Law and Morality
Law and Morality
Law and Morality
60 The Cambridge Law Journal [2012]
excuse – if an excuse was needed – to revisit what Hart, at the very be-
ginning of the book, identifies as one of three “persistent ques-
tions … concerning human society” (CL 1–6) – namely, the relationship
between law and morality. Hart described that relationship as “one of
the principal recurrent issues in the long and complicated history of
speculation about the nature of law” (CL 6). In various guises it has been
a recurring theme of Maccabaean Lectures since 1959 when Patrick
Devlin delivered the second in the series, entitled “The Enforcement of
Morality”, unwittingly launching one of the century’s most famous –
and notorious – jurisprudential debates, commonly known as “the
Hart/Devlin debate”. (I will say a little more about that exchange later.)
Law and morality are both concerned with practical reasoning –
that is, with reasoning about what to do, what goals to aim for and
what sort of person to be. In this sense, both law and morality are
about right and wrong, good and bad, virtue and vice. These contrasts
are “normative”: they express value judgments. Sometimes the terms
“moral” and “morality” are used in contrast to “immoral” and
“immorality” to distinguish normatively between right and wrong,
good and bad, virtue and vice. In a similar way, what is “legal” may
be contrasted with what is “illegal”, “legality” with “illegality”. On the
other hand, the terms “morality” and “law” may also be used to dis-
tinguish between different aspects of social life and different domains
of practical reasoning. Thus morality may be contrasted with tradition
or etiquette or custom and, of course, with law. We may, that is, use the
words descriptively, contrasting the moral not with the immoral but
with the non-moral.
Concerning the relationship between law and morality in their
normative senses, Hart’s view was that what is required or allowed by
law may be prohibited by morality – in other words, that what is legal
may be immoral. Conversely, what law prohibits, morality may require
or permit – in other words, what is illegal may be morally acceptable or
even required. This view is sometimes referred to as the “separation
thesis”.3 A corollary (or, perhaps, a different formulation) of the
The separation thesis must be distinguished from the thesis that there is no necessary conceptual
connection between law and morality. Hart did not subscribe to the “no necessary connection”
thesis. Indeed, it is inconsistent with the separation thesis, which entails that state law is necessarily
subject to moral evaluation. Hart also believed that there is a “naturally” necessary connection
between law and morality, which is found in the minimum content of natural law (CL ch. 9). To
mark the difference between the separation thesis and the “no necessary connection” thesis, some
scholars now associate Hart with the “separability” thesis to the effect that law and morality are
“separable” rather than separate. Concerning Hart’s motivation in adopting the separation thesis
see CL 207–212; see also P. Soper, “Choosing a Legal Theory on Moral Grounds” (1986) 4
Philosophy and Social Policy 32; F. Schauer, “Fuller on the Ontological Status of Law” in
W.J. Witteveen and W. van der Burg (eds.), Rediscovering Fuller: Essays on Implicit Law and
Institutional Design (Amsterdam 1999); L. Murphy, “The Political Question of the Concept of
Law” in J. Coleman (ed.), Hart’s Postscript: Essays on the Postscript to the Concept of Law
(Oxford 2001).
C.L.J. Morality, Law and Conflicting Reasons for Action 61
separation thesis is that what the law is and what it ought morally to be
are two different questions. Of course, the separation thesis is consist-
ent with the view that the law may be, and very often is, in agreement
with morality; but, say separationists, it ain’t necessarily so. The sep-
aration thesis can be distinguished from various other views about the
normative relationship between law and morality. According to a thesis
sometimes referred to as “hard natural law”, an immoral (or an “un-
just”) law is not a valid law at all. By contrast, according a position
that may be called “soft natural law”,4 the moral status of law does not
determine its existence or validity but it does affect its conformity with
ideals of rightness, goodness and virtue that are intrinsic to the way we
understand law5 or that are presupposed by law’s function.6
Underpinning the separation thesis are two assumptions: first, that
a reasonably clear descriptive distinction can be drawn between the two
normative phenomena; and secondly, that law is properly subject to
assessment in moral terms.7 These assumptions raise several questions.
How is morality to be distinguished from law? Why is law subject to
moral assessment? If law is subject to moral assessment, how, if at all, is
law relevant to moral reasoning? In this article I address each of these
questions using, as a point of departure, Hart’s account in The Concept
of Law of what morality is and how it differs from law. This aspect of
Hart’s work has received significantly less attention than his account of
law and its normative relationship to morality.8 My argument will be
that of the various characteristics of morality identified by Hart, the
one that most robustly distinguishes it from law is the function Hart
attributed to it of providing ultimate standards for assessing human
The leading modern exponent of this approach is John Finnis: J. Finnis, Natural Law and Natural
Rights, 2nd edn. (Oxford 2011).
