Cardiovascular System - Anaphy Lab
Cardiovascular System - Anaphy Lab
Cardiovascular System - Anaphy Lab
- For blood clotting
- Disk-shaped cellular fragments with a nucleus.
- Range in size from 2-4 micrometers in diameter.
- Prevent fluid loss when blood vessels are
damaged by initiating a chain of reactions that
result in blood clotting.
- Derived from megakaryocytes.
- Life span: 7- 8 days
- Produced in red bone marrow from large - Occurs in red bone marrow or myeloid tissue.
- Because they are anucleate, RBCs are unable - Human blood is or different types and only
to synthesize proteins, grow, or divide. certain combinations of these blood types are
- As they age, RBCs become more rigid and compatible.
begin to fragment, or fall apart in 100 to 120 - Procedures have been developed for typing
days. blood.
- Their remains are eliminated by phagocytes in - This ensures that donor and recipient blood
the spleen, liver, and other body tissues. transfusions are compatible.
- RBC components are salvaged. - If blood groups are mismatched, agglutination
o The reason why feces are brown is or clumping of RBCs will occur.
because of the dead RBC. - TRANSFUSION REACTION – caused by a reaction
o Lost cells are replaced more or less between protein antibodies in the blood plasma
continuously by the divisions of and RBC surface molecules called antigens.
hemocytoblasts in the red.
o The developing RBCs divide many times
and then begin synthesizing huge ANTIGEN VS ANTIBODIES
amounts of hemoglobin.
- ANTIGENS - is the surface of the red blood cells.
o Suddenly, when enough hemoglobin has
o antigens on the surface of red blood
been accumulated, the nucleus and
cells have been categorized into blood
most organelles are ejected, and the cell
collapses inward.
o substance that the body recognizes as
o The entire developmental process from
hemocytoblast to mature RBC takes 3 to
- ANTIBODIES – plasma includes proteins.
5 days.
o very specific, meaning that each
o ERYTHROPOIETIN - The rate of erythrocyte
antibody can only bind to a certain
production is controlled by a hormone.
o “recognizers”
o present in plasma that attach to RBCs
bearing surface antigens different from
those on the patient’s (recipient’s) RBCs
- Someone with both antigen A and antigen B has o The O blood cells are not attacked by the anti-A
type AB blood. and/or anti-B in the recipient because the O cells
- If, however, a person has neither antigen A nor do not contain any A or B antigens.
antigen B, then that individual has type O blood. ➢ AGGLUTINATION – causes severe clumping.
o Is an antigen-antibody reaction that occurs when
an antigen is mixed with its corresponding
antibody at a suitable pH and temperature.
o tends to block blood vessels, resulting in brain and
kidney damage and, ultimately, death.
o Antigen is present
➢ BLOOD TRANSFUSION - involves taking blood from one
person (a donor) and giving it to another to replace
blood lost in major accidents, or during life-saving
operations, for instance.
o If the blood is not compatible in a blood
transfusion, then the red blood cells from the
donated blood will clump or agglutinate.
o The agglutinated red cells can clog blood
vessels and stop the circulation of the blood to
various parts of the body.
o The agglutinated red blood cells may also
crack, and their contents leak out in the body.
o The red blood cells contain hemoglobin which
➢ Proteins anchored in the blood plasma and red blood
becomes toxic when outside the cell. This can
cell (RBC) membrane are responsible for the
have fatal consequences for the patient.
phenotypic variations.
o Proteins in plasma function as antibodies, and The Rh BLOOD GROUP
proteins anchored to red blood cells function as
- Was named after the Rhesus monkeys, the
animals in which one of the eight Rh antigens or
➢ Type AB blood - is unique because it has both A and B
factors was first identified and studied.
proteins on the surface of the red blood cells, but no
- This was antigen D or agglutinogen D, which was
plasma antibodies.
later discovered in humans.
o Universal recipient since they have no plasma
- If antigen D and other Rh antigens are found on
antibodies to react with the antigens found on A,
the RBC membrane, the blood is Rh positive.
B, and O.
- Most Americans are Rh positive. If the RBCs lack
➢ Type O blood - is equally unique because it has no
the antigens, the blood is Rh negative. The
antigens on the surface of the red blood cells but has
presence or absence of the antigens is an
both A and B antibodies in the blood plasma.
inherited trait.
o Universal donors
o Contains plasma proteins ANTIBODIES
o it can be used in emergency transfusions as a BLOOD PLASMA
donor to A, B, and AB blood types since the
proteins in this blood plasma become so diluted in
the recipient’s plasma that the amount of
agglutination does not reach lethal levels.
