2022 Alexandra Ferreira Vieira - Effects of Protein Supplementation Associated With (Retrieved - 2023-03-02)
2022 Alexandra Ferreira Vieira - Effects of Protein Supplementation Associated With (Retrieved - 2023-03-02)
2022 Alexandra Ferreira Vieira - Effects of Protein Supplementation Associated With (Retrieved - 2023-03-02)
Background There are some controversial findings regarding the benefits of combining protein supplementation with resist-
ance training in order to optimize adaptations to training in older adults.
Objective The aim of this review was to summarize the evidence from meta-analyses assessing the effects of protein sup-
plementation combined with resistance training on body composition and muscle strength in the older population.
Methods We included systematic reviews with meta-analyses of randomized clinical trials that examined the effects of pro-
tein and/or amino acid supplementation associated with resistance training compared with resistance training alone on lean
body mass, muscle mass, and muscle strength in older people. The search was performed using the MEDLINE (PubMed),
Embase, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Google Scholar, and OpenGrey databases. Methodological quality was
assessed using the Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews 2 checklist, and the quality of evidence was
determined using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation system. The pooled effect
estimates were computed from the standardized mean difference and the 95% confidence interval achieved by each meta-
analysis, using random effects models.
Results Five reviews were included, all of moderate methodological quality. In the analyses, protein supplementation com-
bined with resistance training was associated with greater increases in lean body mass and muscle mass when compared with
resistance training alone. However, no differences were observed between the interventions on muscle strength increases.
The quality of evidence ranged from moderate to very low.
Conclusion Protein supplementation associated with resistance training induces greater increases in lean body mass compared
with resistance training alone. In addition, it is suggested that the use of protein supplementation enhances gains in muscle
mass but does not promote greater increases in muscle strength.
Key Points
2512 A. F. Vieira et al.
Two authors (AFV and JSS) assessed the methodologi- 3.1 Study Selection
cal quality of the systematic reviews using the Assess-
ing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews 2 The search of the MEDLINE (PubMed), Embase and
(AMSTAR-2) checklist [23]. This checklist contains 16 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews databases pro-
items and each item was answered with ‘yes’, ‘no’, ‘can- vided a total of 245 citations. In addition, 56 records in
not answer’, or ‘not applicable’. Based on these answers, PROSPERO were identified and 9 duplicates were removed,
only the ‘yes’ answer counted as a point in the total score totaling 292 titles and abstracts evaluated. At this stage, 280
for the assessed study. Thus, the meta-analyses were cat- studies were excluded, resulting in 12 reports being assessed
egorized as high quality (at least 80% of the items were for eligibility. Of these, eight reviews were excluded after
satisfied), moderate quality (between 40 and 80% of the reading the full-texts, resulting in four studies for inclusion.
items were satisfied) or low quality (< 40% of the items Furthermore, 23 studies were identified from the gray litera-
were satisfied) [24]. ture (Google Scholar), of which two reports were assessed
2514 A. F. Vieira et al.
and one was excluded. Thus, five studies met the inclusion in the meta-analysis performed by Gomes-Neto et al. [18]
criteria and were included in the analysis (Fig. 1). consisted of 12–24 weeks of resistance training (3 times a
3.2 Characteristics of the Meta‑analyses Included week, 80% of 1RM, 2–3 sets of 6–12 repetitions) associated
with consumption of 20–40 g of whey protein. In the study
The five studies included in this review were published performed by Hidayat et al. [19], the interventions consisted
between 2015 and 2019 (three were published in 2017). of 12–72 weeks of milk protein supplementation (0.3 and
These meta-analyses resulted in the analysis of 46 primary 0.8 g/kg/day or 13.2–40 g/day) associated with resistance
studies (ranging from 3 to 21 per review) and 2925 par- training (2–5 times a week, 70–85% of 1RM, 2–4 sets of
ticipants (ranging from 249 to 1249 per review). All studies 8–20 repetitions). Lastly, Hou et al. [20] included protocols
included male and female participants and the samples were comprising 10–72 weeks of resistance training (2–4 times
composed of older people aged ≥ 60 years, with the excep- a week) and consumption of proteins (20–40 g or 0.3 g/
tion of one study that included participants aged > 50 years kg of whey protein; 12–45 g or 1.2–1.3 g/kg of protein) or
[20]. In general, the interventions comprised the consump- amino acids (3–10 g). The interventions included in meta-
tion of 12–40 g of proteins [16–20] or 3–10 g of amino analyses were compared with resistance training associated
acids [16, 20] associated with resistance training. The with placebo or no supplementation. The evaluation methods
study by Colonetti et al. [17] included protocols involving described in the included studies were dual-energy X-ray
12–24 weeks of resistance training (most studies used a fre- absorptiometry [17, 20], bioelectrical impedance analysis
quency of three times a week) and consumption of 15.6–40 g [20], and air-displacement plethysmography [20] for the out-
of whey protein. Finger et al. [16] analyzed the consumption come lean body mass; appendicular skeletal muscle mass
of protein supplements and extra protein provided in a habit- [20] and muscle cross-sectional area [20] for the outcome
ual diet (0.3–0.8 g/kg or 13.2–40 g) or essential amino acids muscle mass; and isokinetic dynamometry [18], 1RM [18,
(6 g) plus resistance training (2–3 times a week, 70–85% 20], and hand-grip strength [20] for the outcome muscle
of one repetition maximum (1RM), 1–4 sets of 8–20 rep- strength (Table 1).
