Analytical Solution of System of Volterra Integral

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Journal of Mathematics
Volume 2020, Article ID 8845491, 9 pages

Research Article
Analytical Solution of System of Volterra Integral Equations
Using OHAM

Muhammad Akbar,1 Rashid Nawaz,1 Sumbal Ahsan,1 Dumitru Baleanu,2,3,4

and Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar 5
Department of Mathematics, Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan, Mardan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan
Department of Mathematics, Cankaya University, Ankara 06790, Turkey
Institute of Space Sciences, Magurele-Bucharest 077125, Romania
Department of Medical Research, China Medical University Hospital, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan
Department of Mathematics, College of Arts and Sciences, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University,
Wadi Aldawaser, Saudi Arabia

Correspondence should be addressed to Kottakkaran Sooppy Nisar; [email protected]

Received 18 September 2020; Revised 1 October 2020; Accepted 12 October 2020; Published 3 December 2020

Academic Editor: Hijaz Ahmad

Copyright © 2020 Muhammad Akbar et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is
properly cited.
In this work, a reliable technique is used for the solution of a system of Volterra integral equations (VIEs), called optimal
homotopy asymptotic method (OHAM). The proposed technique is successfully applied for the solution of different problems,
and comparison is made with the relaxed Monto Carlo method (RMCM) and hat basis function method (HBFM). The
comparisons show that the present technique is more suitable and reliable for the solution of a system of VIEs. The presented
technique uses auxiliary function containing auxiliary constants, which control the convergence. Moreover, OHAM does not
require discretization like other numerical methods and is also free from small or large parameter.

1. Introduction Carlo method [12], variational iterative method [13], col-

location method [14], modified tanh-coth method [15], and
Differential and integral equations have their own impor- generalized hypergeometric solutions [16].
tance and a lot of applications. These equations have been In this work, OHAM is used [17, 18] for the solution of a
used in many fields, such as control, economics, electrical system of VIEs. It is motivated by the aspiration to acquire
engineering, medicine, and so on, and also the system of an exciting solution of a system of VIEs by using the pro-
these equations arises in modeling of different phenomena posed method. The novelty of the presented technique is its
in different fields of science and technology. The exact so- flexible convergence and it provides us with a convenient
lutions of most of the nonlinear systems are difficult to way to control and adjust the approximation series. Many
obtain; therefore, the researchers used an alternative ap- researchers used the proposed technique for different types
proach to find their approximate solutions, such as the of problems in literature. Iqbal et al. implemented it for
residual power series method [1], homotopy analysis Klein–Gordon equations [19] and singular Lane–Emden
method [2], wavelet-Galerkin method [3], Adomian de- type equation [20], Sheikholeslami et al. used OHAM for the
composition method [4], modified reproducing kernel investigation of the laminar viscous flow [21], Hashmi et al.
method [5], new homotopy perturbation method [6], obtained solution of Fredholm integral equations [22], and
Chebyshev wavelet method [7], homotopy perturbation Nawaz et al. obtained optimum solutions of fractional-order
method [8], fixed-point method [9], hat basis functions [10], Zakharov–Kuznetsov Equations [23], three-dimensional
modified variational iterative method [11], relaxed Monte Volterra integral equations [24], and fractional integro-
2 Journal of Mathematics

differential equations [25]. We apply the method to obtain where

the approximate solution of a system of VIEs and test some T
numerical examples to show the effectiveness and accuracy W(x) � 􏼂w1 (x), w2 (x), . . . , wn (x)􏼃 ,
of the method. G(x) � 􏼂g1 (x), g2 (x), . . . , gn (x)􏼃 ,
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 gives the
basic idea of OHAM for a system of VIEs. The application of K(x, s) � 􏽨κij (x, s)􏽩, i, j � 1, 2, . . . , n.
OHAM to the system of VIEs is given in Section 3, and
conclusions of the paper are given in Section 4. In equation (1), K(x, s) is the kernel, G(x) are given
functions, and W(x) is the unknown solution of the system.
2. Basic Idea of OHAM Consider the ith equation of (1):
x n
In this section, we discuss the formulation of OHAM for wi (x) � gi (x) + 􏽚 􏽘 κij (x, s)wj (s)ds, i � 1, 2, . . . , n.
solving the system of Volterra integral equations of the 0 j�1

