Developing Physical Literacy

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Building a New Normal for All Canadians


Colin Higgs, PhD Jim Grove
John Cairney, PhD Mark Verbeek
Paul Jurbala, PhD Andrea Carey, MEd
Dean Dudley, PhD Heather Ross-McManus
Richard Way, MBA Lucinda Jagger
Drew Mitchell P.J. Naylor, PhD
Tyler Laing

Sport for Life is grateful to our review team for the insights, effort and time
they put into this resource.

Alexandra Stoddart, PhD Melanie McKee

Alexandra Wilson, MSc Natalie Philippe, RN
Alyssa Hindle, MSc Pierre Morin
Louise Humbert, PhD

ISBN: 978-1-927921-42-5

Copyright© 2019 Sport for Life Society. All rights reserved.

No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form for commercial
purposes, or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording
or from any information stored in a retrieval system, without permission from the authors or
Sport for Life.


Ce document est disponible en français. Veuillez contacter [email protected]

si vous souhaitez recevoir une copie.

This project is funded in part by the Government of Canada.

Ce projet est financé en partie par le gouvernement du Canada.

Physical activity and its associated health benefits are well-known to
people involved in public health, education and sport. It is also known
that physical inactivity contributes to poor well-being, increased
health care costs, reduced quality of life, and shorter life expectancy.
This document discusses the important contribution of physical
literacy in overcoming the inactivity crisis.

As defined in Canada’s Physical Literacy Consensus their physical literacy through daily vocational activi-
Statement (International Physical Literacy Association, ties and other forms of habitual physical activity that
2014),“Physical Literacy is the motivation, confidence, were largely physical in nature. However, in today’s
physical competence, knowledge and understanding world children are much less frequently engaged in
to value and take responsibility for engagement in unstructured play, and adults are increasingly sed-
physical activities for life.” In the past, children devel- entary at work and at home, which has led to an
oped physical literacy in part through regular unstruc- inactivity crisis.
tured play, and the vast majority of adults maintained
To address the inactivity crisis, Canada has developed and Curbing Childhood Obesity: An overview of the
a national policy document titled A Common Vision federal, provincial and territorial framework for action
for Increasing Physical Activity and Reducing Seden- to promote healthy weights (Government of Canada,
tary Living in Canada: Let’s Get Moving that “serves 2011). In the Common Vision document, specific
to complement and align with other relevant policies, emphasis is placed on the importance of physical
strategies and frameworks”(Government of Canada, literacy to increase physical activity. These documents
2018) including the Canadian Sport Policy 2.0 (2012), demonstrate how physical literacy is associated with
“A Framework for Recreation in Canada” (Canadian lifelong involvement in physical activity. Therefore,
Parks and Recreation Association/Interprovincial Sport it is critical that physical literacy, like numeracy and
and Recreation Council, 2015), Active Canada 20/20: literacy, is fostered from an early age and developed
A physical activity plan for Canada (Spence et al., 2015), throughout the life course.


Inactivity related deaths
Annual Number of Deaths

(Heart disease, Stroke and Diabetes)



15000 Cancer related deaths



*Does not include other forms of age-related dementia


1-14 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+

Age Group (Years)

Figure 1: Canada’s Aging Population and the Burden of Disease

Compiled from: Statistics Canada. Leading Causes of Deaths in Canada, 2009, CANSIM Tables 102–0561 and 102–0562. Date modified: 2013-10-03

This document describes the essential components of physical literacy, outlines how to support
the development of physical literacy in all stages of life, and discusses strategies for delivering
coordinated physical literacy programs for Canadians of all ages, genders, ethnicities and
abilities. This resource is not a programming guide but rather a road map for all citizens to
enjoy greater health, well-being and inclusion by choosing an active lifestyle founded on
physical literacy.
Table of Contents
Physical Literacy...................................... 2 Sectors and Practices............................ 73
The Need for Physical Literacy................................. 3 Public Health......................................................... 74
Defining Physical Literacy........................................ 7 Recreation............................................................ 76
Core Elements of Physical Literacy......................... 12 Sport.................................................................... 78
Valuing Physical Literacy........................................ 17 Education............................................................. 81

The Arts................................................................ 84
Developing Physical Literacy Vocation............................................................... 85
for Life................................................... 21 Daily Living........................................................... 87
Physical Literacy in Early Childhood....................... 25
Developing Physical Literacy in Childhood............. 33
Shaping Physical Literacy
Developing Physical Literacy in Adolescence.......... 40 Policy and Strategy............................... 88
Physical Literacy in Sports and the
Performance Arts—Moving to Mastery................. 45
Conclusion: Taking Physical
Physical Literacy in the Adult and Older Years........ 50 Literacy Forward................................... 93

Equitable Opportunities for All........... 54
Appendices............................................ 94
Physical Literacy and the Gender Gap.................... 56
Appendix A: A Brief History of
Physical Literacy for Persons with Disabilities......... 57 Physical Literacy.................................................... 94

Appendix B: Definitions ........................................ 95

Appendix C: Research in
Developing Physical Literacy in
Physical Literacy.................................................... 98
Different Environments........................ 60
Appendix D: Physical Literacy
Physical Literacy in Nature..................................... 61
Assessment Tools.................................................. 99
Physical Literacy in Air........................................... 63

Physical Literacy on Ice and Snow.......................... 66 SECTION 11

References........................................... 101
Physical Literacy in Aquatic Environments.............. 68

Assessing Physical Literacy................... 71
Physical Literacy | 2

1 Physical Literacy

Who Needs to Know?

Leaders and Educators Program Designers Recreation Professionals

So when they work with partici- So they can design programs that So they can build physical literacy
pants, they can encourage them include a wide range of skills and development into their activities
to try different activities and learn activities, and that take place in to ensure participants develop
new skills. a variety of environments (on skills, have fun, and want to
the ground, in water, on ice and maintain an active lifestyle.
snow, and in the air).

Parents/Caregivers and Coaches Canadian Sport System Leaders Health Practitioners

So they can discourage early So that sport, recreation, educa- So they can consider physical lit-
over-specialization in a single tion and health can work togeth- eracy principles while working to
sport, since early specialization er to create an environment in improve the population’s health,
can lead to overuse injury and which every Canadian, regardless prevent and treat diseases and
participant burnout. of age, has the opportunity to take injury, monitor existing situa-
part in healthy physical activity. tions and trends, and promote
healthy behaviours.
Physical Literacy | 3

The Need for Physical Literacy

The Physical Inactivity Crisis

Despite the fact that physical inactivity and “The Canadian 24-Hour Movement
its associated health consequences are Guidelines recommend 150 minutes of
well-known, research shows that not nearly
enough Canadians are meeting the physical moderate-to-vigorous physical activity
activity recommendations of the 24-Hour per week for adults (preferably in
Movement Guidelines. While 62% of pre- segments of no less than 10 minutes
school-aged children (three to four years)
spread over several days) and 60
meet the physical activity recommendations,
only 38% of children and youth (ages five to minutes of moderate-to-vigorous
17), 18% of adults (ages 18-64), and 14% physical activity every day for children
of older adults (65-79) currently meet their and youth.” (Tremblay, 2016)
recommendations (Government of Canada,
2018). Inactivity contributes to poor well-be-
ing, increased health care costs, reduced
quality of life, and shorter life expectancy.

A report issued by the Canadian House of Commons’ Stand-

ing Committee on Health states that treatment of chronic dis-
eases linked to physical inactivity costs the healthcare system
up to $6.8 BILLION annually, which equates to 4% of total
healthcare costs (Government of Canada, 2019).
Physical Literacy | 4

The global recommendations set by the World Health Organization (2010) state:

• Children and youth aged 5–17 should complete at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous intensity physical activity daily.
• Adults aged 18–64 should do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week, do at
least 75 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week, or an equivalent combination of moderate
and vigorous intensity activity.
• Older adults should do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week, do at least
75 minutes of vigorous intensity aerobic physical activity throughout the week, or an equivalent combination of moderate and
vigorous intensity activity.

Largely due to lack of awareness and investment, global progress to increase physical
activity has been slow. Levels of inactivity will actually increase as countries or communities
develop economically, particularly due to changes in transportation methods, increases
in technology use, and urbanization. In some countries, levels of inactivity can reach as
high as 70%. Social factors and cultural values also influence physical activity levels, and
in most countries and communities, marginalized populations have fewer opportunities
to access safe, affordable, and appropriate physical activity programs and environments.
(World Health Organization, 2018)

Some populations and social groups are more vulner-

able to inactivity than others, leading to an inequity in
rates of participation.

In short, the consequences of physical inactivity are

significant. All the challenges highlighted by the World
Health Organization exist in Canadian communities.
Physical Literacy | 5

Physical Literacy Is Essential Physical Literacy and Health

Increased sedentary behaviour caused by an erosion The physical and mental health benefits of regular
of unstructured play, greater dependency on technol- physical activity are well established in research litera-
ogy and changes in the nature of work (from physical ture. Since individuals who lack the skills, confidence,
to mental) are some of the elements which not only competence and knowledge to be physically active
reduce physical activity levels among children, youth are less likely to participate in physical activity, phys-
and adults, but also affect the development of physi- ical literacy is considered to be a gateway to physi-
cal literacy. cal activity. Consequently, physical literacy is itself a
determinant of health through its positive influence
on physical activity. Dr. John Cairney and colleagues
Physical literacy in simple terms is the (2019a) published an evidence-based model that
competence, confidence, knowledge shows the connections between physical literacy,
and motivation to engage in physical physical activity and health outcomes across the life
activity for life. course (see Figure 2).

Being healthy enables individuals to continue their

physical literacy journey throughout life, further con-
A generation ago, unstructured play and risky play tributing to their participation in physical activity and
were common, which helped develop physical literacy their sense of well-being. Physical literacy is believed
and prepared children for a lifetime of active pursuits. to impact health in other ways as well. One example
Those pursuits could range from sport and recre- is injury reduction. A person with a high degree of
ation to vocational activities such as firefighting and physical literacy can successfully navigate potential
carpentry. However, we now face a situation where hazards in their environment (e.g., icy surfaces),
we have engineered movement opportunities and thereby reducing the risk of physical injury such as
experiences out of our environment, and we need fractures or concussions. Through its behavioural,
to support the development of physical literacy as a cognitive and affective domains, physical literacy
counter-measure. also helps to build durability by promoting a positive
self-concept (e.g., self-esteem) and reducing social
Physical literacy needs to be actively developed as it
isolation and inhibition. Additionally, cooperative play
cannot be assumed that it will occur naturally as part
and participation builds strong psychological and
of normal growth. While part of the solution is to
social foundations.
provide greater opportunities for unstructured play
and risky activity, it is important to remember that
people of all ages do not innately develop motivation,
confidence, physical competence, knowledge and
understanding to value and take responsibility to be
active for life. Accordingly, physical literacy must be
nurtured, supported and encouraged. This means we
need to look at ways to support every person’s unique
physical literacy journey throughout the life course.
Physical Literacy | 6

Old Age
Emerging Adulthood
Childhood Physical Health:
Reduced risk of CVD,
Individual Type 2 Diabetes,
overweight, bood
Factors Factors
pressure, cancer,

Confidence /
Motivation Positive Mental Health:
Physical Physiological Reduced risk of
Activity: Adaptations to depression and
Movement Social Stress: anxiety, and increased
a. Active Improved fitness self-esteem
Competence: Participation
Land, air, water Social &
b. Exercise
c. Occupational Psychological
Positive Affect: Adaptations Social Health:
Fun, happiness, Increased
enjoyment productivity and
social inclusion
Environmental Environmental
Contextual Contextual

Figure 2: Physical Literacy, Physical Activity and Health: Toward an Evidence-Informed Conceptual Model
Reprinted by permission from Copyright Clearance Center: Springer Nature, Physical Literacy, Physical Activity and Health: Toward an Evidence-Informed Conceptual
Model by John Cairney, Dean Dudley, Matthew Kwan et al. Copyright 2019.


Many national and international organizations, including the
American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and the Canadi-
an Society for Exercise Physiology (CSEP), endorse “exercise as
medicine” given the strong evidence of improvement to health
and reduction in mortality (Exercise is Medicine, 2018).
Physical Literacy | 7

Defining Physical Literacy

As support for physical literacy has grown, different definitions have emerged that focus on varying
aspects of the concept according to different contexts and priorities (see Appendix B).

The definition of physical literacy will likely continue The challenge is to establish a working definition of
to evolve as more research is conducted. However, it physical literacy for the Canadian context while also
is broadly understood and accepted that physical lit- acknowledging the major themes and ideas embed-
eracy involves individuals developing the competence, ded across different definitions in different countries
confidence, knowledge and motivation to engage in and different sectors. The hope in doing so is to
physical activity. Precisely how these elements interact advance the physical literacy movement in Canada
and influence each other is the subject of ongoing while recognizing the breadth and diversity of physi-
debate within research, policy and practice. cal literacy and identifying points of synergy.
Physical Literacy | 8

The Canadian Definition

In 2015, a number of organizations collaborated to develop a Canadian Consensus Statement for Physical
Literacy (refer to page 10, Figure 5A). The Consensus Statement presented a definition of physical literacy that
had been established by the International Physical Literacy Association in 2014 and was formally adopted at the
International Physical Literacy Conference in 2015*. It remains one of the most widely accepted definitions to
date, and it is the prevailing definition in Canada.




Figure 3: Physical Literacy Wheel

Physical literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge and

understanding to value and take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.

(International Physical Literacy Association, 2014;

Canada’s Physical Literacy Consensus Statement, 2015)

*Due to some specific challenges that needed to be resolved in translating the definition in French, a French-language version was only later adopted by a num-
ber of Francophone organizations at the Sport for Life Canadian Summit in January 2016.
Physical Literacy | 9

This definition recognizes several of the most

agreed upon components of physical literacy: moti-
vation, confidence, physical competence, knowledge
and understanding. “Physical literacy is the skills,
knowledge and behaviours that give
As the understanding of physical literacy evolves, us the confidence and motivation to
alternate descriptions and definitions emerge. Appen- move throughout our lives.”
dix B features a range of definitions and descriptions.
A good example of how the language has evolved can
be seen in the following definition from Sport Australia:


Photo: Courtesy of Sport Australia

Developing your physical literacy can give you the confidence and
capability to be active, and stay active for life.

This is because physical literacy gives you:

• the physical skills and fitness,
• the attitudes and emotions that motivate you to
be active,
• the knowledge and understanding of how, why
and when you move, and
• the social skills to be active with others.

Figure 4: Sport Australia’s Physical Literacy Wheel

Any person, at any life stage and circumstance, can improve their physical literacy.

(Sport Australia, 2017)

Together, these various definitions remind us that, while the definition of physical literacy may change and
evolve, ultimately it is a concept made up of affective, physical, cognitive and behavioural elements.
Physical Literacy | 10

Physical Literacy June
Consensus Statement 2015
In recent years, various stakeholders have engaged in activities to
promote and develop physical literacy. Excitement around the concept has
also led to a variety of definitions, and sometimes a misuse of the term
by using it interchangeably with “physical activity”, “physical education”,
“fundamental movement skills” or “motor skill development”. In a broad
consultation, sector leaders in Canada suggested that a common
definition with consistent language was needed to provide clarity
for the development of policy, practice and research.

• promote the value of physical literacy • improve the consistency and clarity of
and preserve the integrity of the concept communications relating to physical literacy
 dvocate for the use of a common definition •inform the consistent and co-ordinated
of physical literacy, as defined by the development of physical literacy tools and
International Physical Literacy Association resources created by various stakeholders.
• facilitatealignment within and between the
multiple sectors in the physical literacy community

Physical literacy is the motivation, confidence, physical
competence, knowledge and understanding to value and
take responsibility for engagement in physical activities for life.
International Physical Literacy Association, May, 2014

Figure 5A: Physical Literacy Consensus Statement

Physical Literacy | 11

TheElementsof Motivationandconfidence(Affective)
PhysicalLiteracy Motivation and confidence refers to an individual’s enthusiasm for,
enjoyment of, and self-assurance in adopting physical activity as an
integral part of life.
The definition of
physical literacy
Physical competence refers to an individual’s ability to develop
includes four essential
movement skills and patterns, and the capacity to experience a
and interconnected variety of movement intensities and durations. Enhanced physical
elements whose relative competence enables an individual to participate in a wide range of
physical activities and settings.
importance may change
throughout life. Knowledgeandunderstanding(Cognitive)
Knowledge and understanding includes the ability to identify and
express the essential qualities that influence movement, understand
the health benefits of an active lifestyle, and appreciate appropriate
safety features associated with physical activity in a variety of
settings and physical environments.

Engagement in physical activities for life refers to an individual
taking personal responsibility for physical literacy by freely choosing
to be active on a regular basis. This involves prioritizing and sustaining
involvement in a range of meaningful and personally challenging
activities, as an integral part of one’s lifestyle.

CorePrinciples Physicalliteracy:
• is an inclusive concept accessible to all
Five core principles • represents a unique journey for each individual
underlie the definition • can be cultivated and enjoyed through a range of experiences
in this Statement. in different environments and contexts
• needs to be valued and nurtured throughout life
• contributes to the development of the whole person.

Authors of this Statement

Canada’s Physical Literacy Consensus Statement is the result of a collaborative process
among ParticipACTION, Sport for Life Society, the Healthy Active Living and Obesity
Research Group at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario Research Institute, Physical
and Health Education Canada, Canadian Parks and Recreation Association, and the Ontario
Society of Physical Activity Promoters in Public Health. Representatives from the International
Physical Literacy Association also contributed in an advisory capacity.

This consensus process was made possible, in part, by the RBC Learn to Play Project,
with funding from RBC and the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Figure 5B: Physical Literacy Consensus Statement

Physical Literacy | 12

Core Elements of Physical Literacy

According to the International Physical Literacy Association’s definition and Canada’s Physical
Literacy Consensus Statement, there are four essential and inter-connected elements.

1 2 3 4

1 2

4 3

Figure 6: Physical Literacy Core Elements

Physical Literacy | 13

Motivation skills in different sport and activity settings. However,

confidence can also be an important precursor to
Whether an individual is participating in a sport, engaging in the very activities that serve to develop
adopting an exercise program, or just having fun these skill competencies. This confidence may relate
with friends, motivation is essential. There are many to existing perceptions of social acceptance and
dimensions to motivation, but the most commonly connectedness, or feelings of support from family,
identified elements in relation to physical literacy are friends, teachers and coaches. In this sense, confi-
competence and confidence. Motivation to partici- dence is largely interdependent with other essential
pate is higher when an individual believes they have elements of physical literacy, including motivation and
the ability to perform the necessary skills. competence (see Figure 3, pg. 8).

