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THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends CLASS: WEEK: 30 TOPIC: Module 7 - Out and about TIME: DATE:23.10.2023 SKILL(S) FOCUS: Listening LESSON:97 ( Listening19) DAY: Monday CONTENT STANDARD CODE: LEARNING STANDARD CODE: MORAL VALUES CCE Main: 1.2 Main: 1.2.2 Friendly Language Complementary: 1.3 Complementary: 1.3.1 Pupils’ Aspiration Leadership Bilingual Ethics and National Knowledge / Thinking skills / skills proficiency spirituality identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to 1. Understand with support specific information and details of short simple texts 2. Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words by using visual clues when a teacher or classmate is speaking SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): Pupils can listen to the song and point correctly. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR FOCUS / VOCABULARY TEACHING AIDS Imperative statements (positive & negative) Get Smart plus 3 Student’s Book, p.65 LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: Pre-Lesson Task 1: Work Out The Words - that focuses on new vocabulary. _____ / _____ pupils were able to Lesson development:- achieve the learning objectives and 1. Ask pupils to close their eyes and imagine. Give directions from school to a given enrichment exercise (s). place in your local area that pupils will know (e.g. a mosque or a shop), but do not tell them where they are going. _____ / _____ pupils were able to 2. Have pupils listen and follow your directions in their mind. They should tell achieve the learning objectives with you where they are, where you took them. If/when pupils get confused, guidance and given reinforcement ask them to open their eyes and watch you mime as you speak. Repeat exercise (s). once or twice, making it simpler or more complicated according to the reactions and level of understanding of your pupils.(HOTS) _____ / _____ pupils were not able to 3. Pupils listen to the audio and write the phrases on board. achieve the learning objectives and 4. Review the key prepositions and vocabulary that you have noticed is new given remedial exercise (s). or difficult for pupils by playing a group or whole class game. 5. Pupils listen to the song again. Then sing together. (21st CA) TODAY’S LESSON: 6. Pupils can practice and sing the song in group. (CBA) Excellent Post-lesson:- Need improvement Use some phrases from the song to play a mime game. HOTS Analysis 21st CA Rhyming / Singing PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) Presentation STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on __________________________________________________________ DAILY LESSON PLAN TS25 SUBJECT ENGLISH YEAR 3 THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends CLASS: WEEK: 30 TOPIC: Module 7 - Out and about TIME: DATE: 24.10.2023 SKILL(S) FOCUS: Speaking LESSON:98 ( Speaking19) DAY: Tuesday CONTENT STANDARD CODE: LEARNING STANDARD CODE: MORAL VALUES CCE Main: 2.1 Main: 2.1.3 Tolerance Language Complementary: 1.2 Complementary: 1.2.4 Pupils’ Aspiration Leadership Bilingual Ethics and National Knowledge / Thinking skills / skills proficiency spirituality identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to 1. Give a short sequence of basic directions 2. Understand a wide range of short basic supported classroom instructions SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): Pupils can answer at least three answers correctly. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR FOCUS / VOCABULARY TEACHING AIDS Get Smart plus 3 Student’s Book, p.65, Cloth for team Imperative statements (positive & negative) blindfolds. LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: Play a version of Simon says, where the pupils do the action only if you say please. You could ask some pupils to take the role the teacher. Review _____ / _____ pupils were able to vocabulary from Student’s Book, p.65 in this activity. (HOTS) achieve the learning objectives and Lesson development:- given enrichment exercise (s). 1. Play the song from Activity 1 and have pupils mime as they listen to the song. They might want to sing as well but avoid having them look in their _____ / _____ pupils were able to textbooks. achieve the learning objectives with 2. Play Activity 2. Divide the class into three or four teams. Pupils take it in guidance and given reinforcement turns to race the instructions, with one pupil in the maze and one pupil exercise (s). giving directions. Exchange roles each time. For each turn, write the basic instructions on the board as prompts, so the teams have the same number _____ / _____ pupils were not able to of steps. For example: (21st CA) achieve the learning objectives and Team 1: right / straight / left / stop given remedial exercise (s). Team 2: straight / right / straight / stop Alternatively, you could prepare the instructions on a worksheet to save TODAY’S LESSON: time. Excellent 3. Pupils do workbook page 52. Need improvement 4. Pupils answer and mark will be given by teacher. (CBA) Post-lesson:- Use some phrases from the song to play a mime game. HOTS Analysis 21st CA Games PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) Workbook STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on __________________________________________________________ DAILY LESSON PLAN TS25 SUBJECT ENGLISH YEAR 3 THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends CLASS: WEEK: 30 TOPIC: Module 7 - Out and about TIME: DATE: 25.10.2023 SKILL(S) FOCUS: Reading LESSON:99 ( Reading19) DAY: Wednesday CONTENT STANDARD CODE: LEARNING STANDARD CODE: MORAL VALUES CCE Main: 3.2 Main: 3.2.2 Responsible Language Complementary: 1.1 Complementary: 1.1.1 Pupils’ Aspiration Leadership Bilingual Ethics and National Knowledge / Thinking skills / skills proficiency spirituality identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to 1. Understand specific information and details of short simple texts 2. Recognise and reproduce with support a range of target language phonemes SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): Pupils can write at least three correct answers correctly. