DSPP Guidelines September 2024
DSPP Guidelines September 2024
DSPP Guidelines September 2024
September 2024
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respective owners. The information presented is subject to change without notice. Neither ALE Holding nor any of its affiliates assumes any
responsibility for inaccuracies contained herein. © 2024 ALE International. All rights reserved.
Developer & Solution Partner Program -Guidelines
This document describes the target audience of the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE) Developer &
Solution Partner Program (DSPP), as well as the tools and services offered to those individuals or
companies joining this Program or that are willing to join. It also describes the operational
principles and processes that govern the DSPP. More specifically, it will help existing or potential
partners identify the benefits and requirements that apply to their situation.
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise reserves the right to amend and/or add to these guidelines at any time and
at its sole discretion. Any changes will appear on the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Developer &
Solution Partner Program website at https://www.al-enterprise.com/en/partners/dspp
1 MISSION .................................................................................................................................................................. 5
2 DSPP SUPPORTING ALE ECO-SYTEMS ............................................................................................................ 6
3 MEMBERSHIP TYPES .......................................................................................................................................... 7
4 MEMBERSHIP LEVELS ........................................................................................................................................ 8
5 DSPP PROGRAM SERVICES ................................................................................................................................ 9
5.1 SOLUTION LIFE CYCLE .......................................................................................................................................... 9
5.2 SERVICE TYPES.................................................................................................................................................... 10
5.3 DSPP SERVICES .................................................................................................................................................. 11
5.4 SERVICE DESCRIPTION ......................................................................................................................................... 12
5.4.1 Technical services ..................................................................................................................................... 12
5.4.2 Marketing services .................................................................................................................................... 17
5.5 SERVICE AVAILABILITY PER ALE ACTIVITY ........................................................................................................ 18
5.6 SERVICE PRICING ................................................................................................................................................. 19
6 WEBSITES ............................................................................................................................................................. 20
7 APIS ........................................................................................................................................................................ 21
7.1 ABOUT APIS AND SDKS ..................................................................................................................................... 21
7.2 RAINBOW FOR DEVELOPERS APIS ...................................................................................................................... 22
7.3 COMMUNICATION APIS....................................................................................................................................... 23
7.4 NETWORK APIS .................................................................................................................................................. 24
8 CERTIFICATION ................................................................................................................................................. 25
8.1 INTER-WORKING REPORT (IWR) ........................................................................................................................ 25
8.2 CERTIFICATION PROCESS ..................................................................................................................................... 25
8.3 TEST METHODS.................................................................................................................................................... 26
8.4 TESTING AND CERTIFICATION RENEWAL ............................................................................................................. 26
8.5 DSPP CERTIFICATION TICKETS AND QUALIFICATION PACK ............................................................................... 27
9 TECHNICAL SUPPORT ....................................................................................................................................... 28
9.1 INTRODUCTION TO ALE TECHNICAL SUPPORT.................................................................................................... 28
9.2 TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR DSPP CERTIFIED SOLUTIONS ..................................................................................... 29
9.2.1 Scope of Technical Support ...................................................................................................................... 29
9.2.2 Problem diagnostic and technical support flow ........................................................................................ 30
9.2.3 Escalation in case of a valid interworking-report .................................................................................... 31
9.3 ESCALATION IN ALL OTHER CASES ...................................................................................................................... 32
10 MARKETING ACTIVITIES AND MATERIALS ................................................................................................ 33
10.1 DSPP LOGOS .................................................................................................................................................. 33
10.1.1 DSPP Logos by type of membership and or certification .................................................................... 33
10.1.2 How to use DSPP logos ....................................................................................................................... 34
10.1.3 DSPP Logo review and approval ......................................................................................................... 35
10.2 PRESS ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................................................................... 36
10.3 PARTNER PRESENCE ON ALE WEB SITES ....................................................................................................... 36
10.3.1 Solution/Expertise & Company catalog (Find a partner) .................................................................... 36
10.3.2 Listed (or not supported) Solutions ...................................................................................................... 36
10.4 PARTNER PRESENCE OF LEAFLETS AND ECOSYSTEMS ..................................................................................... 37
10.4.1 Leaflet .................................................................................................................................................. 37
10.4.2 Ecosystem ............................................................................................................................................. 37
10.5 CUSTOMER REFERENCE PROGRAM .................................................................................................................. 37
10.6 BRIEFING CENTERS ......................................................................................................................................... 38
10.7 EVENTS AND TRADE SHOWS ........................................................................................................................... 38
10.8 SALES ENABLEMENT....................................................................................................................................... 39
10.9 BUSINESS PLANS ............................................................................................................................................. 39
The Program’s mission is to support a broad ecosystem of developers and partners throughout the
application or solution lifecycle, enabling Program participants to:
A wide variety of organizations and individuals develop applications, solutions, products and
services that complement Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise’s communication solutions for Enterprise.