Confidence Physical Competence

Confidence comes with practice and mastery of skills. Physical competence refers to an individual’s ability to
It is about believing in your abilities and having the develop movement skills and patterns, and the capac-
confidence to try new things because you have a ity to experience a variety of movement intensities
history of success. Confidence is frequently viewed and durations in a wide range of physical activities
as a principal outcome of physical competence. and settings.
As individuals develop competence, they generally
experience an increase in confidence to apply those
Physical Literacy | 14

Knowledge and Understanding Other Important Elements

Knowledge and understanding includes the ability to ENJOYMENT (POSITIVE FEELING STATES)
identify and express the essential qualities that influ- When the elements of motivation, confidence, physi-
ence movement, understand the health benefits of cal competence, knowledge and understanding come
an active lifestyle, and appreciate appropriate safety together, they are powerful determinants of partic-
features associated with physical activity in a variety ipation. When physical movement is fun and enjoy-
of settings and physical environments. able, the ties between competence, confidence and
movement skills are strengthened. However, humans
Physical literacy is part of our identity. It represents
are inherently pleasure-seeking: we seek out activities
more than just instrumental knowledge about health
we know we will enjoy, and avoid activities that we
risks and benefits. It is coming to see oneself as an
dislike. Therefore, it is important to create positive
active, physical human being. Participation in activity
feelings towards physical activity.
helps to shape our knowledge of ourselves.
Physical Literacy | 15

Fun is more than simply smiles on faces; fun is about

challenges, and is unique to each individual. With-
out an appropriate level of challenge, any activity
becomes boring. With the right amount of fun and
challenge, enjoyment (positive feeling states) is cre-
ated, which builds and maintains the motivation to
continue an activity.

Common Misunderstandings
A common misunderstanding is that physical compe-
tence, which entails learning fundamental movement
skills, is sufficient. Movement skills such as kicking,
throwing, striking, running and jumping are neces-
sary, but there’s more to developing physical literacy.

Another common misunderstanding is that physical

activity and physical fitness are components of physi-
cal literacy. While they may play important roles in the
ongoing development and evolution of an individual’s
physical literacy, these are better viewed as outcomes
rather than components.

A third assumption is that knowledge and under- CULTURAL

standing of physical literacy means awareness of phys-
Developing physical literacy is related to an indi-
ical activity guidelines or knowledge about the health
vidual’s cultural context. Similar to physical literacy
benefits of physical activity. This is only partly true, as
allowing for social connectedness, it can also be a
there are other factors:
connector to cultural practices and can be an oppor-
SOCIAL tunity to explore traditional teachings and customs.
If someone has not developed physical literacy, then
In the context of physical literacy, social benefits can
they may not be able to partake in important cul-
take many forms. There is the basic social connect-
tural activities. Inversely, those cultural traditions may
edness that occurs from participation in sport and
provide opportunities to develop physical literacy.
physical activities. For many people, fun and friendship
Different movement skills, environments, knowledge
are the most important motivations for being physically
and understanding will play different roles depending
on where someone is and what they are taking part
Another aspect of the social experience is feeling in. Whether it is traditional activities in an Indigenous
comfortable, competent and confident while partic- community, or the opportunity for a newcomer to
ipating with others. Individuals who feel inhibited in learn to play a sport that is culturally important in
the presence of other participants due to a lack of their new home, physical literacy development plays
sufficient skills and ability will withdraw from physical a crucial role in cultural connection and must be
activity. planned for and appreciated.
Physical Literacy | 16

Throughout this resource you will find innovative ideas for your consideration. Their purpose is to be
a catalyst for innovative thinking.

Whenever quality physical literacy or sport experiences are considered, FUN is always seen
as a key element. This figure has been developed from the early work of Dr. Amanda Visek,
and identifies key determinants of FUN within a quality sport environment.


Rituals Te
ag Frie am
Sw nd
Supportive Environment


Self Improvement
Positive Game Time Learning
Coaching Competition &

Practices Trying


Joy of Movement
Redrawn based on the work of: Amanda J. Visek, PhD, & Heather M. Manning, M.S. The George Washington
University, Milken Institute School of Public Health, Department of Exercise & Nutrition Sciences

Figure 7: Determinants of Fun in Quality Sport

Redrawn based on the work of Dr. Amanda Visek and colleagues (2015). The George Washington
University, Milken Institute of Public Health, Department of Exercise & Nutrition Sciences.
Physical Literacy | 17

Valuing Physical Literacy

There are a number of reasons why we, personally and organizationally, should value and promote
physical literacy within our society. For the health and wellness of the nation, people—ranging
from government leaders to parents/caregivers—need to consider the following points, which can
be achieved through the development of physical literacy.

Active Participation Durability

Throughout life, many people are engaged in physi- Durability is a combination of physical, mental and
cal activity and movement in meaningful ways. This social resources that allows an individual to persist
could include participation in different sports, activi- and endure challenges to achieve personal and
ties such as dance or movement arts, martial arts or social goals.
active unstructured play (e.g., riding a bike or hiking
in the woods with friends).
“People of all ages, but adults in particu-
Physical activity is not the primary outcome; what is lar, should engage in resistance training,
important is that people acquire the proficiency of aerobic exercise, balance and flexibility
movement needed to maintain active participation in training to ensure their bodies remain
daily living and different vocations. durable” (Grove et al., 2016, p. 25).

Safety Physical literacy helps build durability by facilitating

Physical literacy promotes safety through acquiring active participation, and the physical and psycholog-
psychological and physical competency, which in turn ical benefits arising from it. Durability ensures that
reduces the risk of physical or psychological injuries an individual’s participation at home, at work and in
from active participation. communities can last longer, and that the quality of
their participation is more meaningful. As an extreme
Physical literacy includes movement competencies on example, training to run a marathon or a long-dis-
land, in the air, in water, and on snow and ice. For tance bike race requires physical and mental tough-
example, learning to walk (or run) on slippery sur- ness, fitness and skill. To complete these events shows
faces like ice reduces the risk of injury from falls. durability in the face of challenges and adversity.
Physical Literacy | 18

Health and Well-being Education

The physical and mental health benefits of active par- Many Canadian curricula now recognize the value of
ticipation are well documented in the research litera- physical literacy, and identify that the knowledge and
ture. Greater participation is associated with reduced skills acquired in health and physical education will
risk of many chronic diseases and increased life enhance the everyday experiences of students and
expectancy. Ultimately, if physical literacy is the gate- help them to lead healthy, active lives.
way to active participation, then physical literacy is also
the gateway to better health and well-being across the
life course. Part of that connection is through physical
Excellence in Sport and
literacy’s impact on safety and durability. Performance Arts
Physical literacy improves the way people move, To excel at the top levels of competitive sport and
which reduces the risk of injury during physical activity. performance arts, most individuals need to develop
superlative physical literacy. Competitors and per-
Achieving Individual Potential formers at the national and international level, both
professional and amateur, require advanced move-
The development of physical literacy is a lifelong jour- ment proficiency far beyond the average person, as
ney and unique to everyone. Physical literacy facili- well as motivation, confidence and knowledge. This
tates participation, which in turn allows individuals to demands the most thorough expression of physical
meet their goals and reach their own level of mastery in literacy.
a given activity. It is the key to achievement of personal
growth and development through movement.

Table 1: Literacies

Literacy Numeracy Music All Domains

Be a mathematician, Play professionally, Compete at the

Highest Write professionally or
statistician, engineer study music, or be a highest level or play Master the activity
Pursuit pursue literature
or scientist music critic professionally

Make change, fill in tax Play sports and Learn more, and
Read newspapers, Play an instrument for
Daily Use forms, and calculate engage in healthy improve and value the
signs and directions personal enjoyment
day-to-day numbers physical activity activity

Put letters and words Add, subtract, multiply Combine fundamental

Functional Develop competence
together to read and and divide for basic Play simple tunes movement skills into
Level and confidence
write arithmetic games and activities

Building Learn letters Learn numbers Learn notes Learn movement skills Learn

Based on Corlett & Mandigo, 2013

Physical Literacy | 19


space and equipment

1 1


2 2
(right – left)

3 5 5 3 MIMICRY


5 5


Figure 8: Five and Five for Physical Literacy
Five session characteristics plus five design considerations for developing physical literacy.

Physical Literacy | 20

Core Components of Program Design

Participation in quality physical literacy experiences will produce a number of positive outcomes in a partici-
pant’s experience, understanding, and application of movement. This participation leads to improvements in
physical and mental health, increased fitness and enhanced performance through the connection-based and
competence-based components of program design identified in Figure 9.

Participating in physical activity leads to:

enjoyment movement skills
Improved mental and physical health

Increased fitness and performance

motivation sequencing
movement skills
repertoire of
movement skills
kinesthetic and
modification of skills
spatial awareness
for circumstances
comprehension of
decision making in
movement terms
movement skill selection

bilaterality: using both sides

of the body

Figure 9: Core Components and Considerations of Program Design

Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 21

Developing Physical
2 Literacy for Life

Providing a quality physical literacy experience should be the key focus for everyone. That includes
parents/caregivers, teachers, coaches, recreation leaders, administrators and policy makers in public
health, recreation, sport, education and the arts, as well as urban planners. Various individuals,
groups and sectors of society are involved in these experiences at different times, and it is
important that they work together for the benefit of children and adults who wish to be and/or
remain physically active.

Physical literacy is an interconnected set of affective, and motivation (disposition to try new activities) and
physical, cognitive and behavioural abilities that can through to increased participation in activity, health
be developed and must be maintained over time (see and improved quality of life.
Figure 10). By depicting the development of physical
literacy as a spiral, we can visualize how develop- Presenting the pathway in this way also suggests how
ment occurs. the relationships between the steps can be explored.
For example, how improved proficiency in a repertoire
This diagram shows an individual’s path of devel- of movements (#4) leads to improved adaptability to
opment progressing from access to an enriched, new movements (#5), or how increased success in
stimulating movement environment (#1) and exten- new activities (#8) can lead to improved retention
sive participation and development of movement (#9) and increased overall participation and physical
repertoire and proficiency, to increased self-efficacy activity (#10).

12. Improved
quality of life

10. Increased 11. Improved

participation health
(# activities x time)

8. Increased 9. Retention in
success in new new activities
7. Increased
6. Increased disposition to
self-efficacy try new activities

4. Improved 5. Improved
proficiency adaptability to
across repertoire new movements

3. Increased
2. Extensive
1. Enriched

Figure 10: The Spiral of Physical Literacy Development (Jurbala, 2015)

Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 22

The goal is to create a positive spiral of engage- Physical activity is not just important for prevent-
ment where physical literacy leads to health through ing and treating mental health conditions. It is also
engagement in physical activity. Being healthy subse- associated with positive mental well-being. Research
quently allows individuals to continue their physical shows that individuals who are active report more
literacy journey throughout life, further contributing positive perceptions of self (higher self-esteem and
to their participation and well-being. Physical lit- self-worth), are more resilient and have higher quality
eracy is believed to impact health in other ways as of life than inactive individuals (Fortnum et al., 2018).
well, such as through injury reduction. Someone
with a higher degree of physical literacy will have Finally, mental health conditions are commonly
an easier time navigating potential hazards in their co-occurring across the major chronic diseases that
environment, thereby reducing the risk of physical lead to mortality, disability and reduced quality of life
injury. Through its affective, physical, cognitive and in Canada. For example, depression often accompa-
behavioural domains/elements, physical literacy also nies cancer, heart disease and chronic inflammatory
helps to build resiliency by promoting a positive conditions like arthritis. Addressing mental health is
self-concept (e.g., self-esteem) and reducing social essential for improving quality of life for everyone
isolation and inhibition. Collective play and participa- (Ratnasingham et al., 2013).
tion builds strong psychological and social foundations. The social benefits of regular physical activity also
positively impact mental health. No single type of
Mental Health Benefits physical activity has been shown to be better for
improving social and mental health, although group
Depression and anxiety are among the most common activities have significant potential.
of mental health conditions in the population, affect-
ing one in every five Canadians. Exercise and physical Finally, physical activity and physical literacy can have
activity are now recommended as first line therapies an effect on the efficiency and function of our cog-
in the treatment of mild to moderate depression nitive capacities: our brain health. The connections
(Ravindran et al., 2016). There is growing evidence to between brain cells help to develop and maintain
support the fact that physical activity may also play thinking ability. Physical activity stimulates the produc-
an important role in the prevention of mental health tion of new brain cells, but it does not automatically
conditions like depression and anxiety (Mutrie & increase the number of connections—brain activities
Faulkner, 2003). Given the large and growing number create those connections. Therefore, brain health, par-
of mental health conditions in the population, physi- ticularly in the senior years, can be promoted through
cal activity offers a cost effective and effective alter- the combination of physical activity and learning, and
native to managing mental health in Canada. Physical these are supported by the continued development
literacy is essential as a gateway to physical activity, and maintenance of physical literacy.
and therefore a gateway to improving mental health.
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 23

Stages in the Development of Physical Literacy

Each individual is on their own unique physical Physical literacy is a lifelong proposition. It begins to
literacy journey, and these journeys are rarely linear. develop in early childhood, and grows into a greater
The journey will differ based on exposure and access array and complexity of skills, capacities and under-
to various environments and activities. Whether an standings during adolescence and adulthood. At
infant is first learning to stand, or an older adult different stages of life, physical literacy may serve
is attempting to skate for the first time, the key is different purposes and answer different needs for
development of physical literacy through quality different individuals. For some people, physical literacy
experiences. will provide a foundation for athletic success, while for
others it may provide the means to pursue a voca-
The characteristics of a quality physical literacy expe- tional career. For everyone, it will provide the means
rience vary according to the competencies, contexts to live a healthily and actively at all stages of life, and
and needs of participants. Therefore, physical literacy grant the opportunity to age in good health.
programming should generally provide:
At different stages of life, different venues and
• opportunities to move in both unstructured and structured approaches may be appropriate in developing physical
environments, literacy for different populations and individuals. The
• opportunities for all participants to lead, explore and aim should be to deliver developmentally-appropriate
innovate, activities to optimize physical literacy for every indi-
vidual at every stage, from birth to death. However,
• developmentally-appropriate equipment,
certain stages of development provide more opportu-
• exposure to fun and challenging activities that produce nity than others for developing physical literacy.
both successes and failures,
• opportunities to choose between a variety of activities and
environments, and
• high rates of participation.
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 24

Long-Term Development in
Sport and Physical Activity
The Long-Term Development framework is a
multi-stage pathway that guides an individ-
ual’s sport and physical activity experience
from infancy to adulthood. The stages in
Active for Life

Physical Literacy for Life

the Long-Term Development framework are
the basis of developmentally appropriate
programs that increase participation and
Competitive Fit optimize performance. The first three stages
for Life for Life emphasize the development of physical
literacy. After building a strong foundation in
Podium Pathway

physical literacy, the framework demonstrates

Train to Win First Involvement potential progression towards sport excel-
Awareness lence, and ends with individuals being active
Train to for life. The basic Sport for Life Long-Term
Compete Development in Sport and Physical Activity
framework has seven stages. In addition,
Train there are two pre-stages (First Involvement
Developing Physical Literacy

to Train
Building a solid foundation

and Awareness), and the Active for Life stage

is sub-divided into two phases (Competitive
Learn to Train for Life and Fit for Life).


Active Start

Figure 11: Sport for Life Framework

When viewed in relation to the Long-Term Develop- performance pathways in their chosen sport or activ-
ment in Sport and Physical Activity framework (Figure ity are enhancing their physical literacy. However, they
11), the most important stages for developing phys- represent a small fraction of our society, and their
ical literacy are the three early stages—Active Start, needs are addressed by specialized instruction and
FUNdamentals, and Learn to Train—and the final training within their respective domains. In practi-
stage, Active for Life. cal terms related to national health, we are most
concerned with developing physical literacy for the
Between the three early stages and Active for general population.
Life, those individuals who choose to pursue high
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 25

Physical Literacy in Early Childhood

Long-Term Development Stage: Active Start

The period between birth and six years of age is a During the first phase of Active Start, infants are
critical time in child development, and includes the developing basic human movements such as sit-
early development of physical literacy. Under the ting, standing, balancing and walking. In the latter
Long-Term Development framework, this period phases of this stage, toddlers and preschoolers begin
corresponds to the Active Start stage. Active Start can to develop more sophisticated movement patterns
be broken down into three sub-stages: infants (birth such as running, jumping and throwing. Throughout
to 18 months), toddlers (18 months to three years of this stage, they are steadily developing their nervous
age), and preschoolers (three to five/six years of age). system and brain function. Simple physical activities
and games can greatly help in all of these develop-
mental processes.
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 26

Developing the Brain: Executive Function

Executive function is the higher order of operations A combination of facilitated and unstructured play
that helps us organize information and regulate our is recommended for developing executive function.
behaviour. For example, how children work with the Active games—both facilitated play and unstruc-
information in their brains, focus their attention, filter tured free play (activities led and chosen by the
out distractions, and quickly switch from one task child)—are excellent ways for children to develop
to another. Doing these things well is a critical pre- executive function and, ultimately, self-control and
requisite for success in physical activity, as well as for behaviour regulation.
success in school and later life. The main development
period for executive function is between 18 months
and six years of age, and is developed in stable envi-
ronments with the support of attentive caregivers.

Structured Play Unstructured Play

Is organized and led by an adult. They Is led by the child. They decide when
decide when and where the child will and where they will play, and what
play, and what equipment or toys they equipment or toys they will play with.
will play with. The child follows the The role of the adult leader is to ensure
adult’s lead. If more than one child the safety of the child and provide a
is playing, the adult mediates any stimulating environment. If more than
disputes. The child makes few, if any, one child is playing, the adult only
decisions and may come to rely on mediates disputes when it is clear the
others telling them what to do. This children involved cannot resolve it
is not recommended for developing themselves. The child makes most of
executive function. the decisions. This is recommended for
developing executive function.

Movement and the Brain

Young children cannot be taught to walk before their During the early years, from birth to six years of
brain and muscles are developed, and their nervous age, a child needs to develop:
systems are strong enough to control their muscles.
This is true for most basic human movements. For this • basic human movements (e.g., sitting, standing,
reason, a child’s development should not be rushed. balancing, walking),
Instead, focus on keeping the child safe and providing • a positive attitude towards being physically active, and
a stimulating environment in which the child can play.
• initial self-control and regulation.
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 27

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 6 Year 7

Where Could
My Child Locomotor and 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Children Learn or
Can Body Skills Month Practice This Skill
Sending Skills

Figure 12: Fundamental Movement Skills (Higgs et al., 2007)

Receiving Skills
Body not mature enough for skill Best time to teach/practice
Normal onset of skill Intervention program if skill not learned
Note 1: There is tremendous variability in the normal time of Key
onset of skills among children, and this chart should be considered
ONLY as a rough guide to the sequence of development that might In the home Preschool School
be expected.
Organized sport Community Recreation
If you have concerns about the development of your child see your pediatrician.
All children should be exposed to a wide range of fundamental movement skills in a wide range of settings including on-land, on ice/snow, in water, and in the air. Since agility, balance and coordination
are critical, children should be given the opportunity to learn running, jumping and throwing; gymnastics; swimming; and ice/snow activities. Communities should consider establishing single programs
that expose children to the whole range of skills.
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 28


Games are excellent for developing working memory. For example, children playing
Hide and Seek have to remember where they have searched and where they have
not looked. Also, games where each child in a group adds an action to a sequence
of movements are good for developing working memory; for these types of
games, children need to recall and repeat the whole sequence from the beginning
as each action is added.


