Ambrus Et Al (2020) - Sources of Random Variation of Pesticide Residue Analytical Results
Ambrus Et Al (2020) - Sources of Random Variation of Pesticide Residue Analytical Results
Ambrus Et Al (2020) - Sources of Random Variation of Pesticide Residue Analytical Results
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4 authors, including:
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All content following this page was uploaded by Arpád Ambrus on 17 November 2022.
University of Debrecen, Doctoral School of Nutrition and Food Sciences, 4032 Debrecen,
National Food Chain Safety Office, System Management and Supervision Directorate, 1024
Food Chain Safety Centre Nonprofit Ltd., Pesticide Residue Analytical Laboratory, Miskolc
National Food Chain Safety Office, Food Chain Safety Laboratory Directorate, Pesticide
© AOAC INTERNATIONAL 2020. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:
[email protected]
Background: Pesticide residues are analyzed in thousands of samples yearly by national
authorities and private laboratories. Intensive research is ongoing to develop new methods
or improve existing ones concentrating on the extraction, cleanup, and detection techniques.
to the overall laboratory sampling error, though several publications demonstrated their
practical importance. Consequently, the repeatability and reproducibility of the results are
often reported based on the recovery tests alone. A few previous publications are cited in
this paper which illustrate the magnitude of random error derived from subsampling,
Objectives: We aim to call the attention to the importance of considering all steps of the
laboratory sampling and analysis process in calculating the combined uncertainty of the
results and the realistic performance assessment of the methods including its long-term
illustrate the recommended procedures, determination of their random error and long-term
method performance. Results: The results indicate that subsampling, comminution, and
selection of test portions can be the major contributors to the combined uncertainty of the
results. Conclusion: All these steps should be considered in estimation of random variation
KEY WORDS: pesticide residues, laboratory sampling, ambient and cryogenic comminution,
combined measurement uncertainty, random error and internal quality control.
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For obtaining the desired biological effects, some residues of pesticides must remain in / on the
treated objects. Even in case of the most careful application (Figure 1), the pesticide residues are
units within one treated field (1, 2). The magnitude of the field to field variation of residues in
composite samples of crops treated with the same dosage can be characterized with an average
relative standard deviation of about 70% (3). The minimum number of crop units (primary
guidelines (4, 5). The higher the average concentration, the higher is the variability of residues as
shown in Figure 2 (3). Usually the peel contains higher residue concentrations than the pulp.
Outer leaves of cabbage (Figure 3) or lettuce, lower parts of fruits (Figure 1) or bunch of grapes
hanging on the trees or vines may contain higher residues than the internal or upper exterior part
(6, 7). When an entire fruit or vegetable is comminuted, the uneven distribution of residues
between the peel, pulp, and juice results in both compositional and distributional heterogeneity,
Pesticides are generally toxic chemicals, depending on the level of exposure. Their residues are
assure that food offered for sale is safe for the consumers and complies with the legal maximum
residue limits (MRLs) (9, 10). The determination of pesticide residues may consist of several
steps depending on the sample material, available equipment / instruments and the analytical
methods used. The main steps of the procedure are summarized in Table 1. Steps 2-6 contribute
to the total sampling error (TSE) and Step 7 also includes total analytical error (TAE) as
described in Good Test Portions (GTP) (8). This paper demonstrates that contributions from
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Steps 4-7 to the global estimation error (GEE) and measurement uncertainty are significant. A
The Codex Guidelines, (11,12) and the European Commission Guidance document (AQC) (13)
However, the terms ‘sample preparation’ and ‘sample processing’ are purposely omitted in this
paper to avoid confusion, because different authors apply them to describe different steps of the
process without clarifying their meaning. To facilitate the uniform description and
characterization of the steps of the determination of pesticide residues in food (14), the relevant
terms and definitions recommended in the Good Test Portions (GTP) guidance document (8) are
Our objectives are to (i) call the attention to the importance of considering all steps of the
laboratory sampling process in calculating and reporting the performance characteristics of the
methods; (ii) provide references to illustrate the magnitude of contribution of the laboratory
determination steps to the total uncertainty of the results; (iii) provide practical examples for
estimating errors in the laboratory determinative steps including the long-term interim precision
(within-laboratory reproducibility). The sources of systematic errors and blunders are not
discussed in detail.