These include, but are not limited to; developers, universities, startups, technology providers,
software and hardware vendors, infrastructure providers and other entities, as well as Alcatel-
Lucent Enterprise Business Partners and customers who want to develop their own applications.
• Communication Hub
A complete set of APIs dedicated to Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise OmniPCX communication
platforms allowing you to design and integrate your applications or solutions for a wide range of
communication needs including telephony, voice messaging, customer service, alarming, notification,
location, recording, hospitality, accounting.
• Network Hub
Provide APIs and plugins allowing you to build or customize an app while integrating Alcatel-Lucent
Enterprise network solutions.
Communication Network
APIs for ALE OmniPCX Rainbow APIs for ALE Enterprise
Communication Solutions APIs for ALE Rainbow Network Solutions
Cloud CPaaS
By joining this program your become a recognized Expert Developer or/and a Solution Vendor for
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise eco-system.
As an Expert Developer Partner, your company demonstrates its ability to develop innovative
applications or solutions based on specific Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise APIs or SDKs.
As Solution Vendor Partner, your application(s) and/or product(s) are certified to show that they
integrate properly with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Solutions/APIs. Solution Vendor Partners
demonstrate a commitment and strong market presence in key markets for Alcatel-Lucent
As individual and without registration in DSPP program, you can access the different APIs made
available in our different API hubs for free. Beyond that, if you wish to enter in closer cooperation
with ALE, the DSPP program allows you to engage at your pace from Registered Company to
Qualified Partner up to Premium partner.
Registered Company: This is the program entry point. Joining the program as a Registered
Company provides you access to a first level of development tools, documentation and software
with technical assistance during the development.
All Program Participants initially start as Registered Companies and may reach the upper levels:
Qualified Partner (Expert Developer / Solution Vendor) or Premium Partner (Expert Developer /
Solution Vendor) during their journey.
Qualified Partner: As Qualified Partner, your solution(s) and/or expertise(s) are formally tested
and certified to show that they interwork properly with ALE platforms or use properly ALE APIs.
A company with a certified solution (i.e. powered by Rainbow or interoperable for
Communication/network platform) or with an expertise in any given API (to be proven through at
least one solution/project deployed at a customer’s site). Qualified Partners are eligible for
advanced technical and marketing benefits such as interworking reports and DSPP partnership and
certified logos.
Premium Partner: As Premium Partner, you engage in close cooperation with Alcatel-Lucent
Enterprise to develop, market and sell joint solutions based on both parties’ products and solutions.
Premium partners are eligible for advanced technical and marketing benefits such as R&D
collaboration, joint solution definitions and business plan optimization throughout the duration of
the contract.
Membership Levels
During your journey with DSPP Program, you benefit from various services that support you
throughout the solution life cycle, bringing multiple technical and marketing benefits:
Technical Benefits
Develop Deploy
Market Sell
Marketing Benefits
• Technical services
DSPP Program enables Program Participants to develop, certify and deploy their applications and
solutions in Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise environments.
