Ningrum 2019
Ningrum 2019
Ningrum 2019
Abstract. Shrimp is one major commodities in industry fisheries with high economic value
and market (high demand product). Shrimp is associated to issues of disease, one of which
caused by bacteria. The amount of bacteria that attack shrimp is variable, depending on the
cultivation. This research aims to understand the number and type of dominant pathogenic
bacteria based on the system of extensive and intensive cultivation as well as to compare the
number of pathogenic bacteria on both fishponds. The methods used in this research was
comparative method by t-test of two independent samples. Samples were collected from two
types of aquaculture: intensive and extensive. Three ponds were selected from each type of
activity and 10 shrimps were collected from each of the selected pond as samples. The total
samples collected were 60 shrimps. The observed parameters were the types of bacteria that
exist in the digestive tract. The results show that the most common pathogenic bacteria are
found in intensive cultivation. Intensive ponds have the number of bacteria of Mycobacterium
sp. at 12 isolates, Clostridium sp. at 28 isolates, Flavobacterium sp. at 21 isolates,
Acinetobacter sp. at 18 isolates, Vibrio sp. at 16 isolates, Pseudomonas sp. at 14 isolates,
Bacillus sp. at 28 isolates, and Staphylococcus sp. at 9 isolates. Meanwhile, extensive ponds
have the number of Mycobacterium sp. at 10 isolates, Clostridium sp. at 12 isolates,
Flavobacterium sp. at 15 isolates, Acinetobacter sp. at 18 isolates, Vibrio sp. at 17 isolates,
Pseudomonas sp. at 13 isolates, Bacillus sp. at 37 isolates, and Staphylococcus sp. at 18
Keywords. shrimp, isolate, bacteria.
1. Introduction
The development of shrimp farming is one of the priorities in the development of aquaculture in
Indonesia. Shrimp farming activities in Indonesia began to develop rapidly since 1987 with the
application of extensive, semi-intensive and intensive technology (Ministry of Maritime Affairs and
Fisheries, 2004).
The definition of Shrimp farming activities is raising shrimp in brackish water ponds for a certain
period of time, harvesting and selling them for the purpose of gaining profits. Intensive cultivation
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The 1st International Conference on Fisheries and Marine Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 236 (2019) 012030 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/236/1/012030
used in shrimp farming has the principle of high stocking density by feeding in high doses. Extensive
cultivation is used in shrimp farming activities with the principle of low density solids without giving
extensive feed (Garno, 2004). Giving the right amount of feed can make shrimp grow to a maximum
size (Nuhman, 2009). Davis et al. (1992) stated that the interaction of various kinds of minerals
contained in feed can increase growth. Feeds with different Ca/P ratios determine calcium carapace
content and shrimp feed efficiency.
Farming activities cannot be separated from water quality management. Water quality is also one
of the factors that is the significant to the success of shrimp pond farming (Dahuri et al., 2004).
Control of water quality in general in aquaculture activities includes observing salinity, pH,
temperature and DO (Poernomo, 1992).
Pollution of organic matter in ponds stimulates shrimp disease caused by pathogenic bacteria and
viruses. One source of organic pollutants in ponds is feed. The food given to the pond is not all can be
eaten by the shrimp, some of the remaining food will be suspended in the water and most of the other
will settle at the bottom of the pond. The decomposition of organic food residue requires oxygen
which causes increased use of oxygen in the pond environment. This condition will continue until the
critical point that produces ammonia (NH3) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S) which supports developing
pathogenic bacteria (irianto, 2003).
According to Irianto (2005) bacteria in fish and shrimp can be found on the surface of the external
body and digestive tract. Some bacteria are pathogenic, while others are beneficial for fish because
they aid digestion, synthesize vitamins and decompose organic matter in the waters.
According to Suminto et al. (2007), bacteria found in vannamei shrimp intestine, namely
Enterobacter, Acinobacter, Bacillus, Lactobacillus, Mycobacterium, Flavobacterium, Clostradium,
Desulvovibrio, Alkaligenes, and Vibrio. The bacteria found differ depending on the cultivation
activities carried out. Based on the problems found, further research is needed on the bacteria found in
the digestive tract of vannamei shrimp which are intensively and extensively cultivated.
2. Research method
2.1. Time and Place
This research was conducted from October to November 2016. The vannamei shrimp (Litopenaeus
vannamei) which used were collected from intensive and extensively cultivated ponds in
Ujungpangkah village, Gresik. The research was conducted at the Education Laboratory of the Faculty
of Fisheries and Marine of Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.
3. Research procedure
3.1. Tools preparation
The tools used included petri dish and sterilization was done on test tubes using autoclave. Petri dish
was wrapped using opaque paper or heat-resistant plastic. The test tube was first covered with cotton,
The 1st International Conference on Fisheries and Marine Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 236 (2019) 012030 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/236/1/012030
then wrapped using a heat-resistant plastic. The autoclave was carried out at 121oC temperature for 15
minutes (Dwidjoseputro, 2003).