E.g. N. Simmonds, Law as a Moral Idea (Oxford 2007); L.L. Fuller, The Morality of Law (New
Haven 1964).
E.g. R. Dworkin, Law’s Empire (London 1986), 93: “the most abstract and fundamental point of
legal practice is to guide and constrain the power of government. Law insists that force not be used
or withheld … except as licensed or required by individual rights and responsibilities flowing from
past political decisions about when collective force is justified.”
According to Martin Stone, it is the first, rather than the second, of these assumptions that
distinguishes the separation thesis from soft natural law: “Legal Positivism as an Idea about
Morality” (2011) 61 University of Toronto L.J. 313. He argues that (to the extent that law and
morality share common concerns) soft natural lawyers think of law as a “part of” (ibid., p. 341) or,
perhaps, an extension or realisation or concretisation of morality; whereas separationists conceive
of it as an instrument or application of morality. See also R Dworkin, Justice for Hedgehogs
(Cambridge, Mass. 2011), ch.19; concerning Kant’s similar view see A. Ripstein, Force and
Freedom: Kant’s Legal and Political Philosophy (Cambridge, Mass. 2009), 223–5, 255–6. In Stone’s
account, for soft natural lawyers, morality is incomplete without law. By contrast, for
separationists, morality is self-sufficient or, as he puts it, “self-standing” (ibid., p. 319). Stone
particularly associates the separationist view of morality with the development of utilitarianism as
a comprehensive moral theory and decision-procedure. The idea that morality can be fully
understood without taking account of law pervades modern moral philosophy.
The topic falls between two stools: most philosophers who discuss the nature of morality are
uninterested in law while legal theorists are typically more concerned with the normative
relationship between law and morality than with the descriptive relationship.
62 The Cambridge Law Journal [2012]
Hart conceived of moral norms as a category of non-legal norms. His
account of legal norms focuses on what he called “legal systems of
modern states” (CL 3) and “municipal legal systems” (CL 17) and is
informed by his familiarity with the English legal system as it was in the
middle of the twentieth century and, to a lesser extent, the US legal
system. In Hart’s view, the characteristic features of municipal law and
the “key” to understanding its nature are, first, a “rule of recognition”,
which determines what the law is; and secondly, officials authorised to
make and change the law, and to resolve disputes about what the law
is and how it applies in individual cases.9 He might have added that
municipal legal systems are also characterised by officials authorised
to implement the law, monitor compliance with the law, and detect and
impose sanctions for non-compliance. Municipal law, in Hart’s con-
ception, is characterised by particular types of social institutions.10 To
a greater or lesser extent, Hart argued, morality and other non-legal
normative regimes lack such an institutional framework. Understood
in this way, morality is a more-or-less non-institutionalised analogue
of law.
Hart pictured a “pre-legal” society in which more-or-less non-
institutionalised normative regimes played an important part in en-
abling people to live together successfully and well. He associated
the development of legal institutions with growth of social groups be-
yond a certain size. In larger, less cohesive societies, more-or-less non-
institutionalised normative regimes will continue to thrive amongst
small, cohesive groups within society but at the level of the society as a
whole, such practices will not be enough to enable the members of the
society to live together successfully and well: hence the development of
the sorts of institutions characteristic of municipal law.
Hart actually refers to “secondary” rules that empower the officials rather than to officials. But the
significance of secondary rules is that they create and empower the institutions that administer the
regime of primary rules.
Of course, there are many types of social institutions in addition to those identified by Hart as
characteristic of law. In this paper, the terms “institutional” and “institutionalised” refer only to
characteristically legal institutions. Ironically, Hart showed very little interest in actual legal
institutions and how they operate in practice: N. Lacey, “Analytical Jurisprudence versus
Descriptive Sociology Revisited” (2006) 84 Texas Law Review 945; “Out of the ‘Witches’
Cauldron’? Reinterpreting the Context and Reassessing the Significance of the Hart-Fuller
Debate” in P. Cane (ed.), The Hart-Fuller Debate in the Twenty-First Century (Oxford 2010).
C.L.J. Morality, Law and Conflicting Reasons for Action 63
For a suggestive discussion of the relationship between habit, custom and law see J.B. Murphy,
“Habit and Convention at the Foundation of Custom” in A. Perreau-Saussine and J.B. Murphy,
The Nature of Customary Law: Legal, Historical and Philosophical Perspectives (Cambridge 2007).
For the criticism that Hart’s account of custom is purely structural see A.W.B. Simpson,
Reflections on The Concept of Law, p. 175.