Myocardium - makes up the bulk of the heart. ➢ The two atria are separated from each other by
o consists of thick bundles of cardiac muscle an internal interatrial septum.
twisted and whorled into ringlike ➢ The lower two chambers are called the:
arrangements. ▪ right ventricle
o It is the layer that actually contracts. ▪ left ventricle
o is reinforced internally by a network of ➢ The two ventricles are separated from one
dense fibrous connective tissue called the another by an internal interventricular septum.
“skeleton of the heart.”
Endocardium - is the innermost layer of the wall
of the heart.
o is a thin, glistening sheet of endothelium
that lines the heart chambers.
o It is continuous with the linings of the blood
vessels leaving and entering the heart.
o In the lungs, the blood releases the carbon THE CONDUCTION SYSTEM OF THE HEART
dioxide it has been carrying and picks up
o The oxygenated blood returns to the heart
via four pulmonary veins that empty into
the left atrium. The blood is then squeezed
into the left ventricle.
o The left ventricle pumps the blood into the
next great vessel, the ascending aorta.
o From here the aortic blood goes to the
coronary arteries - (which supply the walls
of the heart with oxygenated blood), the
arch of the aorta - (which sends arteries to
upper parts of the body), and the
descending thoracic aorta, which
becomes the abdominal aorta. These
arteries transport oxygenated blood to all
parts of the body.
and goes to the aorta and the deoxygenated CARDIAC CYCLE DURING FIVE PERIODS:
blood that returns to the right atrium of the heart
via the superior and inferior venae cava after
traveling to all the organs of the body, including
the nutrient arteries to the lungs.
o Two of its significant subdivisions:
▪ coronary circulation (1) Atrial diastole (ventricular filling)
▪ hepatic portal circulation. - The heart is completely relaxed.
➢ Pulmonary circulation - Is the route that goes - Pressure in the heart is low, the AV valves are
from the right ventricle of the heart through the open, and blood is flowing passively through the
pulmonary semilunar valve to the pulmonary atria into the ventricles.
trunk that branches into the right and left - The semilunar valves are closed.
pulmonary arteries, which go to the lungs. (2) Atrial systole
o Here the deoxygenated blood loses its - The ventricles remain in diastole as the atria
carbon dioxide and picks up the contract, forcing blood into the ventricles to
oxygen and returns to the left atrium of complete ventricular filling.
the heart via the four pulmonary veins. (3) Isovolumetric contraction
➢ Cerebral circulation - The blood circulatory - Atrial systole ends, and ventricular systole
route that supplies the brain with oxygen and begins.
nutrients and disposes of waste. - The initial rise in intraventricular pressure closes
➢ Fetal circulation - a temporary circulation, is the the AV valves, preventing backflow of blood
circulation route that exists only between the into the atria.
developing fetus and its mother. - For a moment, the ventricles are completely
o It contains special structures that allow closed chambers.
the fetus to exchange oxygen and (4) Ventricular systole (ejection phase)
nutrients with its mother and to get rid of - The ventricles continue to contract, causing the
fetal waste products through this intraventricular pressure to surpass the pressure
connection. in the major arteries leaving the heart.
- This causes the semilunar valves to open and
blood to be ejected from the ventricles.
CARDIAC CYCLE AND HEART SOUNDS - During this phase, the atria are again relaxed
and filling with blood.
➢ Systole and Diastole – heart contraction and
(5) Isovolumetric relaxation
relaxation, respectively.
- As ventricular diastole begins, the pressure in the
➢ Cardiac Cycle – the events of one complete
ventricles falls below that in the major arteries,
heartbeat, during which both atria and
and the semilunar valves close to prevent
ventricles contract and then relax.
backflow into the ventricles.
➢ Lub – first heart sound caused by the closing of
- For another moment, the ventricles are
the AV valves.
completely closed chambers and
➢ Dup – occurs when the semilunar valves close at
intraventricular pressure continues to decrease.
the end of the ventricular systole.
- Meanwhile, the atria have been in diastole,
➢ Heart murmurs - Abnormal or unusual heart
filling with blood.
- When atrial pressure increases above
intraventricular pressure, the AV valves open,
and the cycle repeats.
CARDIAC OUTPUT – amount of blood pumped out. It is ➢ Tunica externa - the outermost tunic. This layer is
the product of heart rate (HR) and stroke volume (SV) - composed largely of fibrous connective tissue,
the volume of blood pumped out by a ventricle with and its function is to support and protect the
each heartbeat. vessels.