A game that has a child paying attention to two different things helps to develop
mental flexibility (also called cognitive flexibility). An example would be a game of
Follow the Leader, where there is a rapid change in who is leading. A game where a
player has to follow a ball and keep track of his or her opponents also works well.


The best games to develop self-regulation are those where there is a penalty for
making a move too soon. For example, in a game called Can You, the leader calls
out “can you,” and does an action, and then the children try to do the action. This
requires children to listen carefully, concentrate, and control their mental arousal
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 29


As children grow and develop through the Active This age is a time to develop imaginative play, where
Start stage, their physical abilities and their cognitive the key objective is to have the child develop and
capacities evolve. This means that games and activ- maintain a simple thematic plot to their play. For
ities for developing executive function and physical example, pretending to buy food at the store and
literacy also need to evolve. taking it home to put on the table, or cooking in the
kitchen. The main idea is that children are encour-
Between approximately 18 months and three years of aged to the different elements in their play into
age, children experience rapid language development something bigger.
in terms of vocabulary and fluency. This increase in
mastery of language has implications for executive From approximately three years of age to six years
function and self-regulation, as children are able to of age, executive function increases rapidly in most
verbally identify their thoughts and actions, think children. During this time, adults should facilitate
about them, and make plans. Language also allows play opportunities by setting up material or activities
for the comprehension of more complex and specific and then allowing the children to engage in play
instructions. with only moderate adult intervention. The goal is to
have children work through difficulties with encour-
This is a great time to introduce think aloud activities agement and guidance without adults assuming the
where children are encouraged to talk about how responsibility for success.
they are going to approach the performance of a task,
or how they think they will try to solve a challenge. The final two years of the Active Start stage are often
the age of a child’s first experience of organized sport
Working memory can be developed through simple and physical activity participation, such as gymnastics,
imitation games such as Follow the Leader. Switching swimming, a running/skating team sport, and if possi-
from following to leading and back again also devel- ble, an activity with music.
ops cognitive flexibility.
In these early sport and physical activity contexts, the
Self-regulation games and activities such as Freeze or objective is to help children to learn to be mindful of
Simon Says are excellent, and any other games that what they are doing. This means being able to say
require children to stop and start, speed up or slow what they are trying to do, reflect in simple terms on
down, and change direction. what they are trying to achieve, and think about how
This is also a good stage to have children play sorting to do things better.
and matching games (e.g., running to find someone At this age, mindful practice and engagement in fun
else with the same colour shirt) which help to build and stimulating activities will increase skill perfor-
executive control and cognitive flexibility. mance and build executive functioning that will pay
Simple reflection skills can be developed at this age, major dividends as the child advances in sport and
and it is good practice to ask children about what physical activity. Avoid drills that are mindless and
they have just done. For example, “What did you repetitive as they are boring for the child.
try to hit when you threw the ball?” To answer, the
child must engage with and hold ideas in working
memory, while developing language-based answers.
This process encourages and strengthens cognitive
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 30

At this stage of development, the key outcomes are:

• development of basic human movements, such as sitting,

balancing, crawling, standing and walking;
• active, daily routines that encourage no more than 60
minutes of sedentary behaviour at a time, except when
• some organized physical activity;
• exploration of risk and limits in safe environments;
• participation in an active movement environment
combined with well-structured gymnastics and swimming
programs, and activities on ice and snow; and
• daily physical activity with an emphasis on fun.

Children need to develop many basic human move- Executive Function
ments during this early stage in the development of Physical activity at this stage benefits the brain by
physical literacy. improving the following:
Basic Human Movements • working memory,
Basic movement skills to develop during this
• cognitive flexibility, and
stage include:
• self-regulation.
• sitting, crawling, standing, walking;
Habits of Regular Physical Activity
• reaching and grasping objects;
Set aside special times during the day for children to
• striking, sending, basic throwing, simple kicking; be physically active both with and without parents/
• running, jumping, hopping; caregivers, and make this a fun time that they look
forward to being active.
• twisting, turning, rolling; and
Object Tracking Skills
• basic catching with a large ball.
Following moving objects with the eyes is an import-
ant skill to develop. It is also important that children
learn to track objects that pass behind another object
and then reappear, to learn to anticipate the objects’
movement paths.

It is important that children at this age take part in pools or swimming pools (under supervision) will go
indoor and outdoor activities. It is valuable for children a long way in helping children learn to swim later. For
to take part in activity in nature, community parks children who live in countries that have snow and ice
and playgrounds. Walking and running/wheeling on for part of the year, it is important that they learn to
uneven surfaces helps them develop better coordina- playn safely in snow and on ice as a part of their child-
tion and balance. It is also important that children get hood experience as it prepares them to participate in
to experience being in water, so playing in “splash” winter activities (e.g., skiing, skating, snowshoeing).
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 31

Age 25% ofAge

25% of children
can perform
skill Age
perform skill 25%
Average age children
can perform skill
age children Boys Boys
can perform perform skill
Average age children
If child is later
If child
the 90% Boys
mark, in MANY
Age 90% ofAge
90% of children
can perfomcan can
skillperfom skill perform skill
skills, talk to
to your
care provider

Age 90% of children If child is later than the 90% mark, in MANY
Sits (supported
Sits (supported
with headwith
head steady) skills, talk to your health care provider
can perfom skill

Sits without
without support
Sits (supported with head steady)
Stands holding
holding on

Stands momentarily
Stands momentarily Sits without support

Walks holding
holding furniture
Stands holding on
Walks well
Walks well

1 2 13 24 35 4 6 57 68 7 9 Stands
810 911 momentarily
1012 1113 1214 1315 14 15
(a) Movement skill benchmarks
(a) Movement - Birth to 15- Birth
skill benchmarks monthsto 15 months
Age in Months
Age in Months

Walks holding
Walks steps furniture
upWalks up steps

Kicks ballKicks
ball forward
Walks well
Throws ball
ball overhand

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Jumps in Jumps
place in place (a) Movement skill benchmarks - Birth to 15 months
Age in Months
Pedals trike
Pedals trike

Walks up steps
Jumps with
2-foot takeoff

12 15 12 18 15 2118 2421 27 24 30 27 33 30 36 33 3936 4239 45 42 45

(b) Movement skill benchmarks
(b) Movement - One year to
skill benchmarks
Age in Months
Age in Months
- One years
to four years
Kicks ball forward

Throws ball overhand

Jumps in place

Pedals trike

Jumps with 2-foot takeoff

12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 45
(b) Movement skill benchmarks - One year to four years
Age in Months

Figure 13: Movement Skill Benchmarks

Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 32

Parents and caregivers: Ensure children are physi-
cally active for at least 180 minutes (three hours) per
day from one to four years of age.

Early years providers and teachers: Build active

play intervals into each day. A child should not be still
for more than 60 minutes, unless they are asleep.

Sports and recreation: Design and deliver programs

that are fully inclusive, encourage the development
of a wide range of skills, and allow for play in differ-
ent environments.

Create a safe environment where children To build cognitive flexibility, play games that
can explore. require quick changes (e.g., Statues) where children
have to switch between thinking about moving and
Provide a bright-coloured selection of toys–but not thinking about being still.
all at once–that can be used in different ways.
Include bats and balls once the child is old enough
to hold them.

Set aside time each day for active play, starting with
30 minutes of “tummy-time” for infants.

Be a role model and be active with your child. Go

for walks in all weather, and encourage children to
interact with nature.

Challenge children to try new things. For example,

“Can you jump over that puddle?” or “Can you walk
along that line?”

To build self-regulation, play anticipation games in

which the child has to suppress his or her response
until a signal is given (e.g., Simon Says, Red Light
Green Light).

To build working memory, play games in which the

child has to remember a sequence of actions (e.g.,
Head and Shoulders, Follow the Leader, and where
the sequence of actions gets progressively longer).
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 33

Physical Literacy in Childhood

Long-Term Development Stages: FUNdamentals and the Beginning of Learn to Train

As children grow and develop through the ele- the development of self-regulation and self-control
mentary school years, the structured and unstruc- are all supported by playing with others, following
tured games of their early childhood become more instructions, mastering complex movement skills,
complex from both a movement and cognitive and learning to resolve conflict and work effectively
perspective. When children reach adolescence, this as part of a team. Under the Long-Term Devel-
complexity reaches its apex as simple games may be opment framework, the elementary school years
replaced with more sophisticated sports and recre- correspond to the FUNdamentals and Learn to Train
ational activities. However, throughout this devel- stages, or approximately six to 12 years of age.
opmental journey, positive brain functioning and
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 34

Goals: Developing Movement Skills and Positive Feelings

During the early part of the elementary years, children need to develop:

• a wide range of fundamental movement skills in different • the ABCs of agility, balance, coordination and speed; and
environments (on land, in/on water, in air and on/across
• a positive attitude towards physical activity.
ice and snow), particularly skills that have strong cultural
value and allow children to “fit in” with their peers,
including movement to music;

Catch Soccer
If You Can Run You Will Take Part In Track and Field
Run Throw Tennis

Catch Soccer
If You Can Throw You Will Take Part In Baseball
Throw Run Rugby

Throw Swimming
Water Polo
If You Can Swim You Will Take Part In Scuba
Swim Run Surfing

Version 2.0—April 2016

Figure 14: If You Can, You Will…

Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 35

Both structured and unstructured play remain import- encouraged to take part in unstructured play. This
ant in meeting developmental milestones, but struc- includes informal versions of any sports they are
tured opportunities become increasingly important learning as well as a range of other non-sport activi-
towards the end of childhood. If children have the ties in indoor and outdoor environments.
opportunity to participate in well-structured pro-
grams with good instruction, their skills will advance Children at this stage need to:
more quickly. • learn fundamental skills in a variety of sports and
physical activities,
During the latter part of the elementary years, chil-
dren also need to capitalize on their body’s rapidly • develop strength through exercises that use their own
increasing capacity to learn and refine physical skills. body weight and develop endurance through fun games
Many children enter formal sports and physical and movement,
activities at this time, and they may begin to engage • continue to develop flexibility through a variety of activities,
in organized learning and playing. For many chil- and
dren, there are benefits to participating in organized
• have multisport opportunities and experiences.
sport. However, it is equally important that they are
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 36

Brain Development and Movement

Brain development continues throughout the ele- in memory are helpful for developing this attribute. A
mentary years, and movement continues to be an sample activity might involve providing children with
important factor. For example, an evolving aspect of a limited set of equipment (e.g., a bench and mats),
executive function in the early elementary years is the and then challenging each child or small group to use
ability to plan and reflect. Physical challenges that only that equipment to cross a “river” drawn on the
require children to plan ahead and hold those plans ground without getting “wet”.

Working Memory Cognitive Flexibility

Ability to hold a lot of Ability to switch thoughts from
information in the mind at one subject to another quickly
the same time

Self Regulation
Ability to resist impulses, or
at least restrain them, and
think before acting

Figure 15: Executive Function

Working memory can be developed through active Self-regulation can be developed in games that
games that require children to keep a rule or rules require quick reactions while penalizing inattention
in mind while simultaneously performing a task. to instructions, such as the game What Time Is It Mr.
An example might be a target game (e.g., hitting a Wolf. Self-regulation can also be developed in games
target with a ball) using a mix of small and large balls, that use magic words, such as Simon Says, in which
where the small balls must be thrown and the large actions are allowed after a keyword. This helps chil-
balls kicked. Any games in which the players have to dren to develop the ability to inhibit action until a key
match items are also useful (e.g., find someone with condition is met.
the same colour shorts as you).
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 37

Cognitive flexibility can be developed using games in which the players must rapidly change the focus of their
attention from the external environment to body position (internal) focus. An example is the game Statues
where the child has to run and watch for a signal, and then on that signal freeze in place and become a statue.
Any ball striking games where the child has to focus externally on the ball and then internally on their hitting
action are also effective.

At this stage of development, the key outcomes are:

• development of fundamental movement skills; • a mixture of structured and unstructured play, with
some instruction;
• an accumulation of at least 60 minutes per day of
moderate to vigorous physical activity involving a variety • development of skills in different environment (land, water,
of aerobic activities. Vigorous physical activities, and ice/snow and in the air); and
muscle and bone strengthening activities should each be • learned skills and use of them in small-sided games.
incorporated at least three days per week;

There are a huge range of fundamental movement Balance: Being able to balance on different body
skills, but they can usually be grouped into: parts when stationary, and balance on both stable
and unstable platforms (e.g., canoe, balance board,
Body control skills: Learning to control the position bosu ball, foam blocks).
of arms and legs, control of posture, and control of
body orientation (e.g., balance, coordination). Coordination: Being in control of all body parts,
regardless of body orientation, and learning to use
Locomotor skills: Learning all the ways of moving all available body parts in a smooth sequence (e.g.,
on land, on snow and ice, and in water (e.g., run, when throwing, using the hips, trunk, shoulder,
walk, wheel, swim, slide, skate). elbow, wrist and hands in a smooth sequence).
Object manipulation skills: Learning different ways Speed: Learning to move hands and arms, and legs
to send and receive an object using hands, feet or and feet at high speed, and using all available body
with an implement such as a bat, hockey stick or strength to get the whole body moving.
racquet (e.g., throwing, catching, kicking, passing,
volleying). Building good habits: Continue building habits of
daily physical activity and strengthening executive
This is also a good time to develop flexibility and the function.
ABCs of agility, balance, coordination and speed.
Making time for physical activity: Reducing screen
Agility: Learning to stop, start and change direc- time during this stage of development provides more
tion quickly. time for physical activity, and is to be encouraged.
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 38

By the FUNdamentals stage, children are spending Parents and caregivers: Set time aside for regular,
more time outside of the home attending school. As daily physical activity, and provide time and encour-
a result, quality physical education is critical. agement to children who are having difficulty in
mastering skills.
In schools, trained educators have the ability to iden-
tify children whose physical skills fall below those of Teachers: Have trained physical education specialists
their peers. Interventions to help these children catch teach physical activity and health curriculum in every
up to the skill level of their peers can improve their school and to every student, as is the case in Mani-
self-esteem and participation in physical activity later toba, Quebec and Newfoundland. Provide teachers
in life. with tools (e.g., PLAY Tools, Passport for Life, Cana-
dian Assessment of Physical Literacy) to help them
Community programs are also a key contributor to
assess children’s fundamental movement skills and
developing physical literacy, and should be designed
chart progress.
to expose children to a wide range of games and
activities that develop fundamental movement skills. Recreation leaders: Focus on multisport programs
rather than specializing in one activity or sport, and
After-school programs should include a play session
design activities to maximize the use of skills in small-
with a focus on moderate and vigorous physical activity.
sided games and activities.

Coaches: Avoid early over-specialization. Use warm-

ups and cool down periods to develop a wide range
of fundamental movement skills.
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 39

Can Throw/Can’t Throw: What Happens

Gets better at
throwing and asked to
Gets to practice play some more
Gets asked to play
catch with friends
Can throw a ball

Can’t throw a ball

Doesn’t get asked
to play with friends Doesn’t get to Still can’t throw a ball
practice throwing – and still doesn’t get
asked to play

... and it’s the same for almost all fundamental movement skills

Figure 16: Missing a Fundamental Movement Skill

FUNDAMENTAL MOVEMENT SKILLS Have children play outside on safe ice and in the
Quality physical education is the single best way to snow, and experiment with skis and ice-skates.
ensure that every child in Canada gets to develop
Avoid early over-specialization in sports, except for
fundamental movement skills.
select sports like gymnastics or figure skating.
Parents, caregivers, coaches, teachers and recreation
Provide opportunities for supervised and unsupervised
leaders support and provide opportunities to develop
play, as children at this stage of development benefit
physical literacy (e.g., throwing during soccer prac-
from both.
tice, rolling on the ground during hockey practice)
that will help children in their current sport as well as Keep the playing area small, have only a few players
in any sport they take up in the future. on each team so that everyone gets to be involved,
and use equipment that is age-appropriate in size as
Create a safe environment in which the child can
often as possible.
explore different ways of moving and playing with
different bats, balls and other implements, without Make sure that each child is wearing a properly fitted
fear of being criticized. helmet, and any additional safety equipment recom-
mended for the activity (e.g., skating, skiing, skate-
Expose children to learn to swim programs if available.
boarding or riding a bike).
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 40

Developing Physical Literacy in Adolescence

Long-Term Development Stage: Learn to Train

This is often the stage of development when chil-

dren begin taking part in formal sport and physical
activities, and engage in more organized learning,
training and competition. The benefits of engaging
in organized sport and physical activity are import-
ant; however, it is equally important that children
are encouraged to take part in unstructured play.
This includes informal versions of the sports they are
learning as well as a variety of other non-sport activi-
ties, in a range of indoor and outdoor environments.

The importance of informal, unstructured play in nat-

ural environments cannot be overstressed.

During this stage, each child needs to:

• learn fundamental sport skills in variety of sports and

physical activities, including movement to music;
• develop strength through exercises that use their own
body weight and medicine balls, and develop endurance
through games and fun activities;
• start to take part in hopping and bouncing exercises or
routines, or cycling or wheeling up gradients, to aid in
strength development;
• continue to develop flexibility through exercises; and
• further develop speed by focusing on agility, quickness
and rapid change of direction during sport warm-ups and
simple games such as Tag.
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 41

What Is Happening to the Child?

The brain has almost reached its adult size and, with sufficient practice, is capable of controlling the body with
great precision. Three related processes are going on in the brain at this stage that together provide the founda-
tion for the enjoyment of sporting activities.

1. Automation: When a skill is first learned, the child

has to think hard about what they are doing, and make a
conscious effort to move their limbs in the right way. This
takes up a lot of the brain’s resources and effort. However,
as the skill becomes ingrained in the child’s brain, fewer
and fewer brain cells (and brain connections) are required
to correctly perform the skill until it becomes automated.
At this level of performance, the child can use the skill in a
play situation, without thinking.

2. Integration: When a child is performing a skill, their

brain has to take in a lot of information from different
sources, including information from both inside and
outside of their body.

