Effects of Acupressure On Fatigue in Patients With Cancer

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e88 Abstracts / European Journal of Surgical Oncology 45 (2019) e25ee158

commenced. symptoms related to obstruction or to gastrointestinal bleeding. Only 30 %

Conclusion: Chemo-port placement is one of the useful and effective of cases are diagnosed in adult. In Literature, is reported from 1 out of
modalities in the armamentarium of oncologist for the management of 25,000 to 1 out 100,000 deliveries of duplication of gastrointestinal sys-
cancer patients. It provides a ready access to the venous system for in- tem, but duodenum duplications are less than 5% of all. Duodenal dupli-
fusions and also for withdrawal of blood. It avoids the complication cation cysts are usually located in the second or the third part of
associated with multiple veni-punctures. It can be easily done by surgeons duodenum, and can communicate with duodenal lumen or be extended
utilizing body surface markings only and without image guidance. into posterior mediastinum, communicate with gall bladder or commu-
Conflict of interest: No conflict of interest. nicate with the pancreaticobiliary duct.
Material and methods: We reported the case of a 70 years-old-man (the
333 oldest one in literature) with a duodenal duplication cyst. He presented
EFFECTS OF ACUPRESSURE ON FATIGUE IN PATIENTS WITH CANCER diarrhoea and jaundice with an increase of bilirubin levels and liver en-
UNDERWENT CHEMOTHERAPY zymes. At RM, it's presents a cystic formation of 27 x 24 x 25 mm with
inhomogeneous content in correspondence of the periampullary region.
A. Ghanbari1, M. Sharifi2, M. Adib1. 1 Guilan University of Medical Sciences, This formation interrupted the Wirsung duct showing an apparent
nursing and midwiffery, Rasht, Iran; 2 Babol University of Medical Sciences, communication with it. Moreover, it displaced, compressed and imprinted
nursing and midwiffery, Ramsar, Iran the pre-papillary Choledochal segmen. We performed an endoscopic ul-
trasonography and three possible diagnoses were supposed: duodenal
Background: Cancer-related fatigue is the commonest symptom in cancer duplication cysts, for its structural characteristics, choledochocele and
patients, with a high prevalence in most of studies. Side effects of medi- cystic dystrophy of the duodenal wall.
cations and non-suitable relief of fatigue with medications, shifts the pa- Results: Patients underwent to surgical approach. The duodenotomy
tients to complementary and alternative medicine like acupressure demonstrated a voluminous cyst protruding inside the lumen of the sec-
medicine. The benefits of acupressure are ensured in the previous studies ond portion. The cyst was then marsupialized through the common wall,
such as breast cancer, in which depression and fatigue were promoted by and a cytological examination of the cystic content and a wide cystic wall
acupressure. In this study we tried to perform a rigorous design and biopsy was performed intraoperatively. The results were negative for
methods to increase the strength of evidence from this study, in order to malignancy, therefore a cysto-duodenostomy was performed and a 12
evaluate the efficacy of acupressure in patients with cancer underwent French T biliary drainage was positioned.
chemotherapy. Histopathological examination showed fibromuscular tissue fragments,
Materials and Methods: This study was a randomized clinical trial in partially covered by columnar epithelium, presumably expression of a
which the effect of acupressure medicine on fatigue in all-cancer under- benign mucous cysts.
went chemotherapy referring to different hospitals of Rasht, performed Conclusions: Duodenal duplication cysts is a congenital pathology of
during 2014-2015. Participants were enrolled in one of these three groups childhood and the onset in adults is very rare in clinical series. The Authors
by randomized blocking sampling during the period of study; group (1): reported a case of 70 years old patient- the oldest patient reported in
acupressure treatment group, group (2): placebo group, group (3): con- English Literature- in which definitive pathology confirmed diagnosis,
servative routine treatment. In all patients three acupoints during and following “open” cysto-duodenostomy and full biopsy. Preoperative
after chemotherapy performed acupressure treatment. Two standard tools diagnosis might be very difficult and endoscopic ultrasound is of para-
Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS) and Visual Analogue Score (VAS) and a mount importance excluding duodenal dystrophy or pancreatic neo-
checklist of demographic data and other related factors were used. The plasms. Follow-up is indicated in asymptomatic duodenal duplication
data were statistically analyzed, using SPSS version 22 with Chi Square, cysts of small dimensions. Endoscopic treatment might be the treatment of
Independent T-Test, Repeated measure analysis of variance and Tukey Test. choice in symptomatic patients reserving surgery in selected cases or in
Results: 90 patients randomized in three groups: 30 patients in each rare conditions of suspected malignant disease.
groups. There were no significant differences between participants' vari- Conflict of interest: No conflict of interest.
ables between three groups and all of characteristics were distributed
normally. Mean age of participants was 52.12±14.4 years old. Majority of 336
participants were female (58.9%), married (91.1%) and elementary educa- BIOPSY IN DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSTICS OF DESTRUCTIVE LESIONS OF
tion (91.1%). Majority of patients had gastrointestinal related cancers (31, THE SPINE
34.4%). The mean of FSS based on VAS is not significantly different before
and during chemotherapy (P<0.05), it is significantly different in three K. Abdikarimov, M.A. Gafur-Akhunov, D. Polatova, S. Urunbaev, B.
groups after chemotherapy (P¼0.021). The mean of VAS in acupressure Sultanov, U. Islamov, R. Davletov, A. Abdikarimov. National Oncology
gorup was meaningfully lower than control group after chemotherapy Scientific Center, General Oncology, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
(P¼0.028). Residence of patients (P¼0.013) and FSS (P¼0.008) significantly
predicted extent of VAS after chemotherapy and using Alkylating agents Background: To determine the effectiveness of trepanobiopsy in
(P¼0.043) and FSS (P¼0.019) during chemotherapy in acupressure group. morphological verification of destructive lesions of the spine.
Conclusions: Results of this investigation showed that acupressure in Material and methods: For morphological verification 26 patients with
three points of L14, ST36 and SP6 has short-term effectiveness on the destructive changes of the spine underwent percutaneous biopsy of spine.
cancer-related fatigue of patients undergoing chemotherapy. Regarding to Manipulation carried out under the three projection X-ray control, with a
high incidence of fatigue in patients with cancer, we suggest acupressure standard needle for vertebroplasty with minor rework tip of the needle to
as a non-toxic and harmless non-pharmacological therapy to reduce this improve the capture of biopsy. Of the 26 patients, 19 had multiple spinal
adverse events in patients with cancer. lesions, 7- isolated lesions of the body of the spine. 12 patients underwent
Conflict of interest: No conflict of interest. trephine biopsy of the thoracic spine,10 - the lumbar and 4 - from the sacrum.
Results. Of the 26 patients in 6 oncological pathology no revealed. The
334 nonspecific spondylitis was on the background of inflammation in 1,
DUODENAL DUPLICATION CYSTS. A CASE REPORT OF THE OLDEST MAN osteoporosis of unknown etiology in 2 and TB lesion in 3 patients. Onco-
IN LITERATURE logic pathology diagnosed in 20 patients. Histologically: 3 patients had
multiple myeloma (plasmacytoma), 11 - metastatic adenocarcinoma, 3 -
R. Patrone, C. gambardella, G. conzo. Division of General and Oncologic giant cell tumor, 2 - reticulosarcoma and 2 patients - lymphoma.
Surgery - University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Department of Further, the patients with non-cancer pathology were referred to other
Cardiothoracic Sciences, Via Pansini 5, 80131, Napoli, Italy specialized medical institutions. Patients with malignant lesions depend-
ing on the histological variant of spinal lesions were performed decom-
Background: In the cluster of the congenital malformation of gastroin- pression-stabilizing surgery, percutaneous vertebroplasty with medical
testinal system there is visceral duplication. This is a rare development cement, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
abnormality that occur mainly in infant and children and is detected for Conclusion. Thus, minimally invasive technique of percutaneous spinal

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