Maunel Cad Cam Lab PDF Free

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DEPARTMENT OF mechanical


Prepared by Approved by

M.Balamurugan Dr.A.Srinivasan
(AP/Mech ) (HOD/Mech )

003 2


 To be able to understand and handle design problems in a systematic manner.

 To gain practical experience in handling 2D drafting and 3D modeling software systems.
 To be able to apply CAD in real life applications.
 To understand the concepts G and M codes and manual part programming.
 To expose students to modern control systems (Fanuc, Siemens etc)
 To know the application of various CNC machines
 To expose students to modern CNC application machines EDM, EDM wire cut and Rapid


Creation of 3D Models - Wire Frame, Surface, Solid modeling Techniques Using CAD Packages –
CSG, B-Rep Approaches in Solid Modeling - Feature Based Modeling Technique – Assembly –
Detailing - Exposure to Industrial Components – Application of GD&T


Manual CNC Part Programming

Manual CNC Part Programming Using Standard G and M Codes - Tool Path Simulation –
Exposure to Various Standard Control Systems- Machining simple components by Using CNC


CL Data Generation by Using CAM Software– Post Process Generation for Different Control
System – Machining of Computer Generated Part Program by Using Machining Center and Turning


Multi-axial Machining in CNC Machining Center –EDM – EDM Wire Cut - Rapid Prototyping


Computer-aided manufacturing

Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) is the use of computer-based software tools that assist
engineers and machinists in manufacturing or prototyping product components. Its primary purpose
is to create a faster production process and components with more precise dimensions and material
consistency, which in some cases, uses only the required amount of raw material (thus minimizing
waste), while simultaneously reducing energy consumption. CAM is a programming tool that
makes it possible to manufacture physical models using computer-aided design (CAD) programs.
CAM creates real life versions of components designed within a software package

CNC Technology
Numerical Control (NC) is a software-based machine tool control technique developed at
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) in early 1960s. It has now evolved into a mature
technology known as Computer Numerical Control (CNC). Although major applications of CNC
even today continue to be in machining, it finds applications in other processes such as sheet metal
working, non-traditional machining and inspection. Robots and Rapid Prototyping machines are
also CNC controlled. In fact, any process that can be visualized as a sequence of motions and
switching functions can be controlled by CNC. These motions and switching functions are input in
the form of alphanumeric instructions. CNC is the basis of flexible automation which helps
industries cut down time-to-market and enables launch of even low volume products. Unlimited
muscle power, unmanned operation, independent axes coordinated through software, simplified
generic tooling even for the most complex jobs and accurate construction are some of the salient
features of CNC.

CNC Machining
Automats and Special Purpose Machines (SPMs) require special cams/ templates and clutch
settings for each part. Manufacture of these cams/ templates is costly and slow.
Furthermore, changing over from one part to the other on these machines also consumes
considerable time. The high cost and long time of these hard automated machines to produce parts
can be justified only in mass production. With the advent of fast, rigid and accurate CNC machines
and sophisticated CAM packages, generation of NC programs and change over from one product to
the other are easy and fast as it does not require any mechanical change. These in conjunction with
advanced cutting tools have made High Speed Cutting (HSC) of hard materials a reality. Therefore,
CNC machining has become a standard means to produce dies and molds; tool makers today
require EDM only for producing inaccessible regions, sharp corners, tiny features and desired
surface quality. Intricate aerospace parts are realized through 5 axis CNC machining. Internet
technology in a global village enables designing in one place, NC programming and verification in
another place and actual machining in yet another place.

Advantages of CNC

 Flexibility
 Accuracy
 Speed
 Simplified fixturing and generic cutting tools
 Storage of machining skill in NC programs
 Less skilled operators will do
 Less fatigue to the operators


G-Code, or preparatory code or function, are functions in the Numerical control programming
language. The G-codes are the codes that position the tool and do the actual work, as opposed to M-
codes, that manages the machine; T for tool-related codes. S and F are tool-Speed and tool-Feed,
and finally D-codes for tool compensation. The programming language of Numerical Control (NC)
is sometimes informally called G-code. But in actuality, G-codes are only a part of the NC-
programming language that controls NC and CNC machine tools.