etitions) during 12–72 weeks. The interventions included
Colonetti et al. [17] 3 (391) MEDLINE, August 2015 Whey protein Resistance training Lean mass: No Lean mass: 0.26 Lean mass: − 0.43 to Lean mass: NR
LILACS, and resistance and placebo or no difference Muscle mass: NE 0.95 Muscle mass: NE
Embase, training supplementation Muscle mass: NE Muscle strength: Muscle mass: NE Muscle strength: NE
Cochrane Muscle strength: NE Muscle strength: NE
Finger et al. [16] 9 (462) PubMed, January 2014 Proteins or amino Resistance training Lean mass: Lean mass: 0.23 Lean mass: 0.05–0.42 Lean mass: 0%
Cochrane, acids, or increase and placebo or no Intervention was Muscle mass: 0.14 Muscle mass: − 0.05 Muscle mass: 0%
Embase, in dietary supplementation associated with Muscle strength: to 0.32 Muscle strength: 0%
LILACS protein content increase 0.13 Muscle
and resistance Muscle mass: No strength: − 0.06 to
training difference 0.32
Muscle strength:
No difference
Gomes-Neto et al. 3 (249) MEDLINE, June 2015 Whey protein Resistance training Lean mass: NE Lean mass: NE Lean mass: NE Lean mass: NE
[18] LILACS, and resistance and placebo Muscle mass: NE Muscle mass: NE Muscle mass: NE Muscle mass: NE
Embase, Sci- training Muscle strength: Muscle Muscle Muscle strength:
ELO, CINAHL, No difference strength: − 0.18 strength: − − 0.72 69% (knee exten-
PEDro, (knee extension), to 0.36 (knee exten- sion), 96% (leg
Cochrane 22.33 (leg press) sion), − 22.84 to press)
67.51 (leg press)
Hidayat et al. [19] 10 (574) PubMed, Web September 2016 Milk proteins or Resistance training Lean mass: Lean mass: 0.74 Lean mass: 0.30–1.17 Lean mass: 12.40%
of Science, dairy products and placebo or no Intervention was Muscle mass: NE Muscle mass: NE Muscle mass: NE
Cochrane and resistance supplementation associated with Muscle strength: Muscle strength: NE Muscle strength: NE
training increase NE
Muscle mass: NE
Muscle strength:
Hou et al. [20] 21 (1249) PubMed, MED- May 2018 Proteins or amino Resistance training Lean mass: Lean mass: 0.23 Lean mass: 0.09–0.38 Lean mass: 3.80%
LINE, Embase acids and resist- and placebo or no Intervention was Muscle mass: 0.39 Muscle mass: Muscle mass:
ance training supplementation associated with Muscle strength: 0.14–0.64 45.90%
increase 0.29 (hand grip), Muscle strength: Muscle strength:
Muscle mass: 0.27 (knee exten- 0.08–0.50 (hand 0% (hand grip),
Intervention was sion), 0.33 (leg grip), 0.06–0.47 37.60% (knee
associated with press) (knee extension), extension), 19%
increase 0.01–0.64 (leg (leg press)
Muscle strength: press)
Intervention was
associated with
NE not evaluated, NR not reported, 95% CI 95% confidence interval,CI confidence interval, I2 inconsistency test
A. F. Vieira et al.
Protein Supplementation and Resistance Training in Older People 2517
synergistic effects on skeletal muscle anabolism [29–31]. resistance training, but the quality of this evidence is low.