• Marketing services
DSPP Program helps Partners market and sell their application/solution by exposing them to a
wider, global community.
Market Sell
• “A-la-carte” services
A la carte services are unitary services that you can purchase as a registered company if the services
provided for free are not enough for you to go further in understanding the integration with Alcatel-Lucent
Enterprise’s ecosystem or if the number of "a-la-carte" services included in the Qualification Pack does not
cover all your needs (see DSPP Qualification Pack).
The DSPP Qualification Pack sold at a fixed price allows you to undertake the qualification of your
solutions with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise’s ecosystem and thus become a qualified partner. It
includes a certain quantity of "a-la-carte" services plus other several advanced services. If the
number of "a-la-carte" services included in the qualification pack does not cover all your needs, it is
possible to purchase additional ones.
• On quote services
To help developers, along with our SDKs we often provide a sample of source code that can be
used as an example to get started. If specific or customized assistance for coaching, coding,
debugging is needed by the Program Participant, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Professional Services
([email protected]) may be requested and a quote will be proposed
For more details about our services and pricing see next sections.
Access to APIs/SDKs
API/ Software Development Kit (SDK) documentation (developer guides,
Free Free Free
samples, tutorials, …)
Basic technical assistance
Informal basic support through a community-orientated ‘Discussion
Free Free Free
Forum’ web site
DSPP Hosted lab (basic)
Pre-configured dedicated test lab platform hosted at ALE for 30 Days
Provides free, 24/7 hosted labs for integrating and working with ALE Free Free Free
technologies, preconfigured for OXE REST APIs and Rainbow API.
More details at: https://vlab-wiki.dspp.al-enterprise.com/doku.php
DSPP Hosted lab (advanced)
Expert Solution
Service name Registered
developer vendor
Expert Solution
Service name Registered
developer vendor
Expert Solution
Service name Registered
developer vendor
Expert Solution
Service name Registered
developer vendor
Software download
Accessible through DSPP Technical Assistance Ticket "A-la-carte" or
included in DSPP Qualification Pack.
A-la-carte Qualification Qualification
Gives access to My-Portal to access to latest releases to Applications,
Pack Pack
Systems and Products software from all ALE Business Units
DSPP Partner lab software update
Includes an SW upgrade (for all licenses) at fixed price and HW (if any
A-la-carte Qualification Qualification
required) at special discount price.
Pack Pack
Training / Coaching
ALE professional services training courses in various domains related to
On quote On quote On quote
ALE products/solutions
ALE professional services co-development opportunities On quote On quote On quote
(*) On case-by-case basis
(*) On case-by-case basis
(*) On case-by-case basis
ALE websites related to DSPP consists of three parts:
• A public area included on the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise corporate web site: https://www.al-
This public area has been designed to promote the Program and associated partners and to
maximize the exposure of Expert Developers and Solution Vendors. It also provides access
to any public technical resources (API Hub, etc.) and to the private area to handle any
advanced technical assistance.
• A private area, that is only accessible with specific credentials, included in the ALE
Business Portal: https://myportal.al-enterprise.com/
The private area is shared with ALE Business Partners and will provide all Inter-Working
Reports (IWRs), all software associated to ALE platforms, and additional technical
information like the Technical Library and the Technical Knowledge Center.
7 APIs
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise makes it simple to integrate third-party applications with Rainbow for
Developers Communication Platform as Services (Rainbow CPaaS), network infrastructure,
communications platforms and software suites.
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise products offer a large range of APIs and SDKs that are documented and
supported by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise experts. These enable your application/solution to
interoperate with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise solutions, while offering your customer a rich set of
• Public APIs
Public APIs give you access to the latest Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise technologies, whether
you want to develop innovative applications for Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise phones, empower
your business applications with IP communication features, or provide users with the global
benefits of unified communications. Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise public API documents are
accessible to every developer, free of charge.
