A Framework To Guide Practitioners For Selecting Metrics During The Countermovement and Drop Jump Tests
A Framework To Guide Practitioners For Selecting Metrics During The Countermovement and Drop Jump Tests
A Framework To Guide Practitioners For Selecting Metrics During The Countermovement and Drop Jump Tests
Practitioners for
Selecting Metrics During
the Countermovement
and Drop Jump Tests
Chris Bishop, PhD,1 Anthony Turner, PhD,1 Matt Jordan, PhD,2 John Harry, PhD,3 Irineu Loturco, PhD,4
Jason Lake, PhD,5 and Paul Comfort, PhD6
London Sport Institute, Middlesex University, Stone-X Stadium, London, United Kingdom; 2Canadian Sport Institute,
Calgary, Alberta, Canada; 3Department of Kinesiology and Sport Management, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas;
Nucleus of High Performance in Sport, Sao Paulo, Brazil; 5Department of Sport and Exercise Sciences, University of
Chichester, Chichester, United Kingdom; and 6Human Performance Laboratory, Directorate of Psychology and Sport,
University of Salford, Manchester, United Kingdom
during the countermovement jump to train (14,19,20,47), and readiness to Historically, many research studies
(CMJ) and drop jump (DJ) tests. How- return to training and competition after have used jump mat systems to mea-
ever, there is a risk of confusion for injury (24,25,43). Although numerous sure time-based outcome measures
practitioners, given the vast range of types of jumping exist, 2 of the most such as flight time, jump height
metrics that now seem to be on offer via common forms used in both research (based on flight time), and the reac-
analysis software when collecting data and practice are the vertical counter- tive strength index (RSI) during
from force platforms. As such, practi- movement jump (CMJ) and drop jump these tests (27,37,42). Arguments
tioners may benefit from a framework (DJ) (14,17,18,30,32,33,40,49). These 2 have been made that force platforms
that can help guide metric selection for jump tests provide an indirect, are not always accessible to practi-
commonly used jump tests, which is the performance-based assessment of neu- tioners because of cost and portabil-
primary purpose of this article. To con- romuscular capacity and reactive ity issues (8), hence why jump mat
textualize the proposed framework, we strength (i.e., coupled eccentric- systems have been so popular. How-
have provided 2 examples for how this concentric movement capacity), with ever, recent technological develop-
could work: one for the CMJ and one for a plethora of studies highlighting ments have seen the creation of
the DJ, noting that these tests are good-to-excellent reliability of jump smartphone apps (3) and reduced
commonly used by practitioners during
outcome measures (14,19,20,33,34). cost of portable force platforms sys-
Consequently, this helps to ensure that tems, thus enhancing their availabil-
routine testing across a range of sport
practitioners can interpret results with ity across a range of sport
performance and clinical settings.
confidence from the outset. From a
practical perspective, jump assessments KEY WORDS:
are simple to perform, generally, non- monitoring; sensitivity
Address correspondence to Chris Bishop, C. fatiguing and time-efficient, which are to change; profiling
[email protected]. factors that should not be overlooked
Copyright © National Strength and Conditioning Association. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
A Framework for the Countermovement and Drop Jump
performance settings, including those routine testing across a range of sport to outline the reasons why testing is
with budgetary constraints. This is a performance and clinical settings. Before needed, how it can benefit all parties
positive outcome for strength and discussing in detail, however, practi- involved, and there are no feasibility
conditioning and sport medicine tioners must first consider a few broader issues, the final question can be ad-
practitioners because it has enabled questions specific to their practice. dressed. Despite these potential
them to gather more detailed infor- challenges, the authors would sug-
mation when profiling their athletes’ THEORETICAL CONSIDERATIONS gest that testing at the end of each
jump ability and lower limb mechan- FOR PRACTITIONERS REGARDING mesocycle is still advised. This is so
ical muscle capacities. Furthermore, SELECTING METRICS that practitioners can determine that
an analysis of vertical jump kinetics There are principally 3 questions to the training programs have had the
(using force platform technology) consider before deciding which metric desired outcomes and so that contin-
permits a more extensive neuromus- to use as part of any performance ued feedback to the key stakeholders
cular assessment, allowing practi- monitoring tool: takes place, in an attempt to build a
tioners to move beyond solely Is there some biological basis that theo- sustainable human-centered high-
outcome measures (e.g., jump retically links what we are aiming to performance environment (50).
