Principles of Flight Practice PPL Questions
Principles of Flight Practice PPL Questions
Principles of Flight Practice PPL Questions
1. Density:
a) Reduces with altitude increase
b) Is unaffected by temperature change
c) Increases with altitude increase
d) Reduces with temperature reduction.
3. Air pressure:
a) Acts in all directions
b) Acts only vertically downwards
c) Is measured in Pascals per square inch
d) Increases with altitude
4. In straight and level powered flight the following forces act on an aircraft:
a) Thrust, drag, weight
b) Mass, lift, drag, weight
c) Thrust, lift, drag, weight
d) Mass, drag, lift
8. The airflow over the wing’s upper surface in straight and level flight, when compared with the
freestream, will have:
a) The same velocity
b) Higher density
c) Higher velocity
d) Reduced velocity
5ENT1135 Air Law, Communications & Principles of Flight
9. Which of the four answer options most correctly completes this sentence? Increasing speed
also increases lift because:
a) Lift is directly proportional to velocity
b) The increased velocity of the relative wind overcomes the increased drag
c) Increasing speed decreases drag
d) The increased speed of the air passing over an airfoil’s upper surface decreases the
static pressure above the wing, thus creating a greater pressure differential across the
upper and lower surface
10. An aircraft has a nose down pitching moment due to the lift/weight couple and a nose up
pitching moment due to the thrust/drag couple. When power is increased:
a) It will pitch nose up
b) It will pitch nose down
c) The couples both increase in magnitude but remain balanced
d) The couples both decrease in magnitude but remain balanced
11. Considering the forces acting upon an aircraft, at constant airspeed, which statement is
a) Lift acts perpendicular to the chord line and must always be greater than weight
b) Thrust acts parallel to the relative airflow and is greater than drag
c) Weight always acts vertically downwards towards the centre of the Earth
d) The lift force generated by the wings always acts in the opposite direction to the aircraft’s
12. In straight and level flight, the freestream airflow pressure, compared to that flowing under the
wing, is:
a) Lower
b) Equal
c) Higher
d) Equal pressure but travelling faster
19. What must be the relationship between the forces acting on an aircraft in flight, for that aircraft
to be in a state of equilibrium?
a) Lift must equal thrust, and weight must equal drag
b) Lift must equal drag, and thrust must equal weight
c) Lift must equal thrust plus drag
d) Lift must equal weight, and thrust must equal drag
20. The smooth flow of air, where each molecule follows the path of the preceding molecule, is a
definition of
a) Laminar flow
b) Turbulent flow
c) Free stream flow
d) Wind
22. As indicated airspeed is reduced, in order to maintain altitude, the pilot must:
a) Reduce the thrust
b) Decrease the angle of attack to reduce the drag
c) Deploy the speed brakes to increase drag
d) Increase the angle of attack to maintain the correct lift force
23. That portion of the aircraft’s total drag created by the production of lift is called:
a) Induced drag, which is greatly affected by changes in airspeed
b) Parasite drag, which is greatly affected by changes in airspeed
c) Induced drag, which is not affected by changes in airspeed
d) Parasite drag, which is inversely proportional to the square of the airspeed
5ENT1135 Air Law, Communications & Principles of Flight
24. By changing the angle of attack of a wing, the pilot can control the aircraft’s:
a) Lift, gross weight and drag
b) Lift and airspeed, but not drag
c) Lift, airspeed and drag
d) Lift and drag, but not airspeed
25. Resistance, or skin friction, due to the viscosity of the air as it passes along the surface of a
wing, is a type of:
a) Form drag
b) Induced drag
c) Parasite drag
d) Interference drag
26. If the airspeed of an aircraft is increased from 50 kts to 100 kts, parasite drag will be:
a) Two times greater
b) Four times greater
c) Six times greater
d) One quarter as much
27. An imaginary straight line running from the midpoint of the leading edge of an airfoil to its
trailing edge is called the:
a) Chord
b) Mean camber
c) Airfoil thickness
d) Maximum camber
28. As airspeed increases, induced drag ___________, parasite drag __________ and total drag
a) Increases / increases / increases
b) Decreases / decreases / decreases
c) Decreases / increases / decreases then increases
d) Increases / decreases / increases then decreases
29. If in level flight the airspeed decreases below that for maximum lift/drag, the effect will be that:
a) Drag increases because of increased induced drag
b) Drag decreases because of lower induced drag
c) Drag increases because of increased parasite drag
d) Drag decreases because of lower parasite drag
30. At a constant angle of attack, a decrease in the airspeed of an aircraft will result in:
a) Possible increases or decreases in lift or drag, depending on the actual speed
b) An increase in lift and a decrease in drag
c) An increase in drag and a decrease in lift
d) A decrease in lift and drag
31. If the angle of attack and other factors remain constant, and the airspeed is doubled, lift will
a) Doubled
b) Quadrupled
c) Halved
d) Quartered
5ENT1135 Air Law, Communications & Principles of Flight
32. Which of the answer options most correctly completes this sentence? The amount of lift a
wing produces is directly proportional to:
a) The dynamic pressure minus the static pressure
b) The air density
c) The square root of the velocity flowing over it