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR FOCUS / VOCABULARY TEACHING AIDS Plural nouns (regular and irregular) Get Smart plus 3 Student’s Book, p.66. LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: _____ / _____ pupils were able to Reviewing any farm animal vocabulary the pupils already know. achieve the learning objectives and Lesson development:- given enrichment exercise (s). 1. Play a guessing game, where you begin to draw – badly – an animal on the board. Pupils have to guess what it is.(21st CA) _____ / _____ pupils were able to 2. Follow instructions for Vocabulary and have pupils work in pairs to ‘test’ achieve the learning objectives with each other on the new words. guidance and given reinforcement 3. Pupils listen to the CD audio and read (Activity 1). Ask questions as pupils exercise (s). hear and read the story. 4. Ask pupils to read aloud, along with the CD. Check their pronunciation and _____ / _____ pupils were not able to note words that pupils have problems with so that you can drill them achieve the learning objectives and before pupils practise for performing. given remedial exercise (s). 5. Teacher distributes worksheet. Post-lesson:- TODAY’S LESSON: Excellent Discuss the answer as a class. Need improvement HOTS Analysis 21st CA Games PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) Worksheet STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on __________________________________________________________ DAILY LESSON PLAN TS25 SUBJECT ENGLISH YEAR 3 THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends CLASS: WEEK: 30 TOPIC: Module 7 - Out and about TIME: DATE: 26.10.2023 SKILL(S) FOCUS: Writing LESSON:100 ( Writing19) DAY: Thursday CONTENT STANDARD CODE: LEARNING STANDARD CODE: MORAL VALUES CCE Main: 4.3 Main: 4.3.2 Self-confidence Language Complementary: 4.1 Complementary: 4.1.2 Pupils’ Aspiration Bilingual Ethics and National Knowledge / Thinking skills / Leadership skills proficiency spirituality identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to 1. Spell an increased range of familiar high frequency words accurately in guided writing 2. Begin to use cursive handwriting in a limited range of written work* SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): Pupils can write at least four correct sentences. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR FOCUS / VOCABULARY TEACHING AIDS Get Smart plus 3 Student’s Book, p.66–67, Sets of 10 blank Plural nouns (regular and irregular) cards/pieces of card-sized paper, one per pair LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: Play a word game to review plural nouns. Lesson development:- 1. Tell pupils you have one sister (for example). Ask pupils some questions to _____ / _____ pupils were able to elicit plural nouns (e.g. How many sisters do you have?) Ask pupils if it achieve the learning objectives and should be, for example, 3 sisters or 3 sister. given enrichment exercise (s). 2. Teacher explains Grammar Box on Student’s Book, p.67. 3. Play the CD to review the story on Student’s Book, p.66, then pupils do _____ / _____ pupils were able to Activity 2 individually in their exercise book. Pupils check their answers achieve the learning objectives with with a partner before checking as a whole class. guidance and given reinforcement 4. Give pupils 10 blank cards per pair. They write the singular and plural of exercise (s). five irregular nouns, one word on each card. Focus on handwriting. 5. Pupils play a game with their own cards (they place the cards face down, _____ / _____ pupils were not able to then turn over two cards to try to find a pair). Collect the cards at the end achieve the learning objectives and of the game so pupils can use them again. (21st CA) given remedial exercise (s). 6. Pupils do workbook page 53. 7. Pupils answer and mark will be given by teacher. (CBA). TODAY’S LESSON: Post-lesson:- Excellent Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their learning diary, Need improvement they can write: (HOTS) New words I remember Activities I enjoyed HOTS Evaluation 21st CA Games PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) Worksheet STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on __________________________________________________________ DAILY LESSON PLAN TS25 SUBJECT ENGLISH YEAR 3 THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends CLASS: Year 5 WEEK: 30 TOPIC: Module 7 - Out and about TIME: DATE: 27.10.2023 SKILL(S) FOCUS: Language Art LESSON:101 ( Language Art19) DAY: Friday CONTENT STANDARD CODE: LEARNING STANDARD CODE: MORAL VALUES CCE Main: 4.3 Main: 5.1.2 Self-confidence Creativity and Innovation Complementary: 4.1 Complementary: 1.2.2 Pupils’ Aspiration Bilingual Ethics and National Knowledge / Thinking skills / Leadership skills proficiency spirituality identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to 1. In addition to Year 2 text types: simple poems 2. Understand with support specific information and details of short simple texts SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): Pupils can sing a rap with accompanying actions. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR FOCUS / VOCABULARY Language of directions TEACHING AIDS The directions rap, available at: A simple picture of: two stick figures with a speech bubble coming from the mouth of one figure. In the speech bubble write. How do I get to the…? a building, labelled restaurant roads between the stick figures and the restaurant which involve the stick figure i) going straight ahead, ii) then turning left, then right, iii) and then turning first left to reach the restaurant LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: Pre-lesson task 1: Work out the words. (HOTS) Lesson development:- _____ / _____ pupils were able to achieve the learning objectives and given 1. Show pupils the two stick figures drawing. enrichment exercise (s). 2. Use the drawing to check the meaning of new target language How do I get to the…? _____ / _____ pupils were able to achieve Go straight ahead the learning objectives with guidance and Keep going, given reinforcement exercise (s). Turn left/right , Take the first/second/third/fourth on the left/right _____ / _____ pupils were not able to 3. Help pupils to say the target language by saying it yourself, and ask them to repeat achieve the learning objectives and given it. Do this a few times until pupils can say the target language with confidence. remedial exercise (s). 4. Play the directions rap. Ask pupils to listen and do the actions in the video as they listen. (21st CA) TODAY’S LESSON: 5. Play the video again. This time ask pupils to sing the rap and do the actions. Excellent Post-lesson:- Need improvement Play the video a final time, with the sound turned off, and the subtitles on. Pupils do the action and sing the rap as they watch the video. (CBA) HOTS Analysis 21st CA Rhyming / Singing PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) Presentation STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on __________________________________________________________ DAILY LESSON PLAN TS25 SUBJECT ENGLISH YEAR 3 THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends CLASS: WEEK: 18 TOPIC: Module 7 - Out and about TIME: DATE: 5.08.2022 SKILL(S) FOCUS: Listening LESSON: 102 ( Listening20) DAY: Friday CONTENT STANDARD CODE: LEARNING STANDARD CODE: MORAL VALUES CCE Main: 1.2 Main: 1.2.1 Love to animal Language Complementary: 4.2 Complementary: 4.2.4 Pupils’ Aspiration Leadership Bilingual Ethics and National Knowledge / Thinking skills / skills proficiency spirituality identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to 1. Understand with support the main idea of short simple texts 2. Describe people and objects using suitable words and phrases SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): Pupils can write at least two correct answers. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR FOCUS / VOCABULARY TEACHING AIDS Get Smart plus 3 Student’s Book p.67, Pupil-made cards from Plural nouns (regular and irregular) Lesson 100. LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: Play a word game with the word cards pupils made in Lesson 100. Collect the _____ / _____ pupils were able to cards after the activity or at the end of the lesson. achieve the learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). Lesson development:- 1. Play an animal quiz game in pairs or small groups. You give a simple clue _____ / _____ pupils were able to (e.g. I’m big and I give you milk) and pupils have to write the animal. achieve the learning objectives with 2. Make sure to include the animals and vocabulary in the Listening activity guidance and given reinforcement (ride/big/scared/dive /fat). exercise (s). 3. Pupils listen to the audio and answers it orally (Activity 3). 4. Ask each pupil to write at least two sentences about an animal (using They _____ / _____ pupils were not able to …) in their exercise book. (CBA) achieve the learning objectives and 5. They could use some ideas from stages 2 and 3 of the lesson or they could given remedial exercise (s). use their own ideas. (HOTS) 6. Pupils read their sentences to a partner or in a small group. The other TODAY’S LESSON: pupils should guess what animal it is. (21st CA) Excellent Post-lesson:- Need improvement Post-Lesson Task 3: Guess The Word. HOTS Analysis 21st CA Who Am I? PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) Exercise Book STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on __________________________________________________________ DAILY LESSON PLAN TS25 SUBJECT ENGLISH YEAR 3 THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends CLASS: WEEK: 1 TOPIC: Module 7 - Out and about TIME: DATE: SKILL(S) FOCUS: Speaking LESSON: 104 ( Speaking20) DAY: Sunday CONTENT STANDARD CODE: LEARNING STANDARD CODE: MORAL VALUES CCE Main: 2.1.5 Main: 2.1.5 Love to animal Language Complementary: 1.2 Complementary: 1.2.2 Pupils’ Aspiration Leadership Bilingual Ethics and National Knowledge / Thinking skills / skills proficiency spirituality identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to 1. Describe people and objects using suitable words and phrases 2. Understand with support specific information and details of short simple texts SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): Pupils can answer at least three questions correctly. