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Marta Grybś

University of Economics in Katowice



Nowadays, development of new trends in international marketing commu-
nication practice can be observed. Due to rising customer demand, bigger com-
petition, expansion of new technologies and increasing pace of everyday life,
communication with the market has to be integrated and multidimensional in
order to be noticed, remembered and, as a result, effective. There is a growing
number of international marketing communication tools such as ambient adverti-
sing, mobile marketing, social media, internet of things or guerrilla marketing.
Moreover, there is a new trend arising that traditional, old-fashioned tools adop-
ted by companies are displaced by more modern and unconventional ones. Mar-
keting communication tools which are employed by companies have to be more
sophisticated and unconventional than few years earlier. This situation is caused
by the fact that the market is flooded by ubiquitous advertisements and consu-
mers became resistant towards them. Customers can recall smaller amount of
images they saw during their day while compared to previous decades. The
change in consumer behaviour in relation to purchasing decisions, brand aware-
ness, consumer law awareness and needs can be observed.
The aim of this paper is to investigate and provide deep understanding of
the process of creating new trends in international marketing communication.
The hypothesis of the paper is that there is an ongoing process of creating new
trends in international marketing communication conducted by international
advertising agencies. There will be presented several most reliable and up-to-
date definitions, concepts and theories. The new trends which appeared in the
international marketing communication practice will be discussed on the exam-
ples of winners of Cannes Lions Creativity Contests. It will ensure the insight to
the most updated and currently developing trends and it will give a perfect pictu-
re of the process of creating trends throughout last years. At the beginning, the
International Marketing Communication Concept will be described. Further
parts of the paper contain the description of chosen marketing communication
campaigns and the process of new trends creation.

1. International marketing communication concept

Marketing communication is an important and integral part of wide science
discipline called marketing. Marketing, both in theory and practice, has develo-
ped enormously throughout past years. The emergence of new tools, new trends
and what is more, new opportunities especially in international scope can be
observed. The customers and their demand, the suppliers and all other stakehol-


ders of the company are constantly changing and as a result, the managers have
to accept the necessity for lifelong learning (Smith, 1999, p. 4) The obligation
for updating and improvement is inevitable. The definition of international mar-
keting communication has evolved as well. It cannot be understood anymore
simply as a selling process or commercials expanded to the wider geographic
area. There is no one perfect definition of international marketing communica-
tion though. It can be discussed in plenty of methods, as a business process, ma-
nagement function, philosophy, science or commercial activity which engage
deeper understanding of the cross-cultural customers behaviours, cooperation
between companies with different organizational cultures and adapting the
messages towards target audience which is significantly more diversified (Pelz,
Peattie, 2009, p. 14).
Marketing communication is one of the most important spheres of company
activities which determine its competitive advantage on the market (Pilarczyk,
2008, p. 295). It is an important tool of marketing strategy as a result of the fact that
it enables the enterprise to meet its practical market aims (Wiktor, 2006, p. 10). The
role of marketing communication is very often underestimated and simplified to
advertising or promotion only. The terms marketing communication and promo-
tion are sharply different. It can be concluded that promotion is one the compo-
nents of the wider term of marketing communication (Pabian, 2008, p. 25). Pro-
motion is a more narrow term due to the fact that the company posses diversified
range of tools to communicate with the market and influence the consumers. The
role of marketing communication for the company is crucial, as the nature of the
enterprise can be identified through the communication with the environment
process (Wiktor, 2006, p. 10).
International marketing communication can be understood as cross border
communication with target audiences on all issues that influence marketing and
business performance (Pickton, Broderick, 2001, p. 3). It is a very broad issue,
as international marketing communication can be observed both inside the orga-
nization and externally. It demands understanding of cultural and as a result,
behavioral differences of both customers and employees. On the other hand it
can be defined as the process of influencing by the company including all inter-
national market users in order to convey the information, give promises and
reasons which encourage to purchase the goods, to create the corporate image
across the borders of the country of origin and the stimulate demand for the offer
among international customers (Pilarczyk, 2008, p. 295).
The market is constantly changing. The arena of competitors is more and
more complex, especially in the era of modern technology and globalization.