• Reserved APIs
Reserved APIs are open to Participants under a specific agreement from Alcatel-Lucent
Enterprise and with a contractual commitment from all Participants. In general, any
Participant must commit to certify their resulting solution based on the use of one of those
• Unpublished APIs
Unpublished APIs require collaboration with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise R&D (Research and
Development) department.
For more information about our APIs, please go the ALE API Hubs public websites.
It is:
• People only
• Objects only
• People and objects (applications, bots, etc.)
Using Rainbow for Developers SDKs and APIS is free when you connect your application to our
dedicated Rainbow sandbox platform. Once your application is ready for production use, you can
connect it to the Rainbow production platform, and you can use different models to get charged.
- Alcatel-Lucent OXO Communication Server (OXO and OXO Connect): The Alcatel-
Lucent Enterprise OXO is an integrated communications system for small and medium-sized
businesses (SMBs), providing a personal communications manager (Alcatel-Lucent PIMphony
Softphone), an advanced call center solution, secure high-speed Internet access, advanced TDM
and IP telephony and LAN switching. The Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise solution consists of a pre-
configured server that provides every employee with voice, Internet, e-mail.
Those main platforms support a vast range of phones based on several technologies (TDM, IP,
WLAN, DECT), and several advanced integrated applications.
Spacewalkers Developer Center gathers all available APIs or plugin. ALE Network R&D team is
devoted to providing developers with a single, central location for all ALE network solutions APIs
in order to streamline access to services and improve the user experience.
Program Participants may have their solution(s) and/or product(s) formally certified to demonstrate
that their solution(s) and/or product(s) properly function with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise platforms.
The aim of the Solution Certification is to:
The IWR is a technical reference document written jointly by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise and the
Partner company, and describes the testing configuration, selected features and results. The IWR
may also contain any known potential inter-working limitations.
The IWR is valid for two years and must be updated in case of product or SDK major update.
▪ “On-site testing” carried out at Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise in the presence of one or more
representative from the Partner company, and an Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise technical
support engineer
▪ “E-testing” carried out at the Participant’s premises through a network connection to the
central Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise lab platform. Availability of e-testing depends on the
solution/product type
▪ “Self-testing” carried out at the Participant’s premises, based on a test plan and guideline
provided beforehand by Alcatel-lucent Enterprise. The test results are verified by Alcatel-
Lucent Enterprise
For all testing methods, Participants will be expected to pay the appropriate testing fees (DSPP
Qualification Pack) and must have Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise engineers present during the testing to
provide technical support and ensure that the correct procedures are always followed.
2. Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise has a new product release that may impact the Partner company’s
3. The maximum validity period has expired (two years after the IWR publication date)
Failure to maintain the validity of the Inter-Working status will result in the Partner losing their
ability to use the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Certified Solution logo and access any associated
Note: The Inter-Working report becomes automatically obsolete when the mentioned product
releases are end of life. Consequently, ALE will not support the interoperability with the 3rd party.
The DSPP Qualification Pack (see section DSPP Service Pricing) must be ordered by all Partners
willing to certify their application(s) / solution(s). This package includes three DSPP Certification
Tickets. Additional tickets may be required at a later stage for an additional cost.
The number of tickets necessary to do a certification is based on the time it takes to achieve the
following steps:
• Definition of a Test Plan which will be executed during the testing session (this Test plan
can be built for specific purpose or can be reused from an existing one already applied to a
similar solution)
• Preparation of the lab test
• Execution of the tests
• Writing of the Inter-Working report
• Validation by both parties
• Publication of the report
The execution of the test plan will be achieved in one go and the report will be written with all
results including any potential issues. However, if the global result is too bad, the report won’t be
accepted, and a new certification will have to be rescheduled for an additional fee.
Please note that the certification time slot does not allow for R&D to immediately be available and
address issues.