height), to include measures that measure, with some desirable perfor- What is the quality of the data being
describe jump strategy. The relevance mance outcome? For example, if jump collected, and in particular, are the data
here is that strategy metrics (e.g., height decreases (jump height being more sensitive or less accurate according
duration prior to take-off ) have been the performance outcome we are to the quality of data that is possible to
shown to be more sensitive to change aiming to measure), does that sug- collect? As a crude example, practi-
compared with outcome measures, gest the presence of high neuromus- tioners may want to measure RSI
after intense exercise (19,20), when cular fatigue? Alternatively, if jump each morning to determine whether
returning from injury (22), during height improves, does that imply their athletes have recovered from
long-term athlete development (23) the potential for better on-field per- the previous day’s training load and
and when assessing neuromuscular formance such as increased sprint whether they display sufficient read-
function across the lifespan (11). velocity? Assuming a theoretical iness for the day’s planned training
Consequently, this has led to numer- associative link exists, which has sessions (51). If having determined
ous studies acknowledging the limi- been investigated on numerous their baseline scores across 5 days
tations of outcome measures alone occasions previously (26,30,31,53), of normal activity, we establish there
and the need to concurrently monitor we move on to question 2. is a high degree of variability, the
jump strategy as well (6,13,21,37). What is the feasibility of implementing data may not be sensitive enough
this monitoring tool or system? Without to inform practice and allow us to
Despite the advantages of moving access to an educated staff, dedicated make accurate and informed training
beyond a simple measure of jump height time for testing, finances to obtain decisions. This realization can often
and including jump strategy variables, quality equipment, and the right be a bitter pill to swallow and chal-
there is also a risk of confusion for prac- team culture or attitude, implement- lenge some deeply rooted biases we
titioners, given the vast range of poten- ing jump testing to make actionable have, especially when a theoretical
tial metrics that force platform systems decisions may not be reasonable. For link to sport performance is strong
can offer (12,19,20). Simply put, the example, small coaching staffs are (26,30,31,53), and we have invested
appropriate jump performance and jump often stretched beyond typical substantial financial and human
strategy variables to include as a part of coaching duties. Adding in daily or resources to enhance our testing pro-
athlete monitoring and neuromuscular weekly force plate assessments cess. Equally, we may be familiar
testing is often unclear. Thus, it is impor- (including data analysis, feedback with other teams that do use it and
tant for any practitioner who is using sheets, and personal communica- who do indeed plan training around
such tests and technologies to ensure tion) may pull some members away it. However, it is important to
that the selected metrics help to inform from other fundamental practices. At remember that the accuracy of the
practice. As such, practitioners may ben- that point, practitioners may likely data is based on numerous contex-
efit from a system or framework that can lose more than they gain from im- tual factors such as the performance
help guide metric selection for com- plementing jump testing on force level of the athletes, the skills of the
monly used jump tests and this is the platforms. Equally, some players testers, the equipment, and the envi-
primary purpose of this article. To con- may not “buy-in” or have an interest ronment (52). Therefore, what
textualize the proposed framework, we in participating in testing. Perhaps works for one team may not work
have provided 2 examples for how this most importantly, would the head for another. With this in mind, prac-
could work: one for the CMJ and one for coach support and encourage this titioners are encouraged to compute
the DJ, noting that these tests are com- practice among the athletes? Assum- their own benchmarking and reli-
monly used by practitioners during ing that practitioners have attempted ability analysis to ensure that they
Figure 1. A 3-step process to determine the efficacy of selected metrics and the ability to use them in practice.
