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Mark Scheme (Results)

Summer 2019

Pearson Edexcel GCE Further Mathematics

AS Further Pure 2 Paper 8FM0_22
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Summer 2019
Publications Code 8FM0_22_1906_MS
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© Pearson Education Ltd 2019
General Marking Guidance

• All candidates must receive the same treatment. Examiners

must mark the first candidate in exactly the same way as they
mark the last.
• Mark schemes should be applied positively. Candidates must
be rewarded for what they have shown they can do rather
than penalised for omissions.
• Examiners should mark according to the mark scheme not
according to their perception of where the grade boundaries
may lie.
• There is no ceiling on achievement. All marks on the mark
scheme should be used appropriately.
• All the marks on the mark scheme are designed to be
awarded. Examiners should always award full marks if
deserved, i.e. if the answer matches the mark
scheme. Examiners should also be prepared to award zero
marks if the candidate’s response is not worthy of credit
according to the mark scheme.
• Where some judgement is required, mark schemes will
provide the principles by which marks will be awarded and
exemplification may be limited.
• When examiners are in doubt regarding the application of the
mark scheme to a candidate’s response, the team leader must
be consulted.
• Crossed out work should be marked UNLESS the candidate
has replaced it with an alternative response.
General Instructions for Marking

1. The total number of marks for the paper is 40.

2. The Edexcel Mathematics mark schemes use the following types of marks:

• M marks: method marks are awarded for ‘knowing a method and attempting
to apply it’, unless otherwise indicated.
• A marks: Accuracy marks can only be awarded if the relevant method (M)
marks have been earned.
• B marks are unconditional accuracy marks (independent of M marks)
• Marks should not be subdivided.

3. Abbreviations

These are some of the traditional marking abbreviations that will appear in the mark
• bod – benefit of doubt
• ft – follow through
• the symbol will be used for correct ft
• cao – correct answer only
• cso - correct solution only. There must be no errors in this part of the
question to obtain this mark
• isw – ignore subsequent working
• awrt – answers which round to
• SC: special case
• oe – or equivalent (and appropriate)
• dep – dependent
• indep – independent
• dp decimal places
• sf significant figures
•  The answer is printed on the paper
• The second mark is dependent on gaining the first mark

4. For misreading which does not alter the character of a question or materially
simplify it, deduct two from any A or B marks gained, in that part of the question

5. Where a candidate has made multiple responses and indicates which response
they wish to submit, examiners should mark this response.
If there are several attempts at a question which have not been crossed out,
examiners should mark the final answer which is the answer that is the most

6. Ignore wrong working or incorrect statements following a correct answer.

7. Mark schemes will firstly show the solution judged to be the most common
response expected from candidates. Where appropriate, alternatives
answers are provided in the notes. If examiners are not sure if an answer
is acceptable, they will check the mark scheme to see if an alternative
answer is given for the method used.
General Principles for Further Pure Mathematics Marking
(But note that specific mark schemes may sometimes override these general

Method mark for solving 3 term quadratic:

1. Factorisation
( x 2 + bx + c) = ( x + p )( x + q ), where pq = c , leading to x = ...

(ax 2 + bx + c) = (mx + p )(nx + q ), where pq = c and mn = a , leading to

x = ...
2. Formula
Attempt to use the correct formula (with values for a, b and c)

3. Completing the square

 b
Solving x 2 + bx + c =0 :  x ±  ± q ±=
c 0, q ≠ 0 , leading to x = ...
 2
Method marks for differentiation and integration:
1. Differentiation
n −1
Power of at least one term decreased by 1. ( x → x )

2. Integration
n +1
Power of at least one term increased by 1. ( x → x )

Use of a formula
Where a method involves using a formula that has been learnt, the
advice given in recent examiners’ reports is that the formula should
be quoted first.
Normal marking procedure is as follows:
Method mark for quoting a correct formula and attempting to use
it, even if there are small errors in the substitution of values.
Where the formula is not quoted, the method mark can be gained
by implication from correct working with values but may be lost if
there is any mistake in the working.