Hart contrasted ideals with duties (CL 182), aspiration and supererogation with obligation. It is not
clear why he thought it important to include personal ideals in his account of morality since they
have no clear analogy in his account of law, which is social, not personal, and rooted in obligation,
not aspiration. Nor is it clear why he limited idiosyncratic, personal morality to ideals. An
individual might, for instance, consider vegetarianism an obligation for themselves but not for
others. Perhaps more importantly for present purposes, it is not clear whether or to what extent
personal morality shares with positive and critical morality the four characteristics listed later in
this paragraph – more especially, the last two. Social ideals have an important place in some
concepts of law and certain accounts of the normative relationship between law and morality. See,
e.g., the work of Simmonds and Fuller cited note 5 above. See also C.A.J. Coady, Messy Morality:
The Challenge of Politics (Oxford 2008), 67–70.
64 The Cambridge Law Journal [2012]
R. Dworkin, Taking Rights Seriously (London 1977), 53–58. See also G.J. Warnock, The Object of
Morality (London 1971), ch. 5.
See also R.B. Brandt, A Theory of the Right and the Good (Oxford 1979), 172. It does not follow, of
course, that social practices and institutions do not play a part – indeed, a very important part – in
the formation of individuals’ convictions and even their “personal ideals” (see e.g. P.F. Strawson,
“Social Morality and the Individual Ideal” in G. Wallace and A.D.M. Walker, The Definition of
Morality (London 1970)).
See also N. Cooper, “Two Concepts of Morality” in The Definition of Morality, esp. pp. 84–88.
According to James Wallace, the philosopher John Dewey considered customary morality to be
prior to critical morality: J.D. Wallace, Moral Relevance and Moral Conflict (Ithaca 1988), 73–6.
C.L.J. Morality, Law and Conflicting Reasons for Action 65
In Hart’s revised view, the “social rule” or “practice” account of norms fails to provide “a sound
explanation of morality, either individual or social” (CL 256). The extent to which “morality”
consists of “rules” is an ongoing topic of debate amongst philosophers that Hart does not address.
See P. Devlin, The Enforcement of Morals (Oxford 1965) (the Maccabaean Lecture is reproduced in
Chapter 1); H.L.A. Hart, Law, Liberty and Morality (Oxford 1963).
As Bob Goodin neatly puts it: R.E. Goodin, “An Epistemic Case for Legal Moralism” (2010) 30
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 615.
According to Hart, Devlin later reverted to the view that “the law [on homosexuality] ought to be
altered”: D. Sugarman, “Hart Interviewed: HLA Hart in Conversation with David Sugarman”
(2005) 32 Journal of Law and Society 267, 285.
Following Hart’s lead, in most jurisprudential discussions of the concept of law, morality is
identified by its “form” as opposed to its “substance”. The substance of morality plays a larger role
in theoretical discussions of particular areas of the law, such as criminal law and contract law.
Hart said much about what he called “the minimum content of natural law” (CL ch 9). He argued
that as a matter of “natural necessity”, both morality and law address certain obstacles to
successful social life. The claim that morality is partly a function of human physical and mental
characteristics and the natural environment in which we live is, no doubt, relatively
uncontroversial; but how much of morality can be explained in this way certainly is not. For an
expansive view see J. Finnis, Natural Law and Natural Rights, 2nd edn (Oxford 2011). This is a key
question in contemporary evolutionary and cognitive science. See e.g. R.A. Hinde, Why Good is
Good: The Sources of Morality (London 2002); J. Mikhail, “Plucking the Mask of Mystery from Its
Face: Jurisprudence and HLA Hart” (2007) 95 Georgetown Law Journal 733.
E.g. T.M. Scanlon, What We Owe to Each Other (Cambridge, Mass. 1998), 171–2.
“[I]t would be absurd to deny the title of morality to emphatic social vetoes” such as sexual taboos:
CL 175. See also CL 182.
66 The Cambridge Law Journal [2012]
Committee – namely that the law should not concern itself with
“harmless” immorality – immorality “as such”, as both Hart and the
Committee called it.
