Unobserved Ospe

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Station 1

Foundation Anatomy

1.which bone is this and belong to which category (Femur)

2.bones of axial skeleton
3.facial bones belong to which category
4.seasmoid bone is
5. canal perpendicular to haversian canal

Station 2
Foundation Anatomy

1. Which cavity is this ( yolk sac)

2. In which week it is formed
3. What are the two layers of embryoblast at this stage
4. Define decidual reaction
5. Derivative of endoderm
Station 3
Loco anatomy

1. Muscle labeling
2. Brachial artery divides at what level
3. Braches of brachial artery
4. Profunda femoris artery branch anastomosis at elbow
5. Which nerve passes between two heads of flexor carpi ulnaris

Station 4
Loco Anatomy

1. Plantar aponeurosis
2. Calcaneal spur
3. Muscles of first layer of foot
4. Muscle supplied by medial plantar nerve
5. Medial compartment muscle of foot
Station 5
Foundation Biochem

1. Iodine test
2. Polysaccharide
3. How two groups are distinguished by this test
4. Sources of starch
5. Enzyme for breakdown of alpha linkage of startch ( phosphorylase)

Station 6
Foundation biochem

Bieuret test picture

1. Which tube result is correct - A
2. Test used for what ?
3. Test for aromatic amino acids
4. Millons test is used for ( Tyrosine )
5. Sulphur test is used for ( cysteine and cystine)

Station 7
Loco physio
Graph of NCV
1. Which record is this
2. Why latency period is more for elbow
3. Factors affecting stimulus
4. Calculating NCV

Station 8
Loco physio
1. What is Power lab
2. Uses of Power lab
3. What is simple muscle twitch
4. Which practicals are done on power lab in locomotor system

Station 9
Loco biochem
1. Which case is this - (Rickets)
2. Why is it caused
3. ALP is raised in which conditions
4. Calcium normal value

Station 10
Blood physio
1. What is tonicity
2. Types of tonicity
3. Shape of RBC in hypotonic
4. What is meant by hemolysis

Station 11
CVS physio

Graph of ventricle contraction

1. Which graph is this
2. Change in voltage during action potential
3. Repolarization is caused by which ion
4. Plateau is caused by
5. Property of cardiac muscle ( Plateau )
Station 12
Respiratory physio

Graph for FEV1

1. What is A and B ( Restrictive / Obstructive )
2. Two examples of A
3. Two Examples of B
4. What is the main issue in restrictive and obstructive diseases
5. Define FEV1

Station 13
Blood Physio
1. Total leukocyte count
2. Neutropenia causes
3. Most numerous white blood cell
4. Increased white blood cell type in parasitic infection and hypersensitivity
5. Cellular elements in blood

Station 14
CVS Anatomy
Embryo heart diagram
1. What is labeled C ?
2. Which structure is formed by it ?
3. Smooth Atrium part is formed by?
4. Coronary sinus is formed by?
Station 15
Respiratory Anatomy

1. Mediastinum diagram labeling

2. Posterior mediastinum boundry
3. Braches of descending Aorta
4. Superior vena cava is formed by

Station 16
GIT Anatomy

Picture of congenital omphalocele

1. Which artery supply midgut
2. Midgut derivative
3. Which hernia is this
4. Reason for hernia
5. Herniation of intestine occur in which week

Station 17
GIT biochem
Case of jaundice
1. Which type of jaundice it is
2. Sensitive enzyme of liver
3. How Urobilinogen is formed
4. Why stool is dark colored
5. What could be the cause of jaundice in this case

Station 18
CVS biochem
Case of myocardial infarction
1. What is the diagnosis
2. Which enzymes are biomarker of heart attack
3. What is troponin
4. Which is most sensitive
5. For how long troponin remains elevated in blood

Station 19
Respiratory biochem
1. What is the disturbance ( Metabolic Acidosis)
2. Cause ( diabetic ketoacidosis )
3. Why sweet smell in breath ( Acetone )
4. Ph range
5. Blood buffers

Station 20
Blood biochem

Electrophoresis apparatus picture

1. Which apparatus is this
2. Two instruments of this
3. Principle
4. Supporting media
5. Uses

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