Thus, the association of these strategies may be considered Therefore, the available results regarding muscle mass
a more effective alternative to promote an increase in lean outcome should be treated with caution and further stud-
body mass and attenuate the progression of sarcopenia in ies are needed to confirm whether the increase in lean
older individuals. Of the four studies assessing lean body body mass obtained with protein supplementation may
mass included in the present review, three studies found reflect an increase in muscle mass or another tissue in
significant increments when protein supplementation was older populations.
combined with resistance training. Only one meta-analysis Another physiological change related to aging is a gradual
[17] did not show a difference between interventions for this loss of motor neurons, which promotes a decline in mus-
outcome, but included a single study in the analysis and cle fiber number and size, resulting in impaired mechanical
the quality of evidence was considered very low. Although muscle performance, including reduction in muscle strength
the quality of evidence from the other studies ranged from [1]. To compensate these age-induced losses, resistance
very low [19], low [20] and moderate [16], the results of the training plays a key role in promoting adaptive changes in
analyses corroborate each other. Therefore, it is possible to muscle and nervous system function that reflect in increased
suggest that protein supplementation associated with resist- muscle strength [1, 4, 39, 40]. Thereby, resistance training is
ance training is an important strategy to increase lean body considered the most potent non-pharmacological stimulus to
mass in older people, promoting greater enhancements when improve muscle strength. Notwithstanding, it is possible that
compared with resistance training alone. there are no differences in this adaptation when resistance
Because of several physiological factors inherent to training is associated or not with protein supplementation
aging, including anabolic resistance, the protein requirement in the older population. From three included studies that
is increased for the older population [32]. Recommendations assessed muscle strength, only one [20] found a significant
for daily protein intake for older active people are discussed effect related to protein intervention, and the quality of this
in the literature [28, 32–36]. It is suggested that dietary pro- evidence was rated as low. Other meta-analyses that were not
tein intake should be greater than the current recommended included in the present review (did not meet the eligibility
dietary allowance (1.0–1.6 g/kg of body mass/day) to main- criteria because studies evaluating other supplements associ-
tain a positive protein status and thus prevent or postpone ated with protein supplementation were accepted) [41–43]
age-related muscle disorders. In addition, it is recommended also concluded that protein supplementation combined with
that this amount should be distributed in meals containing resistance training does not provide additional benefits in
at least 0.4 g/kg of protein to achieve optimal muscle pro- muscle strength compared with resistance training alone.
tein synthesis stimulation [28, 33]. These amounts can be However, it is important to emphasize that our quantitative
achieved through diet (i.e., eggs, milk, beef, fish, beans, analysis for this outcome was performed only with the val-
peas, and other plant sources) or through protein supple- ues referring to knee extension muscle strength and therefore
mentation. Nevertheless, the supplement may be considered few data were included. Thus, more studies are needed to
a practical and easy-to-administer alternative, especially in confirm these results, mainly involving other exercises in
the frail older population. As older individuals usually have the assessment of muscle strength. In view of the evidence
difficulties in achieving energy intake [37], which results in available to date, it is possible to suggest that the adapta-
reduced protein consumption through diet, supplementation tions in muscle strength resulting from resistance training
of this macronutrient may help to meet the increased needs are not influenced by the effects of protein intake in older
related to aging and, together with the stimulus provided by individuals, and this result may be justified by the fact that
resistance training, positively impact body composition [38]. the increments in this outcome are mainly related to neural
On the other hand, the evidence regarding the effects of factors (i.e., increases in the maximal motor unit recruit-
protein supplementation on muscle mass is less consistent. ment, maximal motor unit firing rate, spinal motor neuronal
Although the pooled result of the included meta-analyses excitability, and efferent motor drive) [1, 4, 39].
favored the intervention (protein supplementation plus This systematic review of systematic reviews with meta-
resistance training), only two studies [16, 20] evaluated analyses has some limitations, such as the small number
this outcome, and the results between them are divergent. of studies included and the heterogeneity observed in some
Finger et al. [16] found no differences between protein analyses. In addition, it was not possible to precisely inves-
supplementation associated with resistance training com- tigate this heterogeneity because of the low number of
pared with resistance training without protein interven- included reviews in each analysis. Nevertheless, the present
tion, and the quality of this evidence was considered study was performed with high methodological rigor, based
moderate. However, the results found by Hou et al. [20] on well-defined eligibility criteria. Because of this, some
indicate that protein supplementation promotes greater studies identified in the searches had to be excluded (con-
increases in muscle mass in older people who perform tributing to the low number of included studies), mainly due