• Inside information: Comes from the muscles

and joints to let the brain know the position of
different body parts, and from the eyes and inner ear
to tell the brain the body’s orientation (whether they
are upright or in the air) and whether the body is
• Outside information: Information about what
is going on outside the body comes mostly through
the eyes and ears, although some information comes
from nerve endings in the skin (e.g., temperature,
wind conditions).
3. Decision making: During informal play or in a sport
situation, decision making is the ability to decide to use
At this stage of development, the key outcomes are:
the right skill, at the right time, in the right situatio.To
make good decisions, the child must know and have an • development of fundamental sport skills in a variety of
understanding of an activity’s rules and characteristics. For activites played in different environments;
this reason, physical literacy has a knowledge component
• development of strength, endurance and flexibility through
that becomes increasingly important at this stage of
games and fun activities;
development. Gradually, a child will learn and be able to
make good, semi-automatic decisions. • development of speed, agility and balance through warm-up
and cool-down activities;
• enjoyment of activities; and
• a balance of practice (70% of the time) and competition
(30% of the time) when participating in quality sport.
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 42

Example: Passing a ball to a teammate
These are the “skill hungry” years when the ability to
learn skills is at its best.

During this stage, the fundamental movement skills Decision making: Decide where to plant left foot
are extended and refined into fundamental sport when to bring right foot back, how far to bring it
skills that are sufficient to allow the young person to back, how much force to use to swing it forward to
enjoyably take part in sport. get the force needed.
Competence in sport skills bolsters confidence to take Knowledge and understanding: Plan the kick based
part in informal and organized activities—and this on knowledge of the game’s rules, and understanding
drives performance improvement. of tactics and strategy.
Balance: Get information from muscles, joints and
The keys for physical literacy development are:
inner ear to maintain balance while moving.
• fun and enjoyable physical activity with friends; Coordination: Move the knee and foot so that the
• development of fundamental sport skills in a broad range right part of the foot strikes the right part of the
of sport activities in the gym or on the field, in water, on ball to get the direction and flight of the ball that is
ice and snow, and in the air; needed.

• narrowed focus and concentration on three or four sport Agility/speed: Coordinate arms and legs to run effi-
that the child enjoys the most, having tried out and ciently at the right speed to kick the ball, coordinate the
learned basic skills in a variety of sports and physical plant of the left foot with the backswing of the right
activities; leg, and plant left foot accurately beside the ball.

• improvements in the fundamental movement skill Confidence: Make the pass confidently when under
ABCs (agility, balance, coordination, speed) in different pressure.
environments; Read, anticipate, react: Watch teammate, judge dis-
• improved ability to see what is going on around the tance away, running speed and direction, and predict
participant, and improved ability to focus on the important where player will be when the pass arrives.
actions around them; and Keep tracking teammate
• significantly improved decision making of skill selection
and execution based on the game/activity situation. This is Pass arrives at the right place, at the
the ability to read the game or activity, anticipate what is right time, with the right pace!
going to happen, and respond appropriately.
Figure 17: Physical Literacy at Learn to Train; Passing Ball to
Teammate: an Example from Soccer
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 43

Participants are frequently engaged in physical activity Teachers: Provide quality physical and health educa-
and sport in a variety of contexts (e.g., school physical tion, opportunities for intramural games and com-
and health education, intramural activities, school petitions, and opportunities for friendly competitions
sport festivals, or on the playground). (extracurricular activities) between local schools.

Some may also take part in organized sport activities Coaches and recreation leaders: Provide seasonal
within the community, and start to compete at the opportunities and “Try It Out” days to expose youth
local and regional level. to different sports or activities. Offering multisport
programming works well at this stage. In this, partici-
For most participants, it is important not to specialize
pants sign up for groups of sports to learn fundamen-
in just one sport or activity at this stage, and year-
tal sport skills.
round participation in one sport or activity is not rec-
ommended. There will be time for specialization later. Parents and caregivers: Encourage participation,
coordinate transportation to sports and activities, and
support unstructured play/practice at home (e.g., kids
playing street hockey or capture the flag in
their neighbourhood).

This is the best stage for skill development and is also Learning proper sport-skill techniques for safety and
a time when strength, endurance and flexibility can success is important. Incorporating those correct
be developed. It is important that activities are built techniques into small games develops smooth and
around fun and challenging experiences. efficient movements and helps participants coordi-
nate their skills with the movements of teammates
Create a safe environment where participants have a and opponents.
safe and effective entry point to try activities without
the fear of being judged or getting injured. By automating skill performance through small game
activities, participants can focus on the outcomes of
For boys, developing flexibility through systematic the skill rather than on the mechanics of performing
exercises before they start their adolescent growth it. This frees up the brain to think about tactics and
spurt is important, and to maintain flexibility through- strategies. It also allows them to track the movements
out. For girls, developing upper-body strength at this of those around them and act accordingly.
stage is important.
Physical literacy development also requires partici-
Strength can be developed through activities in pants to understand the rules of their sports, under-
which participants support and move their own body stand safety issues, and adhere to the sport’s code
weight. of conduct.
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 44

Table 2: Evolution of Basic Human Movements through Fundamental Movement Skills to Foundational Sport Skills

Stage of Long-Term Development in Sport and Physical Activity

Active Start FUNdamentals Learn to Train
Participants learn:
Basic Human Movements Fundamental Movement Skills Foundational Sport Skills
Skills developed during the stage (examples only):
Court movement
Agility, balance, body
In the hack
orientation, coordination Drawing the bow
Body Control Defense stance
(Non-locomotor) Skills
Simple rhythmic gymnastics routine
Rhythm, poise, expression Back dive
Full swing
Overhead serve
Long jump
Walk, run, wheel, Running a pass route
hop, skip, jump Base running
Volleyball spike
Body Movement Basic ollie
Riding the wake
(Locomotor) Skills
Slide, skate, ski, swim
Slide of skis
Backwards skating
Front crawl
Goal keeping
Overhead pass
Catch, trap, receive Receive a punt
Ring handling
Object Manipulation Skills Martial arts throw
Throw, strike, push, kick Layup
Delivering a bowl
Instructional Strategy
Movement exploration and opportunity Movement exploration, basic Instruction and opportunity
to play with different objects instruction and opportunities for to practice
(e.g., balls, bats, tricycles, etc.) active play


As children and youth develop and grow, their skills slowly evolve and improve. Basic human movements evolve
into fundamental movement skills, and eventually some of the fundamental movement skills are adapted to
become fundamental sport skills used within a sport or activity. But as children grow and develop physiologically,
it does not necessarily mean that their skills will develop similarly. Table 2 and the information on the following
pages will help to improve understanding of this process. Table 3 and Table 4 are examples, and every skill on
the chart below could be expanded to the same level of detail.
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 45

Physical Literacy in Sports and the Performance

Arts—Moving to Mastery
Long-Term Development Stages: Train to Train, Train to Compete, and Train to Win;
Competitive for Life Phase of Active for Life

Physical literacy is a foundation of mastery in sport, occurs in the Train to Train, Train to Compete, and
performance arts such as dance, and a number of Train to Win stages of Long-Term Development in
physically-demanding vocations. The development Sport and Physical Activity. For Masters athletes, it
of physical literacy contributes to the effortless, fluid occurs during the Competitive for Life phase of the
motion of the performer, as well as to resilience and Active for Life stage.
reduced incidence of injury. In sport, development


Athleticism: Continued, deliberate and systematic place more stress on the “pushing” muscles than on
development of a wider range of movement skills, in the “pulling” muscles of the arms, and can lead to
increasingly more challenging environments, helps muscle imbalances between the front and back of
build the athleticism needed for success in sport and the arm.
performing arts. Developing wide-ranging athleticism
also keeps the door open to high performance in a Long-term performance can be improved by continu-
different activity if or when the individual decides to ing to develop physical literacy, and engaging in train-
switch sports. ing and activities that improve symmetry and prevent
one-sidedness. This can lead to a reduction in muscle
Injury prevention: Injury is an occupational hazard imbalances and associated injuries.
for athletes. Focusing on developing physical literacy
and better technique during development can help Training/maintaining the basics: All skills deterio-
build durability and reduce the likelihood of injury. rate if they are not practiced, including fundamental
movement skills learned at a younger age. Working
Symmetry: Some activities use one side of the body on agility, balance and speed at all levels of perfor-
far more than the other (e.g., tennis, golf), and can mance keeps these skills sharp.
lead to muscle imbalances between the left and right
side of the body. Other sports, like wheelchair racing,
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 46

Table 3: Evolution of Skills: Example from Swimming

Active Start FUNdamentals Learn to Train

Playing regularly in water at bath Playing regularly, with supervision,
time, and in regular splash-pad activ- at the pool or swimming-hole, Learning basic techniques
ities towards the end of this stage, to coupled with learn to swim of four strokes
encourage love of water instruction
Being carried into water by an
Entering water safely with feet
adult; later entering water alone
first (jump in) and head first (dive Swimming and starting to dive
under supervision (e.g., walking
down a ramp)
In Water

Being supported in water on front

(face-down) and on back (face-up). Floating on front and back Adjusting buoyancy during strokes
Gradual reduction in support

Picking up objects from bottom of Controlling breath during entry and

Holding breath, with face and
pool without holding nose. Breath- turns, and breathing during clean
nose under water
ing when face is clear of water swimming

Getting a feel for the water and Developing feel for pushing and Having a better feeling of water
how water acts pulling through water during stroke development

Combining joint forces of trunk,

Throwing overhand with appro- shoulder, and arms and hands in
Throwing with basic movement
priate leg, hip and trunk action swimming arm action for freestyle
and butterfly
On Land

Combining joint forces of legs in

Kicking with basic movement Kicking, with appropriate leg, hip
swimming action, particularly for
(straight ahead) and trunk action
freestyle, butterfly and backstroke

Controlling centre of gravity and

Balancing in different body ori-
centre of buoyancy more effectively,
Balancing and controlling the body entations and on different body
to maintain body posture during
Demonstrating better body orienta-
Rolling on ground, cartwheels,
tion skills, especially during flip turns
Rolling and spinning forward and backward rolls,
(with knowledge of body orientation
at all times)
On Snow and Ice

Sliding on snow or ice on skis or

Playing in snow or on ice, including Coordinating cross-body movement
skates, which develops cross-body
rolling and falling, which builds more effectively in freestyle and
coordination (left-arm coordinated
body orientation skills backstroke
with right leg)
Gliding on snow or ice on skis or Learning better timing of pull and
skates, which develops an appre- recovery in strokes
ciation of alternate propulsion and
recovery to create movement
In Air

Springing and jumping on

Hopping and jumping Swimming and starting to dive
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 47

Early Over-Specialization: A Threat to Physical Literacy

Early over-specialization can be a threat to ongoing drills. Repetitive use injuries are more common in par-
physical literacy development. Particularly for young ticipants whose bodies are not fully developed, and
participants who are still growing and developing, those with poor technique.
early over-specialization can bring the potential for
both immediate and longer-term problems including Burnout: Burnout can occur when a participant
chronic injury, burnout and dropout. becomes physically and emotionally tired after doing
something for a long time. There is a feeling of
We know that high performance in any activity weariness often accompanied by frustration, and by a
cannot be attained without specialization, and this reduction in sport performance and participation.
specialization needs to be in techniques, tactics and
strategies, as well as the physical preparation needed Limitation: When participants have excelled in a
to meet the unique demands of the activity. However, single activity for a long time, they develop an “elite”
uninformed coaches and instructors sometimes ban identity. They may then be unwilling to be seen per-
participants from taking part in other activities, in an forming other activities at a beginner level – and may
attempt to accelerate development or out of concern protect themselves psychologically by withdrawing
about injury. from participation in those activities. This may result
in a lack of physical activity, or participation in only a
Injuries: Early over-specialization risks developing very narrow range of activity, later in life.
repetitive strain or overuse injuries brought on by the
repeated performance of the same actions, skills or

The Focus of Physical Literacy in Excellence

High performance athletes are encouraged to engage Coaches, instructors and program managers working
in a variety of activities even as they pursue excellence with high performance athletes, artists/performers
in their specialty. Developing and maintaining capaci- and workers need to support physical literacy devel-
ties in an expanded range of activities can contribute opment and multi-activity participation as a duty of
to performance in the activity of specialization. This care. Too many elite performers retire worn down
includes “cross-training” and participation in multiple both mentally and physically, and with limited prepa-
environments: snow or ice, land, water and air. ration for a career transition. The need for short-
term performance must be balanced with the future
ENGAGE FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION well-being of the performer.
Strong social relationships are often built during the
hundreds and thousands of hours spent training and
performing – but there may also be isolation from
peers not involved in high performance activities.

Taking part in fun social recreational activities,

expanding a child’s range of movement skills, and
advancing their physical literacy can help prevent
burnout, widen their social circle, and ease the end
of career transition from Train to Compete or Train to
Win to being Active for Life.
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 48

Table 4: Evolution of Skills: Example from Soccer

Active Start FUNdamentals Learn to Train

Playing in water at bath time, and
Playing regularly, with supervision,
through regular splash-pad activ- Controlling the body in all
at the pool or swimming hole, cou-
ities towards end of this stage, to orientations
pled with learn to swim instruction
encourage love of water
Being carried into water by an
Entering the water safely with feet
adult and later entering water
first (jump in) and head first (dive Diving to make a save (goalie)
alone under supervision (e.g.,
In Water

walking down a ramp)

Being supported in water on front

Demonstrating better body orienta-
(face-down) and on back (face-up). Floating on front and back
tion and control when horizontal
Gradual reduction in support

Picking up objects from bottom of

Holding breath, with face and
pool without holding nose. Breath- Improving breath control
nose underwater
ing when face is clear of water

Getting a feel for the water and Developing feel for pushing and
Improving arm and leg coordination
how water acts pulling through water

Throwing with basic throwing Throwing overhand, with appro- Throwing the ball in and (for goalies)
movement priate leg, hip and trunk action throwing the ball to start an attack

Kicking with basic (straight ahead) Kicking with appropriate leg, hip
Kicking in all varieties for soccer
On Land

movement. and trunk action

Controlling centre of gravity more

Balancing in different body orienta-
Balancing and controlling the body effectively and maintaining balance
tions and on different body parts
during kicking, turning and tackling

Rolling on ground, cartwheels, for-

Rolling and spinning Recovering from a fall when tackled
ward and backward rolls, spinning

Sliding on snow or ice on skis or

On Snow and Ice

Playing in snow or on ice, including

skates, developing cross-body Coordinating more effectively across
rolling and falling – building body
coordination (left-arm coordinated the body while running and kicking
orientation skills
with right leg)

Gliding on snow or ice on skis or

skates, developing appreciation of Controlling a slide tackle more
alternate propulsion and recovery effectively.
to create movement

Controlling the body to settle a ball,

Twisting while hopping or
In Air

Hopping and jumping and twisting power into heading

the ball
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 49


To learn more about the specifics of performance development and the
role of physical literacy in high performance sport, readers are referred to
the Sport for Life resource Long-Term Development in Sport and Physical
Activity 3.0, which can be found at
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 50

Physical Literacy in the Adult and Older Years

Long-Term Development Stage: Active for Life (for Older Adults, Particularly the Fit for Life Phase)

One of the main reasons why developing physical liter- TYPES OF ACTIVITIES
acy is so important is because of its influence on having Individuals will choose to pursue regular physical
people adopt and maintain an active and healthy way activity in recreational and social settings, such as
of life long-term. Through adolescence and into early, swimming, running, cycling, hiking and working in
middle and older adulthood, the focus of physical liter- the yard, while others might choose to pursue ama-
acy should be to support active living, durability, safety teur sports competition by playing in adult commu-
and maintaining quality of life. While a small percentage nity leagues, such as those for soccer, softball, tennis,
of individuals will pursue a high degree of proficiency golf and curling. Others will be active on a daily basis
to support their goals in high performance sport and as they fulfill the physical requirements of their voca-
the arts such as dance and circus, the vast majority of tion, such as nurses, firefighters, police officers and
people will require regular physical activity to maintain trades workers (refer to the CSEP Canadian 24-hour
basic health and fitness, and ensure their physical safety Movement Guidelines). Programs targeted at and led
in different environments and vocations. Taken together, by older adults have been successful for older Active
these outcomes will also support overall resiliency from for Life participants, and are to be encouraged, as are
injury, illness and other disruptive changes during life. such activities as “Try It Out” days and “Learn It” days.
Under the Long-Term Development framework, these We know that older adults value their independence
years correspond to the Active for Life stage. For the and one of the best ways to stay independent is to
minority of individuals who pursue high performance in be both physically and mentally active. In the senior
sport and the arts, the corresponding Long-Term Devel- years, a few simple activities are sufficient to promote
opment stages are Train to Train, Train to Compete and essential physical literacy for health and safety:
Train to Win.
• moderate cardiovascular exercise such as brisk walking
As people enter their older years, the focus of phys- or recreational activities that elevate the heart rate and
ical literacy should be to support durability, safety produce a raised body temperature and sweat;
and quality of life, and to maintain independence. • strengthening exercises to maintain muscle mass, muscle
Canadians enjoy one of the longest life expectan- tone and muscle function;
cies in the world; however, only 14% of adults • stability and balance activities to reduce the risk of falls;
aged between 65 and 79 years are meeting the • flexibility activities to maintain a range of motion; and
recommended 150 minutes of moderate to vigor- • activities that are fun and engaging and provide an
ous physical activity per week (Government of Can- opportunity for increased social connectedness.
ada, 2018). The quality of life as we age depends
largely on staying physically active, and that requires
maintaining physical literacy (Grove et al., 2016).
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 51


For the most part, individuals at this stage of life Many older Canadians suffer declines in their func-
need to take responsibility for their own participation tional health that limit day to day activities and
in regular physical activity. Many will do so with the reduce general well-being. Health professionals assess
help of electronic apps, fitness tracking devices, and functional health according to eight key attributes:
online instruction and courses. However, some will vision, hearing, speech, mobility, dexterity, feelings,
seek to join programs/clubs that provide structure and cognition and pain. Disease, injury and the aging
leadership. It is not important where the leadership process itself impact each of these. In each instance,
comes from: from within the group, from recreation regardless of the cause or combination of causes, a
or sport organizations, or from public health agen- decline in functional health results in some degree of
cies. Programs and general access should be available moderate to severe individual disability.
through community sport associations/clubs, recre-
ation centres, fitness centres and other activity-based After age 65, functional health begins to decline at
groups. Program leaders and facility operators need a faster rate. As a larger proportion of Canadians
to recognize that additional support may be required are living into their 80s and 90s, this means that
for participants with disabilities and/or impairments, the average Canadian can presently expect to live
or who face additional barriers to participation, such approximately 10.5 years with some level of disabil-
as geographic location or cost. Having a variety of ity (Decady & Greenberg, 2014). At the same time,
easy-to-distinguish entry points to these activities can functional health can also decline at much younger
assist people who are less confident to get started. adult ages through the complications associated with
sedentary lifestyles, obesity and injury.
Declines in functional health diminish individual
Create an environment where participants have a safe
quality of life while generating significant costs for
and effective entry point where they can try activities
our healthcare system. Indirectly, they also impact
without the fear of being judged or getting injured.
economic productivity. Taking all of these impacts into
Provide a variety of activities from which participants account, experts agree a major goal should be to find
can choose what they would like to do. For new par- ways to maintain and prolong the healthy years for
ticipants, provide enough instruction to let them start Canadian citizens of all ages.
to play. For group activities, use icebreaker activities
so participants get to know each other better.
Through the senior years, the primary physical literacy
Having a volunteer who is a regular in the group goals should be the maintenance of range of motion,
available to welcome and guide new participants balance and mental health. These goals in turn
when they arrive will help create an increased feeling ensure that individuals can continue to enjoy good
of belonging. quality of life, social connections, safety and indepen-
dence throughout their advanced years.
In sports, ensure that the level of competition
matches the desires and abilities of the participants. As people reach the upper ages of Active for Life,
Some participants get bored quickly when there is not activities may need to be modified to accommodate
a high enough level of competition for them. Other diminished physical capacity or impairment. However,
participants thrive in less organized and less intense those who are able to maintain physical literacy will
competitive environments. Provide opportunities for improve their chances of remaining independent and
non-competitors to try out competition. enjoying life to the fullest.