second kind following the procedure outlined in [17, 18]. Let (3)
us consider the system of VIEs of the form
x First, we construct homotopy: ψ i (wi (x, q); q):
W(x) � G(x) + 􏽚 K(x, s)w(s)ds, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1, (1) R × [0, 1] ⟶ R, for equation (3), such that

x n
⎝w (x) − g (x) − 􏽚 􏽘 κ (x, s)w (s)ds⎞
ψ i wi (x, q); q􏼁 � (1 − q)􏼈wi (x) − gi (x)􏼉 � H(q)⎛ ⎠, i � 1, 2, . . . , n, (4)
i i ij j
0 j�1

where H(q) � 􏽐m p
p�1 cp q is an auxiliary function, cp are For kth order problem for wik (x), i � 1, 2, . . . , n, it
auxiliary constants, 0 ≤ q ≤ 1 is an embedding parameter, becomes
and H(0) � 0.
x n
For q � 0, equation (4) becomes ⎝􏽚 􏽘 κ (x, s)w (s)ds⎞
qk : wik (x) � wik− 1 (x) − ck ⎛ ⎠
ij j0
0 j�1
ψ i wi ; 0􏼁 � wi − gi � 0, (5)
k− 1 x n
and for q � 1, + 􏽘 cl ⎡⎢⎣wik− l (x) − 􏽚 􏽘 κij (x, s)wjk− 1 (s)ds⎤⎥⎦,
l�1 0 j�1
x n
⎝w (x) − g (x) − 􏽚 􏽘 κ (x, s)w (s)ds⎞
ψ i wi ; 1􏼁 � H(1)⎛ ⎠,
i i ij j
0 j�1
k � 2, 3, . . . .
i � 1, 2, . . . , n.
(6) At q � 1, equation (7) converges to the series solution:

When q approaches from zero to 1, then wi (x, 0) is w∞
i 􏼐x, cp 􏼑 � wi0 (x) + 􏽘 wiκ 􏼐x, cp 􏼑, i � 1, 2, . . . , n.
continuously deformed to wi (x, 1). κ�1
For approximate solution of equation (3), using Taylor’s (10)
series expansion about q, one can get

mth order approximation is
i 􏼐x, q, cp 􏼑
� wi0 (x) + 􏽘 wiκ 􏼐x, cp 􏼑q , i, p � 1, 2, . . . , n. m
κ�1 wm
i 􏼐x, cp 􏼑 � wi0 (x) + 􏽘 wiκ 􏼐x, cp 􏼑,
i � 1, 2, . . . , n, p � 1, 2, 3, . . . , m.
Substituting equation (7) into equation (4) and com-
paring the by comparing the coefficient of the like powers of We define the residual on substituting equation (11) into
q, one can get a series of problems. equation (3).
x n
0 Ri 􏼐x, cp 􏼑 � wm m
i 􏼐x, cp 􏼑 − gi (x) − 􏽚 􏽘 κij (x, s)wj 􏼐s, cp 􏼑ds.
q : wi0 (x) � gi (x), i � 1, 2, . . . , n, 0 j�1
x n
q1 : wi1 (x) � − c1 ⎛
⎝􏽚 􏽘 κ (x, s)w (s)ds⎞
ij j0
⎠, i � 1, 2, . . . , n.
0 j�1
To find cp , p � 1, 2, 3, . . . , we use the least squares
(8) method as follows:
Journal of Mathematics 3

b 3. System of VIEs
φi 􏼐cp 􏼑 � 􏽚 R2i 􏼐x, cp 􏼑dx, (13)
In this section, the consistency and reliability of OHAM are
where limit of integration is the domain of the problem. verified by some numerical problems, and the obtained
Differentiating equation (13) with respect to the constant results are compared with other methods in the form of
involved, we get tables; these tables clearly show the dominance of the
proposed technique over these methods.
� 0, i, p � 1, 2, . . . . (14)
3.1. Problem 1. Consider the following system of VIEs [12]:
One can easily obtain the values of cp from equation (14)
for which the mth order approximation given in equation
(11) is well determined.