The marketplace is considered in global terms. Every day there is a growing

number of newly open companies, Internet is revolutionizing commerce and as
a result there is almost unlimited amount of marketing opportunities. Nevertheless,
the number of barriers and threats is rising as well (Clow, Baack, 2008, p. 4).
This situation led to the changing approach to marketing communication.
Companies which plan or already work internationally do not rely anymore on
basic methods to reach their customers. In the face of increasingly sophisticated
customer demand, higher complexity of market conditions and micro and macro
environment of the company, the companies had to change their international
communication strategy (Clow, Baack, 2008, p. 4).
International marketing communication had to become more coherent and
clear. As a result, the emergence of Integrated Marketing Communication could
be noticed (Blythe, 2002, p. 2). Companies had to turn to integrated marketing
communication in order to prevent loss of attention of target group customers,
confusing the customers about the brand image, conflicting messages from all
sources engaged due to incoherent management of them by different depart-
ments or agencies (Trehan, 2010, p. 45).
New trends and new phenomenon in marketing communication can be ob-
served. The advanced technological solutions and the collapse of trade barriers
improved the messages exchange and communication. New media emerged.
Internet, especially Mobile Broadband Internet and mobile technologies made
revolution on the market. Communication with the customers had to change
drastically and the possibilities of the mobile solutions are still not fully exhau-
sted (Blythe, 2002, p. 292). The appearance of social media also created new
trends in communicating with the market.
In order to properly describe and furthermore forecast the international
marketing communication market it is necessary to properly define the market.
First of all, on the international marketing communication market the exchanged
goods can be defined as marketing communication tools. Marketing communica-
tion tools can be divided into six main categories: advertisement, online marke-
ting, PR, sponsorship, personal selling and sales promotion (Kall, 2006, p. 26).
There is a division between advertising and online marketing due to the fact that
the importance of online advertising is rising nowadays, having major impact on
new trends development described in further part of the paper. Internet and so-
cial media influenced the development of marketing communication. Consumer
behaviors changed, the transparency of their needs is higher due to the possibili-
ty of following their online behaviors; also the amount of online communication
tools is rising rapidly. Sponsorship, in some papers analyzed as part of adverti-


sing or PR, is treated separately in this paper due to its ubiquitous character and
development of its theory and practice. The events, which are being sponsored are
gaining on popularity and furthermore new, unconventional methods of sponsorship
are implemented. Personal selling and sales promotion character, basis and functions
differ strongly from other marketing communication tools and as a result are treated
as separate marketing communication tools (Kall, 2006, p. 26).
All international marketing communication tools engage different media, in
which the most important role is played by the television and Internet due to
their ubiquitous character. The market value for the marketing communication
industry is defined as the value in total of media billings, among which there are
encountered all expenditure on advertising, including major channels such as
main media engaged radio, television, magazines, newspapers, as well as, Inter-
net, outdoor, sales promotions, personal selling and special events. Television
advertising used to be the largest sector of the market. At the beginning of XXI
century it had 26.7% share of the market. Although, magazines and newspapers
if counted together represent 36.4% of the market. It is followed and soon it is
predicted to be over passed by the Internet advertising. The power of special
event is rising as well (Datamonitor, 2003).
According to Nielsen Global advertising Trends Report, global ad spend
during the first half of 2012 reached 266billion dollars, what shows a 2.7 percent
increase over the same period in 2011. Such a situation was caused by unfavora-
ble macro environment conditions in 2011 (Nielsen, 2012). It can be concluded
that both advertisers and consumers are behaving carefully in an uncertain eco-
nomic environment. What is more, according to the report global consumer con-
fidence indicated the decrease by three index points in the second quarter of year
2012 what is a response to upsetting economic signals from across the globe.
Advertising spend continues to recover globally, despite slow down in the
first quarter of 2013. According to media company GroupM it is expected that
ad spending in measured media across 75 countries will grow 3.4% to $507 bil-
lion in 2013, what is the downward revision in comparison to predictions from
December 2012 while growth of 4% was forecasted. The downward change is
mainly caused by continued economic troubles in the Eurozone, especially in
Italy, Spain, Greece, and Ireland. It is expected that the particular group of coun-
tries will record an 11% fall in measured advertising in 2013. The GroupM first
forecasts for year 2014 are more favourable for the advertising market, with
a 5,1% climb predicted worldwide, partly due to the Winter Olympics (Adverti-
sing Age, August 2013).


