bi bvg ev Zvwi‡Li Av‡M on e‡m|

g‡b ivLv cÖ‡qvRb †h, †Kvb we‡kl w`‡bi bvg Øviv hw` Hw`‡bi Dcj‡¶¨ public holidays -†K D‡jøL Kiv nq Z‡e Zvi Av‡M at e‡m|
a. He was born on Saturday.
b. I Stay at home on Friday.
c. I visited her on her birthday.
d. My son was born on 10th November, 2015.
e. All of our family members meet on Eid.
f. We only go to village at Eid.
[NB: at the weekend (British English), on the weekend (American English)]

 In: gvm, FZz, eQi, `kK I kZ‡Ki Av‡M in e‡m|

a. It snows in Jaunary.
b. We go to our village in winter.
c. It was a trend in 1980s.
d. It was generated in the 19th century.
 Longer Parts of the day ( e.g. morning/ afternoon/evening)-Gi Av‡M in e‡m|
Z‡e, morning/afternoon/ evening Øviv hw` GB mKj mgq‡K wbw`©ó K‡i ejv nq, Z‡e G‡`i Av‡M on e‡m|
a. My father swims in the morning.
b. My mother reads the holy Quran in the afternoon.
c. We met on a cold afternoon in winter.
d. I’ll meet you on Friday morning.
 At: shorter parts of the day (e.g. dawn, noon, dusk, midday/midnight)-Gi c~‡e© at e‡m|
At dawn (Dlv), at noon, at dusk (†Mva~jx), at midday/midnight

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 Clock time ev wbw`©ó †Kvb mgq eySv‡Z at e‡m| Z‡e hw` H wbw`©ó mg‡qi KvQvKvwQ †Kvb mgq †evSvq, Zvn‡j at about/at around e‡m|
a. She must come here at 6 pm.
b. She may come here at about/at around 6 pm.
 mywbw`©ó mg‡qi c~‡e© since Ges Awbw`©ó mg‡qi c~‡e© for e‡m|
a. She has been here for 6 years.
b. She has been here since 2006.
c. It has been snowing since morning.
d. It has been snowing for 3 hours.
e. She had been reading a novel since 3 pm.
 By: †Kvb KvR Avewk¨Kfv‡e mgvß nevi point wb‡`©k Kiv nq by Øviv; A_©vr by Øviv †Kvb KvR mgvwßi Pig mxgv D‡jøL Kiv nq e‡j by-Gi c‡i name
of time D‡jøL Kiv nq|
a. We must be at the conference by 8 pm.
b. The task must be completed by Friday.
 Till/ until: †Kvb mgq ch©šÍ eySv‡Z till/ untill e¨envi Kiv nq|
a. Wait here till half past six.
b. Wait here until half past six.
 From: †Kvb mgq ïiæ eySv‡Z from e¨envi Kiv nq|
a. We have been working here from January/ 1996/ 3 months.
b. He starts singing from 2 pm.
 After/ before: †Kvb mgq ïiæi c~‡e© eySv‡Z before Ges c‡i eySv‡Z after e¨envi Kiv nq|
a. He gave up smoking after the birth of his first child.
b. He came here before the war of independence.
 During (mg‡q): mvaviYZ †Kvb wKQz KLb N‡U Zv eySv‡Z during e¨eüZ nq| During Øviv †Kvb KvR KZ¶b a‡i / hveZ N‡U Zv eySvb nq bv eis
event ev NUbvi cy‡iv mgqUv‡KB eySv‡Z cv‡i|
a. Nobody spoke several times during the meeting.
b. We get plenty of snow here during the winter.
c. He fell asleep during the meeting.