Following the Codex specifications for the portion of commodity to be analyzed (15) is critical
when determining compliance with MRLs. Any deviation from it may cause non-selection,
systematic error and may lead to an incorrect decision on the compliance of sampled commodity
with MRLs. Though these steps may greatly affect the results of the analyses, the correctness of
extraneous material removal (Step 2) and selecting the portion of commodity for analysis (Step 3)
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cannot be validated, and their repeatability / reproducibility cannot be determined. The reason is
the large, up to hundred-fold variability of residues in individual crop units. The distribution of
residues in one laboratory sample (≥ 5 crop units) taken from a decision unit (lot or field) will
results even for one specific crop and harvested field. Consequently, generally applicable ratios
of residues before and after extraneous material removal cannot be determined. Therefore, Steps
2-3 are not evaluated in this work. Figure 3 illustrates handling of head cabbage in Steps 2-5.
While handling of papaya fruits in Steps 3-5 is shown in Figure 1. The uniform and appropriate
performance of Steps 2-3 can be facilitated with the detailed description of the procedure in the
SOPs and proper training of the responsible staff of the laboratory (16, 17).
Assuming independence among the random errors associated with each major step of the
pesticide residue test procedure, the variance of the laboratory phase (VL) may be described as:
VL=V4+V5-6+V7 (1)
The numbers in subscript indicate the steps of the residue determination procedure (Table 1). The
combined relative random error (uncertainty) of Steps 4-7 can be expressed with their relative
The random error of the analysis (Step 7) can be determined with recovery tests (Step 8)
performed by spiking preferably blank test portions with known amounts of analyte at various
concentrations, and performing the analysis (Step 7) in the same manner as the analytical test
portions (11, 13). It should be noted that CVL cannot be estimated based on the analyses of
reference materials or proficiency test samples as they are very carefully homogenized before
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distribution. The relative random error (CV8) includes a contribution of spiking of blank test
portion with known amount of analyte as well as Step 7 (extraction, cleanup, derivatization,
evaporation and instrumental measurement). The relative random error (CV8) includes the error
The combined expanded uncertainty of the measured residue (CVL) should be considered (11, 16,
18), when deciding compliance of a marketed commodity with MRL [mg/kg]. The sampled lot is
accepted (5, 13) if the residue (CR, mg/kg) measured in the sample does not exceed the MRL
the combined uncertainty of the results during the last 20 years (17, 19-25). The contribution of
splitting and subsampling of laboratory sample (24), the comminution to prepare the analytical
sample and stability of analytes (26, 27, 29) during Steps 4-6 to the uncertainty and accuracy of
the results are rarely tested, though they may significantly affect the reliability of the
Most published methods concentrate mainly on the clean-up and detection techniques (analysis
phase, Steps 7-8), and unproportionally little attention is paid to the prior steps (28, 29). The
repeatability and reproducibility of the analytical methods are determined from the extraction of
spiked test portions (Step 8), and their performance characteristics are reported based on these
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results. Biased measurements and underestimated uncertainty could lead to erroneous
interpretations of the results and trade disputes. One possible reason for paying little attention to
Steps 3-6 may be that several widely used guidance documents dealing with the estimation of
Due to the heterogenic distribution of residues in crop units, the whole laboratory sample must be
processed. To get results with acceptable reproducibility [CVL ≤ 25% (13) or CV7 ≤ 20% at ≥
0.01 mg/kg residue concentrations (35)] typically ≥ 10-15 g test portions must be selected from
material comminuted at ambient temperature depending on the physical properties of the sample
material and the efficiency of the equipment (19-24). The currently most widely used
QuEChERS procedure (36) is originally based on the extraction of a 10 g test portion. It was
content. It was emphasized that the smaller the test portion is, the higher the variability of the
results will be. Each laboratory should validate its procedure (37, 38). However, utilizing the high
sensitivity of the modern GC-MS/MS, LC-MS/MS instruments and aiming to reduce the amount
of extraction solvents, the test portion size has been decreased to < 1 or 2 grams (39, 40) without
testing the random error contribution of Steps 4-6. If the test portion is decreased without testing
the repeatability of the whole determination process, a major part of uncertainty of the
measurement results may remain hidden. Consequently, the performance of the method is
wrongly reported based on the repeated analyses of the spiked test portions (Step 8) (41-43).