A basic list of `G' operation codes is given below. These direct motions of the tool.

1. G00 - Rapid move (not cutting)

2. G01 - Linear move
3. G02 - Clockwise circular motion
4. G03 - Counterclockwise circular motion
5. G04 - Dwell
6. G05 - Pause (for operator intervention)
7. G08 - Acceleration
8. G09 - Deceleration
9. G17 - x-y plane for circular interpolation
10. G18 - z-x plane for circular interpolation
11. G19 - y-z plane for circular interpolation
12. G20 - turning cycle or inch data specification
13. G21 - thread cutting cycle or metric data specification
14. G24 - face turning cycle
15. G25 - wait for input #1 to go low (Prolight Mill)
16. G26 - wait for input #1 to go high (Prolight Mill)
17. G28 - return to reference point
18. G29 - return from reference point
19. G31 - Stop on input (INROB1 is high) (Prolight Mill)
20. G33-35 - thread cutting functions (Emco Lathe)
21. G35 - wait for input #2 to go low (Prolight Mill)
22. G36 - wait for input #2 to go high (Prolight Mill)
23. G40 - cutter compensation cancel
24. G41 - cutter compensation to the left
25. G42 - cutter compensation to the right
26. G43 - tool length compensation, positive
27. G44 - tool length compensation, negative
28. G50 - Preset position
29. G70 - set inch based units or finishing cycle
30. G71 - set metric units or stock removal
31. G72 - indicate finishing cycle (EMCO Lathe)
32. G72 - 3D circular interpolation clockwise (Prolight Mill)
33. G73 - turning cycle contour (EMCO Lathe)
34. G73 - 3D circular interpolation counter clockwise (Prolight Mill)
35. G74 - facing cycle contour (Emco Lathe)
36. G74.1 - disable 360 deg arcs (Prolight Mill)
37. G75 - pattern repeating (Emco Lathe)
38. G75.1 - enable 360 degree arcs (Prolight Mill)
39. G76 - deep hole drilling, cut cycle in z-axis
40. G77 - cut-in cycle in x-axis
41. G78 - multiple threading cycle
42. G80 - fixed cycle cancel
43. G81-89 - fixed cycles specified by machine tool manufacturers
44. G81 - drilling cycle (Prolight Mill)
45. G82 - straight drilling cycle with dwell (Prolight Mill)
46. G83 - drilling cycle (EMCO Lathe)
47. G83 - peck drilling cycle (Prolight Mill)
48. G84 - taping cycle (EMCO Lathe)
49. G85 - reaming cycle (EMCO Lathe)
50. G85 - boring cycle (Prolight mill)
51. G86 - boring with spindle off and dwell cycle (Prolight Mill)
52. G89 - boring cycle with dwell (Prolight Mill)
53. G90 - absolute dimension program
54. G91 - incremental dimensions
55. G92 - Spindle speed limit
56. G93 - Coordinate system setting
57. G94 - Feed rate in ipm (EMCO Lathe)
58. G95 - Feed rate in ipr (EMCO Lathe)
59. G96 - Surface cutting speed (EMCO Lathe)
60. G97 - Rotational speed rpm (EMCO Lathe)
61. G98 - withdraw the tool to the starting point or feed per minute
62. G99 - withdraw the tool to a safe plane or feed per revolution
63. G101 - Spline interpolation (Prolight Mill)