One of the claims that Hart made in support of this position was
that when law-makers track morality, it is critical morality, not positive
morality that they should follow; and that certain (unidentified)
opponents of reform24 recommended the legal enforcement of positive
morality whereas those who supported reform had critical morality on
their side.25 This argument has two major weaknesses. First, even as-
suming that positive morality is conventional, it ignores the fact that
at the time, British public opinion, about homosexuality and the law’s
proper role in relation to it, was deeply divided. It puts in the mouth
of Hart’s opponents advice to the legislature that was, regardless of
its acceptability, impossible to follow. Secondly, however, if social
morality is understood to be a concurrent practice, the only possible
question for the law-maker who wishes to track morality in circum-
stances where opinion in society is significantly divided is which of two
(or more) critical, moral positions to track. Devlin offered highly con-
troversial content-independent advice to the legislature about how
to make this choice, whereas Hart’s strategy was to argue for the sub-
stantive superiority of his own critical judgment, namely that the law
should not proscribe harmless immorality. As a result, the protagonists
were, in a significant respect, arguing at cross-purposes. For Hart, the
fact that public opinion was divided was irrelevant to the task of the
legislature whereas for Devlin, it was of central importance.
Ronald Dworkin also joined in the debate against Devlin but, of
course, did not deploy the distinction between positive and critical
morality. In his view, what was “shocking and wrong” about Devlin’s
position was “not the idea that the community’s morality counts,
but his idea of what counts as community morality”.26 Dworkin dis-
tinguished between moral convictions in an “anthropological sense”,
referring to “whatever attitudes [a] group displays about the propriety
of human conduct, qualities or goals”,27 and moral positions in a
“discriminatory sense” which contrasts them with “prejudices, ratio-
nalizations, matters of personal aversion or taste, arbitrary standards,
mere emotional reaction and parroting”.28 In Dworkin’s opinion, law
should only track morality in the discriminatory sense. This advice
might help in cases of unreasoned moral disagreement but not where
disagreement is accepted on all sides to be reasonable in the sense that
But not Devlin: Law, Liberty and Morality (note 17 above), pp. 19–20.
Ibid., pp. 22–4.
Taking Rights Seriously (note 13 above), p. 255.
Ibid., p. 248.
Ibid., pp. 248, 250.
C.L.J. Morality, Law and Conflicting Reasons for Action 67
although each side thinks the other mistaken, the disagreement “has
survived shared deliberation conducted in good faith over an extended
period of time”.29
Hart’s change of mind about the nature of morality had other ra-
mifications, too. One of the reasons why he originally adopted a broad
understanding of morality was in order to avoid controversy about its
content and “status” – what morality is about and what sort of thing it
is. His aim was to identify features that were common to diverse ac-
counts of morality and that served to distinguish morality, broadly
understood, from law (CL 168–9). In this respect, Hart adopted a dif-
ferent strategy in relation to morality than in relation to law. As
we have seen, in constructing a concept of law he focused on municipal
law. So, for example, instead of developing a broader concept that
accommodated international law as well as municipal law, in the last
chapter of The Concept of Law he discussed at length whether the in-
ternational phenomenon is properly called “law” understood in terms
of the concept he had developed in the rest of the book. As a result of
this restrictive approach, Hart’s concept of law has become increas-
ingly controversial, attracting criticism from sociologically minded le-
gal pluralists. They point to a rich diversity of practised understandings
of what law is, to the fact that there may be more than one legal system
within a single social space, to the fact that municipal law is not the
only type of highly institutionalised normative system, and to the de-
velopment in recent decades of various more-or-less institutionalised
trans-national and supra-national normative regimes that further de-
stabilise the paradigm of municipal law. Hart has also been criticised
for failing to consider the possibility that different legal traditions or
families of legal systems might be based on significantly different con-
cepts of law.30
Avoidance of distracting controversy about the nature of morality
is precisely what Hart sought by adopting a broad and eclectic ap-
proach to that concept and precisely what he inevitably invites by
opting for a narrower concept of morality as individual conviction,
which is only one of a diverse array of understandings of the phenom-
enon. For the purposes of illuminating the relationship of morality to
law, what reason is there for ignoring, for instance, accounts of mor-
ality in terms of convention, or accounts that ground morality in
the authority of God or a sacred text or religious officials, or “realist”
accounts that liken moral truth to scientific truth? Putting the point
somewhat differently, perhaps we should entertain the thought that
C. McMahon, Reasonable Disagreement: A Theory of Political Morality (Cambridge 2009), 9.
E.g. Simpson, Reflections, note 1 above, pp. 157–60.
68 The Cambridge Law Journal [2012]
there are as many relationships between law and morality as there are
understandings of the two phenomena.
A possible advantage of narrower accounts is that, although
sociologically less satisfying, they may be analytically more powerful.