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The efficiency of comminution may vary from sample to sample and day to day, as it can be
affected even in case of the same specific equipment, for instance, by the maturity and type of
sample material, sharpness of the cutting blade, mass of laboratory sample to be comminuted and
Consequently, the random error of laboratory sampling and analysis of residues should be tested
regularly as part of the ongoing internal quality control. Laboratory samples containing field
incurred residues can be used for determining CV5-6 most accurately. Alternatively, crop units
(i.e. multiple tomatoes) making up the laboratory sample may be treated with pesticide standards
known to be stable during comminution by injecting an analyte standard solution into the crops
before the entire laboratory sample is comminuted (44), or by applying an analyte standard
solution to the surface of the crop, to obtain well detectable average residues of known
Based on Gy’s sampling theory (45), the variance of fundamental sampling error (FSE) can
where C is the sampling constant depending on the shape and physical properties of the
comminuted (chopped, ground) material, d is the diameter of the 95th percentile of the
comminuted particles, and w is the mass of the test portion. Equation 4 highlights the relationship
of particle size to fundamental sampling error. Though, Gy’s equation cannot be directly applied
for plant materials, it provides important information. For a given material, reducing the particle
size in a comminuted laboratory sample considerably reduces CV5-6 and consequently CVL. The
particle size can be substantially decreased if the comminution is performed in the presence of
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dry ice under cryogenic conditions (21, 23, 28, 46), as illustrated in Figures 1 and 3. These
figures also show a simple and practical method for testing the effectiveness of comminution. A
small spoonful of comminuted material is spread on a Petri dish or watch glass. If the particle
<0.15-0.20 for most comminuted plant matrices (19, 20-23, 26, 27). Photos can be made of the
Petri dishes and kept together with other quality control records (Figures 1, 3).
The contribution of comminution to the random error of determination of pesticide residue cannot
be quantified separately, but together with the interrelated selection of test portion (CV5-6) and
Cryogenic processing is generally applied for the analysis of supervised pesticide residue trial
samples (6), and it is used routinely in other laboratories as well (13, 27). Compared to
comminution with dry ice, much smaller particle sizes can be obtained, and consequently smaller
test portions can be used, when the laboratory sample is comminuted with liquid nitrogen, (28) or
after freezing with liquid nitrogen (47, 48). Rousev et al. (29) demonstrated the advantages of
comminuting laboratory samples with liquid nitrogen over cryogenic processing with dry ice. The
results were confirmed by Lehotay et al (49). The authors concluded that selecting 5 g test
portions would result in an average CVL of 3-5%. It should be noted, however, that the methods,
based on one-step comminution with liquid nitrogen, presented in the latter publications are not
suitable for official control of compliance with MRLs as the sample comminuted was 500-850 g,
which is lower than the minimum mass of laboratory sample (1 kg) specified by the relevant
standards (4, 5). Consequently, they should be modified to (i) comminute the entire laboratory
sample; (ii) apply another method for comminution before liquid nitrogen comminution (2-step)
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or (iii) perform splitting and subsampling of the entire laboratory sample and comminute two or
Another advantage of comminution at temperatures < -20 C is that it can eliminate or reduce the
containing enzymes or acidic compounds released by cutting the plant tissues (17, 26, 27, 49, 52).
The decomposition of residues during comminution causes biased results because it may not be
The error of Steps 4-6 can be substantially decreased with two-step comminution (47, 48). In this
case an entire large laboratory sample is comminuted first with a suitable chopper or grinder, then
a representative portion is further comminuted a second time to obtain fine particles. Both steps
can be carried out at ambient temperature (24) or in combination with cryogenic processing
applying dry ice (21) or liquid nitrogen or only the latter two (47, 48). The random error derived
from the first step (CV5-6(1)) will be carried over to the second fine-grinding/disintegrating step
(CV5-6(2)) and the combined uncertainty of the two steps (CV5-6’’) will be
𝐶𝑉,,5 ― 6 is inserted into Equation 2 to obtain the combined uncertainty of the laboratory phase
Ideally, the sample mass reduction and comminution should not significantly increase CVL. In
practice it means that the CV4-6 should preferably be ≤0.3 CV7 (16, 17).
