Automated Signal Pre-Emption System For Emergency Vehicles Using Internet of Things
Automated Signal Pre-Emption System For Emergency Vehicles Using Internet of Things
Automated Signal Pre-Emption System For Emergency Vehicles Using Internet of Things
Corresponding Author:
Pushpa Sothenahalli Krishnaraju
Department of Information Science and Engineering, BMS Institute of Technology and Management
Yelahanka, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560064, India
Email: [email protected]
The growth of industrialization and urbanization has led to an immense increase in the population
invariably leading to rise in the number of vehicles on road. The resulting traffic congestion and traffic jams
are the major hurdles for emergency vehicles as these vehicles which are not able to reach their destination in
time, resulting in added risk and danger to victims. A Patient may lose his life if there is delay in reaching of
an ambulance to the hospital. According to surveys, if the ambulance can reach the hospitals in time without
getting stuck in the traffic. 95% of the heart attack cases can be treated. At inception traffic was mainly
controlled by policemen at every intersection, however as traffic increased gradually signals came into
existence. However, these signals were primarily time based and did not consider the volume of vehicles on
the road. Furthermore, if an emergency vehicle got caught in traffic, then it was the duty of the policeman to
clear the road for the vehicle or it was left to the discretion of the drivers ahead of the emergency vehicles
whether to make way of wait for the signal to turn green. Even if they decided to make way for the
emergency vehicles when the signal was red it wasn’t recommended since it increased the probability of
collision of vehicles.
We thus have to look for an automated system to manage traffic taking into account all these factors
that remain unsolved today. Hence our aim is to aid ambulances rushing towards hospitals by providing best
possible route with minimum delay. Here machine learning and cloud with internet of things (IoT)
technology has been used for pre-empt traffic signals with minimum delay from the cloud data.
Quite a good amount of work has been done in this area, to address the challenges in managing the
flow of vehicular sensing networks, reinforcement method has been used for sharing city information with
different modules like monitoring module to know the behavior of the network and activates reputation
management module which holds the historical information, which in turn informs path management and
trust module to take appropriate decision [1]. Radio frequency identification tagged method [2] with central
database processing system, which collects information of detecting emergency vehicles at junction points,
violating traffic rules, detecting lost vehicles and providing current location information to the user in.
Preemption of traffic signal was design with IoT and mobile application [3]. The metadata has been stored in
webserver, proper security has been provided so that data is not misused. System which turn signal green
when the ambulance is approaching the junction, system tries to create a green wave, however it needs
predefined timings to control signals irrespective of a road conditions [4]. Object detection is done using
image processing technique [5], here vehicles backlights are captured and their two lights are paired using
distance formula to confirm the vehicles count and congestion. This method gave about 95.75% to 100%
accuracy. Microcontroller [6] is used to estimate the time of Arrival and critical time until the emergency
vehicles are preempted from the traffic. Bangalore having grown exponentially in the past two decades unlike
western countries has no method of adding lanes for emergency. It consists of 2 units ambulance unit, sends
global positioning system (GPS) data to the signal junction whereas the junction unit is responsible to receive
GPS data and turn signal green. In case of multiple ambulance priority based first come first serve (FCFS)
scheduling is used to decide which ambulance to let through. The main disadvantage is that they make use of
hardware which is processor intensive. Information is gathered at each signal side using queue length of cars,
and then applies optimization technique waiting time and service time. The signal sends messages to the
traffic control room, if any traffic violation takes place to avoid accidents [7], [8]. System using radio
frequency identification (RFID) tags for vehicles and the system performs very fast in changing the traffic
signals based on the number of vehicles at the signal [9]. Ultronic sensors are used to detect the traffic and
intimate the traffic congestion on the road and message is sent to the driver through mobile app so that if any
congestion driver will be intimated with alternate route [10]. Emerging technologies like IoT cloud
computing enhances the quality of the services for smart cities and improve the overall traffic management
[11]. Predictive model for groundnut [12] management using multivariate regression technique to predict
crop weather relation for groundnut pest trips under dynamic weather conditions. They have also considered
two season data and a cumulative model has been developed and tested. In the paper [13] the real time
images are used to identify the flow of traffic using masking algorithm. Arduino board controller ads visual
basic programming has been used. The traffic light management using radio frequency (RF) signals and
programmable integrated circuit microcontroller have been used to automatically set back to normal signal
sequence. The model works with in the frequency of 434MHz [14]. The sustainable policies facilitated by the
government for the welfare of the citizens. Challenges and initiatives have been addressed [15]. Supervised
learning algorithm is used to classify the policies based on the option of the public. The virtual world with
reference to IoT and the challenges with sensors, actuators and processors are addressed in [16]–[18].