M-Codes control machine functions and these include,

1. M00 - program stop
2. M01 - optional stop using stop button
3. M02 - end of program
4. M03 - spindle on CW
5. M04 - spindle on CCW
6. M05 - spindle off
7. M06 - tool change
8. M07 - flood with coolant
9. M08 - mist with coolant
10. M08 - turn on accessory #1 (120VAC outlet) (Prolight Mill)
11. M09 - coolant off
12. M09 - turn off accessory #1 (120VAC outlet) (Prolight Mill)
13. M10 - turn on accessory #2 (120VAC outlet) (Prolight Mill)
14. M11 - turn off accessory #2 (120VAC outlet) (Prolight Mill) or tool change
15. M17 - subroutine end
16. M20 - tailstock back (EMCO Lathe)
17. M20 - Chain to next program (Prolight Mill)
18. M21 - tailstock forward (EMCO Lathe)
19. M22 - Write current position to data file (Prolight Mill)
20. M25 - open chuck (EMCO Lathe)
21. M25 - set output #1 off (Prolight Mill)
22. M26 - close chuck (EMCO Lathe)
23. M26 - set output #1 on (Prolight Mill)
24. M30 - end of tape (rewind)
25. M35 - set output #2 off (Prolight Mill)
26. M36 - set output #2 on (Prolight Mill)
27. M38 - put stepper motors on low power standby (Prolight Mill)
28. M47 - restart a program continuously, or a fixed number of times (Prolight
29. M71 - puff blowing on (EMCO Lathe)
30. M72 - puff blowing off (EMCO Lathe)
31. M96 - compensate for rounded external curves
32. M97 - compensate for sharp external curves
33. M98 - subprogram call
34. M99 - return from subprogram, jump instruction
35. M101 - move x-axis home (Prolight Mill)
36. M102 - move y-axis home (Prolight Mill)
37. M103 - move z-axis home (Prolight Mill)

To write the manual part program to the given dimensions and execute in CNC
Material Required
Material : Acrylic sheet
Material Size : Length 80 mm, Width 30mm

N10 O001
N20 G94
N30 G00 M03 T01
N40 G00 S1000 F150 M08
N50 G00 G91
N60 G00 X15 Z0
N70 G01X-5
N80 G01Z-55
N90 G00X5
N100 G00Z55
N110 G01X-10
N120 G01Z-30
N130 G01X10
N140 M05 M09 M30

Thus the manual part program was written to the given dimensions and

executed in CNC Turning.

To write the manual part program to the given dimensions and execute in
CNC Turning.
Material Required
Material : Acrylic sheet
Material Size : Length 80mm, Width 30mm
Program: N1O 002
N20 G94
N30 G00 M03 T01
N40 G00 S1000 F150 M08
N50 G91
N60 G00 X15 Z0
N70 G01X-5
N80 G01Z-55
N90 G00X5
N100 G00Z55
N110 G01X-10
N120 G01Z-30
N130 G00X10
N140 G00Z30 T04
N190 G90
N200 G00 X5Z0
N210 G83 X5 Z-28 R1.5 L5 D1.5 H1
N220 MO5 M09 M30

Thus the manual part program was written to the given dimensions and

executed in CNC Turning.

Write the CNC Program for the given drawing

Hatch removal portion


To write the manual part program to the given dimensions and execute in
CNC Turning.
Material Required
Material : Acrylic sheet
Material Size : Length 95mm, Width 40mm
N10 O002

N20 G94

N30 G00 M03 T01

N40 G00 S1000 F150 M08

N50 G91

N60 G00 X0 Z0

N70 G03 X15 Z-15 R15

N80 G01 Z-46

N90 G02 X5 Z-5 R5

N100 G00 M05 M09

N110 M30


Thus the manual part program was written to the given dimensions and

executed in CNC Turning.

Taper turning

Hatch removal portion

Exercise Taper turning

To write the manual part program to the given dimensions and execute in
CNC Turning.
Material Required
Material : Acrylic sheet
Material Size : Length 90mm, Width 30mm
N10 O002
N20 G94
N30 G00 M03 T01
N40 G00 S1000 F150 M08
N50 G91
N60 G00 X15 Z0
N70 G01 X-5
N80 G01 Z-30
N90 G01 X5 Z-30
N100 M05 M09
N110 M30


Thus the manual part program was written to the given dimensions and

executed in CNC Turning.