To obtain repeatable results, the comminuted material should be “uniform” and the test portions
should be selected without delay by taking as many (preferably >10) increments as feasible from
various positions for minimizing the error caused by distributional heterogeneity of the sample
matrix. Segregation error can also occur if the comminuted sample is let to stand for some time
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before the test portions are selected. The uniform comminuted sample may contain particles of
different sizes provided that they are randomly distributed throughout the entire matrix (50). The
uniform condition of a comminuted material can be tested based on the principle developed by
A laboratory determined pesticide residues in papaya samples from treated fields shortly after the
last pesticide application during a supervised field trial. The papaya fruits are large berries up to
45 cm long and 20 cm in diameter (Figure 1). The masses of the individual fruits range from
about 3 to 9 kgs. According to the Codex Sampling Guidelines (4) the laboratory sample must
contain a minimum of 5 large fruits. For papaya fruits the laboratory sample mass may be at or
above 25 kg, which is much larger than that which can be comminuted in one batch with regular
laboratory equipment.
The pesticide residue coded in this paper as ‘Θ’ to be determined was known to be stable during
comminution at room temperature. The analysts intended to use an analytical method that had
been fully validated for commodities of high-water content (Typical CV7: 0.12, CVL: 0.21 and
recovery 95-102%).
The applicability of the selected analytical method was evaluated with testing the recovery of ‘Θ’
from spiked test portions. Untreated papaya fruits were taken from the orchard before the
treatment with pesticide ‘Θ’. One fruit (3560 g) was cut into sections and then into small cubes.
The cut pieces were placed in Stephan blender (model UM12 with stainless steel 12 L bowl,
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rotating knives and reverse action scraper arm, 1500/3000 rpm, that can be loaded with maximum
4 kg material to obtain good disintegration) and comminuted at room temperature until visibly
uniform composition was obtained (Figure 1). Test portions (15 g) were selected from the
1.5 mg/kg levels, respectively. The spike portions were thoroughly mixed, and the residues were
determined with the previously validated analytical method. The repeatability of the residue
determination (including extraction, clean up, partial evaporation of the extracts and gas
chromatographic determination) was calculated from the measured residues in the extracts of
The average recoveries based on 5 replicate tests, 𝑄, which is the minimum number
recommended by AQC GLs (11, 13) and their relative standard deviations, (CV8), were 95.0%
(10%) and 98.30% (8.0%) at 0.2 and 1.5 mg/kg spike levels, respectively. As the CV8 values
obtained at the two spike levels were not statistically different (based on F-test) their variances
(CV2 values) were pooled resulting in an average relative standard deviation of CV8=0.090 and
typical recovery of 96.6% for the residue range of 0.2-1.5 mg/kg. The results of recovery tests
agreed with the prior method validation data (Typical CV7: 12% and recovery 95-102%). The
results confirmed the applicability of the procedure for determination of residues in papaya
samples. However, the contribution of the laboratory sampling (sub-sampling, and selection of
test portions) to the combined uncertainty of the results had to be determined before the field trial
The flowchart of the procedure is shown in Figure 4. For the partial validation of the method
(Steps 3-6), the laboratory received 5 individual units of field treated papaya fruits with unit
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masses of 7150, 5670, 5272, 7127, 4960 g (total mass 30179 g), as well as untreated ones. As the
first step, the stems (considered as extraneous material) (Step 2) of the fruits were removed. The
whole fruit, including peel and seeds were selected for analysis (Step 3). For Step 4 each of the 5
wedge-shaped sections and each quarter was further split into two parts resulting in 8 sections
from each fruit (Figure 1). According to the minimum requirements for replicate tests specified
by the Codex (35) and AQC (13) guidelines for validation of a method, five subsamples (A-E)
were prepared. The subsamples contained one or two sections from each fruit to get
approximately similar mass. Their masses are shown in Table 3. The average mass of subsamples
was 3745.4 g. The difference between the expected proportion (1/8 of the total mass: 30,179 x
0.125 = 3772 g) of laboratory sample and the average mass of subsamples (3745.4 g) is 0.7%.