2518 A. F. Vieira et al.
Fig. 2 Standardized mean difference in lean body mass observed square represents study-specific estimates, and filled diamond rep-
between protein supplementation associated with resistance training resents pooled estimates of random-effects meta-analyses. CI confi-
and resistance training without dietary protein intervention. Filled dence interval
Fig. 3 Standardized mean difference in muscle mass observed square represents study-specific estimates, and filled diamond rep-
between protein supplementation associated with resistance training resents pooled estimates of random-effects meta-analyses. CI confi-
and resistance training without dietary protein intervention. Filled dence interval
Fig. 4 Standardized mean difference in muscle strength observed square represents study-specific estimates, and filled diamond rep-
between protein supplementation associated with resistance training resents pooled estimates of random-effects meta-analyses. CI confi-
and resistance training without dietary protein intervention. Filled dence interval
to the inclusion of clinical trials evaluating the effects of the influence of this bias in the results is probably minimal
other supplements associated with protein supplementation, since the isocaloric amount of the dietary supplement (inter-
which may be considered a confounding factor that would vention or control) may not have been sufficient to reverse
influence the results. Another possible bias in the present a possible malnutrition. Nevertheless, to our knowledge,
results is that the between-group differences may possibly this is the first systematic review of systematic reviews that
be smaller in studies comparing protein versus carbohydrate examined the effects of protein supplementation associated
supplementation in cases of malnutrition of the participants. with resistance training compared with resistance train-
However, because the included systematic reviews included ing without dietary protein intervention on body composi-
in their analyses original studies with different comparators tion and muscle strength in older adults. From our analy-
(i.e., no supplementation, carbohydrate supplementation), ses, it is possible to obtain a summary regarding existing
Table 2 Results of the Assessing the Methodological Quality of Systematic Reviews 2 (AMSTAR-2) quality assessment
AMSTAR items
et al.
Gomes- No No No Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes No Yes No No No No Yes 7 (43.75)
et al.
Hidayat Yes No No Yes Cannot Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes 11 (68.75)
et al. answer
Hou et al. Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No Yes Yes Yes 11 (68.75)
2520 A. F. Vieira et al.
Table 3 Results of the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) assessment
Certainty assessment Certainty
Study Study design Risk of bias Inconsistency Indirectness Imprecision Other considerations
Colonetti et al. [17] Randomized trials Seriousa Very seriousb Not serious Very seriousc Only 1 study included in ⨁◯◯◯
Lean mass the analysis Very low
Finger et al. [16] Randomized trials Seriousa Not serious Not serious Not serious None ⨁⨁⨁◯
Lean mass Moderate
Finger et al. [16] Randomized trials Seriousa Not serious Not serious Not serious None ⨁⨁⨁◯
Muscle mass Moderate
Finger et al. [16] Randomized trials Seriousa Not serious Not serious Not serious None ⨁⨁⨁◯
Muscle strength Moderate
Gomes-Neto et al. [18] Randomized trials Seriousa Very seriousd Not serious Very seriousc None ⨁◯◯◯
Muscle strength (knee Very low
Gomes-Neto et al. [18] Randomized trials Seriousa Very seriousd Not serious Very seriousc None ⨁◯◯◯
Muscle strength (leg Very low
Hidayat et al. [19] Randomized trials Seriousa Not serious Not serious Seriousc None ⨁◯◯◯
Lean mass Very low
Hou et al. [20] Randomized trials Seriousa Not serious Not serious Not serious Publication bias ⨁⨁◯◯
Lean mass strongly suspectede Low
Hou et al. [20] Randomized trials Seriousa Not serious Not serious Not serious Publication bias ⨁⨁◯◯
Muscle mass strongly suspectede Low
Hou et al. [20] Randomized Trials Seriousa Not serious Not serious Not serious Publication bias ⨁⨁◯◯
Muscle strength (hand strongly suspectede Low
Hou et al. [20] Randomized trials Seriousa Not serious Not serious Not serious Publication bias ⨁⨁◯◯
Muscle strength (knee strongly suspectede Low
Hou et al. [20] Randomized trials Seriousa Not serious Not serious Seriousc Publication bias ⨁◯◯◯
Muscle strength (leg strongly suspectede Very low
Risk of bias detected
Unreported heterogeneity
Wide confidence intervals
Unexplained heterogeneity
Language limited to English
meta-analyses on the topic, providing the reader with a map number of eligible reviews, mainly considering muscle mass
of the available evidence. (i.e., two meta-analyses). In order to confirm the afore-
mentioned information, more well-designed clinical trials
and meta-analyses with high methodological quality are
5 Conclusion warranted.
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Conflicts of interest Alexandra Ferreira Vieira, Juliana Souza Santos,
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Rochelle Rocha Costa, Eduardo Lusa Cadore and Rodrigo Cauduro
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Oliveira Macedo declare that they have no conflict of interests with the
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content of this article.
15. Guido D, Perna S, Carrai M, Barale R, Grassi M, Rondanelli M.
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