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Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E

Training Course Manual

Release 07.2004/FULe QS-9
Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Table of Contents I.1

Basic Training Course Manual Contents Page

1. General Instructions
1.1 Preface ................................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Instructions on how to use this Training Course Manual ....................... 1-2

2. History of Gottwald
Contents ................................................................................................. 2-1

2.1 Foundation .............................................................................................. 2-2

2.2 Excavators, Cranes, Pile- Drivers .......................................................... 2-3
2.3 Pneumatic-Tyred Cranes ........................................................................ 2-4
2.4 Automobile Cranes ................................................................................. 2-5
2.5 Railway Cranes ...................................................................................... 2-6
2.6 Mobile Harbour Crane Figure ................................................................. 2-7
2.7 Mobile Harbour Cranes .......................................................................... 2-8

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Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
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Basic Training Course Manual Contents Page

3. Product Line
Contents ................................................................................................. 3-1

3 Product Line .......................................................................................... 3-2

3.2 A Part of the Demag Holding ................................................................ 3-4
3.3 The Best of Both Worlds ........................................................................ 3-5
3.4 Automated Solutions ............................................................................. 3-6
3.5 Force to Reckon with in Cargo Handling ................................................ 3-7
3.6 Economically Efficient ............................................................................. 3-8
3.7 Special Requirements, Special Solutions ............................................... 3-9
3.8 Customer Requirements Count ............................................................ 3-10
3.9 The Future has Arrived ......................................................................... 3-11
3.10 Automated Container Stackers ............................................................. 3-12
3.11 Opening Up New Perspectives ............................................................ 3-13
3.12 Project Management ............................................................................ 3-14
3.13 All-Encompassing Know-How .............................................................. 3-15
3.14 Where Success has its Headquarters .................................................. 3-16
3.15 A View Behind the Scenes ................................................................... 3-17
3.16 Quality Assurance ................................................................................ 3-18
3.17 Around the World, Around the Clock .................................................... 3-19
3.18 Multitude of Services ............................................................................ 3.20

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Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Table of Contents I.3

Basic Training Course Manual Contents Page

4. Dokumentation
Contents ................................................................................................. 4-1
Overview ................................................................................................. 4-2

4.1 Users Manual “Operation”

4.1.1 Instructions on how to use the Operation Manual .................................. 4-3
4.1.2 Diagram of the Tower Cab Control Panels ............................................. 4-4
4.1.3 Example chapter 6.2 ............................................................................... 4-5

4.2 Users Manual “Maintenance”

4.2.1 Instructions on how to use the Maintenance Manual ..............................4-6
4.2.2 Example Maintenance Check List .......................................................... 4-7
4.2.3 Example Battery Main Switch ................................................................. 4-8

4.3 Spare Parts Catalogue (CD - ROM)

4.3.1 Overview ..................................................................................................4-5
4.3.2 Navigation through the spare parts catalogue......................................... 4-6
4.3.3 Explanations to the navigation ............................................................... 4-7
4.3.4 Icons / assembly group selection ........................................................... 4-8
4.3.5 Catalogue page design ........................................................................... 4-9
4.3.6 Reference ............................................................................................. 4-10

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe I-3

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Table of Contents I.4

Basic Training Course Manual Contents Page

5. General Description

Contents ................................................................................................. 5-1

5.1 Electrics
5.1.1 General Notes ........................................................................................ 5-2
5.1.2 Designation System for Systems and Accessory Units............................5-3
5.1.3 Functional Groups, Function Designations ............................................ 5-4
5.1.4 Codes for Electrical Equipment, Items A - T .......................................... 5-5
5.1.5 Codes for Electrical equipment, Items U - X .......................................... 5-6
5.1.6 Location Codes ....................................................................................... 5-7
5.1.7 Terminal Designation System ................................................................. 5-8
5.1.8 Schematic Diagram Layout .................................................................... 5-9
5.1.9 Schematic Diagram Figure ................................................................... 5-10
5.1.10 Schematic Diagram Example ............................................................... 5-11
5.1.11 Terminal Diagram Figure ...................................................................... 5-12
5.1.12 Terminal Diagram Layout ...................................................................... 5-13
5.1.13 Abbreviations .........................................................................................5-14

5.2 Hydraulics
5.2.1 Hydraulic Introduction ........................................................................... 5-15
5.2.2 Hydraulic Symbols 1 ............................................................................. 5-16
5.2.3 Hydraulic Symbols 2 ............................................................................. 5-17
5.2.4 Superstructure Hydraulic Drawing ........................................................ 5-18
5.2.5 Description to the Superstructure Hydraulic Drawing .......................... 5-19

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Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
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Basic Training Course Manual Contents Page

6. Set-Up and Functions

Contents ................................................................................................. 6-1

6.1 HMK 260E

6.1.1 General Crane Drawing........................................................................... 6-3
6.1.2 Function .................................................................................................. 6-4
6.1.3 Crane Control System ............................................................................ 6-5
6.1.4 Superstructure ........................................................................................ 6-6
6.1.5 Superstructure Set-up ............................................................................ 6-7
6.1.6 Chassis ................................................................................................... 6-8
6.1.7 Chassis Set-up ....................................................................................... 6-9
6.1.8 Tower Cab ............................................................................................ 6-10
6.1.9 Tower Cab Set-up ................................................................................. 6-11

6.2 Technical Data

6.2.1 Dimensions ............................................................................................6-12
6.2.2 Speeds ...................................................................................................6-13

6.3 Eletrical Power Generation

6.3.1 Overview ............................................................................................... 6-14
6.3.2 Engine- Generator Set .......................................................................... 6-15
6.3.3 External Power Supply ......................................................................... 6-16

6.4 Hoist Gear

6.4.1 Function ................................................................................................ 6-17
6.4.2 Set-up ................................................................................................... 6-18
6.4.3 Rope Arrangement ............................................................................... 6-19
6.4.4 Hoist Height Changeover ...................................................................... 6-20
6.4.5 Hoist Speed Calculation ....................................................................... 6-21
6.4.6 Hoist Control System ............................................................................ 6-22
6.4.7 Hoist Gear Brake .................................................................................. 6-23

6.5 Slewing gear

6.5.1 Function ................................................................................................ 6-24
6.5.2 Set-up ................................................................................................... 6-25
6.5.3 Slewing Speed Calculation ................................................................... 6-26
6.5.4 Slewing Control System ........................................................................ 6-27
6.5.5 Slewing Gear Brake .............................................................................. 6-28
© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe I-5
Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
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Basic Training Course Manual Contents Page

6. Set-Up and Functions

6.6 Hydraulic Power Generation

6.6.1 Hydraulic Drive Assembly ..................................................................... 6-29
6.6.2 Hydraulic Pump A11VO Design ............................................................ 6-30
6.6.3 Main Hydraulic Pumps Control System Page 1 ................................... 6-31
6.6.3 Main Hydraulic Pumps Control System Page 2 ................................... 6-32
6.6.4 Hydraulic Control Valve Block Set-up ................................................... 6-33
6.6.5 Hydraulic Control Valve Block Function ............................................... 6-34
6.6.6 Distributor block .................................................................................... 6-35
6.6.7 Pressure limitation ................................................................................ 6-36

6.7 Luffing gear

6.7.1 Function ................................................................................................ 6-37
6.7.2 Set-up ................................................................................................... 6-38
6.7.3 Hydraulic Diagram Figure ..................................................................... 6-39
6.7.4 Hydraulic Diagram ................................................................................ 6-40
6.7.5 Block Diagram ...................................................................................... 6-41
6.7.6 Luffing In or Raising Boom ................................................................... 6-42
6.7.7 Luffing Out or Lowering Boom .............................................................. 6-43
6.7.8 Luffing Control System ......................................................................... 6-44

6.8 Travel gear

6.8.1 Function ................................................................................................ 6-45
6.8.2 Set-up ................................................................................................... 6-46
6.8.3 Travel Gear Hydraulic System Figure .................................................. 6-47
6.8.4 Travel Gear Hydraulic System .............................................................. 6-48
6.8.5 Hydraulic Motor A6VM .......................................................................... 6-49
6.8.6 Travel gear Control System .................................................................. 6-50
6.8.7 Steering Hydraulic System Figure ........................................................ 6-51
6.8.8 Steering Hydraulic System ................................................................... 6-52
6.8.9 Brake Hydraulic System Figure ............................................................ 6-53
6.8.10 Brake Hydraulic System ....................................................................... 6-54

6.9 Stabilisation
6.9.1 Stabilizer Hydraulic System Figure ...................................................... 6-55
6.9.2 Stabilizer Hydraulic System .................................................................. 6-56
6.9.3 Stabilizer Valve Block ........................................................................... 6-57

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Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Table of Contents I.7

Advanced Training Course Manual Contents....................................................................Page

7. Programmable Logic Control (PLC)

Table of contents .................................................................................... 7-1

7.1 What is a PLC

7.1.1 Hard-Wired / Progammable Control System ............................................7-2
7.1.2 Structure of a Programmable Control System......................................... 7-3
7.1.3 Binary Signal; Signal States ................................................................... 7-4
7.1.4 Bit, Byte and Word .................................................................................. 7-5
7.1.5 Bit, Byte and Word Addresses ............................................................... 7-7
7.1.6 Absolute and Symbolic Addressing ........................................................ 7-8
7.1.7 Shared and Local Symbols .................................................................... 7-9
7.1.8 Displaying Shared or Local Symbols .................................................... 7-10

7.2 PLC on Mobile Harbour Crane

7.2.1 Overview ............................................................................................... 7-11

7.3 Industrial PC
7.3.1 Set-up ................................................................................................... 7-12
7.3.2 Function ................................................................................................ 7-13

7.4 Central Device S7-400

7.4.1 Set-Up ................................................................................................... 7-14
7.4.2 Structure of the Rack UR2 ................................................................... 7-15
7.4.3 Power supply module PS 405 .............................................................. 7-16
7.4.4 Fault/Error Messages PS 405 ( INTF, DC5V, DC24V) .......................... 7-17
7.4.5 Fault/Error Messages PS 405 ( IBAF, BATT1F, BATT2F) .................... 7-18
7.4.6 Central Processing Unit CPU 414-3 ..................................................... 7-19
7.4.7 CPU 414-3 Mode Selector ................................................................... 7-20
7.4.8 CPU 414-3 Status and Error LEDs ...................................................... 7-21
7.4.9 Overview of the Memory Concept S7-400-CPU .................................. 7-22
7.4.10 Communication Processor CP 443–1 .................................................. 7-23
7.4.11 CP 443-1 Displays ................................................................................ 7-24

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Advanced Training Course Manual Contents Page

7. Programmable Logic Control (PLC)

7.5 PROFI Bus DP on Mobile Harbour Crane

7.5.1 Overview ............................................................................................... 7-25
7.5.2 Configuration ........................................................................................ 7-26
7.5.2 ET 200S ................................................................................................ 7-27
7.5.3 IM 151 Interface Module Set-Up .......................................................... 7-28
7.5.4 IM 151 Interface Module Displays ........................................................ 7-29
7.5.5 ET 200S Input- and Output Modules .................................................... 7-30

7.6 ASI Bus

7.6.1 Set-Up ................................................................................................... 7-31
7.6.2 Function ................................................................................................ 7-32
7.6.3 Master Module Set-Up ........................................................................ 7-33
7.6.4 Master Module Function ....................................................................... 7-34
7.6.5 Slave Modules ...................................................................................... 7-35

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Training Course Manual
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Advanced Training Course Manual Contents Page

8. Step7 Programming Environment

Table of contents .................................................................................... 8-1

8.1 What is Step7?

8.1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 8-3
8.1.2 Starting STEP 7 ...................................................................................... 8-4

8.2 Objects
8.2.1 What is an Object? ................................................................................. 8-5
8.2.2 Project Object ......................................................................................... 8-6
8.2.3 Station Object .......................................................................................... 8-7
8.2.4 Programmable Module Object ................................................................ 8-8
8.2.5 S7 Program Object ................................................................................. 8-9
8.2.6 Source File Folder Object ..................................................................... 8-10
8.2.7 Block Folder Object (OB) ...................................................................... 8-11
8.2.8 Block Folder Object (FC, FB, UDT, DB, SFC) ...................................... 8-12
8.2.9 Block Folder Object (SFB, VAT, SDB) .................................................. 8-13

8.3 User Interface and Operation

8.3.1 Operating Philosophy ........................................................................... 8-14
8.3.2 Window Arrangement ........................................................................... 8-15
8.3.3 Elements in Dialog Boxes .................................................................... 8-16
8.3.4 Managing Objects ................................................................................. 8-17
8.3.5 Opening Objects ................................................................................... 8-18
8.3.6 Renaming Objects ................................................................................ 8-19
8.3.7 Sorting Objects ..................................................................................... 8-20
8.3.8 Session Memory ................................................................................... 8-21

8.4 The Step7 Programming Languages

8.4.1 Overview .............................................................................................. 8-22
8.4.2 FBD / LAD / STL / SCL ........................................................................ 8-23
8.4.3 Function Block Diagram (FBD) ............................................................. 8-24
8.4.4 Ladder Diagram (LAD) ......................................................................... 8-25
8.4.5 Statement List (STL) ............................................................................. 8-26
8.4.6 Structured Control Language(SCL) ...................................................... 8-27

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe I-9

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
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Advanced Training Course Manual Contents Page

8. Step7 Programming Environment

8.5 S7 Programs in a CPU

8.5.1 Operating System ................................................................................. 8-28
8.5.2 User Program ....................................................................................... 8-29
8.5.3 Cyclic Program Processing .................................................................. 8-30
8.5.4 Event-Driven Program Processing ....................................................... 8-31
8.5.5 Structured Programming ...................................................................... 8-32
8.5.6 Order and Nesting Depth ..................................................................... 8-33
8.5.7 Block Calls ............................................................................................ 8-34

8.6 Blocks in the User Program

8.6.1 Block Types .......................................................................................... 8-35
8.6.2 Organization Blocks (OB) ..................................................................... 8-36
8.6.3 Functions (FC) ....................................................................................... 8-37
8.6.4 Function Blocks (FB) ............................................................................. 8-38
8.6.5 Function Blocks and Instance Data Blocks .......................................... 8-39
8.6.6 Instance Data Blocks ............................................................................ 8-40
8.6.7 Shared Data Blocks (DB) ..................................................................... 8-41
8.6.8 System Function Blocks (SFB) and System Functions (SFC) ............. 8-42

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Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Table of Contents I.11

Advanced Training Course Manual Contents Page

9. User Program on HMK

Table of contents .................................................................................... 9-1

9.1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 9-2

9.1.2 Components .......................................................................................... 9-3
9.1.3 Component Description .......................................................................... 9-4

9.2 Blocks in the User Program

9.2.1 Organisation Blocks (OB) ........................................................................ 9-5
9.2.2 Functions (FC) ......................................................................................... 9-6
9.2.3 Function Blocks (FB) .............................................................................. 9-7
9.2.4 Data Blocks (DB) .................................................................................... 9-8

9.3 Examples
9.3.1 Examplel OB35........................................................................................ 9-9
9.3.2 Examplel FC131 ................................................................................... 9-10
9.3.3 Example FB0 ........................................................................................ 9-11
9.3.4 Function Block FB0 Declaration partl ................................................... 9-12
9.3.5 Examplel DB10 ..................................................................................... 9-13
9.3.6 Example UDT ....................................................................................... 9-14
9.3.7 Example VAT ........................................................................................ 9-15

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Advanced Training Course Manual Contents Page

10. Step7 Controlling and Monitoring

Table of contents .................................................................................. 10-1

10.1 Establishing Online Connections

10.1.1 Overview ................................................................................................10-3
10.1.2 Establishing an Online Connection via the
"Accessible Nodes" Window ..................................................................10-4
10.1.3 Establishing an Online Connection via the
Online Window of the Project ............................................................... 10-5
10.1.4 Updating the Window Contents ............................................................ 10-6
10.1.5 Displaying and Changing the Operating Mode.......................................10-7

10.2 Download/Upload
10.2.1 Downloading a Configuration to a Programmable Controller ................10-8
10.2.2 Uploading a Configuration from a Station ............................................ 10-9
10.2.3 Downloading the Network Configuration to a
Programmable Controller ................................................................... 10-10
10.2.4 Downloading the User Program to the Programmable Controller .......10-11
10.2.5 Differences Between Saving and Downloading Blocks .......................10-12
10.2.6 Load Memory and Work Memory in the CPU page 1 ..........................10-13
10.2.6 Load Memory and Work Memory in the CPU page 2 ........................ 10-14
10.2.7 Download Methods Dependent on the Load Memory .........................10-15
10.2.8 Reloading Blocks in the Programmable Controller ..............................10-16
10.2.9 Uploading Blocks from a S7 CPU .......................................................10-17

10.3 Deleting on the Programmable Controller

10.3.1 Erasing the Load/Work Memory and Resetting the CPU .....................10-18
10.3.2 Memory Reset via Mode Selector .......................................................10-19

10.4 Compressing the User Memory (RAM)

10.4.1 Gaps in the User Memory (RAM)) .......................................................10-20
10.4.2 Compressing the Memory Contents of an S7 CPU .............................10-21

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Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
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Advanced Training Course Manual Contents Page

10. Step7 Controlling and Monitoring

10.5 Testing with Variable Tables
10.5.1 Introduction to Testing with Variable Tables ........................................10-22
10.5.2 Basic Procedure when Monitoring and Modifying the Variable Table 10-23
10.5.3 Copying/Moving Variable Tables ........................................................ 10-24
10.5.4 Entering Variables in Variable Table ................................................... 10-25
10.5.5 Notes on Inserting Symbols ............................................................... 10-26
10.5.6 Establishing a Connection to the CPU ............................................... 10-27

10.6 Monitoring, Modifying and Forcing Variables

10.6.1 Introduction to Monitoring Variables ................................................... 10-28
10.6.2 Defining the Trigger for Monitoring Variables ..................................... 10-29
10.6.3 Introduction to Modifying Variables ..................................................... 10-30
10.6.4 Defining the Trigger for Modifying Variables page 1 ........................... 10-31
10.6.4 Defining the Trigger for Modifying Variables page 2 .......................... 10-32
10.6.5 Introduction to Forcing Variables ........................................................ 10-33
10.6.6 Using Forceable Addresses from the Variable Table ......................... 10-34
10.6.7 Safety Measures When Forcing Variables ......................................... 10-35
10.6.8 Differences Between Forcing and Modifying Variables ...................... 10-36

10.7 Testing Using Program Status

10.7.1 Overview ............................................................................................. 10-37
10.7.2 Basic Procedure for Monitoring the Program Status .......................... 10-38
10.7.3 Program Status Display ...................................................................... 10-39
10.7.4 Program Status of Data Blocks .......................................................... 10-40

10.8 Diagnostics
10.8.1 Diagnosing Hardware and Troubleshooting ....................................... 10-41
10.8.2 How to locate Faults ........................................................................... 10-42
10.8.3 Diagnostics Symbols in the Online View page 1................................. 10-43
10.8.3 Diagnostics Symbols in the Online View page 2 ................................ 10-44
10.8.4 Diagnosing Hardware: Quick View ..................................................... 10-45
10.8.5 Diagnosing Hardware: Diagnostic View page 1 ................................. 10-46
10.8.5 Diagnosing Hardware: Diagnostic View page 2 ................................. 10-47
10.8.6 Module Information ............................................................................. 10-48
10.8.7 Diagnosing in STOP Mode ................................................................. 10-49
10.8.8 Stack Contents in STOP Mode .......................................................... 10-50

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe I-13

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
General Instructions 1.1

The purpose of this training course is to acquaint you with our cranes. This manual
contains your training documentation and will later serve as a reference work for you.
This training course will enable you to handle our cranes more easily. This course pro-
vides you with a basic knowledge of the hydraulics and the electrical engineering used
in our cranes.
In this training course, you will learn how to read and use the electrical and hydraulic
drawings and circuit diagrams. You will be taught to recognize which functional
sequences can be recognized during crane motion, how to detect a malfunction and
perhaps how to eliminate this malfunction. In addition, you will learn how to locate faults
and eliminate them.
To meet the above objectives, it is necessary that you advise your training instructor
briefly about your current level of knowledge with regard to crane technology and/or
your previous knowledge in the field of hydraulics and electrics. In addition, your coop-
eration is required during training, otherwise communication difficulties cannot be dis-
covered and solved.
In the event that malfunctions occur during operation in the port, the additional docu-
mentation which is attached in the Annex may be of assistance. You may consult the
subsupplier manuals supplied to gain a more detailed insight into the technology.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 1-1

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
General Instructions 1.2

Instructions on How to Use this Training Course Manual:

This Training Course Manual makes up a part of the documentation which you have
purchased along with your Mobile Harbour Crane. This Training Course Manual pro-
vides you with two options for obtaining the information you desire.

1. You are unfamiliar with the crane and wish to familiarize yourself in turn with all the
functions of the crane. To do so, refer to the sections listed in the Table of Contents. By
following this procedure, you will become familiar with all the individual functions.
Each page is numbered consecutively on the bottom righthand corner. Please note,
however, that the section numbering may not follow through consecutively and will
depend largely on the type of crane. The section numbering in the grey bar at the top
of the pages can be found in the Table of Contests and in the diagrams in Section 6 at
the back of the manual.

2. You are familiar with the crane and wish to look up information or refresh your mem-
ory. Turn to the Table of Contents or to the Index in this manual and you will find the
information you require on the page indicated or under the section number.

As can be seen in the adjacent figure, the page is set up Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
so that the headline bears the section title and a figure is Training Course Manual

shown which is applicable for the explanations below.

M2 M3

A =31.R-Y25
400 BAR

18 a
b P T
P P10

17 x y
B NG 32

The first text passage includes a general description of




NG 32


the function or assembly. The second text passage


a x


b B
NG 32

includes a detailed description of the parts of the compo-


NG 32



nent or assembly.


NG 32


NG 32




The symbol adjacent to the description represents the Each page is numbered consecutively on the

symbol found on the component or assembly parts being bottom righthand corner. Please note, howev-
er, that the section numbering may not follow
through consecutively and will depend largely

described. on the type of crane. The section numbering in

the grey bar at the top of the pages can be
found in the Table of Contests and in the dia-
grams in Section 6 at the back of the manual

You are familiar with the crane and wish to

look up informjation or refresh your memory.
Turn to the Table of Contents or to the Index
in this manual and you will find the information
your require on the page indicated or under
the section number.

The issue number of the Training Course Manual is indi-

cated on the bottom lefthand side of the page.

Consequently, you have the option of reading this manual through from the beginning
or of obtaining detailed information via the Table of Contents or Index.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 1-2

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
History 2.1

This section show the history of Gottwald Port Technology.

2. What is Gottwald
Contents ................................................................................................. 2-1

2.1 Foundation .............................................................................................. 2-2

2.2 Excavators, Cranes, Pile- Drivers .......................................................... 2-3
2.3 Pneumatic-Tyred Cranes ........................................................................ 2-4
2.4 Automobile Cranes ................................................................................. 2-5
2.5 Railway Cranes ...................................................................................... 2-6
2.6 Mobile Harbour Crane Figure ................................................................. 2-7
2.7 Mobile Harbour Cranes .......................................................................... 2-8

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 2-1

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
History 2.1

The founder Leo Gottwald and his son Dr. Hans Dieter Gottwald

The history and development of the Gottwald firm are closely bound up with the growth
of the town of Düsseldorf. The ever increasing importance of the former residence as a
banking and stock exchange city and an industrial centre and popular meeting place
chosen for congresses has also had an effect on the activities of the Gottwald concern.
In the course of this development its founder, who also gave it its name,Consul Gener-
al Leo Gottwald, united his Düsseldorf banking house of Schliep & Co. with the works
at Düsseldorf- Reisholz and Hattingen on the Ruhr. He thus placed the industrial enter-
prises, which can trace back their origin to the turn of the century, on a footing which
enabled them to take part in the general march of economic progress and made possi-
ble a steady expansion of the existing production programme and the introduction of
new features, extending in Düsseldorf and Hattingen from steel forming, flanges, press-
ings and stampings, to cranes, excavators, pile- drivers and vibration road rollers.
The Düsseldorf factory, founded as a joint stock company in 1906, underwent many a
change during the course of its 95 years existance until it was finally converted to its
present style in 1936.
The efforts and energy put into the enterprises show that an anniversary does not only
serve to commemorate past deets but that emphasis should, first and foremost, be
placed on the achievements of the present, achievements born of the diligence of near-
ly 500 people, harmoniusly united in their work under a clear- sighted leadership.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 2-2

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
History 2.2

Steam-driven crane about 1910

Mobil harbour crane about 1900 Mobil crane about 1932

Excavators, Cranes, Pile- Drivers:

The production programme of the Düsseldorf factory of the firm of Leo Gottwald com-
prises, first and foremost, all types of excavators, cranes and pile drivers.
A long distance has been covered from the establishment of the firm up till the present
and on this path many difficulties have had to be overcome and the experience has
been gathered which today guarantees the absolute reliability of Gottwald equipment
and keeps it up to the latest standards of technology. This is the outcome of the joint
efforts of all concerned in a factory which takes its bearings from the actual require-
ments of industry.
It is difficult to imagine nowadays what the equipment manufactured during the early
days of the factory looked like — the units built in those far off days seem to us almost
antediluvial. They were all steam-driven. Attention was only paid to the practical side -
which is of course still the principal factor — but little regard was paid to things like a
pleasing appearance, manoeuvrability and simple operation.
It is hardly possible to compare the old-time cranes, with its steam boiler and funnel,
with the cranes of today, with its attractive enclosed operator's cabin. However, one
should not disparage the first cranes which usually ran on rails and were of the
clamshell type. In their own day they enjoyed the same respcect as modern equipment
does today, and they were considered as progressive. During the early years of the fac-
tory's existence a fairly extensive range of types of various sizes and capacities was
soon developed. In those days cranes were already constructed with a dead weight of
up to 60 and 80 tons and even today they could still justly be described as heavy duty
equipment - an astounding achievement for those early years.
The fact that many of them are still in use today proves how effective the old construc-
tion was. They testify to the high quality of the equipment built during the early days of
the Düsseldorf factory and, moreover, place an obligation on the present-day produc-
tion to keep up this standard.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 2-3

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
History 2.3

Universal automobile crane capacity 12 tons

Pneumatic-Tyred Machines:
In the course of technical development a start was made some 70 years ago to replace
the steam engine, with its extensive and cumbersome ancillary equipment, by the much
more simple and less voluminous diesel engine. Another step forward on the path of
progress was the change-over from rail- bound equipment to crawler-type equipment.
In this instance, too, the first units were, from the modern point of view, of an almost
unbelievable simplicity, but this epoch had a very considerable influence on the growth
of the concern. The crawler-type excavator opened up many new possibilities. The
equipment was no longer forced to remain on rails and this had many important advan-
tages such as greater economy in operation, saving of time and, above all, great mobil-
In search of further openings, Gottwald participated in the development of the crawler
evcavator which has, of course, since become considerably faster, more manoeuvrable
and of higher effciency. Operation, too, has been greatly simpli-
Faithful to the old principle that all equipment should meet the requirements of the
times, Gottwald were the first to develop a pneumatic-tyred excavator. The idea in itself
was already revolutionary in the field of excavator design. This equipment, which was
rightly designated automobile excavator, proved to be outstandingly useful not only on
smooth ground but also on very rough terrain. It needs hardly be mentioned that the
superstructure of these units kept pace with their modern applicacions.
Gottwalds many decades of experience both with regard to excavator and crane con-
struction stood them in good stead when developing these new machines, which are
able to tackle every kind of earth work, since they can be equipped with face shovels,
trenchers, dragline shovels or grabs, that is to say, they can perform all the traditional
excavator work.
They have, moreover, proved suitable for lifting loads, i. e. they can also be used as
© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 2-4
Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
History 2.4

Automobile crane capacity 20 tons Universal automobile crane capacity 1000 tons

Automobile Cranes:
The Düsseldorf factorys second important field of activity is crane building. In develop-
ing their equipment the Gottwald factory did not only take into consideration the wishes
of customers it further improved heavy duty models of the automobile cranes and cre-
ated an entirely novel type. These heavy units soon became very popular, for it was
realised that in view of their great load carrying capacity, their stability, and their
adjustable boom — extendable to a length of more than 150 metres — they were pre-
eminently suited to perform assembly jobs of all kinds, particularly since they are fast
and can be driven anywhere. Due to the great versatility of the automobile-type exca-
vators and cranes their presence was required at different locations every day. It was
therefore necessary to make it possible for these units to travel faster than their own
operating speed allowed. A towing device was constructed and then they could be
towed from place to place by lorries or tractors. The large number of units exported to
all parts of the world proves shows the vision Gottwald had in creating a pneumatic-
tyred universal unit. They have proved most satisfactory in operation from America to
Japan, near the Arctic circle and also at the Equator.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 2-5

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
History 2.5

Railway breakdown crane about 1990

Railway crane about 1950

Railway Cranes:
Another branch of crane construction covers standard gauge railway cranes. Their
name is self-explanatory. They serve to handle piece and bulk goods and are also used
in the construction of permanent way. On the work site they operate under their own
power but when they have to be transferred to another point they are hitched to a goods
train. Diesel engines are used predominantly for these units — formerly it was exclu-
sively the steam engine. Railway cranes are built in serial production with capacities of
6 to 15 tons. However, this does not mean that the Gottwald factory confines itself to
these sizes. Heavy and super-heavy special railway cranes are also built. These are
employed, for instance, in case of accidents, to raise railway engines and carriages, to
shift heavy loads, to assemble bridges, etc. Such cranes travel on their own axles, often
over distances of more than 1000 km before they are put into operation. The Argentine,
Uruguay, Equatorial Africa and Angola are among the oversea areas to which they have
been exported.
The acceptance tests under the supervision of officials of the State Railways are par-
ticularly severe for railway cranes. During the test the cranes have to handle loads of
nearly 100 tons if they are built to take 75 tons. Loads such as these are otherwise only
raised by heavy duty overhead cranes. The necessary working tests are carried out on
extensive factory tracks.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 2-6

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
History 2.6

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 2-7

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
History 2.7

Mobile harbour crane about 1950 Mobile harbour crane about 1985

Mobile Harbour Cranes:

Mobile harbour cranes, which Gottwald also manufacture, are used mainly at sea and
river ports. They transfer goods of all descriptions from ship to shore and vice versa and
can also be employed to transship goods from one vessel to another. A special type of
crane in this category is the luffing crane, which, unlike the usual type of revolving
crane, is equipped with an adjustable boom instead of a fixed one. The advantage of
this is, that during loading operations the load always remains horizontal at the same
height and the position of the boom can be adjusted quickly. The type of boom can of
course be adapted to individual requirements. The expert knows that heavy luffing
cranes make special demands upon the ingenuity of the constructor. Not only do
Gottwald engineers pay special attention to ensuring a very sturdy build, they also take
great pains to give these cranes a pleasing appearance. Impressive units can be seen
in the harbour of Antwerp, Belgium.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 2-8

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Table of Contents

This section show the “Product Line” of Gottwald Port technology.

3. Product Line
Contents ................................................................................................. 3-1

3 Product Line .......................................................................................... 3-2

3.2 A Part of the Demag Holding ................................................................ 3-4
3.3 The Best of Both Worlds ........................................................................ 3-5
3.4 Automated Solutions ............................................................................. 3-6
3.5 Force to Reckon with in Cargo Handling ................................................ 3-7
3.6 Economically Efficient ............................................................................. 3-8
3.7 Special Requirements, Special Solutions ............................................... 3-9
3.8 Customer Requirements Count ............................................................ 3-10
3.9 The Future has Arrived ......................................................................... 3-11
3.10 Automated Container Stackers ............................................................. 3-12
3.11 Opening Up New Perspectives ............................................................ 3-13
3.12 Project Management ............................................................................ 3-14
3.13 All-Encompassing Know-How .............................................................. 3-15
3.14 Where Success has its Headquarters .................................................. 3-16
3.15 A View Behind the Scenes ................................................................... 3-17
3.16 Quality Assurance ................................................................................ 3-18
3.17 Around the World, Around the Clock .................................................... 3-19
3.18 Multitude of Services ............................................................................ 3.20

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-1

3 Product Line

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-2

3.1 Always in Motion

Milestones in line with an uncompromising com-

mitment to providing a comprehensive range of
port technology equipment:
• Mobile Harbour Cranes (HMK),
• Portal Harbour Cranes (HSK),
• Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV),
• Automated Container Stackers (ACS),
• Wide Span Gantries (WSG),
• Software, management systems and consulting

Materials of all kinds are in motion around the world the produc-tivity and cost-effectiveness of ports, steve-
and, as a result, have to be loaded, shipped, unloaded, doring and shipping companies.
stored and, finally, distributed. The entire logistical sup-
ply chain has numerous interfaces at ports worldwide. As the inventor of the Mobile Harbour Crane and sup-
And this is where Gottwald Port Technology’s exem- plier of over 800 of these cranes worldwide, the com-
plary products and services play a key role. pany is the market leader in this field. Reorder levels at
Gottwald Port Technology are around 90 per cent. This
Port handling means goods in motion. Gottwald Port high degree of customer satisfaction is a result of close
Technology’s contribution in recent decades could proximity to the customer, worldwide sales presence
hardly be overlooked. For one, there are the state-of- with over 30 representatives, continuous product devel-
the-art Mobile Harbour Cranes catering for a broad opment, a comprehensive service network and the suc-
range of load levels and radii, for flexible, high-speed cessful use of the products themselves in over 70 coun-
and safe loading and unloading of containers, bulk, tries of the world.
general and project cargo. And there are the automat-
ed container terminal installations, designed specifically
to meet the increasing demands of ever larger volumes
of cargo.

IWithin the context of increasing competitive and cost

pressure, caused by the global tendency towards pri-
vatisation, products and system solutions supplied by
Gottwald Port Technology play a vital role in increasing

Mobile Harbour Cranes and Automated Guided Vehicles handling containers, bulk goods and general cargo

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-3

3.2 A Part of the Demag Holding

Demag Holding unites seven world market leaders under one roof – including Gottwald Port Technology

Gottwald Port Technology is based in Düsseldorf, Germany, and is part of the Demag Holding company which
makes it a member of a group of companies with 22,800 staff worldwide and total annual sales of 3.4 bn. The
Demag Holding combines several independent businesses, each of which is a market leader in its specific field.

As a Group, Demag Holding offers a broad and highly diversified spectrum of capital investment products pro-
duced at 65 manufacturing locations in over 30 countries. As part of the holding company, Gottwald Port Technol-
ogy combines the dynamism of a medium-sized enterprise with the strengths of a worldwide group.

The shareholders of Demag Holding are the US financial investors Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR), 81%, and
the German Siemens AG, 19%.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-4

3.3 The Best of Both Worlds
Mobile Harbour Crane and Integrated Systems Supplier

Worldwide developments in
logistics call for innovative
responses and solutions. The
increasing volumes of transport
and growing economic pres-
sures in particular are driving
these developments. Increased
container vessel tonnages
require innovative, practical
solutions to keep expensive lay-
time in ports to a minimum.
These are factors that make the
concept of automated systems
ever more attractive.

HMK 260 E beim Containerumschlag in Busan, Korea

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-5

3.4 Automated Solutions
When implementing forward-thinking methods of
solving port logistics issues, Gottwald Port Technol-
ogy blends its tried-and-tested technologies with
cutting-edge developments and ideas. Having
achieved a position worldwide as the market lead-
er in Mobile Harbour Cranes through its holistic
approach over several decades, the company has,
at the same time, created new standards of
automation and offers complete, integrated sys-
tems for solving logistical problems and optimising
processes at container terminals through automat-
ed transport and stack systems, innovative soft-
ware and customised consulting services.

As the sole supplier worldwide of unmanned Auto-

mated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) for use at container An ACS for the automated storage and distribution of containers at
terminals – including the corresponding manage- Hesse-Noord Natie in Antwerp, Belgium
ment and navigation software – Gottwald Port

Technology is also at the leading

edge of this future-orientated
market segment.
Founded on the traditional suc-
cesses of Gottwald cranes,
Gottwald Port Technology today
stands for corporate advance-
ment extending from the individ-
ual machine to superordinate
system solutions designed to
meet all the needs of modern
cargo handling.

Over 10 years in operation

and still going strong: the
AGV fleet for automated con-
tainer transport from quay to
stack at European Container
Terminals (ECT) in Rotterdam,

Supplier of Integrated Systems

With the business and engineering tradi-
tions of Gottwald cranes to build on,
Gottwald Port Technology is the contin-
uation of the business development pro-
cess in providing the full range of port
technology – from
single machines to state-of-the-art
superordinate system solutions.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-6

3.5 A Force to Reckon with in Cargo Handling
Mobile Harbour Cranes
Where Performance Matters
Gottwald Port Technology’s HMK series includes high-capacity Mobile Harbour Cranes for loads of up to 120
tonnes and radii of up to 56 m for handling containers, bulk goods, general cargo and heavy loads.

Gottwald Port Technology’s HMK series Mobile Har-

bour Cranes feature characteristics that make these the
preferred cranes in the world’s most successful ports. A
high degree of mobility coupled with compact con-
struction make it possible to exploit the benefits of
Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes to the full at any
reachable point in the port.

Their legendary versatility makes them able to handle

all types of cargo. Key applications are containers, bulk
goods and general cargo and project cargo handling.

Thanks to the 4-rope grab cranes, Gottwald Port Tech-

nology has set new standards in the handling of bulk
goods. The 4-rope grab is an enhancement developed
to meet the requirements of using Mobile Harbour
Cranes for professional bulk handling.

These special cranes are equipped with twin sets of

hoisting gear and are ideally suited to volume handling
of coal, ores, gravel and fertilizers.

A 4-rope grab HMK 360 EG crane handling coal at

Antwerp Bulk Terminal (ABT) in Antwerp, Belgium

Gottwald Mobile Harbour Cranes HMK 300 E in twin lift container handling mode at Salerno Container Terminal (SCT) in Salerno,

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-7

3.6 Economically Efficient
Gottwald Port Technology’s Mobile Harbour Cranes are extremely
economical. One reason for this is the diesel-electric drive philosophy
used on the 60 to 120-tonne models.