1 x x
w1 (x) � − 􏼐x4 + x3 􏼑 + x2 + 1 + 􏽚 (x − s)3 w1 (s)ds + 􏽚 (x − s)2 w2 (s)ds,
3 0 0
1 x7 x x
w2 (x) � − 􏼠 + x5 + x4 􏼡 − x3 + x + 1 + 􏽚 (x − s)4 w1 (s)ds + 􏽚 (x − s)3 w2 (s)ds, x ∈ [0, 1].
4 105 0 0

Equation (15) has exact solutions w1 (x) � x2 + 1 and Applying the proposed algorithm discussed in Section 2,
w2 (x) � − x2 + x + 1. one can get different order solutions, as follows.
Zeroth-order solution:

1 2
w10 (x) � 1 − x 􏼐− 3 + x + x2 􏼑, (16)

x4 x5 x7
w20 (x) � 1 + x − x3 − − − , (17)
4 4 420

c1 x3 4 5 7 (18)
w11 (x) � 􏼐− 50400 − 50400x + 720x + 405x + x 􏼑,

c1 x4 2 3 3 (19)
w21 (x) � 􏼐− 415800 + x􏼐− 415800 − 3960x + x 􏼐3465 + 1705x + 3x 􏼑􏼑􏼑,
w12 (x) � x3 􏼐− 302702400􏼐c1 + c21 + c2 􏼑 − 302702400􏼐c1 + c21 + c2 􏼑x + 4324320􏼐c1 + 2c21 + c2 􏼑x4
908107200 (20)
+ 2432430􏼐c1 + 2c21 + c2 􏼑x5 + 6006􏼐c1 + 2c21 + c2 􏼑x7 − 7098c21 x8 − 2639c21 x9 − 3c21 x11 􏼑,

w22 (x) � x4 􏼐− 324324000􏼐c1 + c21 + c2 􏼑 − 324324000􏼐c1 + c21 + c2 􏼑x − 3088800􏼐c1 + c21 + c2 􏼑x3
+ 2702700􏼐c1 + 2c21 + c2 􏼑x4 + 1329900􏼐c1 + 2c21 + c2 􏼑x5 + 2340􏼐c1 + 2c21 + c2 􏼑x7 − 2925c21 x8 − 1005c21 x9 − c21 x11 􏼑,

1 2
w13 (x) � x3 􏼐− 7410154752000􏼐c2 + c1 1 + c1 􏼁 + 2c1 c2 + c3 􏼑
− 7410154752000􏼐c2 + c1 1 + c1 􏼁 + 2c1 c2 + c3 􏼑x + 105859353600􏼐c2 + c1 + c21 4 + 3c1 􏼁 + 4c1 c2 + c3 􏼑x4
+ 59545886400􏼐c2 + c1 + c21 4 + 3c1 􏼁 + 4c2 􏼑x5 + 147026880􏼐c2 + c1 + c21 4 + 3c1 􏼁 + 4c1 c2 + c3 􏼑x7 (22)

− 173759040c1 c1 2 + 3c1 􏼁 + 2c2 􏼁x8 − 64602720c1 c1 2 + 3c1 􏼁 + 2c2 􏼁x9 − 73440c1 c1 2 + 3c1 􏼁 + 2c2 􏼁x11
+ 68544c31 x12 + 19125c31 x13 + 13c31 x15 􏼑,
4 Journal of Mathematics

1 2
w23 (x) � x4 􏼐− 11732745024000􏼐c2 + c1 1 + c1 􏼁 + 2c1 c2 + c3 􏼑
2 2
− 11732745024000􏼐c2 + c1 1 + c1 􏼁 + 2c1 c2 + c3 􏼑x − 111740428800􏼐c2 + c1 1 + c1 􏼁 + 2c1 c2 + c3 􏼑x3
+ 97772875200􏼐c2 + c1 + c21 4 + 3c1 􏼁 + 4c1 c2 + c3 􏼑x4 + 48110462400􏼐c2 + c1 + c21 4 + 3c1 􏼁 + 4c1 c2 + c3 􏼑x5 (23)

+ 84651840􏼐c2 + c1 + c21 4 + 3c1 􏼁 + 4c1 c2 + c3 􏼑x7 − 105814800c1 c1 2 + 3c1 􏼁 + 2c2 􏼁x8

− 36356880c1 c1 2 + 3c1 􏼁 + 2c2 􏼁x9 − 36176c1 c1 2 + 3c1 􏼁 + 2c2 􏼁x11 + 31331c31 x12 + 8227c31 x13 + 5c31 x15 􏼑.