For instance, in his path-breaking book, A General Jurisprudence of
Law and Society,31 Brian Tamanaha sets out to develop a concept of
law designed to accommodate a large body of empirical data about law
and legal systems. He comes up with the idea that law is whatever
people call law. What this broad concept of law gains in sociological
fidelity it loses in analytical power. Hart’s sociologically narrower con-
cept is analytically powerful because it deploys a set of relatively clear
criteria that can be used to identify specific similarities and differences
between various normative regimes.32 It is very easy to spot funda-
mental differences between municipal law on the one hand, and social
morality understood narrowly in terms of individual conviction on the
other. It may be more difficult to identify clear differences between
municipal law and morality broadly understood, and even more diffi-
cult to identify clear differences between morality broadly understood
and law broadly understood.33 Indeed, legal pluralists have tended
to shift their attention away from attempting to categorise social
normative regimes, instead devoting their energies to understanding
how various normative regimes interact. Nevertheless, a significant
aspect of Hart’s project in The Concept of Law was to identify simila-
rities and differences between morality broadly understood and
municipal law.
B.Z. Tamanaha, A General Jurisprudence of Law and Society (Oxford 2001).
For a suggestive comment by Hart along similar lines see Sugarman, “Hart Interviewed” (n 19
above), 291. For a related point see M. Krygier, “The Concept of Law and Social Theory” (1982) 2
Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 155, 159–61. By adopting a concept of morality as autonomous
judgment, Neil MacCormick is able to establish a “conceptual” distinction between law and
morality: N. MacCormick, Institutions of Law: An Essay in Legal Theory (Oxford 2007), ch. 14.
For an extended argument along these lines see J. Shklar, Legalism: Law, Morals and Political
Trials (Cambridge, Mass. 1986), 39–64.
C.L.J. Morality, Law and Conflicting Reasons for Action 69
There are many versions and varieties of both moral realism and moral constructivism. My only
concern here is with Hart’s unwillingness to commit himself to any version of either. Christopher
McMahon develops a view he calls “moral nominalism”, “intermediate” between realism and
constructivism, to explain the important phenomenon of reasonable moral disagreement, to which
Hart paid little or no attention and which, McMahon says, neither realism nor constructivism can
adequately explain: McMahon, Reasonable Disagreement (note 29 above). Central to nominalism is
the idea that moral ideas evolves and can change.
Because this phrase appears in the Postscript to The Concept of Law, I assume that by “moral
principles” Hart means personal moral convictions as opposed to conventional morality. Hard
positivists need not and do not reject Hart’s view that conventional norms can be part of the law if
the rule of recognition so provides: CL 44–8.
I assume for the sake of the argument that freedom of speech, equality, due process and so on are
“moral” issues. However, it is arguable that framing the debate between hard and soft positivists in
terms of the relevance of “morality” to the validity of law raises the stakes unnecessarily. Instead,
the difference between the two positions might be said to concern whether the content of a law (as
opposed to its source) can affect its validity. This reading of the debate is consistent with the
argument made in the next paragraph below. In this light, a provision of the type we are
considering would authorise judges, in assessing its validity, to take account of the content as well
as the source of a law without raising any issue about the “status” of the relevant “substantive
values”, for conformity with which the law is to be tested.
Hart may have been attracted to soft positivism because it seems descriptively superior to hard
positivism. As a matter of legal doctrine, when legislation is held unconstitutional it is invalidated
with retrospective effect, not deprived of effect prospectively. On the other hand, hard positivism is
70 The Cambridge Law Journal [2012]
likely to be normatively attractive to those who distrust judicial power or who think that citizens
should be able to identify what the law is without recourse to substantive moral reasoning.
Matthew Kramer is a soft positivist who commits himself to the view that there are objective moral
truths and that it is such truths that the sort of provision we have been discussing incorporates into
the law: M.H. Kramer, Where Law and Morality Meet (Oxford 2004), ch 2. However, he also
accepts, of course, that judges are morally fallible. His view is that a judge who makes a mistake
about what morality requires changes the pre-existing law while a judge who correctly identifies
what morality requires applies the pre-existing law. Kramer argues that the interpretation of soft
positivism I suggest here “can very easily be extended into an audacious form of rule-scepticism” in
relation to the application as opposed to the ascertainment of law (ibid., 119). This conclusion
seems to me to confuse moral reasoning with textual interpretation or, at least, to rest on a highly
formal, rule-based understanding of morality.
J. Waldron, “The Irrelevance of Moral Objectivity” in Law and Disagreement (Oxford 1999).
MacCormick apparently makes a similar point when he argues that for realists, autonomy is
morally rather than metaphysically relevant to their moral lives (MacCormick, note 32 above,
p. 250). Unlike Hart, MacCormick appears to have committed himself to some version of
See e.g. Lord Justice Balcombe, “Judicial Decisions and Social Attitudes” (1994) 84 Proceedings of
the British Academy 209, 229; Lord Bingham of Cornhill, “The Judges: Active or Passive” (2006)
139 Proceedings of the British Academy 55, 70. For an extended scholarly argument to this effect see
M.A. Eisenberg, The Nature of the Common Law (Cambridge, Mass. 1988).