Points to be noted
 Hourly ev GK N›Uv cici ev GK N›Uv AšÍi N‡U Ggb †Kvb KvR eySv‡Z Gi the hour c~‡e© on e‡m|
a. The bus leaves the stoppage on the hour.
b. He takes coffee on the hour.
c. My better half phones me on the hour.
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 eqm Gi c~‡e© at e‡m|
a. I went there at 17.
b. She met me first at the age of 14.
c. He left the job at his 56.
 ¯‹zj, K‡jR, wek¦we`¨vjq, jvB‡eªix, nvmcvZvj, wQ‡bgv nj, w_‡qUvi, Awdm BZ¨vw` †h D‡Ï‡k¨ cÖwZôv Kiv n‡q‡Q †m D‡Ïk¨ eySv‡j G‡`i c~‡e© at Ges wfbœ †Kvb
D‡Ïk¨ eySv‡j in e‡m|
a. He is at his office (on duty).
b. He is in his office (off duty).
c. She was in the hospital. (off duty).
d. She was at hospital. (on duty).
e. I’m at university. (on duty).
f. I’m in the university. (off duty).
 †Kvb esk ev cwiev‡i Rb¥MÖnY Kiv eySv‡Z come of + family/ clan wjL‡Z nq| Ab¨w`‡K †Kvb ¯’v‡b Rb¥MÖnY Kiv eySv‡Z come from + place
wjL‡Z nq|
a. Rajib came of a rich family.
b. Rajib came from Dinajpur.
c. Sumaiya came of Chowdhury family.
 Ocean, sea, river, swimming pool, lake BZ¨vw`i c~‡e© at emv‡j cvwbi KvQvKvwQ _vKv eySvq| Ab¨w`‡K G‡`i c~‡e© in emv‡j cvwbi g‡a¨ _vKv
[Note: sea Gi c~‡e© the bv wj‡L ïay at sea wjLv n‡j Zv Øviv mvaviYZ Rvnv‡Ri ev cvwbi Dc‡i _vKv eySvq|]
a. They were in the sea. (mgy‡`ªi cvwb‡Z)
b. They were at the sea. (mgy‡`ªi cvwbi KvQvKvwQ)
c. They were at sea. (cvwbi Dc‡i _vKv eySv‡”Q)
1. Over + the phone (phone Gi c~‡e© the/ article _vK‡j Zvi c~‡e© over wjL‡Z nq|)
2. By + phone (phone Gi c~‡e© the/ article bv _vK‡j Zvi c~‡e© by wjL‡Z nq|)
3. on + the phone ( Kv‡iv phone Gi jvB‡b _vKv eySv‡Z phone Gi c~‡e© on wjL‡Z nq|)

Examples (try yourself):

a. He informed me the news _______ the phone.
b. He informed me the news _______ phone.
c. He has been _______ phone for 15 minutes.
d. We run our business _______ phone.
e. We run our business _______ the phone.
f. For my business, I’m almost always _______ the phone.