N110 M30
Write the CNC Program for the given drawing

Hatch removal portion


To write the manual part program to the given dimensions and execute in
CNC Turning.
Material Required
Material : Acrylic sheet
Material Size : Length 90mm, Width 40mm
N10 O002
N20 G94
N30 G00 M03 T09
N40 G00 S1000 F150 M08
N50 G91
N60 G00 X20 Z0
N70 G01 Z-20
N80 G01 X-10
N90 G01 Z-20
N100 G00 X15
N110 G00 M05 M08
N120 G00 M03 T04
N130 G01 Z-20
N140 G01 X-5
N150 G01 X-10 Z-15
N160 G01 X10 Z-15
N170 M05 M09

Thus the manual part program was written to the given dimensions and

executed in CNC Turning.

Write the CNC Program for the given drawing

Hatch removal portion


To write the manual part program to the given dimensions and execute in
CNC Turning.
Material Required
Material : Acrylic sheet
Material Size : Length 110mm, Width 35mm
N10 O002
N20 G94
N30 G00 M03 T04
N40 G00 S1000 F150 M08
N50 G91
N60 G00 X15 Z0
N70 G01 X-5
N80 G01 Z -20
N90 G03 X-5 Z-5 R5
N100 G01 Z-50
N110 G02 X5 Z-5 R5
N120 G01 Z-20
N130 M05 M03
N140 M30
N120 G01 Z-20
N130 M05 M03
N140 M30

Thus the manual part program was written to the given dimensions and

executed in CNC Turning.

Write the CNC Program for the given drawing

Hatch removal portion


To write the manual part program to the given dimensions and execute in CNC
Material Required
Material : Acrylic sheet
Material Size : Length 110mm, Width 35mm
N10 O002

N20 G94

N30 G00 M03 T04

N40 G00 S1000 F150 M08

N50 G91

N60 G00 X20 Z0

N70 G01 X-10 Z-20

N80 G01 Z-50

N90 G01 X10 Z-20

N100 M05 M03

N110 M30


Thus the manual part program was written to the given dimensions and

executed in CNC Turning.

Write the CNC Program for the given drawing

Hatch removal portion


To write the manual part program to the given dimensions and execute in CNC
Material Required
Material : Acrylic sheet
Material Size : Length 110mm, Width 35mm
N10 O002
N20 G94
N30 G00 M03 T01
N40 G00 S1000 F150 M08
N50 G91
N60 G00 X15 Z0
N70 G01 X-5
N80 G02 X5 Z-5 R5
N90 G01 Z-30
N100 G00 X10
N110 G00 T09
N120 G00 X-10
N130 G01 X-12.5
N140 G01 Z-30
N150 G01 X10
N160 G01 Z-25
N170 M05 M09
N180 M30


Thus the manual part program was written to the given dimensions and

executed in CNC Turning.

Exercise 4

To write the manual part program to the given dimensions and execute in CNC
Material Required
Material : Acrylic sheet
Material Size : Length 100mm, Width 100mm, thickness 20mm.
N10 O001
N20 G94
N30 G00 M03 T01
N40 G00 S1000 F150 M08
N50 G00 G91
N60 G00 X20 Z0
N70 G01 X-5
N80 G01 Z-55
N90 G00 X5
N100 G00 Z55
N110 G01 X-15
N120 G01 Z-20
N130 G01 X10 Z-30
N140 G01 Z-5
N150 G01 X5
N160 G00 T09
N170 G01 Z-10
N180 G01 X-5
N190 G01 Z-10
N200 G01 X5
N210 G01 Z-10
N220 M05 M09
N230 M30

Thus the manual part program was written to the given dimensions and executed in
CNC Milling.
Write the CNC Program for the given drawing

To write the manual part program to the given dimensions and execute in
CNC Milling.
Material Required
Material : Acrylic sheet
Material Size : Length 100mm, Width 100mm, thickness 20mm.
N10 O002
N20 M03 M08
N30 G00 S1000 T01
N40 G95 F1
N50 G00 X0 Y0
N60 G00 X10 Y10
N70 G01 Z-5
N80 G01 X90 Y10
N90 G01 X90 Y90
N100 G01 X10 Y90
N110 G01 X10 Y10
N120 G01 Z5
N130 M05 M09
N140 M30

