Order Under Section 119 of The Income Tax Act 1961
Order Under Section 119 of The Income Tax Act 1961
Order Under Section 119 of The Income Tax Act 1961
8ub:- Order under section 119 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 - reg.
Central Board of Direct Taxes ('CBDT), by Circular No. 02/2024 dated 05.03.2024
had all owed those tru sts/instituti ons/funds , which have furn ished audit report on or before
3 1st October, 2023 in Form o. lOB where Form No. 10BB was applicable and vice-versa, to
furnish the audi t report under clause (b) of the tenth proviso to clause (23C) of section 10 and
sub-c lause (ii) of clause (b) of sub-section ( I) of section 12A of the Income-tax Act, 1961, in
the ap plicable Form No. 1OBII OBB for the assessment year 2023-24, on o r before 3 1st March,
2. It has been brought to the notice of the CBDT that in some cases, such
trusts/institutions/funds, as mentioned above, could not file the audit report in the correct
prescribed form.
ACIT (080),
'~ ~~T
E-mail: usital-cbdt@gov .in
Copy to: -
I. PS to FM/OSD to FM/ PS to MoS (R)/OSD to MoS (R)
2. PPS to Secretary (Revenue)
3. The Chairman, CBDT & All Members, CBDT
4. All Pr. Chief Commissioners of Income-tax/Pr. Director Generals of Income-tax.
5. Pr. Chief Contro ll er of Accounts, New Delhi
6. All Joint Secretaries/Cs IT, CBDT
7. Pr.CIT(M&TP), CBDT and Official spokesperson ofCBDT.
8. The Additional Director Genera l (PR & PP), New Delhi with a request to undertake
extens ive media campaign to make the assessees aware of the revised time line for
furnishing the audit report in correct fo rm .
9. Addl. C IT, Data-Base Cell - for placing it on www.irsofficerson line.gov.in
10. Web Manager, % Pr.DG IT (Systems) w ith request to upload on the departmental
webs ite.
II. The Guard File.