Safe Lifting Book
Safe Lifting Book
Safe Lifting Book
1. Foreword 1
4. People 3
5. Machinery 5
5.1 Cranes 6
5.1.1 Mobile crane 7
5.1.2 Tower crane 8
5.2 Lifting gears 9
5.2.1 Wire rope slings 9
5.2.2 Wire rope slings – cable clip 10
5.2.3 Chain slings 11
5.2.4 Shackles 12
5.2.5 Eye bolts 13
5.2.6 Hooks 14
5.2.7 Rings, links, swivels 15
5.2.8 Spreader beams 15
5.2.9 Chain mesh slings and fibre slings 15
6. Load 16
7. Method 17
8. Environment 18
1. Foreword
The lifting of objects generally occurs on construction sites, in factories and other
industrial situations. Correct lifting can move large objects efficiently and reduce manual
handling operations. Incorrect lifting however, can lead to disastrous accidents. Every
year, incorrect lifting procedures cause injuries, loss of work time and property. People,
machinery, loads, methods and the work environment, are all important factors for
correct lifting. Provided that enough safety measures are fully implemented, lifting
accidents can be reduced.
2. Common accidents in lifting operations
• Breaking the
boom sling
4. People
Personnel related to the lifting operation include "competent examiner", "competent person",
"crane operator", "slinger", "signaler" and others working nearby.
• The "slinger" is responsible for attaching and detaching the load to and from the crane.
He shall:
– have received appropriate training on general safe lifting operations;
– be capable of selectings lifting gears suitable for the loads;
– liaise with the operator and direct the movement of the crane safely.
• The "signaller" is responsible for relaying the signal from the slinger to the crane operator.
He shall:
– have received appropriate training on general safe lifting operations;
– be able to direct the movement of the crane and loads.
Move slowly by Move towards the hand Move towards the hand Swing towards the hand Swing towards the hand
indicating distance stretched direction stretched direction stretched direction stretched direction
Lower the boom Extent the boom Retract the boom Use the main hoist Use whip line
and raise the load
Lower the hoist Lower the hoist slowly Raise the hoist Raise the hoist slowly Stop every thing
Note: During the lifting operation, either the slinger or signaller shall communicate with
the operator. Other communication methods (e.g., wireless walkie-talkies,
4 telephones, etc.) may also be used.
5. Machinery
Machinery – refers to lifting appliances and all lifting gears.
The lifting appliance includes a crab, winch, teagle, pulley block, gin wheel, crane, shearleg,
excavator, pile driver, pile extractor, dragline, aerial rope way, aerial cableway transporter
or overhead runway, etc.
The lifting gears includes a chain sling, rope sling, ring or similar gear, link, hook, plate
clamp, shackle, swivel or eyebolt.
5.1 Cranes
Selection of cranes
For the correct selection of cranes, the following factors shall be
• Ground conditions
• Other factors
5.1.1 Mobile crane
Operation points:
Operation radius
• Loads shall not be dragged on
the ground.
b. Uphill position
The load moves toward
• Move the load at a safe speed the crane and reduces
- use low speeds within the operation radius that
several metres of the load's may cause the crane to
tip over backwards.
Decrease in
• Adjust the boom length to operation radius
ensure the crane is operating
within the extent of the safe c. Downhill position
The load moves away
operation radius.
from the crane and this
may overloads the
• When moving uphill or crane and cause the
downhill, the boom angle shall crane to tip over
b e a d j u s t e d t o t h e s a fe forwards.
working condition.
Increase in
Avoid working on a slope operation radius
5.1.2 Tower crane
Operation points:
5.2 Lifting gears
Lifting gears play an important part in the lifting operation. Their function is to tie the
objects tightly and hang them on the crane. There is a great variety of lifting gears. If there
is insufficient knowledge or a wrong choice is made, lifting may fail and accidents may
result. All lifting gears shall be tested by qualified examiners and suitably marked with a
Safe Working Load (SWL).
Inspection points:
• The wire rope sling shall not be used and shall be disposed if they are:
5.2.3 Chain slings
Chain slings are made up of chain rings. The advantage of chain slings is that they dete-
riorate and corrode less. Chain slings are made of alloys. They can maintain their Safe
Working Loads under temperatures of 50oF. However, the entire chain becomes unsafe if
problems arise in any section. A damaged chain sling will suddenly break and the damage
is not as easily detectable as compared to rope slings. Therefore, a rope sling must be
selected wherever possible for lifting.
Inspection points:
• The chain sling shall be not be used under the following conditions:
Extreme wear at
bearing surfaces
5.2.4 Shackles
Hook rings are divided into two main categories: Chain ("D" type) shackle and anchor
(bow) type shackle. Both are available with screw pins or round pins.
• Never replace the shackle pin with a bolt. • Shackle pins must always be attached
to the hook.
• Ensure the pin is totally locked.
• Washers may be used to centre the
• Do not use screw pin shackles if the pin
can roll and unscrew.
Washer Hook
5.2.5 Eye bolts
Eye bolts are mainly classified into plain (shoulderless) eye bolts and shoulder type eye
Safety points:
• The hook shall not be directly fixed on to the
eye bolt.
5.2.6 Hooks
Hooks are a vital part of lifting gear. A variety of them cater for different lifting purposes.
5.2.7 Rings, links, swivels
• Most of the rings, links and swivels are
marked with Safe Working Loads
(SWL). If no SWL is marked, the SWL
tables shall be checked according to
their diameters.
6. Load
• Know the weight and shape of the
7. Method
• Plan a suitable lifting route, to
avo i d c o l l i s i o n w i t h a ny
persons, objects or overhead
power lines.
8. Environment
Safe lifting can be affected by rain, thunderstorms, strong winds, ground conditions and
overhead power lines.
• Rains creates wet and slippery ground, loose soil and landslides, etc. Depending on the
situation, the operator shall decide whether to continue working or not. When the soil is
loose and could cause danger to the crane's stability, lifting work must be stopped.
• During thunderstorms, stop lifting operations immediately.
Strong winds
• In strong winds, decrease the weight of the Safe
Working Load to improve safety. If the wind intensifies,
work must be stopped.
Ground situation
• Loose soil - use firmer, larger wooden planks to
distribute the load and reduce the weight on the
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