Give people the chance to try leadership roles and

be peer mentors by teaching the basic skills of the
activity to new participants.
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 52

At this stage of development, the key outcomes are:
• maintenance of cardiovascular health; • reduction in falls, and maintenance of independence;
• maintenance/improvement of strength, balance, • reduction in sitting time and sedentary activities; and
coordination and flexibility;
• engagement in daily physical activity.
• social activities with a physical component;

People should take part in any activities that contrib- Finding competitive opportunities for younger Active
ute to their health and wellness and enable them to for Life participants can be a challenge if sport orga-
be active for life. This can include being Competitive nizations are too highly focused on elite competition.
for Life by playing in Masters’ sport, or staying Fit for
Life by simply continuing to be active and learning FIT FOR LIFE
new activities. In addition, many individuals at this Includes just about anything and everything that
stage become active in sport and recreation as offi- involves expending physical energy, from gardening,
cials, coaches, administrators or volunteers. to walking, dancing, jogging, camping and any type
of fitness activity.
Includes activities from highly competitive Masters’ It is far better if activity is regular. The greatest gains
events at the local, regional, provincial, national or in population health occur when inactive people
international level, to informal recreational competi- become even minimally active.
tions such as curling bonspiels, old-timers’ leagues, Some people love to learn new sports or activities,
35+ ice hockey and similar activities. and they should be encouraged to do so, as it is good
for both body and brain.

Opportunities for physical activity must be As participants get older they may become more
accessible, so programs should be avail- concerned about safety, so attention needs to be paid
able in local community centres, fitness cen- to this issue. Good lighting, safe public transport, and
tres, retirement homes and local schools. walkways free of ice and snow can go a long way to
increasing participation.
Developing Physical Literacy for Life | 53

Active for Life participants need to take responsibility
for their own participation in regular physical activity.
For many there is a desire for program structure and
leadership, which could come from within the group,
from recreation or sport organizations, or from public
health agencies.

Programs targeted at and led by older adults have

been successful for older Active for Life participants,
and are to be encouraged, as are such activities as
“Try It Out” days and “Learn It” days.

Additional support may be required for participants at

any age who have disabilities.

Create a safe environment where participants have an Give people the chance to try leadership roles and
effective entry point to try activities without the fear of be peer mentors by teaching the basic skills of the
being judged or getting injured. Provide a wide variety activity to new participants.
of activities for participants to choose from, provide
instruction for those activities, and use icebreaker As people reach the upper ages of Active for Life,
activities so participants can get to know each other. activities may need to be modified to accommodate
diminished physical capacity or impairment. However,
In sports, ensure that the level of competition those who are able to maintain physical literacy will
matches the desires and abilities of the participants. improve their chances of remaining independent and
Some participants get bored quickly when there is not enjoying life to the fullest.
a high enough level of competition for them. Other
participants thrive in less organized and less intense
competitive environments. Provide opportunities for
non-competitors to try out competition.
Equitable Opportunities for All | 54

3 Equitable Opportunities for All

As communities develop policy and programming to promote physical literacy, the principle of
equity needs to be observed and reflected in our actions. Individuals facing barriers to participation
may need more support to get involved and stay in physical activity. This includes (but is not
limited to) girls and women, persons with disabilities, Indigenous Peoples, newcomers to Canada,
the LGBTQI2S community, aging adults, and those living in poverty and/or isolated communities.
Barriers to participation should be critically examined and the needs of different groups should be
thoughtfully considered.
The following areas should be considered:

Sensitivity to
Barrier-free Participation
Different Needs

Collaboration Program Design Inclusion

Equitable Opportunities for All | 55

Barrier-free Participation Collaboration

• Make physical space, equipment and signage accessible • Consider how to collaborate and communicate with other
to all. organizations and support systems to develop alignment,
particularly when supporting diverse populations.
• Welcome everyone into programming.
• Ensure the multiple demands of different sports and
• Use a variety of communication methods to relay
activities do not overload or overwhelm participants.
messages to all (e.g., translations, icons and visual
markers, braille, accessible font sizes and colours, etc.). • Work with multiple sectors and organizations to create a
smooth transition from activity to activity.
• Create marketing materials that are inclusive of diversity.
• Provide training and support to leaders, support staff and
program participants, to adopt a welcoming attitude that
Program Design
makes all participants feel at ease. • Ensure programs are designed to keep more participants
engaged in the activity longer—including early developing
Sensitivity to Different Needs females and late developing males.
• Address the gender gap (refer to next page).
Diversity challenges us to consider social statuses and
determinants like age, economic status, race, sexual • Avoid cutting participants in earlier stages; and, when
orientation, religion, ability and gender. Intersection- limited participation is imposed, help participants transfer
ality—the various determinants we use to describe to other tiers or activities.
ourselves and how they are interwoven and linked
• Create supportive environments that plan for the holistic
together—makes up each individual’s needs to be rec-
needs of the participant.
ognized, appreciated and supported.

• Create a safe space and be conscious that safety looks Inclusion

and feels different for different participants.
To give everyone the same opportunities, make
• Consider body image, cultural or religious needs, and sure that:
socio-economic background when choosing apparel
options, creating dress codes, or selecting shared spaces. • girls are encouraged to play and are given the same
• Accommodate child care and elder care needs of opportunities as boys;
caregivers. • there is respect for and support of cultural, religious or
• Structure program fees to scale to what is affordable for economic differences; and
each participant or connect them to grant opportunities. • equipment needs, activity modifications, and support staff
are considered to maximize engagement of all abilities,
regardless of background, ability, gender or barriers.
Equitable Opportunities for All | 56

Physical Literacy and the Gender Gap

As physical literacy policy and programming are developed within communities and organizations,
attention must be given to gender disparities in programming and participation. Research has
demonstrated repeatedly that there is a gender gap in the development of many movement skills,
with boys performing better on some skills than girls. This gap hinders girls from participating in
sport and pursuing healthy levels of physical activity, and more needs to be done to attract and
retain girls and women in quality sport and physical activity (Tucker Center for Research on Girls &
Women in Sport, 2018).

While there has a been a tendency in the past to view The research team subsequently adapted a pro-
this gender gap as a product of biology, most motor gram of games to promote skill development using
development experts see this as a failure to provide a gender inclusive approach. After-school leaders
support and experiences for girls to develop those were trained in the model, and research showed
skills early in life. In other words, this represents a that their knowledge, competence and confidence
failure to provide the physical literacy cycle (see Figure to deliver gender-inclusive physical literacy experi-
3, pg. 8) to everyone and is a form of non-inclusion ences were significantly improved following train-
or exclusion from participation. ing. However, the results also showed that more
intensive and longer interventions were required
An example of research in this area involved collab- to improve physical competence in children and
oration between Ontario’s Ministry of Recreation, narrow the competence gap between genders. The
Tourism and Sport, the Ontario Trillium Foundation, results of this project were subsequently submitted
the Infant and Child Health (INCH) Research Lab at for use in developing and testing new interventions
McMaster University and the University of Toronto, to address the gender gap problem.
and the Ontario Physical and Health Education Asso-
ciation (OPHEA). These organizations examined the This particular collaboration is just one example
disparity in physical literacy between adolescent boys of how multi-stakeholder participation—research,
and girls—what has been referred to as the gender education, not-for-profit non-governmental orga-
gap in physical literacy. nizations and the government—can come together
to address a significant social challenge using an
Through this collaboration, researchers tested sev- evidence-based approach. Further work needs
eral hundred children in after-school programs in to be done in this area so that more young girls
the province of Ontario using the PLAYfun assess- and women benefit from higher levels of physical
ment tool. The results showed that boys tended literacy.
to outperform girls on many skills, especially those
related to object control.
Equitable Opportunities for All | 57

Physical Literacy for Persons with Disabilities

Persons with disabilities, whether congenital or acquired, can develop their physical literacy at any age.

Physical literacy is important for everyone, including those with disabilities.

• Children who have congenital disabilities need • Activities for persons with disabilities should be modified
opportunities to develop fundamental movement skills as little as possible, but enough to enable the individual
and fundamental sport skills. to participate and develop physical literacy.
• Individuals who acquire disabilities through injury or illness • Regardless of the disability, the objective is to ensure all
need to re-develop previously learned skills, while using individuals learn as many skills as possible in order to
appropriate prostheses or mobility aids. take part in a variety of sport and recreation activities.

Everyone should have the opportunity to develop physical literacy. Program coordinators, leaders, coaches, edu-
cators and facility operators have a responsibility to create universally accessible physical literacy opportunities.
Some children are born with disabilities (congenital disabilities) and other individuals acquire disabilities through
injury or illness (acquired disabilities). Some disabilities are invisible. Regardless of whether a disability is congen-
ital or acquired, individuals need to be aware of what opportunities for participation exist (Awareness) and then
have supportive and positive experiences in trying those activities (First Involvement).


Children who have a disability need to develop phys- Following injury or illness that causes a disability, the
ical literacy the same as their peers. Activities should individual needs to go through the stages of learning
be modified as little as possible to accommodate the and Long-Term Development in Sport and Physical
child’s disability. To the greatest extent possible, chil- Activity to be active again. Once an individual with
dren with disabilities should learn, practice and use an acquired disability goes through Awareness and
their emerging skills alongside their peers, rather than First Involvement, the individual then needs to learn,
in a segregated environment. This facilitates learning or re-learn, to perform basic movement skills with
and social integration. their changed body (Active Start), progressing to
fundamental movement skills (FUNdamentals), and
eventually learning a range of fundamental sport and
recreation skills (Learn to Train).
Equitable Opportunities for All | 58

Some examples of common disabilities are:

Includes individuals with cerebral palsy, dystrophies, Includes individuals with Down syndrome, fetal alco-
amputations, congenital conditions, injuries and hol syndrome, Fragile X syndrome and more.
many more.
Get to know the participant to understand how to
The key to supporting individuals with physical dis- best support them. Keep rules clear and concise, visu-
abilities is to ask questions to learn more about what ally demonstrate, audibly explain, and if necessary,
the participant can do, rather than focusing on what prompt, or, with permission, move their body to phys-
they cannot do. Using trial and error, be creative with ically model the movement. Allow for processing time
equipment and activities to accommodate. for participants to become familiar with equipment or
activities, and ensure time to repeat skills/attempts.
Includes individuals who are deaf or who are hard INVISIBLE DISABILITIES & MENTAL HEALTH
of hearing. Mental health includes anxiety, bipolar disorder and
phobias. Invisible disabilities includes, disabilities that
Learn about the participant, and whether they use are not immediately apparent, such as mental health
hearing aids, or other devices. Employ clear pronun- conditions; some visual, auditory and intellectual dis-
ciation, use visuals, and make sure they can see your abilities; several diseases; and chronic illnesses.
mouth when you speak.
Get to know your participants, build trust, ask ques-
tions and discuss with parents/caregivers what you
are noticing. Focus on solutions rather than disabil-
ities and labels, and establish a “chill out zone” for
decompression and down time.

Includes cancer, HIV/AIDS, heart disease, obe-
sity, injuries, allergies, asthma, diabetes, arthritis,
migraines and more.

Use a pre-screen questionnaire or conversation to

understand any limitations, and inquire whether
there are First Aid protocols to follow, and how their
activity levels are affected (e.g., fatigue, injury, vision,
etc.). Discuss with participants and parents/caregivers
what modifications can be put in place to support
(e.g., frequent rest periods, equipment modifications,
VISUAL etc.), and know your scope of practice.
Includes individuals who are blind or who have
reduced vision.
Use clear, concise rules, and behaviour support tools
Learn what the individuals has for functional vision, (e.g., visual supports, reward boards, countdown
and find out what works best for them. It might be boards, etc.). Be aware that the tactile feedback from
to use tactile or high contrast boundaries (e.g., white some equipment may both hinder and help in some
floor tape), and equipment that has high colour con- activities, and if possible, find a location that isn’t
trast, and/or makes noise. over-stimulating for the participants (e.g., a large gym
may not be ideal).
Equitable Opportunities for All | 59

Children who have congenital disabilities should be Individuals with disabilities require support from
encouraged and supported in developing physical lit- parents, caregivers, teachers, coaches and community
eracy in the same way as their peers: starting at home recreation staff. In addition, persons with disabili-
and progressing to pre-school, school, community ties often work closely with rehabilitation specialists
recreation and sport programs. For individuals who including occupational therapists and physiotherapists
are born with a congenital disability and/or individuals who need to support the learning of a wide range
who acquire a disability, hospitals and rehabilita- of daily living and recreational skills. Being physically
tion facilities hold an important role in developing active throughout life needs to be normalized as the
physical literacy. expectation for persons with disabilities, and all sup-
port staff working with persons with disabilities must
To make all of this possible, it is critical that facilities
adopt an inclusive, welcoming attitude.
be accessible to those with disabilities, and that edu-
cation, sport and recreation front-line staff make per- Further, family and friends of persons with disabilities
sons with disabilities feel welcomed and supported need to support their efforts to engage in sport and
when they join an activity. recreational activities.

Physical literacy is developed regardless of whether ADAPT EQUIPMENT
an individual has a disability. To improve opportunities Work with persons with disabilities to come up
for developing skills of persons with disabilities, it is with ways to adapt equipment or materials. No one
useful to think about how to: has thought more about adapting equipment than
persons with disabilities themselves—so use their
knowledge and ingenuity. While adapted equipment
Using respectful language makes persons with for high performance sport can be very specialized,
disabilities feel welcomed and valued, while inappro- adaptations for developing physical literacy can be
priate language can drive them away. When working both simple and homemade.
with persons with disabilities, talk directly to the
person, not to his or her support person or accompa- ENSURE SAFETY
nying person, if present. Talk to persons with disabilities (or their parents/
caregivers) about any restrictions in activities they
may have, or any supportive techniques that can help
If a child is in a wheelchair, activities and games them to be safe while participating.
should be modified to make them possible while
wheeling. For those who have visual impairment, DON’T ASSUME
consider changing the skills from catching to trap- Do not make assumptions regarding what persons
ping where the receiver traps a ball rolling along the with disabilities can or cannot do. If in doubt, simply
ground. Be creative! ask them (or their parent/caregiver).
Developing Physical Literacy in Different Environments | 60

Developing Physical Literacy in

4 Different Environments

It is important that individuals have opportunities to explore movement and develop physical
literacy in four different environments: indoor and outdoor land; water; air; and snow and ice.
Physical literacy in these environments is important not only for providing opportunities to explore
different sport and activity interests in different settings, but also for ensuring personal safety in
these environments over each individual’s life course. For example, if children do not learn how to
swim, water will always present a life-threatening risk for them and may also prevent them from
engaging in other water-based activities. Similarly, if they are unfamiliar with walking on snow and
ice, they could be at increased risk for serious falls and injuries later in life. The discussion in this
document generally addresses physical literacy in all environments, but it is important to recognize
that there are additional nuances for aquatic environments, aerial environments, snow and ice
environments, and natural outdoor environments.

Nature Air Ice and Snow Aquatic Environments

Developing Physical Literacy in Different Environments | 61

Physical Literacy in Nature

One of the most important things to consider is that different environments (e.g., the ice rink,
outdoor spaces, nature, or the gym) provide opportunities for the development of physical literacy.
To illustrate, we know that when young children can access larger spaces or spend more time
outdoors, they are more physically active; with more physical activity comes the opportunity to
enhance physical competence including skills, strength and fitness. Natural environments are
particularly rich in opportunities to explore and develop physical literacy.

Developing physical literacy in nature requires partic- Activities take place outdoors, where environment
ular focus on several fundamental movement skills can be moderate or volatile, with variable weather
including: balance, coordination, agility, locomo- conditions. By being outdoors, participants will be
tion, stability, body control, and when implement- exposed to changes in light and visibility with the
ing nature survival techniques, fine motor skills movement or disappearance of the sun.
(e.g., threading a fishing hook or tying knots).
NATURE ACTIVITIES Environmental Considerations
Daily activities and vocations include nature trail and Natural environments are often unpredictable and
path construction, forestry work, forest firefighting, can pose risks, but that is not necessarily a bad thing.
search and rescue, hunting, guiding and ecotourism. These environments allow children and adults to
challenge themselves in risky play, by climbing up to
Recreation activities include hiking and walking,
and jumping from heights, running fast down hills, or
non-competitive mountain biking, geocaching,
leaping across streams, logs and gaps. Risky play has
adventure games such as capture the flag, birdwatch-
many benefits to physical literacy development, but
ing, climbing and playground games.
it is important to gauge the level of risk involved and
Sports include mountain adventure racing, extreme how best to avoid serious injury while engaging with
terrain marathons and triathlons, and orienteering. the environment or activity.