d) The air temperature
35. A wing which is inclined downwards from root to tip is said to have:
a) Dihedral
b) Anhedral
c) Washout
d) Taper
36. A wing which is inclined upwards from root to tip is said to have:
a) Sweep
b) Dihedral
c) Washout
d) Anhedral
38. Following a lateral disturbance, an aircraft with Dutch roll instability will:
a) Go into a spiral dive
b) Develop oscillations in pitch
c) Develop simultaneous oscillations in roll and yaw
d) Develop an unchecked roll
41. By design, the centre of pressure on a particular aircraft remains aft of the CG. If the aircraft is
longitudinally stable and is displaced nose down by turbulence:
a) Neither and upward nor a downward force will be generated by the tailplane, as the
aircraft will already be in equilibrium
b) The tailplane will generate an upward force
c) The tailplane will generate a downward force
d) The aircraft will maintain its nose down attitude
42. Wing dihedral produces a stabilising rolling moment by causing an increase in lift:
a) On the lower wing when the aircraft is sideslipping
b) On the up-going wing when the aircraft rolls
c) On the up-going wing when the aircraft is sideslipping
d) On the lower wing whenever the aircraft pitches up
43. When an aircraft is disturbed from its established flight path by, for example, turbulence, it is
said to have positive stability if it subsequently:
a) Continues to pitch in the disturbed direction until the displacement is resisted by opposing
control forces
b) Re-establishes its original flight without any input from the pilot
c) Remains on the new flight path
d) Becomes further displaced from its original flight path
44. Loading an aircraft so that the CG exceeds the aft limit could result in:
a) High stick forces
b) Excessive upward force on the tail, and the nose pitching down
c) Excessive load factor in turns
d) Loss of longitudinal stability and the nose pitching up at slow speeds
49. A pilot lowers the flaps while keeping airspeed constant. To maintain level flight, the angle of
attack must:
a) Be increased
b) Be reduced
c) Be kept constant but power must be increased
d) Be kept constant and power required will be constant
52. When flaps are lowered the stalling angle of the wing:
a) Remains the same, but CLmax increases
b) Decreases, but CLmax increases
c) Increases and CLmax increases
d) Decreases, but CLmax remains the same
53. A high wing configuration with no dihedral, compared to a low wing configuration with no
dihedral, will provide:
a) Greater longitudinal stability
b) Less lateral stability
c) Greater lateral stability
d) The same degree of longitudinal stability as any other configuration because dihedral
gives longitudinal stability
54. Wing leading edge devices such as slats, designed to allow flight at higher angles of attack,
do so by:
a) Re-energising the airflow over the top of the wing, delaying separation
b) Providing an extra lifting surface and hence increase the lift available
c) Changing the span of the wing
d) Decreasing lift and hence induced drag
56. If a landing is to be made without flaps the landing speed must be:
a) The same as for a landing with flaps
b) The same as for a landing with flaps but a steeper approach
c) Increased
d) Reduced
57. The maximum speed at which an aircraft can be flown with flaps extended is called:
b) VNE
c) VNO
d) VFE
60. During a manoeuvre, the ailerons are deflected and returned to neutral when the aircraft has
attained a small angle of bank. If the aircraft then returns to a wings-level attitude without
further control movement, it is:
a) Statically stable
b) Statically and dynamically stable
c) Neutrally stable
d) Statically stable but dynamically neutral
63. When the control column is pushed forward, a balance tab on the elevator:
a) Will move up relative to the control surface
b) Will move down relative to the control surface
c) Will only move if the trim wheel is operated
d) Moves to the neutral position
5ENT1135 Air Law, Communications & Principles of Flight
65. The respective primary and secondary effects of the rudder control are:
a) Yaw and pitch
b) Yaw and roll
c) Pitch and roll
d) Roll and yaw
66. The primary and secondary effects of applying left rudder only are:
a) Left yaw and left roll
b) Left yaw and right roll
c) Right yaw and left roll
d) Right yaw and right roll
69. The respective primary and secondary effects of aileron control are:
a) Pitch and yaw
b) Yaw and roll
c) Roll and yaw
d) Roll and pitch
74. If the angle of attack is increased beyond the critical angle of attack, the wing will no longer
produce sufficient lift to support the weight of the aircraft:
a) Unless the pitch attitude is on or below the natural horizon
b) Unless the airspeed is greater than the normal stall speed
c) Regardless of airspeed or pitch attitude
d) In which case, the control column should be pulled back immediately
75. The stalling speed of an aircraft in straight and level flight is 60 KIAS. What is its stalling
speed in a level 60° banked turn?
a) 43 KIAS
b) 60 KIAS
c) 85 KIAS
d) 120 KIAS
78. The maximum allowable airspeed with flaps extended (VFE) is lower than cruise speed
a) Flaps are used only when preparing to land
b) At speeds higher than VFE the aerodynamic forces would overload the flap and wing
c) Too much drag is induced
d) Flaps will stall if they are deployed at too high an airspeed
81. The stalling speed of an aircraft, assuming weight to be constant, is a function of the:
a) Indicated airspeed
b) Square of the weight
c) Inverse of the load factor
d) Square root of the load factor