The electricity is generated on-board by a diesel-powered generator.

The diesel-electric drive used on Gottwald cranes provides a highly
efficient, fuel-saving source of energy. At the same time, the low
degree of maintenance required for the electrical equipment results in
long intervals between services.

In order to provide the highest possible degree of versatility, Gottwald

cranes can also be operated from an external power source.

Diesel-Electric Drive
As the inventor of the Mobile Har-
bour Crane, Gottwald Port Technolo-
gy equips most of its cranes with a
diesel-electric drive. A design which
combines the merits of unsurpassed
efficiency, cost-effectiveness and
one-of-a-kind reliability.

Used and Refurbished Cranes

Thanks to their sturdy construction, used Mobile Harbour Cranes
made by Gottwald are sought after all over the world. Used and
refurbished Gottwald cranes are particularly attractive for customers
who wish
to benefit from the high reliability and flexibility afforded by
Gottwald cranes but with a low capital outlay.

Where required, these cranes can undergo customised retrofits and

refurbishing to bring them into line with current technical standards.
The website at lists
a regularly updated selection of used cranes.

An HMK 300 E handling general cargo at the

Port of Tornio, Finland

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-8

3.7 Special Requirements, Special Solutions
Portal Harbour Cranes
The Portal Harbour Cranes from Gottwald Port Technology
combine the tried-and-tested technologies of the Mobile Har-
bour Cranes with innovative rail-mounted portals.

Orientated towards customer-driven solutions, the HSK Portal

Harbour Crane series opens up a wide range of applications.

HSK 300 EG: the first ever Portal Harbour Crane

incorporating field-tested Mobile Harbour Crane
technology at IC Rail Marine Terminal, Louisiana, USA

Wherever Mobile Harbour Cranes are in use handling cargo the

world over, the requirements differ. It is often the space require-
ments that have the greatest influence, especially on quays fitted
with rail tracks where, if a conventional Mobile Harbour Crane
were used, the trains and trucks could not pass each other or
the function of conveyor belts would be adversely affected.

To cater for such situations, Gottwald Port Technology devel-

oped an additional product line based on the successful Mobile
Harbour Crane technology: the HSK series of Portal Harbour
HSK 360 EG Portal Harbour Cranes for the port of
Qinhuangdao, People’s Republic of China

An HSK 300 E Portal Harbour Crane handling steel products at Sidmar in Ghent, Belgium

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-9

3.8 Customer Requirements Count
Portal Harbour Cranes HSK
The development of the HSK series and the purpose-built
adaptations underline the ability of Gottwald Port Technol-
ogy to respond actively to customer needs and to imple-
ment these in cooperation with the crane operators as
customer-friendly solutions.

Customer-Specific Adaptations
The HSK series of cranes comprises Harbour Cranes which
are equipped with specially designed portals instead of the
usual tyre-mounted chassis. These portals are adapted by
Gottwald Port Technology to meet customers’ specific
needs to allow railway trains, road trucks and conveyor
belts to pass beneath the crane without restrictions.

From the slew ring upwards, these Portal Harbour Cranes

have the same subassemblies as the Gottwald Mobile Har-
bour Cranes, of which more than 800 have been sold

The HSK 170, 260, 300 and 360 models now make up a
completely new series which combines the tried-and-tested
Mobile Harbour Crane technology with future-orientated
rail-mounted portal solutions. To provide maximum mobili-
ty, the HSK Portal Harbour Cranes can optionally be
equipped with rubber-tyred special travel equipment. This
means the HSK series is not permanently bound to its rails
An HSK 300 E Portal Harbour Crane handling steel products and can change location as required. Since these HSK por-
at Sidmar in Ghent, Belgium tals can also be equipped with stabiliser pads, they are also
suited for use on quays without a rail infrastructure.

HSK 170 EG Portal Harbour Cranes in Tuapse, Russia being moved from quay to quay by means of special travel gear equipment

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-10

3.9 The Future has Arrived
Automated Port Technologies

As hubs of international trade,

container terminals assume a
number of important functions in
the distribution of goods around
the globe. In view of the major
role played by container terminals
and with an eye on increasing
productivity while reducing costs
per move, the interlinking of
quay cranes, stack areas, railway
terminals and the integration of
road truck turn-around has
gained in importance.

All these are good reasons to

consider the automation of con-
tainer terminals. As pioneers in
the automation of port activities
and the optimisation of inter- Automated Guided Vehicles Gottwald Port Technology also sup-
linked logistics processes, Gottwald Port Technology builds plies innovative management and
Gottwald Port Technology breaks remote controlled, unmanned Auto- navigation systems produced by an
new ground here, too – under mated Guided Vehicles (AGVs) to in-house software department for
the heading of “Automated Port enable rapid, automated container controlling complete fleets of AGVs.
Technologies”. transfer from the quay to the stack
area or railway terminal. The complex traffic control concept
takes over the task of controlling and
Of the over 250 AGVs already sup- monitoring the AGVs and can easily
plied, many have been in active daily be integrated into existing terminal
use for over ten years – in particular management systems.
in countries where high wage costs
make it imperative to find efficient
solutions in cargo-handling through
the implementation of automation.

AGV fleet at the Container Terminal

Altenwerder (CTA) in Hamburg,

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-11

3.10 Automated Container Stackers

Automated Container Stacker at Hesse-Noord Natie in Antwerp, Belgium

At container terminals, containers have to be stored as economically as possible. The containers in the stack yard
need to be densely stacked but logistically arranged, access time must be short and performance optimised. This is
where Gottwald Port Technology’s Automated Container Stacker (ACS), the automated crane solution for state-of-
the-art container stacking, comes in.

Designed as a bridge crane travelling on elevated craneways, the ACS spans nine container rows and provides one-
over-five lifting capacity. This ensures space is utilised to the best possible degree and the time required to place or
pick individual containers can meet even the highest productivity demands.

Compact Terminals
Automated Container Stackers are ideally suited to automated storage and distribution of containers at large and
medium-sized terminals.

At medium-sized container terminals, the modular, extendable and

space-saving ACS can be used in conjunction with Gottwald Mobile Har-
bour Cranes. In this combination, they form the highly economical Com-
pact Terminal that guarantees remarkable improvements in terminal per-
formance even where space is at a premium.

HMK 300 E Mobile

Harbour Cranes in
conjunction …

… with Automated
Container Stackers
form the Gottwald
Compact Terminal

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-12

3.11 Opening Up New Perspectives
Port and Terminal Planning
In order to be able to plan an economi-
cally optimised logistics system, a wide
variety of parameters – such as the over-
heads of a specific location, cargo vessel
sizes, shipping schedules, stack data and
space availability – have to be taken into

On the basis of an intensive planning

and consultancy phase, Gottwald Port
Technology and the customer jointly
work out the optimum tailor-made solu-
tion for complete ports or individual con-
tainer terminals.

With precise knowledge of the re-

quirements and environmental con- Project management from planning to final acceptance
ditions, Gottwald Port Technology’s staff
are able to adapt the technology to suit
all the conditions prevailing at a port or

In this way, planning concepts are drawn

up as the foundation for computer simu-
lations which incorporate such crucial
factors as Harbour Cranes and other port
technologies, the degree of automation
required and the customer’s preferred

Real-time computer simulations convey a realistic view of operations in prospective container terminals

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-13

3.12 Project Management

Terminal Layouts Project Management

One impressive tool used to demonstrate to terminal Professional port and terminal planning is a long-term
operators the existing and potential opportunities of process.
their facilities in various expansion phases is Gottwald A large range of factors has to be determined and
Port Technology’s innovative terminal layout soft- evaluated before the concept can be put into practice
ware. This system enables the customer to view using automated system solutions for transport and
computer simulations in real time to demonstrate storage.
how cargo handling can be optimised at their specific
container terminal. Within this complex series of procedures, Gottwald
Port Technology provides comprehensive project man-
Simulations using the terminal layout software at the agement, from the beginning of the planning stage
planning phase are a key tool used to determine the to the final acceptance on-site and beyond.
dynamics of cargo handling and to enable relevant
decisions to be taken at an early stage to ensure the
returns on the capital investment.

Comprehensive, realistic 3D
animation …

… provides an accurate view of prospec-

tive terminal expansion phases

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-14

3.13 All-Encompassing Know-How
Wide Span Gantries and Railway Cranes
Moving loads assumes the existence of a range of versatile handling equipment. Apart from its Mobile Harbour
Crane capability for marine ports and automated port technology, Gottwald provides optimal solutions for many
other requirements.

Wide Span Gantries Gottwald portfolio.

The strategic aim of supplying a full range of In addition to the know-how for this product family, which was
products and services for state-of-the-art car- transferred from KSR to Gottwald at the beginning of 2003, all
go handling is further underlined by the addi- Gottwald’s production skills based on years of experience and
tion of WSG Wide Span Gantries to the innovative strengths have been combined to offer customers
optimal cargo-handling solutions.
Various features of these Wide Span Gantries have been modi-
fied and improved by Gottwald to service a range of needs
across a wide spectrum of applications.

Whether supplied with or without cantilevers, and with spans of

up to 80 metres, these rail-mounted, combined lattice and box-
girder cranes are ideal for intermodal handling between rail and
road, trimodal handling from ship to train or road truck, and for
stack yard management in a wide range of production environ-

Gottwald’s Wide Span Gantries are equipped

with state-of-the-art drive technology, work
within very close tolerances, are of an ener-
gy-saving design and operate at low noise
Milestones in the successful expansion of the range
of products: WSG Wide Span Gantries with span
widths of up to 80 m and cantilevers at both ends up
to 40 m

Railway Cranes
Gottwald’s capabilities with rail-
mounted equipment are also dem-
onstrated in the fields of extremely
difficult crane operations and break-
downs. To this end, Gottwald builds
special railway cranes. These are
further subdivided into three prod-
uct groups: breakdown cranes,
track-laying and bridge-building
cranes and all-purpose cranes.

All these crane variants have certain

features in common: their high lift-
ing capacities and powerful travel
and working motions. Like the
AGVs and smaller Mobile Harbour
Cranes, Gottwald’s railway cranes
feature diesel-hydraulic drives.

Gottwald Railway Cranes: for infrastructure project work and breakdown jobs

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-15

3.14 Where Success has its Headquarters
Main Facility in Düsseldorf, Germany

Düsseldorf on the Rhine – Gottwald Port Technology’s location for many decades

Advance Order Programme

The Company’s production capacity for Mobile Har-
bour Cranes is about 70 per year. In contrast to the
„Automated Port Technologies“ side of the busi-
ness, Gottwald’s series produced Mobile Harbour
Cranes are manufactured ahead of order. This
means that before a customer places an order, vari-
ous basic versions of each crane are already in pro-
duction. Once an order is finalised, the customer
then benefits from extremely short delivery times – a
crucial factor in view of the competitive pressure on
port and terminal operators.

Transport of two HSK 360 EG Portal Harbour Cranes on a Rhine Customer-specific crane requirements are often
barge incorporated in the basic versions of the cranes at
the Düsseldorf facility prior to crane despatch.
Gottwald Port Technology is based in Düsseldorf
which has 570,000 inhabitants and ranks among The fact that this Advance Order Programme is so
the ten largest Germany cities. The company is one well established demonstrates the worldwide
of the mainstays of the local industrial community demand for Gottwald’s port technologies.
in this region and maintains a highly advanced pro-
duction facility which meets all the requirements of
state-of-the-art development and manufacturing
and provides potential for further expansion of the
company on-site.

This location has an excellent infrastructure. The

close vicinity of the Rhine, for example, means that
Gottwald products can be shipped non-stop from
here to the entire Mediterranean region. Shipping
further afield is via the North Sea after reloading.

Around 600 skilled and dedicated staff at the main

facility in Düsseldorf are involved in ensuring that
all over the world the customers’ most challenging
requirements are met. Gottwald also benefits
from the proximity of the industrial Ruhr area
which is also a valuable source of skilled staff.

The proximity of the Rhine minimises overland transport and optimis-

es delivery times
© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-16
3.15 A View Behind the Scenes
Research & Development and Production
Gottwald Port Technology’s head-
quarters in Düsseldorf, Germany,
meets the highest possible demands
with regard to the quality of manu-
facturing, assembly and testing and is
at the cutting edge in terms of econ-
omy, material flow, environmental
protection and safe working proce-

The well-appointed facility in Düsseldorf offers expansion potential

In order to enable the company to

provide the required quality of
sophisticated technologies, the loca-
tion is equipped with the latest in
production and assembly lines for
Harbour Cranes, Automated Guided
Vehicles and Automated Container
Stackers and their corresponding
electrical components.

Before being shipped, all products

are subjected to stringent testing.
These tests cover the electrical,
hydraulic and control system com-

Assembly lines for Mobile Harbour Cranes and electrics compartments

Computer Aided Design and Man-

State-of-the-art 3D CAD / CAM sys-
tems are yet another guarantee of
Gottwald Port Technology’s capabili-
ties in meeting the requirements of
partners in today’s port technology

These computer-aided technologies

provide a number of benefits: CAD
accelerates the process of converting
designs into components, runs colli-
sion tests and uses finite elements to
predict and avoid critical stresses in

From the 3D CAD systems, the data

are transferred to the machine tools.
Production then takes place using the
data supplied in the CAM processes. Sophisticated 3D CAD systems accelerate product development and provide a range
of special features
© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-17
3.16 Quality Assurance

Just one of the many indicators for

Gottwald Port Technology quality is
the company’s certified Quality Man-
agement System. This is based on the Testing of all the electrical,
requirements of the internationally control and hydraulic func-
recognised ISO 9001. tions of a Mobile Harbour

The Quality Management System at

Gottwald Port Technology emphasises
product quality on the one hand and
the optimisation of processes on the
other – at the same time keeping the
customer’s needs at the forefront. Of
particular interest in this context is the
QM module introduced in 2001 for
recording and processing customer
concerns with a view to locating and Machining of a tower on
eliminating sources of errors. a CNC mill

The process orientated, practically

implemented quality assurance system
directly involves all the company’s
departments to ensure adherence to
standards at all levels. Since the sys-
tem is a dynamic one, the continuous
improvement process enables the pro-
duction processes, design and work
preparation to be constantly more
finely tuned. Welding work
on a boom for a
Mobile Harbour Crane

Assembly line for

Automated Guided

quality tests of
Gottwald products

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-18

3.17 Around the World, Around the Clock
Customer Service

Gottwald Port Technology: with over 800 units sold, Gottwald is the world market leader in Mobile Harbour Cranes. The company
also sets the pace in the field of port automation having sold over 250 AGVs worldwide.

In order to quickly and flexibly supply customers all over the world with spare parts, the company maintains a cen-
tral spare parts stock at its headquarters in Düsseldorf, Germany. Additional, extensive spare part stocks are main-
tained at strategically crucial points around the world.
When problems occur, worldwide service partners are in a position to relay the entire know-how of Central Ser-
vices in Düsseldorf via the service hotline. This means 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

On-line remote diagnostic services are implemented via regional service stations or Central Services in Düsseldorf to
enable live assistance and advice. Teleservice systems
supply reliable information, which makes precise fault diagnosis possible using real-time communication.

Gottwald Port Technology can, in this way, provide its customers with a multitude of services, guaranteeing the
efficient use of Gottwald’s cutting- edge products with the highest possible degree of availability – worldwide.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-19

3.18 Multitude of Services

As the world’s market leader in Mobile Harbour Cranes and innova-

tive supplier of automated logistics systems, Gottwald Port Technolo-
gy maintains a worldwide network of service stations offering the
full range of services – a range which is regularly expanded in keep-
ing with market requirements.

The portfolio of services includes complete, individually tailored

installation and maintenance solutions and customised modernisa-
tion and retrofit schemes.

The central spare parts stock and a growing

number of consignment stock warehouses
ensure swift spare parts delivery

Training crane personnel for international clients at Gottwald’s own training centre in Düsseldorf

Crane assembly in the Port of Antwerp

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 3-20

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Documentation 4

This section describes the documentation supplied with the Mobile Harbour Cranes.

4. Documentation
Contents ................................................................................................. 4-1
Overview ................................................................................................. 4-2

4.1 Users Manual “Operation”

4.1.1 Instructions on how to use the Operation Manual .................................. 4-3
4.1.2 Diagram of the Tower Cab Control Panels ............................................. 4-4
4.1.3 Example Chapter 6.2 .............................................................................. 4-5

4.2 Users Manual “Maintenance”

4.2.1 Instructions on how to use the Maintenance Manual ..............................4-6
4.2.2 Example Maintenance Check List .......................................................... 4-7
4.2.3 Example Battery Main Switch ................................................................. 4-8

4.3 Spare Parts Catalogue (CD - ROM)

4.3.1 Overview ..................................................................................................4-5
4.3.2 Navigation through the spare parts catalogue......................................... 4-6
4.3.3 Explanations to the navigation ............................................................... 4-7
4.3.4 Icons / assembly group selection ........................................................... 4-8
4.3.5 Catalogue page design ........................................................................... 4-9
4.3.6 Reference ............................................................................................. 4-10

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 4-1

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Documentation 4

The documentation supplied with your crane consists of the following manuals
which are in the crane on delivery or delivered to the local Mannesmann agent or
representative or delivered to you directly:
User’s Manual Part I (Operating Manual), User’s Manual Part II (Maintenance Man-
ual), and Safe Load Indicator (SLI) Manual, manuals for the drive motors of the
hoist, slewing gear and hydraulic pump, Lifting Gear Manual and manuals, depend-
ing on the crane model, for the open-loop and closed-loop control components, the
programming unit, the software and printer as well as a Spare Parts Catalogue,
Program Print-Out and the electric drawings.
Proper and regular maintenance work as laid down in the Maintenance Manual is
essential for smooth crane operation.
This is why these manuals should also be available for the operating and mainte-
nance personnel. This is especially important as otherwise incorrect or irregular
maintenance can cause considerable damage which is not covered by the warran-
However, not only for cost-effectiveness, but also for safety reasons, regular and
proper maintenance of the crane is absolutely imperative. Only a crane which is in
proper technical order can ensure that persons will not be injured and property not
damaged. The built-in safety devices did not, however, completely rule out all risks.
Should there be clearly obvious or recognisable differences, have the equipment
Observe without fail all the safety instructions provided during operation and main-
tenance work. With caution and adherence to the relevant instructions, accidents
can be avoided. As not all the same precautions apply for all work, special safety
instructions are specified before each individual description of the maintenance

These safety instructions are accentuated by means of the adjacent warning sign.

Observe the Lubricants Chart in the Maintenance Manual when the respective
maintenance precautions are carried out to which your attention is drawn in the
Operating Manual. Use only the lubricants listed in the chart. The application of
unsuitable lubricants and fuels can lead to considerable consequential damage,
which is not covered by our warranty. Therefore, please read the Maintenance
Manual before you carry out such work.
We have endeavoured to produce clear and comprehensible Maintenance Instruc-
tions. When you have read the ”Instructions on how to use this Operating Manual”,
you will easily find and be able to carry out the various Operating Points.
This Maintenance Manual was drawn up based on all the information available at
hand at the time of crane despatch from the factory. Should any changes, retrofits
or modifications have occurred since then, which must be added, the owner must
ensure that the documentation is provided or altered to accommodate these differ-
ences by the company providing subsequent services or additional equipment.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 4-2

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Users Manual “Operation” 4.1.1

Instructions on how to use the Operation Manual:

This Operating Manual makes up the first part of User’s Manual consisting of sev-
eral sections, which you have purchased along with your crane. This Operating
Manual provides you with two options for obtaining the information you desire.

1. You are unfamiliar with the crane and wish to familiarise yourself in turn with all
the controls. To do so, refer to the sections listed in the Table of Contents. By fol-
lowing this procedure, you will become familiar with all the safety instructions, the
checks required prior to daily start-up and the individual operating steps.
Please note, however, that the section numbering may not follow through con-
secutively and will depend largely on the type of crane. The section numbering in
the grey bar on the pages can be found in the Table of Contents and in the dia-
grams in Section 6 at the back of this manual.

2. You are familiar with the crane and the necessary information. You wish to know
the procedure for a particular term. Turn to the Index or the Table of Contents in
this manual and you will find the information and / or the function of the operating
instrument on the indicated page or in the section number.

Section 5, ”Operating Instructions”, is set up in Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E

Operating Manual
such a way that the location (red arrow) of the oper-
ating instrument is shown in the diagram.

Prior to the Operating Instructions, the required

Safety Instructions are described for the particular
operating step. These Safety Instructions are accen-
tuated by means of the adjacent warning symbol.
Prior to the Operating Instructions, the
required Safety Instructions are
The symbol(s) located next to the Operating Instruc- described for the particular operating
step. These Safety Instructions are
tions can be found on the control lever or control but- accentuated by means of the adjacent
warning symbol.
ton in the diagram.
The pages in section 5, ”Operating
Instructions”, are set-up in such a way
that the location (red arrow) of the oper-
ating instrument is shown in the diagram
The serial number of your crane is indicated on the and is represented by an symbol adjacent
to the text passage under ”Operating
bottom lefthand side of the page. Instructions”.

Consequently, you have the option of reading through this manual from the begin-
ning or of obtaining detailed information via the Table of Contents.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 4-3

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Users Manual “Operation” 4.1.2

Diagram of the Tower Cab Control Panels:

7.9 7.4/1

7.13 7.1/1


7.1 Fehlermenü Kranbetrieb

F1 F2Wartungdaten
F5 F4 F5
F6 F6 F7 F7
F8 F9

6.3.6 6.2.2/1
6.2.3 5.2.1
6.2.1 4.7
5.2.2/3 7.4
6.3.8 7.4/1

5.6.5 7.4/3
4.6/1 7.3/1
4.6/3 7.1/2

4.6/1 = Ignition key neutral position 6.3.8 = Lock/unlock twistlocks

4.6/2 = Ignition key on 6.3.11 = Open/close grab
4.6/3 = Start diesel engine 7.1 = Call button
4.6/4 = Stop diesel engine 7.1/1 = Communication system horn
4.7 = Crane master switch on/off button 7.1/2 = Outside loudspeaker on / off
5.2.1 = Travel control lever 7.1/3 = Intercom volume
5.2.2 = Steer left / right 7.4 = Front screen wiper
5.6.5 = Emergency off button 7.4/1 = Wiper intermittent speed
6.2.1 = Slew left / right 7.4/2 = Open/close window
6.2.2 = Hoist / lower 7.4/3 = Screen washer
6.2.2/2 = Special load key-operated switch 7.4/4 = Roof screen wiper
6.2.3 = Luff in/out 7.3/1 = Cab lighting
6.3.3 = Rotate hook left / right 7.3/2 = Job site lighting
6.3.6 = Centre of gravity compensation 7.6 = Earth fault warning
6.3.7 = Flippers up / down 7.9 = Video monitor
7.13 = Work monitor
© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 4-4
Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Users Manual “Operation” 4.1.3

Example Chapter 6.2.1

Safety Instructions:
The superstructure can only be rotated when the crane is propped and the
superstructure is unlocked!
Caution! At windforces greater than 9, crane operation is prohibited!
Ensure no persons or objects are in the danger zone during crane operation!
When rotating the superstructure, ensure there is no diagonal pull greater than
the normal light pendulum action of the load.

Operating Instructions:
The combined function control lever is located on the tower cab lefthand control
panel. This control lever is assigned the slewing and luffing functions during
crane operation. Slewing motion corresponds to lever motion. This means the
further you move the lever to the left or right, the higher the superstructure slew-
ing speed is in the respective direction:

Slew left: Move lever to left

Slew right: Move lever to right

The slewing speed is slower when the crane is in the heavy-duty load and spe-
cial load modes of operation.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 4-5

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Users Manual “Maintenance” 4.2.1

Instructions on how to use the Maintenance Manual:

This Maintenance Manual is the second part of the User’s Manuals consisting of
several parts supplied with your Mobile Harbor Crane. This Maintenance Manual
provides you with two options for obtaining the information you desire.

1. You are unfamiliar with the crane and wish to familiarize yourself in turn with all
the maintenance points of the crane. To do so, refer to the sections listed in the
Table of Contents. By following this procedure, you will become familiar with all the
safety instructions, the checks required prior to daily start-up and the individual
maintenance steps.
Please note, however, that the section numbering may not follow through con-
secutively and will depend largely on the type of crane. The section numbering in
the grey bar on the pages can be found in the Table of Contents and in the dia-
grams in Section 6 at the back of this manual.

2. You are familiar with the crane and the required information and wish to know
the procedure for a specific term. Turn to the Index or the Table of Contents in this
manual and you will find the information and / or the maintenance instructions on
the indicated page or in the section number.

Section 5, “Maintenance Instructions”, is set up in

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
such a way that the location (red arrow) of the part Maintenance Manual
undergoing maintenance is shown in the diagram.

Above every set of maintenance instructions, there

are safety instructions to be heeded for the work
being described. A warning symbol is located adja-
cent to the safety instructions.

The symbol next to the maintenance instructions

Above every set of maintenance
indicates the type of tool required (wrench, gauge, instructions, there are safety instruc-
tions to be heeded for the work being
etc.) described. A warning symbol is locat-
ed adjacent to the safety instructions.
The serial number of the crane is indicated on the
bottom lefthand side of the page. Section 5, “Maintenance Instructions”, is
set up in such a way that the location
(red arrow) of the part undergoing main-
tenance is shown in the diagram.

The “Maintenance Check Lists” and the “Crane General Drawings” could be
opened out to the lefthand and righthand side.
Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 280 E Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 280 E Mobile
H a f e n mHarbour
o b i l k r a nCrane
H M K HMK 280 E
280 E
Maitenance Manual Maitenance Manual Maitenance
B e d i e n u n gManual
6.3 Schaubild Oberwagen

5.1.4 5.1.3 5.1.16 5.1.11 5.4.2


5.1.3 5.1.14 5.9.10

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 4-6

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Users Manual “Maintenance” 4.2.2

Example Maintenance Check List daily

No. Maintenance Point Type of Maintenance PLC Symbol

5.1 Electrical System

5.1.4 Battery main switch Perform visual inspection
5.1.15 Hoist + lowering limit switches Carry out a functional test •
5.1.18 Boom limit switch Carry out a functional test •
5.1.26 Intercom system Carry out a functional test

5.2 Hydraulic System

5.2.1 Superstr. hydr. oil tank Check oil level
5.2.8 Jack cylinders Perform visual inspection

5.3 Diesel Engine System

5.3.1 Diesel engine Perform visual inspection
Check oil level A
5.3.3 Air intake filters Check indicator

5.13 Ropes and

Lifting Gear
5.13.1 Ropes Perform visual inspection

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 4-7

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Users Manual “Maintenance” 4.2.3

Example Battery Main Switch 5.1.4

With the aid of the battery main switch, the power supply to the 24 V DC power sup-
ply can be interrupted. The battery main switch is located on the side at the front
of the diesel engine.

Safety Instructions:
Before commencing with maintenance work, switch off the charger and the battery
main switch and disconnect the battery terminals.

Maintenance Instructions:

Visual Check:
Check the battery main switch and its cable connections for firm seating and exter-
nal damage.

All connecting terminals and their mountings must be checked independently of the
visual check. Loose contacts must be tightened and damaged parts replaced.

Check battery cables for external damage and if required, replace. Damaged
cables increase the risk of fire!

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 4-8

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Spare Parts Catalogue 4.3.1

This electronic spare parts catalogue comprises 9 different sections. All spare
parts for the cranes are listed in this document.
The only exception there are the steel structure components. For reasons of structural
calculations, steel structure basic components may only be changed, repaired or
aligned in consultation with the manufacturer.
When carrying out repairs, please observe the information in the maintenance manual.
These instructions must be observed when replacing spare parts which have “M” beside
the order number in the spare parts catalogue. For each section use only parts from
these lists. Dimensions or model or type identification of standard parts are given in the
catalogue. If these parts are not going to be purchased from us, please ensure that they
are at least of the same quality as the installed parts.

The use of unsuitable spare parts and tools may cause substantial damage to the crane
and no liability whatsoever shall be assumed for any accidents or damage which occur
are as result.

This catalogue is created using all information available at the time. In the event of
minor modifications, we will make the necessary changes. Please note that placing an
order correctly is a prerequisite for speedy delivery. Please follow the instructions given
when ordering parts which have “B” beside the order number. The shopping cart also
contains an order form where you will be required to enter the most important informa-
tion for speedy order processing.
We have done our best to make this catalogue as clear, comprehensible and complete
as possible. Comments, both positive and negative, which help us to improve our prod-
uct, are always welcome.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 4-9

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Spare Parts Catalogue 4.3.2

Navigation through the spare parts catalogue:

It can be navigated through the spare parts catalogue via the function keys on the nav-
igation frame and the coloured symbols on the crane illustration.

Navigation frame


Navigation frame:
The buttons for finding your way through the spare parts catalogue are located in the
navigation frame. They are in the selection layout as well as the spare parts lists layout.
The buttons are greyed out when not active.

Language selection :
This buttons returns you to the start screen. The language can be selected here.

Return to the table of contents:

Click on this icon with the left-hand mouse button to invoke the table of contents. If you
click on the icon in the layout selection, the entire table of contents will be displayed.

Switching between catalogue pages:

If you go to a subordinate list via a link in the spare parts list, you can use these buttons
to switch between the lists.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 4-10

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Spare Parts Catalogue 4.3.3

Explanations to the navigation:

Zoom drawings:
The drawings can be enlarged or reduced using these icons. These icons are only
active in the spare parts lists.

Enlarges the drawing view. Click on the icon with the left-hand mouse button.
Move the cursor onto the drawing. A magnifying glass will appear. Keeping the left-hand
mouse button depressed, extend a frame around the area to be magnified or simply
click on the desired area with the left-hand mouse button.

This icon restores the original view of the entire drawing. Click on the icon with
the left-hand mouse button.

This icon reduces the drawing. Click on the icon with the left-hand mouse button.
Move the cursor onto the drawing. A reduction magnifying glass will appear. Click on the
drawing with the left-hand mouse button. The drawing view is minimized in stages.

Move the drawing:

This icon is only active in the spare parts lists. Click on the icon with the left-hand mouse
button. Move the cursor onto the drawing. The hand symbol will appear. With the left-
hand mouse button click on the area of the drawing which you want to move and keep
the mouse button depressed. Keeping the button depressed, move the drawing to the
desired position and the release the button. The drawing will be restructured.

Display / Edit shopping cart :

This icon opens the shopping cart. This function only works if you have already select-
ed components from the spare parts list. To carry out this function click on the icon with
the left-hand mouse button.

Print the selected catalogue page:

This icon is only active in the spare parts lists. This icon is used to print the current spare
parts list. Before clicking on the icon with the left-hand mouse button, please change the
printer page format to landscape.

You can carry out a full text search within the spare parts catalogue with this icon. Click
on the entry field to the left of the icon with the left-hand mouse button. A flashing icon
will appear in the field. Enter the search term and confirm with “enter” or by clicking on
the search icon with the left-hand mouse button.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 4-11

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Spare Parts Catalogue 4.3.4

Icons / Assembly group selection:

You can use this icon to select a section of the spare parts catalogue from the table of
contents. Click on the desired icon with the left-hand mouse button. The spare parts list
for this section will be displayed in the table of contents. The spare parts catalogue is
divided into undercarriage, crane structure and tower-boom system. These areas have
been marked in different colours in the crane illustration. The undercarriage is dark blue,
the crane superstructure light blue and the tower-boom system is grey. To the right of
the crane illustration you will see the icons in the corresponding colours. The wrench
always represents the mechanical area and the hydraulic symbol the hydraulic area of
the crane. If you click on a symbol with the left-hand mouse button, only those sections
relevant to this area will be displayed. To invoke a particular page, click on the blue,
underlined link to the right of the section number.

Tower - Boom System




Further Hose and fittings

documentation catalogue

There is a light-green icon included in the group of icons which are assigned to the
crane section. This is for assembliy groups which cannot be definitively assigned to one
crane section as they are distributed among two or even all three crane sections (e.g.
central locking system). The red icon selects all electrical spare parts pages for the
crane. These are listed in section 9 according to the electrical drawings. If you click on
the orange button, an overview of hoses and fittings that we use will be displayed. Click
on the book for a list of further documentation available on the CD-ROM.
The question mark represents the database Online Help.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 4-12

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Spare Parts Catalogue 4.3.5

Catalogue page design:

The spare parts catalogue pages are divided into three sections.

Navigation Frame


Spare Parts List

The drawing can be magnified or reduced within the navigation frame via the Zoom
icons, and can also be moved using the Shift tool. See section “Navigation frame” for
details of further functions.
All spare parts available for this assembly are listed in the frame of the spare parts list.
You can scroll down through the list using the scrollbar on the left-hand side of the
screen. If you click on an order number in the spare parts list, this will appear in grey in
the list.

In the spare parts drawing, the selected item is marked within a red frame.

You can also select a list item via the drawing. If you click on an item number in the
drawing, this will appear in grey in the spare parts list. If there is a shopping cart beside
the order number, click on the item to place it in the shopping cart.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 4-13

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Spare Parts Catalogue 4.3.6

If a particular item or component is further subdivided, this will be indicated via the ref-
erence after the order number. This is either a reference to a subsection or to the annex
in which the spare parts available from Gottwald for this assembly are listed.
For example,
A0630 = Annex or
5.3.1 = Subsection.

If there is no order number here, this means the component belongs to a different
assembly. The section in which the spare part can be found may be invoked by clicking
the reference beside the arrow.

The hydraulic motor is a hydraulic component and therefore part of the hydraulic lists
and can be identified via the hydraulic plans.
This section or annex can be displayed by clicking on the references. If more informa-
tion is available either as a PDF document or on the CD- ROM, a page symbol will be
displayed beside the order number.
Click on the symbol to display a new window listing all PDF documents available for this
component. The document can be opened by clicking on it.
You can also find a list of all PDF documents by clicking on the book symbol in the index

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 4-14

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
General Description 5

In this section, the entire electrical documentation can be found, consisting of the “Instructions
on How to Use the Wiring Manual”, the schematic diagrams and the terminal connection dia-
grams as well as an introduction to the hydraulics, which consits of the hydraulic symbols and
the design of the hydraulic diagrams.

5. General Description

Contents ................................................................................................. 5-1

5.1 Electrics
5.1.1 General Notes ........................................................................................ 5-2
5.1.2 Designation System for Systems and Accessory Units............................5-3
5.1.3 Functional Groups, Function Designations ............................................ 5-4
5.1.4 Codes for Electrical Equipment, Items A - T .......................................... 5-5
5.1.5 Codes for Electrical equipment, Items U - X .......................................... 5-6
5.1.6 Location Codes ....................................................................................... 5-7
5.1.7 Terminal Designation System ................................................................. 5-8
5.1.8 Schematic Diagram Layout .................................................................... 5-9
5.1.9 Schematic Diagram Figure ................................................................... 5-10
5.1.10 Schematic Diagram Example ............................................................... 5-11
5.1.11 Terminal Diagram Figure ...................................................................... 5-12
5.1.12 Terminal Diagram Layout ...................................................................... 5-13

5.2 Hydraulics
5.2.1 Hydraulic Introduction ........................................................................... 5-14
5.2.2 Hydraulic Symbols 1 ............................................................................. 5-15
5.2.3 Hydraulic Symbols 2 ............................................................................. 5-16
5.2.4 Superstructure Hydraulic Drawing ........................................................ 5-17
5.2.5 Description to the Superstructure Hydraulic Drawing .......................... 5-18

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 5-1

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Electrics 5.1.1

General Notes:
All the electrical documentation for the crane is in the Electric Diagram Booklet. The set-
up of the electrical equipment becomes apparent based on the information in the man-
ual. The Electric Diagram Booklet shows, among other things, the functional sequences
and serves as a basis for locating faults or identifying spare parts.

General Drawings:
The crane is broken down into several sections which are shown in the General Layout
Drawings. The individual sections have their own letter code. Each section is shown on
a separate drawing and is broken down into subsections which are numbered consec-
utively. This letter and consecutive number, together with the “+” symbol, make up the
location code of the component (e.g. +L01). The circuit diagrams are marked on the bot-
tom righthand side in the title block with a location code which is the reference for the
majority of the components shown in this drawing.

The Assembly Diagrams show how the switching gear cabinets the switching racks and
the panels are set-up.

The Single Wire Diagrams:

The electrical connections to the individual components are shown as single-line repre-
sentations in the General Layout Diagrams.

Circuit Diagrams:
The Circuit Diagrams describe the switching gear and the switching procedures. This
diagram shows the switching gear with all of its single parts and lines as multi-line rep-
resentations. The switching and control equipment, which is broken down into several
drawings, is only shown once as a full accessory unit graphic symbol with all its con-
tacts and connections. In order to make it easier to follow the sections of the accesso-
ry unit which appear on different circuit diagrams, cross references are used.

The functional group of a circuit diagram can be established based on the full equipment
designation system (comprising system and accessory unit codes). The main parts of
the equipment and thus the equipment diagram, can be found in this functional group.
The component designation of the contactors, relays and solenoid-operated switches
are based on their operating coils. Information is also provided here as to what side of
the circuit diagram in which current circuit the connected contacts can be found. The
cross references for the coils are on the contacts.

Terminal Connection Diagrams:

The Terminal Connection Diagrams provide information about the assignment of the ter-
minals and their wiring. They show both the internal and external connections ( cables
and lines) between the individual parts of system.

Interconnection Diagrams:
All the electrical lines including their type and cross section belonging to a system are
listed in the Interconnection Diagrams.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 5-2

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Electrics 5.1.2

Designation System for Systems and Accessory Units:

All the equipment of a system receives an assignment within the designation system.
This designation system permits all parts of a system to be found quickly and to be clas-
sified. It may be required to break down the system into one to three levels: Only the
number of levels required for the code for the particular system will be used.