RANGE OF CONDITIONS Individuals will want to be aware of any potential

Natural environments offer the opportunity to move weather conditions and temperature changes that
on rough, flat, sloped, stable and unstable terrain, they may encounter, and prepare accordingly. They
and over a variety of surfaces (e.g., vegetation, rock, may have to navigate slippery conditions while hiking
sand, ice, etc.). over rocks in the rain or cold, or may require knowl-
edge of hydration because they are being active in
Key variables include the stability and structural integ- hot, dry conditions. Even different light challenges
rity of landscape and natural elements. depth perception and balance.
Developing Physical Literacy in Different Environments | 62

Along with understanding weather, landscape and Cognitive component: When thinking about
equipment, it is also important that individuals under- nature, the range of knowledge and skills is broad,
stand and recognize the various animals and plants and incorporates multiple areas beyond just the phys-
they might encounter, and how best to interact or ical. To engage actively in natural environments, indi-
avoid them. viduals need to: know about and make safe choices;
interpret the weather and select the appropriate gear;
Proper Equipment understand the landscape, the wildlife and the plants;
Equipment can play a very big role in ensuring indi- and know how to navigate to and from their loca-
viduals get the most out of their activity while avoid- tion. They also have to be able to interpret when their
ing injury. In some cases, appropriate equipment can skills are appropriate to the challenge—should they
be the difference between life and death. Depending jump that creek or look for a better way to cross it?
on the nature of the activity, equipment choices can
be as simple as choosing the proper footwear for a Affective component: Nature activities allow both
walk, or as complex as packing for multiple days in children and adults to challenge themselves by
the wilderness. engaging in risky play. Overcoming these challenges
will increase an individual’s confidence. Familiarity
with a task or a trail through repetition adds to a per-
son’s confidence and will further lead to individuals
challenging themselves to more advanced jumps, bal-
ances and climbs. The opportunity to be alone and/or
dependent on one’s own skills, such as path-finding,
will also increase confidence.

Social component: While exploring the natural envi-

ronment can be a solitary activity, there is often a social
component to nature-based activities. When hiking,
camping or climbing, people will have opportunities to
make decisions together, and oftentimes will require
the support of another to succeed at their task. Being
off the grid together allows people to socialize, build
bonds, and understand each other in different ways.
For an individual to enhance their physical
For coaches, recreation leaders or parents/caregivers,
literacy development in nature, their physical, it is important to be intentional about building phys-
cognitive, affective and social components ical literacy in different environments, as each may
promote motivation, confidence, competence, knowl-
must be considered. edge, and understanding in different ways. Quality
Physical component: A whole range of fundamen- programming will allow for structured and unstruc-
tal movement skills are required to engage in physical tured activity and risky play, which will also enhance
activity in nature, depending on the activity and land- decision making. For adults, quality programming in
scape. Nature activities lend themselves to locomotor nature offers additional benefits, including improved
and balance skills, and, in terms of survival skills, some mobility and durability.
fine motor skills (e.g., using a knife to sharpen a stick).
Manipulative skills also look quite different in nature,
including casting a fishing line, throwing rocks at tar-
gets, catching pine cones, using an archery bow or sling
shot. Each of these need to be taught and practiced.
Developing Physical Literacy in Different Environments | 63

Physical Literacy in Air

At its most extreme, movement in the air involves soaring, balancing at great heights, or
performing complicated acrobatics; however, everyday activities also require the ability to
competently move through aerial space.

Developing physical literacy in aerial environments Sports include athletics (e.g., high jump, pole vault,
requires particular focus on several fundamental long jump, triple jump and hurdles), cheerleading,
movement skills including: balance, agility, flexibil- cycling (e.g., stunt riding, BMX and mountain biking),
ity, coordination and spatial orientation. Physical diving, equestrian, figure skating, freestyle skiing,
literacy in the air also requires good instincts and gymnastics, inline skate, paragliding, ski jumping,
quick decision making, known as air sense. skydiving, snowboarding, sport climbing, trampoline,
wakeboarding and water skiing.
Daily activities and vocations include climbing ladders, RANGE OF CONDITIONS
reaching something high, washing windows, paint- Aerial environments may be indoor or outdoor
ing, performing an aerial rescue, working as an aerial with various weather conditions. Some activities
technician, piloting a plane or helicopter, working require wind, while others are best without it.
as an astronaut, performing in a circus, working in Aerial environments exist close to the ground as
a military field (e.g., pararescue, special operations, well as high above it. Aerial environments often
pilot, etc.), roofing, conducting a search and rescue, intersect with other environments, such as water,
working as a stunt person, tree cutting/care and ice or snow. Takeoffs and landings may use the
working on aerial platforms or boom lifts. ground, snow, water or apparatus such as a nets,
trampolines, ramps or foam. Participants may
Recreation activities include participation in aerial climb or jump using their own power, or may
parks, circus arts, climbing (e.g., rock, ice or indoor), be lifted, launched or dropped into the air.
dance (e.g., acro, ballet or tricking), extreme motor-
sports, flying, freestyle skiing, gliding, kayaking,
mountaineering, obstacle courses, outdoor play (e.g.,
tree climbing, swinging or cliff jumping), parkour,
playgrounds (e.g., fire pole, monkey bars or zipline),
stunt flying and tree-top trekking.
Developing Physical Literacy in Different Environments | 64

SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS into the air in a variety of ways. Locomotion may

Competently moving and navigating space at various involve moving repetitively outside the body’s base
levels relative to the ground is beneficial for life- of support, can incorporate various apparatus,
long movement and injury prevention. Falls training and provides opportunities to navigate space at
for seniors, for example, aims to develop or refresh various levels and directions relative to the ground.
these skills. The ability to land with less impact or Rotations around an internal axis through the centre
to bail out of a fall requires intuitive understanding of the body, such as somersaults and twists, and
combined with the ability to move and react appro- swings, which are a rotation around an axis external
priately. The force of gravity is a constant factor to the body such as a bar, both enhance the ability
influencing movement, and aerial activities tend to be to initiate and manage rotation on the ground and
focused on either defying gravity or working with it. in the air. This is a necessity for acrobatic sports,
but also contributes to overall physical literacy.
Equipment can mean the difference between
life and death when it comes to activity in aerial Cognitive component: The body can travel along
environments. Action may take place at a great various pathways relative to the ground, other bodies
height or in close proximity to the ground, and and surrounding space. There is a close interaction
participants may hang, swing, climb or move between cognitive and physical components of phys-
between the ground and the air. A wide variety of ical literacy in the air. Body awareness combines
structures, apparatus and equipment have been an understanding of what the body can do with the
developed to facilitate jumping or launching, ability to move and take on intentional shapes and
remaining in the air, and landing successfully. positions without looking at each body part. Spatial
awareness involves self-awareness related to inter-
action with the surrounding environment, including
For an individual to enhance their physical judgement of distance and speed of movement, and
literacy development in aerial environments, spatial orientation, also referred to as aerial aware-
ness, adds an ongoing cognizance of how the body
physical, cognitive, affective and social is oriented in the air and relative to the ground. Air
components must be considered. sense combines spatial orientation with the ability
to predict and control physical outcomes. While it
Physical component: Several fundamental implies an intuitive sense of orientation and move-
movement skills and movement patterns must ment relative to gravity, it also includes the sense
be developed to achieve physical literacy in aerial (intelligence and experience) to take appropriate
environments. The importance of stationary action based on ongoing judgements and mid-air
positions should not be underestimated for decision making.
developing body awareness, flexibility and balance, Affective component: There is an element of thrill
as well as the capacity to understand and follow or exhilaration with the pursuit of aerial activities.
physical directions, to observe and reproduce a The need to focus absolutely on the task at hand can
pose, and to visualize and shape the body into an produce a sense of clarity and joy, and when physical
intended position. Landings are highly important, abilities perfectly match the demands of the task,
and are best introduced on a level surface, with it can be experienced as a merging of action and
height and complexity added once appropriate awareness with a sense of total control, known as
physical capacities have been demonstrated. Springs flow experience (Jackson & Kimiecik, 2008). These
involve jumping or springing into the air from any types of emotions can lead to increased desire for
combination of feet, hands or other body parts, participation and continued improvement.
developing the ability to apply appropriate forces
combined with body alignment to effectively launch
Developing Physical Literacy in Different Environments | 65

Fear can have a significant, justifiable influence on

motivation. When confidence and physical abilities
are not well-matched with a task, the primary emo-
tion is likely to be fear. Physical fear, or fear of actual
danger, can be a crucial stimulus to manage risk,
preparation, communication and the safety of the
physical environment. It can be difficult to separate
physical fear from fear of failure or general anxiety,
and examining both emotional and physical factors
can help to understand and address these emotions.
Ultimately, enjoyment and benefits must be weighed
against risk, and the choice should always be a per-
sonal one.

Social component: Coaches, instructors, parents/

caregivers and peers influence motivation and
approaches to effort and risk. Observational learn-
ing, imitation and vicarious experience contribute to
improved self-efficacy. Peer interaction and obser-
vation, as well as verbal and social encouragement,
enhances physical literacy development in aerial

Multi-sport air coaches are taught to prioritize con-

trol, consistency and confidence before moving to
the next step. Gradual progression based on a solid
foundation of movement skills is the best way to
develop. This begins on the ground with a foundation
of balance, agility, flexibility and coordination before
progressing to low heights with minimal risk, eventu-
ally adding complexity or moving to greater heights
as individual competence allows.
acrobatic sports is possible, but it can prove diffi-
Aerial and acrobatic literacy should be introduced cult and discouraging if remedial work is required
early, built progressively, and become more refined to catch up on basic skills. Transfer from one aerial
over the long term. During the development of sport to another is often successful, indicating that
physical literacy, it is important to include positions, early development of foundational skills, rather than
movements, and skills where orientation is not limited early single-sport specialization, is the basis for later
to an upright, standing position. Aerial aspects of success. Although acrobatic sports have typically been
physical literacy are more efficiently developed at the considered early specialization, a growing number of
earlier stages, before self-judgement and risk-avoid- sports are challenging this assumption, self-identify-
ance become significant barriers. Late entry into ing as early entry – late specialization instead.
Developing Physical Literacy in Different Environments | 66

Physical Literacy on Ice and Snow

For those who experience winter for a significant part of the year, spending time on snow and ice
is part of both winter activities and daily living. Navigating and playing in these environments is an
important part of a healthy and connected lifestyle.

Developing physical literacy on ice and snow envi- Indoor with a controlled environment: Ice rinks
ronments requires particular focus on several funda- and skating ovals.
mental movement skills including: balance, which
includes the ability to come to a controlled stop while Outdoor with a moderate environment: Outdoor
still upright, and to fall correctly and get back up; rinks; frozen lakes, ponds, canals; icy driveways, side-
locomotion (e.g., gliding, striding, walking, running walks, stairs; frozen yards and fields.
and sliding); and object control (e.g., skis, poles,
Outdoor a with uncontrolled, volatile or variable
sticks, pucks, balls, rocks, rings and sleds).
weather conditions/environments: Ski hills and
SNOW AND ICE ACTIVITIES terrain parks, which include various slopes, features
and risk factors; mountains, cliff faces and alpine
Daily activities and vocations include shovelling snow,
ice scraping and clearing the car, ice sculpting, walk-
ing and running, outdoor operations in winter, ski SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS
and snowboard instructor, ski area, arena, and out-
Equipment and outwear can make or break an indi-
door recreation operations, mountain guide, judging
vidual’s experience. The kind of head protection (hel-
and officiating.
met or toque) is dependant on the potential speed
Recreation activities include winter hiking and walk- and the density of the surface (ice versus soft snow).
ing, snowshoeing, ice climbing, tobogganing and A helmet should fit snuggly and have a functioning
tubing, dog sledding, snowmobiling, ice fishing, chinstrap. Footwear must be snug so that the feet do
broomball, mountaineering, non-competitive skating, not move around in the boots, giving an individual
skiing and snowboarding. the opportunity to control the skis or skates, or walk
with a good feel for the snow and ice. Outerwear
Sports include the various styles and disciplines of should be weather resistant, warm, and allow for
skiing, snowboarding, skating, gliding sports (e.g., active movement.
bobsleigh, luge or skeleton), hockey and sledge
hockey, ringette and curling. Speed management is important for safety and skill
development. Speed is introduced after an individual is
RANGE OF CONDITIONS comfortable with self-propelled moving/gliding and has
Key variables include: Snow and ice density, water balance and control. This is evidenced by staying upright
content, temperature, visibility, etc. and being able to gain speed, control speed and stop.
Developing Physical Literacy in Different Environments | 67

For an individual to enhance their physical literacy development in ice and snow environments,
their physical, cognitive, affective and social components must be considered.

Physical component: Balance, gliding and control

are the core skills for snow and ice environments.
These are progressed, diversified and emphasized
depending on the demands of the activity and devel-
opment stage of the individual. Additional funda-
mental movement skills include agility, timing and
coordination, jumping, team sport skills (e.g., passing,
receiving, reading plays, etc.), velocity and force man-
agement (e.g., edging and pressure control).

Cognitive component: The decision-making pro-

cess should keep individuals safe in snow and ice
environments. Individuals can manage themselves in
varying terrain and conditions by adapting the shape
of their turn (or curve), controlling their speed, and
applying appropriate pressure according to the snow
and ice conditions.

Affective component: As individuals develop the The primary elements of physical literacy develop-
necessary skills to explore speed, balance, decision ment in ice and snow are equipment, stability of
making and body control with friends, family and role movement and speed. Emphasis on balance and con-
models, they will build self-efficacy—meaning belief in trol of movements and speed is key when individuals
their ability to perform a particular activity or skill. The are first introduced to these environments. A terrain
very nature of being off-balance and moving at speed park with a variety of snow-based activities and
puts individuals in a position where they learn about equipment is a great venue to introduce individuals to
their own fear and how to practise their skills to man- this environment. Terrain parks provide gentle slopes
age it. This learning contributes to a sense of control and a range of zones where people can try a variety
and a broader self-confidence. Once an individual has of terrain features, and switch activities to skating or
developed a competent degree of physical literacy in tobogganing so they stay engaged throughout the
snow and ice environments, they can choose an activ- day. An important consideration is to challenge indi-
ity that is meaningful and motivating to them. viduals in a safe manner. Therefore, controlled bal-
ance and gliding must come before any introduction
Social component: Many ice and snow activities are to environments that increase speed, such as steeper
done with friends and family for a lifetime. Starting at terrain in skiing or faster striding in skating. Once bal-
Active Start through to the Active for Life stage, indi- ance and control have been established, these skills
viduals have the opportunity to join teams to ski, skate, can be further developed in the rink, in the ski area
slide and enjoy family days at any number of snow and and in the backyard, through play and programming.
ice venues. These environments provide for informal The best way to develop physical literacy is to get out
socialization in lodges, on hills and trails, in arenas and and play as much as possible in these environments.
on ski lifts. More formal socialization occurs through
rules, procedures and progressions designed to man-
age risk and keep individuals safe in ice and snow
environments, while developing skills and confidence.
Developing Physical Literacy in Different Environments | 68

Physical Literacy in Aquatic Environments

Aquatic environments can offer many opportunities for activity and enjoyment, but they also
pose inherent risk. Because of this risk, traditional swimming programs are delivered in highly
controlled aquatic environments and focus primarily on water competence. It is imperative for
people to develop physical literacy in aquatic environments to ensure they have the competence,
as well as the motivation, confidence, knowledge and understanding to engage in meaningful
aquatic movement throughout their life course.

Developing physical literacy in aquatic environments RANGE OF CONDITIONS

requires particular focus on several fundamental Key variables include: Temperature, visibility, current
movement skills including: coordination, loco- and tides.
motion, agility, balance, coordination, speed,
stability, body control and object manipulation, Controlled environments: Indoor and outdoor
and will benefit from the transfer of other skills such pools.
as kicking and throwing.
Uncontrolled environments: Open (natural) pools
AQUATIC ACTIVITIES and bodies of water, rivers, lakes and oceans.
Daily activities and vocations include lifeguarding, When outdoors, consider volatile weather or variable
marine search and rescue, fishing, marine construc- surface conditions such as waves or swells.
tion and repair, scuba diving, boating and working
Many messages advocating for physical activity say
Recreation activities include leisure swimming, recre-
that consistent, healthy physical activity early on in
ational water sports, wading and floating, paddling
life will reduce chronic health issues and extend your
and rowing, logrolling, tubing and snorkeling.
lifespan. When it comes to aquatic environments,
Sports include swim racing, artistic swimming, diving, developing physical literacy prevents the more imme-
water polo, wakeboarding and water skiing, and diate risk of drowning.
lifesaving sport.
Open water environments can be unpredictable and
feature unexpected dangers, such as variable depths,
unseen objects, and currents. It is important that
individuals understand both what may lie beneath the
Developing Physical Literacy in Different Environments | 69

surface and how best to navigate it. For instance, if endurance is the skill of the muscle(s) to repeatedly
there is the possibility of getting caught in a riptide exert force over a sustained period. Coordination
off a beach, swimmers should know not to fight is the skill of being able to move two or more body
the tide by attempting to swim back to shore, but parts in a controlled, smooth, and efficient manner.
instead swim parallel to the shore until they are free Flexibility is the skill of a joint or muscle to move
of the tide. through or extend its full range of motion. Agility is
the skill of being able to quickly change direction or
It is important that any equipment being used (or that body position. Strength is the skill to carry out tasks
may be needed in an emergency) properly fits the where resistance is a factor. Reaction time is the skill
participant and is in good working order. A life jacket of reducing the length of time taken to respond to
that does not fit properly or a faulty flotation device a given stimulus. Speed is the skill of being able to
could easily lead to death. move the body quickly across, through, or under the
Getting caught in unexpected weather while in or water, and/or move limbs quickly.
on open water can lead to consequences that range
from inconvenient and unpleasant to deadly. Individ-
uals should be aware of any weather in the forecast
before engaging in open water activity.

For an individual to enhance their physical

literacy development in aquatic environments,
their physical, cognitive, affective, and social
components must be considered.

Physical component: There are several elements of

psychomotor learning evident in the physical literacy
approach to learning in aquatic environments. They
focus on the movements, motor skills and health/fit-
ness skills that a person acquires and applies through
aquatic movement. It includes the coordination and
application of these skills to perform the movements
required in different situations and types of aquatic
environments. Locomotor skills allow the person
to move independently from one spot to another
through, on, or in the water. Stability/balance skills Cognitive component: The elements of cognitive
involve balance and weight transfer. Object manip- learning focus on the development of knowledge and
ulation skills involve the use of hands, feet, or understanding required for movement and physical
another body part to move or manipulate an object. activity in, through and on the water. They involve the
Object locomotor skills are manipulation skills that development of an individual’s knowledge of how,
apply locomotion, coordination, and stability to move when, and why to move in particular ways, and how
equipment and person from one place to another. to adapt and be innovative when faced with new
Cardiovascular endurance or cardio-respiratory movement challenges in aquatic environments. This
endurance is the skill of developing the ability of the includes critical decision-related knowledge, but also
heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to working muscles includes knowledge of the benefits of movement and
during exercise over sustained periods. Muscular physical activity in water.
Developing Physical Literacy in Different Environments | 70

Affective component: The elements of affective positive changes to occur in an individual’s aquatic
learning focus on moods, values, and attitudes behaviours as they develop physical literacy through-
towards aquatic activity. It involves developing self-es- out their life course. This is based not only on an
teem, confidence, and motivation, and understanding individual’s physical skills in the water, but also in
the emotional responses linked to aquatic movement. what environment aquatic activities occur, when
aquatic behaviours occur in the individual’s stage of
Social component: The elements of social learning development, and how experienced that individual is
focus on the development of social skills including with these types of activities. From a physical literacy
collaboration, fair play, navigating safety and risk, perspective, changes in aquatic behaviour occur as
and leadership and communication. The development a result of interconnected learning interactions that
of these skills can help us to enjoy participating and take place between the individual, task, and environ-
also to interact more effectively with others, includ- mental/social characteristics. To execute any aquatic
ing teachers, coaches, teammates, opponents and behaviour, an individual calls upon their psychomotor,
officials. cognitive, affective, and social learning to solve the
The holistic understanding of what skills, knowledge, problem presented. Aquatic agencies should collab-
attitudes, and relationships are needed to thrive in orate in the mobilization of knowledge to ensure the
aquatic environments is in stark contrast to previous development of physical literacy in and on water,
approaches to aquatic teaching programs. A “phys- and enable the widest possible participation across
ical literacy perspective” expects and anticipates the life course.
Assessing Physical Literacy | 71

5 Assessing Physical Literacy

What is assessed is valued. If we want to ensure that physical literacy is given value, we need to
ensure that we can assess it across the life course.