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR FOCUS / VOCABULARY TEACHING AIDS Get Smart plus 3 Student’s Book, p.67, Pupil-made cards Plural nouns (regular and irregular) from Lesson 100, Animal flashcards LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: Have pupils look at their cards from Lesson 100 and read the words. Using flashcards, check pupils’ understanding of the words by playing Slap in small _____ / _____ pupils were able to groups – show a flashcard and pupils should race to take the right word card. achieve the learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). Lesson development:- 1. In groups, pupils share out, randomly, the cards from the pre-lesson _____ / _____ pupils were able to activity.Pupils draw the animals they have cards for on their farm. Give achieve the learning objectives with pupils time to draw their farm.(21st CA) guidance and given reinforcement 2. In pairs, pupils tell each other about their farm (see Student’s Book, p.67, exercise (s). Activity 4). The partner listens and draws in the animals they hear their partner say, so at the end of the activity, both pupils have the same _____ / _____ pupils were not able to animals on the farm. Note that drawing and colouring can take a lot of time achieve the learning objectives and for some pupils. Set time limits and be firm with them. given remedial exercise (s). 3. Tell pupils that they may have time at the end of the lesson or can work at home to make their farm ‘beautiful’. (HOTS) TODAY’S LESSON: 4. Ask pupils to write a list of what is now on their farm in their exercise book. Excellent They compare it with their partner, who should have the same list. (CBA) Need improvement Post-lesson:- Post-Lesson Task 3: Guess The Word. HOTS Creation 21st CA Stretch to Sketch PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) Exercise Book STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on __________________________________________________________ DAILY LESSON PLAN TS25 SUBJECT ENGLISH YEAR 3 THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends CLASS: WEEK: 1 TOPIC: Module 7 - Out and about TIME: DATE: SKILL(S) FOCUS: Reading LESSON: 104 ( Reading20) DAY: Sunday CONTENT STANDARD CODE: LEARNING STANDARD CODE: MORAL VALUES CCE Main: 3.2 Main: 3.2.1 Love the country Patriotism & Citizenship Complementary: 3.2 Complementary: 3.2.3 Pupils’ Aspiration Bilingual Ethics and National Knowledge / Thinking skills / Leadership skills / proficiency spirituality identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to 1. Understand the main idea of short simple texts 2. Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by visuals and the topic SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): Pupils can write at least two sentences correctly. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR FOCUS / VOCABULARY TEACHING AIDS Get Smart plus 3 Student’s Book, p.68, Cut up texts (p.68) one copy, Imperative statements (positive & negative) enlarged, Copies of the pictures of the places cut up, one picture per pupil. LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: Play Stop! Tell pupils an action to mime. When you say Stop! they have to freeze in position. If they do not stop immediately, then they are out of the game and should sit down. Lesson development:- _____ / _____ pupils were able to achieve 5. Ask pupils to brainstorm in groups some places in the town/city. Elicit the words that the learning objectives and given will be used in this lesson. (21st CA) enrichment exercise (s). 6. Ask pupils questions about what they can and can’t do in those places to introduce the idea of rules. Use some of the vocabulary that will be used in this lesson, miming _____ / _____ pupils were able to achieve to show the meaning. (HOTS) the learning objectives with guidance and 7. Put the four texts from Student’s Book p.68 (your enlarged copy) around the room given reinforcement exercise (s). (you might want to do this before the lesson). Hand out the pictures, one per pupil. 8. Ask pupils to get up and to move around the room, reading the four texts. They _____ / _____ pupils were not able to should read all four texts, then decide which set of rules goes together with their achieve the learning objectives and given picture. remedial exercise (s). 9. Before beginning the activity, check that all the pupils know what their picture represents. TODAY’S LESSON: 10. Pupils listen and read. Then match the rules (1-4) to the places (a-d) orally (Activity Excellent 1). Need improvement 11. Teacher explains the Grammar Box, Student’s Book, p.67. 12. Pupils do workbook page 53. Pupils answer and mark will be given by teacher. (CBA) Post-lesson:- Play the mime game again, but change the rules a little. Instead of saying Stop, you will say Do not… and include some of the verbs from the lesson vocabulary. HOTS Analysis 21st CA Brainstorming PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) Workbook STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on __________________________________________________________ DAILY LESSON PLAN TS25 SUBJECT ENGLISH YEAR 3 THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends CLASS: WEEK: 1 TOPIC: Module 7 - Out and about TIME: DATE: SKILL(S) FOCUS: Writing LESSON: 105 ( Writing20) DAY: Sunday CONTENT STANDARD CODE: LEARNING STANDARD CODE: MORAL VALUES CCE Main: 4.2 Main: 4.2.3 Responsible Language Complementary: 4.3 Complementary: 4.3.1 Pupils’ Aspiration Leadership Bilingual Ethics and National Knowledge / Thinking skills / skills proficiency spirituality identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to 1. Give simple directions 2. Use capital letters, full stops and question marks appropriately in guided writing at sentence level SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): Pupils can write at least three sentences correctly. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR FOCUS / VOCABULARY TEACHING AIDS Get Smart plus 3 Student’s Book, p.67, Pupil-made cards Imperative statements (positive & negative) from Lesson 100, Animal flashcards LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: Pre-lesson task 4: Identify the flashcard- that will introduce the topic of rules by having pupils think of rules for different places they know. Lesson development:- _____ / _____ pupils were able to 1. Play the Do not mime game again (see Lesson 104), this time having pupils achieve the learning objectives and play in small groups, taking turns with the teacher’s role. (21st CA) given enrichment exercise (s). 2. Using flashcards to introduce the symbols for the rules. Play a game to help pupils remember the vocabulary. _____ / _____ pupils were able to 3. Pupils look at activity 2 and write in their exercise book. Use don’t where achieve the learning objectives with necessary (Activity 3). (CBA) guidance and given reinforcement 4. Pupils make their own class rules with their partner. Write in exercise exercise (s). book. Remind pupils about punctuation, including the apostrophe in Do not contraction Don’t. The, report to class. (Activity 4) _____ / _____ pupils were not able to Post-lesson:- achieve the learning objectives and Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their learning diary, given remedial exercise (s). they can write: (HOTS) TODAY’S LESSON: New words I remember Excellent Activities I enjoyed Need improvement A skill I did well in (L/S/R/W) A skill I need to do better in (L/S/R/W) Something I feel proud of (about my English) HOTS Evaluation 21st CA Games PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) Exercise Book STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on __________________________________________________________ DAILY LESSON PLAN TS25 SUBJECT ENGLISH YEAR 3 THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends CLASS: WEEK: 1 TOPIC: Module 7 - Out and about TIME: DATE: SKILL(S) FOCUS: Language Art LESSON:106 ( Language Art20) DAY: Sunday CONTENT STANDARD CODE: LEARNING STANDARD CODE: MORAL VALUES CCE Main: 5.3 Main: 5.3.1 Unity Creativity and Innovation Complementary: 4.3 Complementary: 4.3.1 Pupils’ Aspiration Leadership Bilingual Ethics and National Knowledge / Thinking skills / skills proficiency spirituality identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to 1. Respond imaginatively and intelligibly through creating simple action songs on familiar topics 2. Spell an increased range of familiar high frequency words accurately in guided writing SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): Pupils can make a folded book of rules. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR FOCUS / VOCABULARY TEACHING AIDS Imperatives Small pieces of paper (about 12 cm long and 10 cm wide) LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: Introduce the topic of the lesson by writing R_ _ _ S, R_ _ _ S, R_ _ _ S, on the board. Ask pupils to guess the topic : Rules, Rules, Rules! _____ / _____ pupils were able to Lesson development:- achieve the learning objectives and 1. Write Classroom rules on one side of board and Rules outside the given enrichment exercise (s). classroom on the other side. 2. Ask pupils to suggest 4–5 rules for each category, and draw and number _____ / _____ pupils were able to pictures to represent their suggestions. achieve the learning objectives with 3. Divide pupils into groups of 3–4. One pupil says a number, and another guidance and given reinforcement pupil says the rule. Then another pupil says a number and another pupil exercise (s). says the rule. Continue in this way until they have said all of the rules. 4. Give each pupil a small rectangular piece of paper, and tell them to fold it _____ / _____ pupils were not able to in half so that they have a book of four pages. (HOTS) achieve the learning objectives and 5. Tell them to draw pictures for 4 of the rules they spoke about earlier, one given remedial exercise (s). picture on each page. 6. Tell pupils to swap their folded books with a partner and write the rules TODAY’S LESSON: below each picture. If necessary, they can use their coursebook to check Excellent spelling, or can ask each other or you for help.(CBA) Need improvement Post-lesson:- Pupils present their rules to each other and talk about the reasons for these rules. Pupils may use simple words and phrases here. (21st CA) HOTS Creation 21st CA Presentations PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) Simple Project STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on __________________________________________________________ DAILY LESSON PLAN TS25 SUBJECT ENGLISH YEAR 3 THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends CLASS: WEEK: 1 TOPIC: Module 7 - Out and about TIME: DATE: SKILL(S) FOCUS: Listening LESSON:107 ( Listening21) DAY: Sunday CONTENT STANDARD CODE: LEARNING STANDARD CODE: MORAL VALUES CCE Main: 1.2 Main: 1.2.2 Polite Patriotism & Citizenship Complementary: 1.2 Complementary: 1.2.1 Pupils’ Aspiration Leadership Bilingual Ethics and National Knowledge / Thinking skills / skills proficiency spirituality identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to 1. Understand with support specific information and details of short simple texts 2. Understand with support the main idea of short simple texts SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): Pupils can make a classroom rules poster. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR FOCUS / VOCABULARY TEACHING AIDS Get Smart plus 3 Student’s Book p.69, Poster paper per Imperative statements (positive & negative) group, coloured pens and pencils LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: Pupils do a brainstorming activity in groups. Pupils write vocabulary related to the activities topic on board. (21st CA) _____ / _____ pupils were able to Lesson development:- achieve the learning objectives and 1. Play a whole class Listening and/or Speaking game using the rules given enrichment exercise (s). flashcards from previous lessons. 2. Pupils listen and answer orally (Activity 2). _____ / _____ pupils were able to 3. Ask pupils to look at their answers to Activity 4 (p.69). Ask pupils, one by achieve the learning objectives with one (or pair by pair), to read out one of their classroom rules. Other pupils guidance and given reinforcement listen and put a cross next to the rule if they have it too. The pupil reading exercise (s). the rule gets a point if no other pupil has the same rule as them. Praise pupils with points at the end for their originality, effort and language, _____ / _____ pupils were not able to rather than for winning the competition. (HOTS) achieve the learning objectives and 4. Tell pupils they will make a classroom rules poster. They should work in a given remedial exercise (s). group of six to decide on at least three rules for their poster, taking at least one rule from each pair. (CBA) TODAY’S LESSON: 5. Remind pupils to spend time making the posters look nice, including using Excellent cursive writing. Need improvement Post-lesson:- Have pupils look at the posters and say which rules they agree with. You could have them decide which poster. HOTS Analysis 21st CA Brainstorming PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) Simple Project STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on __________________________________________________________ DAILY LESSON PLAN TS25 SUBJECT ENGLISH YEAR 3 THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends CLASS: WEEK: 1 TOPIC: Module 7 - Out and about TIME: DATE: SKILL(S) FOCUS: Speaking LESSON:108 ( Listening21) DAY: Sunday CONTENT STANDARD CODE: LEARNING STANDARD CODE: MORAL VALUES CCE Main: 2.1 Main: 2.1.2 Polite Patriotism & Citizenship Complementary: 1.2 Complementary: 1.2.5 Pupils’ Aspiration Leadership Bilingual Ethics and National Knowledge / Thinking skills / skills proficiency spirituality identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to 1. Find out about and describe basic everyday routines 2. Understand a wide range of short supported questions SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): Pupils can answer at least five answers correctly. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR FOCUS / VOCABULARY TEACHING AIDS Get Smart plus 3 Student’s Book, p. 70, Toy clock (optional), Time; prepositions of place Scissors LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: Play a word game that will review places vocabulary. _____ / _____ pupils were able to Lesson development:- achieve the learning objectives and 1. Draw a clock on the board and ask pupils what it is (or you could use a toy given enrichment exercise (s). clock). Draw various times on the board (on the hour and half past) to review time taught so far. _____ / _____ pupils were able to 2. Have pupils cut out the cards on Student’s Book, p.131(copy), and play a achieve the learning objectives with game of Snap in pairs – pupils each put their cards in a pile face down. At guidance and given reinforcement the same time, they turn over the top card and say what it is. If the cards exercise (s). match, they also have to say Snap (or ‘Same’). The first pupil to say it wins all the cards. Continue until one pupil has no more cards. (21st CA) _____ / _____ pupils were not able to 3. Pupils listen and read. Then, play (Activity 1). Teacher choosing a strong achieve the learning objectives and pair to model the activity for the class. (HOTS) given remedial exercise (s). 4. Make sure that pupils keep the cards safe, or collect them in so that they can be used in later lessons. TODAY’S LESSON: 5. Pupils do workbook page 55. Pupils answer and mark will be given by Excellent teacher. (CBA) Need improvement Post-lesson:- Post-Lesson Task 4: Correct The Error. HOTS Analysis 21st CA Think– Pair– Share PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) Workbook STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on __________________________________________________________ DAILY LESSON PLAN TS25 SUBJECT ENGLISH YEAR 3 THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends CLASS: WEEK: 1 TOPIC: Module 7 - Out and about TIME: DATE: SKILL(S) FOCUS: Reading LESSON:109 ( Reading21) DAY: Sunday CONTENT STANDARD CODE: LEARNING STANDARD CODE: MORAL VALUES CCE Main: 3.2 Main: 3.2.1 Responsible Language Complementary: 3.2 Complementary: 3.2.3 Pupils’ Aspiration Leadership Bilingual Ethics and National Knowledge / Thinking skills / skills proficiency spirituality identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to 1. Understand the main idea of short simple texts 2. Guess the meaning of unfamiliar words from clues provided by visuals and the topic SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): Pupils can make street signs in pairs. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR FOCUS / VOCABULARY TEACHING AIDS Get Smart plus 3 Student’s Book, p.71, Flashcards of signs from Imperative statements (positive & negative) Lesson 96.One example of each sign made up for this lesson, Worksheet with texts 1, 2 & 3 from Student’s Book p.71 LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: Play guess game with flashcards that will introduce key vocabulary from this lesson. Write and leave the words on the board. _____ / _____ pupils were able to Lesson development:- achieve the learning objectives and 1. Tell pupils they will make road signs. Show them the signs you have made. given enrichment exercise (s). Elicit from the pupils what the signs show them (Turn left/right, Traffic lights, Stop). (HOTS) _____ / _____ pupils were able to 2. Give pupils the worksheet with the three sets of instructions (texts 1, 2 & 3 achieve the learning objectives with from Student’s Book, p.71). Ask them to read the instructions and decide guidance and given reinforcement which sign they are for making. (Answer: 1 = Turn left/right; 2 = traffic exercise (s). lights; 3 = Stop sign). Ask them to look in the book at the pictures to check their own answer before checking as a whole class. _____ / _____ pupils were not able to 3. Pupils make street signs (Activity 1) in pairs. Show how to make each sign achieve the learning objectives and as you read the instructions aloud. (21st CA) given remedial exercise (s). 4. Have pupils choose one sign to make and make it in pairs. 5. Pupils look at the sign and say (Activity 2). TODAY’S LESSON: 6. Pupils do workbook page 56. Pupils answer and mark will be given by Excellent teacher. (CBA) Need improvement Post-lesson:- Post-Lesson Task 3: Guess The Word HOTS Evaluation 21st CA Team Projek PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) Workbook STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on __________________________________________________________ DAILY LESSON PLAN TS25 SUBJECT ENGLISH YEAR 3 THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends CLASS: WEEK: 1 TOPIC: Module 7 - Out and about TIME: DATE: SKILL(S) FOCUS: Writing LESSON: 110 ( Writing21) DAY: Sunday CONTENT STANDARD CODE: LEARNING STANDARD CODE: MORAL VALUES CCE Main: 4.3 Main: 4.3.2 Self-confidence Language Complementary: 1.2 Complementary: 1.2.2 Pupils’ Aspiration Bilingual Ethics and National Knowledge / Thinking skills / Leadership skills proficiency spirituality identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to 1. Spell an increased range of familiar high frequency words accurately in guided writing 2. Understand with support specific information and details of short simple texts SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): Pupils can writeanswers on a paper (Activity 1). LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR FOCUS / VOCABULARY TEACHING AIDS Present tense There is/are: Singular & plural; Prepositions of Get Smart plus 3 Student’s Book, p.74, Animals flashcards, Copies of place; Adjectives pictures of places from Activity 2 LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: Play Thief! game from Warm up, Teacher’s Book, p.114 or choose a suitable activity to review animal vocabulary taught in the unit. Lesson development:- 1. Pupils look and write answers on a paper (Activity 1). Pupils work in pairs on this activity. (21st CA) _____ / _____ pupils were able to achieve 2. Use the picture copies to elicit the names of the places in Activity 2 (See Student’s the learning objectives and given Book p.74). enrichment exercise (s). 3. Give each place a number/letter, or assign a mime, or put the pictures around the room. Say a rule and pupils have to say which place(s) it refers to by saying the _____ / _____ pupils were able to achieve number/letter, doing the mime (action, e.g. stand up/sit down/turn around), or the learning objectives with guidance and touching the relevant picture. For example: given reinforcement exercise (s). Teacher: Turn off your mobile phone Cinema = A, so pupils say A _____ / _____ pupils were not able to Cinema = stand up, so pupils stand up achieve the learning objectives and given Cinema = the picture next to the board, so pupils all go to that picture and remedial exercise (s). touch it. Each time, ask the pupils to say the rule again and say where it is: Turn of your TODAY’S LESSON: mobile phone in the cinema. Excellent 4. Pupils look, read and write the answer in their exercise book (Activity 2). (CBA) Need improvement Post-lesson:- Ask pupils to think back on their learning so far this week. In their learning diary, they can write: (HOTS) New words I remember Activities I enjoyed HOTS Evaluation 21st CA Think– Pair– Share PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) Exercise Book STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on __________________________________________________________ DAILY LESSON PLAN TS25 SUBJECT ENGLISH YEAR 3 THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends CLASS: WEEK: 1 TOPIC: Module 7 - Out and about TIME: DATE: SKILL(S) FOCUS: Language Art LESSON:111 ( Language Art21) DAY: Sunday CONTENT STANDARD CODE: LEARNING STANDARD CODE: MORAL VALUES CCE Main: 5.2 Main:5.2.1 Responsible Language Complementary: 2.1 Complementary: 2.1.4 Pupils’ Aspiration Bilingual Ethics and National Knowledge / Thinking skills / Leadership skills proficiency spirituality identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to 1. Ask and answer simple questions about characters, actions and events of interest in a text 2. Ask about, make and respond to simple predictions SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): Pupils can write at least four correct answers in their worksheet. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR FOCUS / VOCABULARY TEACHING AIDS Imperative statements (positive & negative) Get Smart plus 3 Student’s Book, p. 72–73 (and 65 for per-lesson) LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: Play the song from Student’s Book p.65 to review the directions vocabulary. Have pupils sing along and/or do the actions. Lesson development:- _____ / _____ pupils were able to 1. Tell pupils they will read a story called The Secret Tunnel. Check achieve the learning objectives and understanding of secret and tunnel. Introduce the characters and ask given enrichment exercise (s). pupils what they think might happen in the story. (HOTS) 2. Read the story to pupils. As you do that, ask prediction questions, e.g. _____ / _____ pupils were able to What do you think is going to happen next? achieve the learning objectives with Will they go to the park today? guidance and given reinforcement What will they find in the park? exercise (s). Do you think the tunnel will be scary/dark/long? 3. Note that the questions use future will. The pupils do not need to focus on _____ / _____ pupils were not able to this, but should understand that the questions are prediction questions. achieve the learning objectives and They do not need to answer in full sentences and do not need to use future given remedial exercise (s). forms in their answers. 4. Play the recording of the story and ask some questions to check pupils’ TODAY’S LESSON: understanding of it.Talk to pupils about the Values in the story and ask Excellent them for their reactions to the story. (21st CA) Need improvement 5. Pupils do workbook page 57. Pupils answer and mark will be given by teacher. (CBA) Post-lesson:- Post-Lesson Task 3: Guess The Word HOTS Analysis 21st CA Free Discussion PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) Workbook STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on __________________________________________________________ DAILY LESSON PLAN TS25 SUBJECT ENGLISH YEAR 3 CLASS: THEME: World of Self, Family and Friends WEEK: 1 TIME: TOPIC: Module 7 - Out and about DATE: LESSON:112 (Language SKILL(S) FOCUS: Writing DAY: Sunday Awareness 6) CONTENT STANDARD CODE: LEARNING STANDARD CODE: MORAL VALUES CCE Main: 4.2 Main:4.2.3 Responsible Language Complementary: 3.2 Complementary: 3.2.2 Pupils’ Aspiration Bilingual Ethics and National Knowledge / Thinking skills / Leadership skills proficiency spirituality identity LEARNING OBJECTIVES (LO): By the end of the lesson, most of the pupils will be able to 1. Give simple directions 2. Understand specific information and details of short simple texts SUCCESS CRITERIA (SC): Pupils can write at least three correct answer and two sentences. LANGUAGE / GRAMMAR FOCUS / VOCABULARY TEACHING AIDS Imperative statements (positive & negative) Get Smart plus 3 Student’s Book, p. 72–73 (and 65 for per-lesson) LEARNING OUTLINE IMPACT / REFLECTION Pre-lesson: Play the song from Student’s Book p.65 to review the directions vocabulary. Have pupils sing along and/or do the actions.(21st CA) _____ / _____ pupils were able to Lesson development:- achieve the learning objectives and given enrichment exercise (s). 1. Prepare a map for familiar places. Provide pupils with simple written directions to read. Put the pupils and groups and get them to read and try _____ / _____ pupils were able to to match directions to places on the map. Pupils can trace on the map the achieve the learning objectives with directions from A to B. guidance and given reinforcement 2. Give a worksheet for the pupils. (HOTS) exercise (s). a) Ask pupils to help David go to the school. b) Ask pupils to look at the sentences on the worksheet and say if _____ / _____ pupils were not able to they are True or False. achieve the learning objectives and c) Ask pupils to write the direction between two new places on the given remedial exercise (s). map. Remind them to use positive and negative sentences. Post-lesson:- TODAY’S LESSON: Ask pupils to think about what they have learned in Unit 7 and how well they Excellent feel they know the language now. They should complete the How did I do in Need improvement Unit 7? self-assessment section of the worksheet. Collect worksheets from pupils and review them to note pupils’ performance. (CBA) HOTS Analysis 21st CA Rhyming / Singing PERFORMANCE LEVEL 5 CLASSROOM BASED ASSESSMENT (CBA) Worksheet STUDENTS’ TASK TO FOLLOW UP Remedial: Reinforcement: Enrichment: Pupils do activity with guidance. Worksheet for reinforcement. Worksheet for enrichment. REFLECTION The next lesson plan: The next lesson plan will continue with new topics. This lesson plan will be repeated in future learning. The next lesson plan will be improved on __________________________________________________________