Challenges in building smart dynamic and flexible network and network and service management in
intelligent distributed system. Advancement is technology has helped the researches to come out with new
methods to save the lives of the needy people in the time of emergency. Technologies like IoT, Data
analytics, cloud computing [19] and play a major role in emergency vehicular system and smart cities. Paper
address the way internet of things, information and communications technolog (ICT) and cloud can be
leveraged in various applications towards the smart cities. Addresses innovations, challenges and application
based scenario in. Two controllers are used in parallel to capture the lane for green signal and calculate
appropriate signal time as per the real time traffic. This paper uses fuzzy models [20] to change traffic
signals, which in-turn provides clearance to the emergency vehicle. Traffic light are managed using
peripheral interface controller. Emergency vehicles itself can trigger the traffic lights to change their signal
and provide clearance path for the vehicle. Later traffic signals will be back to normal using radio frequency.
The limitation here is that it works within the range of 55 meters [21]. This avoids traffic and also includes
smart control system for the clearance of emergency vehicles. This paper aims at addressing accidents where
emergency vehicles and care takers to be notified in time and also location to be shared with ambulance and
care takers with the help of GPS [22]–[25] and the global system for mobile communication (GSM).
FutureSight involves the culmination of many emerging technologies such as internet of things,
machine learning, and data analytics. hence it makes its presence felt in multiple fields especially in
Healthcare: Increasing traffic in metropolitan cities and towns has caused havoc in the movement of
emergency vehicles. These congestions severely limit the probability of the patient being admitted to the
hospital on time. In such conditions these systems can ease transportation time to a greater extent and
increase chances of patient’s betterment. Our aim in this paper is to help ambulance with emergemcy patients
to the hospital in the fastest possible way with less delay using machine learning to analyse and trigger the
signal automatically and cloud with IoT setup to get realtime data. The pre-emption time can take on real
values and these values are given to the Regressor algorithm. The system predicts ahead of time when to turn
the traffic signal green whereas existing systems wait for the ambulance to arrive at that junction and then
proceeds to change the signal. This way any factors delaying the vehicle previously will be accordingly
optimized and minimized in the future iterations. It also makes use of the benefits of IoT to send data,
communicate and manipulate traffic signals in real time. FutureSight would initially consist of 4 prominent
a) Mobile application: Used by ambulance drivers to chalk out a route from incident location to
destination. This application would consist of an option to select the preferred hospital and a field to
enter the criticality of the patient’s condition. Once provided with this information it finds the most
optimal path from source to destination.
b) Data collector: Module that acquires traffic data such as density, congestion level, congestion length,
and GPS coordinates. Initial plan to acquire this data is through the use of application programming
interfaces (Google, Waze, and OpenStreetMap). The reason we are using software to gather
data is because utilization of hardware makes the overall application very intensive.
c) Prediction module: Algorithm that analyses data and builds a training model to predict future values.
The algorithm can either be based on random forest regressor learning model. The primary reason we
are applying machine learning is because the system can take in data as it progresses and can use this
data to predict better results thereby increasing overall accuracy.
d) Traffic signal controller: IoT sub-system that controls signals in accordance to data received from the
prediction algorithm. These systems are planned to be installed in each traffic signal and receive data.
Figure 1 indicates a very abstract representation of the system. First driver chooses the hospital
through the app. The app calculates the best path using routing algorithm considering congestion data into
consideration. Once the most optimal route is confirmed, the allied routing information will be sent to the
cloud server through the mobile application. Then the cloud compute engine initiates an iterative and
recursive prediction process which occurs till the ambulance reaches the destination. Every signal position at
intersections or otherwise are recognized on the route map using a concept of ‘Plus Codes’ developed by
Google. The hardware sensors to obtain required data will be kept as a fall-back option as it is desired to keep
the system hassle free from processor intensive tasks. Then the prediction model starts to compute the pre-
emption time required to keep the intersection traffic free while the EV arrives at desired spot. At the same
time, this prediction model can be designed manually applying Python or by using ‘Google’s machine
learning framework tensor flow’. Now, random forest regressor model is applied in prediction module as
referred in Figure 2. The same data will be sent to the signal monitoring point that is implemented using
NodeMCU, an affordable cost but reliable on IoT microcontroller chip. Then the signal resumes on a normal
operation as the ambulance passes the junction. In case of manifold ambulances at contiguous intersections
the ambulance with a perilous patient will be given upper urgency.