Body Control Locomotor Object Manipulation ABCs

There are many reasons why it is important to assess physical literacy:

1. To gather baseline data on the nation’s state of physical 5. To help in the formative assessment of children and
literacy (population surveillance) and to track changes adults, to provide a baseline of their current physical
in order to see if physical literacy is improving at the literacy and identify what needs to be worked on to
national level. promote progression.

2. To help parents/caregivers and instructors better 6. To provide screening tools to determine physical literacy
understand each child/youth’s level of physical literacy. levels so they can be addressed.

3. To help adults better understand their level of physical 7. To quantify a societal issue with a measurable solution.
literacy and how it changes as they age.
8. To research and answer questions about the relationships
4. To support program evaluation and improve program between physical literacy and physical activity, health,
design to ensure activities contribute to physical literacy educational achievement and sport performance.
development of participants.
A CAUTIONARY MESSAGE Assessing Physical Literacy | 72

When trying to evaluate physical literacy pro- be able to determine if any improvements are
grams, or the physical literacy of an individual, due to the program or due to the children simply
it is important to remember the rate of devel- being three to four months older (or physically
opment of children (including motor) is highly maturing). To really know if a program is making
variable and partially determined by biological a difference, you should make a comparison of
factors, in addition to experience and environ- physical literacy assessments between children
ment. In early childhood, these factors affect of the same chronological age who completed
the mastery of basic human movements such as the program and children who did not, as both
sitting, crawling, standing, walking and running. groups of children would have experienced the
For children, if you assess physical literacy at the same degree of natural physical development
start of a three-month program and then assess over the same period, and the only difference is
again at the end of the program, you may not their participation in the program.

Advances have been made in assessing physical literacy, particularly in children and youth. Researchers
continue to work on the development of additional tools that can be used with different populations,
including persons with disabilities, persons with impairments, very young children, and both adults and
senior citizens. Tools are also being developed to assess physical literacy in different environments such
as water, ice and snow.

To learn more about physical literacy assessment tools, please refer to Appendix D.
Sectors and Practices | 73

6 Sectors and Practices

Physical literacy is essential to all aspects of life. With this in mind, the different sectors of public
health, recreation, sport, education and the arts should be involved in the promotion of physical
literacy. A piecemeal approach by different agencies and institutions acting in isolation will not
ensure that physical literacy becomes a reality for all Canadians. Physical literacy and its benefits
on the health of our nation depends on a coordinated effort by all key stakeholders. The following
pages identify the five key sectors of public health, recreation, sport, education and the arts, as
well as two key practices of vocation and daily living. Each includes examples of people, places
and programming.



Sectors and Practices | 74

Public Health
Public health aims to protect and improve the health and well-being of the population. Work
in this sector includes health promotion, education, population health assessment and policy
development, among other activities that align with local communities’ priorities. Public health
action on physical literacy could focus on the development of upstream interventions and
supportive environments that influence health.

Public Health Examples

Public health professionals work in partnership Public health can advocate for the development of
with many entities including education institutions, built and natural environments that support physical
childcare agencies, municipalities, and health and literacy and active living while addressing the social
community organizations. Public health is also building determinants of health.
meaningful relationships with Indigenous communities.
Public health works in partnership with the architects
Through partnerships, public health strives to cre- of communities, like city planners, to create and con-
ate healthier environments that support healthy nect places such as trails, bike paths, sidewalks, parks
behaviours in the public realm. Physical literacy and playgrounds, outdoor skating rinks, affordable
programming includes supporting and advocating and accessible recreation, and places where physical
for physical literacy integration into quality programs literacy can be developed and practiced. This includes
and services. places that support the development of fundamental
movement skills in different environments such as
Public health professionals promote equitable oppor- land, air, water, and ice and snow.
tunities where everyone can develop physical literacy,
achieve optimal health, and attain their full potential Public health professionals support agencies such as
without disadvantages due to social position or other schools, daycares, and recreation facilities in creating
socially determined circumstances. spaces to develop physical literacy by consulting and
influencing policy development where citizens can
experience a healthy physical literacy journey.
Sectors and Practices | 75

Public health professionals conduct community situ- Public health collaborates with community organi-
ational assessments and tailor programs and services zations by providing training, tools, resources and
based on local physical literacy needs. evaluation support to enhance programming.

Within health care, physical literacy information Public health professionals can inform policy devel-
should be available to patients and outpatients when opment and the creation of supportive environments
appropriate (e.g., new moms raising infants and chil- which, in turn, leads to increased opportunities for
dren, or individuals recovering from a physical injury physical activity and the enhancement of quality
and/or looking to improve their well-being). programs where the development of physical literacy
is fostered.
Sectors and Practices | 76

Parks and recreation provide many short- and long-term benefits to individuals, families and
communities. Physical literacy principles can contribute greatly to these benefits, which is why
organizations that address recreation, such as municipalities or community centres, should use
physical literacy as a foundational planning and programming tool.
Sectors and Practices | 77

In leisure and recreation settings, the delivery of quality As recreation departments own or run many of the
physical literacy experiences requires development of activity spaces in a community, it is important that
programming that can be accessed by all ages across they take a leadership role in the development of
the continuum, as well as development of recreational physical literacy in a community.
facilities and programs that are provided by well-
trained staff, are inclusive to all levels of ability, and The recreation sector should participate through
are supportive of the diverse needs of participants. effective communication with other sectors such as
This sector includes municipal recreation departments, education, public health, sport and the arts in the
community centres, and other not-for-profits who creation of clear entry points for all participants and
deliver activity-based programs in communities. understandable pathways throughout the life course.

Recreation Examples
Community facilities include fields, parks, trails, gym- Recreation leaders and administrators have been
nasiums, multi-purpose spaces, pools and rinks. trained in the development of physical literacy for all
ages and all abilities. For example, they have com-
Groups that respect the principles of physical literacy pleted the Physical Literacy Instructor Program from
and quality sport should be prioritized for access to Sport for Life, or they were graduates of a university
facility space. Recreation departments and centres that had a physical literacy stream.
prioritize bookings for sport clubs that offer physical
literacy training. Facility space is offered to groups PROGRAMS
from any sector who wish to offer physical literacy Recreation departments and centres should focus on
training (not just recreation). developing physical literacy.

Consideration should be given around the accessibil- Recreation programs often provide the first entry
ity for all abilities and creating spaces that are safe to points in early years activity programming. They
support gender and cultural needs. support children and youth all the way through to
older adults. Most programs focus on developing
Recreation centre media displays include informa- basic movement skills and usually work in parallel to a
tion on physical literacy and the Long-Term Devel- community sport system.
opment framework.
Everyone should be welcomed into programming. It is
important that all programs provide a variety of entry
points so that people can find their way, and that
recreation departments and centres deliver a wide
array of programs servicing the diversity within the
Sectors and Practices | 78

In Canada, we have developed a multi-stage Long-Term Development in Sport and Physical
Activity framework that defines an effective pathway to develop and deliver sport. This framework
assists in the design and delivery of programs that are appropriate to the physical, cognitive, and
emotional stage of development of the participant.

Quality sport experiences require implementation of Physical Activity framework provided by Sport for Life
quality physical literacy environments through appro- identifies that physical literacy is the number one fac-
priate programs, places and people (e.g., coaches or tor to Canadians’ lifelong activity and to the develop-
officials). ment of stronger national competitors.

Physical literacy is seen as foundational to the devel- Sports that engage in programming that requires
opment of sport excellence as well as the development year-long participation in a single sport (over-spe-
of mastery and higher retention in sport participation. cialization) are not following principles of physical
literacy, except in the development of competition at
In Canada, the Long-Term Development in Sport and the national and international level.

Sport Examples
A quality sport facility ensures that everyone feels • making sure programs and environments are FUN;
safe and that they belong, regardless of ability, back-
• running programs on a regular basis and with
ground or age. It can do so by:
appropriate attendance;
• creating promotional and program materials that
• keeping equipment in good condition;
include a diverse range of images, representative
of the community; • ensuring the safety of the facility, and that spaces
are suitable, clean, well lit and well maintained;
• ensuring that the facility is accessible to partici-
pants of all abilities, and provides clear navigation • making SafeSport policies and information readily
both through staff and signage; available (e.g., information around bullying,
harassment, emotional/physical/sexual miscon-
• making facility access affordable and barrier-free;
duct, etc.); and
• ensuring the facility and equipment are modified
• ensuring the facility has personnel trained in
for the ability, size and stage of participants;
First Aid.
Sectors and Practices | 79

Leaders and instructors within each club/organization Sports leaders use constructive language, commu-
are trained and qualified (e.g., National Coaching nicate equitably and clearly, and involve participants
Certification Program, Aboriginal Coaching Modules, in discussion and feedback. They are knowledgeable
True Sport, Gender Equity, Physical Literacy Instructor about and encourage quality sport.
Program, HIGH FIVE®). They are provided with, and
partake in, ongoing learning opportunities, and men- Each ensures their organization operates with clear
tor and build capacity for future coaches, officials, lines of responsibility and authority. They are account-
instructors and teachers. able for decisions, policies, risk management and
operational practices, as well as utilizing the latest in
All leaders and facilitators should be screened and active and safe tools. They regularly assess, continu-
follow policies and procedures on child protection ally improve and modernize governance.
and injury prevention. They demonstrate the organi-
zation’s stated principles and integrate values-based Sports leaders seek opportunities to engage with
sport in training and competition, are ethical, respect- programs and organizations in the community,
ful and demonstrate good social, communication and province/territory and nation-wide to advance quality
leadership skills. sport and increase opportunities for participants. This
includes providing education opportunities about
They understand physical literacy development and quality sport including meaningful competition and
how to apply it in programs, and are able to assess proper sport specialization.
participants’ developmental stage and design pro-
grams and practices considering Long-Term Develop- Sports leaders use sport for social change and com-
ment key factors (e.g., sensitive periods). munity development.
Sectors and Practices | 80

Programs consider ability, age, size and maturity The club connects participants to developmentally
when grouping participants. appropriate programs and opportunities, which may
include different levels (tiers), types of play, competi-
All holistic aspects of participation are considered,
tion or activities.
including mental (intellectual and emotional), phys-
ical, cultural and spiritual. Participants are learning In the early stages, leaders emphasize skill develop-
and building on their existing skills, and there are ment over winning. Programs develop fundamental
options to make an activity more or less challenging movement skills, in addition to sport-specific skills,
based on participant’s skills and capabilities. Partici- and should take a multisport approach.
pants are actively engaged in the game or activity,
and fully included by teammates. Based on stage of development, the participants
play small-sided games with fewer players, compete
Programs should take a multisport approach—in the in shorter distances, or play for modified lengths of
early stages especially, participants get to play differ- time. Rules are modified based on the ability and
ent positions and/or try different events and sports. stage of the participants.
Programs are well-prepared and are delivered in
context of seasonal and annual plans. In the early stages, teams, groups, lines or cate-
gories are balanced so that participants of similar
The program is aligned with the national sport orga- ability compete against each other, giving everyone
nization’s Long-Term Development framework or, a chance to experience challenges and successes. All
when possible, is a national sport organization-de- participants get to play and practice equally. Elimina-
signed quality sport program. tion competition formats are not used.

Competition is timed appropriately for learning, and

is affordable and accessible.
Sectors and Practices | 81

Education—whether Early Childhood Education, K-12 Education (including Physical and Health
Education) or Higher Education—plays a key role in developing and enhancing the opportunity for
students to explore and extend their physical literacy journey.

Every child in Canada will move through education at A continuum for access to and development of physi-
some point in their life, some starting as early as six cal literacy is required from early childhood education
months. Educators need to ensure that children have to post-secondary, requiring all of these stages to
the frequent, continued opportunity to develop and develop, implement and monitor a physical literacy
build upon their physical literacy. Age- and stage-ap- framework that is progressive and inclusive from
propriate movement skills and risky play need to be infancy to adulthood, and continuous across the entire
valued equally with literacy and numeracy, and they development spectrum. In this regard, physical literacy
need to be developed in both unstructured and struc- can be developed continuously in a manner similar to
tured environments. language literacy from early childhood to adulthood.
Photo: Athletics Nova Scotia

The ParticipACTION Expert

Statement on Physical
Activity and Brain Health
in Children and Youth:

For better brain health, all

children and youth should be
physically active on a regular
basis. In addition to physical
health benefits, physical activity
also improves cognition, brain
function and mental health
(ParticipACTION, 2018).
Sectors and Practices | 82


Education Examples
Within early childhood education, quality physical
literacy opportunities should exist for children from
birth to five years old, and include structured and Educational facilities ensure everyone feels safe and
unstructured movement activities. Opportunities for included regardless of ability, background and age.
development of movement competency should be Facilities are accessible to participants of all abili-
mandated by the government for children ages birth ties and provide clear navigation by both staff and
to five years. signage.

PRE-KINDERGARTEN—GRADE 12 EDUCATION Staff and students make learning fun. The mental,
physical, cultural, social, emotional and spiritual
Physical literacy should be valued across the entire
aspects of participants are considered. Social, commu-
school day, not just within physical education and
nication and leadership skills are developed.
recess. Administrators, teachers and parents/caregiv-
ers should all value and prioritize physical literacy to Facilities are checked daily before activities and are
the same degree that they value literacy and numeracy. safe. The space is suitable, clean and well-main-
tained. Equipment is of appropriate size and in good
Supervisory staff should be trained in facilitating
inclusive play. Spaces should be suitable for all forms PEOPLE
of structured and unstructured play, including active Accountable for teaching the physical and health
and risky play. A wide variety of appropriate equip- education curriculum, educators are trained and
ment should be available for all to access. qualified in physical education, with an understand-
ing of physical literacy. They seek ongoing learning
Daily Physical Activity
Opportunities should exist for students to explore
and repeat movement skills in different environments Educators communicate regularly with students, par-
within and outside of the school setting. ents/caregivers and community members about prog-
ress. They regularly assess and modernize programs
to benefit physical literacy development, and provide
Specialists should be hired to provide a progressive opportunities for physical literacy to be developed
and pedagogically appropriate, year-long plan with within the community.
physical literacy-enriched lessons. Existing or new
educators should continuously professionally develop PROGRAMS
so that they can deliver a holistic and inclusive cur- Programs develop fundamental movement skills and
riculum that meets the needs of the students as they patterns. They are planned, supported and develop-
achieve grade-specific, physical literacy outcomes. mentally appropriate for participants.

HIGHER EDUCATION All participants are engaged in the lesson’s activities.

Physical literacy should be adopted as an attribute or Each individual’s needs regarding intersectionality of
outcome for all graduates. diversity are recognized, appreciated and supported.

Teacher training should include movement-based Lessons are differentiated and inclusive. Elimination
learning strategies to enhance cognition, improve games, or games with physical activity as punish-
behaviour, and develop diverse learners. ment, are not to played. Equipment and activities are
modified for the ability and stage of participants.
Sectors and Practices | 83

Instructional time in physical education is a minimum Programs should be well planned:

of 225 minutes per week. Co-curricular physical liter-
• Course units and lessons reflect the curricular goals of the
acy-enriching opportunities are provided to support
physical education curriculum.
application of learning (e.g., intramurals, sport, recre-
ation, active transportation and active recess). • Classes maximize active time within instructional time.

Programs should be progressive and challenging: • Course units and lessons consider the physical, cognitive,
social and emotional readiness of the students.
• Students are learning new skills and building on existing
movement skills and strategies. • Assessment is meaningful, ongoing and appropriate for
learning outcomes, including fitness.
• Programs are movement-skills-based.
• Course units and lessons are well-prepared, and
• Students have options to make an activity more or less considerate of seasonal and school environments and
challenging based on their skills and competence. schedules.
• Instruction places an emphasis on skill development • Opportunities are provided within activities to explore,
over competition. create and self-direct students’ own learning.
• Instruction is inclusive of the ability and stage of the students. • All participants get to participate to the best of their
abilities (i.e., exclusion games should be avoided).
Sectors and Practices | 84

The Arts
The arts sector, including dance, circus, theatre and music, has embraced the concept of
physical literacy.

The performing arts world recognizes the need to

develop social connection, physical competence and
Arts Examples
psychological competencies in order to perform for PEOPLE
their audiences. Performers in the circus arts, for Community dance teachers provide a quality physical
example, can have long careers while maintaining a literacy experience. Physical and health education
high level of physical literacy through their practice teachers provide circus arts and dance programs
and performing. as part of their curriculum. Instructors at Canada’s
National Ballet School train dance leaders using a
physical literacy lens.

Community dance studios promote and deliver
physical literacy–based programs. The National Circus
School based in Montreal provides recreational pro-
grams to develop circus arts.

Schools are innovative and provide circus arts and

dance as part of physical education.

Community dance programs utilize physical literacy
principles. Canada’s National Ballet School’s “Sharing
Dance” program provides in-school and afterschool
dance experiences.

Circus arts programs are provided as part of school

physical and health education classes.
Sectors and Practices | 85

For many vocations, physical and psychological competencies are required in order to safely
participate in a productive manner. For instance, in the military there are numerous physical
competencies that are required to be effective. In the postal service, letter carriers must develop
the ability to have mobility in multiple contexts, such as walking on many different surfaces and
judging the environment for hazards. In the construction industry, workers must possess good
manual dexterity, spatial awareness, balance and coordination to perform lifting tasks. At present,
workplace safety guidelines do not formally recognize physical literacy as a means by which to
ensure worker safety and increase productivity.
Sectors and Practices | 86

Vocation Examples
Employers and employees are trained in fundamen- Physical literacy happens in the workplace. The
tal and job-specific movement skills. Further voca- workplace may be fixed (e.g., office, building, factory)
tions include: workplace health representatives who or may be beyond the control of the worker (e.g.,
encourage movement across the workday, ergonom- military members, firefighters or police officers).
ics experts, safety officials, equipment design and
construction experts (when equipment is used in There is an important role for workplace health and
employment tasks), and occupational therapists and safety in the design of both the physical workspace
rehabilitation specialists. and occupational processes in which the workers
are engaged.