3.3. Sampling
Samples were taken from two ponds, namely the intensive and extensive ponds that had many plots.
The number of farm plots selected from each pond was three plots. Ten shrimps were taken from each
shrimp pond, and the total shrimps collected was 60 shrimps. Shrimp collected from the farm using
anco tool. The sampling point in one pond was done randomly.
The shrimps collected were 30 days old for each type of cultivation. Ponds with intensive systems
have a salinity of 23 ppt, while ponds with extensive systems have a salinity of 30 ppt. Samples were
placed in containers and given a sample code based on the location of the pond. Ponds with extensive
systems are coded E1, E2, and E3. Ponds with intensive systems are coded I1, I2, and I3.
The 1st International Conference on Fisheries and Marine Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 236 (2019) 012030 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/236/1/012030
The 1st International Conference on Fisheries and Marine Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 236 (2019) 012030 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/236/1/012030
The tubes were incubated at 35oC for 48 hours, then examined for bacterial growth on the lines made.
Positive results are obtained if the bacteria grows to spread from the inoculation line, while the
negative results if the bacteria only grow along the inoculation line (Hadioetomo, 1993).
The 1st International Conference on Fisheries and Marine Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 236 (2019) 012030 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/236/1/012030
Figure 1. Results of bacterial isolation on TSA saline media (left) and TCBS media (right).
The observation of bacteria found in the contents of the vannamei shrimp intestine from two
different pond systems of thirty samples showed 30 bacterial isolates from intensive ponds and 30
bacterial isolates from extensive ponds which overall had almost the same colony morphology.
The 1st International Conference on Fisheries and Marine Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 236 (2019) 012030 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/236/1/012030
Identification is an activity carried out to determine the types of certain organisms with the
observation, testing. The identification of microorganisms begins with testing of colonies, observing
morphological characteristics, testing on test media and biochemical tests (Subyakto, 2009). In
intensive and extensive aquaculture activities, 8 types of bacteria were found to attack vannamei
shrimp. The results of the bacteria found are almost the same because of the similarity in the type of
water used. The number of bacteria found in each type of cultivation does not have a significant
Table 2. The results of identification of all bacteria in intensive and extensive farming.
Quantity Bacteria
No Bacterial species
Intensive Extensive
1 Plesiomonas sp. 12 15
2 Clostridium sp. 28 18
3 Flavobacterium sp. 21 14
4 Acinetobacter sp. 18 18
5 Vibrio sp. 16 15
6 Pseudomonas sp. 14 14
7 Bacillus sp. 28 37
8 Staphylococcus sp. 9 17
9 Bacteria that do not grow 4 10
Total bacteria 146 140
Plesiomonas sp. Bacteria have 12 isolates for intensive cultivation consisting of 3 isolates from
farm 1, 3 isolates from farm 2, and 6 isolates from farm 3. Whereas an extensive number of 15 isolates
consisted of 4 isolates from pond 1, 6 isolates from farm 2 and 5 isolates from ponds 3. Plesiomonas
sp. including pathogenic microbes found in the digestive tract. This bacterium is commonly found in
tropical climates (Molinari dkk, 2003).
Clostridium sp. Bacteria 28 isolates in intensified cultivation consisted of 9 isolates from farm 1, 9
isolates from farm 2, and 10 isolates from farm 3. While 12 isolates in extensive cultivation consisted
of 6 isolates from farm 1, 6 isolates from farm 2 and 5 isolates from farm 3. The difference in the
number of colonies from these two farms is quite high. Clostridium sp. Bacteria can cause food
poisoning, these bacteria produce entotoxins which can attack the digestive tract and cause
gastrointestinal symptoms (Sari, 2010).
Flavobacterium sp. in intensive cultivation has 21 isolates consisting of 9 isolates from pond 1, 6
isolates from farm 2, and 5 isolates from pond 3. Whereas in extensive cultivation there were 15
isolates consisting of 6 isolates from farm 1, 5 isolates from farm 2, 3 isolates from ponds 3.
Flavobacterium sp. bacteria is a type of bacteria that has the potential as a probiotic because it has the
ability to degrade fats, proteins, and carbohydrates (Suminto et al, 2007).
Bacteria Acinetobacter sp. in intensive cultivation there were 18 isolates consisting of 7 isolates
from pond 1, 6 isolates from farm 2, and 5 isolates from pond 3. Whereas in extensive cultivation
there were 18 isolates consisting of 7 isolates from pond 1, 6 isolates from farm 2, and 5 isolates from
ponds 3. According to Jawetz (2005) the bacteria Acinetobacter sp. including the class of Gram
negative bacteria.
Vibrio sp. bacteria in intensive cultivation there were 16 isolates consisting of 6 isolates from farms
15 isolates from farm 2, and 5 isolates from ponds 3. Whereas in extensive cultivation there were 15
colonies consisting of 5 isolates from farm 1, 5 isolates from farm 2 and 5 isolates from ponds 3.