The Designation System for Systems and Accessory Units in Accordance with
German Industrial Standard DIN 40719

The equipment of a system has been assigned the following designation as in the
example below:
The system code appears in all the documentation of the Wiring Manual in a special
code block; this system code applies to all the accessory units indicated in a document.
These accessory units will only be assigned accessory unit numbers:

= 00 . M - K 1 1

Consecutive Number
Installation location
Type of electrical equipment
Grouping mark
Function designation
Grouping mark
Function group
System code

Accessory Unit Code:

Accessory units which are marked in
such a way in the circuit diagram are
referred to in relation to the system
code which is always indicated on the
bottom right side (z.B. = 00.M-K11).

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 5-3

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Electrics 5.1.3

Function Groups:
= 00 Switch plant
= 01 External power supply
= 04 Hydraulic pump drive assemblies
= 05 Central lubrication
= 06 220 V supply
= 07 Diesel engine system
= 11 Hoist 1 (holding gear)
= 12 Hoist 2 (closing gear)
= 21 Slewing gear
= 31 Luffing gear
= 42 Travel gear
= 51 Spreader
= 52 Hook swivel gear
= 53 Boom motor-operated cable reel
= 54 Motor grab
= 57 Magnet system (optional)
= 59 Tongs (optional)
= 61 Safety devices
= 62 Stabilisers
= 63 Safe load indicator ( SLI)
= 66 Video system
= 67 Audio system
= 71 24 V lighting
= 72 Miscellaneous
= 91 PLC / PROFI Bus (Process Field)
= 95 PLC / ASI Bus (Actuator Sensor Interface)
= 97 Operating devices

Fuction Designations:
A General
D Power circuitry, three-phase current
E Measuring and monitoring equipment, control voltage generation
H DC circuitry
M Control voltage
P PLC inputs
R PLC outputs
U Open-loop control, closed loop control

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 5-4

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Electrics 5.1.4

Equipment Code

Unit combination module, Racks

Complete units

Converter from mechanical to electrical points.

(Measuring transmitter pressure pickup)

C Condenser

D Digital devices #

E Various (Illumination devices)

F Protective gear, Fuses, Protective relay

Generators, Current supply, Power converter + G G

G Batteries ~

H Visual and aural sign, Signal lamps

K Power contactors, Auxiliary contactors, Relays

L Inductances, Selfinducting coils

M Machines, Motors M M

Amplifier, Regulators
(Operational Amplifier, Control equipments)

P Measuring instruments, Test control devices A V

High voltage switch gears, Main switch,

Motor protective switch, Safety isolating link I> I> I >

R Resistances, Instrument shunt and measuring transmitter

Switch, Selector switch, Auxiliary switch

Control switch, Limit switch

T Transformer, Voltage and current transformer

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 5-5

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Electrics 5.1.5

U Modulators, Converter =
(Transformer direct current and direct voltage) =

V Rectifier, Power converter, Thyristors, Diodes

Y Solenoids, Proportionalvalves

X Plugs and sockets

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 5-6

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Electrics 5.1.6

Location Code

+ L 11

installation location breakdown

code letter for installation location
location code

+A Driver cab
+B Chassis electrics cabinet
+C Diesel engine room
+D Chassis
+F Remote control
+K Hydraulik pump
+L Superstructure electrics room
+N Superstructure platform
+M Machinery room
+S Stairways
+T Tower
+R Tower cab
+U Boom
+W Hook swivel gear
+X Spreader
+Y Motor-operated grab

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 5-7

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Electrics 5.1.7

Terminal Designation:

= 00 - X 11 : 192

terminal number
grouping mark
terminal block
grouping mark
function group

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 5-8

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Electrics 5.1.8

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Current circuit
Propertary data,company confidential. All rights reserved.
Confiè á titre de secret d`entreprise.Tout droits rèserves.
Confiado como secreto industrial.Nos reservamos todos los derechos.
Comunicado com segredo empresarial. Reservados todos os direitos.





Function group
sondere für den Fall der Patenterteilung oder GM- Eintragung

Function designation
pflichten zu Schadenersatz. Alle Rechte vorbehalten ,i nsbe-
Weitergabe sowie Vervielfältigung dieser Unterlage, Ver-

nicht ausdrücklich zugestanden. Zuwiderhandlungen ver-

wertung und Mitteilung ihres Inhalt nicht gestattet, soweit

Location code
Page number
Number of pages

F Translation F
Bearb. Crane type Demag Fördertechnik Function group +
Gepr. Gottwald Function designation Draw.-No.:
Blatt +
Zustand Änderung Datum Name Norm Urspr./Ers.f./Ers.d. Bl.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Drawing Layout of the Schematic Diagram:

The drawing above shows the layout of the circuit diagrams.

The number on the upper and lower edges are the designations for the current
Current circuit

Below there are boxes with information. The information is in German and may
Auxilliary supply include a corresponding translation.

HMK 280E
128 197 In addition to the data on the type of crane, the bottom line shows information

3 4
on the functional group and the function designation.
ik Allgemein
Switch plant

The abbreviations of the functional group and the function designation, the loca-
= 00.A tion code, as well as the page number and number of pages in this group, can
+ L11
Blatt 6 + be seen in the bottom righthand corner.
11 Bl.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 5-9

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Electrics 5.1.9

Schematic Diagram:


© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 5-10

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Electrics 5.1.10


Description of Circuit Diagram:

The above drawing shows an example of the circuit diagrams. The top lefthand
corner indicates the designation of the current conducting lines (101L1, 101L2,
and 102L1, 102L2) with their cross references (/4.5). The cross references com-
prise the functional group, the function designation, the page and the current cir-
For example: 00.A/4.5
Function group “00” = Switching gear
Function designation “A” = General
Page / 4
Current circuit .5

The component code likewise comprises the functional group, the function des-
= 00.A
+ L11
Blatt 6 +
ignation and the equipment code:
9 10
11 Bl.
For example: 00.A-Q37 or 00.A-K52
Function group “00” = Switching gear
Function designation “ A” = General
Equipment code “Q37” = Protective switch
Equipment code “-K52” = Contactor
The component code of the contacts always refers to the coil and not to the con-
tacts. The contact assignment with its cross references is found below the con-
tactor coils. If the contact is on the same page, only the current circuit (.3) is indi-
cated. If the contact in the same functional group, only the page and the current
circuit are indicated (/4.3). If the contact, however, is in a different functional
group, the contact designation comprises the functional group, the function des-
ignation, the page and the current circuit.
The information boxes provide a brief description of the function.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 5-11

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Electrics 5.1.11

Terminal Diagram:


© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 5-12

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Electrics 5.1.12


Description of Terminal Diagram:

As can be seen from the heading, the lefthand side of the terminal diagram nor-
mally shows the external cables and the righthand side the internal wiring.

The centre column shows the terminal designation and the jumper assignments.

Based on the functional group and the terminal designation, the complete des-
= 00
+ L09
Blatt 1 -
ignation of the terminal is “=00-X02”.
1 Bl.
The site of installation can be established based on the location code “+L09”.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 5-13

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Electrics 5.1.13

LLM Load Linear Motion
TLP Total Load per Shift Printer
SLI Safe Load Indicator

S.S. Superstructure
C.H. Chassis
T.C. Tower cab
D.C. Driver Cab

HG Hoist Gear (Holding Gear*)
CG Closing Gear*
SG Slewing Gear
LG Luffing Gear
TG Travel Gear

sw Black
ws White
rt Red
bl Blue
br Brown
gr Grey
gn Green
ge Yellow
vi Violet
rs Pink
or Orange
SCH Shield

RCO Residual Current Operated Switch

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 5-14

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hydraulics 5.2.1

Drive machine Work machine

Combustion engine Lifting equipment
or or vehicle
Electrical motor drive assembly

Mechanical Mechanical
power power

Hydraulic lines Hydraulic cylinder

Hydraulic pump equipment or
control elements Hydraulic motor

Hydraulic Hydraulic
power power

Hydraulic Introduction:
Hydraulics was originally the science of flowing fluids, in particular water, called “hydro”
in Greek.
The phrase “hydraulic oil” came about when mineral oil, an anti-corrosive and lubricat-
ing material, was used instead of water, which encourages corrosion, for the operation
of hydraulic machines at the beginning of the 20th century.
Oil hydraulics are concerned with the transfer of energy via mineral oil in machines and
The components and basic functions of the individual components within a hydraulic
drive unit are shown in the figure.
The hydraulic unit consist of the hydraulic pump acting as the oil pressure generator and
the hydraulic motor or the hydraulic cylinder acting as the oil pressure consumer.
Between the oil pressure generator and the consumer, there are oil lines, control valves
and other hydraulic equipment, such as filters, coolers, accumulators and the like.
An electric motor or a combustion engine is generally used as the drive unit.
The motor drives the pump and supplies the mechanical power that is converted into
hydraulic power in the hydraulic pump.

The pressure-loaded oil flow is directed through the systems hydraulic unit via pipes or
hose lines and by the control valves into the hydraulic cylinder or the hydraulic motor
where the hydraulic power is converted back into the mechanical power required to run
the machine.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 5-15

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hydraulics 5.2.2

Hydraulic Symbols:

Differential cylinder, The action depends on the difference

between the effective areas on each side of the piston

Double acting cylinder

Single acting cylinder

Single acting cylinder with spring

Fixed capacity hydraulic motor with one direction of flow

Fixed capacity hydraulic motor with two directions of flow

Variable capacity hydraulic motor with one direction of flow

Variable capacity hydraulic motor with two directions of flow

Fixed capacity hydraulic pump with one direction of flow

Fixed capacity hydraulic pump with two directions of flow

Variable capacity hydraulic pump with one direction of flow

Variable capacity hydraulic pump with two directions of flow

One flow path

Two flow paths

Two flow paths and one closed port

Two flow paths with cross connection

Two closed ports

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 5-16

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hydraulics 5.2.3

Hydraulic Symbols:
Lever-operated Valve

Pedal operatedValve

Spring operated Valve

Solenoid operated Valve

Hydraulically operated Valve

Diagonal arrow = indication of the possibility of a regulation

Check valve (non- return valve)opens if the inlet pressure is higher

than the outlet pressure.

Spring loaded check valve opens if the inlet pressure is greater

than the outlet pressure plus the spring pressure.

Non- return valve with restriction - unit allowing free flow in one direction
but restricted flow in the other.

Pressure control valve = 1 throttling orifice normally open.

Pressure control valve = 1 throttling orifice normally closed.

Pressure relief valve - inlet pressure is controlled by opening the exhaust

port to the reservoir against the spring.

Throttle valve - simplified symbol (does not indicate the control

method or the valve status)

Pressure line
Distributed pressure line
Control pressure line
Tank line
Leakage oil line
Suction line
Pump control pressure line

Pipeline junction

Crossed pipelines , not connected

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 5-17

BSC 100 (2.7410.0780-3 im Stahlbau) SCHL60/80x1100FL2 1/2"-90°/FL2 1/2"-90° V=0G

0-250 bar
WT 2"-3S 2"-3S 75% 100%

VS R-1/4"
A 14x18
22 EVW 10-L
WP 1 1/2"-6S 1 1/2"-6S RHZ 15-LR
EMA4-R1/4" 14 BUZ 15 =04.P-F83-S2

2 1/2"-3S
15x1,5 15x1,5 WL GE 18-LR3/4" GE 18-LR3/4" M 15-L
P M1

2 1/2"-3S

3,5 L/100 bar

T EVW 18-L
T 15-L
EVW 15-L
4xVSTI R1/4" 1





EVL 15-L

108 bar
20...400 bar

KOR 15/8-L

7bar / 5 bar
5...100 bar
B T B T B T MAV-EV 8-LR KOR 18/15-L
1830 LTR
17.1 17.2 P1 SCHL8/350x3000DOL10/DOL10 EMA4-R1/4" EVL 18-L 13
GE 18-LR3/4" OR 69,4x3,53 2.7405.0376-4
A A A P 4xM10x75

SCHL50/80x2000FL2"-90°/FL2 1/2"-90°V=270°
P P SCHL12/275x1000DOL15/DOL15 4xM12x40

B 2.7410.0807-2 KR 37,69x3,4
1 1/4"-3S

2 1/2"-3S


D M2

SCHL50/345x2800FS1 1/2"-90°/FS1 1/4"

2xCFS 102-G3/4"

GE 28-LR

SCHL8/350x1000DOL10/DOL10 8xM10x30
2xKR 32,92x3,4 2 1/2"-3S GE 18-LR
WSV 10-L EVL 10-L GE 15-LR3/4" EVL 18-L

GE 42-LR
EVW 42-L
16 2.7410.0656-3 KOR 18/10-L

2,0 l/20 bar

2xM10x100 1 1/4"-3S EVL 18-L

EVW 18-L
SCHL6/400x1000RSL8/RSL8 GE 28-LR
EVW 28-L

GE 28-LR
EVL 28-L
KOR 28/22-L

GE 10-LR3/8"
GE 10-LR 7 21 20 19
SCHL40/90x4500FL1 1/4"/DOL42

EVW 10-L SCHL40/90x4500FL1 1/4"/FL1 1/4"-90°

M2 M1 0-40 bar 0-100 bar 0-400 bar
T SCHL16/250x7000DOL18/DOL18

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe

GE 15-LR

Superstructure Hydraulics:

WFV 28-L-40 Q=24 l/min


35 170 280 220 A P GE 8-SR

bar bar bar bar T


2xMAV-EV 8-SR1/4"
T 8-S
2"-3S 2"-3S
(2.7410.0796-3 WFV 15-L-35
im Stahlbau)


=04.R-Y10 10 2"-3S 2"-3S

SCHL50/80x3000FL2 1/2"/FL1 1/4"-90°


A ø80/40x300
PST GE 15-LR SCHL50/80x2700FL2"-45°/DKO-M65x2-90° V=90°
L EVL 15-L
KOR 15/10-L
25 in =04.D-M24

3 µm

GE 10-LR1/2"
EVW 10-L
GE 10-LR1/2"
EVW 10-L
6 bar

FPG 405-G3/4"
KR 47,22x3,4 GE 10-LR
SRG R2/M65x2

Q=100 l/min
4xM16x50 EVW 10-L

GE 15-LR1/4"
EVW 15-L
GE 15-LR3/4"

140 EVW 15-L

bar 5

Training Course Manual

GE 42-LR
EVW 42-L

4x6kt M12x35
8x6kt M12
8xVS 12


S2 L PV 24 l/min OKA-EL10


GE 10-LR 1"-3S out

GE 10-LR GE 15-LR1/4" 2xEVL 10-L



EVW 10-L EVL 15-L EVW 10-L SCHL8/350x5000DOL10/DOL10

KOR 10/8-L

GE 10-LR1/2"
EVW 10-L
11 Z P T1 M4 M3 S BR EMA4-R1/4"
4 T4 M2
T 10-L
SCHL8/350x2000DOL10/DOL10 P
1 2"-3S EVGE 10-LR
SCHL6/400x2000RSL8/RSL8 B GE 10-LR1/2"
1 1/2"-6S EVL 10-L
EVW 10-L 25 bar
8x1,5 8x1,5 EVL 8-S
SCHL32/325x1400FS1 1/2"/FS1 1/2-90° 15
RHD 8-S T2 T 3

T 8-S T P
SCHL40/420x1400FS1 1/2"/FS1 1/2-90°
24.1 6

SCHL50/80x2100FL2"-90°/FL1 1/4"
0,5 l/20 bar

=04.P-F84-S2 5 P T

1 1/2"-6S a


100% 3 4 b
Düse 0,8

66 mF

GE 28-LM
EVW 28-L

GE 28-LM
EVW 28-L

1 1/2"-6S
GE 10-LM GE 10-LM GE 8-SM


1 1/2"-6S
6u A 90 bar
75% M A G X T1 T2 Y M A G X T1 T2 Y 7 23
=04.P-F84-S1 B T T B 0-250 bar
=04.R-Y24 A P A
B 9
1 1/2"-6S 8

pst=6...16 bar

pst=6...16 bar

a b
=04.P-F85-S2 P T E V T3 N M1 D
SCHL40/420x1800FS1 1/4"/FS1 1/2"-90°


1 1/2"-6S
=04.P-F85-S1 50 bar A T

85 bar
5...100 bar

6u P ø1,0

a X D Y
P T ø1,0
Qmax Qmin Qmax Qmin 6 ø0,8


M X Y X F 320 bar Y
1 1/2"-6S

KR 37,69x3,4
1 1/4"-3S

SCHL80/4x2000FL3 1/2"-90°/FL-4"
SCHL80/4x2200FL3 1/2"-90°/FL-4"
KR 37,69x3,4

1 1/4"-6S B B NG 32 NG 32 B T
S A11VO260LRGH6 M1 S A11VO190LRGH6 M1 1 1/4"-3S
24.2 1 1/4"-6S P2 A A P1 CFCS 104 1 1/4"-3
3 1/2"-3S 3 1/2"-3S
T1 T2
1 1/4"-6S KR 37,69x3,4
GE 10-LR GE 10-LR
1 1/4"-6S

SCHL32/325x2000FS1 1/2"/FS1 1/4"-90°

EVL 10-L
SCHL40/420x1600FS1 1/2"/FS1 1/4"
Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E


Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hydraulics 5.2.5

General View:
The General Drawing on the adjacent page shows the superstructure hydraulics of the
HMK 300E.

The hydraulic system is comprised of the following components:

Item No.: Description:

1 Hydraulic oil tank
2 Return filter
3 Main pumps system
4 Secondary (control oil) pump
5 Hydraulic rotary lead through
6 Superstructure/chassis dispatcher plate
7 Hydraulic controls valve block
8 Hoist gear brake valve block
9 Slewing gear brake valve block
10 Locking cylinder
11 Hydraulically operated check valve
12 Oil cooler
13 Oil cooler thermostat
14 Hoist gear brake pressure accumulator
15 Slewing gear brake pressure accumulator
16 Control oil pressure accumulator
17.1 Hoist gear brake pressure switch 1
17.2 Hoist gear brake pressure switch 2
18 Slewing gear brake pressure switch
19 Main pressure gauge
20 Control pressure gauge
21 Pump control pressure gauge
22 Hoist gear brake gauge
23 Slewing gear brake gauge
24 Pressure filter
25 Control pressure filter

WP WT WL Luffing cylinder connection points

The hydraulic drawings show not only the components and the interconnections also the type
of the pipes, the fittings and the hoses.

The individual components are described in the subsequent sections.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 5-19

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Set-Up and Functions 6

This section consists of the function and design of the Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E

6. Set-Up and Functions

Contents ................................................................................................. 6-1

6.1 HMK 300E

6.1.1 General Crane Drawing........................................................................... 6-3
6.1.2 Function .................................................................................................. 6-4
6.1.3 Crane Control System ............................................................................ 6-5
6.1.4 Superstructure ........................................................................................ 6-6
6.1.5 Superstructure Set-up ............................................................................ 6-7
6.1.6 Chassis ................................................................................................... 6-8
6.1.7 Chassis Set-up ....................................................................................... 6-9
6.1.8 Tower Cab ............................................................................................ 6-10
6.1.9 Tower Cab Set-up ................................................................................. 6-11

6.2 Technical Data

6.2.1 Dimensions ............................................................................................6-12
6.2.2 Speeds ...................................................................................................6-13

6.3 Eletrical Power Generation

6.3.1 Overview ............................................................................................... 6-14
6.3.2 Engine- Generator Set .......................................................................... 6-15
6.3.3 External Power Supply ......................................................................... 6-16

6.4 Hoist Gear

6.4.1 Function ................................................................................................ 6-17
6.4.2 Set-up ................................................................................................... 6-18
6.4.3 Rope Arrangement ............................................................................... 6-19
6.4.4 Hoist Height Changeover ...................................................................... 6-20
6.4.5 Hoist Speed Calculation ....................................................................... 6-21
6.4.6 Hoist Control System ............................................................................ 6-22
6.4.7 Hoist Gear Brake .................................................................................. 6-23

6.5 Slewing gear

6.5.1 Function ................................................................................................ 6-24
6.5.2 Set-up ................................................................................................... 6-25
6.5.3 Slewing Speed Calculation ................................................................... 6-26
6.5.4 Slewing Control System ........................................................................ 6-27
6.5.5 Slewing Gear Brake .............................................................................. 6-28
© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-1
Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Set-Up and Functions 6

6. Set-Up and Functions

6.6 Hydraulic Power Generation

6.6.1 Hydraulic Drive Assembly ..................................................................... 6-29
6.6.2 Hydraulic Pump A11VO Design ............................................................ 6-30
6.6.3 Main Hydraulic Pumps Control System Page 1 ................................... 6-31
6.6.3 Main Hydraulic Pumps Control System Page 2 ................................... 6-32
6.6.4 Hydraulic Control Valve Block Set-up ................................................... 6-33
6.6.5 Hydraulic Control Valve Block Function ............................................... 6-34
6.6.6 Distributor block .................................................................................... 6-35
6.6.7 Pressure limitation ................................................................................ 6-36

6.7 Luffing gear

6.7.1 Function ................................................................................................ 6-37
6.7.2 Set-up ................................................................................................... 6-38
6.7.3 Hydraulic Diagram Figure ..................................................................... 6-39
6.7.4 Hydraulic Diagram ................................................................................ 6-40
6.7.5 Block Diagram ...................................................................................... 6-41
6.7.6 Luffing In or Raising Boom ................................................................... 6-42
6.7.7 Luffing Out or Lowering Boom .............................................................. 6-43
6.7.8 Luffing Control System ......................................................................... 6-44

6.8 Travel gear

6.8.1 Function ................................................................................................ 6-45
6.8.2 Set-up ................................................................................................... 6-46
6.8.3 Travel Gear Hydraulic System Figure .................................................. 6-47
6.8.4 Travel Gear Hydraulic System .............................................................. 6-48
6.8.5 Hydraulic Motor A6VM .......................................................................... 6-49
6.8.6 Travel gear Control System .................................................................. 6-50
6.8.7 Steering Hydraulic System Figure ........................................................ 6-51
6.8.8 Steering Hydraulic System ................................................................... 6-52
6.8.9 Brake Hydraulic System Figure ............................................................ 6-53
6.8.10 Brake Hydraulic System ....................................................................... 6-54

6.9 Stabilisation
6.9.1 Stabilizer Hydraulic System Figure ...................................................... 6-55
6.9.2 Stabilizer Hydraulic System .................................................................. 6-56
6.9.3 Stabilizer Valve Block ........................................................................... 6-57

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-2

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
HMK 300E 6.1.1

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-3

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
HMK 300E 6.1.2

As can be seen in the above figure, the HMK 300E Mobile Harbour Crane consists of a
chassis fitted with seven axles which are each equipped with four rubber-tyred wheels.
The seven axles, of which six are steering axles, as well as the three centre axles, driv-
en by hydraulic motors, provide the Mobile Harbour Crane with a high degree of mobil-
ity. The hydraulically operated brake system ensures that the crane has a short braking
distance and does not roll when it is at a standstill.
Tower and boom are mounted on the superstructure which is connected to the chassis
by means of a roller bearing slew ring, allowing the superstructure to be rotated contin-
The diesel engine with flange-mounted generator, the hoist and the slewing gear and
the hydraulic pumps are all located in the superstructure.
The hoist drum holds the hoist ropes which are connected to the hook swivel gear. The
hoist drum is driven by means of a infinitely variable DC (direct current) motor. The hoist
reduction gear unit between the motor and drum can, depending on the lifting capacity
of the crane, be designed as a change speed gear with two gear speeds. The slewing
gear, the pinion of which meshes in the slew ring, is also driven by means of a infinite-
ly variable DC motor.
The luffing cylinder connected to the superstructure and boom is activated electric-
hydraulically. The hydraulic oil required for extension and retraction of the hydraulic
cylinder is supplied by the superstructure hydraulic pump. The luffing speed is infinitely
variably controlled by means of a proportional valve located on the valve block which is
mounted in the luffing cylinder root.
Whilst all crane functions can be carried out from within the tower cab, only the travel-
ling, steering, braking and stabilizer functions can be activated from within the driver

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-4

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
HMK 300E 6.1.3

Operators Guide Central device S7 400 ProfiBUS System

Ethernet CPU 414-3 PROFIBus
Module Interface Simoregs


Industrial PC


User Program

Flag area
Flow of Informations ASI- Bus System
Ethernet Line Process Image
of Inputs and
PROFIBus Line Outputs 4-I 4 - I/Q

ASI Bus Line Peripheral area

ET 200 Internal Bus 4-I 4 - I/Q

Crane Control System:

A Programmable Logic Control (PLC) controls and monitors the drive units. The PLC is
the head of the control system used in the Moible Harbour Crane, where decentral sig-
nal detection and updating has to be handled. All signals are processed to the Central
Processor Unit (CPU) located in the electrics room.
Data is transferred between the CPU and the distributed peripherals via PROFI Bus
system. PROFI Bus (Process Field) carries out bit and word transmission while the
rugged ASI Bus is for bit processing only. ”Distributed Peripheral System“ (DP) from
Siemens and from other manufacturers are used as Process Field (PROFI) Bus equip-
The signals to and from the input and output modules are sensed and updated by
means of the ET200S interfaces.
The ASI components are sensed and updated by means of the ASI Bus master mod-
The CPU only communicates with PROFI Bus interface via a “Dual-Port Ram” and the
PROFI Bus interface, therefore, communicates with the field equipment (ET 200S, ASI
Bus master modules, drive assemblies, etc.).
One of the advantages of this system is that a significantly shorter cycle and thus a
quicker response to signal changes can be achieved by means of this “work sharing”.
Other advantages include shorter transmission lines because the distributed peripher-
als can be used directly where the signals originate. In this way, fault-prone terminal
connections can be omitted from the system. The signal generator and the receiver on
the ASI Bus are designed as normal switches, buttons and valves which are connected
by means of plug-and-socket connections to the ASI Bus modules. In this manner, the
connection is completely unaffected by external influences, and permits the ASI com-
ponents to be changed quickly.
Furter information to the different bus systems and the used PLC components can be
found in the “Advanced Training Course Manual”.
© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-5
Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
HMK 300E 6.1.4


© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-6

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
HMK 300E 6.1.5

Superstructure Set-Up:
As can be seen in the above figure, the HMK 300E is compact. The generator (2) driv-
en by the diesel engine (1) supplies the electrical power which is distributed to the con-
trol systems of the individual drive assemblies in the adjacent electrics room (3). The
hoist (4) and the slew gear (5) are each driven by a DC shunt motor which is controlled
by a Simoreg (Simens motor regulator) 6RA70. The Simoreg 6RA70 is a variable recti-
fier which converts the three phase current from the generator into direct current.
The electric motor (7) which drives the hydraulic pump (6) at a fixed speed is started by
means of a star- delta connection in order to avoid a high starting current.
The hydraulic oil supplied by the hydraulic pump is not only used to control the luffing
cylinder (8), but also to control the hydraulic functions of the chassis.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-7

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
HMK 300E 6.1.6


© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-8

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
HMK 300E 6.1.7

Chassis Set-Up:
As can be seen in the above figure, the HMK 300E Mobile Harbour Crane consists of a
chassis fitted with seven axles which are each equipped with four rubber-tyred wheels.
The seven axles, of which six are steering axles, as well as the three centre axles, driv-
en by hydraulic motors, provide the Mobile Harbour Crane with a high degree of mobil-
ity. The hydraulically operated brake system ensures that the crane has a short braking
distance and does not roll when it is at a standstill.
The wheel brakes decelerates the crane by means of wheel brake cylinders (1) which
are grouped together in fives within one brake circuit.
The parking brake consists of a pair of multi-disk brakes each attached to two drive
axles between the hydraulic motor and the differential.
The six steering axles are linked by means of the steering linkage in such a way that
the power from the nine steering cylinders is distributed to all the steerable wheels.
The hydraulically operated stabilisers are advanced to the required propping base by
the extension cylinders (6) to enable the jack cylinders (7) to hold the crane in a stable
position while it is in operation.
The size of the stabiliser pads (8) used depends on the consistency of the ground.

All the functions relating to the chassis can be performed from the driver cab (4).

The stairway (5) facilitates easy access to the driver cab and the superstructure.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-9

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
HMK 300E 6.1.8

Tower cab:

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-10

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
HMK 300E 6.1.9

Demag Fördertechnik


Fehlermenü Kranbetrieb Fahrbetrieb Rüstbetrieb
F2 F3 F4

F5 Setupmenü
F6 Quittieren
F7 F8



Tower cab Set-Up:

As can be seen in the above figure, the tower cab contains the operating and monitor-
ing instruments. The monitor (1) connected to the colour camera on the boom head
affords an unimpeded view of the work area.
As well as the function-dependent operations, which can be selected using the keys on
the monitor housing, the operator guidance monitor (2) displays the standard data such
as permissible load, load on the hook, radius, wind speed, hoisting height etc. Various
statistics can also be optionally selected.
The two foot switches are used for rotating the hook (3) and for the intermittent function
of the front windscreen wiper (4).
Depending on the area selected (superstructure or chassis), the combined control lever
(5) is used for the functions hoisting / lowering, opening / closing the grab and forward
/ reverse travel. The combined control lever (6) is used for the functions slewing and luff-
ing. The pushbuttons in the control levers (5, 6) are used for spreader functions such as
"flippers down", "flipper up" etc.
The changeover switch (7) is used for locking and unlocking the containers.
The "emergency off" button (8) switches off the crane master switch and thus deener-
gises the main drives.
The keypad (9) is used for selecting the functions that are not included in the operator
guidance facility. The individual functions such as crane master switch on / off, wind-
screen wipers on / off are represented by symbols.
The ignition lock (10) is used for starting the diesel engine and enabling the super-
structure functions.
The loudspeaker (11) belongs to the intercom system, which connects the tower cab to
all the rooms in the superstructure and chassis.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-11

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Technical Data 6.2.1


HMK 300E
Chassis length approx. 16.0 m
Chassis width
with retracted stabilizer pads 8.7 m
Propping base 12.0 m x 13.0 m
Stabilizer pad size 2.4 m x 5.0 m
and 1.85 m x 5.0 m

Superstructure over-rear radius 7.2 m

Boom pivot point height approx. 22.0 m
Tower cab operator viewing height approx. 28.0 m
Superstructure travel clearance height approx. 9.0 m

Fuel Tank
Main tank capacity approx. 7000 l

Working Range
Max. radius 50.0 m
Min. radius 11.0 m

Hoisting Height
Hoisting height above ground by radius 11 to 45 m 40.0 m
Hoisting height above ground by radius 45 to 50m 29.0 m
Hoisting height below ground 12.0 m

Total weight of crane in operational state approx. 420.0 t
Fixed counterweight approx. 114.0 t

Wind Loadings
Beaufort Wind pressure Wind speed
Crane in travel condition 9 33.0 kg/m2 20.8 - 24.0 m/s
Crane, propped in operation 9 33.0 kg/m2 20.8 - 24.0 m/s
Crane, propped out of operation 14 120.0 kg/m2 41.5 - 46.1 m/s

Tip Load Factor

Normal load 66.6 %
Special load 75.0 %
Grab operation 50.0 %

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-12

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Technical Data 6.2.2

Diesel Engine
Make Cummins
Type QST30-G1 GCS
Model 12 cyl. V
Type of combustion diesel
Cooling water-cooled
Output 701 kW, 1500 rpm

Make Leroy Somer
Type LSA49.1L9C51/4
400V / 50Hz


1st gear speed: heavy load operation for 100 t 0 - 15 m/min
1st gear speed: heavy load operation for 60 t 0 - 25 m/min
1st gear speed: heavy load operation for 26 t 0 - 40 m/min

2nd gear speed: normal load operation for 63 t 0 - 25 m/min

2nd gear speed: normal load operation for 26 t 0 - 50 m/min
2nd gear speed: normal load operation for 13 t 0 - 70 m/min

Slewing Gear
Superstructure slewing speed during normal operation 0 - 1.35 rpm
Maximal peripheral speed 180 m/min
Superstructure speed during heavy-duty operation 0 - 0.6 rpm

Luffing Gear
Luffing speed during normal operation 0 - 60 m/min
Luffing speed during heavy load operation 0 - 25 m/min

Travel Gear
Travel speed 0 - 80 m/min
Climbing ability max. 6 %
Lateral inclination when travelling max. 2.5 %
Inner turning radius approx. 8.8 m
Outer turning radius approx. 18.2 m

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-13

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Electrical Power Generation 6.3.1

1 2

In the electrically operated harbour crane, the electric power supply can be effect-
ed either by the diesel generator system (1) or by the external power supply (2).

The diesel generator set is housed in a large, fully enclosed, weather- and sound-
proof protective housing.

The external power supply is provided via trailing cables which are connected to
the harbour mains and equipped with appropriate cable reels and plug-and-socket
connections. A transformer supplied with the harbour mains voltage can be used
to provide the crane network voltage.

The power supplied by the generator or the harbour mains is transmitted via a
change-over switch to the adjacent electrics room, where it is passed via a master
switch and then distributed among the various drives.

The crane can be connected to an auxiliary voltage supply via the socket shown in
Figure 3 so that various functions, such as the electric motor anti-condensation
heaters, the air conditioners, the room heaters and the charger for the diesel
engine batteries, can be operated when the main voltage is switched off.

It should be noted that the device is completely deenergised only when the diesel
engine and the auxiliary power supply or the harbour mains is switched off or dis-

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-14

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Electrical Power Generation 6.3.2

Engine- Generator Plant:

The diesel generator unit consists of the diesel engine and the three-phase generator
which is attached to it via a flange.
The power produced by the generator is sufficient to enable all the crane's functions to
be carried out simultaneously at full working speed.
Since the frequency of the crane network is dependent on the speed of the diesel
engine, the engine is run at either 1500 r.p.m. for a frequency of 50 Hz or at 1800 r.p.m.
for 60 Hz.
The generator is set to a value between 400V and 460V, depending on the voltage

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-15

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Electrical Power Generation 6.3.3

External Power Supply:

The external power supply can be used either in combination with the diesel generator
system or autonomously.
The external power supply normally comprises a cable reel on which a number of
cables can be wound in parallel in accordance with the electric power requirement.
The cables are guided via a deflector which fixes the tension direction, transmits the sig-
nals to the superordinate control system and thus permits crane travel with the external
power supply plugged in.

The plug-and-socket connections can be adapted to the harbour mains.

The cable reel coiled and uncoiled positions are monitored by limit switches mounted in
the slip ring housing of the cable reel.

The cable reel can be operated manually or automatically.

Travelling of the crane with the internal energy supply can be effected only when the
cable of the external power supply is fully coiled.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-16

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hoist Drive 6.4.1

The two hoist ropes, which are attached to the centre of the hoist drum, are guid-
ed via the rope pulleys on the tower and boom and connected to the lifting gear.
As the force is deflected where the rope pulleys are in the tower and boom
heads, the torque moment exerted on the drum is proportional to the load on the
hook (see above) so that the load signal for the safe load indicator at the torque
moment support, which is mounted below the hoist reduction gear unit, can be
During hoisting motion, the hoist ropes are coiled in a single layer working
toward the ends of the hoist rope drum and during lowering motion the ropes are
uncoiled in a single layer working toward the centre of the drum. The rope
grooves on the hoist drum are thus arranged as right-handed or left-handed
ropes starting from the centre, as the hoist ropes are coiled in opposite direc-
The hoisting and lowering functions are secured by means of limit switches.
When the pre-limit switches are reached, the speed is reduced to such an extent
that the main limit switches can switch off the motion safely. During normal hoist
operation, the drive motor accelerates and decelerates the hoist drum until it is
at a standstill. This means that the disk brake on the hoist reduction gear unit is
only activated when the hoist drum is at a standstill or in “emergency off” oper-

A slack rope monitoring switch is mounted below the drum. If the hook is set
down on the ground causing the rope to be slacken, the lowering motion is
switched off.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-17

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hoist Drive 6.4.2



The hoist system includes the following components:

1 Rope drum
2 Rope mounting links
3 Air filter
4 DC motor
5 Gear reduction unit
6 Gear shifting motor
7 Hoist limit switch
8 Brake cylinder
9 Brake disk
10 Brake hydraulic unit
11 Load sensor

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-18

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hoist Drive 6.4.3

h ea


nd cros

s lay rop
d cross la
de e

h an oov
ft- gr

y rope
Le pe
Lifting device ar ro
in um
o ld e dr
H op
d ed
a n ve
t-h oo
gh gr
Ri pe

Rope Arrangement:
The hoist ropes, which are attached to the centre of the hoist drum, are guided
via the rope pulleys on the tower and boom head and connected to the lifting
During hoisting motion, the hoist ropes are coiled in a single layer working
toward the ends and during lowering motion are uncoiled in a single layer work-
ing toward the centre of the hoist drum.
The rope grooves on the hoist rope drums are thus arranged as right-handed or
left-handed rope grooves starting from the centre, as the hoist ropes are coiled
in opposite directions.

As the force is deflected around the rope pulleys in the tower and boom heads,
the torque moment exerted on the drum is proportional to the load on the hook
(see above). The load signal for the safe load indicator at the torque moment
supports, mounted below the hoist reduction gear units, is recorded.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-19

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hoist Drive 6.4.4

11.M-S22-S1 / Rope limit switch

Calculated line

11.M-S21-S3 / Trigger point above ground 18 m

Radius (m) Hoist height (m)

11 40
15 40
20 40
25 40
30 40
35 40
40 40
45 34
50 23

Below Ground (m) 12

11.M-S21-S2 / Trigger point below ground -9 m


Hoist Height Calculation:

The hoisting and luffing functions are secured by means of limit switches.
When a pre-limit switch is reached, the speed is reduced to such an extent that the main
limit switch can switch off the motion safely.
To protect the pre-limit and main limit switches set in the PLC mechanically acting limit
switches mounted on the hoist drum and on the boom root. As can be seen in the above
figure, these mechanically acting limit switches are set 0.5 m after the electronic limit
The hoist height is likewise changed over infinitely variably by the PLC. The calculated
graph curve line is secured by means of a rope limit switch.
The trigger points shown in the above figure are required to adjust the limit switches and
to display the hoist height on the monitor in the tower cab.
© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-20
Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hoist Drive 6.4.5

Hoist Speed Calculation:

The hoist gear speed is a function of the load on the hook and the setpoint routed from
the control lever to the CPU. As can be seen on the above diagrams, for both gear
stages are different values used.
The curves shown on the figure are stored in the PLC and calculated automatically if
hoisting or lowering is selected.

