Q2 Week 3
Q2 Week 3
Q2 Week 3
a process or phenomenon of
atmospheric, hydrological or
oceanographic nature that may cause
loss of life, injury or other health impacts,
property damage, loss of livelihoods and
services, social and economic
disruption, or environmental damage
1. Tropical Cyclone
also called typhoon or hurricane
an intense circular storm that
originates over warm tropical
oceans and is characterized by
low atmospheric pressure, high
winds, and heavy rain
Weather Forecast
scientific estimate of future
weather condition, wherein a
weather condition is a state of
the atmosphere at a given time
expressed in terms of the most
significant variables
Weather Forecast
• Observation
• Collection and Transmission of
Weather Data
• Plotting of Weather Data
• Analysis of Weather Maps, Satellite
and Radar Imageries and Other
• Formulation of the Forecast
Predicting Signs of a Typhoon
1. ‘Towering’
Cumulus clouds
are often seen
as fluffy, fair-
weather cotton
balls in the sky.
Predicting Signs of a Typhoon
2. Arcing ‘Shelf’
also known as “shelf”
clouds, these wedge-
clouds are attached
to parent clouds,
resulting in a
Predicting Signs of a Typhoon
3. Cloud Color
lowered cloud base with the
threatening bluish-black
underside (wall cloud) loom
in the distance behind the
mountain range
1. Cumulus Stage
where the sun
heats the Earth's
surface during
the day and
warms the air
around it
Stages of Thunderstorm Formation
2. Mature Stage
A cumulus cloud
becomes very large,
where the water therein
becomes large and
heavy, and raindrops
begin to fall through
the cloud when the
rising air can no longer
hold them up.
Stages of Thunderstorm Formation
3. Dissipating Stage
occurs after 30 mins,
when the downdrafts
in the cloud begins to
dominate over the
updraft. Since warm
moist air can no
longer rise, cloud
droplets can no
longer form.
3. Flood
large-scale ocean-atmosphere
climate interaction linked to a
periodic warming in sea surface
temperatures across the central
and east-central Equatorial Pacific
6. La Niña
The Little Girl, El Viejo, anti-El Niño, "a
cold event"
measures the extent of a given
substance's hotness or coldness
Mercury is one of the liquids which is overly
sensitive to temperature changes. The
mercury expands and rises in the capillary
tube when the substance to be measured
is warm. Instead, mercury contracts. That is,
principle of thermal expansion.
For measuring temperature
This tool records air
temperature continuously
on graphing paper during
a period in a given area.
It uses digital infrared
imaging to record slight
changes in temperature.
For atmospheric pressure
Mercurial Barometer
Sling Psychometer
One of the oldest used instrument for
determining relative humidity is the whirling
hygrometer (or sling psychrometer).
It uses human hair from which
the oil has been removed by
using ether. The hair becomes
longer as the relative humidity
of the air increases. This change
can be made to move an
indicator needle which moves
over a scale, the graduations of
which reads from 0% to 100%.
For measuring precipitation
8-inch Rain Gauge
An 8-inch rain gauge, so called because
the inside diameter of the collector is
exactly 8 inches above a funnel that
conducts rain into a cylindrical measuring
tube or receiver.