Thus the manual part program was written to the given dimensions and executed in
CNC Milling.
Write the CNC Program for the given drawing

To write the manual part program to the given dimensions and execute in CNC
Material Required
Material : Acrylic sheet
Material Size : Length 100mm, Width 100mm, thickness 20mm.
N10 O002
N20 M03 M08
N30 G00 S1000 T01
N40 G95 F1
N50 G00 X0 Y0
N60 G00 X10 Y10
N70 G01 Z-5
N80 G01 X90 Y10
N90 G01 X90 Y90
N100 G01 X10 Y90
N110 G01 X10 Y10
N120 G01 X10 Y15
N130 G01 X80 Y15
N140 G01 X80 Y20
N150 G01 X80 Y25
N160 G01 X10 Y25
N170 G01 X10 Y30
N180 G01 X80 Y30
N190 G01 X80 Y35
N200 G01 X10 Y35
N210 G01 X10 Y40
N220 G01 X80 Y40
N230 G01 X80 Y45
N240 G01 X10 Y45
N250 G01 X10 Y50

N260 G01 X80 Y50

N270 G01 X80 Y55

N280 G01 X10 Y55

N290 G01 X10 Y60

N300 G01 X80 Y60

N310 G01 X80 Y65

N320 G01 X10 Y65

N330 G01 X10 Y70

N340 G01 X80 Y70

N350 G01 X80 Y75

N360 G01 X10 Y75

N370 G01 X10 Y80

N380 G01 X80 Y80

N390 G01 X80 Y85

N400 G01 Z5

N410 M05 M09

N420 M30


Thus the manual part program was written to the given dimensions and
executed in CNC Milling.

To write the manual part program to the given dimensions and execute in
CNC Milling.
Material Required
Material : Acrylic sheet
Material Size : Length 100mm, Width 100mm, thickness 20mm.
N10 O002
N20 M03 M08
N30 G00 S1000 T01
N40 G95 F1
N20 G01X10Y10
N30 G01Z-5
N40 G01X90Y10
N50 G01X90Y90
N60 G01X10Y90
N70 G01X10Y10
N70 G01X90Y90
N80 G01X10Y90
N90 G01X90Y10
N80 M05 M09
N140 M30

Thus the manual part program was written to the given dimensions and executed in
CNC Milling.
Write the CNC Program for the given drawing

To write the manual part program to the given dimensions and execute in CNC
Material Required
Material : Acrylic sheet
Material Size : Length 100mm, Width 100mm, thickness 20mm.
N10 O002
N20 M03 M08
N30 G00 S1000 T01
N40 G95 F1
N50 G00 X0 Y0
N60 G00 X20Y40
N70 G01Z-5
N80 G02 X20 Y60 R10
N70 G01 X80 Y 60
N100 G02 X80 Y40 R10
N110 G01 X20 Y40
N120 G01 Z5
N130 M05 M09
N140 M30

Thus the manual part program was written to the given dimensions and executed in
CNC Milling.
Write the CNC Program for the given drawing

To write the manual part program to the given dimensions and execute in CNC
Material Required
Material : Acrylic sheet
Material Size : Length 200mm, Width 200mm, thickness 20mm.

N20 M03 M08

N30 G00 S1000 T01

N40 G95 F1

N50 G00 X0 Y0

N60 G00X40Y30

N70 G01Z-25

N80 G01X60Y30

N90 G01X105Y55

N100 G01X105Y115

N110 G03X90Y130 R15

N120 G01X40Y130

N130 G01X40Y30

N140 M05 M09


Thus the manual part program was written to the given dimensions and executed in
CNC Milling.
Write the CNC Program for the given drawing

