Tema 2 - Exercicios-1
Tema 2 - Exercicios-1
Tema 2 - Exercicios-1
1. ... and shall at all times (both 1. Pour mixture into prepared
during and after the said period) steamer, ...
be conclusively binding on me 2. The risk of developing
and my personal Representatives encephalitis after the inoculation
in favour of third parties. is approximately one per million,
2. ... Jack clambered out between ...
the fronds, and had a good look 3. And I hereby declare that these
round. presents shall be irrevocable for
3. Unless priority is given to Twelve Months from the date
improving education and ending hereof...
the recession, ... 4. ... the sensitive shadowy beauty
4. ... attended this University on of the romantic poetry, the
the Undergraduate course in increasingly complex symbolism
Modern Languages. of mithology.
5. ... an overview of the collections 5. When the sun was well down, ...
on display in the various 6. This brochure is designed to give
galleries. visitors...
6. The next chapel on the left, 7. the consequences will be grave
named after its donor the monk for Europe for we will find it
Bauchon, has a modern statue of increasingly hard to compete
St. Mary by Skelton, ... with the United States and the
7. ... cover with greased round of Far East.
paper, then foil, secure with 8. This is to certify that the above
string or lid. named...
8. ... which is lower than the 9. ... a painting by Opie of Christ
average rate in the general presentation in the Temple and a
population without vaccine. superb stained window showing
9. There is the direct and even Benedictine saints.
bitter criticism of public events,
the limpid simplicity of local
legends and ballads, ...
Solucións exercicio 2
1. And I hereby declare that these presents shall be irrevocable for Twelve Months
from the date hereof and shall at all times (both during and after the said period)
be conclusively binding on me and my personal Representatives in favour of third
parties. (Power of attorney)
2. When the sun was well down, Jack clambered out between the fronds, and had a
good look round. (Enyd Blyton, The valley of adventure).
3. Unless priority is given to improving education and ending the recession, the
consequences will be grave for Europe for we will find it increasingly hard to
compete with the United States and the Far East. (Texto argumentativo, The
4. This is to certify that the above named attended this University on the
Undergraduate course in Modern Languages. (Certificado universitario).
5. This brochure is designed to give visitors an overview of the collections on display
in the various galleries. (Folleto de Museo).
6. The next chapel on the left, named after its donor the monk Bauchon, has a
modern statue of St. Mary by Skelton, a painting by Opie of Christ presentation in
the Temple and a superb stained window showing Benedictine saints. (Folleto da
Catedral de Norwhich).
7. Pour mixture into prepared steamer, cover with greased round of paper, then foil,
secure with string or lid. (Delicious desserts. The Australian Women’s Weekly, p.
8. The risk of developing encephalitis after the inoculation is approximately one per
million, which is lower than the average rate in the general population without
vaccine. (Guía do Health Education Authority do Reino Unido).
9. There is the direct and even bitter criticism of public events, the limpid simplicity of
local legends and ballads, the sensitive shadowy beauty of the romantic poetry, the
increasingly complex symbolism of mithology (Introducción á antoloxía de Yeats).
early charm
globe card
inclined sheet
corner kind
just popped
road sensible
comfortably campaign
vessels goods
outposts paid
America warehouse
goal tastefully
peoples appropriate