On the demand side we can observe customers, who became used to the
presence of global brands on the local markets. On the supply side we can obse-
rve big international players, as well as smaller companies who just begin to
operate on international scale. There are advertising agencies, interactive agen-
cies and media houses.
The vast majority of countries in case of marketing communication market
until 2013 were dominated by the agencies of the three largest advertising con-
glomerates in the world: Omnicom, Interpublic, and WPP. It includes the French
giant global advertising networks Havas and Publicis. Publicis Groupe, as one of
the international leaders on the advertising market has merged with Saa-
tchi&Saatchi, which is among the most influential global advertising agencies.
However, in July 2013 Maurice Lévy, the boss of the French Publicis Group,
and John Wren, the head of its American competitor Omnicom, finalized the
merger of the two global advertising giants. Publicis Omnicom was introduced,
which overtook British-based WPP which by this moment was said to be the
world’s largest advertising and marketing agency, with combined 2012 revenues
of $23 billion and a market value of $35 billion (The Economist, 2013). The
companies merged due to the fact that on one hand Publicis had more exposure
to emerging markets and digital advertising on the other hand, Omnicom has
bigger scale of activities as it was the bigger of the two.
The supply side of the international marketing communication market are
companies, profit oriented and non-profit, which are devoting the particular part
of their budget to communicate with the market by purchasing the services
provided by advertising agencies, interactive agencies and media houses. Accor-
ding to The Pencil Ranking, there is a rank of the marketing communication
clients, who have the biggest budget share devoted to marketing communication
and employ the most creative solutions proposed by the agencies:
• Nike,
• Old Spice,
• Google,
• Volkswagen,
• Gatorade,
• Puma,
• Toyota,
• Target,
• BBC (Pencil Rankings, 2011).


It can be concluded that even though the FMCG sector increased its adver-
tising spending it is not the sector with the most important marketing communi-
cation clients, as only Gatorade and Old Spice are directly the FMCG brands.
The car industry, sport clothes and media industry are among the most important
clients in 2011.
There can be encountered several important trends in international marke-
ting communication market. First of all the rising power of internet advertising
as a noticeable trend in global marketing communication market. In 2009, the
expenditures on internet advertising in Great Britain overcame the expenditures
on TV commercials. Online sector on the Great Britain advertising market rea-
ched 23.5%, while TV was only 21.9%. It was a big change for the global adver-
tising market, overwhelmed by the economic crisis during this time. Neverthe-
less, the real turn is supposed to take place in 2016. At the moment, the tendency
of rising number of smartphones, tablets and other technological gadgets pene-
tration can be observed, which are the main devices for receiving mobile or e-
mail marketing messages. Continuously decreasing price for broadband internet
connection also contributes to this phenomenon.
Rising power of online advertising is a noticeable and inevitable trend both
at European and global level (PWC, 2013, p. 5). It is predicted that in 2013 digi-
tal advertising spending will reach $113,5 billion globally, 14,6 % more than
2012. North America is expected to reach $42.8 billion in online advertising
spend, Asia-Pacific $36,8 billion, while Western Europe is estimated to reach
$26.6 billion (WPP, 2013). The real turn to e-communication is supposed to take
place in 2016. At the moment, the tendency of rising penetration of smartphones,
tablets, and other technological gadgets on the market can be observed. Smartphones
and tablets are the main devices for receiving mobile or e-mail marketing messages,
and to access Internet therefore be exposed to all forms of e-communication. Con-
tinuously decreasing price for broadband Internet connection also contributes to
this phenomenon. Big data availability trend appeared in response to the huge
development of online activity rise. Big data can be defined as a phenomenon of
not only enormous amount of data generated by consumers, but also unstructu-
red data availability for marketers and consumer awareness of progressive lack
of privacy. The forecasts appeared that in 2015 consumers will produce 1 Zeta-
bite of information, which is 1 trillion of bites. Nevertheless, the data is not
structured, what means that marketers do not solely analyze standard demogra-
phic, economic, social data. Analysis based on the information available on so-
cial media sites, for example based on ‘likes’ give information about sexual
orientation, politic views or being only child of divorced parents. As a result