Diameter of Rope Drum d= 1,075 m
Fast Gear Stage Ratio= i= 120,8
Load Voltage Speed R/min Setpoint red.
Punkt 0 0,0 t 1,00 V 70,0 m/min 2504 1/min 100,00 %
Punkt 1 13,0 t 1,98 V 70,0 m/min 2504 1/min 100,00 %
Punkt 2 26,5 t 2,99 V 50,0 m/min 1788 1/min 71,43 %
Punkt 3 63,0 t 5,73 V 25,0 m/min 894 1/min 35,71 %
Slow Gear Stage Ratio= i= 191,70
Load Voltage Speed R/min Setpoint red.
Punkt 0 0,0 t 1,00 V 40,0 m/min 2271 1/min 90,68 %
Punkt 1 26,0 t 2,95 V 40,0 m/min 2271 1/min 90,68 %
Punkt 2 60,0 t 5,50 V 25,0 m/min 1419 1/min 56,68 %
Punkt 3 100,0 t 8,50 V 15,0 m/min 851 1/min 34,01 %

100,0 m/min

90,0 m/min

80,0 m/min

70,0 m/min

60,0 m/min

50,0 m/min

40,0 m/min

30,0 m/min

20,0 m/min

10,0 m/min

0,0 m/min
0,0 t 20,0 t 40,0 t 60,0 t 80,0 t 100,0 t 120,0 t

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-21

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hoist Drive 6.4.6

Hoist Tower cab

Control lever Control panels ET 200

3~ 380V

Electrics room

1 2 3 4 5 6

Close-Loop Control System:

As can be seen in the above diagram, the setpoint from the ET 200 is sensed in the tow-
er cab. The control lever transmits an 8-bit digital figure to the ET200 which is calculat-
ed by the central processor unit as a function of the load on the hook and then routed
to the Simoreg (Siemens motor regulator) via the PROFI Bus line (5).

The 6RA70 Simoreg K converter is a fully-digital compact converter for connection to a

three-phase line to provide armature and field supplies for DC variable-speed drive.
The hoist motor is a DC shunt motor which is controlled by the Simoreg. The motor and
the Simoreg form a closed-loop control system. The Simoreg controls the motor speed
in proportion to the position at which the control lever is held. As can be seen in the dia-
gram, the motor speed is sensed by a tacho-generator and routed to the Simoreg. The
Simoreg compares the actual speed value (3) of the motor with the setpoint provided by
the PLC and regulates the armature current (1) and thus the speed irrespective of any
external influences.

The field current of the motor, which is likewise controlled by the Simoreg, is almost con-
stant in the lower speed range. In the upper speed range, the field is controlled auto-
matically and thus a higher speed can be attained without increasing the armature cur-

A digital signal (6) transmitted by the ET 200 enables the closed-loop control.

The overspeed switch (4) monitors the speed of the motor and transmits a signal when
the maximum speed of the motor has been exceeded.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-22

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hoist Drive 6.4.7

0-250 bar
22 14

P T M1


20...400 bar

7bar / 5bar
120 bar



17.1 17.2

D M2

Hoist Gear Brake:

The hydraulic system of the hoist brake comprises the pressure accumulator (14), the
pressure switches (17.1/17.2), the valves 11.R-Y7 and 11.R71 and the disk brake with
the spring-actuated cylinders.

When the valves are activated at the same time, the pressure in the spring-actuated
cylinder is built up. This opens the brake against the spring pressure. The pressure is
limited by a pressure limiting valve, locatet on the hydraulic control block, to 160 bar.
When the valves are de-activated, the path to the tank is opened, the pressure is
reduced and the brake is closed by means of spring pressure.
The pressure switch 1 transmits the signal "brake opend",.the pressure switch 2 the sig-
nal "brake closed" to the PLC.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-23

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Slewing Gear 6.5.1

The slewing gear, the pinion of which meshes into the slew ring, causes the super-
structure to rotate in an even, smooth motion. The direction and speed are determined
by the control lever in the tower cab. In addition, the slewing speed depends upon the
boom position which is sensed by the angle sensor of the safe load indicator and rout-
ed to the PLC (Programmable Logic Control). This angle sensor is mounted on the
boom root. The PLC calculates the setpoint as a function of the radius and routes this
value to the control system.
In normal operation of the slewing gear, the drive motor accelerates and decelerates
until the slewing gear is at a standstill. This means that the disk brake on the slew reduc-
tion gear unit is only activated when the superstructure is at a standstill or in “emergency
off” operation.

The superstructure’s hydraulic system supplies the slewing gear brake with oil. The
brake is applied (closed) in two steps to prevent the load from heavy pendulous swing-

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-24

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Slewing Gear 6.5.2


The slewing gear comprises the following components:

1 fan motor
2 pulse generator
3 air filter
4 slewing gear motor
5 brake disk
6 brake cylinder
7 reduction gear unit
8 shaft
9 slewing ring
10 pinion

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-25

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Slewing Gear 6.5.3

Slewing Speed Calculation:

The slewing gear speed is a function of the actual radius value and the setpoint routed
from the control lever to the CPU. As can be seen on the above diagram, for both hoist
gear stages are different values used.
The curves, shown on the figure, are stored in the PLC and calculated automatically if
slewing left or right is selected.
Peripheral speed= 180 m/min
Gear ratio= 205 Ratio= 1760,59
Pinion teeth= 17
Slew ring teeth= 146
Fast stage Radius Voltage Speed R/min Setpoint red.
Punkt 0 5,0 m 10,00 V 1,350 1/min 2377 1/min 100,00 %
Punkt 1 21,2 m 7,08 V 1,350 1/min 2377 1/min 100,00 %
Punkt 2 25,0 m 6,40 V 1,146 1/min 2017 1/min 84,88 %
Punkt 3 30,0 m 5,50 V 0,955 1/min 1681 1/min 70,74 %
Punkt 4 35,0 m 4,60 V 0,819 1/min 1441 1/min 60,63 %
Punkt 5 40,0 m 3,70 V 0,716 1/min 1261 1/min 53,05 %
Punkt 6 45,0 m 2,80 V 0,637 1/min 1121 1/min 47,16 %
Punkt 7 50,0 m 1,90 V 0,573 1/min 1009 1/min 42,44 %

Slow stage Radius Voltage Speed R/min Setpoint red.

Punkt 0 5,0 m 10,00 V 0,608 1/min 1070 1/min 45,00 %
Punkt 1 21,2 m 7,08 V 0,608 1/min 1070 1/min 45,00 %
Punkt 2 25,0 m 6,40 V 0,516 1/min 908 1/min 38,20 %
Punkt 3 30,0 m 5,50 V 0,430 1/min 757 1/min 31,83 %
Punkt 4 35,0 m 4,60 V 0,368 1/min 648 1/min 27,28 %
Punkt 5 40,0 m 3,70 V 0,322 1/min 567 1/min 23,87 %
Punkt 6 45,0 m 2,80 V 0,286 1/min 504 1/min 21,22 %
Punkt 7 50,0 m 1,90 V 0,258 1/min 454 1/min 19,10 %

1,500 1/min
1,400 1/min
1,300 1/min
1,200 1/min
1,100 1/min
1,000 1/min
0,900 1/min
0,800 1/min
0,700 1/min
0,600 1/min
0,500 1/min
0,400 1/min
0,300 1/min
0,200 1/min
0,100 1/min
0,000 1/min
0,0 m 10,0 m 20,0 m 30,0 m 40,0 m 50,0 m

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-26

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Slewing Gear 6.5.4

Slewing Tower cab

Control lever Control panels ET 200

Power supply
Electrics room



1 2 3 4 5

Close-Loop Control System:

As can be seen in the above figure, the setpoint is sensed by the tower cab ET 200. The
control lever outputs a digital value which is calculated by means of the central proces-
sor and then routed in digital form via the PROFI Bus lines (4) to the Simoreg (Siemens
motor regulator).
The 6RA70 Simoreg K converter is a fully-digital compact converter for connection to a
three-phase line to provide armature and field supplies for DC variable-speed drive.
The slewing gear motor is a DC shunt motor which is controlled by means of the
Simoreg. The Simoreg controls the speed of the motor in proportion to the angle at
which the control lever is held. As can be seen in this figure, the speed of the motor is
sensed by an impulse generator and routed to the Simoreg. The Simoreg compares the
actual speed value (3) of the motor to the setpoint provided by the PLC (Programmable
Logic Control) and controls the armature current (1), and thus the speed, irrespective of
external influences.
The field current (2) of the motor, which is likewise controlled the Simoreg, is nearly con-
A digital signal (5) is transmitted by the slewing gear ET 200 to the Simoreg enables the
closed-loop control.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-27

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Slewing Gear 6.5.5

0-250 bar 14

0.5 l/20 bar



P T1 M4 M3 S BR
T4 M2

25 bar

T2 T




Düse 0,8
A P 66 mF
A 90 bar


E V T3 N M1 D

16 85 bar

Slewing Gear Brake:

The hydraulic system of the slewing gear brake comprises the pressure accumulator
(14), the pressure switch (16), the valves 21.R-Y71 and 21.R-Y72, the pressure limiting
valve and the disk brake with its spring-loaded cylinders

When the solenoid valves 21.M-Y71/Y72 are activated, a pressure which opens the
brake is built up in the spring-actuated cylinder of the slewing gear brake. This means
that the slewing gear brake is opened by means of pressure and closed when there is
no pressure.
When the solenoid valves 21.M-Y71/Y72 are deactivated, valve 21.M-Y71 is deactivat-
ed first to clear the way to the tank, and the pressure in the spring-actuated cylinder,
with the exception of the pressure limiting valve, is reduced to a set value of 25 bar. The
second valve 21.M-Y72 is deactivated after a time delay and thus the pressure in the
spring-actuated cylinder is reduced to the tank pressure.

This multiple contact switching permits the brake to be closed (applied) gently and pre-
vents the load from heavy pendulous swinging during braking.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-28

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hydraulic Drive Assembly 6.6.1

The Mobile Harbour Crane’s pump system consists of two axial piston swash plate dis-
placement pumps, a gear pump and the hydraulic controls.
The main pumps, which supply the oil volume required for the luffing cylinder, travel
gear and stabilisers, are mounted in tandem arrangement and driven by a common
electric motor at a constant speed.
As the volume flow, i.e. the amount of oil supplied by an axial piston swash plate dis-
placement pump, is a function of the displacement angle of the swash plate, a hydraulic
displacement unit is required for the displacement. This displacement units are mount-
ed on the main pumps and activated by means of a proportional valve (see the follow-
ing pages).
The control oil pump is driven by a separate electric motor at a constant speed.
The control oil pump has a fixed delivery rate. However, the control oil pump not only
supplies the control oil for the main pumps displacement units and for the locking
device, but also supplies the oil for the hoist and slewing gear brakes.
All the components to control the main pump and to distribute the control oil are locat-
ed on the hydraulic control unit.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-29

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hydraulic Drive Assembly 6.6.2

Main Hydraulic Pump A11VO Design:

An A11VO is a variable displacement pump of axial piston swashplate design for use in
open circuit hydrostatic drives.
Designed principally for use in mobile applications. The pump operates under self-prim-
ing condition, with tank pressurisation or with charge pump (impeller).
A wide variety of controls are available.
Setting of the constant power control is possible via external adjustments, even when
the unit is operating.
As can be seen on the above figure, the pump is available with a through drive to accept
a gear pump or a second axial piston pump up to the same size (100% through drive).
SAE mounting flange.
Output flow is proportional to drive speed and pump displacement and is continnously
variable between maximum and zero.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-30

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hydraulic Drive Assembly 6.6.3

M A G X T1 T2 Y M A G X T1 T2 Y

pst=6...16 bar
pst=6...16 bar

Qmax Qmin Qmax Qmin

S A11VO260LRGH6 M1 S A11VO190LRGH6 M1

Main Hydraulic Pump Control System Page 1

G = Control pressure
X = Main pressure control
Y = Volume control
P = Pressure line
T1 = Leakage oil line
S = Suction line

General Overview:
The pump system is comprised of two axial piston swash plate displacement pumps
with its flange-mounted displacement units. The displacement units consists of a pres-
sure controller (a), a hydraulic stroke limiter (b) and a constant power controller (c) .
The pump is driven by means of an electric motor at a constant speed. The speed of
the electric motor is frequency-dependent and is 1485 rpm at 50 Hz or 1785rpm at 60

The constant pressure control (a) maintains the pressure in a hydraulic system con-
stant whithin its control range in spite of changing pump flow requirements. The variable
pump supplies only the volume of fluid required by the consumer. Should operating
pressure exceed the set pressure, the pump is automatically swivelled back to a small-
er angle and the deviation in control corrected.
In unoperated (zero pressure) condition, the pump is swivelled to its starting position
(Vg max) by means of a control spring.
Setting range from 50 to 350 bar.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-31

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hydraulic Drive Assembly 6.6.3

M A G X T1 T2 Y M A G X T1 T2 Y

pst=6...16 bar
pst=6...16 bar

Qmax Qmin Qmax Qmin

S A11VO260LRGH6 M1 S A11VO190LRGH6 M1

Main Hydraulic Pump Control System Page 2

The hydraulic stroke limiter (b), controlled by the propvalve 04.U-Y10 (see page 5-
17), allows the maximum displacement to be infinitely varied or limited as required.
Control range Vg max to Vg min .
The displacement is set by means of the pilot pressure applied at port Y.
As pilot pressure increases the pump swivels towards lower displacement.
A pressure of 30 bar is needed for the control. The oil required for this is taken either
from the high pressure or from the external adjustment pressure at port G (≥ 30 bar).

The hydraulic stroke limiter is overriden by the constant power control, i.e. below the
power curve (power hyperbola), displacement is adjusted in relation to pilot pressure. If
the set flow or the operating pressure is such that the power curve is exceeded, the con-
stant power control overrides the stroke limiter and reduces displacement until the pow-
er hyperbola is restored.

The constant power control (c) controls the output volume of the pump in relation to
the operating pressure so that, at a constant drive speed, the preset drive power is not
Optimum power usage is obtained by accurately following the power hyberbola.
Operating pressure applies a force on a piston within the control piston on to a rocker
arm. An externally adjustable spring force is applied to the other side of the rocker arm
to determine the power setting.
Should the operating pressure exceed the set spring force, the pilot control valve is
operated via the rocker arm, allowing the pump to swivel towards zero output. This in
turn reduces the effective moment on the arm of the rocker, thus allowing the operating
pressure to rise in the same ratio by which the output flow is reduced

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-32

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hydraulic Drive Assembly 6.6.4



Hydraulic Control Valve Block

The hydraulic control system include the hydraulic controls consists of the following

1 220/280 bar pressure change-over valve

2 Proportional valve
3 Flow control valve
4 Measuring point M3
5 Pump 220 bar pressure limiting valve
6 Measuring point M1
7 Accumulator charging valve
8 Pump 280 bar pressure limiting valve
9 Pressure relief valve 35 bar
10 Pressure relief valve 190 bar
11 Control pressure filter

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-33

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hydraulic Drive Assembly 6.6.5

M2 M1 T

9 10 8 5


35 170 280 220 A P
bar bar bar bar B T

2 1


3 µm


140 bar


S2 L PV 24 l/min

Hydraulic Control Valve Block:

The hydraulic control system consists not only the control units for the control pressure,
but also the control units for the main pump.

The oil supplied by the control oil pump is limited by means of the pressure limiting valve
(10) to 190 bar. The main job of the accumulator charging valve (7) is to provide the
brake systems of the hoist- and the slewing gear brakes at connections S1 and S2 with
The third connection of the accumulator charging valve supplies the control oil for the
main pump displacement which is limited by means of pressure limiting valve (9) to 35
bar as well as the hydraulic oil for the locking cylinder which is operated by means of 35
Valve 31.U-Y10 (2) controls the control pressure of the pump displacement units and
thus the volume flow of the main pumps in proportion to the setpoint provided by the
control lever.
The maximum pressure of the main pump is limited to 280 bar (8) or 220 bar (5)
depending to which pressure limiting valve the oil is routed via the change-over valve
31.R-Y23 (1).
The flow control valve (3) controls the volume to the brake systems of the hoist- and the
slewing gear brakes by 14 l/min.
The control pressure filter is monitored by the PLC. When 75 % or 100 % are reached,
a message is shown on the working monitor.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-34

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hydraulic Drive Assembly 6.6.6

=04.R-Y24 A B


=04.R-Y26 50 bar A T
P ø1,0

a X D Y
P T ø1,0

X Y X F 320 bar Y
B B NG 32 NG 32 B T

P2 A A P1
T1 T2

1 2

Distributer BlockSet-Up:
The distributer block houses two NG 32 cartrige valves, one 50 bar and one 320 bar
pressure relief valves and two pilot valves.

If valve 04.R-Y26 is not actuated, the hydraulic oil coming from the main pump (P1,2)
is routed directly to the valve block on the luffing cylinder (P2).
When the Operator switches over from luffing gear to the hydraulic chassis function,
valve 04.R-Y26 is activated, cartrige valve (1) opens and the hydraulic oil is allowed to
pass to the hydraulic rotary lead-through which is connected at junction B and from here
routed to the chassis.

The purpose of the cartrige valve 2 is to restrict the pressure to 50 bar and 320 bar
Depending of the function selected, changeover valve 04.R-Y24 will activate the 320
bar pressure relief valve.
If valve 04.R-Y24 is not activated, cartrige valve (2) in the main line opens at a pressure
of 50 bar and drain off the excess oil back to the tank.
If, however, valve 04.R-Y26 has been activated by selection of a function, cartrige valve
(2) will only open if the pressure reaches 320 bar.
However, since the main pumps are restricted to a maximum pressure of 290 bar, as
described above, the 320 bar pressure relief valve is only required to safeguard the
main pumps.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-35

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Hydraulic Drive Assembly 6.6.7

Pressure limit 50 bar 220 bar 280 bar

Lowering boom Luffing in Luffing in
(Rigging 25m - 11m 50m - 25m
Luffing out Raising boom
Lowering jacks 11m - 50m - 50m
Extending / operation)
Functions Stabilizer beams Travelling
forward / reverse

Propping jacks

Raising jacks

=04.R-Y23 0 0 1
=04.R-Y24 0 1 1

Pressure limitation:
As can be seen in the table above, the maximum permissible pressure is limited accord-
ing to the activated function. The combination of pressure relief valves on the control
block and the distributer block allowed the maximum possible pressure.

While the 04.R-Y23 and 04.R-Y27 valves influence the pressure regulator for the pump
(see page 6-31), when valve 04.R-Y24 is activated, the pressure is limited to 50 bar and
the excess oil is routed to the tank.

If the 50 bar pressure is activated, 50 bar is displayed on the main pressure gauge.

The pump pressure regulator, however, restricts the pressure, making it possible to take
a range of readings on the main pressure gauge up to the maximum set pressure.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-36

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Luffing Gear 6.7.1

The general drawing of the luffing gear shows which functions will be carried out
by the luffing cylinder.

As can be seen in the above figure, not only the luffing in and out functions, but
also the lower and raise boom functions, can be carried out by means of the luff-
ing cylinder.

There are three arrows in the figure which show the directions of the cylinder,
the boom head and the radius.
During luffing in, the cylinder is extended and thus the radius is decreased.
During luffing out, the cylinder is retracted and thus the radius is increased.

Both directions are secured by means of limit switches. When the pre-limit
switch is reached, the luffing speed is reduced to such an extent that the luffing
motion can be switched off safely by means of the main limit switch.
As can be seen in the adjacent diagram, the hoist ropes are “reeved” once, i.e.
the ropes are guided from the tower head pulley sets to the boom head pulley
sets, then back to the tower again via the boom to the lifting gear. This special
hoist rope reeving ensures that the hook is guided parallel to the ground during
luffing in and out.

The operating instructions for luffing in and out as well as for the rigging func-
tions can be found in the Operating Manual.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-37

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Luffing Gear 6.7.2





Luffing Cylinder Valve Block Design:

The luffing cylinder valve block comprises the following components:

1. Valve 31.R-Y22
2. Measuring point “M1”
3. Measuring point “M3”
4. Valve 31.R-Y29
5. Measuring point “M5”
6. Valve 31.R-Y27
7. Manually operated cylinder head side valve
8. Measuring point “M4”
9. Manually operated cylinder rod side valve
10. Valve 31.R-Y28
11. Measuring point “M2
12 Valve 31.U-Y11
13 Feedback module 31.U-Y11-B1

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-38

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Luffing Gear 6.7.3

M2 M3


NG 10
400 BAR

a P T


ø1.5 x y
B NG 32

=31.R-Y27 y

NG 32



a x

=31.R-Y29 y
z2 T
b B WT
NG 32


NG 32




NG 32


=31.R-Y28 y

NG 32


A a

M4 M5

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-39

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Luffing Gear 6.7.4

M2 M3



NG 10
400 BAR
a P T


ø1.5 x y
B NG 32

=31.R-Y27 y


NG 32


a x

=31.R-Y29 y
z2 T
b B WT

NG 32

NG 32




NG 32

=31.R-Y28 y

NG 32


A a

M4 M5

Hydraulic Diagram

As can be seen in the diagram, the valves shown are hydraulically pilot-con-
trolled cartridge valves.
The control oil required for the pilot control is taken from the main circuit. If there
is no pressure in the main circuit, the valves remain closed and hold the cylin-
der, and thus the boom, in a secured position.

The proportional valve 31.U-Y11 is a hydraulically pilot-controlled throttle valve

with an electrical feedback module 31.U-Y11-B1. As can be seen in the adjacent
diagram, the movement of the main piston is indicated.

All the solenoid valves in the connecting plug are fitted with an LED which lits
on when the valve is activated, to indicate that 24 V voltage are present.

WP = Pressure line
WT = Tank line
WL = Leakage oil line

Safety Instructions:
When repair or maintenance work is carried out, it should be noted that there is a
greater danger of accidents occurring as a result of the locked-in pressure.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-40

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Luffing Gear 6.7.5

M3 400 bar


=31R-Y29 =31R-Y27 L


P = Pressure
T = Tank
L = Leakage oil
M4 M2 M5

Block Diagram of the Hydraulic Valve Block:

The valve block on the luffing cylinder encompasses the following valves:

31.R-Y22 Cylinder oil transmission line

31.R-Y27 Cylinder head sideoil transmission
31.R-Y28 Cylinder head sidecheck valve
31.R-Y29 Tank check valve
31.U-Y11 Proportional throttle valve

A manually-operated valve is located both on the cylinder head side and rod side. A
pressure cut-off valve is located on the rod side.
The extension and retraction functions of the luffing cylinder are controlled by means of
the valve block. Valve 31.R-Y22 routes the oil coming from the pump to the cylinders
under side and the rod side.
When the cylinder is extended, the oil flowing in on the head side from the proportional
throttle valve is regulated in proportion to the setpoint. The oil flowing out of the rod side,
like the oil coming from the pump, is fed through valve 31.R-Y27 to the head side. As
the oil is fed upstream of the proportional throttle valve, the oil coming from the rod side
is also added to the volume flow being supplied by the pump.
When the cylinder is retracted, the oil flowing out of the head side is regulated by the
proportional throttle valve in proportion to the setpoint and is drained off to the tank. The
activated valve 31.R-Y28 directs the oil flowing out of the head side to the proportional
throttle valve. Non-activated, valve 31.R-Y28 closes absolutely free of leakage oil and
holds the cylinder, and thus the boom, in a secured position. Valve 31.R-Y29 routes the
outflowing oil to the tank. The boom can be lowered to the ground in an emergency by
means of the manually operated valves.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-41

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Luffing Gear 6.7.6

M3 400 bar


=31R-Y29 =31R-Y27 L


M4 M2 M5

Luffing In or Raising Boom from the Ground:

When the boom is luffed in or raised, the boom is pushed up by the extension
of the luffing cylinder piston and the radius is reduced. In order to extend the pis-
ton, the pressure on the cylinder head side must be greater than the pressure
exerted by the system on the cylinder. The greater the radius, the greater the
pressured being exerted on the cylinder and the greater the pressure which
must be generated by the hydraulic pumps.
As the speed of the cylinder depends on the volume flow through the propor-
tional throttle valve, however, the opening angle of the proportional throttle
valve, and thus the volume flow, changes in proportion to the angle at which the
control lever is held. This means that the luffing speed depends on the volume
flow and not on the pressure. As described in the section "Pump System", the
maximum delivery rate of the pump is limited by proportional valve 04.U-Y10
located in the control oil circuit of the pump system.
In the block diagram, it can be seen that the oil delivered by the pump from the
P connection is routed through valves 31.R-Y22 and 31.R-Y27 to the propor-
tional throttle valve 31.U-Y11, and thus to the cylinder under side. The oil flow-
ing out of the cylinder rod side is also routed through valve 31.R-Y27 to the the
proportional throttle valve 31.U-Y11 like the oil being delivered by the pump. As
the inflow takes place upstream of the proportional throttle valve, the oil coming
from the rod side is delivered and added to the volume flow of that coming from
the pump. When the boom is raised, the proportional throttle valve and the pro-
portional valve for the pump displacement is activated by the PLC by means of
a fixed setpoint.

In the block diagram, the activated valves are indicated by means of an "illumi-
=31R-Y21 nating" LED and a compressed spring.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-42

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Luffing Gear 6.7.7

M3 400 bar


=31R-Y29 =31R-Y27 L


M4 M2 M5

Luffing Out or Lowering Boom to the Ground:

When the boom is luffed out or lowered, the piston of the luffing cylinder is
retracted, the boom head is lowered and thus the radius is increased.
When the cylinder is retracted, the oil flowing out of the cylinder under side is
routed through proportional throttle valve 31.U-Y11 to the tank. However, as the
speed of the cylinder will depend on the volume flow through the proportional
throttle valve, the opening angle of the proportional throttle valve, and thus the
volume flow, is altered in proportion to the angle at which the control lever is held
during luffing out. This means that the luffing speed depends on the volume flow
and not on the pressure.

In order to avoid a partial vacuum in the piston rod side, a corresponding oil vol-
ume must be poured in. As the pumps are pressure-regulated, the oil being
delivered from the P connection must be routed through valve 31.R-Y22 of the
piston rod side, as can be seen in the block diagram.
As described in the section "Pump System", when the maximum pressure is
reached, the pumps are returned to minimum delivery rate. If the volume of the
oil flowing out of the cylinder under side increases, the pressure decreases in
the rode side, the pumps swing out and oil is poured in until maximum pressure
has been built up again. Therefore, the amount of oil delivered by the pumps
equals the amount taken by the cylinder.
When the boom is lowered, the proportional throttle valve and the proportional
valve for the pump displacement is activated by the PLC by means of a fixed
In order to avoid damaging the boom, the pressure on the cylinder rod sidemust
be 50 bar. The setpoint is reduced by activating the change-over switch on the
remote control before the boom head is set down to the ground.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-43

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Luffing Gear 6.7.8

Luffing gear Tower cab

Control lever Control panels ET 200



Electrics room
24V 15V

I max


error release


B act.value


ramp time
t 5063

ASI Master


1 2 3 4 5

Open-Loop Control System:

As can be seen in the above figure, the setpoint is sensed by the ET 200 in the tower
cab. The control lever outputs a digital value which is read in by the ET 200 and routed
to the central processor via the PROFI Bus line (5). The central processor calculates the
setpoints for the proportional valves 04.R-Y10 (pump) and 31.R-Y11 and outputs these
values as analog values to the Vickers amplifier (4).
The amplifier converts the voltage ranging from 0 to 10 V output by the PLC (Pro-
grammable Logic Control) into a current for the pump open loop control (2) and for the
proportional throttle valve (1) shown on the crane setting file. The ramps and the basic
current for the proportional valves are set in the PLC so that the amplifiers only have to
be set to a basic current of 0 mA and the max. current of the valves by 10V-inputs.

The solenoid valves, which are required to control the luffing gear functions, are con-
trolled via the ASI Bus (Actuator-Sensor Interface) (3). When a function is selected by
means of the control lever, the PLC determines the sequence of the number of valves
to be energized. To lower and raise the boom, the remote control connected to the
machinery room is used. The key-operated switch for the rigging functions switches
over the variable setpoints provided by the control lever to fixed setpoints which the PLC
can output to the amplifier.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-44

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Travel Gear 6.8.1

The Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E is fitted with a hydraulic travel gear. As can be
seen on the following page, the three centre axles of the seven axles are the drive axles.
Two hydraulic motors are flanged-mounted on the housing of the parking brakes which
are, like the third hydraulic motor, connected to the differentials. The hydraulic oil
required for travelling is supplied by the hydraulic pumps in the superstructure and fed
through a hydraulic rotary lead-through to the chassis. The volume is regulated by
means of proportional valve on the chassis which is controlled by the PLC (Pro-
grammable Logic Control).
As the travelling speed of the crane depends on the oil volume and thus the degree to
which the proportional valve is open, the crane travels at the same speed in both direc-
The crane is steered by means of hydraulic cylinders which are connected to one anoth-
er by means of the steering linkage. In this way, the forces to the individual steering
levers are evenly distributed. The hydraulic oil required is likewise supplied by the main
hydraulic pump. The proportional valve of the steering assembly determines the dis-
placement speed and not the displacement angle of the wheel. It is to be noted that the
wheels are not automatically returned to centre position.
The service brake is designed as a dual circuit brake system. There is an accumulator
for each brake circuit with its five brake cylinders. The brake pressure is controlled by
means of a proportional valve in proportion to the angle at which the control lever is
During normal operation of the travel gear, the drive motors accelerate and decelerate
until the travel gear is at a standstill. This means that the service brake is only actuated
in addition or in emergency off operation. The parking brakes are designed as multiple-
disk brakes which open when there is pressure and close when there is no pressure,
thus maintaining the crane in a secured position.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-45

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Travel Gear 6.8.2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

The travel gear comprises the following components:

1 Steering cylinder
2 Steering linkage
3 Hydraulic motor
4 Multiple-disk (parking) brake
5 Hydraulic rotary lead trough
6 Hydraulic motor
7 Wheel brake cylinder
8 Driver cab

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-46

6.1 6.2

=42.R-21 =42.R-Y22

3 A P A P
Travel Gear


EVL 10-L





© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe


1.1 T 1 Y

Travel Gear Hydraulic System:


2.2 2


20 bar

Training Course Manual

9 10


U MA T2 T1 A6VM 250 HA1 U MA T2 T1 A6VM 250 HA1 U AM 2T 1T A6VM 250 HA1

P Vg max Vg min Vg max Vg min Vg max Vg min

Vg min=68ccm/U
Regelbeginn 240bar

Vg min=68ccm/U
Regelbeginn 240bar
Vg min=68ccm/U
Regelbeginn 240bar


5.1 5.2 5.3

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E


Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Travel Gear 6.8.4

6.1 6.2

=42.R-21 =42.R-Y22

3 A P A P


B EVL 10-L






1.1 T 1 Y



2.2 2
20 bar




9 10


U MA T2 T1 A6VM 250 HA1 U MA T2 T1 A6VM 250 HA1 U 2T 1T

A A AM A A6VM 250 HA1

P Vg max Vg min Vg max Vg min Vg max Vg min

Regelbeginn 240bar
Regelbeginn 240bar

Regelbeginn 240bar

Vg min=68ccm/U
Vg min=68ccm/U

Vg min=68ccm/U


5.1 5.2 5.3

PA = Stabiliser pressure line

TA = Stabiliser tank line
TB PA TA TB = Brake leakage oil line

General View:
The hydraulic system of the travel gear is comprised of three hydraulic motors (5.1, 5.2.
and5.3), the proportional valve (3), the anti-cavitation plate (4) and the control valves
(6.1 and 6.2). In addition, the hydraulic rotary lead-through (7), the anti cavitation valve
(9) with its flange mounted pressure relief valve (10) and the adjustable throttle (11) can
be seen.

The oil coming form the pump is routed through the hydraulic pilot-controlled propor-
tional valve (3) and the anti-cavitation plate (4) to the motors. Whereas the oil volume
directed to the motors determines the speed, the torque moment which the motors gen-
erate depends on the pressure and the angle of the displacement unitb (see next page).
When the control lever is activated, the setpoint from the PLC is routed to the propor-
tional valve (3) in accordance to the direction selected. At the same time, valve 6.1 or
6.2 is activated which releases the control pressure on the motor displacement. As can
be seen from the drawings, the motors are set to Vgmin = 68 ccm. If the pressure is
below 240 bar (at the beginning of the closed-loop control), the speed of the motors and
thus the speed of the crane will only be influenced by the proportional valve. If the pres-
sure exceeds 240 bar, the absorption volume of the motors increases and the speed
drops reciprocally in proportion to the angle displacement even when the control switch
is held at the same setpoint. This means, the greater the pressure (torque moment ) and
thus the swivel angle of the motors, the lower the speed when the volume flow remains
the same.
The anti-cavitation plate and the anti cavitation valve are used to avoid vakuum in the
motors and hoses during decelleration.
Hydraulik oil is directed to the steering and the stabilizers by means of the adjustable

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-48

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Travel Gear 6.8.5

1 G T 2
A6VM 250 HA1

Vgmin = 83 ccm/R
Closed-loop control begins at 240 bar
Displacement angle 0° - 26.5°

3 4

1 High pressure
2 Low Pressure
1 High pressure 3 Torque
2 Lower pressure 4 Bearing force
3 Steering “kidneys” 3 2 5 Piston force

Hydraulic Motor A6VM 250 HA1:

The above drawings show the displacement motor V6AM. The motor is
designed as an axial tapered piston bent axis motor.
Figure 1 shows the symbol of the motor with flanged-mounted displacement and
control unit. As the designation …HA1 indicates, the motor has a high-pressure-
dependent automatic displacement.
Figure 2 shows a cross section of the motor.
Figure 3 shows the functional principle of the motor.
Figure 4 shows the distribution of the forces to the drive shaft.

As can be seen in Figure 1, the motor is set to the minimum delivery rate of 68
ccm/r and 240 bar at the beginning of the closed loop control. That means when
the control pressure in connection "G" exceeds 240 bar, the angle will be dis-
placed infinitely variably in proportion to the pressure difference ∆p (see figure
2) by means of the displacement unit. The entire control range from Vg min to
Vg max is covered by a pressure difference of ∆p = 10 bar.
As can be seen in Figures 3 and 4,both the absorption rate and the torque
moment depends on the angle position. Based on the forces parallelograms, the
torque moment, shown as Arrow 3, can be read as a function of the angle.
Min. angle (Vg min) = min. torque moment, maximum speed
Max. angle (Vg max ) = max. torque moment, min. speed
As each control module releases three pistons, three torque moment arrows can
be seen in Figure 4.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-49

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Travel Gear 6.8.6

Travel gear Tower cab

Control lever Control panels ET 200


Proportional Electrics room

valve PLC
Amplifiere Chassis electrics
Cabinet ET 200

R3 T2
T1 - T5



MagnetB A


1 2

Open-Loop Control System:

As can be seen in the above figure, the setpoint is sensed by the ET 200 in the tower
cab. The control lever outputs a digital value which is read in by the ET 200 and routed
to the central processor via the PROFI Bus line (2). The central processor calculates the
setpoint for the proportional valve and transmits this value to the ET 200 which is mount-
ed in the chassis electrics cabinet. The analog output module of the ET 200 outputs the
setpoint (1) as an analog value to the Vickers amplifier mounted on the valve. The
amplifier converts the voltage ranging from 0V to 10V output by the PLC into current. If
the setpoint is positive, solenoid “A” is energized. If the setpoint is negative, solenoid “B”
is energized. The ramps and the basic current for the proportional valves are set in the
PLC so that no settings must be carried out on the amplifier.

The solenoid valves, which are required for the control system of the travel gear motors,
are controlled via the ASI Bus (Actuator Sensor Interface). When a function is selected
by the control lever, the PLC determines the sequence and number of valves to be ener-
As the oil supplied by the hydraulic pump is required for both the luffing or travel func-
tions, the one or the other function must be selected by means of a switch before it can
be activated.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-50

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Travel Gear 6.8.7

Steering Hydraulic System:


240 bar

=42.R-Y24 240 bar


Closed center

210 bar








© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-51

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Travel Gear 6.8.8

5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5


Closed center
210 bar


240 bar

240 bar
Y 190


5.10 5.9 5.8 5.7 5.6

Steering Hydraulic System:

The drawing shows the six steering axles with their corresponding steering cylinders
(5.1 - 5.10) as well as the pressure control valve (4) to the service brake and the con-
trol block (3). The control block is comprised of the proportional valve with its two
solenoids and the maximum pressure is secured at 240 bar.

PB = Brake pressure line

PL = Steering pressure line
TL = Steering tank line

The oil is directed through the pressure control valve (4) to the control block from con-
nection PL which is connected to the hydraulic rotary lead-through. By means of the
proportional valve, only the speed of the wheel displacement is controlled and not the
turning angle of the wheels.
As can be seen in the above figure, six of the seven axles are steered. That means that
the turning radius is equal in both travel directions.

It is to be noted that the wheels do not automatically return to centre position by

means of the control system.