The relative standard deviation associated with variation of masses of the five subsamples
obtained with splitting is 0.108. The fruit sections making up one subsample were cut into small
pieces and each subsample was chopped in a Stephan blender at room temperature. Two test
portions of 15 g each (e.g. A15(1), A15(2)) were selected taking 10 or more small increments
randomly from various positions of each comminuted subsample and analyzed with the
previously validated method. The average residue obtained from 10 test portions was 0.804
mg/kg. The relative random errors of the determination of the residues (Steps 4-7) present in
analytical samples (CVL15) were calculated from the 10 individual measurements (A15(1), E15(2)
(0.70). The variability estimated was unacceptably high compared to the default value of 0.25
In addition, the relative random error of the average residues (0.53) in five subsamples (A-E)
estimated based on the analyses of two test portions (15 g each) selected from them was also
high. Note that the average of residues measured in replicate test portions selected from a
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subsample gives the best estimate for the residue concentration in that subsample. These results
clearly indicated that one cannot withdraw 15 g test portions from the comminuted subsamples
procedure by first selecting a 200 g portion from the re-homogenized remaining part (kept in
freezer during the night) of each previously comminuted subsample (A-E). The portions were
composited from small increments collected from various positions of the bowl containing the
freshly blended material. Each 200 g portion (PA-PE) was transferred to Warring blender (2
speed, 1L stainless steel container), 10% w/w distilled water was added (to improve the
efficiency of disintegration of the sample material) and then the mixture was blended at room
temperature until all peel particles were smaller than 2 mm (Figure 1). Duplicate 15 g test
portions (e.g. PA15(1), PA15(2)) were then taken with several increments from randomly selected
positions of the blended 200 g analytical samples for extraction and quantitation of residue. The
test results are shown in Table 3. The relative random errors of the determination of the residues
(Steps 4-7) present in the analytical samples (CVL200/15) were calculated from the residues
The average residue adjusted for the 10% added water in the 15(200) g test portions was 0.807
mg/kg. The difference between the average residues measured in 15 g test portions (0.804 mg/kg)
ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Standard (53) recommends testing portions retained from previously
analyzed samples together with the freshly received samples to determine the long-term within
laboratory intermediate precision (within laboratory reproducibility) of Steps 4-7. In our study,
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15 g test portions were selected, as described above, from the 200 g 2-step comminuted
subsamples and placed in deep freezer. Later, when the samples were received from the field
trial, the test portions stored in deep freezer were analyzed in the same batch with the incoming
determined in the corresponding analytical sample during the performance verification of the
The intermediate precision is calculated with range statistics (55, 56). For one test portion, the
CVLi is calculated from the residues (R) measured during analyzes of supervised trial samples
and in the retained test portion analyzed later together with the trial samples:
𝑅𝑚𝑎𝑥 ― 𝑅𝑚𝑖𝑛
𝐶𝑉′𝐿𝑖 = 1.128 × 𝑅
Since the average residues in ‘n’ replicate measurements are different, the CVLi values are pooled
𝐶𝑉′𝐿𝑝 = 𝑛
The pooled CV’L200/15 calculated with Equations 7 and 8 is 0.155 (Table 4), which is statistically
not different, based on the F-test, from the CV’L200/15 of 0.132 obtained during method
development (Table 3). Thus, the internal quality control confirmed the results of validation of
Steps 4-7.
The combined uncertainty (12.4%) obtained with two step sequential sampling is acceptable in
view of the guidance reproducibility value of 0.25 specified in EU AQC GL (13) because the
predicted among laboratories reproducibility is about 1.5-2 times higher than the within
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considered suitable for future analysis of residues in large crops. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to
One-way ANOVA test performed from the replicate measurements confirmed the null hypothesis
average residues in the subsamples and in the 200 g analytical samples are not significantly
The contribution of the steps of laboratory sampling and analysis to the random variation of ‘Θ’
residues determined in papaya fruits can be calculated from their variances (Table 6). It is
assumed that the random error of analysis (Step 7) is equal to the repeatability of recovery tests
(CV7=CV8), and the best estimate for the residue contents of subsamples (Step 4) is the average
of residues determined in 15 g test portions (TP). The total variance (VT=VL) is calculated from
the repeated measurements of test portions. The variance (V5-6) of Steps 5-6 is calculated after
rearranging Equation 1:
V5-6=VL-V4-V7 ((9)
The contribution of subsampling (V4) to the total variance of laboratory sampling is 56.9%, if 15
g test portions are selected from the comminuted subsamples, while the comminution and test
portion selection (Steps 5-6) is 41.4% of the total variance . These results indicate that the
comminution of subsample and selection of test portions must be improved to obtain CVL
reduction step including the subsampling and selection 200 g analytical sample, V5-6) and
analysis (V8) contribute with 11.7% and 46.9%, respectively, to total variance of laboratory phase
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These results further confirm that the two-step sequential sampling procedure developed is
suitable for the analysis of supervised trial samples according to current international standards.