Substituting equations (16)–(23) into wi � 􏽐3k�0 wik , for technique discussed in Section 2, one can get the following
i � 1, 2, one can get the third-order OHAM solution. The values of the auxiliary constants.
approximate solution contains auxiliary constants; using the

c1 c2 c3

For w1 (x) –1.0002105730135733 1.62089016814963810 × 10–7 0 (24)

For w2 (x) –1.0001674339294635 9.10706259849821210 × 10–8 0

Using these constants, the third-order OHAM solution


w1 (x) ≈ 1 + x2 􏼐1 + x􏼐2.586682803444161 × 10− 11 + 2.586682803444161 × 10− 11 x − 2.177931206041872 × 10− 9 x4

− 1.225086304103284 × 10− 9 x5 − 3.024904453268861 × 10− 12 7
x + 4.942292985147856 × 10− 9 x8
+ 1.837519186786403 × 10− 9 x9 + 2.08888122787343 × 10− 12 11
x − 3.085284629176499 × 10− 9 x12
10 13 13 15
− 8.608495059086216 × 10− x − 5.851526053235074 × 10− x 􏼑􏼑,

w2 (x) ≈ 1 + x − x3 + 8.797558100309516 × 10− 12 4

x + 8.797558100309516 × 10− 12 5
− 14 7 − 10 8
+ 8.378634873750055 × 10 x − 5.548306011675386 × 10 x
− 10 9 − 13 11
− 2.730118834996797 × 10 x − 4.803728167284256 × 10 x
− 9 12 − 10 13
+ 1.133324718039621 × 10 x + 3.893987492756097 × 10 x
13 15 10 16
+ 3.874614420651065 × 10− x − 6.67932785302346 × 10− x
− 10 17 − 13 19
− 1.753880509617439 × 10 x − 1.06592956704597 × 10 x .

3.2. Problem 2. Consider the following system of VIEs [10]:

x x
w1 (x) � − 3 cos(x) + 3 + 􏽚 sin(x − s)w1 (s)ds − 􏽚 cos(x − s)w2 (s)ds,
0 0
1 x x
w2 (x) � e + xx − 1 − 􏽚 w1 (s)ds − 􏽚 ex− s w2 (s)ds.
3 0 0

The system in equation (27) has exact solutions w1 (x) � get the following third-order approximate solution and the
x2 and w2 (x) � x. Using the proposed algorithm, one can auxiliary constants:
Journal of Mathematics 5

c1 c2 c3
For w1 (x) –0.7995466949308285 0.002890722834173066 –0.001253980860449977 (28)
For w2 (x) –0.8102088316012146 0.010500689249646119 0.0015000804520277254

w1 (x) � 27.09222491836092 +(− 4.848664727375189 − 4.818444983672184x)x

+ ex (1.068431841695209 +(0.3176884240001817 − 0.12778253683480223x)x)
+(− 28.160656760056128 + x(− 1.1491588724698 + 1.10079844163505x))cos(x)
+(4.611703334149606 + x(− 10.082823921491624 +(− 0.03194563420870056 + 0.03194563420870056x)x))sin(x),

w2 (x) � 6.376428434455357 + x(− 4.892276735153841 + x(5.424128884377468 + 1.9640922450512805)x)

+ ex − (11.610657907670205 + x(2.2942522881388965 +(0.1783715512035034 − 0.0886420248706046x)x)
+(5.234229473214848 − 4.324561216828857x)cos(x) +(19.533243571514003 +(0.5318521492236276
− 0.19944455595886038x)x)sin(x).