C.L.J. Morality, Law and Conflicting Reasons for Action 71
A. Importance
“In contrast to morals”, Hart says, “some, though not all, rules of law,
occupy a relatively low place in the scale of serious importance”
(CL 174). On the other hand, moral rules, he asserts, are necessarily
important (CL 175). We can easily agree with Hart that law and mor-
ality both deal with issues of great human and social importance.
However, as Hart himself admits, the statement that morality deals
with serious matters is “both truistic and vague” (CL 173). We would
need to know much more about the content of morality (a topic that
Hart largely avoids – except in his discussion of what he calls “the
minimum content of natural law”) before we could assess in what ways
and to what extent law and morality differ along the dimension of
P. Cane, “Taking Disagreement Seriously: Courts, Legislatures and the Reform of Tort Law”
(2005) 25 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 393.
C.D. Johnson, “Moral and Legal Obligation” (1975) 72 Journal of Philosophy 315, 329–31 argues,
with particular reference to promising, that in both law and morality importance is related to the
level of abstraction and, conversely, specificity, at which their respective “requirements” are
stated – the more abstract the more important, the more specific the less important.
72 The Cambridge Law Journal [2012]
Hart treats this criterion inconsistently, in one place offering it as a point of similarity between law
and morality, not difference: CL 172, where he summarises five “striking similarities between moral
and legal rules of obligation”.
74 The Cambridge Law Journal [2012]
For the suggestion that the legal principle that promises should be kept is just as immune to
deliberate change as its moral analogue see Johnson, “Moral and Legal Obligation” (note 42
above), pp. 322–4. In Johnson’s view, the important distinction is not between law (changeable)
and morality (immune to change) but between fundamental principles (immune to change) and
specific rules and obligations (changeable).
C.L.J. Morality, Law and Conflicting Reasons for Action 75
Indeed, G.E.M. Anscombe famously argued that the concept of morality only makes sense within a
religious framework: Ethics, Religion and Politics: The Collected Philosophical Papers of G.E.M.
Anscombe, Volume Three (Oxford 1981, ch 4 (“Modern Moral Philosophy”). For a discussion of
the role that authority might play in secular morality see S. Fleischacker, The Ethics of Culture
(Ithaca, NY 1994), esp. chs. 3 and 4.
G. Harman, The Nature of Morality: An Introduction to Ethics (New York 1977), 112.
Of course, judicial reasoning is substantively constrained by institutional factors in a way that the
moral reasoning of individuals is not.
76 The Cambridge Law Journal [2012]
To similar effect: Warnock, The Object of Morality (note 13 above), pp. 49–50.
C.L.J. Morality, Law and Conflicting Reasons for Action 77
More generally, this tendency may explain why philosophers deny the possibility of strict moral
liability: J. Watkins, “Responsibility in Context” (2006) 26 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 593,
78 The Cambridge Law Journal [2012]
The claim that moral obligations are necessarily within the capacity
of normal adults also seems problematic, at least on the assumption
that there can be “conflicts between irreducibly moral considera-
tions”.54 Suppose that a Good Samaritan can provide vital assistance
at a crash scene only by breaking a long-standing promise to meet a
disabled relative off a long-haul flight. The Good Samaritan cannot
comply with both the obligation to assist and the obligation to keep the
promise. In this sense, “ought” does not imply can.55 Leaving aside
normative conflicts, it is at least plausible to think that in the way most
people understand morality, it does not impose obligations that are
beyond the capacity of normal people to perform or prohibitions that
are beyond the capacity of normal people to observe – albeit, for some
people and in some circumstances, only by dint of considerable effort.
However, the same, in general, could also be said about law. What is
more, just as particular individuals may lack the capacity for moral
responsibility, so people may lack the capacity for legal responsibility.
In morality, “normal capacity” is commonly treated – as in law – as a
threshold above which differences in capacity amongst “normal” peo-
ple are more or less irrelevant to responsibility, if not to liability. It is
widely accepted that in morality as much as in law, the relevant re-
sponsibility question is not whether a person who fails to behave as law
or morality requires on a particular occasion and in particular cir-
cumstances could have conformed to the relevant legal or moral norm
on that occasion and in those circumstances – even assuming that this
question makes sense. Rather, the question is whether, on such occa-
sions and in such circumstances, the person is generally able to behave
as law or morality requires.56 Requiring people to do the impossible is
not a characteristic feature either of legal or moral ideas of responsi-
Wallace, Moral Relevance and Moral Conflict (note 15 above), p. 12. Wallace argues that solving
moral conflicts requires active interpretation and adaptation of moral rules and principles in a way
that changes existing rules and principles and generates new ones. Morality, he asserts, is “an
intellectual and cultural achievement” (ibid, 53) and a matter of “learned dispositions” (ibid.,
p. 55).