consumers lose their privacy. There are some attempts to protect oneself from
invigilation – cloaking, however it was researched that consumers do not mind
being analyzed by commercial companies if they have measurable benefit from
that fact (Sala, 2013, p. 10).
Social media marketing is a type of online marketing, however the influen-
ce of this tool is so significant that may be considered as a separate trend. Social
media marketing uses various media networks in order to create marketing
communication. Social media marketing covers activities which involve social
sharing of content, videos and images to reach marketing goals (Word Stream,
2012). Social media marketing is characterised by active participation of consu-
mers, they can exchange information, share experience and opinions. What is
more, social media marketing operates with many tools, which is one of its ad-
vantages over the traditional ways of marketing communication. It may involve
private forums, wide social networks, public discussions boards, etc. (Manage-
ment study Guide, 2013). It was found that the most often searched-for term on
the web is ‘facebook’, except from Japan, Russia and China, nevertheless, in
Japan facebook was the fastest-rising search term in the year to August 2012
(Hatalska, 2013, p. 10). Facebook is not anymore the sole association with social
media. Young Internet users got bored with Facebook itself, therefore the popu-
larity of other social sites is growing. People aged 18-24 asked what is their
favourite social site indicate Tumbir or Twitter usually. Usage of Twitter, Yo-
utube and Pinterest during marketing communication is rising, especially non-
standardized one. Google+ is said to be the second most popular social site in the
globe. Pinterest was the quickest rising social site in 2012, with 4000% rise in
the number of users from May 2011 to May 2012 (Mohamud et al., 2013, p. 18).
Instagram also tend to rise rapidly and at the beginning of 2013 was bought by
Facebook for 1 billion dollars.
However, even though the popularity of social media channels is growing,
the decreasing marketing communication power of social media can be obse-
rved. The phenomenon of ad blindness in the Internet is already known, however
the social media is just starting to be ineffective. Currently 50% of all social
media campaigns are claimed to be noticed by the consumers during the time
spent on social media profiles, while at the same moment more and more marke-
ters declared that they are going to increase the use of this medium in marketing
communication. 93% of global and 81% of polish marketers engaged social
media, where the main platform is Facebook (Hatalska, 2012, p. 8).
One of the most promising e-communication tools is mobile marketing.
Mobile marketing is considered as a set of practices that enable organizations to


communicate and engage with their audience in an interactive and relevant way
through and mobile device or network (Mobile Marketing Association, 2013).
At the beginning it was based mainly of push type: sms and mms messages sent
to the consumers. Nowadays the concept developed more strongly into pull type
messages which are based on the Internet, as a result mobile marketing evolved
in different direction and got brand new dimension. There are four main factors
that make this tool highly effective. First of all, mobile marketing is based on
permission, consumer need to give their permission before being marketed.
What is more, mobile marketing is live, responses are in real-time thanks to the
nature of mobile devices and their users (Rayfield, D, 2010). It is also well targe-
ted. Finally, mobile marketing communication through mobile devices is two-
way, consumers do not only respond but also request information that they need
at a particular moment (Khan, 2009). As a result, the market was flooded by QR
Codes which allow consumers to scan the bar code and be redirected immediate-
ly to a particular site. Location-Based Marketing appeared which delivers infor-
mation directly to the users of mobile devices in relation to their location identi-
fied via GPS technology. Geolocalization is a trend which is more popular in
media than in reality. In the most crowded place in Poland, the Chopin airport in
Warsaw, there were only about 2000 people who used function of geolocaliza-
tion available by Facebook last year. Nevertheless, geolocalization was within
the three mobile internet functions which reached the highest growth. In Poland,
there were several marketing campaigns which engaged geolocalization, inclu-
ding Jeep (JWT Warszawa), Mastercard (Universal McCann), otoWakacje.pl
(Ciszewski PR). Very similar to the above-mentioned category of mobile marke-
ting tools is Near Field Communication (NFC). This term refers to a set of short-
range wireless technologies, typically requiring a distance of 4cm or less to ini-
tiate a connection (Developers, 2013) and engages such devices like smartpho-
nes and tablets. It is predicted to revolutionize the marketing communication in
nearest future, however Bloutooth and Wi-Fi technologies are still much more
developed and the total switch to NCF, if possible, is not definite yet (Network-
World, 2013). The share of mobile marketing in the budget spend on marketing
communication is increasing year by year and global retail mobile marketing
spend is supposed to reach $55 billion annually by 2015 (Mobile-Ent, 2013).
Nevertheless, even though mobile marketing was said to be promising and
potentially the biggest e-communication trend, it was overcame by other trends.
One of the microtrends which is gaining on importance is the Internet of Things
or in other words third wave of the Internet (Hatalska, 2013, p. 21). It may lead
to the end of mobile marketing era. Internet of Things may be defined as the web


