2024-25Oct-2024VISupplementaryAR21B Tech MECH21ME002Other
2024-25Oct-2024VISupplementaryAR21B Tech MECH21ME002Other
2024-25Oct-2024VISupplementaryAR21B Tech MECH21ME002Other
– 2024
U.G. Common to all Degree Bachelor of Technology
Academic Year 2024-2025 Sem. VI
Course Title
Course Code 21ME002
Principles of Entrepreneurship
Duration 3 Hours Maximum Marks 70 (SEVENTY)
7 x 2 = 14 Marks
No. Questions (a to f) COs
a Distinguish entrepreneur from manager. 1
b List a few entrepreneurial traits. 1
c Identify the sources of new Ideas for entrepreneurship. 3
d Summarise the organizational plan launching formalities. 3
e Compare and contrast rights issues and bonus issues. 4
f What is the entrepreneurship role of directorate of Industries? 4
g Spell about various sources of capital available for Entrepreneur. 5
4 x 14 = 56 Marks