The information that we use from the data includes bearing, speed, latitude, longitude, time, slider and
search. Our Firebase listener script connects to the real time database and continuously listens for new data as
shown in Table 1. As soon as the driver starts the trip the listener daemon retrieves this information from
firebase and stores this in Mongo for further use.
destination and transit mode. The gmaps.direction() function is called on these parameters to return data in
JSON format. This JSON data contains route information such as route legs, turn by turn instructions,
detailed origin and source of information. Now each of these route legs is represented as polylines. Polylines
are encoded data that can be represented on a map. These polylines are accumulated and formatted which are
then sent to the decoding sub-module.
(a) (b)
Figure 5. Communication using message queue telemetry transport; (a) Application landing screen and (b)
Completed fields (sent to server)
Automated signal pre-emption system for emergency vehicles using... (Pushpa Sothenahalli Krishnaraju)
906 ISSN: 2252-8938
(a) (b) c)
Figure 6. Hardware module initialization and server side signals, (a) Hardware module initialization, (b)
Server sends data bit 1 to signal (commend sent to the controller is “1”, the signal turns green), and (c) Server
sends data bit 0 to signal (commend sent to the controller is “0”, the signal turns red)
As Human life is precious, one should take safety measures in all walks of life. For example,
ambulances services in health section are need of the day. The human intervention is minimized due to
improvement in the prediction model through Machine Learning. Which ensures cent point accuracy. With
the help of GPS accuracy, locations are detected. In the present article, FutureSight uses machine learning to
perform predictive analysis and control of traffic signals, assisting ambulances in such a way that, based on
various parameters such as Traffic Density, Congestion Length, Previous Wait Times, and Arrival Time, a
signal turns green in advance to ensure an obstacle-free path to the ambulance from source to destination,
thereby obviating the need for human intervention. The approach gives the driver a flexible interface so they
can still arrive at their destination on time. The app then determines the quickest route between the pickup
location and the chosen hospital and submits it to the system. Hence, this system may be considered more
consistent and instantaneous compared to hardware based and pictorial based detection systems. Though this
system is cost effective, but it is deployed using Machine Learning, cloud, and IoT which establishes in a
combination which is enormously commanding and precise. Future research may extend this work by
distributed Hadoop System can replace Mango DB to accommodate huge amount of data that gets
accumulated. Hadoop cluster helps in increasing processing speed and reduceing computational overhead.
Further more than one emergency can be facilitated for multiple trips using concurrency control and care will
be taken to authenticate the trips of the driver so that they don’t misuse for their personal use. To alert
pedestrians and drivers led monitors can be installed at signals. To decrease the travel time from travel to
pickup point, reverse process of using the app can be facilitaed. Estimated arrival time of ambulance and
patients’ condition can be notified and sent to the hospitals in prior, so that necessary arrangements can be
setup in hospitals. Real time data which is more sensitive can be analysed by using improved prediction
[1] J. Wang, C. Jiang, K. Zhang, T. Q. S. Quek, Y. Ren, and L. Hanzo, “Vehicular Sensing Networks in a Smart City: Principles,
Technologies and Applications,” IEEE Wireless Communications, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 122–132, 2018, doi:
[2] S. S. K. Valhavankar Shripad N, Vibhute Aniket S, Bhagat Akshay G, “Intelligent traffic control system (emergency vehicle
clearance and lost vehicle detection),” International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineerin,
Automated signal pre-emption system for emergency vehicles using... (Pushpa Sothenahalli Krishnaraju)
908 ISSN: 2252-8938
Dr. Sheela Kathavate has received her B.E. degree in Computer Science and
Engineering from Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan and Masters in 1995 from Louisiana
state University, USA. She received her Ph.D. from VTU, Karnataka in 2019. She has worked
for ITI Ltd., Bangalore and Bank One Corporation, USA, spanning over a period of 8 years and
is in teaching for 15 years. Her areas of interest are Parallel Computing and Data Science. She
can be contacted at email: [email protected].
Dr. Rudresh Shirwaikar has a Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from
Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Karnataka.
Bangalore. His research areas include AI in Medicine, Data mining, Machine learning and Data
warehousing. He has 15 journal articles and 10 conference proceedings published in reputed
Scopus and web of science listed journals. He can be contacted at email:
[email protected].