of physical objects, which can communicate with each other and with human
through built-in sensors and access to the Internet. Objects are beginning to be
intelligent due to the Internet connection and access to unlimited data, which
particular thing (in other words machine or device) can analyse in real time. It is
estimated that until 2020, 50 billion of devices will be connected to the Internet
and the market will be worth 14 trillion dollars (Cisco, 2013). At the moment,
the era of peaceful technology begun. Peaceful technology is one which is per-
fectly composed with the environment and does not need attention to be used.

2. New trends creation on marketing communication

campaigns example
The Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity is said to be global
largest event which promote the creativity in communications. Due to the fact
that over 34 thousands of entries from all over the world are showcased and
judged at the Festival since 60 years it is called to be one of the most prestigious
international creative communications awards. It is held during the annually in
June and is located in Cannes, France. Winners of the contest receive trophy
shaped as a Lion. The seven-day Festival gathers professionals connected with
marketing communication industry from 90 countries to attend workshops, exhi-
bitions, screenings, master classes and high-profile seminars by industry leaders.
As a result based on the event several marketing communication trends can be
predicted for upcoming years.
One of the biggest winners of the Cannes Lions 2009 and 2010 Festival was
Saatchi&Saatchi campaign ‘Life’s for Sharing’ which indicated new trend and
new term in international marketing communication. Saatchi&Saatchi Worldwi-
de, as a part of Publicis Groupe, is one of the biggest global advertising agency
networks which operates in 92 countries. There are 152 offices where more than
7,5 thousand people are employed (Saatchi&Saatchi, 2012). Saatchi & Saatchi
advertising agency has been called to be the most known and recognizable brand
in the United Kingdom advertising industry for the last two decades of the 20th
Century. Chris Harris, the managing director of the ad agency Leagas Delaney
even claimed that random people on the street if asked to name any advertising
agency they know, they would indicate Saatchi&Saatchi (Armstrong, 2010). The
advertising agency Saatch&Saatchi was founded in 1970 and this is how the
creation of new trends on international marketing communication market has
begun. Nowadays, Saatchi&Saatchi as the leader of the innovations on the inter-
national marketing communication market introduced new terms in the marke-