Practice Section
1. A preposition stands before a/ an _____.
A. Noun B. Pronoun C. Noun phrase and noun clause D. All of the above
2. The word „preposition‟ is a/ an _____.
A. Preposition B. Noun C. Pronoun D. Adjective
3. Which of the following is a preposition?
A. Save B. Barring C. Form D. Both A & B
4. “He came into my room at 11pm.” Here „into‟ is a/ an ______.
A. Noun B. Preposition C. Adjective D. Adverb
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5. “He came into.” Here „into‟ is a/ an ___.
A. Noun B. Adjective C. Preposition D. Adverb
6. “The above sentence is an example of passive voice.” Here „above‟ is a/ an ___.
A. Noun B. Adjective C. Preposition D. Adverb
7. “Our blessings come from above.” Here „above‟ is a/ an ___.
A. Noun B. Adverb C. Preposition D. Adjective
8. “The patient died after the doctor had arrived.” Here „after‟ is a/ an ___.
A. Adjective B. Adverb C. Preposition D. Conjunction
9. “While eating fuchka, Rupa sat ___ me.
A. into B. outside C. Before D. On
10. “In the line for the tickets, Rupa was ___ me.
A. into B. outside C. Before D. In front of
11. As the little boy was ___ the banyan tree, I couldn‟t see him.
A. Behind B. outside C. Before D. In front of
12. Sumon lives ___ Mirpur ___ Dhaka.
A. in, in B. in, at C. at, at D. at, in
13. Sumon lives ___ Shewrapara ___ Mirpur.
A. in, in B. in, at C. at, at D. at, in
14. A bird flew ___ our head.
A. On B. Over C. To D. Off
15. The jackfruit fell ___ the tree.
A. On B. Over C. Onto D. Off
16. Rana jumped ___ the wall when an angry dog chased him.
A. On B. Over C. Onto D. Off
17. The prices of daily commodities are going ___ day by day.
A. Down B. Over C. Above D. Up
18. The living standard of the poor people is going ___ day by day for inflation.
A. Down B. Over C. Above D. Up
19. The first ball of Mustafizur Rahman went ___ the ground with a huge six.
A. Into B. In C. Out of D. From
20. Don‟t run ___ name and fame.
A. for B. to C. towards D. after
21. He was going ___ college.
A. at B. to C. towards D. after
22. I am not sure about his destination. Maybe he was going ___ college.
A. at B. to C. towards D. after
23. He entered ___ the room.
A. in B. into C. out of D. No preposition needed
24. He may come here _____ 2 hours.
A. by B. in C. for D. from
25. He can‟t see properly. He is blind __ eyes.
A. to B. of C. from D. since
26. He is blind __ his son‟s fault.
A. of B. to C. for D. by
27. He relieved me __ anxiety.
A. from B. with C. of D. by
28. Hena has been ill __ Friday.
A. from B. for C. since D. by
29. Hena has been ill __ 7 days.
A. from B. for C. since D. by
30. The lady ____ blue is my better half.
A. with B. in C. of D. beside
31. “This is 10 O‟ clock.” Here „o‟ is a/ an __.
A. Noun B. Adjective C. Preposition D. Conjunction

32. “Down went the Titanic.” Here „down‟ is a/ an __.

A. Noun B. Adjective C. Preposition D. Adverb
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33. “The ship went down the sea.” Here „down‟ is a/ an __.
A. Noun B. Adjective C. Preposition D.Adverb
34. “Please write to me at the above address.” Here „above‟ is a/ an __. (40th BCS)
A. Noun B. Adjective C. Preposition D. Adverb
35. The train left the station ____ time.
A. in B. against C. to D. on
36. He goes to Ramna Park____ the weekend.
A. in B. on C. at D. for
37. Paper is made ____ wood.
A. in B. of C. from D. by
38. The chair is made ____ wood.
A. in B. of C. from D. by
39. The chair was made ____ a Chinese carpenter.
A. in B. of C. from D. by
40. There is a large tree____ the building.
A. in front of B. before C. at D. in
41. We reached ___ Dhaka at 6pm.
A. in B. at C. from D. No preposition needed
42. Abdullah resembles ___ his father.
A. like B. of C. since D. No preposition needed
43. Himu married ___ Rupa.
A. to B. of C. with D. No preposition needed
44. I will marry you ___.
A. to B. of C. with D. off
45. The ambassador called ___ the President.
A. in B. on C. at D. none of them
46. I could not go ___ for the examination due to rain.
A. in B. by C. to D. on
47. You must adhere___ your principle.
A. of B. with C. to D. for
48. The Second World War broke___ in September 1939.
A. out B. through C. away D. in
49. The ministers arrived ___ a decision last night.
A. on B. at C. in D. to
50. He has no control___ himself.
A. on B. by C. with D. over
51. Don‟t look down ___ the poor.
A. into B. for C. of D. upon
52. He died ___ a terrible road accident.
A. in B. for C. of D. from
53. He died ___ the betterment of his family members.
A. in B. for C. of D. over
54. He died ___ cholera.
A. in B. for C. of D. over
55. I am ___ the moon.
A. in B. for C. of D. over

Brought to you by,

Mohammad Mir Jalal Sumon
BA (Hons), MA in English Literature
MA in Applied Linguistics & ELT, JNU
Ex-Lecturer (English), AK College, Jatrabari
Mentor (English), Genesis BCS Care
Lecturer (English), Career Aid
Guest Lecturer, Sheikh Hasina Institute of Youth Development

Our YouTube Channel: Unlock English with Sumon

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