As the steering levers of the wheel are connected to one another, nine steering cylin-
ders are sufficient to generate the force required for steering.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-52

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5
Travel Gear

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe

Brake Hydraulic System:


=42.M-Y24 BR1 BR2

DS3 =42.P-F81
A =42.P-F83
30 bar 11
45 bar 120 bar
G3 80 bar
T 10.2
7 5.1


DS2 1
Training Course Manual

120 bar
10.1 T

2.1 N 2.2


3.6 3.7 3.8 PB 3.9 3.10

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E


Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Travel Gear 6.8.10

3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5


=42.M-Y24 BR1 BR2

DS3 =42.P-F81
A =42.P-F83
30 bar 11
45 bar G3
120 bar
80 bar
T 10.2
7 5.1


DS2 1
10.1 T
6 120 bar

2.1 N 2.2


PB Pressure line
3.6 3.7 3.8 PB TB
3.9 3.10
TB Tank line

Brake Hydraulic System:

The hydraulic brake system consists of the service brake system which acts on the
wheel brake cylinders (3) and the parking brake system which acts on the multiple-disk
brakes (2) on the drive axles.
The control block (1) consists of the hydraulically pilot-controlled proportional valves of
the two brake circuits of the service brake, the electrically activated valve of the parking
brake and in addition, the pressure control valve (7), the proportional valve (8), the
pressure accumulator (5/6) and the pressure switches (10,11) can be seen.

The oil is routed from connection point “PB” via the pressure control valve (7) to the pro-
portional vavle (8) and through the check vavles on the control block (1), to the pres-
sure accumulators and the solenoid valve 42.R-Y24 of the parking brake and the
hydraulically pilot-controlled proportional valves of the two brake circuits for the service
Pressure switch 42.P-F82 monitors whether at least 120 bar of pressure is on hand.
The two brake cylinders of the parking brake system are designed as spring-loaded
cylinders, i.e. the multi-disk brakes are opened with pressure and closed when pressure
is absent.
The two hydraulically pilot-controlled proportional valves of the service brake are acti-
vated by proportional valve 42.U-Y25 by means of a control pressure in proportion to
the angle at which the control lever is held. As the wheel brake cylinders are not
designed as spring-loaded cylinders, the wheel brakes are closed when pressure is on
hand and opened when pressure is absent.
The accumulators have sufficient capacity so that the crane can be brought once to a
standsill in the event of a malfunction.
© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-54
6-55 © Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe






250 bar


250 bar





160 bar
190 bar 125 bar

100 bar


160 bar
190 bar 125 bar
100 bar






320 bar LS

6.9.1 Stabilizer Hydraulic System

Training Course Manual
Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Stabilizer Hydraulic System 6.9.2


3.1 4.1 250 bar B




320 bar LS

160 bar

160 bar

100 bar

100 bar

125 bar

125 bar





190 bar

190 bar






3.2 4.2
250 bar B

General View:
The hydraulic system of the stabilisers consist of four extension cylinders (6.1…4),
the four jack cylinders (4.1…4) and the control blocks (3). Each pair of stabilisers
are activated by a valve block (see next page). On each of the jack cylinder there
is a block with a pressure limiting valve and an unlockable check valve for the rod
side (5.1…4) as well as an unlockable check valve for the cylinder under side

As can be seen in the drawing, there is one valve each for the retraction or exten-
sion of a stabiliser beam and one valve to lower or raise a jack cylinder. The sta-
bilisers can be operated electrically from within the cabs. In the jack cylinders, the
pressure is closed on the cylinder under and rod sides by means of hydraulically
lockable check valves. The check valves can only be opened, and thus the pres-
sure released from the tank, when the counter direction is activated. In this way, the
crane remains in a safe propping position.

Safety Instructions:
When repair or maintenance work is carried out, it should be noted that there is a
greater danger of accidents occurring as a result of the locked-in pressure.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-56

Mobile Harbour Crane HMK 300E
Training Course Manual
Stabilizer Hydraulic System 6.9.3


160 bar 320 bar LS

160 bar
100 bar

100 bar
125 bar

125 bar



190 bar

190 bar


Stabilizer Valve Block:

Each control block is fitted with four hydraulic pilot-controlled 5/3 directional valves and
the pressure limiting valves for retraction and extension (190 and 125 bar). On each
block, there is a pressure limiting valve which limits the maximum pressure to 320 bar.
The control pressure for the pilot-control valves is taken from the main pressure by
means of the 30 bar pressure control valve. The 40 bar pressure limiting valve limits the
control pressure for safety reasons.

© Gottwald Port Technology 07.2004/FULe 6-57

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Programmable Logic Control (PLC) 7

This section provides an introduction to the design and the function of the PLC system in the
MobileHarbour Crane

7. Programmable Logic Control (PLC)

Table of contents .................................................................................... 7-1

7.1 What is a PLC

7.1.1 Hard-Wired / Progammable Control System ............................................7-3
7.1.2 Structure of a Programmable Control System......................................... 7-4
7.1.3 Binary Signal; Signal States ................................................................... 7-5
7.1.4 Bit, Byte and Word .................................................................................. 7-6
7.1.5 Bit, Byte and Word Addresses ............................................................... 7-7
7.1.6 Absolute and Symbolic Addressing ........................................................ 7-8
7.1.7 Shared and Local Symbols .................................................................... 7-9
7.1.8 Displaying Shared or Local Symbols .................................................... 7-10

7.2 PLC on Mobile Harbour Crane

7.2.1 Overview ............................................................................................... 7-11

7.3 Industrial PC
7.3.1 Set-up ................................................................................................... 7-12
7.3.2 Function ................................................................................................ 7-13

7.4 Central Device S7-400

7.4.1 Set-Up ................................................................................................... 7-14
7.4.2 Structure of the Rack UR2 ................................................................... 7-15
7.4.3 Power supply module PS 405 .............................................................. 7-16
7.4.4 Fault/Error Messages PS 405 ( INTF, DC5V, DC24V) .......................... 7-17
7.4.5 Fault/Error Messages PS 405 ( IBAF, BATT1F, BATT2F) .................... 7-18
7.4.6 Central Processing Unit CPU 414-3 ..................................................... 7-19
7.4.7 CPU 414-3 Mode Selector ................................................................... 7-20
7.4.8 CPU 414-3 Status and Error LEDs ...................................................... 7-21
7.4.9 Overview of the Memory Concept S7-400-CPU .................................. 7-22
7.4.10 Communication Processor CP 443–1 .................................................. 7-23
7.4.11 CP 443-1 Displays ................................................................................ 7-24

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-1

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Programmable Logic Control (PLC) 7

7. Programmable Logic Control (PLC)

7.5 PROFI Bus DP on Mobile Harbour Crane

7.5.1 Overview ............................................................................................... 7-25
7.5.2 Configuration ........................................................................................ 7-26
7.5.2 ET 200S ................................................................................................ 7-27
7.5.3 IM 151 Interface Module Set-Up .......................................................... 7-28
7.5.4 IM 151 Interface Module Displays ........................................................ 7-29
7.5.5 ET 200S Input- and Output Modules .................................................... 7-30

7.6 ASI Bus

7.6.1 Set-Up ................................................................................................... 7-31
7.6.2 Function ................................................................................................ 7-32
7.6.3 Master Module Set-Up ........................................................................ 7-33
7.6.4 Master Module Function ....................................................................... 7-34
7.6.5 Slave Modules ...................................................................................... 7-35

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-2

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Programmable Logic Control (PLC) 7.1.1



Hard- Wired / Progammable Control System:

A distinction must be made between hard-wired and programmable control systems.
Contactor or relay controls are hard-wired; a programmable controller, such as a PLC,
is the core of a programmable control system. The above diagram outlines the main dif-

Hard-wired control:
In hard-wired control systems, the sensor contacts, valve coils, lamps, etc, are perma-
nently wired to one another.
The control system can not be set up and wired untiI it is known for what it is to be used,
i. e. the "program" must be defined in advance. Any changes in the "program" thus invol-
ve rewiring of the controller.

Progammable Logic Control (PLC):

In programmable control systems, however, the construction of the controller and the
wiring are independent of the program. This means that standard controllers may be
employed. Sensor contacts and operating coils on a machine tool, for instance, are
connected directly to the terminals of the PLC.
The program defining the control operation is stored directly into the memory of the CPU
(user program memory) by a programmer.
This program determines the sequence in which sensor contacts are to be scanned,
according to which logic functions (AND, OR) they are to be gated and which outputs
the results are to be assigned to.
The control program can be modified by changing the contents of the controller's memo-
ry, i.e. the user program memory. The circuit wiring is not affected. This adaptability is
one of the most important advantages of programmable control systems.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-3

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Programmable Logic Control (PLC) 7.1.2

Power supply for Sensors



Program Inerface ET 200S
memory Input Module Output Module


Power supply for Actuators

Structure of a Programmable Logic Control:

A programmable control system typically consists of a central processor unit (CPU), the
decentralised peripheral system, the bus system as well as sensors, actuators and

Programmable Logic Control (PLC):

The programmable control system itself consists essentially of the CPU (including the
program memory and PROFI Bus interface), the bus system and the PROFI Bus sta-
tions and the input / output modules.
The voltage signals generated by the sensors are applied directly to the terminals of
the input module (inputs to the PLC). The processor of the CPU module executes the
program stored in the memory and scans the individual controller inputs for the pre-
sence or absence of voltage. Depending on the input states and the program stored, the
processor directs the output module via the bus systems to apply voltage to the res-
pective output terminals. The voltage levels at these PLC outputs activate or de-activa-
te the actuators, annunciators etc.

Bus system:
A bus system is a path for the transmission of signals. In the programmable control sys-
tem, it is responsible for the signaI exchange between CPU and decentralised periphe-
The voltage required for sensors, actuators and annunciators is 24 V DC and is obtai-
ned from external power supplies or controI transformers instaIled specially for this pur-

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-4

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Programmable Logic Control (PLC) 7.1.3

Binary signal = Bit Signal state

24V Voltage present

0V "0" Voltage not present

Binary Signal; Signal States:

As described on the previous page, the processor of the programmable control system
scans the input states for "voltage present" and "voltage not present" and, depending
on the stored user program and the resuIt of the scanning operation, the actuators are
switched "ON" or "OFF".

Signal state:
Both states are clearly distinguishable. The following terminology is used for electronic
control systems:
SIGNAL STATE "0" = voltage not present = OFF
SlGNAL STATE "1" = voltage present = ON

Binary signal:
These signal states correspond to the two possible values of a binary signal ( = bit *)
"1" and "0". The term "binary signal" is used not only to describe the states of inputs and
outputs, but also the states of those elements which are responsible for signal proces-
sing within the programmable control system.

The voltage levels of the modules for signal state "0" and signal state "1" can be seen
from the relevant catalogues.


* The term "Bit" (Binary Digit) denotes the smallest unit of information.
© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-5
Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Programmable Logic Control (PLC) 7.1.4

1 Bit

3 0
1 Nibble = 4 Bits

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
1 Byte = 8 Bits

15 8 7 0
1 Word = 2 Bytes = 16 Bits

High byte Low byte

Bit, Byte and Word

The bit is the unit for a binary digit or binary character. lt can only have the value "0" or
"1". Several bits can be combined to constitute larger numbers, for data sent in binary

A group of four successive bits constitutes a nibble. The nibble is used on the ASI Bus

A group of eight successive bits constitutes a byte. In a programmable controller, for ins-
tance, the signal states of eight inputs or eight outputs are combined to form an "Input
Byte" (IB) or "Output Byte" (QB). Each single binary digit of a byte has the value "0" or
" 1 ". Within the CPU, the complete byte, i.e. all eight bits together, is usually proces-

The combination of 16 successive binary digits constitutes a word. Hence, a word
consists of 16 bits or two bytes. The signal states of 16 bits of a programmable control-
ler may be combined to form a number.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-6

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Programmable Logic Control (PLC) 7.1.5

.7 ... .0
Bit address

Byte address
I 1.7 ... I 1.0
Byte 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 Status

Word address IW 0 IW 2
IB 0 IB 1 IB 2 IB 3

Bit, Byte and Word Addresses

Bit address:
To make each individual bit within a byte accessible, a bit address is allocated to each
bit. The extreme righthand bit of a byte is assigned the bit address 0 and the extreme
lefthand bit the bit address 7.

Byte address:
The individual bytes, too, are accessed by numbers, i.e. the byte addresses. In addition,
the operand is identified in more detail, e.g. IB2 denotes input byte 2 or QB4 denotes
output byte 4.
lndividual bits are identified by a combination of bit and byte addresses, the two being
separated by a dot. The bit address is on the right of the dot and the byte address on
its left. Thus, I3.5 identifies the single input with byte address 3 and bit address 5; Q5.2
identifies the single output with byte address 5 and bit address 2.

Word address:
The word address is formed by the numbering of words. IW0, for instance, identifies
input word 0 comprising input bytes 0 and 1; IW2 identifies input word 2 comprising
input bytes 2 and 3.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-7

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Programmable Logic Control (PLC) 7.1.6

Absolute and Symbolic Addressing:

In a STEP 7 program you work with addresses such as I/O signals, bit memory, coun-
ters, timers, data blocks, and function blocks. You can access these addresses in your
program absolutely, but your programs will be much easier to read if you use symbols
for the addresses (for example, Motor_A_On, or other identifiers according to the code
system used within your company or industry). An address in your user program can
then be accessed via this symbol.

Absolute Addresses:
An absolute address comprises an address identifier and a memory location (for
example, Q 4.0, I 1.1, M 2.0, FB21).

Symbolic Addresses:
You can make your program easier to read and simplify troubleshooting if you assign
symbolic names to the absolute addresses.
STEP 7 can translate the symbolic names into the required absolute addresses auto-
matically. If you would prefer to access ARRAYs, STRUCTs, data blocks, local data,
logic blocks, and user-defined data types using symbolic names, you must first assign
symbolic names to the absolute addresses before you can address the data symboli-
cally. You can, for example, assign the symbolic name MOTOR_ON to the address Q
4.0 and then use MOTOR_ON as an address in a program statement. Using symbolic
addresses it is easier to recognize to what extent the elements in the program match
the components of your process control project.

Two consecutive underline characters (for example, MOTOR__ON) are not permitted in
a symbolic name (variable ID).

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-8

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Programmable Logic Control (PLC) 7.1.7

Shared and Local Symbols:

A symbol allows you to work with meaningful symbolic names instead of absolute
addresses. The combination of short symbols and longer comments can be used effec-
tively to make programming easier and program documentation better.

You should distinguish between local (block-specific) and shared symbols.

Shared Symbols Local Symbols

Validity · Is valid in the whole user program, · Only known to the block in which it was
· Can be used by all blocks, defined,
· Has the same meaning in all blocks, · The same symbol can be used in different
· Must be unique in the whole user program. blocks for different purposes.

Permitted · Letters, numbers, special characters, · Letters,

characters · Accents other than 0x00, 0xFF, and quotation · Numbers,
marks, · Underscore (_).
· The symbol must be placed within quotation
marks if you use special characters.

Use · You can define shared symbols for: You can define local symbols for:
· I/O signals (I, IB, IW, ID, Q, QB, QW, QD) · Block parameters (input, output, and in/out
· I/O inputs and outputs (PI, PQ) parameters),
· Bit memory (M, MB, MW, MD) · Static data of a block,
· Timers (T)/ counters (C) · Temporary data of a block.
· Logic blocks (OB, FB, FC, SFB, SFC)
· Data blocks (DB)
· Userdefined data types (UDT)
· Variable table (VAT)

Defined Symbol table Variable declaration table for the block


© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-9

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Programmable Logic Control (PLC) 7.1.8

Displaying Shared or Local Symbols:

You can distinguish between shared and local symbols in the code section of a program
as follows:
• Symbols from the symbol table (shared) are shown in quotation marks "..".
• Symbols from the variable declaration table of the block (local) are preceded by
the character "#".
You do not have to enter the quotation marks or the "#". When you enter your program
in Ladder, FBD, or STL the syntax check adds these characters automatically.
If you are concerned that there may be some confusion because, for example, the same
symbols are used in both the symbol table and the variable declaration, you must code
the shared symbol explicitly when you want to use it. Any symbol without the respecti-
ve coding are interpreted as block-specific (local) variables in this case.
Coding shared symbols is also necessary if the symbol contains blanks.
When programming in an STL source file the same special characters and guidelines
for their use apply. Code characters are not added automatically in free-edit mode, but
they are still necessary if you wish to avoid confusion.

Using the menu command View > Display > Symbolic Representation you can toggle
the display between the declared shared symbolic and the absolute addresses.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-10

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
PLC on Mobile Harbour Crane 7.2.1

Operators Guide Central device S7 400 ProfiBUS System

Ethernet CPU 414-3 PROFIBus
Module Interface Simoregs


Industrial PC PC


User Program

Flag area
Flow of Informations ASI- Bus System
Ethernet Line Process Image
of Inputs and
PROFIBus Line Outputs 4-I 4 - I/Q

ASI Bus Line Peripheral area

ET 200 Internal Bus 4-I 4 - I/Q

As can be seen in the above figures, the purpose of the PLC in the Mobile Harbour Cra-
ne is to decentralise the signal sensing and updating. The signals are processed in the
Central Processing Unit (CPU).
Data is transferred between the CPU and the distributed peripherals via PROFI Bus
system. PROFI Bus (Process Field) carries out bit and word transmission while the rug-
ged ASI Bus is for bit processing only. ”Distributed Peripheral System“ (DP) from Sie-
mens and from other manufacturers are used as Process Field (PROFI) Bus equipment.
The signals to and from the input and output modules are sensed and updated by
means of the ET200S interfaces.
The ASI components are sensed and updated by means of the ASI Bus master
The CPU only communicates with PROFI Bus interface via a “Dual-Port Ram” and the
PROFI Bus interface, therefore, communicates with the field equipment (ET 200S, ASI
Bus master modules, drive assemblies, etc.).
One of the advantages of this system is that a significantly shorter cycle and thus a quic-
ker response to signal changes can be achieved by means of this “work sharing”.
Other advantages include shorter transmission lines because the distributed peripherals
can be used directly where the signals originate. In this way, fault-prone terminal
connections can be omitted from the system. The signal generator and the receiver on
the ASI Bus are designed as normal switches, buttons and valves which are connected
by means of plug-and-socket connections to the ASI Bus modules. In this manner, the
connection is completely unaffected by external influences, and permits the ASI com-
ponents to be changed quickly.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-11

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Industrial PC 7.3.1

IPC Set-Up:
The Industrial Personal Computer (IPC) in the HMK Mobile Harbour Crane is designed
as a AT computer with a 19 inch rack for installation in a swing frame.
The standard industrial PC is fitted with the following components:

CPU with pentium III processor 1,26 GHz.

4 x serial interfaces
2 x parallel interfaces
1 x MPI interface
IDE HD interface for four IDE HDs ( HD = hard disks )
Floppy controller for two FDs ( FD = floppy disk )
CD RW drive
Watchdog timer ( monitoring function )
Active CPU cooler
256 MB RAM
1x 1,44 MB 3.5“ floppy disk drive
20 GB hard disk drive with IDE interface
Video controller ATI 128, 16 MByte RAM
Ethernet controller INTEL Pro 100/10

The computer equipment also includes a monitor in the tower cab, a monitor in the elec-
trics room, a keyboard and a mouse.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-12

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Industrial PC 7.3.2

The IPC operates on the WINDOW NT 4.0 operating system. In addition, applications
for controlling the communication with the CPU S7-400 and the process visualisation
displayed are on the monitors.
The files required for the visual display are booted during every cold re-start and ensu-
re that the connection between the CPU S7-400 and the IPC, as well as the display of
the process data on the monitors, run smoothly.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-13

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Central Device S7-400 7.4.1

PS 405 10A CPU 414-3 CP 443-1

X 3 X 8 X 5
1 4 5 2 3 9 10 4 5 6 7
405 -0KA01-0AA0 414 -3XJ00-0AB0 443 -1EX11-0XE0

V3.10 V2.2
6 7 8 9

MC 952 / 1 MB / 5V FLASH

6ES7 952-1KK00-0AA0
DC 24V
X 4






The Central Device S7-400 consists of a rack, power supply unit, CPU and a CP 443-
1 Ethernet communications processor.

The racks in the S7-400 have the following tasks:
• They hold the modules
• They supply the modules with operating voltage
• They connect the individual modules to each other via the signal buses

The power supply modules of the S7-400 supply the other modules in the rack with
their operating voltages via the backplane bus. They do not provide load voltages
for the signal modules.

The CPU 414-3 is the interface for communication between the peripheral devices and
the programming system. The CPU also processes the signals received and transmit-
ted by the peripheral devices.

The CP 443-1 communications processor is intended for use in an S7 400 central rack.
It allows the S7 400 CPU to connect to the industrial Ethernet.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-14

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Central Device S7-400 7.4.2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Structure of the Rack UR2:

A rack consists of the following elements:
• Aluminum mounting rail with threaded bolts for fixing the modules and lateral cut-
outs for mounting the rack
• Plastic parts that function, among other things, as guides when swinging the
modules into place.
• A backplane bus, an I/O bus and, if necessary, a communication bus with bus
• Connection for local ground

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-15

H a f e n m o b i l k r a n H M K
Begleitbuch zum Training
Central Device S7-400 7.4.3

PS 405 10A
Power Supply Module PS 405 10A:
1 X 3
The power supply modules PS 405 10A are designed for
4 5
405 -0KA01-0AA0 connection to a DC line voltage of 19.2 VDC to 72 VDC
and supply 5 VDC/10 A and 24 VDC/1 A on the seconda-
SIEMENS ry side.

Controls and Indicators of the PS 405:

DC 5 V, DC 24 V
DC 24V FMR pushbutton (Failure Message Reset)
Standby switch

Under cover:
Switches BATT. INDIC.
I Battery compartment
3-pin plug-in power connector

The PS 405 power supply module houses the mains
connection socket for the 24V DC supply and the battery
compartment for the back-up batteries.
+ + It is possible to use either just one or both batteries. When


the first battery goes flat, the second automatically takes



The status of the first battery (or both batteries) can be

selected using the “BATT.INDIC” switch. If the switch is set

Size AA
Size AA

to the middle position, there is no monitoring, and no fault

messages will be displayed.

BATT.INDIC If both batteries are flat or missing, the RAM cannot be

OFF backed up and the CPU will load the application software
from the memory card when the power is switched on.
Every time the application software is loaded from the
memory card, all the variables are reset to their default




© Gottwald Port Technology 05.2003/FULe 7-16

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Central Device S7-400 7.4.4

Fault/Error Messages PS 405 via LEDs INTF, DC5V, DC24V:

The following table shows the faults indicated by the INTF, 5 VDC, and 24 VDC
LEDs and lists how to remedy the faults.

LEDs Cause of Fault Remedy

off off off Standby switch in ”0" position Set standby switch to the ”I" position
Line voltage missing Check line voltage
Serious internal fault, power supply module Replace power supply module
Cutoff after overvoltage on 5 V or illegal Disconnect from mains and reconnect after
external supply approximately 1 minute; if necessary, remove
external supply

Power supply module operated in Install the power supply module in the correct
wrong slot slot (slot 1)
Short circuit or overload on 5 V Switch off the power supply module, remove
the source of the short circuit;
after approximately 3 seconds, the power
supply module can be switched on with the
standby switch or via the power system.

off on off Overvoltage on 24 V Check if the supply is external; if not, replace

power supply module

on off off Short circuit or overload on 5 V and 24 V Check load on the power supply module.
Possibly remove modules

on on off If the standby switch is at the ”0" position, Remove all modules.
illegal external supply on 5 V Determine which module is faulty

If the standby switch is at the ”I" position, short- Check load on the power supply module.
circuit or overload on 24 V Possibly remove modules

off flashing on Voltage restored after short circuit or overload Press FMR momentary-contact pushbutton:
on 5 V if faults occur in operation Flashing light changes to constant light
Dynamic overload on 5 V Check load on the power supply module.
Possibly remove modules

off on flashing Voltage restored after short-circuit or overload Press FMR momentary-contact pushbutton:
on 24 V if faults occur in operation Flashing light changes to constant light
Dynamic overload on 24 V Check load on the power supply module.
Possibly remove modules

off flashing flashing Voltage restored after short circuit or overload Press FMR momentary-contact pushbutton:
on 5 V and 24 V if faults occur in operation Flashing light changes to constant light

off flashing flashing Dynamic overload on 5 V and 24 V Check load on the power supply module.
Possibly remove modules

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-17

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Central Device S7-400 7.4.5

Fault/Error Messages PS 405 via LEDs IBAF, BATT1F, BATT2F:

The following table applies to power supply modules with two batteries if the BATT
INDIC switch is in the 1BATT position. It shows the faults indicated and lists how to
remedy the faults.
Nothing is indicated about the condition of any second battery that may be in use.

LEDs Cause of Fault Remedy

on on off Battery 1 empty or missing Insert new battery in compartment 1.
No backup voltage available Press FMR momentary-contact pushbutton

off on off Battery 1 empty or missing Insert new battery in compartment 1.

Press FMR momentary-contact pushbutton
Battery has been stored for too long Depassivate battery
(see Installation Manual, Chapter 7)

on off off Battery 1 in order • Fault after plugging in a module: Plugged-in

No backup voltage available (short circuit) module defective
• Fault after switching on:
Remove all modules and plug in individually

off off off Battery 1 in order

The following table applies to power supply modules with two batteries if the BATT
INDIC switch is in the 2BATT position. It shows the faults indicated and lists how to
remedy the faults.
LEDs Cause of Fault Remedy
on on on Both batteries are empty or missing. Insert new batteries in compartments 1 and 2
No backup voltage available Press FMR momentary-contact pushbutton

off on on Both batteries empty or missing Insert new batteries in compartments 1 and 2
Press FMR momentary-contact pushbutton

on on off Battery 1 empty or missing Insert new battery in compartment 1.

Press FMR momentary-contact pushbutton
No backup voltage available • Fault after plugging in a module:
(short circuit or overload) Plugged-in module defective
• Fault after switching on: Remove all
modules and plug in individually

off on off Battery 1 empty or missing Insert new battery in compartment 1.

Press FMR momentary-contact pushbutton
Battery has been stored for too long Depassivate battery
(see Installation Manual, Chapter 7)

on off on Battery 2 empty or missing Insert new battery in compartment 2.

Press FMR momentary-contact pushbutton
No backup voltage available • Fault after plugging in a module:
(short-circuit or overload) Plugged-in module defective
• Fault after switching on: Remove all
modules and plug in individually

off off on Battery 2 empty or missing Insert new battery in compartment 2.

Press FMR momentary-contact pushbutton
Battery has been stored for too long Depassivate battery
(see Installation Manual, Chapter 7)

on off off Both batteries in order. • Fault after plugging in a module:

No backup voltage available Plugged-in module defective
(short circuit) • Fault after switching on: Remove all
modules and plug in individually

off off off Both batteries in order.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-18

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Central Device S7-400 7.4.6

CPU 414-3
Central Prozessing Unit CPU 414-3:
X 8 The CPU 414-3 is for processing both digital and analogue
3 9 10 4
414 -3XJ00-0AB0 signals. The CPU also houses the interfaces for the MPI
and PROFI bus.

INTF Controls and Indicators of the CPU 414-3:

MC 952 / 1 MB / 5V FLASH

6ES7 952-1KK00-0AA0


Mode selector
Slot for the memory card
X 4
5 6 Under cover:
Incoming supply of external backup voltage
Slot for the interface module

MRES The CPU and its various memory sections is the hardwa-
re that enables the application software to run. The soft-
ware modules are stored on the hard disk while the pro-
gram routines required for the current task are loaded into
the random-access memory (RAM) to ensure rapid
access as required to allow the program to run quickly.
The MPI interface or Ethernet connection can be used to
transfer the modules for the application software across
X1 from the attached programming attachment to the hard
In S7, the peripheral units are an integral part of the sys-
tem which is why the interfaces for either one or two PRO-
FIBUS segments (depending on the configuration) are
integrated in the CPU.
The mode of operation required is selected using the
mode selector.


5...15V DC

- +

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-19

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Central Device S7-400 7.4.7

CPU 414-3 Mode Selector:

Function of the Mode Selector:

Using the mode selector, you can put the CPU in RUN/RUN-P or STOP mode or
reset the memory of the CPU. STEP 7 offers further options for changing the

The mode selector is a key switch. The figure illustrates the possible positions
of the mode selector.


Positions of the Mode Selector:

Position Explanation
RUN-P If there are no startup problems or errors and the CPU was able to go into RUN, the CPU
executes the user program or runs with no load. It is possible to access the I/O.
The key cannot be removed in this position.
Programs can:
• Be read out with the programming device from the CPU (CPU --> programming device)
• Be transferred to the CPU (programming device --> CPU).

RUN If there are no startup problems or errors and the CPU was able to go into RUN mode,
the CPU executes the user program or runs in no-load operation. It is possible to access the
I/O. The key can be removed in this position to ensure that the mode cannot be changed
without authorization.
Programs in the CPU can be read out with the programming device (CPU -> programming
The program in the CPU cannot be changed when the switch is in the RUN position.
(See STEP 7.) The protection level can be bypassed using a password set in STEP 7 /
HWCONFIG (STEP 7 V4.02 and above). In other words, if you use this password, the
program can also be changed when the switch is in the RUN position.

STOP The CPU does not process the user program. The digital signal modules are disabled.
The key can be removed in this position to ensure that the operating mode cannot be
changed without authorization.
Programs can:
• Be read out with the programming device from the CPU (CPU -> programming device)
• Be transferred to the CPU (programming device -> CPU).

MRES (Master Reset)

Momentary-contact position of the key switch for the master reset of the CPU and for cold
restart (see the following pages).

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-20

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Central Device S7-400 7.4.8

CPU 414-3 Status and Error LEDs

Status LEDs:
The two RUN and STOP LEDs on the front panel of a CPU tell you the currently
active CPU operating mode.
LEDs Meaning
on off CPU is in RUN mode.

off on CPU is in STOP mode. The user program is not processed. Restart and warm restart /
reboot is possible. If the STOP status was triggered by an error, the error indication
(INTF or EXTF) is also set.

flashing flashing CPU has the status DEFECT. The INTF, EXTF and FRCE LEDs also flash.
2 Hz 2 Hz
flashing on HALT status has been triggered by a test function.
0,5 Hz
flashing on A warm restart/reboot/restart has been triggered. It can take a minute or longer to
2 Hz execute the warm restart/reboot/restart depending on the length of the OB called. If the
CPU still doesn’t go into RUN, there might be an error in the system configuration.

x flashing Master Reset is requested by the CPU.

0,5 Hz
x flashing Master Reset is running.
2 Hz

Error LEDs and Points to Note:

The three LEDs INTF, EXTF and FRCE on the front panel of a CPU tell you about the
errors and points to note during the execution of the user program. DThe LEDs BUSF1
and BUSF2 indicate errors in connection with the MPI/DP interface and the PROFIBUS
DP interface. Since the additional IF1 interface is not used, the “IFM1F” LED is of no
importance. (x = LED status is irrelevant)
LEDs Meaning
on x x x x An internal error has been detected (programming or
parameter assignment error).

x on x x x An external error has been detected (in other words, the

cause of the error cannot be traced back to the CPU module).

x x on x x A force request is active.

x x x on x An error has been detected at the MPI/DP interface.

x x x x on An error has been detected at the PROFIBUS DP interface.

x x x flashing x DP master: One or more slaves at PROFIBUS DP interface 1

are not replying.
DP slave: not addressed by the DP master

x x x x flashing DP master: One or more slaves at PROFIBUS DP interface 2

are not replying.
DP slave: not addressed by the DP master

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-21

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Central Device S7-400 7.4.9

External load memory

RAM with battery backup or
retentive flash memory Load memory
For project data (blocks, symbols, comments,
configuration and parameter assignment data)
Integrated load memory
RAM with battery backup

Code working memory

- For the program
- RAM with battery backup
Working memory
For runtime-relevant blocks
Working memory data
- For data
- RAM with battery backup

System memory (RAM) contains:

Process image of the inputs/outputs,

memory markers, timers, counters
Local data stack
Block stack

Interrupt stack
Diagnostic buffer

Communication resources

Overview of the Memory Concept S7-400-CPU

Memory Types in S7-400 CPUs:

• Load memory for project data, such as blocks, configuration and parameter assig-
nment data, including symbols and comments as of version 5.1.
• Working memory for the runtime-relevant blocks (code blocks and data blocks).
• System memory (RAM) contains the memory chips made available by each CPU
to the user program, such as the process image of the inputs and outputs,
memory markers, timers and counters. The system memory also contains the
block stack and the interrupt stack.
• The system memory of the CPU also makes temporary memory available (local
data stack, diagnostic buffer and communication resources) that is assigned to
the program when a block is called for its temporary data. These data are only
valid as long as the block is active.
By changing the default values for the process image, local data, diagnostic buf-
fer and communication resources (see the object properties of the CPU in
HWCONFIG), you can control the working memory available to the runtime-rele-
vant blocks.

The backup battery provides backup power for the integrated and external part of the
load memory, the data section of the working memory and the code section.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-22

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Central Device S7-400 7.4.10

CP 443-1
Communication Processor CP 443–1
X 5
5 6 7
443 -1EX11-0XE0 Application:
The CP 443-1 communication processor is designed for
operation in an S7-400 programmable logic controller. It
INTF allows the S7-400 to be attached to Industrial Ethernet.
LED Displays:
The CP 443-1 has 9 display elements on the front panel to
RXD display the CP state
FAST and the communication state:

RUN Mode Selector:

STOP With the mode selector, you can set the following modes:
• Switch from STOP to RUN:
The CP reads the configured and/or downloaded
data into the work memory and then changes to the
RUN mode.
• Switch from RUN to STOP:
The CP changes to STOP with the following results:

– Established connections (ISO transport, ISO-on-

TCP, TCP connections) are terminated (transitio-
nal phase with LED display “STOPPING”); In the
STOP mode:
– all connections are terminated
– configuration and diagnostics are possible
– the time of day is passed on (time-of-day frames

are passed on by Industrial Ethernet to the CPU

only via the communication bus).

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-23

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Central Device S7-400 7.4.11

CP Operating Mode:

LEDs CP Operating Mode

off off flashing on Start up

off off on aus RUN

off off on flashing Stoppend

off off off on STOP

ein off off on STOP with internal error or memory reset.

off ein off on STOP with external error

on on aus flashing Waiting for firmware update (CP currently has

an incomplete or incorrect firmware version)

off off off flashing Ready for firmware loading (this mode is active
for ten seconds following power up when the
mode selector is set to STOP)

CP Communication State:
In addition to the LEDs that signal the CP state, the front panel also includes LEDs
that provide information about the status of the CP interface to Industrial Ethernet.

LEDs Meaning (LED on)

FDX Signals an existing full duplex connection

Signals an existing connection to ITP/TP


TXD Flashing: The CP is transmitting via AUI / ITP

Flashing: The CP is receiving via AUI / ITP

Signals an existing connection to ITP/TP at 100 Mbps
(Fast Ethernet) Flashing: the CP is in the Autosensing /
Autonegotiation” phase.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-24

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
PROFIBus System 7.5.1

Tower cab

Stat.Nr 28 Stat.Nr 26

Central Device S7 400 Superstructure


Stat.Nr 1

Stat.Nr 12 Stat.Nr 4 Stat.Nr 60 Stat.Nr 8

Stat.Nr 82 Stat.Nr 20 Stat.Nr 80 Stat.Nr 12

Remote segment Chassis

Passive station
L2- Repeater
(Bus amplifier)
Passive station with

Stat.Nr 32 Stat.Nr 70 Stat.Nr 36

Different peripheral modules and components of process field equipment can be used
in connection with the PROFI Bus Distributed Peripheral (DP) System. Distributed
means that significant distances can lie between the central processor unit and the per-
ipheral process field components which can be bridged by a bus line (shielded two-wire
twisted line).
The PROFI Bus System consists of an active and up to 32 passive bus stations.
A PROFI Bus interface, which acts as the active station, is used in conjunction with the
field equipment. The passive stations include the ET 200S peripheral module in connec-
tion with modules from the ET 200S module range as well as process field equipment
from other manufacturers. The terminating resistor in the bus plugs is connected to the
ends of the bus line.
The PROFI Bus interface connected to the CPU box and the interface connection in the
distributed peripheral equipment are completely responsible for the communication via
the PROFI Bus line.
Repeaters (bus amplifiers) can be used to interface several bus segments. A bus seg-
ment is to be understood as a bus line between two terminating resistors. There is no
fanning out in a bus segment.
In the Mobile Harbour Crane, there are two field bus segments. The field bus segment
in the superstructure is connected to the field bus segment in the chassis by means of
repeaters. The bus connection of the repeaters is routed through the slip ring assembly.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-25

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
PROFIBus System 7.5.2

There are active and passive stations on the PROFI Bus.
Each active station can control up to a maximum of 32 passive stations. The passive
stations in the Mobile Harbour Crane are assigned a station number between 3 and 18
on the PROFI Bus system. The station number "1" is reserved for the active station.
To make the bus and peripherals known to the active station, the configuration of the
PROFI Bus system is prepared using the S7 hardware configurator, and stored in the
CPU S7- 400. The active station is notified of the numbers and configuration of the indi-
vidual passive stations, i.e. the sequence of the modules plugged into the ET 200S. The
digital input and output modules are assigned an area in the process input image and
process output image whilst the analog module addresses are assigned an analog area
in the CPU memory. The other stations are likewise assigned CPU process input and
process output image areas in accordance with their functions.
The station numbers are set on the ET 200U interfaces via switches or on other stations
via the software.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-26

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
PROFIBus System 7.5.3



ADDRESS 6ES7 138 6ES7 131 6ES7 132 6ES7 134 6ES7 135
ET 200S OFF ON 1CA00-0AA0 4BD00-0AA0 4BD00-0AA0 4FB00-0AB0 4JB00-0AB0

1L+ 2L+ 1M 2M 16

6ES7 151
DC24V 1AA02-0AB0

ET 200S

The ET 200S distributed I/O system is a finely-graduated modular, highly flexible DP
slave with IP 20 protection.

Area of Application:
You can connect virtually any number of I/O modules in virtually any combination right
next to the interface module that transfers the data to the DP master. This means you
can adjust the configuration to suit local requirements.
Each ET 200S can consist of up to 64 modules – for example, interface modules, power
modules, I/O modules, and motor starters.