To similar effect: C.E. Larmore, Patterns of Moral Complexity (Cambridge 1987), 149–50.
T. Honoré, “Can and Can’t” (1964) 73 Mind 463; reprinted in T. Honoré, Responsibility and Fault
(Oxford 1999). I am leaving aside the issue of causal determinism. Whatever the truth may be at the
micro-level of physical processes, at the meso-level of practical reasoning and action there is no
good reason to ignore the lived experience of freedom and control.
Fuller’s famous list of pathologies of rules includes “requiring conduct beyond the powers of the
affected party”: L.L. Fuller, The Morality of Law, revised edn. (New Haven 1969), 39.
C.L.J. Morality, Law and Conflicting Reasons for Action 79
At any rate, accounts of the morality of obligation as opposed to the morality of aspiration: see
n 12 above. One exception that I know of is Bernard Gert’s account of “common morality”, which
he defines as “the moral system that most thoughtful people use, usually implicitly, when they make
moral decisions and judgments”: B. Gert, Common Morality: Deciding What to Do (Oxford 2004),
v. In Gert’s scheme, the ultimate normative standard is “rationality” (ibid., pp. 91–5); and (he says)
while it is never irrational to act morally, it may be rational to act immorally. Gert’s view is
explained by the fact that “common morality” is a substantive, not a formal concept. According to
Gert, the basic principle of common morality is to “do no harm”. This understanding of morality
also leads him to draw a distinction between religious principles about right and wrong, good and
bad, virtue and vice on the one hand, and moral principles on the other (ibid., p. 4).
80 The Cambridge Law Journal [2012]
(CL 230).59 This feature differs from the others discussed by Hart in two
significant ways. First, it refers to the function of morality as opposed
to what we might call its “form” or “structure”. Secondly, it refers to
individuals” reasoning about what do to and what sort of person to be,
about their own conduct and that of others. By contrast, in Hart’s main
discussion of the distinctive features of morality, both morality and law
are treated as things in the world – they are, if you like, reified or per-
sonified. Lawyers and legal theorists often make statements about “the
law” – that it has aims and functions, for instance, and that it makes
“claims” (of being morally justified, for instance)60 – rather than talk
about the aims and purposes that people pursue through law and the
claims they make about it. Similarly, it is not only moral realists who
reify morality and think of it as a subject rather than a product of
human reasoning. The shift, from reifying morality and law to thinking
about them in terms of individuals’ practical reasoning, opens up
fruitful ways of understanding their inter-relationship.
The function of providing individuals with ultimate standards for
assessing human conduct is not only common to diverse under-
standings of morality; it also distinguishes morality from municipal law
and from other social normative regimes whether or not they are
understood to be legal.61 In practical deliberation about the right, the
good and the virtuous, when a moral reason for action conflicts with a
reason derived from another normative regime,62 the moral reason
trumps the non-moral reason. More particularly, when a moral reason
for action conflicts with a reason for action derived from the law, the
moral reason trumps the legal reason because one of the functions of
morality in practical deliberation is to provide ultimate standards for
the assessment of law.63
Cf Scheffler, Human Morality (note 45 above), p. 12: “a shared reference point for the formulation
and adjudication of challenges to existing institutions and practices more generally”.
Or even that it is male or female: G. Criscuoli, “Is the Common Law Masculine or Feminine?”
(1981) 1 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 305.
For this reason, amongst others, Hart resisted classification of international “law” as
(international) morality: CL 227–32.
In the philosophical literature there is much discussion of a different question of whether and the
extent to which moral reasons for action override or, on the contrary, accommodate reasons of self-
interest (and, perhaps, some other types of “non-moral” reasons). See note 45 above. There is a
similar debate about the relationship between moral reasons and reasons of public interest:
P. Cane, Responsibility in Law and Morality (Oxford 2002), 276–7; see also Hart’s discussion of the
relationship between “justice” and “social/public/common good” (CL 166–7). The point I am
making in the text assumes that the question of what reasons are moral reasons has already been
answered. Under a theory that allows reasons of self-interest to trump moral reasons, legal reasons
would presumably trump reasons of self-interest. One view of moral reasons for action is that they
are “all-things-considered” reasons. So understood, morality would trump law as a matter of
definition: L. Alexander and F. Schauer, “Law’s Limited Domain Confronts Morality’s Universal
Empire” (2007) 48 William and Mary Law Review 1579.
