08-JUNE-2022 Solved

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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety


For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety
NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours

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Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0015-ENG-OBE-V1 June22 © NEBOSH 2022 page 1 of 8

Task 1: Selecting and managing contractors

Question 1
The comment on scientific research organisations approach to selecting contractor are
written as below
1. Director of Contractor Company is experienced in refurbishing and fitting out
building work as director is the friend of CEO of scientific research company so
before selection experience is consider.
2. Directors apparent knowledge of the issues on health and safety was considered
before selection as mentioned in scenario that the CEO was impressed by their
3. Contracting company is having accredited health and safety management and will
help in prevent cost of accidents and delays; this was considered before selection
of the contractor.
4. Contracting organisation has undergone an extensive assessment of their policies,
this reflects that the contracting has a health and safety policy which reflects
commitment of contractor, so policy was considered before selection
5. Before selection of contractor, procedures to carry out refurbishing task is available
or not, this was considered by the scientific research company which was
available as a part of safety management system
6. Contractors copy of risk assessment was check to make sure the hazard are
identified, risk are calculated and controlled, so the copy of risk assessment was
available as a part of safety management system
7. Record of enforcement action taken are checked to prevent any further legal issues
which will delay the work was considered and the contracting company do not had
any enforcement action taken against them
8. Before selection I confirmed by looking on website and by calling to check is the
contractor member of health and safety scheme, which he was, so this was
considered before selection
9. Performance of contracting company was also check on their website to make sure
that the health and safety performance is adequate and contracting is following
health and safety
10. Competency of contracting companies staff will be checked to make sure that the
workers are competent to perform the refurbishing task, so the competency of
workers will also considered
11. Names of previous or current clients will also be checked before selection to
make sure that the contractor is having experience and is competent in
refurbishing job
12. Accident history records will also be checked to verify that rate of accident is low
in the contracting company this will help to know that contractor is prevent
accident by following health and safety while operation
13. Record of maintenance and testing of plant and equipment used by contractor will
also be checked to verify that machinery that are going to be used is in good
condition this will help to prevent any time losses due to equipment failure
14. Does the contractor having a membership of professional organisation will also be
considered, so that the contractor will be reputed in the market and will be
maintaining health and safety standard
15. Before selecting the resources available with contractor will be checked to ensure
that the contractor has enough resources to complete task on time like Budget,
Manpower and Sufficient Machineries etc.
16. Does contractor have adequate insurance cover for their workers and staff, so
that in case of injury the treatment can be done and there will be financial security
17. What arrangement will the contractor have for managing the refurbishing work like
who will be responsible and how work will be supervised will need to cross check
before selecting the contractor
18. Does contractor will be using any subcontractor if yes than how the contractor will

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0015-ENG-OBE-V1 June22 © NEBOSH 2022 page 2 of 8

ensure the competency of subcontractor, so the use of subcontractor by
contractor will also be considered before selection
19. Will contractor producing safety method statement for the refurbishing task, this
will help to ensure that the contractor is having a logical way to step by step
execute the task
20. What different types of training and information do contracting company provides
to their staff to make them competent will be checked before selecting of

Reference: Scenario, RRC IG1 element-1, page 1-16


Task 2: Health and safety management systems

Question 2
The comment on current health and safety leadership in the scientific research
organisation are written as follow
1. Scientific research organisation hired me for managing existing laboratory and
delicate health and safety responsibility proves the leadership of the organisation
2. Management of scientific research organisation hires a competent contractor by
checking all the criteria for selection reflects the leadership of the organisation
3. As mentioned in scenario that board is keen to get the new facility operation
because of this the board will get an opportunity to showcase innovation of the
organisation reflects the leadership of the board
4. After disagreeing to study NEBOSH Diploma the director eventually understood the
importance of pursuing this certificate, understood benefit for the organisation,
granted permission and agreed to support me reflects the leadership from the
5. Management ask me to be part of project team for the development of new facility
and be responsible for health and safety
6. Project team meets on weekly basis and discuss the issues and progress of the
refurbishing of warehouse reflects the leadership within the organisation
7. In weekly meeting by project team I as responsible person for health and safety, I
provide all the necessary information on hazard and risk associated with the
refurbishing task
8. Project manager who was sitting in site office immediately arrives at the scene of
accident as soon as he heard the shout from worker, coming at the scene of
accident represents leadership from project manager
9. Project manager lead the scene of accident and immediate gave the instruction to
stop all work at the site and all activity was stopped after the instruction, so taking
action by project manager reflects the leadership
10. Newer scientist who have more spend more time in practical experiment in their
previous role had shown interest to work with me, as they were having more
practical experience they showed interest by them self reflects leadership quality