Exact answers
Examiners’ reports have emphasised that where, for example, an
exact answer is asked for, or working with surds is clearly required,
marks will normally be lost if the candidate resorts to using
rounded decimals.
Question Scheme Marks AOs

3   2 
det 
  3   2     4  0 M1 1.1b
 2 2   

 2  5  2  0 A1 1.1b


(b) A 2  5 A  2I  0 B1ft 1.1b

Multiplies through by A1
A  5I  2 A1  0 and rearranges to get A1  ...
Rearranges to make I the subject, takes out a factor of A and
rearranges to get A1  ...
5A  A 2  5I  A M1 3.1a
I A  A1  ...
2 2
Rearranges to make I the subject and multiplies through by A-1
5 1 5 1
I  A  A 2  A1  AA1  A 2 A1
2 2 2 2

1 5
Identifies A1   A  I A1 1.1b
2 2

(5 marks)


M1: Complete method to find the characteristic equation, condone missing = 0
A1: Obtains a correct three term quadratic equation – may use any variable.
B1ft: Uses Cayley Hamilton Theorem to produce equation replacing λ with A and constant term
with constant multiple of the identity matrix I
M1: A complete method using part (a) to find A1
Multiplies through by A1 and rearranges to get A1  ...
Or rearranges to make I the subject, takes out a factor of A, and rearranges to get A1  ...
Or rearranges to make I the subject and multiplies through by A-1 to get A1  ...
A1: Correct expression for A1 , must be using their answer to part (a).
Question Scheme Marks AOs

2(i) For any correct value for a = 4, 6 or 12 M1 1.1b

For all three correct values for a and no extras a = 4, 6 & 12 A1 1.1b


(ii) x 2 1 is divisible by p
x 1  0 mod p
B1 1.1b
p /  x 2 1

  x 1 x  1 is divisible by p and since p is prime either  x 1 is

divisible by p or  x  1 is divisible by p
 ( x 1)( x  1)  0 mod p and since p is prime either
M1 2.1
x 1  0 mod p or x  1  0 mod p
 p /  x 1 x  1 and since p is prime either p /  x 1 or
p /  x  1

 x  1mod p or x  1mod p * A1* 1.1b


(iii) For selecting and performing a divisibility test for dividing by 11

1–3+9–4+0–2+2–0=3 Sum odd = 12

or Sum even = 9 M1 1.1b
Difference = 3 which is
not 0 or divisible by 11
3 is not divisible by 11 or 11 3
Fully correct method with reason (must have correct sum 3 ) and
conclusion £13 940 220 is not divisible by 11
A1 3.2a
Therefore, it is not is it possible to share this money equally
between the 11 charities

(7 marks)


M1: For an understanding of mod notation and finding a correct value for a = 4, 6 or 12
A1: For all three correct values for a and no extras a = 4, 6 & 12
(ii) see scheme
M1: For applying a divisibility test for dividing by 11 to £13 940 220 or 139 402 2000p
A1: Fully correct method and concludes not divisible by 11 and interprets conclusion in context
Question Scheme Marks AOs

 x 1   y  8  9  x 1  y 2 

2 2 2
Or M1 2.1
 x 1   y  8  3  x 1  y 2
2 2 2

8 x 2 16 x  8 y 2  16 y  56  0 A1 1.1b

x 2  2 x  y 2  2 y  7  0 so  x 1   y  1  9
2 2

M1 1.1b
and finds the centre and radius
Therefore, a circle with centre (1, −1) and radius = 3 A1 2.2a


Distance  3 1  3 1  ...

2 2
M1 1.1b
or finds d 2 3 1  3 1  ...
2 2

Distance  8  2.828  3  z  3  3i satisfies the inequality

Or A1 2.2a
8 < 9  z  3  3i satisfies the inequality

(c) Circle with their centre

M1 1.1b
and radius

Circle with centre in the

A1 1.1b
fourth quadrant
Half line drawn from
(0, −1) and passes
M1 1.1b
through the x-axis
within the circle

Correct region shaded A1 2.2a


(10 marks)

M1: Obtains an equation in terms of x and y using the given information. Condone
 x 1   y  8  3  x 1  y 2  for this mark.
2 2 2

A1: Expands and simplifies the algebra, collecting terms and obtains a correct equation.
M1: Completes the square for their equation to find the centre and radius.
A1: Deduces that it is a circle (may be seen anywhere in their solution) with centre (1, −1) and
radius = 3
M1: Finds the distance between 3, 3 and their centre or d 2 (note: correct centre is 1, 1
A1: Compares distance with 3 or compares d 2 with 9 and deduces that the inequality is satisfied –
must be using correct centre and radius.
M1: Circle for their centre and radius.
A1: Correct circle with centre in the fourth quadrant and passing through all four quadrants.
Condone dotted circle.
M1: Half line drawn from 0, 1 and passing the x-axis within the circle. Condone dotted line.
A1: Correct region shaded with both half-line and circle correct and not dotted.
Special case: M1A1M1A0 if no coordinates stated throughout and it is clear that the half-line
intersects the coordinate axes level with the correct centre of the circle.
Question Scheme Marks AOs