3.3. Problem 3. Consider the following system of VIEs:

x5 x4 x3 x x
w1 (x) � x − − + + 􏽚 􏼐x2 − s􏼑w1 (s)ds + 􏽚 􏼐x2 − s􏼑w2 (s)ds,
3 4 3 0 0
3 4 x x
x x
w2 (x) � x2 − − + 􏽚 xw1 (s)ds + 􏽚 xw2 (s)ds, x ∈ [0, 1].
2 3 0 0

The system in equation (31) has exact solutions w1 (x) � get the following auxiliary constants and third-order ap-
x and w2 (x) � x2 . Using the proposed algorithm, one can proximate solution.

c1 c2 c3
For w1 (x) –1.0483193039800733 0.000792340895704867 –0.0000437460995528 (32)
For w2 (x) –1.0678469758951452 0.002263150079957279 –0.0002815239537518

w1 (x) � x􏼐1. + x2 − 0.00007771018797754492 + x(0.00005828264098329574 + x(0.0003818527204535183

+ x(0.0005069042207927407 + x(− 0.0008216358845389711 + x(− 0.001512942573949648
+ x(− 0.0007978851119508088 + x(0.0018700147338272261 + x(0.0017717351539895954
+ x(0.00034944073528392453 +(− 0.001148881532032241 − 0.0005926311682586243x)x)))))))),

w2 (x) � x2 (1. + x(0.0004504668772854076 + x(0.0003003112515236363 + x(− 0.0008403580896928913

+ x(− 0.0023530026511400376 + x(− 0.0007914072605337691 + x(0.0020684412093087273
+ x(0.003660087185341051 + x(0.0011269789420038446 + x(− 0.001273767715320215
+(− 0.001792475116204039 − 0.0006263697932730246x)x)))))))))
6 Journal of Mathematics

Table 1: The exact solution and third-order OHAM solution for problem 1.
x Exact w1 (x) Exact w2 (x) OHAM w1 (x) OHAM w2 (x)
0 1 1 1 1
0.1 1.01 1.099 1.01 1.099
0.2 1.04 1.192 1.04 1.192
0.3 1.09 1.273 1.09 1.273
0.4 1.16 1.336 1.16 1.336
0.5 1.25 1.375 1.25 1.375
0.6 1.36 1.384 1.36 1.384
0.7 1.49 1.357 1.49 1.357
0.8 1.64 1.288 1.64 1.288
0.9 1.81 1.171 1.81 1.171
1 2 1 2 1

Table 2: The exact solution and third-order OHAM solution for problem 2.
x Exact w1 (x) Exact w2 (x) OHAM w1 (x) OHAM w2 (x)
0 0 0 − 8.88 × 10− 16 0
0.1 0.01 0.1 0.010025 0.100038
0.2 0.04 0.2 0.040058 0.200077
0.3 0.09 0.3 0.090071 0.300055
0.4 0.16 0.4 0.160071 0.399968
0.5 0.25 0.5 0.250088 0.499851
0.6 0.36 0.6 0.360159 0.599761
0.7 0.49 0.7 0.490290 0.699745
0.8 0.64 0.8 0.640481 0.799798
0.9 0.81 0.9 0.810602 0.899817
1 1 1 1.000450 0.999532

Table 3: Comparison of absolute errors of relaxed Monte Carlo method (RMCM) [12] with k � 8, h � 0.2, and N � 100 and third-order
x RMCM [12] w1 (x) RMCM [12] w2 (x) OHAM w1 (x) OHAM
0 0 0 0 0
0.1 3.52 × 10− 10 4.87 × 10− 11 2.79776 × 10− 14 8.88178 × 10− 16
0.2 1.10 × 10− 8 7.55 × 10− 10 2.17382 × 10− 13 1.53211 × 10− 14
0.3 1.47 × 10− 9 3.75 × 10− 9 3.61045 × 10− 13 5.15143 × 10− 14
0.4 1.86 × 10− 7 4.01 × 10− 8 1.81966 × 10− 12 9.83658 × 10− 14
0.5 6.55 × 10− 7 1.77 × 10− 7 1.41989 × 10− 11 1.56253 × 10− 12
0.6 4.45 × 10− 7 4.33 × 10− 8 5.23852 × 10− 11 7.48757 × 10− 12
0.7 1.38 × 10− 7 8.08 × 10− 8 1.29325 × 10− 10 2.25802 × 10− 11
0.8 1.53 × 10− 5 6.18 × 10− 6 2.20657 × 10− 10 4.67144 × 10− 11
0.9 6.38 × 10− 5 2.37 × 10− 5 2.58731 × 10− 10 6.76399 × 10− 11
1 2.09 × 10− 5 2.88 × 10− 6 5.19127 × 10− 10 1.3096 × 10− 10

