Design A Singly and Doubly Reinforced Beam: Design of Structures (22BEAS302)
Design A Singly and Doubly Reinforced Beam: Design of Structures (22BEAS302)
Design A Singly and Doubly Reinforced Beam: Design of Structures (22BEAS302)
221FA12004 L. Sai Srinivas
231LA12007 V. Charan
231LA12013 M. Durga Malleswari
231LA12014 R. Mani Krishna
ABSTRACT: Additionally, the study employs numerical
methods and design codes, including the
The design of reinforced concrete beams
American Concrete Institute (ACI) and
plays a critical role in structural
Eurocode standards, to optimize
engineering, particularly for supporting
reinforcement layouts and ensure safety
various types of loads in buildings and
and serviceability requirements are met.
infrastructure. This study focuses on the
By comparing the structural efficiencies,
design principles, analysis, and
material consumption, and economic
comparative assessment of singly and
feasibility of singly and doubly reinforced
doubly reinforced rectangular beam
sections, the study provides a
sections. A singly reinforced beam section
comprehensive guide for engineers to
primarily utilizes reinforcement in the
select the appropriate beam design for
tension zone to withstand bending
different structural requirements. The
moments, while a doubly reinforced
findings highlight that while singly
section incorporates additional
reinforced beams are efficient and cost-
reinforcement in the compression zone,
effective for moderate load conditions,
which is beneficial when design
doubly reinforced beams offer enhanced
constraints limit the dimensions of the
performance in scenarios where space
beam or when loads are exceptionally
constraints or increased loading demands
high. This paper delves into the theoretical
are prevalent.
framework and practical applications of
both beam types, covering aspects such as Keywords: Singly reinforced Rectangular
moment of resistance, stress distribution, beam section, Doubly reinforced
and deflection characteristics. Various Rectangular section
factors influencing design, including
material strengths, beam dimensions, and
loading conditions, are examined.
In the realm of structural engineering, reinforcing the compression zone with
reinforced concrete beams play a crucial additional steel helps the beam to achieve
role in supporting and distributing loads the required bending strength without
within buildings and other structures. As altering its depth. This additional
concrete alone is weak in tension, steel reinforcement becomes especially valuable
reinforcement is integrated to resist tensile when beams are subjected to heavy loads
forces and prevent structural failure. or when they are part of a cantilever
Among reinforced concrete beam designs, structure, where bending moments are
singly and doubly reinforced beam more extreme near the supports.
sections stand out as primary methods,
Designing both singly and doubly
each tailored to specific structural
reinforced beam sections involves an
demands and constraints.
understanding of mechanics and material
A singly reinforced beam section behavior under load. Structural engineers
incorporates reinforcement solely in the calculate the required amount and
tension zone, the area where tensile positioning of steel reinforcement to
stresses are generated due to bending. In ensure each section can resist anticipated
this configuration, concrete handles the forces safely. For singly reinforced beams,
compressive forces, while the steel bars the amount of tension reinforcement is
resist tension. This design is often more determined based on the maximum
economical and straightforward, suitable bending moment, with the goal of
for beams where the applied loads and preventing tensile cracking in the concrete.
bending moments can be safely managed In doubly reinforced sections, additional
within the dimensions and depth of the compression reinforcement complements
beam section. When the beam is the tension reinforcement, balancing the
proportioned adequately, a singly forces in scenarios with elevated bending
reinforced section suffices, as the requirements.
concrete’s compressive capacity remains
Adhering to design codes and standards,
under its allowable stress limits. This
such as the American Concrete Institute
design approach also simplifies
(ACI) or Eurocode specifications, is
construction, as less steel and labor are
crucial in this process. These codes
required for installation, making it a
provide guidelines on factors such as
preferred choice when feasible.
permissible stresses, safety margins, and
However, certain practical or architectural recommended reinforcement spacing. The
constraints necessitate an alternative use of both singly and doubly reinforced
approach: the doubly reinforced beam sections is governed by these codes to
section. Doubly reinforced beams are ensure structures meet strength,
designed with steel reinforcement in both serviceability, and safety requirements.
the tension and compression zones, Furthermore, the design process often
enabling the beam to withstand higher involves iterative calculations and
bending moments than those possible with adjustments to optimize the use of
a singly reinforced section. This materials while meeting these standards.