4(a) p*q  p* p* p* p  s*s  r

OR B1 2.1
s*s  r  p* p* p* p  r  p*q  r
s* p  p* p* p  q
OR B1 2.1
as p * p * p  q and p * p  s  s * p  q

* e p q r s
e e p q r s
p p s r e q M1 1.1b
(b) q q r p s e A1 1.1b

r r e s q p
s s q e p r

(c) p*q*r *s  e B1 1.1b


(d) The order of a subgroup is a factor of the order of the group

M1 1.2
(Lagrange’s Theorem)
As 3 is not a factor of 5, the student’s statement is wrong A1 2.3


(7 marks)


B1: Correct proof to achieve the printed statement
B1: Correct proof to achieve the printed statement
(b) Marked B1 B1 on ePen
M1: Finds at least 13 correct entries – usually the highlighted
A1: Completely correct table
B1: See scheme
M1: Some indication that the order of a subgroup must be a factor of the order of the group. May
say that 3 is not a factor of 5 or equivalent
A1: Fully correct unambiguous statement that refers Lagrange’s theorem and either
• 3 is not a factor of 5
• 3 does not divide 5
• 5 is not divisible by 3
and comments that the student’s statement is incorrect. No contradictory statements
Question Scheme Marks AOs

5(a) U n1 is the amount in the saving account n – 1 years after Jim’s 11th
birthday. This is increased by 2% each year, so is multiplied by 1.02 to give B1 3.3
1.02 U n1

Jim’s parents invest £500 for each subsequent birthday so 500 is added B1 3.4
U 0  1000 as this is the amount invested on Jim’s 11th birthday B1 1.1b
(b) To use this model, one of, for example
The interest rate stays the same each year
Jim does not withdraw any money from the savings account B1 3.5b
Jim only saves the birthday money +£500 in this saving account, he does not
invest any other money.
(c) A complete method to solve the recurrence relation using
M1 3.1a
U n  CF + PS = c 1.02  

PS =    1.02  500 leading to   ... M1 1.1b

  25 000 A1 1.1b
Uses U 0  1000 and their value for  to find the value of
1000  c 1.02  25 000
M1 1.1b
c  ...26 000

U n  26 000 1.02  25 000  n  0

A1 1.1b
Alternative 1
M1 3.1a
Realises that U n  term of a GP + sum of a GP both with r  1.02

500 11.02n  500 1.02n 1 M1 1.1b

Sum of a GP  or A1 1.1b
11.02 1.02 1
Term of a GP  1000 1.02 or 1000 1.02
n n1
M1 1.1b

U n  1000 1.02  25 000 11.02n 


A1 1.1b
or U n  1000 1.02  25 000 1.02n 1

(d) Uses U n  26 000 1.02  25 000, with either n  7 or 8
M1 3.4
U 7  4865.83  4500 therefore, Jim will have enough money in his savings
A1ft 2.2a
account to buy a car costing £ 4500.
(11 marks)

B1: Need to explain that 2% interest rate linked to multiplication by scale factor 1.02
B1: Need to explain that 500 is added due to receiving £500 each year
B1: Needs to explain that U 0  1000 is the initial amount invested
B1: See main scheme
M1: A complete method to solve the recurrence relation using U n  CF + PS = c 1.02  

M1: Uses PS =    1.02  500 to find a value for 

A1:   25 000
M1: Uses U 0 and their value for  to find a value of c
A1: Fully correctly defined sequence U n  26000 1.02  25 000,  n  0

Alternative 1
M1: A correct form for U n term of a GP + Sum of a GP both with r = 1.02
M1: For the sum of a GP with a = 500, r = 1.02 and uses n or n 1
A1: Correct the sum of a GP with a = 500, r = 1.02 and n
M1: For the term of a GP with a = 1000, r = 1.02 and uses n or n 1
A1: Fully correctly defined sequence U n
M1: Uses their U n with either n = 7 or 8
A1ft: Finds U 7 compares with 4 500 and comes to an appropriate conclusion. Follow through on their
value of U 7
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