Reference: Scenario

Task 3: Influencing health and safety culture

Question 3
The following written points appears to be the negative indicator of the health and safety
culture in the scientific research organisation
1. Initially director of laboratory was negative towards my study of NEBOSH Diploma
as he was reluctant to take time out for study, this thought of director was
negative which is an indicator of negative health and safety culture

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0015-ENG-OBE-V1 June22 © NEBOSH 2022 page 3 of 8

2. Director was concerned that from my studies it will distract my job, this proves that
director is more concerned of process rather than health and safety which is an
negative indication
3. After instalment of new upper floor no proper protection is taken and edge is kept
unprotected where people can drop vertically, not taking actual required
protection is indication of negative culture
4. After accident the CEO instruct me to get workplace ready as early as possible so
that work can continues, show that CEO is less concerned with health and safety
5. Health and safety is considered as inconvenience by director and managers and
they are concerned with research, shows negative thought and belief towards
health and safety which is a negative indicator
6. Leadership team thinks that safety is not their responsibility to lead on specific risk
assessment it’s only the responsibility of safety professional, this poor thinking is
an indication of negative culture
7. The organisation have not provided general health and safety awareness training
to all employees, which shows lack of training from management is negative
8. Poor thinking noticed of HR as he told that mostly the work is office based or work
from home to health and safety is not an issue, which is an negative indicator
9. After accident no one appears to have taken control of the situation, this shows that
there is lack of emergency preparedness and training which is an negative
10. If management is lacking in safety leadership like not conducting safety tour, no
consultation with worker on health and safety matters will be an indicator of
negative culture
11. If attitude of people working in the organisation is poor towards health and safety
means people giving less priority to safety is negative indicator of health of safety
12. If any organisation having organisational changes frequently like changing in
organisational structure like change of director CEO, so frequent change in
organisation structure is negative indicator
13. If organisation is having high staff rate means people are leaving job due to
issues of workplace and management not taking any action to retain employees is
negative indicator
14. If organisation do not consult with worker on health and safety issues, employees
input is not considered by management show that there is lack of worker
15. An organisation having poor health and safety management system, like policy
not drafted properly, no risk assessment, no review and poor procedure for
process are negative indicator of safety culture

Reference: Scenario, RRC IG1 element-3, page 3-4

Task 4: Training recommendations

Question 4
I recommend the following trainings to different types of workers in the scientific research
organisation to improve health and safety competence
1. Induction training should be provided for all new hired workers to make them aware
of the company policy, reporting procedure, welfare facilities, chemical and
biological hazard and risk in the organisation
2. Manual handling training for workers working in goods-in area for deliveries and
worker manual handling chemicals in chemical store to that can be aware of
hazards of manual handling, risk and precaution
3. Biological safety training for scientist working in biological laboratories so that they
can get aware of biological hazards, risk and precautions to be taken to prevent
bacteria and viruses

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4. Chemical safety training for the scientist working in chemical laboratories so that
they can get aware of danger with dealing with chemical and its necessary
5. Communication skills training for workers working in marketing and liaising
department so that their communication skills can be improved which will help in
external communication
6. Technical training for technicians working in the organisation so that they can more
competent in their job and more competent to carry out maintenance of machines
7. Ergonomical safety training for scientist working on desk based research as they
are getting exposed to desk and chair on daily basis, so it will help to prevent
musculoskeletal disordered
8. Emergency response training for all worker so that everyone get aware of
procedure to handle emergency, not to get panic, safe the organisation and life of
all workers
9. HSE Leadership training to directors and managers so that they can be aware of all
the leadership activities and importance of leadership from top management
10. First-aider training to certify some of experienced workers as first-aider so that
they can get aware of techniques to treat unconscious person and to handle
injuries resulting in the organisation