ting communication theory. The values represented by the brands are becoming
more and more significant, as a result Saatchi&Saatchi introduced the term –
lovemarks (Kaleński, Kwaśniewska, 2012, p. 33).
Lovemarks are called to be the natural next step in the evolution of brands.
The term is about the creation of the emotional relationship between the consu-
mer and the brand. The relationship which enables identifying specific values,
important for the group of people, with the specific brand by the consumers.
Lovemarks are the products, services or individuals who are the inspired to be
loyal. The concept goes far beyond rational messages during communicating
with the consumers. There are two main conditions which have to be fulfilled by
a brand to become a lovemark, it has to gain love and respect of the consumers. The
basic assumption under the theory is that it is the emotions what motivate people to
the action. This concept put an end to the idea that brands try to win the attention of
the consumers. Modern global brands in their marketing communication have to
invite consumers to interact with the brand by building, designing and influencing
the life of the brand (Kaleński, Kwaśniewska, 2012, p. 35).
The lovemark is becoming a trend. More and more companies international-
ly begin to approach this concept. Saatchi&Saatchi presented simple definition
of the lovemark. It is a story, which represents the consumer identity, beliefs,
inspirations, and indicate who they become thanks to the brand. The lovemark
idea is based on the concept that the consumers look for the answer to the qu-
estion what is the actual change in their life proposed by the brand. The message
has to be authentic, make a difference, use storytelling, ensure safety and empa-
thy in order to create archetypes (Wasilewski, 2012, p. 43). All these aspects
influence the loyalty of the consumers, change the ordinary brand into the sub-
ject of the consumers’ deep and true emotions.
Created by Saatchi&Saatchi campaign called ‘Life’s for sharing’ is globally
well-known and is a great example of creating a modern trend – lovemark based
on guerilla and experience marketing concept. It is an extremely successful
campaign prepared for T-Mobile. The basic concept of the campaign was to
invent amazing moments which will compel the viewers in order to make them
share it with the others using their mobile phones. Saatchi&Saatchi has put into
life a series of events which engaged people into moments full of music, move-
ments, positive emotions and joy. It was assumed that people would like to have
a break during waiting in a train station, airport or would like to become a part of
thousands of people singing together in the biggest square of London. It was
assumed that there is a lack of positive energy among British and that they shall
be infected with it, in a way they would love to share with the others without
asking them to do so. The most recognizable and at the same time the first movie


from whole 3-year-long campaign is Liverpool Station Dance commercial. The

advertisement presents the Liverpool Street Station in London, where the com-
muters were surprised with the 350 dancers bursting into flashmob dance at
11.00 am. The three minutes of synchronized dance to eight music tracks was
recorded by the hidden cameras. At the beginning only the 350 dancers were
intended to dance, however, the commuters joined the event beginning to dance
with the others. Other commuters started to record the event by their mobile
phones in order to share it with the others. The happening was described by the
newspapers as ‘epidemic of joy’ (Ellery, 2010). In just three days after the
launch in the Internet, it got almost million hits (Experimental Marketing, 2010).
The success of the commercial encouraged to create next one, this time based on
full engagement of the people invited by the Internet. The Youtube channel invi-
tation was sent to enormous number of web users, as a result around 13 000
people were gathered on 1 May 2010 in Trafalgar Square in London in order to
sing along together with a famous singer – Pink a Beatles song ‘Hey Jude’. The-
re were 2,000 microphones given to the gathered people to share. People could
see the text of the song and the live images of the crowd which were projected
onto enormously big screens. At around 6 pm, the music has started and the
crowd belted out a choice of classics of the karaoke. Commuters, tourists and
passers-by have joined in the happening. Moreover, Saatchi & Saatchi London
installed more than 20 cameras up around the Trafalgar Square in order to captu-
re the crowd singing and sharing positive emotions. Following the event a TV
commercial was created from the recording (Experimental Marketing, 2010).
Welcome Back’ is the fourth commercial from the series ‘Life’s for Sharing’
campaign created by Saatchi&Saatchi London for T-Mobile. The advertisement
presented Heathrow Terminal 5 arrivals which were being welcomed by a crowd
composed of three hundred people who spontaneously burst into song imitating
music instruments and singing, giving the fatigued voyagers a greeting for wel-
come back that they would never forget. The campaign achieved success, the
record footfall was experienced by T-Mobile, following the beginning of the
campaign and a commercial ‘Welcome Back’ is now having had more than nine
million hits on the ‘Life’s for Sharing’ Youtube Channel (Whithanage, Melder,
2011). The Welcome Back campaign got 13 awards, what made it second the
most awarded advertisement in the world. Main awards are:
• Commercial of the Year and two Golden Awards at the British Television Arrows,
• Gold, Silver and Bronze accolades at the Cannes International Advertising Festival,
• a Gold at the Epica awards,
• a book inclusion at the D&AD Awards,
• three Golds at the Kinsale Shark Awards ceremony (Saatchi, 2012).