It is highly recommended that you access one of DSPP hosted lab to prepare for any impending
tests. Through the DSPP Qualification Pack, Partners will have access to a predetermined number
of tickets which can only be used for technical support. Those tickets could be used to escalate any
questions/issues during the preliminary tests, in order to be ready for their certification session.
(PMS: Property Management System, a common name for Hospitality (Hotels) management
ALE technical Support is provided via telephone (hot line), email or via the ALE Portal (MyPortal),
24 hours per day 7 days a week, in accordance with the response times and severity levels set out in
the Service Level Agreement.
Which describes the terms and conditions applicable to support and maintenance Services for ALE
It is a complement to the Distributorship Agreement (“Agreement”) and applies to ALE resellers,
either on a direct or indirect mode (“Business Partners”).
The Global Welcome Center is the main entry point of contact for all ALE International Partners.
Opening an eService Request (eSR) is the way to contact the Global Welcome Center
ALE technical support service enables Participants with a valid certification (solution vendor)
and/or accreditation (expert developer) to collaborate with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise experts and
Business Partners to solve technical issues raised in production.
ALE Technical Support for issues raised in production must be distinguished from DSPP
Technical Assistance (refer to DSPP Technical assistance ticket) where the participant is asking for
help or assistance during the development phase. A DSPP Technical Assistance ticket is handled
with a lower priority/severity level compared to issues coming from a customer site in production
through Technical Support Tickets. For an issue in production phase to be addressed with the
highest level of priority and in the most efficient way, it is strongly recommended to escalate this
issue to ALE technical support through the Business Partner in charge of the customer system. ALE
Technical Support team will need to access the system for further investigation into traces/log
analysis and only the Business Partners have the skills or necessary credentials for that purpose.
▪ The major releases of both parties are certified. Intermediate versions may be certified or
not depending on a mutual decision. Only the existence of the IWR in the Alcatel-
Lucent Enterprise web-portals for the appropriate Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise and
Solution partner release, guarantees that the solution release has been certified with this
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise release
▪ If the IWR for the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise release is not available or no longer valid,
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise is not required to provide support for that given product or
solution. Solutions delivered by Participants, but not certified will not be supported.
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise shall however propose the On-Demand Diagnostic service
where assistance will be provided on receipt of payment
▪ The existence of the IWR engages Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise and the Participant. Both
parties are engaged, not exclusively Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise
The principle is that Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Technical Support will be subject to the existence of
a valid Inter-Working Report within the limits defined in the chapter “Limits of the Technical
In case technical support is granted, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise and the Participant are engaged in the
following way:
(*) The Participant Distributor can be a Third-Party company or the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise
Business Partner itself.
Case 1: the responsibility is 100% on the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise side. In that case, the problem
must be escalated by the ALE Business Partner to the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Support Center
using the standard process (i.e. open an eService Request ticket)
➢ The Program participant shall be contacted first by the ALE Business Partner
(responsible for the solution, see figure in previous page) for an analysis of the problem.
➢ The Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Business Partner will escalate the problem to the Alcatel-
Lucent Enterprise Support Center. This should only happen if the Participant has
demonstrated, with traces, a problem on the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise side, or if the
Participant (not the ALE Business Partner) requires the involvement of Alcatel-Lucent
In that case, the ALE Business Partner must provide the reference of the Case Number on
the Program Participant side. The Participant must provide to Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise the
results of its investigations, traces, etc., related to that Case Number.
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise reserves the right to close the case opened on his side if the
investigations made on the Participant side are insufficient or do not exist.
Note: Known problems or remarks mentioned in the IWR will not be considered.
For any issue reported by an ALE Business Partner outside the scope of the IWR, Alcatel-Lucent
Enterprise may offer the “On Demand Diagnostic” service where Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise will
provide eight hours assistance on receipt of payment.
