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Integrated International Molecular Databases in Monitoring The Emergence and Spread of Infection

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S662 18th ECCMID, Posters

(almost all from the field of clinical microbiology/infectious diseases)

P2230 Integrated international molecular databases in monitoring and a custom medical search engine. Within a year e-meducation.org
the emergence and spread of infection
has received more than 142000 visits.
T.J. Dallman, J. Green, S. Gnaneshan, R. Myers and the DIPNET, Conclusion: Based on the incorporation of simple and tested educational
EUROROTA and HepSEQ steering committees strategies such as case based instruction and interactive learning,
e-meducation.org aims to become a prototype platform that offers a
Objectives: Integrated molecular databases associated with Dedicated more convenient interface to existing products, resources and medical
(disease specific) Surveillance Networks (DSNs) can fulfil a pivotal contents.
role in tracking the spread of infectious diseases. The Health Protection
Agency hosts a wide range of molecular typing databases as components
of National or International Surveillance Networks. Here we describe P2232 MicrobLog: an online information resource for those
three infectious disease resources from the international DSNs associated studying or training in medical microbiology, virology and
with; diphtheria (DIPNET), rotavirus (EUROROTA) and hepatitis B infectious diseases
(HepSEQ) and identify key elements in successfully establishing and
implementing them. A. Hussain (Leicester, UK)
Methods: On-line, integrated databases were established providing a
central portal for the submission and integration of disparate data types. The World Wide Web (WWW) is an abundant source of learning for
These included clinical data (e.g. serology), demographic data (e.g. all health professionals. The range of learning tools are widely varied
country of infection, sex, age), epidemiological data (e.g. transmission from free websites to those that are subscription based. The Royal
route, outbreaks) and molecular data (e.g. nucleotide and protein College of Pathologists (RCPath) in the United Kingdom (UK) issues the
sequences, mutation information). On-line databases allowed the storage curriculum and sets the examinations for gaining membership. Although
of this data in a robust, highly structured way that can be updated, trainees are made aware of online resources, there are very few resources
accessed and queried from any location in real time. A number of aimed specifically at trainees in medical microbiology and virology.
technical and non-technical issues impact on the success of these The RCPath is currently undertaking a review of electronic learning
resources. Through the projects described we have analysed and resources.
identified the key elements impacting on the successful development There is a paucity of readily accessible information specific to the needs
of an online resource. of a trainee microbiologist in the UK. Whilst there is a very good
Results: The foundation of integrated online DSNs, as well as facilitating resource in the UK for trainee virologists, no such website exists for
the amalgamation of disparate data types also requires the development microbiologists and infectious disease physicians.
of computational tools to query and display the data. DIPNET and I found that recording anecdotes and my personal experience became
HeqSEQ provide the ability for users to determine the genotype of invaluable as a learning tool. In preparation for professional exami-
their isolate through the automated interrogation of ribotype profiles and nations, the experiences of trainees are varied across the country and
nucleotide sequences respectively. EUROROTA enables the construction an appropriate forum for discussion was not available. The MicrobLog
of graphical representations of integrated epidemiological and molecular website (http://microblog.me.uk) was started in May 2006, as a result of
data further underpinned by demographic data. my concerns. The aim of the website is to bring these disciplines together,
Conclusions: Global approaches including the establishment of inter- primarily with an emphasis on medical microbiology. The forum section
national laboratory-based surveillance networks are imperative for the allows trainees to discuss local, national and international training
control of emerging and established infectious diseases. A network opportunities as well as specific areas of research and development.
of reference microbiological laboratories with similar technological Since July 2006, we have had 730 692 hits, 25.6% of which were
capabilities and molecular typing methods are required to allow unique visitors. 37.7% of all hits originated from the USA, with only
the coordination of surveillance activities and the standardisation of 4.6% originating from the UK. The commonest searched phrases were
methodologies and protocols. Efficient disease surveillance requires the “taurolock”, “acinetobacter” and “ganciclovir”, with the commonest
collection and integration of disparate data types which can then be referrer being www.google.com. Currently the site receives 400 hits per
utilised to provide enhanced disease surveillance. day, 24.8% of which are unique visitations. The worldwide distribution
of website traffic is shown in Figure 1.

P2231 e-meducation.org: an open access medical education web

portal focused on infectious diseases
V. Alexiou, M. Falagas (Athens, GR)

Objective: Internet can serve in opening the door to a brand new world
of high quality medical information. However, the chaotic size of data
available in the WWW is often misleading. We sought to provide the
world medical community with a web portal that may be used as a
clearinghouse providing the outlet for dissemination of high quality
WWW educational products, currently focused on infectious diseases.
Methods: Directories of open access WWW resources have been
compiled and others are being currently under development in the field
of infectious diseases. Future development aims to cover most medical
fields. A custom-built medical search engine was created. Really Simple
Syndication (RSS) feeds and video sharing services were reviewed for
their quality and were presented along with case-based educational
presentations through a user-friendly web portal interface. A directory
of guidelines database is also currently under development. The website usage data has highlighted an interesting point. There are
Results: The educational portal “e-meducation” available at http:// many North American microbiology e-learning websites, covering both
www.e-meducation.org/ has been launched in December 2006 and at the practical and the theoretical. These websites contain factual as well
the moment, provides links to more than 1000 educational web-pages, as online assessment tools, but their content is not always relevant to
more than 2100 clinical practice guidelines, 32 news feeds, and 14 practicing in the UK. Although medical microbiology and virology is
educational videos. The web site also hosts 40 case-based presentations a small speciality, there is a significant need to expand the number

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