Vibrio sp. bacteria. is a pathogenic bacterium that infects and causes disease when shrimp conditions
are weak and environmental factors are extreme. Number of Vibrio sp. bacteria in intensive
aquaculture ponds there is much less than extensive cultivation (Nasi et al, 2007).
Pseudomonas sp. Bacteria in intensive cultivation there were 14 isolates found in 4 isolates from
The 1st International Conference on Fisheries and Marine Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 236 (2019) 012030 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/236/1/012030
pond 1, 5 isolates from farm 2, and 5 isolates from ponds 3. Bacteria Pseudomonas sp. in extensive
cultivation there were 13 colonies which were found there were 6 from farms 1, 3 from farms 2, and 4
from farms 3. According to Hardhianto (2010), these bacteria are types of bacteria capable of
producing several enzymes such as proteases, amylase and lipase, so that they can helps the digestive
process that takes place in the stomach and intestines.
There were 28 isolates of Bacillus sp. in intensive cultivation consisting of 7 isolates from pond 1,
10 isolates from farm 2, 11 isolates from ponds 3. While in extensive cultivation there were 37 isolates
consisting of 11 isolates from farm 1, 10 isolates from pond 2, 16 isolates from the pond 3. The
bacteria showed the characteristics of Gram positive bacteria in the form of stem cells, catalase and
positive oxidase. According to Holt et al., (1994) Bacillus sp. grows at optimum temperature 28°C.
Bacillus sp. Bacteria is a proteolytic bacterium that can break down proteins into amino acids (Fardiaz,
No Parameter Unit Range
Intensive Extensive
1 Temperature celcius 27-30 28-31
2 Salinity Ppt 23 30
3 pH - 7-7,3 7,3-7,7
4 DO mg/l 4 4
Staphylococcus sp. bacteria in intensive cultivation contain 9 isolates consisting of 3 isolates from
pond 1, 3 isolates from farm 2, and 3 isolates from pond 3. Whereas in extensive cultivation there
were 17 isolates consisting of 6 isolates from pond 1, 6 isolates from pond 2, 5 isolates from ponds 3.
Staphylococcus sp. Bacteria. is a Gram poritive bacterium, motile, with milky white colony (Holt et
al., 1994).
Bacterial growth is influenced by various factors and each bacterium needs a different growth
condition, several factors that influence the growth of bacteria, namely nutrient content, temperature,
pH, DO and light. The value of the temperature range in intensive ponds is 27°C-30°C, while the
temperature range in extensive ponds is 28°C-31°C. This is in accordance with Haliman and Adijaya
(2005) that the optimum temperature of vannamei shrimp growth is between 26°C-32°C.
The results of pH measurements in intensive ponds are around 7-7.3, while the pH range in
extensive ponds is around 7.3-7.7. The pH value of the water is still suitable for the growth of
vannamei shrimp, this is in accordance with the opinion of Wyban and Sweeny (1991) that the pH
range of water that is suitable for intensive vannamei shrimp cultivation is from 7.4 to 8.9 with
optimum value 8.0.
The results of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) measurements from intensive and extensive ponds are 4
mg/L. This is in accordance with the opinion of Suprapto (2005), that the optimum dissolved oxygen
level for vannamei shrimp cultivation is >3 mg/L with a tolerance of 2 mg/L. Bacteria have a
minimum DO in the range of 2 mg/L, the higher the DO value the better for growth (Saoud et al.,
2003). Salinity has a role in osmoregulation. The results of measurements of salinity from intensive
ponds were 23 ppt, while in extensive farms it was 30 ppt. According to Saoud et al. (2003) that
vannamei shrimp is able to tolerate a wide salinity range in the range of 0.5-60 ppt.
5. Conclusion
The number of types of bacteria found from intensive and extensive ponds is almost the same, namely
Plesiomonas sp., Clostridium sp., Flavobacterium sp., Acinetobacter sp., Vibrio sp., Pseudomonas sp.,
Bacillus sp., and Staphylococcus sp. morphological test method, Gram staining test and biochemical
test. The number of bacteria found in intensive ponds differed from the number of batteries found
from extensive ponds. Intensive ponds have a number of Plesiomonas sp. bacteria at 12 isolates,
Clostridium sp. at 28 isolates, Flavobacterium sp. at 21 isolates, Acinetobacter sp. at 18 isolates,
Vibrio sp. at 16 isolates, Pseudomonas sp. at 14 isolates, Bacillus sp. at 28 isolates, and
The 1st International Conference on Fisheries and Marine Science IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 236 (2019) 012030 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/236/1/012030
Staphylococcus sp. at 9 isolates. Meanwhile, extensive ponds have a number of Plesiomonas sp.
bacteria at 10 isolates, Clostridium sp. at 12 isolates, Flavobacterium sp. at 15 isolates, Acinetobacter
sp. at 18 isolates, Vibrio sp. at 17 isolates, Pseudomonas sp. at 13 isolates, Bacillus sp. at 37 isolates,
and Staphylococcus sp. at 18 isolates.
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