Khan Saibaz Resume
Khan Saibaz Resume
Khan Saibaz Resume
[email protected] 9594477137
Bachelor In Engineering Java Python C PHP MYSQL
University Of Mumbai
06/2020 - Present, Mumbai/India Html/Css Javascript React Bootstrap
Computer Engineering -
8.5 CGPA
Higher Education
Maharashtra State Board Of Higher Education
07/2018 - 05/2020, Mumbai/India VIRTUAL HUMAN BODY MEASURENMENT
HSC (07/2023 - Present)
73.38% Design and implementation of algorithms utilizing comprehensive
full body measurements to predict precise sizes, delivering a
personalized and accurate fit for customers across various apparel
Secondary Education categories. Conducted thorough data collection and preprocessing
Maharashtra State Board Of Secondary efforts, guaranteeing top-tier input for the machine learning model
and proactively mitigating potential sources of error. Leveraged
Education state-of-the-art programming languages and tools such as [ e.g.,
2006 - 2016, Mumbai/India Python, Flutter, Deep learning, PHP etc.] to construct and train the
Deep learning model, achieving exceptional accuracy in size
SSC predictions
GYM MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (06/2022 - 10/2022)
Designed and developed a comprehensive Gym Management
System with encompassing features such as package availability,
INTERNSHIPS member management, administrative functionalities etc.
Implemented a user-friendly interface allowing members to view
and Choose available packages, Check their package detail such as
Data Science [e.g., packagetype, package expiry date] enhancing their
experience and facilitating efficient decision-making
07/2023 - 08/2023, Mumbai,India
Predicted the outcomes of Titanic survival prediction, Movie CERTIFICATES
Rating Prediction and Iris Flower Classification using
machine learning techniques. Utilized crossvalidation for DATA ANALYTICS & VISUALIZATION VIRTUAL
hyper parameter tuning and model selection. Evaluated EXPERIENCE (07/2023 - 07/2023)
model performance using metrics like accuracy, precision,
recall, and F1-score. Conducted extensive data INTERMEDIATE SQL (08/2023 - 08/2023)
preprocessing and feature engineering to enhance model
performance, addressing missing values and encoding DATA ANALYST (09/2023 - Present)
categorical variables. Created informative visualizations to
Node.js, Express, MongoDB & More (10/2023 - Present)
communicate results and findings effectively.
English Hindi
Full Professional Proficiency Native or Bilingual Proficiency