Reference: Scenario

Task 5: Assessing the permit-to-work system arrangements

Question 5
My comment on the application of permit-to-work system are written as follow
1. As mentioned in scenario permit to work was issued to the contractor that proved
that all the high risk activities are been carried out under permit to work system
2. Supervisor was trained by permit issuer regarding the responsibilities of accepting
and working under PTW, means following all necessary precaution written in PTW
will be mandatory was explained
3. Supervisor provided the description of work to the permit issuer so that he knows
the task and fill the permit copy to issue the permit accordingly
4. Supervisor and permit issuer had a brief discussion regarding the work and nature
of job, so that they can make step by step procedure to carry out the task
5. Supervisor and permit issuer had a brief discussion regarding the hazards and risk
associated in the task so they both and other workers involved in task
6. Supervisor and permit holder discussed the control measures that needs to be
taken before, during and after end of task, so that refurbishing task can be carried
out safely and no hazards should be their due to waste
7. Permit issuer should physically visit upper floor to check that all precautions are
taken and there is no additional hazards before issuing permit but he doesn’t
8. Multi copy form was filled with all the necessary details in each section of permit
copy by permit issuer so that the work can be started immediately
9. Multi copy form of PTW one copy is displayed in office so that management is
aware of open permit and the task of refurbishing is going on
10. Supervisor keeps one copy of PTW with him so that work can be carried out by
supervisor under that permit and when demanded at site location he can show
that authorisation

Reference: Scenario

Task 6: Suitability of the approach to risk assessment

Question 6 (a)

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0015-ENG-OBE-V1 June22 © NEBOSH 2022 page 5 of 8

The comment on the scientific research organisation approach to assessing health and
safety risks are as follow
1. organising is having laboratory safety manual it cover general safety equipment,
standard safety practises drills, waste management, physical chemical and
biological hazards so a part of risk in the laboratory they have the manual
2. induction training is given by me which cover physical, chemical, biological hazards
because the research is done for chemical and biological agents, so as a part of
risk induction training is given
3. director are not experienced as refurbishing task so the board hires an external
contractor as part to overcome the risk involved in refurbishing process
4. refurbishing task will involve hazards and risk so laboratory manager of the new
facility is having expectation that I should take the responsibility to manage health
and safety
5. in weekly meeting I provide information on hazards and risk associated with the
new process so that workers can be made aware to overcome the risk
6. risk involved with unprotected edge at upper floor was assed and pile of material is
kept at edge and a temporary barrier is placed in front of material to warn danger
7. PTW was issued for refurbishing task and brief discussion was done regarding
nature of task, hazards, risk and precaution that need to take so that risk can be
minimised and controlled

Reference: Scenario

Question 6 (b)
The argument that I use to persuade the directors to be more involved in risk assessment
are as follow
1. Risk assessment will help to prevent breach of statute law, so will prevent
enforcement action or prosecution action because carrying out a risk assessment
is an duty
2. As it’s an research centre where scientist are exposed to chemical and biological
agents so Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulation
requires risk assessment
3. Having an risk assessment will ensure that hazards are eliminated or risk are
minimised as low as reasonably practicable by using correct relevant standards
4. Having an risk assessment will help to prevent death, personal injuries and ill
health due to chemical and biological exposures, so the organisation will be more
5. Having an risk assessment will also prevent other type of loss incidents like
downtime due to equipment failure, will prevent near misses and dangerous
6. Having an risk assessment will prevent maximum accidents from happening so will
benefit the organisation in preventing all the direct and indirect cost associated
after an accident
7. The organisation will get financial benefit due decrease in compensation claim
through civil court by the injured person for claim of injury because number of
injuries will reduce by having risk assessment
8. By having risk assessment it will reflect leadership from director and manager
towards health and safety and will raise the profile of the organisation, also the
morale of the worker will increase