Campaign Life’s for Sharing got enormous amount of awards during the na-
tional and international contest. During Cannes Lions contest in 2009 it got 10
awards, in 2010 – 3. It was also chosen as Best TV commercial during British
Television Advertising Awards in 2009. Saatchi&Saatchi was nominated for the
best advertising agency in 2009 for to the Life’s for sharing campaign. The cam-
paign was proofed to increased T-Mobile sales. Only after the first movie, the
sales rose by 43%. The campaign also improved the overall image of the com-
pany (Whithanage, Melder, 2011).
One of the biggest and most spectacular 2013 year winner was Ogilvy &
Mather. Ogilvy &Mather is international advertising agency founded in 1948, it
operates almost 500 offices in 120 countries around the world. The agency is
a part of WPP Group. Since the beginning the agency had its motto which is that
“Every advertisement is part of the long-term investment in the personality of
the brand” (Ogivly&Mather, 2013). As a result its marketing communication is
creative and indicates new trends winning more and more awards around the
world and influencing the industry. Ogivly&Mather in the titanium award cam-
paign for Dove ‘Real Beauty Sketches’ indicates that modern marketing com-
munication shall engage consumer on one hand, but also ensure interdisciplinary
approach by using the most complex tools from disciplines seemingly not con-
nected with marketing. As a result, Dove campaign managed to show enormous
disparity between the way how women see themselves in comparison to how
others see them, with the support of an FBI forensics artist. Short film was cre-
ated based on the shocking results immediately creating a sensation upon its
online release which was April 2013, quickly becoming example of another
trend which is viral marketing. Within a week after its release more than 15 mil-
lion people downloaded the video. The video proved Dove slogan ‘you are more
beautiful than you think’ because the picture drawn by FBI specialist based on
the woman description while compared to the one based on the stranger descrip-
tion there was shocking difference noticed. Women usually see themselves in
wrong, caricature perspective and the social message in the campaign intent to
change the women negative perspective of themselves by confronting it with the
real positive opinion of complete strangers. The campaign on one hand had very
positive influence on women self-confidence, on the other hand it gained some
criticism that it focuses too much on the appearance. Nevertheless, the success
of the campaign may be measured by the amount of views, people who ae wil-
ling to share it as viral marketing and satisfied women whose way of viewing
themselves changed drastically (Creativity Online, 2013).


Another winning campaign presented by Ogilvy&Mather was called Scrab-

ble Wifi, which is an example of gamification trend in international marketing
communication practice. The game owned by Mattel was presented to the ow-
ners of mobile devices (smartphones, tablets) in Paris by providing free Wifi for
those who played the game (Weismann, 2013). The reason for conducting such
a campaign is current situation, mobiles connect people across the world, help to
organize everyday lives and entertain. But there is also so called dark side of the
phenomenon, the more people use mobile devices, the more they forget how to
spell. The goal was to encourage smartphone users to play the scrabble word by
rewarding them with a WIFI connection. Basing on scrabble rules, the higher the
score, the longer was the connection. If the user published the score on social
media websites, the score was doubled (Ads of the World, 2013). This is a play-
ful campaign which shows that a brand can engage consumers to use the product
or service offered in a smart way in exchange for something useful, what is the
basic concept of gamification. Engagement of consumers into a game results in
recognition of the brand and emotional relationship with it.
Another 2013 winning campaign was also created by Ogilvy&Mather and
won the outdoor category by spreading the idea of interesting trend in outdoor
campaign – being smart. The campaign was designed for IBM and the main
slogan was: ‘smart ideas for smarter cities’. Several billboards were designed
one that curves over at the top to create a rain shelter. Another one that peels up
from the wall to have a function of the seat. Third type of the billboard was at
the same time a ramp covering steps what fulfills the function of assisting those
wheeling bicycles or suitcases through the streets. The advertisements are desi-
gned with the simple graphics in bold colours to represent its function. A text
encouraging consumers to interact online is placed in each billboard. The billbo-
ards were introduced in London and Paris, however IBM intends to launch the
designs around the world. The campaign is coherent with IBM mission which is
to commit to development of cities around the world in order to become smarter
and make life in these cities better (DeZeen Magazine, 2013). This winning
campaign is a symbol of the new trend in outdoor part of international marketing
communication. The advertisements shall not anymore fulfill its functions like
informing or persuading only, it shall become a consistent part of everyday life
of citizens and commit to the improvement of quality or comfort of life.
Another Cannes Lions 2013 winning campaign was created by DDB agen-
cy for Australian McDonald’s and is called ‘Track my Macca’s’. The reason for
the campaign to be launched was the fact that since several years McDonald's
have tried to change people's negative perceptions of their food without success.