configuration becomes necessary in cases
In summary, singly and doubly reinforced
where increasing the beam depth is
concrete beams offer tailored solutions to
impractical due to space limitations or
meet various structural demands. Singly
architectural requirements. In such cases,
reinforced sections are effective and cost-
efficient for moderate loads, where beam MATERIALS:
depth can accommodate the required
bending moment. In contrast, doubly
reinforced sections are indispensable in Grades of Concrete: Commonly
high-load scenarios or when constraints used grades are M20, M25, and
limit beam depth. By balancing the M30, with M20 as the minimum
distribution of steel in the tension and recommended grade for structural
compression zones, engineers can optimize purposes.
beam performance, ensuring safety,
longevity, and efficiency. This flexibility in Properties: Concrete’s
beam design ultimately enables more compressive strength is the primary
adaptable and resilient structures, property considered. Its tensile
accommodating diverse architectural and strength is relatively low, which is
load-bearing requirements across a wide why reinforcement is necessary.
range of applications. Mix Design: Proportioning of
Significances: cement, water, sand, and
aggregates is done according to IS
The design of singly and doubly reinforced 456:2000 or equivalent standards.
beam sections is essential for achieving
efficient, safe, and cost-effective structural 2.Steel Reinforcement
performance in concrete construction. Types of Steel: High Yield
Singly reinforced beams are designed with Strength Deformed (HYSD) bars,
steel reinforcement only in the tension like Fe415, Fe500, and Fe550, are
zone, making them a cost-effective commonly used. TMT (Thermo-
solution for structures where the applied Mechanically Treated) bars are also
loads are moderate, and the beam depth popular due to their strength and
can accommodate the bending stresses. ductility.
This design maximizes resource efficiency
while providing the necessary strength for Main Reinforcement: These bars
typical load conditions. Doubly reinforced resist the bending moments in the
beams, on the other hand, are critical in beam. For singly reinforced beams,
cases where higher bending moments or only tensile reinforcement is
architectural constraints prevent increasing provided in the tension zone, while
the beam depth. By including doubly reinforced beams include
reinforcement in both the tension and reinforcement in both tension and
compression zones, doubly reinforced compression zones.
beams offer increased load-carrying Shear Reinforcement (Stirrups):
capacity and are well-suited for heavy load These provide resistance to shear
scenarios, cantilevers, and space-limited forces and prevent shear cracking.
applications. These designs enhance
structural flexibility, enabling engineers to Methodology:
tailor beams to specific load requirements, DESIGN OF SINGLY REINFORCED
optimize material use, and ensure the RECTANGULAR SECTIONS:
longevity and resilience of concrete
Accordingly, the design equation for
flexure is given by:
M u≤ M uR
with, x u ≤ x u ,max
This implies that, for singly reinforced
beam section
Section Without Compression
The moment of resistance of rectangular
sections without compression
reinforcement should be obtained as
a) Determine the depth of neutral axis
from the following equation :
xu 0.87 f y A st
The design problem is generally one of d 0.36 f ck b .d
determining the cross-sectional dimensions
of a beam, viz. b and D (including d), and b) If the value of is less than the
the area of tension steel Ast required to d
resist a known factored moment M u. The limiting value, calculate the
moment of resistance by the
material properties f ck and f y are generally
following expression :
prescribed/selected on the basis of
exposure conditions, availability and A st f y
M u=0.87 f y A st d (1− )
economy. For normal applications, Fe 415 bd f ck
grade steel is used, and either M 20 or M
25 grade concrete is used (for exposures
rated ‘severe’, ‘very severe’ and ‘extreme’, xu
c) If the value of is equal to the
the minimum concrete grades specified are d
M 30, M 35 and M 40 respectively). As limiting value. The moment of
explained earlier in Section for under- resistance of the section is given by
reinforced sections, the influence of fck on the following expression:
the ultimate moment of resistance M uR is
relatively small; hence, the use of high M x u ,max
strength concrete is not beneficial from the u , lim ¿=0.36
= 45 kN A= 314.15 mm 2
w l wl
2 762.176
M u= + No. of bars =
8 4 314.15
26.25 X 6 45 X 6
2 = 2.426 ≅ 3 bars
= +
8 4 Provide 3 bars ∅ 20mm for compression
M u = 185.6 kN – m reinforcement.
M A sc=3 × 314
x u ,max
u , lim ¿=0.36 ¿
¿ 942 mm 2>762 .176 mm2
x u ,max 2
(1−0.42 ) bd f ck
M u , lim ¿=0.36 X 0.48 ¿ X
mu > mu , lim ¿¿
ε sc = 0.0035¿)
ε sc =0.002 45
f sc =0.87 X 415−C us