Terminal and Electronic Modules:

The ET 200S distributed I/O system consists primarily of various passive terminal
modules to which you connect the electronic modules and motor starters.
The ET 200S distributed I/O system is connected to the PROFIBUS-DP bus system by
means of PROFIBUS-DP connectors on the interface module. Each ET 200S distribu-
ted I/O system is a DP slave on the PROFIBUS-DP bus system.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-27

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
PROFIBus System 7.5.4




1L+ 2L+ 1M 2M 16
4 7
2 2

6ES7 151
DC24V 1AA02-0AB0

IM 151 Interface Module

The above diagram shows the front panel of the Interface Module IM 151 with the
control and display elements.

1 PROFIbus DP connector
2 Connection terminals for 24 V power and operational ground
3 LED SF “Group- error”(red)
4 LED BF “Bus fault” (red)
5 LED ON “Power on” (green)
6 Field fo rlabel
7 DIP switch block

The station number of the ET 200U station must be set on the switch block. By
64 means of switches 2 - 8, the station number can be set. Switch 1 is provided for
32 7
subsequent enhancements. This switch must be in the OFF position.
16 6
8 5 As can be seen in the lefthand figure, the station number is coded as a dual
4 4
2 3 number (station number 3 corresponds to switches 2 and 3).
1 2

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-28

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
PROFIBus System 7.5.5




Status and Error Indications of the Interface Module IM 151:

LEDs Meaning What to Do
Off Off Off There is no voltage applied to the inter-face module, Switch on the 24 VDC supply voltage at the interface
or the interface module module.
has a hardware defect.
* * on There is voltage applied to the interface
* Flash- on The interface module is not configured or is - Check the interface module.
ing configured incorrectly. No data transfer is taking place -Check the configuration and parameter assignment.
between the DP master and the interface module.
- The PROFIBUS address is incorrect. -Check the PROFIBUS address.

* on on Transmission rate detection, illegal PROFIBUS Set a valid PROFIBUS address (1 to 125) at the
address, or lowermost DIP switch (PROFIBUS interface module, or check the bus configuration.
address) not in the OFF position. - Check that the bus connector is correctly
Causes: inserted.
- The response monitoring time has elapsed. - Check if the interconnecting cable to the DP
- Bus communication to the interface module master has been interrupted.
via PROFIBUS-DP has been interrupted. - Switch the 24 VDC supply voltage on and off
again at the interface module.

on * on The configured setup of the ET 200S does not match Check the setup of the ET 200S, whether a module is
the actual setup of the ET 200S. missing or defec-tive, or whether an unconfigured
module is inserted.
Check the configuration (using COM ROFIBUS or
STEP 7, for example), and correct the parameter
assignment error.
There is an error in an I/O module, or Replace the interface module, or get in
the interface module is defective. touch with your Siemens contact per-son.

Off Off on Data transfer is taking place between

the DP master and the ET 200S.
The target configuration and actual
configuration of the ET 200S match.

* Not applicable
© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-29
Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
PROFIBus System 7.5.6



ADDRESS 6ES7 138 6ES7 131 6ES7 132 6ES7 134 6ES7 135
ET 200S OFF ON 1CA00-0AA0 4BD00-0AA0 4BD00-0AA0 4FB00-0AB0 4JB00-0AB0

1L+ 2L+ 1M 2M 16

6ES7 151
DC24V 1AA02-0AB0

ET200S Input- and Output Modules:

The ET 200S input and output modules can be divided into four basic types.

1. Digital input modules

2. Digital output modules
3. Analogue input modules
4. Analogue output modules

As to 1.
Digital input modules forward 24 V DC signals applied at their terminals to the higher-
level control system as digital signals. In each case eight inputs are grouped together
as one input byte.

As to 2.
Digital output modules output the digital output signals from the higher-level control sys-
tem to the connected actuators as 24 V DC voltages. Each digital output module can
output signals at eight outputs simultaneously.

As to 3.
Analogue input modules convert voltages of ± 0 - 10V DC applied at their terminals into
digital values of ± 0 - 27648 units and transmit these values to the higher level control
system. Either two or four channels can be used.

As to 4.
Analogue output modules convert the digital values of ± 0 - 27648 units from the higher-
level control system into voltages of ± 0 - 10V DC and output these voltages to the
devices connected.
© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-30
Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
ASI Bus System 7.6.1

Status LED AS-i DP Gateway

Bus Failure
ifm electronic gmbh
D-45127 Essen Germany electronics


blue AUX
Shield I-4 O-4

+Ue I-3 O-3

-Ue AS-I


24 F /


I-3 I-4 I-2 O-2

AS 1 +
PE -

-0 V



I-1 I-2 I-1 O-1


+24V DC order no. AC 2410

order no. AC 2412
CompactLine M12 4DI IP67
CompactLine M12 4DI 4DO IP67
ifm electronic gmbh D-45127 Essen
ifm electronic gmbh D-45127 Essen

The ASI , the Actuator Sensor Interface, is designed for binary modules. An ASI system
comprises a master and as many as 31 slaves which are connected to an unshielded
two-wire line. This line carries both electric power and information.

The power is fed into the ASI system by means of an ASI power supply unit.

An external power can fed to the slaves by the black cable to control high power actors.

The ASI master acts as a transceiver for the primary slave level. The ASI operation, i.e.
the communication with the slaves, is constantly monitored and controlled by means of
the master. At the same time, the binary information of the actuators and sensors are
made available to the CPU via the PROFI Bus line and PROFI Bus interface.

As each slave is assigned four bits for the information exchange, a maximum of 124
inputs and outputs are possible for each ASI system. These input and outputs are inter-
rogated in cycles and updated by the master. When the system is fully configured, the
cycle time is 5 ms.

There are two ASI circuits in the HMK 300E Mobile Harbour Crane, one each for the
superstructure, and the chassis.
The ASI master modules are directly connected to the PROFI Bus system.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-31

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
ASI Bus System 7.6.2

16 In/Outputbytes

Bit 7 - 4 Bit 3 - 0
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Status/Controlnibble Slave 1
Slave 2 Slave 3
Slave 4 Slave 5
Slave 6 Slave 7
Slave 8 Slave 9
Slave 10 Slave 11
Slave 12 Slave 13

Addressing Tool
+ Slave 14
Slave 16
Slave 15
Slave 17
Slave 18 Slave 19
MODE Slave 20 Slave 21
Write Slave 22 Slave 23
Slave 24 Slave 25
Slave 26 Slave 27
Slave 28 Slave 29
order no. AC1144
ifm electronic gmbh
D-45127 Essen Germany
Slave 30 Slave 31
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0

As can be seen on the previous page, each ASI master can control up to 31 slaves.
Each slave in the system is, therefore, assigned a slave number from 1 to 31. The sla-
ve number is programmed during commissioning by means of a programming unit in the
system’s slaves.
The ASI master stores the slave number and configuration data during commissioning.
As the ASI master compares the stored data in this arrangement whenever the slave is
accessed, a missing or faulty slave is detected and a fault message is transmitted.
The master in the ASI system is assigned 16 input and output bytes in the address area
of the CPU. As can be seen in the above figure, each slave occupies a so-called
“nibble”, i.e. 4 bits. The remaining 4 bits are the information for the statement and the
feedback ( control nibble / status nibble).
When the CPU accesses the ASI master for recording purposes, the outputs are upda-
ted and the statements are written in the control nibble. When the PLC accesses the
ASI master for reading purposes, the inputs are read and the status information from
the status nibble is evaluated.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-32

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
ASI Bus System 7.6.3

Status LED AS-i DP Gateway

Bus Failure
ifm electronic gmbh
D-45127 Essen Germany electronics





24 /


A 1+
PE 1 -

-0 V




ASI Master Module

The ASI master modules are stations on the PROFI Bus. The following list provides an
overview of the displays and controls.

1 Display
2 Menue button
3 Navfgation button up
4 Selection button
5 Navfgation button down
6 LEDs
7 PROFI Bus socket
8 RS 232 C socket
9 Terminals
10 Profi Bus DP Status LED

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-33

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
ASI Bus System 7.6.4

Status LED AS-i DP Gateway

Bus Failure
ifm electronic gmbh
D-45127 Essen Germany electronics






24 F /


A 1+
PE 1 -

-0 V



ASI Master Module

As the signal transmission in the ASI bus circuit takes place on the basis of frequency
modulation, every ASI circuit must be assigned a power supply.

When the ASI master is in operation, all the slaves activated in the ASI Bus circuit are
controlled in cycles. The ASI Master transmits the output data to the individual slaves
and reads the input data and routes them to the CPU.

If a slave located in the ASI Bus circuit is not found, the ASI Master transmits a fault
message to a superordinated control unit and a fault code to it own display.

As the slave number is in the memory of each slave, interchanged slaves having the
number “0” can be recognized by the ASI master and can be provided with the assigned
slave number.

The settings and fault messages can be found in the documentation supplied.

It should be ensured that the ASI voltage is not confused with the 24V d.c. control

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-34

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
ASI Bus System 7.6.5


I-4 O-4

I-3 O-3


I-3 I-4 I-2 O-2

I-1 I-2 I-1 O-1


order no. AC 2410 order no. AC 2412

CompactLine M12 4DI IP67 CompactLine M12 4DI 4DO IP67
ifm electronic gmbh D-45127 Essen ifm electronic gmbh D-45127 Essen

ASI Module:
The ASI modules can be divided into two types.

The slave module on the left of the figure can receive signals from up to four connec-
ted sensors and forward them to the higher-level control system.

The ASI slave module on the right can receive up to four input signals and output up to
four output signals to the connected actuators.

Both modules contain circuitry which saves the respective slave number and processes
the signals superimposed on the supply voltage.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 7-35

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Step7 Programming Environment 8

This section provides an introduction to the design and the functions of the Step7 Program-
ming Environment.

8. Step7 Programming Environment

Contents ................................................................................................. 8-1

8.1 What is Step7?

8.1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 8-3
8.1.2 Starting STEP 7 ...................................................................................... 8-4

8.2 Objects
8.2.1 What is an Object? ................................................................................. 8-5
8.2.2 Project Object ......................................................................................... 8-6
8.2.3 Station Object .......................................................................................... 8-7
8.2.4 Programmable Module Object ................................................................ 8-8
8.2.5 S7 Program Object ................................................................................. 8-9
8.2.6 Source File Folder Object ..................................................................... 8-10
8.2.7 Block Folder Object (OB) ...................................................................... 8-11
8.2.8 Block Folder Object (FC, FB, UDT, DB, SFC) ...................................... 8-12
8.2.9 Block Folder Object (SFB, VAT, SDB) .................................................. 8-13

8.3 User Interface and Operation

8.3.1 Operating Philosophy ........................................................................... 8-14
8.3.2 Window Arrangement ........................................................................... 8-15
8.3.3 Elements in Dialog Boxes .................................................................... 8-16
8.3.4 Managing Objects ................................................................................. 8-17
8.3.5 Opening Objects ................................................................................... 8-18
8.3.6 Renaming Objects ................................................................................ 8-19
8.3.7 Sorting Objects ..................................................................................... 8-20
8.3.8 Session Memory ................................................................................... 8-21

8.4 The Step7 Programming Languages

8.4.1 Overview .............................................................................................. 8-22
8.4.2 FBD / LAD / STL / SCL ........................................................................ 8-23
8.4.3 Function Block Diagram (FBD) ............................................................. 8-24
8.4.4 Ladder Diagram (LAD) ......................................................................... 8-25
8.4.5 Statement List (STL) ............................................................................. 8-26
8.4.6 Structured Control Language(SCL) ...................................................... 8-27

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Step7 Programming Environment 8

8. Step7 Programming Environment

8.5 S7 Programs in a CPU

8.5.1 Operating System ................................................................................. 8-28
8.5.2 User Program ....................................................................................... 8-29
8.5.3 Cyclic Program Processing .................................................................. 8-30
8.5.4 Event-Driven Program Processing ....................................................... 8-31
8.5.5 Structured Programming ...................................................................... 8-32
8.5.6 Order and Nesting Depth ..................................................................... 8-33
8.5.7 Block Calls ............................................................................................ 8-34

8.6 Blocks in the User Program

8.6.1 Block Types .......................................................................................... 8-35
8.6.2 Organization Blocks (OB) ..................................................................... 8-36
8.6.3 Functions (FC) ....................................................................................... 8-37
8.6.4 Function Blocks (FB) ............................................................................. 8-38
8.6.5 Function Blocks and Instance Data Blocks .......................................... 8-39
8.6.6 Instance Data Blocks ............................................................................ 8-40
8.6.7 Shared Data Blocks (DB) ..................................................................... 8-41
8.6.8 System Function Blocks (SFB) and System Functions (SFC) ............. 8-42

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What is STEP 7? 8.1.1

STEP 7 is the standard software package used for configuring and programming SIMA-
TIC programmable logic controllers. It is part of the SIMATIC industry software.

There are the following versions of the STEP 7 Standard package:

• STEP 7 Micro/DOS and STEP 7 Micro/Win for simpler stand-alone applications on
the SIMATIC S7-200.
• STEP 7 for applications on SIMATIC S7-300/S7-400, SIMATIC M7-300 / M7-400,
and SIMATIC C7 with a wider range of functions:
- Can be extended as an option by the software products in the SIMATIC Industry
Software (see also Extended Uses of the STEP 7 Standard Package)
- Opportunity of assigning parameters to function modules and communications
- Forcing and multicomputing mode
- Global data communication
- Event-driven data transfer using communication function blocks
- Configuring connections

STEP 7 is the subject of this section.

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What is STEP 7? 8.1.2

Starting STEP 7:
When you start Windows, you will find an icon for the SIMATIC Manager, the star-
ting point for the STEP 7 software on the Windows interface.
The quickest method to start STEP 7 is to position the cursor on the icon and dou-
The window containing the SIMATIC Manager is then opened. From here you can
access all the functions you have installed for the standard package and any optio-
nal packages.
Alternatively you can also start the SIMATIC Manager via the ”Start" button in the
taskbar in Windows 95/98/NT. You will find the entry under "Simatic".

The SIMATIC Manager is the basic application for configuring and programming. You
can perform the following functions in the SIMATIC Manager:
• Set up projects
• Configure and assign parameters to hardware
• Configure hardware networks
• Program blocks
• Debug and commission your programs
Access to the various functions is designed to be objectoriented, and intuitive and easy
to learn.
You can work with the SIMATIC Manager in one of two ways:
• Offline, without a programmable controller connected
• Online, with a programmable controller connected
Note the relevant safety notices in each case.
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Objects 8.2.1

• Project Object
• Station Object
• Programmable Module Object
• S7 Program Object
• Source File Folder Object
• Block Folder Object

What is an Object:
In the same way that the Windows Explorer shows the directory structure of folders
and files, the object hierarchy for projects and libraries in STEP 7 is shown in the
SIMATIC Manager.
The above figure shows an example of an object hierarchy.

Objects as Carriers of Properties:

Objects can carry both functions and properties (such as settings). When you select an
object, you can perform one of the following functions with it:
• Edit the object using the menu command Edit > Open Object.
• Open a dialog box using the menu command Edit > Object Properties and set
object-specific options.

A folder can also be a carrier of properties.

Objects as Folders:
A folder (directory) can contain other folders or objects. These are displayed when you
open the folder.

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Objects 8.2.2

•• Project Object
• Station Object
• Programmable Module Object
• S7 Program Object
• Source File Folder Object
• Block Folder Object

Project Object:
The project represents the entirety of all the data and programs in an automation
solution, and is located at the top of an object hierarchy.

Selection of Important Responsibilities

SIMATIC 400-Station:
• Inserting Stations.
• Stations are both objects (project level) and object folder (station level).
Other functions can be found under Station Object

• S7 Program without a Station or CPU.
• S7 programs are both objects (project level) and object folders (program level).
Other functions can be found under S7 Program Object

Network for starting the tool for network configuration and setting the network
• Properties of Subnets and Communication Nodes.
• Overview: Global Data Communication.
• Procedure for Configuring Global Data Communication.

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Objects 8.2.3

• Project Object
• Station Object
• Programmable Module Object
• S7 Program Object
• Source File Folder Object
• Block Folder Object

Station Object:
A SIMATIC 300/400 station represents a S7 hardware configuration with one or more
programmable modules.

Selection of Important Responsibilities

• Inserting a Station. • Uploading a Station. • Downloading a Configuration to a Pro-
grammable Controller. • Uploading a Configuration from a Station. • Displaying
CPU Messages and UserDefined Diagnostic Messages. • Configuring the 'Repor-
ting of System Errors'. • Diagnosing Hardware and Displaying Module Information.
• Displaying and Changing the Operating Mode. • Displaying and Setting the Time
and Date. • Erasing the Load/Work Memory and Resetting the CPU.

• Creating and Assigning Parameters to SIMATIC PC Stations.
• Configuring Connections for a SIMATIC PC Station.

Programmable module:
• Programmable modules are both objects (station level) and object folders ("Pro-
grammable Modules" level).
Other functions can be found under Programmable Module Object

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Objects 8.2.4

• Project Object
• Station Object
• Programmable Module Object
• S7 Program Object
• Source File Folder Object
• Block Folder Object

Programmable Module Object:

A programmable module represents the parameter assignment data of a programmable
module (CPUxxx, FMxxx, CPxxx).

Selection of Important Responsibilities

Programmable module:
• Overview: Procedure for Configuring and Assigning Parameters to a Local Confi-
guration. • Displaying CPU Messages and User-Defined Diagnostic Messages.
• Configuring ’Reporting of System Errors. • Diagnosing Hardware and Displaying
Module Information. • Downloading via EPROM Memory Cards. • Password Pro-
tection for Access to Programmable Controllers. • Displaying the Force Values Win-
dow. • Displaying and Changing the Operating Mode. • Displaying and Setting the
Time and Date. • Setting the Operating Behavior. • Erasing the Load/Work Memo-
ry and Resetting the CPU. • Diagnostics Symbols in the Online View. • Division of
the Memory Areas. • Saving Downloaded Blocks on Integrated EPROM. • Upda-
ting the Operating System on the Programmable Logic Controller

• Inserting a S7 ,Program.
• S7 programs are both objects (project level) and object folders (program level).
Other functions can be found under S7 Program Object.

Connections for defining connections within the network:

• Networking Stations within a Project. • Connection Types and Connection Part-
ners. • What You Should Know About the Different Connection Types. • Entering a
New Connection Configuring Connections for Modules in a SIMATIC Station

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Objects 8.2.5

• Project Object
• Station Object
• Programmable Module Object
• S7 Program Object
• Source File Folder Object
• Block Folder Object

S7 Program Object:
A S7 program is a folder containing software for S7 CPU modules or software for non-
CPU modules (for example, programmable CP or FM modules).

Selection of Important Responsibilities

S7-Programm :
• Creating and Editing User-Defined Diagnostic Messages. • Translating and Edi-
ting Operator Related Texts. • Displaying CPU Messages and User-Defined Dia-
gnostic Messages. • Program Measures for Handling Errors.

Symbol table for assigning symbols to signals and other variables:

• Absolute and Symbolic Addressing. • Structure and Components of the Symbol
Table. • Entering Shared Symbols. • General Tips on Entering Symbols. • Assigning
and Editing Symbol-Related Messages. • Translating and Editing User Texts.
• Configuring Operator Control and Monitoring Attributes via the Symbol Table.

Source file folder:

Other functions can be found under Source File Folder Object.

Block folder:
Other functions can be found under Block Folder.

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Objects 8.2.6

• Project Object
• Station Object
• Programmable Module Object
• S7 Program Object
• Source File Folder Object
• Block Folder Object

Source File Folder Objectr:

A source file folder contains source programs in text format.

Selection of Important Responsibilities

Source File Folder:

• Basic Information on Programming in STL Source Files
• Exporting Source Files
• Importing Source Files

Source file (for example, STL source file):

• Basic Information on Programming in STL Source Files. • Creating STL Source
Files. • Inserting Block Templates in STL Source Files. • Inserting Source Code
from Existing Blocks in STL Source Files. • Checking Consistency in STL Source
Files. • Compiling STL Source Files. • Generating STL Source Files from Blocks.
• Exporting Source Files. • Importing Source Files.

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Objects 8.2.7

• Project Object
• Station Object
• Programmable Module Object
• S7 Program Object
• Source File Folder Object
• Block Folder Object

Block Folder Object:

A block folder of an offline view can contain: logic blocks (OB, FB, FC, SFB, SFC),
data blocks (DB), user-defined data types (UDT) and variable tables. The system
data object represents system data blocks.
The block folder of an online view contains the executable program parts which
have been downloaded to the programmable controller.

Selection of Important Responsibilities

• Overview of the Available Reference Data. • Comparing Blocks. •Translating and
Editing Operator Related Texts. • Jumps to Language Descriptions and Help on
Blocks and System Attributes

Organization Block (OB):

• Introduction to Data Types and Parameter Types. • Requirements for Downloa-
ding. • Testing using Program Status.
• Help on Blocks

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Objects 8.2.8

Selection of Important Responsibilities

Functions (FC):
• Introduction to Data Types and Parameter Types.
• Requirements for Downloading.
• Testing using Program Status.
• Help on Blocks

Function Block (FB) :

• Introduction to Data Types and Parameter Types.
• Using Multiple Instances.
• Requirements for Downloading.
• Testing Using Program Status.
• Attributes for Blocks and Parameters.
• Assigning and Editing Block-Related Messages.

User-Defined Data Type (UDT):

• Creating Blocks.
• Basic Information on Programming in STL Source Files.
• Introduction to Data Types and Parameter Types .
• Using UserDefined Data Types to Access Data.
• Attributes for Blocks and Parameters.

Data Block (DB):

• Data View of Data Blocks.
• Declaration View of Data Blocks.
• Requirements for Downloading.
• Program Status of Data Blocks.
• Introduction to Data Types and Parameter Types.
• Using Multiple Instances.
• Attributes for Blocks and Parameters.

System Function (SFC):

• Requirements for Downloading.
• Attributes for Blocks and Parameters.
• Help on Blocks.

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Objects 8.2.9

Selection of Important Responsibilities

System Function Block (SFB):

• Requirements for Downloading.
• Attributes for Blocks and Parameters.
• Assigning and Editing Block-Related Messages.
• Translating and Editing User Texts.
• Help on Blocks.

Variable Table (VAT):

• Basic Procedure when Monitoring and Modifying with the Variable Table
• Introduction to Testing with the Variable Table
• Introduction to Monitoring Variables
• Introduction to Modifying Variables
• Introduction to Forcing Variables

System Data Block (SDB):

• System data blocks (SDBs) are only edited indirectly via functions:
• Introduction to Configuring Hardware.
• Properties of Subnets and Communication Nodes.
• Overview: Global Data Communication.
• Assigning and Editing SymbolRelated Messages.
• Requirements for Downloading.

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User Interface and Operation 8.3.1

Operating Philosophy

Aim! Simple Object-Oriented Handling:

The graphic user interface is intended to make the handling of the software intuitive. You
will find objects in the software which are familiar to you from your everyday working
environment, for example, stations, modules, programs, blocks.
The actions you execute when working with STEP 7 involve creating, selecting and
manipulating objects of this type.

Differences to Application Oriented Handling:

With the existing type of applicationoriented handling, you had to decide which applica-
tion was required to perform which task and then start the application.
The principle used with objectoriented handling is to decide which object to process and
then open the object in order to edit it.
With objectoriented handling, no special knowledge of command syntax is required.
Objects are represented on the user interface by graphic symbols, or icons, which you
open using menu commands or mouse clicks.
When you open an object, the relevant software application is started automatically to
display or edit the content of the object.

Read On...
The following pages describe some of the basic actions used to handle objects.
Take the time now to read up on these basic handling steps, as they will not be descri-
bed in detail further on in the manual.

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User Interface and Operation 8.3.2

System menu
(Maximize/Close etc.)
Buttons for
Title of active window Minimize Maximize Close

Title bar

Menu bar


contains the information you have
displayed or are editing

Status bar

Window Arrangement:
The standard components of a window are shown in the above figure:

Title Bar and Menu Bar:

The title bar and menu bar are always found at the top of a window. The title bar
contains the title of the window and icons for controlling the window. The menu bar
contains all menus available in the window.

The toolbar contains icons (or tool buttons) which provide shortcuts to frequently used
and currently available menu bar commands via a single mouse click. A brief descrip-
tion of the function of the respective button is displayed together with additional infor-
mation in the status bar when you position the cursor briefly on the button.
If access to a button is not possible in the current configuration, the button is grayed out.

Status Ba:r
The status bar displays contextspecific information.

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User Interface and Operation 8.3.3

Text boxes to
enter text using the
Option boxes to select
one of a number of
Check boxes to
select one or more


Elements in Dialog Boxes

Making Entries in Dialog Boxes:

In dialog boxes you can enter information which is required for executing a particular
task. The components which appear most frequently in dialog boxes are explained
using the example in the above figure.

List Boxes and Combination Boxes:

Text boxes sometimes have an arrow pointing downwards beside them. This arrow
shows that there are more options available to choose from for this box. Click on the
arrow to open a list box or combination box. If you click on an entry in the list, it is auto-
matically displayed in the text box.

Tabs in Dialog Boxes:

The content of some dialog boxes is organized using tabs to improve the clarity of the
information by dividing the dialog box into tab cards (see figure below).
The names of the tab cards are shown on tabs along the top edge of the dialog box.
To bring a particular tab card to the foreground, you simply click on its tab.


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User Interface and Operation 8.3.4

• Project Object
• Station Object
• Programmable Module Object
• S7 Program Object
• Source File Folder Object
• Block Folder Object

Managing Objects:
Some basic processing steps are the same for all objects and do not depend on the
object type. These standard handling sequences are summarized here. This knowled-
ge of standard procedures is required to move on to other sections in the manual.
The usual sequence of steps when handling objects is:
• Select an object
• Perform actions with the object (for example, copy, delete).

Opening Objects:
There are a number of ways to open an object in the detailed view:
• Doubleclick on the object icon
• Select the object and then the menu command Edit > Open Object. This only
works for objects that are not folders.
Once you have opened an object, you can create or change its contents.
When you open an object that does not contain other objects, its contents are repre-
sented by a suitable software component in a new window for editing purposes. You
cannot change objects whose contents are already being used elsewhere.

Exception: Stations appear as folders for programmable modules (when you double-
click them) and for the station configuration. If you double-click the "Hardware" object,
the application for configuring hardware is started. Selecting the station and selecting
the menu command Edit > Open Object has the same effect.

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User Interface and Operation 8.3.5

Setting Object Properties:

Object properties are data belonging to the object which determine its behavior.
The dialog box for setting object properties appears automatically when you create
a new object and properties have to be set. The properties can also be changed at
a later date.
Using the menu command Edit > Object Properties, a dialog box is opened in
which you can display or set the properties for the selected object.
Using the menu command Edit > Special Object Properties, you can open dialog
boxes and enter data required for operator control and monitoring functions and for
configuring messages.
For example, in order to display the special object properties of a block for operator
control and monitoring, the block must be marked as being relevant for operator
control and monitoring, meaning that the system attribute ”s7_m_c" must be set to
the value ”true" in the ”Attributes" tab of the block properties.

• Properties of the "System Data" folder and the "Hardware" object cannot be dis-
played or changed.
•You cannot write in the dialog boxes for object properties of a read-only project. In
this case, the input boxes are grayed out.
• If you display the properties of programmable modules, you cannot edit the dis-
played parameters for reasons of consistency. To edit the parameters you must
open the "Configuring Hardware" application.

Cutting, Pasting, Copying:

Most objects can be cut, pasted, or copied as usual under Windows. The menu com-
mands for these functions are found in the Edit menu.
You can also copy objects by dragging and dropping. If you attempt to move or copy to
an illegal destination, the cursor displays a prohibited sign as a warning.
When you copy an object, the whole hierarchy beneath it is also copied. This enables
components you create in an automation task to be used again and again.

The connection table in the "Connections" folder cannot be copied. Note that
when you copy lists of operator-relevant texts, only those languages installed in
the destination object are accepted.

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User Interface and Operation 8.3.6

Renaming Objects:
The SIMATIC Manager assigns standard names to new objects. These names are
generally formed from the type of object (if a number of objects of this type can be crea-
ted in the same folder) and a number.
For example, the first S7 program will be named "S7 Program(1)", the second "S7 Pro-
gram(2)" etc. The symbol table is simply called "Symbols" as it can only exist once in
each folder.
You can change the names of most objects (and projects) and assign them names whi-
ch are more relevant to their content.
With projects, the directory names in the path must not have more than 8 characters.
Otherwise, there may be problems when archiving and using "C for M7" (Borland com-

You can change the name of an object directly or using the object properties.
• When you slowly click twice on the name of a selected object, a frame appears
around the text. You can then edit the name using the keyboard.
Using object properties:
• Select the required object and select the menu command Edit > Object Pro-
perties. Change the name in the dialog box. When you close the properties dia-
log box, the object is renamed and displayed under its new name.

If you are not allowed to change the name of an object, the input field is shown in gray
in the dialog box, the current name is displayed, and text entries are not possible.

If you move the mouse pointer out of the name box while editing the name and execu-
te another action (for example, select a menu command), the edit procedure is termi-
nated. The changed name is accepted and entered if it is allowed.

Moving Objects:
With the SIMATIC Manager you can move objects from one folder to another even if the
destination is in another project. When you move a folder its contents are all moved as

You cannot move the following objects:
• Connections
• ystem data blocks (SDB) in the online view
• System functions (SFC) and system function blocks (SFB) in the online view

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User Interface and Operation 8.3.7

Sorting Objects:
You can sort objects in the detailed view (menu command View > Details) according to
their attributes. To do this, click on the corresponding header of the required attribute.
When you click again, the sort order is reversed. Blocks of one type are sorted accor-
ding to their numerical order, for example, FB1, FB2, FB11, FB12, FB21, FC1.

Default Sort Order:

When you reopen a project, the objects in the detailed view are displayed according to
a default sort order.

• Blocks are shown in the order "System data, OB, FB, FC, DB, UDT, VAT, SFB,
• In a project, all stations are shown first and then the S7 programs.
The default is not therefore an alphanumeric ascending or descending sort order
in the detailed view.

Restoring the Default Sort Order:

After resorting, for example, by clicking on the column header "Object Name," you can
restore the default order if you proceed as follows:
• Click the column header "Type" in the detailed view.
• Close the project and open it again.

Deleting Objects:
You can delete folders and objects. If you delete a folder, all the objects contained in it
are also deleted.
You cannot undo the delete procedure. If you are not sure whether you really no longer
need an object, it is better to archive the whole project first.

You cannot delete the following objects:
• Connections
• System data blocks (SDB) in the online view
• System functions (SFC) and system function blocks (SFB) in the online view

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User Interface and Operation 8.3.8

Session Memory:
The SIMATIC Manager can save the contents of windows (that is, the projects and libra-
ries open), and the layout of the windows.
• Using the menu command Options > Customize, you define whether the window
contents and layout are to be saved at the end of a session. At the start of the next
session, these window contents and layout are restored. In the open projects, the
cursor is positioned on the last folder selected.
• Using the menu command Window > Save Settings you save the current window
contents and the window arrangement.
• Using the menu command Window > Restore Settings you restore the window
contents and layout that you saved with the menu command Window > Save Set-
tings. In the open projects, the cursor is positioned on the last folder selected.

The window contents of online projects, the contents of the "Accessible Nodes" window,
and the contents of the "S7 Memory Card" window are not saved.
Any passwords you may have entered for access to programmable controllers (S7-400)
are not saved at the end of a session.

Saving and Restoring the Window Arrangement:

The STEP 7 applications have a feature which enables you to save the current window
arrangement and restore it at a later stage. You can make the setting using the menu
command Options > Customize, "General" tab.

What Is Saved?
When you save the window layout the following information is recorded:
• Position of the main window
• Opened projects and libraries and their respective window positions
• Order of any cascaded windows

The window content of online projects, the content of the "Accessible Nodes" window,
and the content of the "S7 Memory Card" window are not saved.

Saving the Window Layout:

To save the current window arrangement, select the menu command Window > Save

Restoring the Window Layout:

To restore the saved window arrangement, select the menu command Window > Res-
tore Settings.
When you restore a window, only the part of the hierarchy containing the object that was
selected when the window arrangement was saved is displayed in detail.

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The Step7 Programming Languages 8.4.1

Circuit Diagram Programmable Logic Control

E 1.0 E 1.2
E 1.0 E 1.1 E 1.2 E 1.3

E 1.1 E 1.3

A 4.1 A 4.1

Function Block
Ladder Diagram (LAD) Statement List (STL)
Diagram (FBD)

AND OR I1.0 I1.1 Q4.1 LD I 1.0

I1.0 Q4.1 AND I 1.1
I1.1 OR( I 1.2
I1.2 I1.3 AND I 1.3
AND ST Q 4.1

Structured Control Language (SCL)

IF I1.0 = TRUE AND I 1.1 = TRUE OR I1.2 = TRUE AND I1.3 = TRUE

The user program written by the programmer with the programming environment and
stored in the CPU program memory is executed by the central processor of the PLC.

Step7 is a programming environment for programmable controllers. With Step7, seve-
ral methods of programming can be used to translate a problem into a user program for
the programmable controller.

Methods of Programming:

• Function Block Diagram (FBD)

• Ladder Diagram (LAD)
• Statement List (STL)
• Structured Control Language (SCL)

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The Step7 Programming Languages 8.4.2

Function Block
Diagram (FBD) Ladder Diagram (LAD) Statement List (STL)

AND OR I1.0 I1.1 Q4.1 LD I 1.0

I1.0 Q4.1
AND I 1.1
I1.1 OR( I 1.2
I1.2 I1.3 AND I 1.3
I1.2 ST Q 4.1

Structured Control Language (SCL)

IF I1.0 = TRUE AND I 1.1 = TRUE OR I1.2 = TRUE AND I1.3 = TRUE

Function block Diagram (FBD):

The "Control System Flowchart" (FBD) is a graphical representation of the control task
using symbols for the various functions. lnputs are shown on the left of the symbol and
outputs on its right.

Ladder Diagram (LAD):

The " Ladder Diagram" (LAD) is a graphical representation of the problem, using the
relay logic symbology common in the USA. These symbols represent scans for signal
states "1" and "0". 0n the sreen, they are arranged in horizontal rungs. This arrange-
ment gives the LAD method the appearance of the schematic circuit diagram of a hard-
wired control.

Statement List (STL):

The "Statement List" (STL) uses mnemonic abbreviations to formulate the control task.
each statement begins on a new line and contains an operator and one operand.

Structured Control Language (SCL):

The “Structured Control Language” consist of a series of instructions which, as deter-
mined in high level programming languages, (IF...THEN...ELSE) or in loops (FOR, WHI-
LE...DO etc.) can be executed.

The programming environment translates the several methods of representation into machi-
nery code MC7 witch is used by the programmable controller.

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The Step7 Programming Languages 8.4.3

Function Block Diagram Programming Language (FBD):

The programming language Function Block Diagram (FBD) uses the graphic logic sym-
bols familiar from Boolean algebra to represent logic. Complex functions such as math
functions can also be represented directly in conjunction with the logic boxes.

The FBD programming language type is included with the STEP 7 Standard software

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The Step7 Programming Languages 8.4.4

Ladder Diagram Programming Language (LAD):

The graphic programming language Ladder Diagram (LAD) is based on the represen-
tation of circuit diagrams. The elements of a circuit diagram such as normally open
contacts and normally closed contacts are grouped together in networks. One or more
networks form the code section of a logic block.

The LAD programming language type is included with the STEP 7 Standard software

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The Step7 Programming Languages 8.4.5

Statement List Programming Language (STL):

The programming language representation type Statement List (STL) is a textual lan-
guage similar to machine code. Each statement corresponds to a step as the CPU
works its way through a program. A number of statements can be linked together to
form networks.

The Statement List programming language type is included with the STEP 7 standard
software package. You can modify S7 blocks in this language representation type using
incremental editors or modify your program with a free-edit mode editor in an STL sour-
ce file and then compile it into STL- blocks.

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The Step7 Programming Languages 8.4.6

S7 SCL Programming Language:

The programming language SCL (Structured Control Language) available as an optio-
nal package is a high-level textual language whose language definition conforms gene-
rally to the International Electrotechnical Commission’s IEC 1131-3 standard. The PAS-
CAL-type language simplifies, for example, the programming of loops and conditional
branches, in contrast to STL, by its high-level language commands. SCL is therefore
suitable for calculations involving formulae, complex optimization algorithms, or the
management of large quantities of data.

Creating blocks in S7 SCL is done with a free-edit mode editor in an SCL source file.

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S7 Programs in a CPU 8.5.1

Operating system User program

Power on
Startup program



<Interrupt> Interruption Interrupt program

<Error> Interruption Error handling

Programs in a CPU:
In a CPU, two different programs are always executing:
• The operating system
• The user program.

Operating System:
Every CPU has an operating system that organizes all the functions and sequences of
the CPU that are not associated with a specific control task. The tasks of the operating
system include the following:
• Updating the process image table of the inputs and outputting the process image
table of the outputs
• Calling the user program
• Detecting interrupts and calling the interrupt OBs
• Detecting and dealing with errors
• Managing the memory areas
• Communicating with programming devices and other communications partners
If you change operating system parameters (the operating system default settings), you
can influence the activities of the CPU in certain areas.

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S7 Programs in a CPU 8.5.2

Operating system User program

Power on
Startup program



<Interrupt> Interruption Interrupt program

<Error> Interruption Error handling

User Program:
You yourself must create the user program and download it to the CPU. This
contains all the functions required to process your specific automation task. The
tasks of the user program include the following:

• Specifying the conditions for a warm restart and hot restart on the CPU (for exam-
ple, initializing signals with a particular value)
• Processing process data (for example, logically combining binary signals, reading
in and evaluating analog signals, specifying binary signals for output, outputting
analog values)
• Specifying the reaction to interrupts
• Handling disturbances in the normal running of the program

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S7 Programs in a CPU 8.5.3

Operating system User program

Power on



Cyclic Program Processing:

Cyclic program processing is the ”normal" type of program execution on programmable
logic controllers, meaning the operating system runs in a program loop (the cycle) and
calls the organization block OB1 once in every loop in the main program. The user pro-
gram in OB1 is therefore executed cyclically.