The traditional marketing communication channels haven't worked and the stati-
stics were unfavourable with 50 percent of Australians lack of trust to the
McDonald’s ingredients. In order to bring back the positive attitudes and love
emotions to the brand, TrackMyMacca's was designed. It is an augmented reality
mobile app, that enables customers to track the place from which the ingredients
in the food they just bought came from. TrackMyMacca’s uses the geolocaliza-
tion to find out which restaurant the customer is in. Very sophisticated recogni-
tion software activated by McDonald's packaging calculates what customer is
about to eat. Data gathered by that process was combined with the date and time,
in order for the application to accesses McDonald's broad supply chain in real-
time to find out the story of the exact product sat in front of customer (Mobi-
Thinking, 2013). After that back-stage process, three-dimensional augmented
reality invited the customer to McDonald’s restaurant in which restaurant tables
were turned into stages, letting users pick an ingredient and find out all about it.
App enabled the users to share the experience on facebook what enabled the
spread of the positive responses to the campaign. In the first month after campa-
ign introduction, the App was downloaded 45,883 times, over 51,327 people
viewed the demo video and engagement was strong with 62,219 views on the
core messaging screens. Campaign success can be explained as a spread of seve-
ral trends combined together giving even better effects. The integration of sophi-
sticated technology processes, together with geolocalization, mobile marketing
and transparency of the company enables true engagement of the customer into
relationship with the brand. This results with the trust and true emotions arousal
in between the customer and the brand.

To sum up, international marketing communication is evolving. There is
a huge number of conditions which influence the market to become more and
more complex. As a result, there had to be introduced new terms in the interna-
tional marketing communication theory throughout the years, and the process
was conducted by international advertising agencies and can be easily observed
during industry international contests. The global advertising agencies have the
power, knowledge and creativity potential to introduce and evolve new trends on
the international scale. On the other hand development of new technologies so-
mehow force the new trends onto the market and marketing communication has
to make a use of them in response. All the international marketing communica-
tion trends indicated that the communication is not anymore two dimensional
dialog with the consumer. The trends introduced and created by now led to the


conclusion that international marketing communication is about attachment, emo-

tions causing, crossing the borders and giving the inspiration to the consumers.
It can be concluded that the revolutionary idea of lovemark can be called
a newly created trend. It changes the philosophy of a brand and how to commu-
nicate the brand to the consumer. Few years ago the idea of love in the business
was controversial. Now, the lovemark term opened new chapter in the interna-
tional marketing communication. In new reality, traditional marketing commu-
nication tools are not enough. The control over the process of brand creation is
given to the consumer, marketers have to understand and intrigue them in order
to create deep relationship. Moreover, engagement of the sophisticated techno-
logies or surprising, often smart solutions, which by now were not directly asso-
ciated with the marketing communication concept, enables design of the campa-
igns which surprise consumers and invite consumer into completely new type of
communication. The one which is truly engaging. On the other hand more and
mre often the reality influence the companies to design communication methods
which can commit to the community. Gamification is another growing trend
among international advertising agencies. The reason of that is the fact that usa-
ge of games in the campaign ensure gaining the focus of the consumer for a lon-
ger period of time. What is more, consumer is willing to spread the game among
friend due to the fun it offers. Gamification is the way to entertain the consumer
during the contact with the brand, while in exchange gaining unforced sharing
the information of the brand. Last but not least, among almost all the campaigns
there is one major trend showing off – mobile marketing. Due to rising number
of mobile devices with larger and larger technological possibilities, consumers
demand that companies adjust to their new lifestyles. Modern international mar-
keting communication is constantly developing and it can be claimed that not
only the global advertising agencies play the crucial role in defining its new
trends, but also consumers have major influence nowadays. International adver-
tising awards festivals indicates the most popular and visible trends in the inter-
national marketing communication market every year. It is caused by the fact
that advertising agencies which operates in global and local scale from around
the world gather together and choose the best and most successful campaigns.
Analysis of the campaigns enables to create the reasonable conclusions about
current and forecasted trends of how the marketing communication looks like.


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