determination process is interrelated. It can be conveniently illustrated with their relative standard
deviations (Equ. 2). Some examples are given in Table 8. If we could halve CV4 and CVA (option
2) then the CVL would be reduced by nearly 42% compared to option 1, while reducing all
components to half would similarly decrease CVL (option 3). However, reducing CV5-6 to 2.25%
alone the CVL will only be slightly lower (12.6%) (option 4). CVL of 6-7% (options 3, 5) satisfies
all practical requirements and its further improvement with extra expenses is not justified.
Nevertheless, applying internal standards for calibration as well as dry ice and or liquid nitrogen
for comminution would substantially improve CVL=CVT (options 5) enabling the selection of
smaller test portions as shown in several publications (27, 28, 46, 47, 48, 49), which would
reduce the cost of extraction solvents and disposal of used chemicals and may also speed up the
whole process.
To achieve optimum performance the CV4 should be reduced. Our further experiments, which are
not discussed in this article, revealed that subsampling random error can be reduced by selecting
the sections of individual fruits systematically when large crops are analyzed. The principle is to
represent the individual crops as well as possible by taking sections from their opposite side. For
example, coding of the sections is illustrated in Figure 5 and their selection for replicate samples
is shown in Table 9.
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CV4 is affected by the sample material and the method used for splitting and selection of
subsamples. CV5-6 is largely affected by the sample material, the operation condition and type of
equipment used for comminution. CV7 depends on the test portion mass, the method used,
should be part of the method validation and regular performance verification carried out by
individual laboratories. For this purpose, the analysis of retained test portions in one batch
together with the fresh samples is a powerful quality control check and should be performed
regularly. Individual test portions should be retained for quality control purposes and ready for
extraction after thawing together with the extracting solvent. Deep-freezing larger portions for
reanalyzes would require defrosting the whole mass before taking the test portion, which would
take extra time and could result in the loss of labile or volatile compounds.
Certified reference materials or remaining parts of proficiency test materials cannot be used for
determining CV5-7 because the homogeneity of these materials is rigorously tested and verified
before distribution.
The CVL reflecting the combined uncertainty of laboratory sampling (subsampling, comminution
selection of test portions) and analyses of residues should be reported based on the replicate
analyses of samples containing incurred residues. Results of recovery studies do not indicate the
If possible, an entire laboratory sample should be comminuted before selection of the test portion.
It is not permissible to take a few natural units (primary samples) from the laboratory sample for
comminution and keep the rest as reserve. The adverse effects of the uneven distribution of
residues should be considered and controlled as much as possible during laboratory sampling
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The correct performance of splitting and subsampling of large crops is critical for obtaining
accurate results, which should be verified by selecting and analyzing minimum 2 replicate
The analytical sample must be selected from the whole laboratory sample after removal of
Each fruit or single increment included in the laboratory sample should be proportionally
Since the surface residue concentrates on the lower part of the fruits hanging on the trees
(Figure 1), or laying on the soil, where subsampling is required, longitudinal sections
must be cut and their surface/pulp ratio should be the same as that of fruit.
Slices or cross sections must not be cut to prepare the subsample. Moreover, the entire
laboratory sample should not be cut into small cubes and “mixed” before an appropriate
subsample or analytical samples are selected, as proper mixing is impossible for sample
materials with hard peel and soft pulp. Exception is when the whole pre-cut laboratory
The homogeneity of the comminuted analytical sample can be improved by adding dry ice
in small proportions to the sample material during chopping until the entire sample gets
deep-frozen. Liquid nitrogen could also be used considering the safety precautions.
Attention should be paid to keep the lid of the bowl open as short time as possible to limit
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condensation of moisture from the air. If the analytes are labile or volatile, the whole
Special attention is required to select the test portions for extraction where the test portion
(preferably ≥10) with suitable tool from random positions in the vessel immediately after
the compositional (peel and pulp) and distributional heterogeneity (residue levels can
widely differ among natural units included in the laboratory sample), segregation of
components of different density changing by time, etc. If needed, the blending can be
The abovementioned factors can be different for various material types and analytes
therefore adequate mass and number of increments should be uniquely established for
each selection process. When the parameters of laboratory sampling process are
optimized and validated for “difficult” materials (e.g having hard peel and juicy flesh,
such as tomato), they can be applied for the easier ones (e.g. orange, apple) in order to
The authors are indebted to Eloisa Dutra Caldas and Kit Chen for cooperation in field trials,
Bálint Mátyásné, Vanda Glócz and Victor Juhász for performing the laboratory tests, and Nancy
Thiex and Jo Mary Cook for useful advices during the preparation of the manuscript.