IMPORTANT NOTE 1: The possibility to configure the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise PBX with
ACTIS quotation tool in order to interwork with a third-party solution is not a guarantee for the
availability and support of the solution. The reference remains the existence of a valid Inter-
Working Report.
Please check the availability of the Inter-Working Report on the relevant Alcatel-Lucent website.
1. An Inter-Working Report exists but is no longer valid (see chapter “Validity of an Inter-
Working Report” in the IWR)
2. The third-party company is referenced as a Program Participant but there is no official Inter-
Working Report (no IWR published on all ALE web portals)
In all the above cases, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise offers the “On Demand Diagnostic” service where
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise will provide eight hours assistance on receipt of payment.
Partnership and Certified logos for Expert Developers & Solution Vendors can be use in marketing
communications including presentations, technical and marketing documentation, websites, press
releases, articles, panels, etc.
When a Partner needs to identify Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise as one of the companies they partner
with but without any valid DSPP Program partnership or certification, only the official Alcatel-
Lucent Enterprise corporate logo shall be used for any marketing communications such as:
websites, graphic panels, e-marketing campaigns, advertising and other promotional materials.
Use of DSPP logos and/or ALE corporate logo must be reviewed and approved by an Alcatel-
Lucent Enterprise representative.
Partners may wish to issue a press release upon successful completion of the certification,
accreditation process, customer project or specific use-case.
All partner press releases mentioning Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise must be approved by the Alcatel-
Lucent Enterprise corporate press department. Upon validation, these press releases could also be
posted in the Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise press room.
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise may wish to issue a joint press release in collaboration with some
Solution and Application Partners. The same approval and publication processes will apply.
▪ A solution brief contains all the information about a solution with all the technical details to
help a potential customer or Business Partner to decide whether or not to deploy such a
▪ A company brief contains information about the company as well as business contacts and a
links to its website
▪ Support process indicating how the Partner will support its solution or application, and the
escalation process
▪ An expertise brief contains information about the skill and technical know-how of a
company with all the technical details to help a customer or a Business Partner select the
company to develop or customize its specific solution
▪ Marketing and technical documents may be also attached to previous briefs
The DSPP Catalog will also mention all those unsupported solutions, but they will be explicitly
distinguished from the certified and supported solutions. Less detailed information will be required
for such an entry into the Catalog.
All certified solutions belonging to a participant that has left the program (on their own accord or at
ALE’s discretion), or when the associated IWR is no longer valid (expiration date of the report [2
year], version no longer commercialized, etc.) are automatically mentioned as being Unsupported.
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise reserves the right to review and amend the Participant information
(without altering content) as well as to remove information or related collateral that is not
appropriate or not directly in line with the certified solution and/or expertise level.
ALE periodically publishes documents mentioning third-party solutions that address specific
markets or domains.
10.4.1 Leaflet
10.4.2 Ecosystem
These case studies can be developed by members or Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise. They may be posted
on various Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise websites (Enterprise Portal, Business Partner Portal and
With locations worldwide, Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise Briefing Centers showcase the latest Alcatel-
Lucent Enterprise solutions, helping to deliver key messages and keep clients informed of the latest
Briefing centers illustrate how Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise solutions meet the general communication
needs of small, medium and large enterprises and specific verticals. Selective Joint ALE solutions
and Participant Validated/Certified Solutions may be associated with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise
demonstrations through joint demonstration scripts and messages.
Selected participants may be associated with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise at local and central events
that are major meeting points for enterprise customers, service providers, distributors and solution
developers, as well as industry influencers such as press, analysts and consultants.
Some exhibitor packs dedicated to Participants may be available including booth rental and
promotion at very competitive prices.
Participants may be invited to customer presentations (for example, round tables, conferences,
workshops etc.) organized by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise at central and local levels.
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise may also participate in Partner events: internal seminars, re-seller or
customer events, booth sharing in trade shows, etc.