To write the manual part program to the given dimensions and execute in CNC
Material Required
Material : Acrylic sheet
Material Size : Length 200mm, Width 200mm, thickness 20mm.
N20 M03 M08
N30 G00 S1000 T01
N40 G95 F1
N50 G00 X0 Y0
N60 G01 X10 Y10
N70 G01 Z-5
N80 G01 X10 Y90
N90 G01 X43.52 Y57.43
N100 G02 X57.43 Y43.52 R10
N110 G01 X90 Y10
N120 G01 X10 Y10
N130 M05 M09
N140 M30


Thus the manual part program was written to the given dimensions and executed in
CNC Milling.
Computer-aided design is essentially based on a versatile and powerful technique called
computer graphics, which basically means the criterion and manipulation of pictures on a
display device with the aid of a computer. Computer graphics originated at the Massachusetts
institute of technology (MIT) in 1950when the first computer-driven display, linked to a Whirlwind
1 computer, and was used to generate some pictures. The first important step forward in
computer graphics came in 1963 when a system called SKETCHPAD was demonstrated at the
Lincoln Laboratory of MIT. This system consists of a cathode ray tube (CRT) driven by TX2
computer. The CRT had a keyboard and a light pen. Pictures could be drawn on the screen and
Then manipulated interactively by the user via the light pen.
This demonstration clearly showed that the CRT could potentially be used as a designer’s
electronic drawing board with common graphic operations such as scaling, translation, rotation,
animation and simulation automatically performed at the ‘push of a button’. At that time, these
systems were very expensive; therefore they were adopted only in such major industries as the
aircraft and automotive industries where their use in design justified the high capital costs.
Another crucial factor preventing computer graphics from being generally applied to engineering
industries was that there was a lock of appropriate graphics and application software to run on
these systems. However, a computer-based design system was clearly emerging. Since these
pioneering developments in computer graphics, which had captured the imagination of the
engineering industry all over the world, new and improved hardware, which is faster in
processing speed, larger in memory, cheaper in cost and smaller in size, have become widely
Sophisticated software techniques and packages have also been gradually developed.
Consequently, the application of CAD in industry has been growing rapidly. Initially CAD
systems primarily were automated righting stations in which computer controlled plotters
produced engineering drawings. The system were later linked to graphic display terminals
where geometric model describing part dimensions were created, and the resulting database in
the computer was then used to produce drawings. Nowadays, CAD systems can do much more


Implementation of computer in the design stage becomes the subset of design process.
Once the conceptual design materializes in the designer mind the geometric model starts
by the appropriate CAD software. The choice of geometric model to CAD is analogous to
the choice. The various design related tasks which are performed by a modern
computer-aided design system can be grouped into four functional areas :
1. Geometric Modelling
2. Engineering Anlaysis
3. Design review and evaluation
4. Automated drafting.
It is concerned with the computer compatible mathematical description of the geometry of
an object. The mathematical description allows the image of the object to be displayed &

The analysis may involve stress-strain calculation, heat transfer computation etc., of the
System being displayed. The computer can be used to aid in this analysis work. It is often
Necessary that specific programs be developed internally XY the engineering analysis
to solve particular design problem. In other situation, commercially available general
Programs can be used to perform the engineering analysis. Analysis may be :
a. Mass property analysis.
b. Finite element analysis.
The analysis of mass properties is the analysis feature of CAD system which provides
EX NO: 1


To create the 3D assembly drawing of sleeve and cotter joint using the solid works
2007fire software

Commands used:

 Lines
 Circle
 Trim
 Extrude
 Round
 Helical sweep
 Mate
 Align

Tools required

1.Solid works 2007


1) Open the software tool solid works 2007.

2) Create the new file and save it in the directory
3) Set the units and limits for the display screen
4) Use the commands and draw the parts of the sleeve and cotter join as per the
given dimensions
5) Assemble all the parts of the sleeve and cotter joint using mate and align
6) Mark the dimensions for the sleeve and cotter joint
7) Save the diagram in specified directory

Thus the required drawing was modeled and assembled as per the given dimension


To create the 3D assembly drawing of gib and cotter joint using the solid works 2007

Commands used:

 Lines
 Circle
 Trim
 Extrude
 Round
 Helical sweep
 Mate
 Align

Tools required

Solid works 2007fire software


1.Open the software tool solid works 2007.