Reference: RRC IG1 element-3, page 3-27

Task 7: Accident investigation

Question 7 (a)

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My comment on the initial response to the accident are as follow
1. As soon as accident occurred other worker who was at scene of accident shouted
for help this made other workers, supervisor and project manager aware of the
accident and necessary action taken
2. Supervisor who was returning from break and project manager who was in office
immediately arrived at scene of accident after listening the shout from worker
3. Supervisor even though he was unsure about first-aid arrangement rushes back to
the van to grab the first-aid kit so that injured person be treated as early as
possible and further deterioration can be prevented
4. One of the worker immediately called an ambulance with his mobile phone so that
the injured worker can be taken to hospital as early as possible and treatment can
be started
5. Project manager immediately called and informed me regarding the accident and I
was on the way immediately so that I can secure the scene of accident and start
6. Supervisor was tending to the injured worker to help him to take care of his
wellbeing so that injured person can get bit comfortable and support of the
7. Scene of accident is preserved and barricaded temporarily to prevent access to
the accident location and any fact should not change, so to get help in
investigation and also further accidents can be prevented
8. All on-lookers who were just watching the scene of accident and remaining
contractor workers were took in office to get a coffee to make them relaxed and
shock free
9. After accident the project manager reached at scene of accident and stopped all
the on-going work at the site to prevent any further accidents by taking some
immediate additional control to resume work
10. After securing the work site called the CEO and advised that the accident need to
be reported to the competent authority to comply with the legal requirement

Reference: Scenario

Question 7 (b)
I will take the witness statement by asking some question regarding the accident with the
worker who witness the accident to gather factual information so that investigation can be
done, the questioned asked are as follow
1. How was behaviour of injured worker before the accident will be asked to the any
behavioural issue with the worker that led to the accident
2. What clarification did worker needed regarding job before the accident, this will
clarify what clarification was needed so that further these information can be
provided to other workers working in refurbishing process
3. Did supervisor informed other workers that he is going for a break this will help to
rectify any issues with supervisor from the worker side also the work to be
continued or stopped will be clarified
4. Did you got manual handling training for handling wooden boards, if not trained will
prove that there might be issue while lifting because worker are unaware of lifting
technique due to which they stumbled
5. Did you got training for work at height, this will give clear idea that the worker were
aware or not regarding the hazards of work at height also will prove their

Reference: Scenario

Question 7 (c)
The contractor workers accident can be reported externally by the employer in following

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0015-ENG-OBE-V1 June22 © NEBOSH 2022 page 7 of 8

1. The employer can report online by going to www.hse.gov.uk/riddor and complete
the online form provided on this website, this report will be submitted to RIDDOR
database and employer will receive a copy of for reference
2. Employer can call on Incident Contact Centre directly by telephone but this service
should only be used in case of fatal and specified injuries by HSE, also the
opening hours for call need to be considered
3. HSE is having an out hours duty officer so the employer can directly report to the
out-hours duty officer but this services can be only used for work related death,
serious accident and major accident at workplace
4. Employer can also report by filling online simple form on
www.hse.gov.uk/riddor/report.htm#online but this website will be used for less
serious accidents
5. Employer can fill the prescribed standardised form of notification and directly email
to labour inspectorate, insurance company and other bodies.

Reference: https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg453.pdf

Your total
word count*
* please note that this form already has 0 words (excluding text boxes and footers), which
you can deduct from your total amount if you are using your word processor’s word count

Documents and 1.) Scenario, RRC IG1 element-1, page 1-16

sources of information https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg368.pdf
you used in your 2) Scenario
examination 3) Scenario, RRC IG1 element-3, page 3-4
4) Scenario
5) Scenario
6 a) Scenario
b) RRC IG1 element-3, page 3-27
7 a) Scenario
b) Scenario
c) https://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/indg453.pdf

End of examination

Now follow the instructions on submitting your answers in the NEBOSH Open Book
Examinations: Technical Learner Guide. All Open Book Examination guidance documents
can be found on the NEBOSH website: https://www.nebosh.org.uk/open-book-

Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0015-ENG-OBE-V1 June22 © NEBOSH 2022 page 8 of 8

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