Likhita Basuthkar Resume 2023
Likhita Basuthkar Resume 2023
Likhita Basuthkar Resume 2023
4th Year Student
Hyderabad, India
Intermediate (96.1%) Javascript C++ C# Python Java
06/2018 - 04/2020, Hyderabad HTML CSS Bootstrap DBMS DSA R
PROJECTS Participated in Rural Development Program
(2010 - 2018)
Airplane booking system Saved money every year and donated it with books. I visited Kalleda as a
Built an application that enables the user to select the flight they part of this initiative.
want to travel on. Flask and MySQL were used to achieve the
requirements. Took part in the workshop, An Introduction to
Microsoft Azure AI (2021)
Finding the right course using Python.
Developed an application that allows the user to explore a variety Head for content at TEDXVNRVJIET
of courses from various platforms. This was achieved using
Python. Editor of Vignana Varta VNRVJIET.
Piano Application Technical Head CSI (07/2022 - Present)
This application helps the user play the octave and provides help
to learn the basics of playing notes on a keyboard. This application
uses reactjs and MongoDB. With the easy-to-use interface, a user
Organised VJ Hackathon (11/2022 - 11/2022)
can practice the basics.
Conducted a Git and GitHub session for sophomores.
Application for Food Bank
As a part of the JPMC CFG hackathon, we built a solution for
allowing food distribution across the city of Bangalore using
Firebase, ReactJs and other frontend technologies. CERTIFICATES
Drowsiness detection using Raspberry Pi AI For Everyone (02/2021)
Developed a system to detect drowsiness and alert drivers based Understood the basics of machine learning.
on the analysis of real-time data. Made use of Raspberry pI and it's
camera module to achieve this. Big Data Analytics (11/2022)