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S7 Programs in a CPU 8.5.4

Operating system User program

Power on
Startup program



<Interrupt> Interruption Interrupt program

<Error> Interruption Error handling

Event-Driven Program Processing:

Cyclic program processing can be interrupted by certain events (interrupts). If such an
event occurs, the block currently being executed is interrupted at a command bounda-
ry and a different organization block that is assigned to the particular event is called.
Once the organization block has been executed, the cyclic program is resumed at the
point at which it was interrupted.

This means it is possible to process parts of the user program that do not have to be
processed cyclically only when needed. The user program can be divided up into
”subroutines" and distributed among different organization blocks. If the user program
is to react to an important signal that occurs relatively seldom (for example, a limit value
sensor for measuring the level in a tank reports that the maximum level has been rea-
ched), the subroutine that is to be processed when the signal is output can be located
in an OB whose processing is event-driven.

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S7 Programs in a CPU 8.5.5

Linear programming Structured programming

Main program Main program

= OB 1

OB 35

FB 1

FC 1

Linear Versus Structured Programming:

You can write your entire user program in OB1 (linear programming). This is only advi-
sable with simple programs written for the S7-300 CPU and requiring little memory.
Complex automation tasks can be controlled more easily by dividing them into smaller
tasks reflecting the technological functions of the process or that can be used more than
once. These tasks are represented by corresponding program sections, known as the
blocks (structured programming).

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S7 Programs in a CPU 8.5.6

Nesting depth
Start of cycle

OB 1 FB 1 FC 1

Instance DB 1
Operating system

FB 2 FB 1 FB 11

Instance DB 2 Instance DB 1

FC 1 DB 11

Order and Nesting Depth:

The order and nesting of the block calls is known as the call hierarchy. The number of
blocks that can be nested (the nesting depth) depends on the particular CPU.
The following figure illustrates the order and nesting depth of the block calls within a
scan cycle.

If the nesting is too deep (too many levels), the local data stack may overflow
(Also refer to Local Data Stack).

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S7 Programs in a CPU 8.5.7

Calling block Called block

(OB, FB, FC) (FB, FC, SFB or SFC)

Instruction that calls execution
another block

Block end

Block Calls:
The following figure shows the sequence of a block call within a user program. The pro-
gram calls the second block whose instructions are then executed completely.
Once the second or called block has been executed, execution of the interrupted block
that made the call is resumed at the instruction following the block call.

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Blocks in the User Program 8.6.1

Block Types:
There are several different types of blocks you can use within an S7 user program:

OBs, FBs, SFBs, FCs, and SFCs contain sections of the program and are therefore also
known as logic blocks. The permitted number of blocks per block type and the permit-
ted length of the blocks is CPU-specific.

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Blocks in the User Program 8.6.2

Organization Blocks (OB):

Organization blocks (OBs) are the interface between the operating system and the user
program. They are called by the operating system and control cyclic and interruptdriven
program execution and how the programmable logic controller starts up. They also
handle the response to errors. By programming the organization blocks you specify the
reaction of the CPU.

Organization Block Priority:

Organization blocks determine the order in which the individual program sections are
executed. The execution of an OB can be interrupted by calling a different OB.
Which OB is allowed to interrupt another OB depends on its priority. Higher priority OBs
can interrupt lower priority OBs. The background OB has the lowest priority.

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Blocks in the User Program 8.6.3

Functions (FC):
Functions (FCs) belong to the blocks that you program yourself. A function is a logic
block ”without memory." Temporary variables belonging to the FC are saved in the local
data stack. This data is then lost when the FC has been executed. To save data per-
manently, functions can also use shared data blocks.
Since an FC does not have any memory of its own, you must always specify actual
parameters for it. You cannot assign initial values for the local data of an FC.

An FC contains a program section that is always executed when the FC is called
by a different logic block. You can use functions for the following purposes:

• To return a function value to the calling block (example: math functions)

• To execute a technological function (example: single control function with a bit
logic operation)..

Assigning Actual Parameters to the Formal Parameters:

A formal parameter is a dummy for the "actual" parameter. Actual parameters replace
the formal parameters when the function is called. You must always assign actual para-
meters to the formal parameters of an FC (for example, an actual parameter "I 3.6" to
the formal parameter "Start"). The input, output and in/out parameters used by the FC
are saved as pointers to the actual parameters of the logic block that called the FC.

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Blocks in the User Program 8.6.4

Function Blocks (FB):

Function blocks (FBs) belong to the blocks that you program yourself. A function block
is a block ”with memory." It is assigned a data block as its memory (instance data block).
The parameters that are transferred to the FB and the static variables are saved in the
instance DB. Temporary variables are saved in the local data stack.
Data saved in the instance DB are not lost when execution of the FB is complete.
Data saved in the local data stack are, however, lost when execution of the FB is com-

An FB contains a program that is always executed when the FB is called by a different
logic block. Function blocks make it much easier to program frequently occurring, com-
plex functions.

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Blocks in the User Program 8.6.5

Function Blocks and Instance Data Blocks:

An instance data block is assigned to every function block call that transfers parame-
By calling more than one instance of an FB, you can control more than one device with
one FB. An FB for a motor type, can, for example, control various motors by using a dif-
ferent set of instance data for each different motor. The data for each motor (for
example, speed, ramping, accumulated operating time etc.) can be saved in one or
more instance DBs.

The above figure shows the formal parameters of an FB that uses the actual parame-
ters saved in the instance DB.

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Blocks in the User Program 8.6.6

FB21:Motor processing DB100 Call FB 21 from a logic block:

Variable declaration: Data for Motor_1 transfers data for Motor_1,
stat, Motor_1, FB 22 Motor_2, Motor_3
stat, Motor_2, FB 22 Data for Motor_2
Call FB 22 from FB 21:
stat, Motor_3, FB 22 Data for Motor_3 CALL Motor_1
CALL Motor_2
CALL Motor_3

Instance Data Blocks:

An instance data block is assigned to every function block call that transfers parame-
ters. The actual parameters and the static data of the FB are saved in the instance DB.
The variables declared in the FB determine the structure of the instance data block. Ins-
tance means a function block call. If, for example, a function block is called five times in
the S7 user program, there are five instances of this block.

One Instance DB for Several Instances of an FB (Multiple Instances):

You can also transfer the instance data for several motors at the same time in one ins-
tance DB. To do this, you must program the calls for the motor controllers in a further
FB and declare static variables with the data type FB for the individual instances in the
declaration section of the calling FB.
If you use one instance DB for several instances of an FB, you save memory and opti-
mize the use of data blocks.
In the following figure, the calling FB is FB21 ”Motor processing," the variables are of
data type FB22, and the instances are identified by Motor_1, Motor_2, and Motor_3.

In the above example, FB22 does not need its own instance data block, since its ins-
tance data are saved in the instance data block of the calling FB.

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Blocks in the User Program 8.6.7

Shared Data Blocks (DB):

In contrast to logic blocks, data blocks do not contain STEP 7 statements. They are
used to store user data, in other words, data blocks contain constants and / or variable
data with which the user program works. Shared data blocks are used to store user data
that can be accessed by all other logic blocks.
The size of DBs can vary. Refer to the description of your CPU for the maximum pos-
sible size.

Shared Data Blocks in the User Program:

If a logic block (FC, FB, or OB) is called, it can occupy space in the local data area
(L- stack) temporarily. In addition to this local data area, a logic block can open a memo-
ry area in the form of a DB. In contrast to the data in the local data area, the data in a
DB are not deleted when the DB is closed, in other words, after the corresponding logic
block has been executed.
Each FB, FC, or OB can read the data from a shared DB or write data to a shared DB.
This data remains in the DB after the DB is exited.

A shared DB and an instance DB can be opened at the same time. The above figure
shows the different methods of access to data blocks.

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Blocks in the User Program 8.6.8

System Function Blocks (SFB) and System Functions (SFC)

Preprogrammed Blocks:
You do not need to program every function yourself. S7 CPUs provide you with prepro-
grammed blocks that you can call in your user program.
Further information can be found in the reference help on system blocks and system
functions (Jumps to Language Descriptions and Help on Blocks and System Attributes).

System Function Blocks:

A system function block (SFB) is a function block integrated on the S7 CPU. SFBs are
part of the operating system and are not loaded as part of the program. Like FBs, SFBs
are blocks ”with memory." You must also create instance data blocks for SFBs and
download them to the CPU as part of the program.
S7 CPUs provide the following SFBs:
• For communication via configured connections
• For integrated special functions

System Functions:
A system function is a preprogrammed function that is integrated on the S7 CPU.
You can call the SFC in your program. SFCs are part of the operating system and
are not loaded as part of the program. Like FCs, SFCs are blocks ”without
S7 CPUs provide SFCs for the following functions:
• S7 CPUs provide SFCs for the following functions:
• Checking the program
• Handling the clock and runtime meters
• Transferring data sets
• Transferring events from a CPU to all other CPUs in multicomputing mode
• Handling timeofday and timedelay interrupts
• Handling synchronous errors, interrupts, and asynchronous errors
• Information on static and dynamic system data, for example, diagnostics
• Process image updating and bit field processing
• Addressing modules
• Distributed I/O
• Global data communication
• Communication via nonconfigured connections
• Generating blockrelated messages

Additional Information:
For more detailed information about SFBs and SFCs, refer to the "System Software for
S7-300 and S7-400, System and Standard Functions" Reference Manual. The "S7-300
Programmable Controller, Hardware and Installation Manual" and "S7-400, M7-400 Pro-
grammable Controllers Module Specifications Reference Manual" explain which SFBs
and SFCs are available.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 8-42

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Advanced Training Course Manual
User program 9

This section provides an introduction to the design and the functions of the User Program.

9. User program
Table of contents .................................................................................... 9-1

9.1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................. 9-2

9.1.2 Components .......................................................................................... 9-3
9.1.3 Components description ......................................................................... 9-4

9.2 Blocks in the User Program

9.2.1 Organization blocks (OB) ........................................................................ 9-5
9.2.2 Functions (FC) ......................................................................................... 9-6
9.2.3 Function blocks (FB) ............................................................................... 9-7
9.2.4 Data blocks (DB) .................................................................................... 9-8

9.3 Examples
9.3.1 Example OB35......................................................................................... 9-9
9.3.2 Example FC131 .................................................................................... 9-10
9.3.3 Example FB0 ........................................................................................ 9-11
9.3.4 Function block FB0 Declaration part .................................................... 9-12
9.3.5 Example DB10 ...................................................................................... 9-13
9.3.6 Example UDT ....................................................................................... 9-14
9.3.7 Example VAT ........................................................................................ 9-15

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User program 9.1.1

The user program object has been written in the Step 7 programming environment des-
cribed above (refer to Object S7 program). It contains not only the source code for the
crane control system but also the source code for the modules which are written in SCL
(Structured Control Language) and the symbolic table.
The user program is stored on the IPC hard disk together with the entire project and a
back-up CD is also supplied. In addition, the user program is also stored in the memo-
ry card of the CPU so that, if the CPU is rebooted without battery back-up, the program
is loaded from the card into RAM.
The user program is processed cyclically by the CPU. Variables are stored in a sepa-
rate part of the memory and can, as a result, be observed and modified during runtime.

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User program 9.1.2

The S7 user program is made up of the following components:

Organisation blocks (OB), functions (FC), function blocks (FB), data blocks (DB), user
defined data types (UDT) and tables of variables (VAT).

The system functions (SFC) and the system function blocks (SFB) are predefined
blocks that can be used by the user but not modified.

The System Data folder contains system data blocks that are generated and accessed
by the system.

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User program 9.1.3

Organization Blocks:
Organization blocks (OBs) are the interface between the operating system and the user
program. They are called by the operating system and control cyclic and interruptdriven
program execution and how the programmable logic controller starts up. They also
handle the response to errors. By programming the organization blocks you specify the
reaction of the CPU.

Function Blocks:
The function block (FB) is below the organization block in the program hierarchy. It
contains a part of the program which can be called many times in OB1. All the formal
parameters and static data of the function block are saved in a separate data block
(DB), which is assigned to the function block.

Functions, like function blocks, are below the organization block in the program hierar-
chy. In order for a function to be processed by the CPU, it must also be called in the
block above it in the hierarchy. In contrast to the function block, however, no data block
is necessary.
With functions, the parameters are also listed in the variable declaration table, but sta-
tic local data are not permitted.

Shared Data Block:

If there are not enough internal memory bits in a CPU to save all the data, you can sto-
re specific data in a shared data block.
The data in a shared data block are available to every other block. An instance data
block, on the other hand, is assigned to one specific function block, and its data are only
available locally in this function block.

User-Defined Data Types (UDT):

User-defined data types are special data structures you create yourself that you can use
in the whole S7 program once they have been defined.
• User-defined data types can be used like elementary data types or complex data
types in the variable declaration of logic blocks (FC, FB, OB) or as a data type for
variables in a data block (DB). You then have the advantage that you only need
to define a special data structure once to be able to use it as many times as you
wish and assign it any number of variables.
• User-defined data types can be used as a template for creating data blocks with
the same data structure, meaning you create the structure once and then create
the required data blocks by simply assigning the user-defined data type.

Table of variables:
Tables of variables can be created and used to observe and control a defined number
of variables.
The table of variables must be loaded on-line and the key-controlled switch on the CPU
must be in the RUN-P position.

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Blocks in the User Program 9.2.1

Organisation Blocks (OB):

In the user program, the organisation blocks visible on-screen, OB1 – OB122 are in use.
Since the ramp function generator requires a fixed time scale, the user program cannot
be processed cyclically by OB1 but has to be processed by OB35 which is called at
intervals of 50 ms.

The function of the other organisation blocks can be seen from their comments.

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Blocks in the User Program 9.2.2

Functions FC:
An FC contains a program section that is always executed when the FC is called by a
different logic block. You can use functions for the following purposes:
• To return a function value to the calling block (example: math functions)
• To execute a technological function (example: single control function with a bit
logic operation).

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Blocks in the User Program 9.2.3

Function Blocks (FB):

As can be seen from the illustration, the main function blocks are named after the func-
tion groups for the electrical system.
The main function blocks are multi-instance blocks, i.e. the data in the main function
block and the data in the function blocks called by this main function block are stored in
an instance data block and are thus available to all blocks in this group. The instance
data block will generally have the same number as the multi-instance (i.e. FB11 =>
DB11 etc.).
All local variables can be declared in the declaration section of a function block. All data
types are permitted. Function blocks and user defined data types can also be used as
Since the data from the tables of variables are stored in the instance data block, they
can be viewed here.

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Blocks in the User Program 9.2.4

Data blocks (DB):

Data blocks in the user program are subdivided into instance and global data blocks.
Instance data blocks are always assigned to function blocks so the data they contain
can only be used within the corresponding function block.
The instance data block will generally have the same number as the multi-instance (i.e.
FB11 => DB11 etc.).

Global data blocks contain data that are accessible by the entire user program and can
be used by all other blocks.
Every FB, FC or OB can read the data in a global DB or write data to a global DB. The-
se data will remain in the DB even if it is then closed.

A global DB and an instance DB can both be used at the same time.

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Examples 9.3.1

Organisation block (OB35):

As can be seen from the illustration, all the main function blocks are called up in sequen-
ce and processed.
It is also possible to make preconditions pending or to transfer parameters to the block
being called.

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Examples 9.3.2

Function FC131 ”P11 Command“:

As the comment explains, function FC131 is called by function block FB11 and then
checks the digital preconditions for operating the hoist.
Since the function is called from within a multi-instance, the date in instance data block
DB11 can be used in the function.

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Examples 9.3.3

Function block (FB0):

The main function block FB0 is the multi-instance block for function group 00 (switching
gear), i.e. the data in the main function block and the data in the function blocks called
by this main function block are stored in instance data block DB10 and are thus avai-
lable to all blocks in this group.
As can be seen from the illustration, global data can also be used in the function block
or transferred when a subordinate block is called.

The hash symbol (#) used in front of the block being called #P0_Fct_Key_Visu shows
that the block has been declared in the declaration table for that FB0 as a variable of
type “FB”.
The input and output variables declared in the block that is called are displayed as input
and out variables in the box that represents the block and these can be adjusted exter-
The illustration of FB0 shows the operands as absolutes.

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Examples 9.3.4

Function block FB0 declarations:

The declaration section of FB0 contains all the blocks called from this one as static
variables of type FB.
The input and output variables declared in the block that has been called, are stored,
like the block itself.
Since all data are stored in the instance data block, all the function blocks declared in
FB0 have access to them.

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Examples 9.3.5

Data Block DB10:

Data block DB10 is the instance data block for function group 00 “switch gear”.
As can be seen from the illustration, the data are stored in the order in which they are
declared. The variables can be addressed by their block name and variable name sepa-
rated by a point. The display can be either as declarations or as data. The declaration
view shows only the blocks while the data view shows all the variables.

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Examples 9.3.6

User-Defined Data Types (UDT):

When you open a user-defined data type, a new working window is displayed showing
the declaration view of this user-defined data type in table form.
• The first and the last row already contain the declarations STRUCT and
END_STRUCT for the start and the end of the user-defined data type. You can-
not edit these rows.
• You edit the user-defined data type by typing your entries in from the second row
of the declaration table in the respective columns.
• You can structure user-defined data types from:
- Elementary data types
- Complex data types
- Existing user-defined data types
The user-defined data types in the S7 user program are not downloaded to the S7 CPU.
They are either created directly using an incremental input editor and edited, or they are
created when source files are compiled.

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Examples 9.3.7

Variable Tables:
Variable tables offer the advantage of being able to store various test environments.
Thus, tests and monitoring can be effortlessly reproduced during operation or for the
purpose of service and maintenance. There is no limit to the number of variable tables
that can be stored.

When testing using variable tables, the following functions are available:
• Monitoring Variables
This function enables you to display on the programming device/PC the current
values of individual variables in a user program or a CPU.
• Modifying Variables
You can use this function to assign fixed values to individual variables of a user
program or a CPU. Modifying values once and immediately is also possible when
testing using program status.
• Enable Peripheral Output and Activate Modify Values
These two functions allow you to assign fixed values to individual I/O outputs of a
CPU in STOP mode.
• Forcing Variables
You can use this function to assign individual variables of a user program or a CPU
with a fixed value which cannot be overwritten by the user program.

You can assign or display the values for the following variables:
• Inputs, outputs, bit memory, timers, and counters
• Contents of data blocks
• I/O (periphery)
You enter the variables you want to display or modify in variable tables.
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Controlling and Monitoring 10

This section provides further information to controlling and monitoring the PLC by Step 7.

10. Controlling and Monitoring

Table of contents .................................................................................. 10-1

10.1 Establishing Online Connections

10.1.1 Overview ................................................................................................10-3
10.1.2 Establishing an Online Connection via the
"Accessible Nodes" Window ..................................................................10-4
10.1.3 Establishing an Online Connection via the
Online Window of the Project ............................................................... 10-5
10.1.4 Updating the Window Contents ............................................................ 10-6
10.1.5 Displaying and Changing the Operating Mode.......................................10-7

10.2 Download/Upload
10.2.1 Downloading a Configuration to a Programmable Controller ................10-8
10.2.2 Uploading a Configuration from a Station ............................................ 10-9
10.2.3 Downloading the Network Configuration to a
Programmable Controller ................................................................... 10-10
10.2.4 Downloading the User Program to the Programmable Controller .......10-11
10.2.5 Differences Between Saving and Downloading Blocks .......................10-12
10.2.6 Load Memory and Work Memory in the CPU page 1 ..........................10-13
10.2.6 Load Memory and Work Memory in the CPU page 2 ........................ 10-14
10.2.7 Download Methods Dependent on the Load Memory .........................10-15
10.2.8 Reloading Blocks in the Programmable Controller ..............................10-16
10.2.9 Uploading Blocks from a S7 CPU .......................................................10-17

10.3 Deleting on the Programmable Controller

10.3.1 Erasing the Load/Work Memory and Resetting the CPU .....................10-18
10.3.2 Memory Reset via Mode Selector .......................................................10-19

10.4 Compressing the User Memory (RAM)

10.4.1 Gaps in the User Memory (RAM)) .......................................................10-20
10.4.2 Compressing the Memory Contents of an S7 CPU .............................10-21

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Controlling and Monitoring 10

10. Controlling and Monitoring

10.5 Testing with Variable Tables
10.5.1 Introduction to Testing with Variable Tables ........................................10-22
10.5.2 Basic Procedure when Monitoring and Modifying with the
Variable Table ..................................................................................... 10-23
10.5.3 Copying/Moving Variable Tables ........................................................ 10-24
10.5.4 Entering Variables in Variable Table ................................................... 10-25
10.5.5 Notes on Inserting Symbols ............................................................... 10-26
10.5.6 Establishing a Connection to the CPU ............................................... 10-27

10.6 Monitoring, Modifying and Forcing Variables

10.6.1 Introduction to Monitoring Variables ................................................... 10-28
10.6.2 Defining the Trigger for Monitoring Variables ..................................... 10-29
10.6.3 Introduction to Modifying Variables ..................................................... 10-30
10.6.4 Defining the Trigger for Modifying Variables page 1 ........................... 10-31
10.6.4 Defining the Trigger for Modifying Variables page 2 .......................... 10-32
10.6.5 Introduction to Forcing Variables ........................................................ 10-33
10.6.6 Using Forceable Addresses from the Variable Table ......................... 10-34
10.6.7 Safety Measures When Forcing Variables ......................................... 10-35
10.6.8 Differences Between Forcing and Modifying Variables ...................... 10-36

10.7 Testing Using Program Status

10.7.1 Overview ............................................................................................. 10-37
10.7.2 Basic Procedure for Monitoring the Program Status .......................... 10-38
10.7.3 Program Status Display ...................................................................... 10-39
10.7.4 Program Status of Data Blocks .......................................................... 10-40

10.8 Diagnostics
10.8.1 Diagnosing Hardware and Troubleshooting ....................................... 10-41
10.8.2 How to locate Faults ........................................................................... 10-42
10.8.3 Diagnostics Symbols in the Online View page 1................................. 10-43
10.8.3 Diagnostics Symbols in the Online View page 2 ................................ 10-44
10.8.4 Diagnosing Hardware: Quick View ..................................................... 10-45
10.8.5 Diagnosing Hardware: Diagnostic View page 1 ................................. 10-46
10.8.5 Diagnosing Hardware: Diagnostic View page 2 ................................. 10-47
10.8.6 Module Information ............................................................................. 10-48
10.8.7 Diagnosing in STOP Mode ................................................................. 10-49
10.8.8 Stack Contents in STOP Mode .......................................................... 10-50

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Establishing Online Connections 10.1.1

An online connection between programming device and programmable logic controller
is needed to download S7 user programs/blocks, upload blocks from the S7 program-
mable controller to the programming device, and for other activities:
• Debugging user programs
• Displaying and changing the operating mode of the CPUU
• Displaying and setting the time and date of the CPU
• Displaying module information
• Comparing blocks online and offline
• Diagnosing hardware

To establish an online connection, the programming device and programmable logic

controller must be connected via a suitable interface (for example, multipoint interface
(MPI)). You can then access the programmable controller via the online window of the
project or the "Accessible Nodes" window..

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Establishing Online Connections 10.1.2

Establishing an Online Connection via the "Accessible Nodes" Window:

This type of access enables you to access a programmable logic controller quickly, for
test purposes, for example. You can access all the accessible programmable modules
in the network. Select this method if no project data about the programmable controllers
are available on your programming device.

You open the "Accessible Nodes" window using the menu command PLC > Display
Accessible Nodes. In the "Accessible Nodes" object all the programmable modules
accessible in the network are displayed with their address.

Nodes that cannot be programmed with STEP 7 (such as programming devices or ope-
rator panels) can also be displayed.

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Establishing Online Connections 10.1.3

Establishing an Online Connection via the Online Window of the Project:

Select this method if you have configured the programmable controller in a project
on your programming device/PC. You can open the online window in the SIMATIC
Manager using the menu command View > Online. It displays the project data on
the programmable controller (in contrast to the offline window that displays the pro-
ject data on the programming device/PC).

The online window shows the data on the programmable controller for the S7 program.
You use this view of the project for functions involving access to the programmable
controller. Certain functions in the "PLC" menu of the SIMATIC Manager can be acti-
vated in the online window but not in the offline window.
There are two types of access as follows:
• Access with Configured Hardware
This means you can only access modules which were configured offline. Which
online modules you can access is determined by the MPI address set when the
programmable module was configured.
• Access without Configured Hardware
The requirement for this is an existing S7 program or M7 program which was crea-
ted independently of the hardware (meaning it lies directly beneath the project).
Which online modules you can access is determined here by specifying the cor-
responding MPI address in the object properties of the S7 program.

Access via the online window combines the data on the programmable control system
with the relevant data on the programming device. If, for example, you open an S7 block
beneath a project online, the display is made up as follows:
• Code section of the block from the CPU in the S7 programmable logic controller,

• Comments and symbols from the database in the programming device (provided
they exist offline) When you open blocks directly in the connected CPU without an
existing project structure, they are displayed as they are found in the CPU, which
means without symbols and comments.

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Establishing Online Connections 10.1.4

Updating the Window Contents:

You should note the following:

• Changes in the online window of a project as a result of user actions
(forexample, downloading or deleting blocks) are not automatically updated in
anyopen "Accessible Nodes" windows.
• Any such changes in the "Accessible Nodes" window are not automatically
changed in any open online windows of a project.

To update the display in a parallel open window, you must refresh the display in this
window explicitly (using the menu command or the function key F5).

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Establishing Online Connections 10.1.5

Displaying and Changing the Operating Mode:

With this function you can, for example, switch the CPU to RUN again after correcting
an error.

Displaying the Operating Mode:

1. Open your project and select an S7/M7 program, or open the "Accessible
Nodes" window using the menu command PLC > Display Accessible Nodes
and select a node ("MPI=...").
2. Select the menu command PLC > Operating Mode.
This dialog box displays the current and the last operating mode and the current
setting of the mode selector on the module. For modules for which the current
keyswitch setting cannot be displayed, the text "Undefined" is displayed.

Changing the Operating Mode:

You can change the mode of the CPU using the buttons. Only those buttons are active
that can be selected in the current operating mode.

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Download/Upload 10.2.1

Downloading a Configuration to a Programmable Controller

Before downloading, use the Station > Check Consistency menu command to make
sure there are no errors in your station configuration. STEP 7 then checks to see whe-
ther downloadable system data can be created from the present configuration. Any
errors found during consistency checking are displayed in a window.

Requirements for Downloading:

• The programming device (PG) is connected to the MPI interface of the CPU using
an MPI cable.
• In a networked system (programming device is connected to a subnet):
All modules in a subnet must have different node addresses and the actual confi-
guration must match the network configuration you created.
• The present configuration must match the actual station structure.
A configuration can only be downloaded to the station if it is consistent and free of
errors. Only then can system data blocks (SDBs) be created which can in turn be
downloaded to the modules.
• If the station structure contains modules that were configured and assigned para-
meters using optional software packages: The optional package must be authori-

Select the menu command PLC > Download To Module. STEP 7 guides you by means
of dialog boxes to the result.
The configuration for the complete programmable controller is downloaded to the CPU.
The CPU parameters become active immediately. The parameters for the other
modules are transferred to the modules during startup.
Partial configurations, for example, the configuration of individual racks, cannot be
downloaded to a station. For consistency reasons, STEP 7 always downloads the who-
le configuration to the station.

Changing the CPU Operating Mode During Downloading:

When you trigger the function PLC > Download, you can execute the following
actions on the programming device guided by the dialog boxes:
• Switch the CPU to STOP (if the mode selector is set to RUNP or the connection
to the CPU is authorized by password)
• Compress the memory (if not enough continuous free memory is available)
• Switch the CPU back to RUN

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Download/Upload 10.2.2

Uploading a Configuration from a Station

You have used an MPI cable to connect the programming device (PG) to the MPI inter-
face of the CPU.

Upload stations to a newly created, empty project.

Stations that are dependent on other stations in a particular way (I slave on a DP mas-
ter station, receiver and sender in a configuration with direct data exchange/lateral com-
munication link) should always be uploaded together to one project. Reason: Without
the particular "partners" for a station of this type, the project would remain inconsistent.

1. Select the menu command PLC > Upload..
2. The dialog box to open the configuration appears.
3. Select the project in which the configuration will be stored later and confirm
with "OK."
4. In the dialog box which then appears, set the node address, rack number, and
slot in the module from which the configuration should be read (generally CPU).
Confirm with "OK."

You can use the Station > Properties menu command to assign a station name to this
configuration and then store it in the default project (Station > Save menu command).

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Download/Upload 10.2.3

Downloading the Network Configuration to a Programmable Controller

Here we shall assume that the entire project was already configured, meaning you
• Configured all stations
• Created all subnets and set their properties
• Configured connections (if required)
• Set the PG/PC interface so that communication between the PG/PC and the pro-
grammable controller is possible via the connected subnet.
• Checked the configuration for consistency
Only when a configuration is free of errors, meaning when all networked modules in a
subnet have unique node addresses and when their actual configuration matches the
network configuration you have created should you download the configuration via the
subnet (PROFIBUS or MPI) to the programmable controllers.

Downloading the Network Configuration for the First Time:

Before you download for the first time, the modules connected to the subnet do not yet
have their configured node address, but a default address. In order that your network
functions correctly, each node in a subnet must have a different node address.
• MPI subnet with connection via the CPU
CPUs are supplied with the default address 2. However, you can only use this
address once in a subnet, so you will have to change the default node address for
any other CPUs..
• PROFIBUS and Industrial Ethernet subnets with CPs
The CPs of the stations that are run via these subnets must be configured and
assigned a node address. You should always assign the address via the MPI of
the station before you can download and communicate via the subnet (you will
find more information in the SIMATIC NET, NCM S7 for PROFIBUS, and NCM for
Industrial Ethernet manuals) ..

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Download/Upload 10.2.4

Downloading the User Program to the Programmable Controller

Requirements for Downloading to the Programmable Controller:

• There must be a connection between your programming device and the CPU in
the programmable controller (for example, via the multipoint interface).
• Access to the programmable controller must be possible.
• The program you are downloading has been compiled without errors.
• The CPU must be in an operating mode in which downloading is permitted (STOP
or RUN-P).
Note that in RUN-P mode the program will be downloaded a block at a time. If you
overwrite an old CPU program doing this, conflicts may arise, for example, if block
parameters have changed. The CPU then goes into STOP mode while processing
the cycle. We therefore recommend that you switch the CPU to STOP mode befo-
re downloading.
• If you opened the block offline and want to download it, the CPU must be linked
to an online user program in the SIMATIC Manager.
• Before you download your user program, you should reset the CPU to ensure that
no ”old" blocks are on the CPU.

STOP Mode:
Set the operating mode from RUN to STOP before you do the following:
• Download the complete user program or parts of it to the CPU
• Execute a memory reset on the CPU
• Compress the user memory

Warm Restart (Transition to RUN Mode):

If you execute a warm restart in the "STOP" mode, the program is restarted and first
processes the startup program (in the block OB100) in STARTUP mode. If the startup
is successful, the CPU changes to RUN mode. A warm restart is required after the fol-
• Resetting the CPU
• Downloading the user program in STOP mode

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Download/Upload 10.2.5

Saving Downloading
Menu commands File > Save PLC > Download
File > Save As

Function The current status of the block in the The current status of the block in the
editor is saved on the hard disk of the editor is only downloaded to the CPU.
programming device.

Syntax check A syntax check is run. Any errors are A syntax check is run. Any errors are
reported in dialog boxes. The causes of reported in dialog boxes. The causes of
the errors and the error locations are also the errors and the error locations are also
shown. You must correct these errors shown. You must correct these errors
before you save or download the block. before you save or download the block.
If no errors are found in the syntax, the If no errors are found in the syntax, the
block is compiled into machine code and block is compiled into machine code and
either saved or downloaded. either saved or downloaded.

Differences Between Saving and Downloading Blocks:

You should always distinguish between saving and downloading blocks.

The table applies independent of whether you have opened the block online or

Tip for Block Changes – Save First Then Download:

To enter newly created blocks or changes in the code section of logic blocks, in decla-
ration tables or to enter new or changed data values in data blocks, you must save the
respective block. Any changes you make in the editor and transfer to the CPU using the
menu command PLC > Download, -for example, for testing small changes-, must also
be saved on the hard disk of the programming device in every case before you exit the
editor. Otherwise, you will have different versions of your user program in the CPU and
on the programming device. It is generally recommended that you save all changes first
and then download them.

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Download/Upload 10.2.6


Load memory Work memory

the program Parts
to the CPU relevant to
RAM program

Load Memory and Work Memory in the CPU:

After completing the configuration, parameter assignment, and program creation and
establishing the online connection, you can download complete user programs or indi-
vidual blocks to a programmable controller. To test individual blocks, you must down-
load at least one organization block (OB) and the function blocks (FB) and functions
(FC) called in the OB and the data blocks (DB) used. To download the system data crea-
ted when the hardware was configured, the networks configured, and the connection
table created to the programmable controller, you download the object ”System Data".

You download user programs to a programmable controller using the SIMATIC Mana-
ger, for example, during the end phase of the program testing or to run the finished user

Relationship - Load Memory and Work Memory:

The complete user program is downloaded to the load memory; the parts relevant to
program execution are also loaded into the work memory.

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Load Memory and Work Memory in the CPU

CPU Load Memory:

• The load memory is used to store the user program without the symbol table and
the comments (these remain in the memory of the programming device).
• Blocks that are not marked as required for startup will be stored only in the load
• The load memory can either be RAM, ROM, or EPROM memory, depending on
the programmable controller.
• The load memory can also have an integrated EEPROM part as well as an inte-
grated RAM part (for example, CPU 312 IFM and CPU 314 IFM).
• In S7-400, it is imperative that you use a memory card (RAM or EEPROM) to
extend the load memory.

CPU Work Memory:

The work memory (integrated RAM) is used to store the parts of the user program requi-
red for program processing.

Possible Downloading/Uploading Procedures:

You use the download function to download the user program or loadable objects (for
example, blocks) to the programmable controller. If a block already exists in the RAM of
the CPU, you will be prompted to confirm whether or not the block should be overwrit-

• You can select the loadable objects in the project window and download them from
the SIMATIC Manager (menu command: PLC > Download).
• When programming blocks and when configuring hardware and networks you can
directly download the object you were currently editing using the menu in the main
window of the application you are working with (menu command: PLC > Down-
• Another possibility is to open an online window with a view of the programmable
controller (for example, using View > Online or PLC > Display Accessible
Nodes) and copy the object you want to download to the online window.
Alternatively you can upload the current contents of blocks from the RAM load memory
of the CPU to your programming device via the load function.

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Download/Upload 10.2.7

Load Memory Method of Loading Type of Communication

between PG and PLC

RAM Downloading and deleting Online PG – PLC connection

individual blocks

Downloading and deleting a Online PG – PLC connection

complete user program

Reloading individual blocks Online PG – PLC connection

Integrated (S7-300 only) or Downloading complete user Online PG – PLC connection

plugin EPROM programs

Plugin EPROM Downloading complete user External loading of the EPROM

programs and inserting the memory card
or via online connection on the
PLC where the EPROM is

Download Methods Dependent on the Load Memory:

The division of the load memory of a CPU into RAM and EEPROM areas determines
the methods available for downloading your user program or the blocks in your user pro-
gram. The following methods are possible for downloading data to the CPU:

Downloading to the RAM via Online Connection:

In the programmable controller the data are lost if there is a power failure and the RAM
is not backed up. The data in the RAM will then be lost in this case.

Saving to EPROM Memory Card:

Blocks or the user program are saved on an EPROM memory card which is then inser-
ted in a slot on the CPU.
Memory cards are portable data media. They are written by the programming device
and then inserted in the appropriate slot on the CPU.
The data stored on them are retained following power down and when the CPU is reset.
The contents of the EPROM are copied to the RAM area of the CPU memory again
when power returns following a memory reset of the CPU and power down if the RAM
is not backed up.

Saving in the Integrated EPROM:

For the CPU 312, you can also save the contents of the RAM to the integrated EPROM.
The data in the integrated EPROM are retained during power down. The contents of the
integrated EPROM are copied to the RAM area of the CPU memory again when power
returns following power down and a memory reset of the CPU if the RAM is not backed

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Reloading Blocks in the Programmable Controller:

You can overwrite blocks which already exist in the load memory (RAM) or work memo-
ry of the CPU in the S7 programmable logic controller with a new version (reload them).
The existing version is then overwritten.
The procedure for reloading S7 blocks is the same as for downloading. A prompt sim-
ply appears, querying whether you want to overwrite the existing block.
A block stored in the EPROM cannot be deleted but is declared invalid once it is reloa-
ded. The replacement block is loaded in the RAM. This creates gaps in the load memo-
ry or the work memory. If these gaps eventually mean that no new blocks can be down-
loaded, you should compress the memory.

If the power goes down and then returns and the RAM does not have a battery backup,
or following a memory reset of the CPU the "old" blocks become valid again.

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Download/Upload 10.2.9

Uploading Blocks from an S7 CPU:

You can upload S7 blocks from the CPU to the hard disk of the programming device
using the SIMATIC Manager. Uploading blocks to the programming device is useful in
the following situations:
• Making a backup copy of the current user program loaded in the CPU. This
backup can then be downloaded again, for example, following servicing or follo-
wing a memory reset of the CPU by maintenance personnel.
• You can upload the user program from the CPU to the programming device and
edit it there, for example, for troubleshooting purposes. In this case you do not
have access to symbols or comments for program documentation. Therefore we
recommend that this procedure is used only for service purposes.