Table 4: Comparison of absolute errors of hat basis functions (HBF) [10] with n � 64 and third-order OHAM.
x HBF [10] w1 (x) HBF [10] w2 (x) OHAM w1 (x) OHAM w2 (x)
− 16
0 0 0 8.8817 × 10 0
0.1 7.700 × 10− 4 7.460 × 10− 4 2.51322 × 10− 5 3.75983 × 10− 5
0.2 1.434 × 10− 3 1.533 × 10− 3 5.85541 × 10− 5 7.68171 × 10− 5
0.3 2.054 × 10− 3 2.313 × 10− 3 7.12685 × 10− 5 5.54488 × 10− 5
0.4 2.641 × 10− 3 3.085 × 10− 3 7.10555 × 10− 5 3.19823 × 10− 5
0.5 3.103 × 10− 3 3.844 × 10− 3 8.84445 × 10− 5 1.48950 × 10− 4
0.6 3.647 × 10− 3 4.583 × 10− 3 1.58546 × 10− 4 2.38864 × 10− 4
0.7 4.089 × 10− 3 5.296 × 10− 3 2.98618 × 10− 4 2.55278 × 10− 4
0.8 4.535 × 10− 3 5.970 × 10− 3 4.81177 × 10− 4 2.01705 × 10− 4
0.9 4.998 × 10− 3 6.599 × 10− 3 6.02408 × 10− 4 1.82698 × 10− 4
1 5.390 × 10− 3 7.170 × 10− 3 4.45527 × 10− 4 4.68227 × 10− 4
Journal of Mathematics 7

Table 5: The exact solution and third-order OHAM solution for problem 3.
x Exact w1 (x) OHAM w1 (x) w1 (x) Absolute errors Exact w2 (x) OHAM w2 (x) w2 (x) Absolute errors
0. 0 0 0. 0 0 0
0.1 0.1 0.0999999 6.76544 × 10− 8 0.01 0.010000 4.69687 × 10− 7
0.2 0.2 0.200000 3.88365 × 10− 7 0.04 0.040003 3.66185 × 10− 6
0.3 0.3 0.299999 6.09156 × 10− 7 0.09 0.090010 1.08757 × 10− 5
0.4 0.4 0.400000 2.25143 × 10− 7 0.16 0.160019 1.93236 × 10− 5
0.5 0.5 0.500002 2.49502 × 10− 6 0.25 0.250021 2.10611 × 10− 5
0.6 0.6 0.600004 4.18880 × 10− 6 0.36 0.360008 8.03933 × 10− 6
0.7 0.7 0.700002 1.61514 × 10− 6 0.49 0.489986 1.39203 × 10− 5
0.8 0.8 0.799997 3.36620 × 10− 6 0.64 0.639988 1.22626 × 10− 5
0.9 0.9 0.900002 2.19350 × 10− 6 0.81 0.810036 3.63494 × 10− 5
1 1 0.999987 1.34560 × 10− 5 1 0.999929 7.10952 × 10− 5

1.8 1.30



1.4 1.15


1.0 1.00

–0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 –0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
x x

Exact Exact
Figure 1: Plots of exact and OHAM solutions for problem 1.

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6


0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0

–0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 –0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
x x

Exact Exact
Figure 2: Plots of exact and OHAM solutions for problem 2.
8 Journal of Mathematics

1.0 1.0

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6
w1 (x)

w2 (x)
0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0.0 0.0

–0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 –0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1
x x

Exact Exact
Figure 3: Plots of exact and OHAM solutions for problem 3.

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