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A Framework for the Countermovement and Drop Jump
divided by 0.8). However, if an athlete countermovement and take-off, which final point, practitioners should also note
exhibits a 10% improvement in jump may represent a useful strategy metric that this metric may potentially benefit
height (0.44 m), with no change in time (4,21). Simply put, if practitioners see from being normalized to standing
to take-off, RSI-Mod will improve to 0.55. reductions in time to take-off, 2 explana- height, especially when monitoring lon-
Equally, a 10% reduction in jump height tions may be evident: (a) the athlete may gitudinally in groups such as youth ath-
(0.36 m) would result in a new (and worse) not be dipping as deep (negative dis- letes (29) or in sports where large
RSI-Mod score of 0.45; with the same placement) in the countermovement anthropometric differences may be evi-
trend in scores for RSI-Mod evident if and as a result will likely generate lower dent, such as basketball (43).
changes in time to take-off occur. As such, net impulse, resulting in a reduced jump In summary, the inclusion of jump
the importance of monitoring the compo- height (45), which would be a negative height and time to take-off will help to
nent parts of any ratio should be clear here, adaptation from training or, (b) if jump simultaneously explain any changes in
noting that any changes in RSI-Mod can height remains the same, the athlete is RSI-Mod, while also providing an
only be explained by changes in jump now achieving the same outcome but in understanding of both the outcome
height and/or time to take-off. Equally, less time, which infers improved ballistic measure and jump strategy used. Finally,
in some instances, an athlete’s body mass qualities such as rate of force develop- countermovement depth may also help
may also need to be factored into the ment, which would be a positive adap- to explain why any changes in time have
monitoring process. For example, if the tation from training. Despite the occurred, noting that time is one of the
purpose of a training intervention is to usefulness of time to take-off in this constructs of RSI-Mod as well. Collec-
increase muscle mass and an athlete instance, it still may not be entirely obvi- tively, these metrics “tell a story” and
now achieves the same jump height but ous why any changes in time have complement each other, which hope-
with an increase of 2-kg in body mass, this occurred. Thus, our final suggested met- fully allows data to be effectively used
can also be seen as a positive adaptation. ric in this example is countermovement to inform decision-making. It should be
Although jump height has come under depth. For example, if time to take-off noted, of course, that this decision-
some scrutiny to detect neuromuscular was 0.8 seconds in one test session, but making process is entirely context-
readiness to train or compete (19,20), it 0.7 seconds in another; practitioners can dependent, and what may apply for
will almost always be considered relevant. see the athlete completes the movement one athlete, may not for another. This
The importance of effective knowledge before take-off in a shorter duration in framework (Figure 2) which aims to
translation of routine athlete monitoring the second test session, which based on interlink selected metrics to one another,
data, including vertical jump testing, using our aforementioned discussion, would be can also be applied to the DJ test.
athlete-appropriate language must not be desirable. However, the reason for this
change may not be obvious. With the DROP JUMP
overlooked. Although this remains anec-
dotal, we observe substantially better buy- inclusion of countermovement depth, The most common metric reported in
in from stakeholders (e.g., athletes and practitioners would be able to contextu- DJ test protocols seems to be RSI
alize changes in time to take-off, by re- (6,18,29,33,34) and would be consid-
head coach) when simplified language is
porting any discrete differences that may ered the outcome measure. This is
prioritized. Although key stakeholders
be evident in the depth of movement another ratio metric and in line with
may lack the requisite knowledge of phys-
before the jump. Thus, monitoring coun- our suggestions for the CMJ, any
iology and biomechanics to grasp a
termovement depth may help practi- changes in RSI may be hard to com-
detailed breakdown of a vertical jump
tioners to determine why any changes prehend, without concurrently moni-
kinetic analysis, a variable such as jump
in time to take-off may have occurred toring the individual components that
height is likely to be of interest to the
between test sessions. To the best of create it. Thus, our second and third
athlete (as well as understood), as this value
the authors’ knowledge, no research spe- suggested metrics are jump height
provides some confidence that they can
cifically looking at the association (again, ideally determined from take-
outperform their peers. Furthermore, the
between countermovement depth and off velocity) and ground contact time
use of feedback to the athlete, in particular,
time to take off has been published. (GCT). When aiming to understand
may be a powerful method for establishing
However, previous research has shown how the jump is performed, GCT does
better overall stability in test measures,
moderate relationships between counter- provide some understanding of strat-
which subsequently may have a positive movement depth and jump height (r 5 egy in the DJ task, especially when ex-
impact on test reliability as well. 0.60–0.67) (35). With the present article isting literature seems largely in
However, as practitioners and support focused on the use of metrics as a col- agreement about the distinction
staff, we may also be interested in what lective to inform practice, the magnitude between fast (,0.25 seconds) and slow
is driving the outcome, which is where of these relationships is likely strong (.0.25 seconds) stretch shortening
an understanding of jump strategy enough to justify the use of counter- cycle (SSC) timeframes (18,41,48).