Market Sell
Partner sales tools kits are available, including marketing and technical collateral on joint solutions:
▪ Customer/sales presentation
▪ Joint data sheet
▪ Customer case study
▪ Technical and sales training
▪ FAQs
▪ Scope and business objectives of the partnership, as well as the means to reach those goals
(allocated budget, resources and schedules etc.)
▪ Associated marketing plan describing the necessary marketing actions and deliverables
▪ Common roadmap
▪ Common reporting process
▪ Common human resources to coordinate and execute the business plan
11.1 Principle
• Conditions
• Agreement
• Conditions
• Acceptance
• Conditions • Renewal
• Acceptance
• Auto-renewal
11.2 Registered
11.2.1 Conditions
Regardless of the targeted membership level, the beginning of the registration process is composed
of the following steps:
B) Fill in and submit the online registration form to provide general information about the
company and candidate solution(s) or expertise(s). Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise will use the
information to evaluate the interest of membership in the Program and its technical
11.2.2 Acceptance
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise will acknowledge the candidacy upon receipt of the completed
registration from. Then Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise will evaluate the suitability of the candidate
based on different criteria amongst which:
▪ The Program is open to companies that wish to develop products and services that are
compatible with Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise platforms and technologies (including certain
OEM products), and which offer a value proposition that complements the Alcatel-Lucent
Enterprise portfolio.
▪ The company can justify an existing registration in one of the APIs Hubs (Communication,
▪ The company can justify an existing registered application, developed or co- development
by a developer belonging to such company (self-services sign-through Rainbow for
Developers API Hub).
Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise will notify you by email of the results of the evaluation. In case of
acceptance this will make the partnership official.
Membership renewal is automatic and does not require participant involvement, except if you were
previously asked to leave the program.
11.3 Qualified
11.3.1 Conditions
• Expert Developer
Becoming a Qualified Expert Developer requires the capability to demonstrate your
expertise on ALE APIs by providing examples of at least two customer projects/solutions
which involve ALE APIs (or special cases at ALE discretions).
• Solution Vendor
If you integrate with Communication APIs, you will have successfully completed the certification
process (refer to Certification section) with an Inter-Working Report being published and you are
committed to maintain that status.
If you integrate with Rainbow for Developers or Network APIs, you should justify the
integration of ALE APIs into a minimum of two projects/solutions, or at least into one
solution running at an end customer site.
11.3.2 Acceptance
• Communication platforms
Acceptance in the Program as a Qualified partner is conditional on the successful execution
of certification process.
A specific package called “DSPP Qualification Pack” has been designed to help the member
pass the certification.
Qualified status is conferred upon payment of the applicable fees (unless otherwise stated).
Please note that participants who are invited to become Qualified will initially be classified
as Registered Companies until receipt of the payment of the associated fee and the success
of the certification process. They will become Qualified once their solution has been
awarded Certified Solution status. This level will be kept for two years. After this period, a
new certification will be required (through a new Qualification package) otherwise the
company will become Registered (and lose all the benefits associated with the Qualified
membership level) and the solution will be in unsupported status.
Upon acceptance, one or more login(s) will be provided for the private area of the Developer
Partner Portal, providing access to the Program's benefits and services.
11.3.1 Renewal
Program renewal is expected every two years and requires the following actions:
• Pay the DSPP Qualification fee
• Approve the amendments that Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise may have written into the
Program Terms and Conditions
• Keep marketing and technical documents up to date (Partner Brief, IWRs, etc.)
11.4 Premium
• Communication Hub
• Network Hub
▪ Program Guidelines
▪ Terms and Conditions
▪ DSPP leaflet
▪ Ecosystem per Verticals (Hospitality, Healthcare, Transportation, Education, Government)
▪ Ecosystem per domain (SIP, Voice Recording, Headsets)
▪ Candidature form (for registration)
▪ Company form (for ALE Web exposure)
▪ Inter-Working Report (IWR) (for qualification)