2.Create the new file and save it in the directory
3.Set the units and limits for the display screen
4.Use the commands and draw the parts of the gib and cotter joint as per the given
5.Assemble all the parts of the gib and cotter joint using mate and align commands
6.Mark the dimensions for the gib and cotter joint
7.Save the diagram in specified directory

Thus the required drawing was modeled and assembled as per the given dimension
Ex No: 3


To create the 3D assembly drawing of knuckle joint using the solid works 2007 software

Commands used:

 Lines
 Circle
 Trim
 Extrude
 Round
 Helical sweep
 Mate
 Align

Tools required

Solid works 2007 software


1. Open the software tool solid works 2007 software.

2. Create the new file and save it in the directory
3. Set the units and limits for the display screen
4. Use the commands and draw the parts of the knuckle joint as per the given
5. Assemble all the parts of the knuckle joint using mate and align commands
6. Save the diagram in specified directory

Thus the required drawing was modeled and assembled as per the given dimension

Ex No: 4


To create the 3D assembly drawing of flange coupling using the solid works 2007 software

Commands used:

 Lines
 Circle
 Trim
 Extrude
 Round
 Helical sweep
 Mate
 Align

Tools required

Solid works 2007 software


1. Open the software tool solid works 2007 software.

2. Create the new file and save it in the directory
3. Set the units and limits for the display screen
4. Use the commands and draw the parts of the as per the given dimensions.
5. Assemble all the parts of the flange coupling using mate and align commands
6. Save the diagram in specified directory

Thus the required drawing was modeled as per the given dimension and verified
Ex No: 5


To create the 3D assembly drawing of stuffing box using the solid works 2007 software

Commands used:

 Lines
 Circle
 Trim
 Extrude
 Round
 Helical sweep
 Mate
 Align

Tools required

Solid works 2007 software


1. Open the software tool solid works 2007 software.

2. Create the new file and save it in the directory
3. Set the units and limits for the display screen
4. Use the commands and draw the parts of the as per the given dimensions.
5. Assemble all the parts of the Stuffing box using mate and align commands
6. Save the diagram in specified directory

Thus the required drawing was modeled as per the given dimension and verified
Ex No: 6


To create the 3D assembly drawing of universal coupling using the solid works 2007

Commands used:

 Lines
 Circle
 Trim
 Extrude
 Round
 Helical sweep
 Mate
 Align

Tools required

Solid works 2007 software


1. Open the software tool solid works 2007 software.

2. Create the new file and save it in the directory
3. Set the units and limits for the display screen
4. Use the commands and draw the parts of the as per the given dimensions.
5. Assemble all the parts of the universal coupling using mate and align
6. Save the diagram in specified directory

Thus the required drawing was modeled as per the given dimension and verified
Ex No: 7


To create the 3D assembly drawing of plummer block using the solid works 2007 software

Commands used:

 Lines
 Circle
 Trim
 Extrude
 Round
 Helical sweep
 Mate
 Align

Tools required

Solid works 2007 software


1. Open the software tool solid works 2007 software.

2. Create the new file and save it in the directory
3. Set the units and limits for the display screen
4. Use the commands and draw the parts of the as per the given dimensions.
5. Assemble all the parts of the plummer block using mate and align commands
6. Save the diagram in specified directory

Thus the required drawing was modeled as per the given dimension and verified
Ex No: 8


To create the 3D assembly drawing of screw jack using the solid works 2007 software

Commands used:

 Lines
 Circle
 Trim
 Extrude
 Round
 Helical sweep
 Mate
 Align

Tools required

Solid works 2007 software


1. Open the software tool solid works 2007 software.

2. Create the new file and save it in the directory
3. Set the units and limits for the display screen
4. Use the commands and draw the parts of the as per the given dimensions.
5. Assemble all the parts of the screw jack using mate and align commands
6. Save the diagram in specified directory

Thus the required drawing was modeled as per the given dimension and verified

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