This way of presenting the issue will not appeal to those who think that all genuine reasons for
action are moral. They might prefer a formulation in terms of a conflict of the moral reasons
provided by the law and moral reasons apart from the law. See note 6 above.
C.L.J. Morality, Law and Conflicting Reasons for Action 81
This is not to say, of course, that law does not claim to trump
morality. Understood as a reified or personified entity, law may be said
to claim supremacy over morality just as morality can be said to claim
supremacy over law. Acting in accordance with a moral reason
and contrary to a legal reason may attract legal sanctions just as the
imposition of sanctions in response to such conduct may be judged
morally unjustified. However, because morality provides ultimate
standards for assessing human conduct in a way that law does not,
moral reasons trump legal reasons in the deliberations not only of
subjects of the law but also of legal officials who administer the law.
Even while submitting to law’s claim of supremacy and its superior
force, individuals may assess its claim and its application of force to be
morally unjustified; and even while enforcing law’s claim to supremacy
and applying its force, legal officials may assess that claim and that
force to be morally unjustified – at the retail level, anyway, if not
Although this feature of providing ultimate standards is common to
very many, if not all, accounts of morality, the diversity of those ac-
counts is reflected in the variety of explanations they suggest of the role
of morality as the source of ultimate standards of conduct. For in-
stance, if morality is understood as a matter of authority, moral rea-
sons will trump non-moral reasons in normative conflicts because they
are thought to derive from an authority higher than any other norm-
making authority. According to realism, moral reasons trump legal
reasons because, unlike law and other social normative regimes, mor-
ality is not a human creation but in some sense part of the natural order
and so, timelessly, unchangeably and objectively “true”. Understood
conventionally, morality may provide civil society and, more particu-
larly, social groups with a normative bulwark against the exercise of
power through law,64 while understood as a matter of individual con-
viction, it can function to protect individual freedom of thought and
conscience against the demands of society and the state. The general
point is that there are many, diverse accounts of morality which share
the feature of trumping law and many, diverse explanations of why
morality has this feature.
What are the implications of the ultimacy of moral reasons? In
particular, what does it tell us about the relevance of law to moral
reasoning? The argument I want to make here is that the belief that the
law is always subject to moral evaluation and that moral reasons trump
legal reasons does not lead to the conclusion that the law is irrelevant to
Remember that this statement refers to the function of morality in individuals’ practical reasoning.
In a moral theory that distinguishes between conventional, positive morality on the one hand and
individual, critical morality on the other, critical morality provides ultimate standards for assessing
positive morality as much as other conventional normative systems.
82 The Cambridge Law Journal [2012]
T. Honoré, “The Dependence of Morality on Law” (1993) 13 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 1.
C.L.J. Morality, Law and Conflicting Reasons for Action 83
Even legal norms that are morally “arbitrary” in the sense that the norm chosen (e.g. drive on the
left) is no more or less acceptable than some alternative (e.g. drive on the right) so that the choice
between them is of “no intrinsic importance” (CL 229–30) may provide moral reasons for action.
Hart believed that morality “logically” cannot be arbitrary in this sense (CL 229). However, if
morality is understood not only to require and prohibit conduct but also to permit conduct that it
neither requires nor prohibits, it is logically possible that in any particular situation several courses
of conduct may be of equal moral value so that none is morally preferable to any alternative.
84 The Cambridge Law Journal [2012]
In this paper, using Hart’s discussion in The Concept of Law as a
starting point, I have addressed three questions about the relationship
between law and morality: How is morality distinguishable from law?
Why – as the separation thesis assumes – should moral reasons for ac-
tion trump legal reasons? And, given that moral reasons trump legal
reasons, what is the relevance of law to moral reasoning? Concerning
the first question, we have seen that Hart originally took a broad and
eclectic approach to morality but later re-conceptualised it more nar-
rowly in terms of individual judgment and personal conviction. It was
in the context of the earlier approach that Hart identified four sup-
posedly distinctive features of morality. I have argued that none of
these features clearly distinguishes morality from law, and I have
I hope that this account of the relationship between law and moral reasoning, both “everyday” and
“philosophical”, is an improvement on the account I gave in Responsibility in Law and Morality,
which was fairly criticised by Jeremy Watkins, “Responsibility in Context” (2006) 26 Oxford
Journal of Legal Studies 593.
I am not sure whether Alexander and Schauer (note 62 above) go quite as far as this.
Finnis, op. cit. note 4 above, p. 14.
Simmonds, op. cit. note 5 above.
C.L.J. Morality, Law and Conflicting Reasons for Action 85