Editing Uploaded Blocks in the PG/PC:

Being able to upload blocks from the CPU to the programming device has the following
• During the test phase, you can correct a block directly on the CPU and document
the result.
• You can upload the current contents of blocks from the RAM load memory of the
CPU to your programming device via the load function.

Two Distinct Cases:

When uploading blocks from the CPU to the programming device, remember that there
are two distinct situations:
1. The user program to which the blocks belong is located on the programming
2. The user program to which the blocks belong is not on the programming device.
This means that the program sections listed below, that cannot be downloaded to the
CPU, are not available.

These components are:

• The symbol table with the symbolic names of the addresses and the comments
• Network comments of a Ladder Logic or Function Block Diagram program
• Line comments of a Statement List program
• Userdefined data types

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Deleting on the Programmable Controller 10.3.1

Erasing the Load/Work Memory and Resetting the CPU:

Before downloading your user program to the S7 programmable controller, you should
perform a memory reset on the CPU to ensure that no "old" blocks are still on the CPU.

Requirement for Memory Reset:

The CPU must be in STOP mode to perform a memory reset (mode selector set to
STOP, or to RUN-P and change the mode to STOP using the menu command PLC >
Operating Mode)..

Performing a Memory Reset on an S7 CPU:

When a memory reset is performed on an S7 CPU, the following happens:
• The CPU is reset.
• All user data are deleted (blocks and system data blocks (SDB) with the excepti-
on of the MPI parameters).
• The CPU interrupts all existing connections.
• If data are present on an EPROM (memory card or integrated EPROM), the CPU
copies the EPROM contents back to the RAM area of the memory following the
memory reset.
The contents of the diagnostic buffer and the MPI parameters are retained.

Deleting S7 Blocks on the Programmable Controller:

Deleting individual blocks on the CPU may be necessary during the test phase of the
CPU program. Blocks are stored in the user memory of the CPU either in the EPROM
or RAM (depending on the CPU and the load procedure).
• Blocks in the RAM can be deleted directly. The occupied space in the load or work
memory becomes free and can be used again.
• Blocks in the integrated EPROM are always copied to the RAM area following a
memory reset of the CPU. The copies in the RAM can be deleted directly.
The deleted blocks are then marked in the EPROM as invalid until the next
memory reset or power down without RAM backup. Following a memory reset or
power down without RAM backup, the "deleted" blocks are copied from the
EPROM to the RAM and become active. Blocks in the integrated EPROM (for
example, in the CPU 312) are deleted by overwriting them with the new RAM con-
• EPROM memory cards must be erased in the programming device.

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Deleting on the Programmable Controller 10.3.2

6ES7 95
MC 952
X 4
STOP 5 6


Operating Sequence for Memory Reset:
Case A: You want to download a complete, new user program to the CPU.

1. Turn the switch to the STOP position.

Result: The STOP LED lights up
2. Turn the switch to MRES, and keep it in this position.
Result: The STOP LED is dark for a second, light for a second, dark for a second
and then remains on.
3. Turn the switch back to STOP, and then within the next 3 seconds turn it back to
MRES and then back to STOP.
Result: The STOP LED flashes for at least 3 seconds at 2 Hz (memory reset is
executed) and then lights up continuously.

Case B: When the STOP LED flashes slowly at 0.5 Hz, the CPU is requesting a memo-
ry reset (system memory reset request, after a memory card has been removed or
inserted, for example).
Turn the switch to MRES and back to the STOP position.
Result: The STOP LED flashes for at least 3 seconds at 2 Hz (a memory reset
is executed) and then lights up continuously.

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Compressing the User Memory (RAM) 10.4.1

Memory occupied before compressing

Memory occupied after compressing

Occupied memory
Free memory

Gaps in the User Memory (RAM):

After deleting and reloading blocks, gaps can occur in the user memory (load and work
memory) and reduce the usable memory area. With the compress function, the existing
blocks are rearranged in the user memory without gaps, and a continuous free memo-
ry is created.
The above figure shows a diagram of how occupied blocks of memory are shifted toge-
ther by the compress function.

Always Try to Compress the Memory in STOP Mode:

Only if you compress the memory in "STOP" mode are all the gaps closed up. In the
RUNP mode (mode selector setting), the blocks currently being processed cannot be
shifted since they are open. The compress function does not work in the RUN mode
(mode selector setting) (write protection!).

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Compressing the User Memory (RAM) 10.4.2

Compressing the Memory Contents of an S7 CPU

Ways to Compressing the Memory:

There are two methods of compressing the user memory, as follows:
• If there is insufficient memory available when you are downloading to the pro-
grammable controller, a dialog box appears informing you of the error. You can
compress the memory by clicking the corresponding button in the dialog box.
• As a preventative measure, you can display the memory utilization (menu com-
mand PLC > Module Information, "Memory" tab) and start the compressing fun-
ction if required.

1. Select the S7 program in the "Accessible Nodes" window or the online view of
the project..
2. Select the menu command PLC > Module Information.
3. In the dialog box which then appears, select the "Memory" tab. In this tabbed
page there is a button for compressing the memory if the CPU supports this

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Testing with Variable Tables 10.5.1

Introduction to Testing with Variable Tables:

Variable tables offer the advantage of being able to store various test environments.
Thus, tests and monitoring can be effortlessly reproduced during operation or for the
purpose of service and maintenance. There is no limit to the number of variable tables
that can be stored.

When testing using variable tables, the following functions are available:
• Monitoring Variables
This function enables you to display on the programming device/PC the current
values of individual variables in a user program or a CPU.
• Modifying Variables
You can use this function to assign fixed values to individual variables of a user
program or a CPU. Modifying values once and immediately is also possible when
testing using program status.
• Enable Peripheral Output and Activate Modify Values
These two functions allow you to assign fixed values to individual I/O outputs of a
CPU in STOP mode.
• Forcing Variables
You can use this function to assign individual variables of a user program or a CPU
with a fixed value which cannot be overwritten by the user program.
You can assign or display the values for the following variables:
• Inputs, outputs, bit memory, timers, and counters
• Contents of data blocks
• I/O (periphery)
You enter the variables you want to display or modify in variable tables.
You can determine when and how often the variables are monitored or assigned new
values by defining a trigger point and trigger frequency.

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Testing with Variable Tables 10.5.2

Basic Procedure when Monitoring and Modifying with the Variable Table:
To use the Monitor and Modify functions, proceed as follows:
1. Create a new variable table or open an existing variable table.
2. Edit or check the contents of the variable table.
3. Establish an online connection between the current variable table and the
required CPU using the menu command PLC > Connect To.
4. Using the menu command Variable > Trigger, select a suitable trigger point
and set the trigger frequency.
5. The menu commands Variable > Monitor and Variable > Modify toggle the
Monitor and Modify functions on and off.
6. Save the completed variable table using the menu command Table > Save
or Table > Save As, so that you can call it up again at any time.

Creating and Opening a Variable Table:

Before you can monitor or modify variables, you must create a variable table (VAT) and
enter the required variables. To create a variable table, you can choose from one of the
following methods:

In the SIMATIC Manager:

• Select the "Blocks" folder and the menu command Insert > S7 Block > Variable
Table. In the dialog box, you can give the table a name ("Symbolic Name" text
box). This name is displayed in the project window. You can open the variable
table by doubleclicking the object.
• Select a connection or, in the online view, an S7 program from the list of accessi-
ble nodes. You create an unnamed variable table using the menu command PLC
> Monitor/Modify Variables.

In "Monitor/Modify Variables":
• You can use the menu command Table > New to create a new variable table
which is not yet assigned to any S7 program. You can open existing tables with
Table > Open.
• You can use the corresponding symbols in the toolbar to create or open variable
• Once you have created a variable table, you can save it, print it out, and use it
again and again for monitoring and modifying.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 10-23

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Testing with Variable Tables 10.5.3

Copying/Moving Variable Tables:

You can copy or move variable tables in block folders of an S7 program.
Note the following when copying or moving variable tables:
• Existing symbols in the symbol table of the target program will be updated.
• When you move a variable table, the corresponding symbols from the symbol
table of the source program will also be moved to the symbol table of the target
• When you delete variable tables from the block folder, the corresponding symbols
from the symbol table of the S7/M7 program will also be deleted.
• If the target program already contains a variable table with the same name, the
next-highest free number will be assigned when you copy the variable table.
• If the target program already contains a variable table with the same name, you
can rename the variable table when copying (as a default a number is attached to
the existing name).

Saving a Variable Table:

You can use saved variable tables to monitor and modify variables when you test a pro-
gram again.
1. Save the variable table using the menu command Table > Save.
2. If the variable table has been created, you must now give the variable table
a name, for example, "ProgramTest_1."
When you save a variable table, all the current settings and the table format are saved.
This means that the settings made under the menu item "Trigger" are saved.

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Advanced Training Course Manual
Testing with Variable Tables 10.5.4

Example of a Completed Variable Table:

The above figure shows a variable table with the following visible columns:
Address, Symbol, Display Format, Monitor Value, and Modify Value

Inserting Addresses or Symbols in a Variable Table:

Select the variables whose values you want to modify or monitor and enter them in the
variable table. Start from the "outside" and work "inwards"; this means you should first
select the inputs and then the variables that are influenced by the inputs and which
influence the outputs, and finally the outputs.

If you want, for example, to monitor the input bit 1.0, the memory word 5, and the out-
put byte 0, enter the following in the "Address" column:

I 1.0
MW 5
QB 0

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Testing with Variable Tables 10.5.5

Notes on Inserting Symbols:

• You enter the variable you want to modify with your address or as a symbol.
You can enter symbols and addresses either in the "Symbol" column or in the
"Address" column. The entry is then written automatically in the correct column.
If the corresponding symbol is defined in the symbol table, the symbol column or
the address column is filled out automatically.
• You can only enter symbols that have already been defined in the symbol table.
• A symbol must be entered exactly as it was defined in the symbol table.
• Symbol names that contain special characters must be enclosed in inverted com-
mas (for example, ‘Motor.Off’, ‘Motor+Off’, ‘Motor-Off’).
• To define new symbols in the symbol table select the menu command Options >
Symbol Table. Symbol can also be copied from the symbol table and pasted in a
variable table.

Syntax Check:
When you enter variables in the variable table, a syntax check is carried out at the end
of each line. Any incorrect entries are marked in red. If you position the cursor in a row
marked in red, you can read the cause of the error in the status bar. Notes on correc-
ting the error can be obtained by pressing F1.

Maximum Size:
A maximum of 255 characters per line are permitted in a variable table. A carriage
return into the next row is not possible. A variable table can have up to a maximum of
1024 rows. This is then its maximum size.

Modify Value as Comment:

If you want to make the "modify value" of a variable ineffective, use the Variable >
Modify Value as Comment menu command. A comment marker "//" before the value
to be modified of a variable indicates that it is without effect. The command marker "//"
can also be inserted in front of the "modify value" instead of the menu command call.
The ineffectiveness of the "modify value" can be reversed by calling up the Variable >
Modify Value as Comment menu command again or by removing the comment mar-

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 10-26

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Testing with Variable Tables 10.5.6

Establishing a Connection to the CPU:

In order to be able to monitor or modify the variables you entered in your current
variable table (VAT), you must establish a connection to the appropriate CPU. It is pos-
sible to link each variable table with a different CPU.

Establishing an Online Connection to the CPU:

If an online connection to the required CPU does not exist, use the menu command
PLC > Connect To > ... to define a connection to the required CPU so that variables
can be monitored or modified. Alternatively, you can also click the corresponding but-
tons in the toolbar.

ON Connection to configured CPU

Connection to directly connected CPU (for example, MPI=2 (direct))

Displaying an Online Connection:

If an online connection exists, the term "ONLINE" in the title bar of the variable table
window indicates this fact.

The status bar displays the operating states "RUN", "STOP", "DISCONNECTED" or
"CONNECTED", depending on the CPU.

Interrupting the Online Connection to the CPU:

Using the menu command PLC > Disconnect you interrupt the connection between the
variable table and the CPU.

If you created an unnamed variable table with the menu command Table > New, you
can establish a connection to the last configured CPU configured if it is defined.

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Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Monitoring, Modifying and Forcing Variables 10.6.1

Introduction to Monitoring Variables:

The following methods are available to you for monitoring variables:
• Activate the Monitor function with the menu command Variable > Monitor. The
values of the selected variables are displayed in the variable table in accordance
with the trigger point and trigger frequency set. If you set the trigger frequency
”Every cycle," you can toggle the Monitor function off again with the menu com-
mand Variable > Monitor.
• You can update the values of the selected variables once and immediately using
the menu command Variable > Update Monitor Values. The current values of
the selected variables are displayed in the variable table.

Aborting "Monitoring" with ESC:

If you press ESC while the "Monitoring" function is active, the function is terminated
without a query.

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Advanced Training Course Manual
Monitoring, Modifying and Forcing Variables 10.6.2

Defining the Trigger for Monitoring Variables:

You can display on the programming device the current values of individual variables in
a user program at a specific point during program processing (trigger point) in order to
monitor them. When you select a trigger point you determine the point in time at which
the monitor values of variables will be displayed. You can set the trigger point and a trig-
ger frequency using the menu command Variable > Trigger.

Trigger Possible Settings

Trigger point Start of cycle
End of cycle
Transition from RUN to STOP
Trigger frequency Once
Every cycle

Trigger Point:
The following figure shows the position of the trigger points..

Process-image of inputs

Trigger point "Start of cycle"

OB 1 Trigger point "Transition

from RUN to STOP"

Trigger point "End of cycle"

Process-image of outputs

To display the modified value in the "Status Value" column, you should set the trigger
point for monitoring to ”Start of cycle" and the trigger point for modifying to ”End of

Trigger Immediately:
You can update the values of selected variables using the menu command Variable >
Update Monitor Values. This command is taken to mean ”trigger immediately" and is
executed as quickly as possible without reference to any point in the user program. The-
se functions are mainly used for monitoring and modifying in STOP mode.

Trigger Frequency:
The following table shows the effect that the trigger frequency has on the monitoring of

Trigger frequency: Once Trigger frequency: Every cycle

Monitor Update once Monitoring with a defined trigger
Variables Dependent on trigger point When testing a block you can track the
progress of processing exactly.

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Monitoring, Modifying and Forcing Variables 10.6.3

Introduction to Modifying Variables:

The following methods are available to you for modifying variables:
• Activate the Modify function with the menu command Variable > Modify. The user
program applies the modify values for the selected variables from the variable
table in accordance with the trigger point and trigger frequency set. If you set the
trigger frequency ”Every cycle," you can toggle the Modify function off again with
the menu command Variable > Modify.
• You can update the values of the selected variables once and immediately using
the menu command Variable > Activate Modify Values.
The functions Force and Enable Peripheral Output (PQ) provide other possibilities.

When Modifying, Note!

• Only those addresses that were visible in the variable table when you started
modifying are modified.
If you decrease the size of the visible area of the variable table once you have star-
ted modifying, addresses may be modified that are no longer visible.
If the visible area of the variable table is made larger, there may be addresses visi-
ble that are not modified.
• Modifying cannot be undone (for example, with Edit > Undo).
• If you select modifying in every cycle, you cannot scroll on the screen.

Changing the variable values while a process is running can lead to serious
damage to property or personnel if errors occur in the function or in the pro-
Make sure that no dangerous situations can occur before you execute the
”Modify" function.

Aborting "Modifying" with ESC:

If you press ESC while the "Modifying" function is in process, the function is aborted
without a query.

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Advanced Training Course Manual
Monitoring, Modifying and Forcing Variables 10.6.4

Defining the Trigger for Modifying Variables:

You can assign fixed values to individual variables of a user program (once or every
cycle) at a specific point during program processing (trigger point).
When you select a trigger point you determine the point in time at which the modify
values are assigned to the variables.
You can set the trigger point and a trigger frequency using the menu command Variable
> Trigger.

Trigger Possible Settings

Trigger point Start of cycle
End of cycle
Transition from RUN to STOP
Trigger frequency Once
Every cycle

Trigger Frequency:
The following table shows the effect that the trigger condition set has on the
modifying of variables:
Trigger frequency: Once Trigger frequency: Every cycle
Modify Activate once Modifying with a defined trigger By
Variables You can assign values to variables assigning fixed values you can simulate
once, independent of the trigger point. certain situations for your user program
and use this to debug the functions you
have programmed.

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Advanced Training Course Manual
Monitoring, Modifying and Forcing Variables 10.6.4

Defining the Trigger for Modifying Variables

Trigger Point:
The following figure shows the position of the trigger points.

Process-image of inputs

Trigger point "Start of cycle"

OB 1 Trigger point "Transition

from RUN to STOP"

Trigger point "End of cycle"

Process-image of outputs

The position of the trigger points shows:

• Modifying inputs is only useful with the trigger point "Start of cycle" (corresponds
to the start of the user program OB 1), because otherwise the process image of
the inputs is updated after modifying and therefore overwritten).
• Modifying outputs is only useful with the trigger point "End of cycle" (corresponds
to the end of the user program OB 1), because otherwise the user program can
overwrite the process image of the outputs).

To display the modified value in the "Status Value" column, you should set the trigger
point for monitoring to ”Start of cycle" and the trigger point for modifying to ”End of

The following applies to trigger points when modifying variables:

• If you set ”Once" as the trigger frequency, a message appears if the selected
variables cannot be modified.
• With the trigger frequency ”Every cycle," no message appears.

Trigger Immediately:
You can modify the values of selected variables using the menu command Variable >
Activate Modify Values. This command is taken to mean ”trigger immediately" and is
executed as quickly as possible without reference to any point in the user program. This
function is used mainly for modifying in STOP mode.

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Monitoring, Modifying and Forcing Variables 10.6.5

Introduction to Forcing Variables:

You can assign fixed values to individual variables of a user program so that they can-
not be changed or overwritten even by the user program executing in the CPU.
The requirement for this is that the CPU supports this function (for example, the S7-400
CPUs). By assigning fixed values to variables you can set specific situations for your
user program and use this to test the programmed functions.

"Force Values" Window:

Only when the "Force Values" window is active can the menu commands for forcing be
To display this window, select the menu command Variable > Display Force Values.
You should only open one single "Force Values" window for a CPU. The variables toge-
ther with their respective force values for the active force job are displayed in this win-

Example of a Force Values Window:

The name of the current online connection is shown in the title bar.
The data and time the force job was read from the CPU are shown in the status bar.
If no force job is active, the window is empty.

The different methods of displaying variables in the "Force Values" window have the fol-
lowing significance:
Display Meaning
Bold: Variables that are already assigned a fixed value in the CPU.
Normal: Variables that are being edited.

Grayed out: Variables of a module that is not present/inserted in the rack

or Variables with an address error; an error message is displayed.

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Advanced Training Course Manual
Monitoring, Modifying and Forcing Variables 10.6.6

Using Forceable Addresses from the Variable Table:

Select the variables you want to force in the variable table.
When you open the "Force Values" window these variables are used if the module can
force the variables.

Using the Force Job from the CPU or Setting Up a New Force Job:
If the "Force Values" window is open and active, another message is displayed:
• If you confirm it, the changes in the window are overwritten with the force job exi-
sting on the CPU. You can restore the previous window contents with the menu
command Edit > Undo.
•If you cancel it, the current contents of the window are retained.
You can then save the contents of the "Force Values" window as a variable table
using the menu command Table > Save As or select the menu command Varia-
ble > Force: this writes the current contents of the window to the CPU as the new
force job.
Monitoring and modifying variables is only possible in the variable table and not in the
"Force Values" window.

Saving a Force Values Window:

You can save the contents of the force values window in a variable table. Using the
Insert > Variable Table menu command, you can reinsert the saved contents in a for-
ce values window.

Notes on Symbols in the Force Values Window:

The symbols in the last active window are entered except if you opened the "Monitoring
and Modifying Variables" application from another application which has no symbols.
If you cannot enter symbolic names, the "Symbol" column is hidden. The menu com-
mand Options > Symbol Table is deactivated in this case.

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Advanced Training Course Manual
Monitoring, Modifying and Forcing Variables 10.6.7

Safety Measures When Forcing Variables

Beware of Injury to Personnel and Damage to Property!

Note that when using the "Force" function, any incorrect action could:
• Endanger the life or health of personnel or
• Cause damage to machines or the whole plant.

• Before you start the Force function you should check that nobody is executing this
function on the same CPU at the same time.
• A Force job can only be deleted or terminated with the menu command Variable
> Stop Forcing. Closing the force values window or exiting the ”Monitoring and
Modifying Variables" application does not delete the force job.
• Forcing cannot be undone (for example, with Edit > Undo).
• Read the information on the Differences between Forcing and Modifying Variables.
• If a CPU does not support the Force function, all menu commands in the Variable
menu linked with forcing are deactivated.

If the output disable is deactivated with the menu command Variable > Enable Per-
ipheral Output, all forced output modules output their force value.

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Advanced Training Course Manual
Monitoring, Modifying and Forcing Variables 10.6.8

Differences Between Forcing and Modifying Variables:

The following table summarizes the differences between forcing and modifying:

Feature / Function Forcing with Forcing with Modify

S7-400 S7-300
Bit memory (M) yes - yes
Timers and counters (T, C) - - yes
Data blocks (DB) - - yes
Peripheral inputs (PIB, PIW, PID) yes - -
Peripheral outputs (PQB, PQW, PQD) yes - yes
Inputs and outputs (I, Q) yes - yes
User program can overwrite the - - yes
modify/force values
Replacing the force value effective yes yes -
without interruption
The variables retain their values when yes yes -
the application is exited
The variables retain their values after yes yes -
the connection to the CPU is broken
Addressing errors permitted: - - The last becomes
e.g. IW1 modify/force value: 1 effective
IW1 modify/force value: 0
Setting triggers Always trigger always trigger once or every
immediatel immediately cycle
Function only affects variable in visible Affects all force affects all force yes
area of active window values values

• With "Enable Peripheral Outputs," the force values for forced peripheral outputs
become effective on the corresponding output modules; the modify values for
peripheral outputs, however, do not.
• With forcing, the variable always has the forced value. This value is read during
each read access to the user program. All forms of write access are ineffective.
• With permanent modifying, read access to the program is effective and remains
so until the next trigger point.

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Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Testing Using Program Status 10.7.1

You can test your program by displaying the program status (RLO, status bit) or the
contents of the corresponding registers for every instruction. You can define the scope
of the information displayed in the "LAD/FBD" tab in the "Customize" dialog box. You
open this dialog box using the menu command Options > Customize in the
"LAD/STL/FBD: Programming Blocks" window.

Testing a program while a process is running can lead to serious damage to pro-
perty or persons if errors occur in the function or in the program.
Ensure that no dangerous situations can occur before you execute this function.

To display the program status, the following requirements must be fulfilled:
• You must have saved the block without errors and then downloaded it to the CPU
• The CPU must be in operation and the user program running.
• The block must be open online.

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Advanced Training Course Manual
Testing Using Program Status 10.7.2

Basic Procedure for Monitoring the Program Status:

It is strongly recommended that you do not call the whole program and debug it, but call
the blocks one by one and debug them individually. You should start with the blocks in
the last nesting level of the call hierarchy, for example, by calling them in OB1 and crea-
ting the environment to be tested for the block by monitoring and modifying variables.

Open block online

Define the display for the program status

Define the call environment (optional)

Select the operation mode for the test

Switch test on/off

To set breakpoints, and to execute the program in single-step mode, test operation
mode must be set (see menu command Debug > Operation). These test functions
are not possible in process operation mode.

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Advanced Training Course Manual
Testing Using Program Status 10.7.3

Program Status Display:

The display of the program status is updated cyclically. It begins with the selected net-

Preset Color Codes in LAD and FBD

• Status fulfilled: green continuous lines
• Status not fulfilled: blue dotted lines
• Status unknown: black continuous lines

The preset for line type and color can be changed under the menu command Options
> Customize, "LAD/FBD" tab..

Status of Elements:
• The status of a contact is:
- Fulfilled if the address has the value "1,"
- Not fulfilled if the address has the value "0,"
- Unknown if the value of the address is unknown.
• The status of elements with enable output (ENO) corresponds to the status of a
contact with the value of the ENO output as the address.
• The status of elements with a Q output corresponds to the status of a contact with
the value of the address.
• The status for CALLs is fulfilled if the BR bit is set following the call.
• The status of a jump instruction is fulfilled if the jump is executed, meaning if the
jump condition is fulfilled.
• Elements with enable output (ENO) are shown in black if the enable output is not

Status of Lines:
• Lines are black if they are not run through or if their status is unknown.
• The status of lines that start at the power rail is always fulfilled ("1").
• The status of lines at the start of parallel branches is always fulfilled ("1").
• The status of the line following an element is fulfilled if both the status of the line
before the element and the status of the element are fulfilled.
• The status of the line following NOT is fulfilled if the status of the line before NOT
is not fulfilled (and vice versa).
• The status of the line after an intersection of a number of lines is fulfilled if:
- The status of at least one line before the intersection is fulfilled.
- The status of the line before the branch is fulfilled.

Status of Parameters:
• The values of parameters in bold type are current.
• The values of parameters in thin type result from a previous cycle; the program
section was not processed in the current scan cycle.

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Advanced Training Course Manual
Testing Using Program Status 10.7.4

Program Status of Data Blocks:

From STEP 7 version 5 onwards, it is possible to observe a data block online in the data
view. The display can be activated either by an online data block or by an offline data
block. In both cases, the contents of the online data block in the programmable control-
ler are displayed.
The data block must not be modified before the program status is started. If there is a
structural difference (declaration) between the online data block and the offline data
block, the offline data block can be downloaded to the programmable controller directly
on request.
The data block must be located in the "data view," so that the online values can be dis-
played in the "Actual Value" column. Only the the part of the data block which is visible
on the screen is updated. While the status is active, you cannot switch to the declara-
tion view.
While the update is in progress, a green bar is visible in the status bar and the opera-
ting mode is displayed.
The values are issued in the fomat of the respective data type; the format cannot be
After program status has been concluded, the "Actual Value" column displays again the
contents which were valid before the program status. It is not possible to transfer the
updated online values to the offline data block.

Updating data types:

All the elementary data types are updated in a shared DB, as well as in all the declara-
tions (in/out/inout/stat) of an instance data block.
Some data types cannot be updated. When the program status is active, fields in the
"Actual Value" column which contain data which have not been updated are displayed
with a gray background.
• The complex data types DATE_AND_TIME and STRING are not updated.
• In the complex data types ARRAY, STRUCT, UDT, FB, and SFB, only those ele-
ments which are elementary data types are updated.
• In the INOUT declaration of an instance data block only the pointer to the complex
data type is displayed, not the elements of the data type itself. The pointer is not
• Parameter types are not updated

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 10-40

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Diagnostics 10.8.1

Diagnostics Call the function

symbol of CPU "Diagnose Hardware"

Diagnostic view

Diagnosing Hardware and Troubleshooting:

You can see whether diagnostic information is available for a module by the presence
of diagnostics symbols. Diagnostics symbols show the status of the corresponding
module and, for CPUs, the operating mode as well.
Diagnostics symbols are displayed in the project window in the online view as well as
in the quick view (default setting) or the diagnostic view when you call the function "Dia-
gnose Hardware." Detailed diagnostic information is displayed in the "Module Informa-
tion" application, which you can start by double-clicking a diagnostics symbol in the
quick view or the diagnostic view.

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Advanced Training Course Manual
Diagnostics 10.8.2

How to Locate Faults:

1. Open the online window for the project with the menu command View > Online.
2. Open all the stations so that the programmable modules configured in them
are visible.
3. Check to see which CPU is displaying a diagnostics symbol indicating an
error or fault. You can open the help page with an explanation of the diagnostics
symbols using the F1 key.
4. Select the station that you want to examine.
5. Select the menu command PLC > Module Information to display the
module information for the CPU in this station.
6. Select the menu command PLC > Diagnose Hardware to display the
"quick view" with the CPU and the failed modules in this station.
The display of the quick view is set as default (menu command
Option > Customize, "View" tab).
7. Select a faulty module in the quick view.
8. Click the "Module Information" button to obtain the information on this module.
9. Click the "Open Station Online" button in the quick view to display the diagnostic
view. The diagnostic view contains all the modules in the station in their
slot order.
10. Double-click a module in the diagnostic view in order to display its module
information. In this way, you can also obtain information for those modules
that are not faulty and therefore not displayed in the quick view.

You do not necessarily have to carry out all of the steps; you can stop as soon as
you have obtained the diagnostic information you require.

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Diagnostics 10.8.3

Diagnostic Symbols in the Online View:

Diagnostics symbols are displayed in the online project window and in the hardware
configuration window with the online view of configuration tables.
Diagnostics symbols make it easier for you to detect a fault. You can see by a glance at
a module symbol whether diagnostic information is available. If there are no faults pre-
sent, the symbols for the module types are displayed without additional diagnostics
If diagnostic information is available for a module, a diagnostics symbol is displayed in
addition to the module symbol or the module symbol is displayed with reduced contrast.

Diagnostic Symbols for Modules (Example: FM / CPU):

Preset actual mismatch in the configuration
(module exists/type monitoring mismatch):
the configured module is not available or a different module type is inserted

Fault: module has a fault.

Possible causes: diagnostic interrupt,
I/O access error, or error LED detected

Diagnosis not possible because no online connection exists or the CPU

cannot supply diagnostic information for the module
(for example, power supply, or submodule).

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Advanced Training Course Manual
Diagnostics 10.8.3

Diagnostic Symbols in the Online View

Diagnostics Symbols for Operating Modes (Example: CPU)



STOP triggered by STOP mode

or another CPU in multicomputing operation



Diagnostic Symbol for Forcing:

Variables are being forced on this module, meaning variables in the user program
for the module are assigned fixed values that cannot be changed by the program.
The symbol for forcing can also appear in combination with other symbols (here
with the symbol for RUN mode).

Updating the Display of Diagnostic Symbols:

The appropriate window must be activated.
• Press F5 or
• Select the menu command View > Update in the window.

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Advanced Training Course Manual
Diagnostics 10.8.4

Diagnosing Hardware: Quick View

Calling the Quick View:

The quick view offers you a quick way of using "Diagnosing Hardware" with less infor-
mation than the more detailed displays in the diagnostic view of HW Config.
The quick view is displayed as default when the "Diagnose Hardware" function is cal-

Displaying the Quick View:

You call this function from the SIMATIC Manager using the menu command PLC > Dia-
gnose Hardware.
You can use the menu command as follows:
• In the online window of the project if a module or an S7 program is selected.
• If a node ("MPI=...") is selected in the "Accessible Nodes" window and this entry
belongs to a CPU.
From the configuration tables displayed, you can select modules whose module infor-
mation you want to display.

Information Functions in the Quick View:

The following information is displayed in the quick view:
• Data for the online connection to the CPU
• Diagnostic symbol for the CPU
• Diagnostic symbols for the modules in which the CPU has detected a fault (for
example, diagnostic interrupt, I/O access error)
• Module type and address of the module (rack, slot, DP master system with stati-
on number).

Other Diagnostic Options in the Quick View:

• Displaying the Module Information
You can call this dialog box by clicking the "Module Information" button. The dia-
log box displays detailed diagnostic information, depending on the diagnostic
capabilities of the selected module. In particular, you can display the entries in the
diagnostic buffer via the diagnostic information of the CPU.
• Displaying the Diagnostic View
Using the "Open Station Online" button, you can open the dialog box which, in con-
trast to the quick view, contains a graphic overview of the whole station as well as
configuration information. It focuses on the module which is highlighted in the list
"CPU / Faulty Modules."

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Diagnostics 10.8.5

Diagnosing Hardware: Diagnostic View

Calling the Diagnostic View:

Using this method you can open the "Module Information" dialog box for all modules in
the rack. The diagnostic view (configuration table) shows the actual structure of a sta-
tion at the level of the racks and DP stations with their modules.

• If the configuration table is already open offline, you can also get the online view
of the configuration table using the menu command Station > Open Online.
• Depending on the diagnostics capability of the module, a varying number of tabs
are displayed in the ”Module Information" dialog box.
• In the "Accessible Nodes" window, only the modules with their own node address
(MPI or PROFIBUS address) are ever visible.

Information Functions in the Diagnostic View:

In contrast to the quick view, the diagnostic view displays the entire station configura-
tion available online. This consists of:
• Rack configurations
• Diagnostics symbols for all configured modules From these, you can read the sta-
tus of each module and, with CPU modules, the operating mode.
• Module type, order number and address details, comments on the configuration.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 10-46

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Diagnostics 10.8.5

Diagnosing Hardware: Diagnostic View

Calling from the ONLINE view of a project in the SIMATIC Manager:

1. Establish an online connection to the programmable controller using the menu
command View > Online in the project view in the SIMATIC Manager.
2. Select a station and open it with a double-click.
3. Then open the "Hardware" object in it. The diagnostic view is opened.
Now you can select a module and call up its module information using the menu com-
mand PLC > Module Information.

Calling from the offline view of a project in the SIMATIC Manager:

Execute the following steps:
1. Select a station from the project view of the SIMATIC Manager and open it with
a double-click.
2. Then open the "Hardware" object in it. The configuration table is opened.
3. Select the Station > Open Online menu command.
4. The diagnostic view of HW Config is opened with the station configuration as
determined from the modules (for example, CPU). The status of the modules is
indicated by means of symbols. Refer to the online help for the meaning of the
various symbols. Faulty modules and configured modules which are missing are
listed in a separate dialog box. From this dialog box you can navigate directly to
one of the selected module (”Go To” button).

5. Doubleclick the symbol for the module whose status you are interested in.
A dialog box with tabs (depending on the type of module) gives you a detailed
analysis of the module status.

Calling from the "Accessible Nodes" window in the SIMATIC Manager:

Execute the following steps:
1. Open the "Accessible Nodes" window in the SIMATIC Manager using the menu
command PLC > Display Accessible Nodes.
2. Select a node in the ”Accessible Nodes" window.
3. Select the menu command PLC > Diagnose Hardware.

In the "Accessible Nodes" window, only the modules with their own node address
(MPI or PROFIBUS address) are ever visible.

Additional Diagnostic Options in the Diagnostic View:

Additional Diagnostic Options in the Diagnostic View

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 10-47

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Diagnostics 10.8.6

Call the function Call the function

"Accessible Nodes" "Diagnose Hardware"

Diagnostic view

Module Information

Options for Displaying the Module Information:

You can display the "Module Information" dialog box from different starting points. The
following procedures are examples of frequently used methods of calling module infor-
• In the SIMATIC Manager from a window with the project view "online" or "offline."
• In the SIMATIC Manager from an "Accessible Nodes" window
• In the diagnostic view of HW Config

In order to display the status of a module with its own node address, you require an onli-
ne connection to the programmable controller. You establish this connection via the onli-
ne view of a project or via the "Accessible Nodes" window.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 10-48

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Diagnostics 10.8.7

Diagnosing in STOP Mode

Basic Procedure for Determining the Cause of a STOP:

To determine why the CPU has gone into "STOP" mode, proceed as follows:
1. Select the CPU that has gone into STOP.
2. Select the menu command PLC > Module Information.
3. Select the "Diagnostic Buffer" tab.
4. You can determine the cause of the STOP from the last entries in the
diagnostic buffer.

If a programming error occurs:

1. The entry "STOP because programming error OB not loaded" means, for
example, that the CPU has detected a program error and then attempted to
start the (non-existent) OB to handle the programming error. The previous
entry points to the actual programming error.
2. Select the message relating to the programming error.
3. Click the "Open Block" button.
4. Select the "Stacks" tab.

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 10-49

Mobile Harbour Cranes
Advanced Training Course Manual
Diagnostics 10.8.1

Stack Contents in STOP Mode:

By evaluating the diagnostic buffer and the stack contents you can determine the cau-
se of the fault in the processing of the user program.
If, for example, the CPU has gone into STOP as a result of a programming error or the
STOP command, the "Stacks" tab in the module information displays the block stack.
You can display the contents of the other stacks using the ”I Stack", ”L Stack", and ”Nes-
ting Stack" buttons. The stack contents give you information on which instruction in whi-
ch block led to the CPU going into STOP.

B- Stack Contents:
The B stack, or block stack, lists all the blocks that were called before the change to
STOP mode and which were not completely processed.

I- Stack Contents:
When you click the ”I Stack" button, the data at the interrupt location are displayed.
The I stack, or interrupt stack, contains the data or the states which were valid at the
time of the interrupt, for example:
• Accumulator contents and register contents
• Open data blocks and their size
• Content of the status word
• Priority class (nesting level)
• Interrupted block
• Block in which program processing continues after the interrupt.

L- Stack Contents:
For every block listed in the B stack, you can display the corresponding local data by
selecting the block and clicking the ”L Stack" button.
The L stack, or local data stack, contains the local data values of the blocks the user
program was working with at the time of the interrupt.
In-depth knowledge of the system is required to interpret and evaluate the local data
displayed. The first part of the data displayed corresponds to the temporary variables
for the block.

Nesting Stack Contents:

When you click the ”Nesting Stack" button, the contents of the nesting stack at the inter-
rupt location are displayed.
The nesting stack is a memory area that the logic operations A(, AN(, O(, ON(, X(, and
XN( use.
The button is only active if bracket expressions were still open at the time of interrup-

© Gottwald Port Technology 2004/FULe 10-50

Copyright © Gottwald Port Technology 2004 Disclaimer of Liability
All rights reserved
The reproduction, transmission, or use of this document We have checked the contents of this manual for agre-
or its contents is not permitted without express written ement with the hardware and software described.
authority. Offenders will be liable for damages. All rights, Since deviations cannot be precluded entirely, we can-
including rights created by patent grant or registration not guarantee full agreement. However, the data in this
of a utility model or design, are reserved. manual are reviewed regularly and any necessary cor-
rections included in subsequent editions.
Suggestions for improvement are welcomed.

Gottwald Port Technology
Service Division Training
PO Box 18 03 43
D- 40570 Düsseldorf Technical data subject to change.

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