comes in. Time to take-off provides a movement depth as a stand-alone met- Simply put, monitoring GCT may pro-
useful understanding of the duration of ric, especially when it can be used to also vide an understanding of whether ath-
time between the initiation of the inform changes in time to take-off. As a letes are using fast or slow SSC
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A Framework for the Countermovement and Drop Jump
RSI-modified 0.47 6 0.12 0.49 6 0.13 6.7 4.3 0.16 (20.36 to 0.68)
Jump height (m) 0.41 6 0.06 0.42 6 0.05 3.3 2.4 0.18 (20.34 to 0.70)
Time to take-off (s) 0.88 6 0.06 0.83 6 0.06 5.0 6.0 20.83 (21.36 to 20.28)
CM depth (m) 0.44 6 0.05 0.39 6 0.04 8.9 12.8 21.08 (21.64 to 20.53)
Effect size values in bold represent statistically significant (p , 0.05) changes.
Effect size scale: , 0.25 5 trivial; 0.25–0.50 5 small; 0.51–1.0 5 moderate; . 1.0 5 large (45).
Reactive strength index 2.85 6 0.32 3.06 6 0.41 7.6 7.4 0.57 (0.03 to 1.09)
Jump height (m) 0.35 6 0.11 0.39 6 0.12 3.9 11.4 0.35 (20.18 to 0.86)
GCT (s) 0.24 6 0.04 0.21 6 0.04 6.2 12.5 20.75 (21.27 to 20.20)
Leg stiffness (kN$m ) 58.81 6 8.90 66.41 6 9.90 9.6 12.9 0.81 (0.25 to 1.33)
Effect size values in bold represent statistically significant (p , 0.05) changes.
Effect size scale: , 0.25 5 trivial; 0.25–0.50 5 small; 0.51–1.0 5 moderate; . 1.0 5 large (45).
GCT 5 ground contact time; kN$m21 5 leg stiffness in Newtons multiplied by meters per second.
as a metric reinforces our understanding suggesting that these are the only metrics
of the improvements seen for GCT. to be monitored in these tests. Merely,
Turner is an
Although hypothetical, hopefully, readers our aim here was to demonstrate in these
associate profes-
can comprehend how the selection of examples, that the chosen metrics can
sor in Strength
these metrics for the CMJ and DJ tests, help complement each other by helping
and Conditioning
helps to inform each other. In addition, to explain why any changes in scores
at the London
this section in particular highlights that i) may be evident. Although a plethora of
Sport Institute,
not all metrics will be sensitive to change metrics from jump testing exists in the
after training interventions; thus, some will literature to date, it is the final step in
inform decision-making better than others, the puzzle—testing their use in practice,
ii) not all metrics will elicit the same level which should drive whether they have
of reliability and thus, practitioners may any continued use for monitoring. This
Matt Jordan is
wish to implement standardized familiar- should help to aid whether their inclusion
the director of
ization sessions before any formal data col- is warranted or not, alongside more com-
Sport Science for
lection to improve reliability and monly used outcome measures, such as
the Canadian
determine a threshold for meaningful jump height.
Sport Institute,
change and, iii) if metrics are chosen that Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: Calgary.
do not relate to others that are being mon- The authors report no conflicts of interest
itored, it may not always be obvious why and no source of funding.
some have been selected and why some
changes are evident between test sessions.
Chris Bishop is
a senior lecturer John Harry is an
CONCLUSION in Strength and assistant profes-
This article aims to encourage practi- Conditioning at sor of Biome-
tioners to consider the metrics they select the London Sport chanics at Texas
from CMJ and DJ tests, so that the infor- Institute, Mid- Tech University,
mation obtained helps to explain the dlesex Univer- where he is the
findings of other chosen metrics and sity, where he is Director of the
guide decision-making in practice. the program Human Perfor-
Although examples have been provided leader for the mance and Bio-
for both the CMJ and DJ tests, readers MSc Strength and Conditioning mechanics
should note that we are not solely program. Laboratory.
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A Framework for the Countermovement and Drop Jump
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