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Figure 1. Main steps of determination of pesticide residue in papaya fruits. From top left:
pesticide application; field sampling; packed fruits, split sections (1/8 of portions) of
-7 -6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 -2 0 1 2 3
ln(mean residue)
vegetables and cucurbits observed in supervised field trials. Each data point represents the
variance of residues measured in composite samples (number of primary samples ≥12) of one
crop species treated with the same pesticide at similar dosage rate in ≥ 8 independent trials; n
laboratory samples were comminuted and their representative portions analyzed. Details of
Figure 3. Example for laboratory sampling (Steps 2-5) of head cabbage. Upper left: head
cabbage with outer leaves; upper right: part of outer leaves; middle left: part of cabbage to be
used for testing compliance with MRLs; middle right: sections of cabbage head after
3 quartering; bottom: comminution at ambient temperature (left) and with dry ice (right)
6 applying Stephan UM 12 chopper.
III/2 II/2
Laboratory Sample
3 Commodity portion selection (whole E.g. for testing compliance with MRL:
regulations. (CACGL-41-1993)
the laboratory.
Analytical Sample
8 Recovery test with spiked blank test Blanks, spikes encompassing the
sample processing.
0.196 1.43
0.209 1.37
0.205 1.37
0.168 1.58
*: The numbers given in the table are rounded, but the calculations were performed with Excel
without rounding.
Subsample A B C D E Ave CV
Subsample mass [g] 3188 4008 3758 4231 3542 3745 0.108
in 15g TP 0.61 0.78 0.16 0.04 1.31 0.93 1.40 0.61 1.80 0.38 0.804 0.703a
Residues [mg/kg]
in 200/15 TP3 0.69 0.58 0.86 0.64 0.72 0.86 0.65 0.75 0.74 0.78 0.723 0.125c
Residues in 200/15
g TP + H2O 4 0.76 0.65 0.95 0.72 0.80 0.96 0.72 0.83 0.82 0.86 0.807
Notes: The numbers given in the table are rounded, the calculations were performed with Excel without rounding.
1: Residues [mg/kg] measured in 15g test portions (TP) taken from subsamples (A-E); 2: Average residue [mg/kg] in
duplicate 15 g TP taken from subsamples A-E; 3: Residues [mg/kg] measured in 15 g TP selected from 200 g
comminuted subsamples (A11-E11; A12-E12); 4; Residues [mg/kg] in 200/15 g TP corrected for 10% added water; 5:
Date of analyses1 Analytical sample2 Average residue3 in TP200/15 Residue in retained TP4
1: Retained test portion were analyzed together with the samples received from the trial site.
2: Analytical sample from which the test portions were selected for future analyses
3: Residue measured during development of test procedure.
Total 2.8796 9
SUMMARY: 15g Test portions taken from PA-PE 200 g analytical samples*
Total 0.0909 9
*: The 7 digit values shown in Excel output tables are rounded for clarity
1: Average residues in A-E subsamples
4: Residues measured in duplicate test portions taken from 200 g portions (PA15(1)- PE15(1) and PA15(2)-
*: Values reported are rounded, but the calculations were made with Excel with all digits
1: Tp: test portion [PA15(1)-PE15(2)] corrected for added water
2: Estimated from duplicate 15 g test portions selected from the comminuted analytical samples
a: CV-s calculated from 15 g test portions A1--E2; b: CVL15 of average residues in 15 g test
portions; c: CVLp200/15 calculated from 15 g TP taken from the 200 g portions; d: CV of average
Subsample2 Analytical.sample3
V % V %
1: Values reported are rounded, but the calculations were made with Excel with all digits
Table 8. Examples for the relationship of CV-s [%] of steps 4, 5-6 and 7, and CVL*
*: Figures reported are rounded, but the calculations are performed with Excel using all digits.
A-E code for individual crop units; Roman number: quarter of crop;