Physical literacy is developed through a combination

of on-the-job training of new entrants, self-directed
fitness, and lifelong physical literacy development.


New entrants to an occupation should be assessed

and evaluated on their physical capacity to perform
occupational tasks. Where deficiencies are identified,
an individualized training plan should be put in place
to eliminate or reduce capacity shortfalls.

New entrants should be instructed in biomechanically

correct execution of required tasks under optimal
conditions, and feedback should be provided until
performance reaches an acceptable standard.

Once the new entrant has reached an acceptable

standard, the range of conditions under which occu-
pational tasks are practiced should be expanded to
include (where appropriate) unstable footing, adverse
environments (rain and snow), and a range of ther-
mal conditions from hot to cold.

Employees should be regularly re-assessed in the

performance of occupation-related tasks, and as
body capacity changes (with age, injury, or change in
physical capacity). Task execution should be changed
to accommodate, or training and capacity building
interventions should be put in place.

Regardless of occupational-specific physical literacy

activities, workers need to engage in the process of
lifelong physical literacy development.
Sectors and Practices | 87

Daily Living
Physical literacy is critical for our ability to participate in everyday activities. The most important
of these activities may be the ability to safely move about our home, yard or community. That
means that people need the competency to move on all surfaces, to perform basic yet important
movements such as ascending and descending stairs, and to detect and avoid hazards.

Daily Living Examples

We all take part in activities of daily living to varying
degrees given our abilities, vocation, etc. This includes
activities such as walking the dog, performing daily
chores, gardening, using active transportation, and
playing with children or grandchildren.

Rehabilitation specialists (e.g., occupational thera-

pists/physiotherapists, psychologists, athletic thera-
pists, physical medicine physicians, certified strength
and conditioning coaches and personal trainers) also
work specifically with diverse populations to increase
participation in everyday activities of daily living.

The development of physical literacy is key for people While not all programs focus on daily living, any
to be able to actively transport themselves around program that develops physical literacy will benefit
their community by using bike lanes or walking paths/ daily living. It is important to develop context-specific
trails. It allows people to enjoy activities in their competencies, such as the ability to walk on ice or
homes, gardens or backyards, as well as to navigate to detect hazards, instead of focusing on strength
stairs and manage obstacles like icy sidewalks. and balance in non-real life circumstances. While the
safety component is critical, programs should find
ways to craft their messaging in ways that encourage
participation in activities from an enjoyment
perspective as well as a safety perspective.
Shaping Physical Literacy Policy and Strategy | 88

Shaping Physical Literacy

7 Policy and Strategy

To create a society that values physical literacy development, the different sectors of public health,
recreation, sport, education and the arts need to work in a coordinated manner with common
goals. By observing some agreed-upon principles and practices in policy and program development,
their initiatives and programming in support of physical literacy will produce harmonious and
impactful results. The following pages identify some key considerations and approaches to
developing physical literacy policy and programming.


How do we support the development of physical literacy over the life course? One place to begin is within local
communities, where we can ensure that the environment is suitable for supporting every individual’s physical liter-
acy journey.

Intercultural Organizations

Justice Sport

Education Government

Early Childhood Education

Recreation Vocation

Military Health Care

Performance Arts

Figure 18: Physical Literacy-Enriched Communities

Shaping Physical Literacy Policy and Strategy | 89

A physical literacy-enriched community includes all public health, recreation, community sport, education
sectors cooperating to create physically literate indi- and the arts. Connections between these sectors must
viduals. It includes programs, places and people, and be forged at the community level, and it is critically
it is inclusive in embracing everyone in the community important that municipal governments be engaged
regardless of age, ability or culture. It has community and provide public recreation facilities and program-
leaders who are committed to creating and sustaining ming, as well as health and education services.
healthy, active communities through the development
of physical literacy, and who possess the vision and Through collaboration, physical literacy policy and
desire to improve physical activity and quality sport by programming can be provided through early childhood
establishing a focused framework that connects and education centres, sport club programs, dance and
aligns physical activity partners and initiatives. gymnastics programs, K–12 school curriculum, recre-
ation services, and seniors’ community programming.
Developing physical literacy through a communi-
ty-based approach involves collaboration between
Shaping Physical Literacy Policy and Strategy | 90



The International Charter for Physical Education, recreation, sport, education and the arts in identifying
Physical Activity, and Sport (United Nations Educa- physical literacy policy considerations.
tional, Scientific and Cultural Organization, 2015)
clearly states that vested agencies must participate in In developing the Four Pillars model, various inter-
creating a strategic vision and identify policy options national definitions of physical literacy and the
and priorities that enable the fundamental right for wider construct of literacy were reviewed in order
all people to participate in meaningful physical activ- to establish common pillars of physical literacy. The
ity across their life course. model strives to be consistent with international
understandings of what physical literacy is and how
The Four Pillars model is a new approach to help it can be used to develop and support public health,
key decision-makers in the fields of public health, recreation, sport and educative goals.

Effective Physical Literacy Policy




Figure 19: Pillars of Effective Physical Literacy Policy

Shaping Physical Literacy Policy and Strategy | 91


The first pillar is context. Contexts can be physical We can think of physical literacy as a journey. A
or social. In the case of the former, we are talking physical literacy journey is a decision to embark on a
about the competences, motivation and feeling states competency progression. For example, suppose you
required to successfully navigate through one’s phys- wanted to compete in a triathlon. Since you have
ical environment which could include land, water, air, only ever competed as a runner, you will now need
and ice and snow. to learn to swim and cycle in order to be compet-
itive. This requires not only mastering the required
In a country like Canada, which is diverse in climate, movement skills, but also the psychological, social,
all of these competences are essential for participation. cognitive and physical learning necessary to make
Avoiding environments perceived as dangerous, or you competent and confident at all of those activities.
when we lack physical competence and confidence to This is part of the journey.
navigate them, lies in direct opposition to the notion Every time we commit to learning a new activity, we
of physical literacy. are enhancing our physical literacy journey. Sadly, par-
ticipation seems to decline with age, and this means
we embark on fewer journeys.

Research shows that participation in sport and phys-

ical activity declines from childhood, reaching the
lowest levels in midlife and old age (Dudley et al.,
2017). This suggests that if our movement experi-
ences in childhood and adolescence are not diverse
and enjoyable, we are not likely to begin a journey as
we grow older. This is confirmed by the low rates of
participation we observe across the life course.

Too often we are concerned when a child or youth

decides to quit a sport or activity. From the perspec-
tive of physical literacy, this is only of concern if the
pathway leads to inactivity. If instead, it leads to a
new journey—a new opportunity to acquire new
With physical competence and confidence and activities—this is not a problem, this is a transition.
embodied knowledge, we engage physically in the
world, in different environments, with different Our job as educators, practitioners and advocates is
objects and with people. to ensure individuals see physical literacy as open-
ing up movement experiences, many and varied, to
When an individual lacks physical competence, con- diverse participation. Life will not follow a single,
fidence, knowledge, and feels nervous or even hates straight-line pathway. The richest lives are those
movement, they do not participate. Since so much of where participation paths form dense, interconnected
participation involves other people, social inhibition webs. The rich and continued journey is the goal
limits the richness of participation and opportunities (Dudley et al., 2017).
to make new friends and connections. It creates iso-
lation. Physical literacy is then critical to meaningful
social participation.
Shaping Physical Literacy Policy and Strategy | 92

The power of physical literacy refers to creating an society enjoy. Moreover, physical activity, sport and
inclusive and equitable society from a social, health recreation can play an important role in reducing
and human capital point of view. social tensions and conflicts at the community and
national level by addressing the sources of this exclu-
There are well-known disparities in health including
sion and providing an alternative entry point into the
physical activity participation across a number of
social and economic life of communities.
social determinants. For example, girls and women
are less active than boys and men, and the gap wid- At a basic level, well-designed physical literacy
ens with age. Persons with disabilities, visible minority policies should promote the core values of physical
groups, Indigenous populations, asylum seekers and activity and sport such as self-discipline, respect, fair
refugees, homeless people and those living in pov- play, teamwork and adherence to mutually agreed
erty are among the most vulnerable when it comes upon rules. This, in turn, should help individuals build
to health disparities and have been systematically the values and communication skills necessary to
excluded from opportunities to participate in physical prevent and resolve conflict in their own lives.
activity and sport.
It is imperative, however, to recognize and address
If systemic and structural barriers are removed, the underlying, societal power structures of physical
physical activity participation can enable marginalized literacy, to ensure diversity and inclusion are embed-
populations to experience social inclusion and all the ded in policy.
health benefits that non-excluded segments of our
Conclusion: Taking Physical Literacy Forward | 93

Conclusion: Taking Physical

8 Literacy Forward

As we move into the third decade of the 21st century, society is more sedentary and diseases of
inactivity are more prevalent than ever before—the need for improved physical literacy is greater
than ever before. It is crucial that we embrace physical literacy as a catalyst for people of all
ages and all abilities to be active and healthy. In Developing Physical Literacy: Building a
New Normal for all Canadians, we have made a case for the value of physical literacy across
movement environments and the life course. We know that it takes a village, and the collaboration
of multiple sectors is necessary in embedding physical literacy development in plans, programs and
policies. It is also critical that parents/caregivers are meaningfully engaged in this effort as they
play a key role in facilitating more quality movement for themselves and their children. We know
that the consequences of physical inactivity are significant, and we know that the inactivity trend
is a national crisis that demands our attention. This is why a movement in support of physical
literacy is so important.

We need to remember that people do not understanding to take part in physical activity for the
develop motor skills naturally. They must be rest of their lives. For adults and seniors, we need to
nurtured, supported, encouraged and taught. provide opportunities for them to learn new skills and
This means we need to look at ways to sup- build confidence in their ability so that taking part
port and celebrate every person’s physical lit- in physical activity is accessible and enjoyable, and
eracy journey throughout the life course. becomes an ingrained habit.

For children and youth, we must find creative ways For all individuals regardless of age, gender, ethnicity
to ensure they have the opportunity—and where and ability, we need to make physical literacy both a
necessary, the instruction—to develop the motivation, reality and a foundation of national efforts to improve
confidence, physical competence, knowledge and the health and quality of life of all Canadians.
Appendices | 94

9 Appendices

Appendix A: A Brief History of Physical Literacy

Many people think that physical literacy is a new concept that dates from the close of the 20th century. The
truth is that the idea of physical literacy has been referenced since at least the 19th century. Recently, Cairney,
Kiez, Roetert & Kriellaars (2019b) wrote a review on the history of origins of physical literacy.

Here are some of their findings:

One of the earliest uses of the term was in 1884, Jump forward to the invention of the transistor in
when Edward McGuire of the U.S. Army Corp of 1947† and the rise of the electronic era (1947–1985);
Engineers used the term physical literacy to describe we see a resurgence of the term physical literacy
the eloquent movements of a local culture he wit- again in relation to threats of technological innova-
nessed during a feast (Kiez, 2015). This use occurred tion to movement. Finally, with the creation of the
during the rise of worldwide mechanization and coin- Internet (1970s) and the World Wide Web (1990), the
cided with the invention of the first motor vehicle in Internet era posed implicit threats to physicality. This
1885. As a result of mechanization and the apparent resulted in the most recent rise in the use of the term,
threat it imposed to the population’s active lifestyles, championed by English philosopher Margaret White-
the term physical literacy was routinely used in the head (Whitehead, 2001).
U.S.A. by educators arguing for equivalency of phys-
ical literacy with “mental literacies”. Subsequently,
the term was also used in Australia and Great Britain.

The term physical literacy not new. Descriptions from the 20th century are similar to our modern uses
of the term:

1930: “We must prepare for physical literacy as 1937: “Games, climbing, walking, dancing and man-
well as for mental literacy. A physically fit America ual occupations such as carpentry, building and so on,
becomes more necessary with modern mechanical all conduce to physical literacy: that is to a disciplined
inventions” (Kriellaars, 2015, p.37). command over the body” (Kriellaars, 2015, p.37).

†Bell Labs in NJ, USA

Appendices | 95

Appendix B: Definitions
International Physical Literacy Association (IPLA) Margaret Whitehead in her book Physical Liter-
Physical literacy can be described as the motivation, acy; Throughout the Lifecourse (original and most
confidence, physical competence, knowledge and recent)
understanding to value and take responsibility for As appropriate to each individual’s endowment,
engagement in physical activities for life (IPLA, 2014). physical literacy can be described as the motivation,
confidence, physical competence, knowledge and
Physical Health Education (PHE) Canada understanding to maintain physical activity through-
Individuals who are physically literate move with com- out the life course (Whitehead, 2010).
petence and confidence in a wide variety of physical
activities in multiple environments that benefit the • Identify the intrinsic value of physical activity.
healthy development of the whole person. • Overcome the need to justify physical activity as a means
to other ends.
Physically literate individuals consistently develop the
motivation and ability to understand, communicate, • Provide a clear goal to be worked towards in all forms of
apply and analyze different forms of movement. physical activity.

They are able to demonstrate a variety of movements • Underwrite the importance and value of physical activity in
confidently, competently, creatively and strategically the school curriculum.
across a wide range of health-related physical activities. • Refute the notion that physical activity is an optional extra
of only recreational value.
These skills enable individuals to make healthy, active
choices that are both beneficial to and respectful of • Justify the importance of physical activity for all, not just
their whole self, others and their environment (PHE the most able in this field.
Canada, 2010).
• Spell out a case for lifelong participation in physical
SHAPE America activity.
Physical literacy is the ability to move with compe- • Identify the range of the significant others who have a
tence and confidence in a wide variety of physical part to play in enabling physical activity.
activities in multiple environments that benefit the
healthy development of the whole person (Mandigo, The motivation, confidence, physical competence,-
et al., 2009). knowledge and understanding to maintain physical
activity throughout the life course.
QUEST Journal Article
A disposition to capitalize on the human embodied
The ability to move with confidence and competence
capability, wherein the individual has the motivation,
using all the physical assets one has at their disposal
confidence, physical competence, knowledge and
at any given point in time across varying contexts.
understanding to value and take responsibility for
Physical literacy involves a continuum of learning by
engagement in physical activities for life (White-
enabling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop
head, 2010).
their knowledge, movement and potential, and to
participate fully in their community and wider soci- A disposition acquired by human individuals encom-
ety (Dudley et al., 2017). passing the motivation, confidence, physical compe-
tence, knowledge and understanding that establishes
purposeful physical pursuits as an integral part of
their lifestyle (Capel &Whitehead, 2013).
Appendices | 96

One of the first written definitions was provided by Australian Government – Sport Australia
Morrison (Wall & Murray, 1994, p. 5): Physical literacy is the skills, knowledge and
behaviours that give us the confidence and
“To be physically literate, one should be creative,
motivation to move throughout our lives.
imaginative, and clear in expressive movement,
competent and efficient in utilitarian movement and Developing your physical literacy can give you the
inventive, versatile and skillful in objective movement. confidence and capability to be active, and stay active
The body is the means by which ideas and aims are for life.
carried out and, therefore, it must become both sen-
sitive and deft.” This is because physical literacy gives you:

Originally, Whitehead defined a physically • the physical skills and fitness,

literate person: • the attitudes and emotions that motivate you to be active,
• moves with poise, economy and confidence in a wide, • the knowledge and understanding of how, why and when
variety of physically challenging situations, and you move, and

• is perceptive in “reading” all aspects of the physical envi- • the social skills to be active with others.
ronment, anticipating movement needs or possibilities and
Any person, at any life stage and circumstance, can
responding appropriately to these, with intelligence and
improve their physical literacy (Sport Australia, 2017).
imagination (Whitehead, 2001).
The Australian Sport Commission presented the fol-
Aspen Institute Project Play
lowing definition in 2017:
Physical literacy is the ability, confidence and desire
to be physically active for life (The Aspen Institute “Physical literacy is lifelong holistic learning acquired
Project Play, 2018). and applied in movement and physical activity con-
texts. It reflects ongoing changes integrating physical,
Sport New Zealand psychological, cognitive and social capabilities. It
Physical literacy is the motivation, confidence, phys- is vital in helping us lead healthy and fulfilling lives
ical competence, knowledge and understanding through movement and physical activity. A physically
required by participants that allows them to value and literate person is able to draw on their integrated
take responsibility for engaging in physical activity physical, psychological, cognitive and social capacities
and sport for life (Sport New Zealand, 2015). to support health promoting and fulfilling movement
and physical activity—relative to their situation and
context—throughout their lifespan” (Australian Sport
Commission, 2017).

The 2017 Australian Sport Commission definition is

useful as it implicitly embodies the many domains of
physical literacy and acknowledges that it is a long-
term process or journey. It also acknowledges that
physical literacy is about learning.
Appendices | 97

Dr. Dean Dudley Sport for Life: Long-Term Athlete

Physical literacy is the ability to move with confidence Development 2.1
and competence using all the physical assets one “Physical literacy is the foundation of both partici-
has at their disposal at any given point in time across pation and excellence in physical activity and sport.
varying contexts. Physical literacy involves a contin- Individuals who are physically literate are more likely
uum of learning by enabling individuals to achieve to be active for life” (Balyi et al., 2016, p. 23).
their goals, to develop their knowledge, movement
and potential, and to participate fully in their commu- Sport for Life: Developing Physical Literacy
nity and wider society (Dudley et al., 2017). “Physical literacy is the development of fundamental
movement skills and fundamental sport skills that
Wales Institute for Physical Literacy permit a child to move confidently and with control,
Physical literacy can be described as the motivation, in a wide range of physical activity, rhythmic (dance)
confidence, physical competence, knowledge and and sport situations. Physical literacy also includes
understanding to value and take responsibility for the ability to “read” what is going on around them
engagement in physical activities for life” (Wales Insti- in an activity setting and react appropriately to those
tute for Physical Literacy, 2015). events”(Balyi et al., 2010, p. 5).

Sport Wales
Physical literacy means that a person has a catalogue
of technical skills along with the confidence and
motivation to take part in lots of different sports and
physical activities at every stage in their life. It gives
them the power to choose to be physically active in
whatever way they prefer, taking away fears of “hav-
ing a go” or a lack of motivation that many of us can
suffer from. There are four individual elements that
lead to a person becoming physically literate: Physical
skills + confidence + motivation + lots of opportuni-
ties = Physical literacy (Sport Wales, 2014).
Appendices | 98

Appendix C: Research in Physical Literacy

Considerable research exists on many of the compo- the United States, and Dr. Nalda Wainright from the
nent parts of physical literacy—movement compe- United Kingdom. This group will continue to grow
tence, motivation and positive affect—but research as more researchers become interested in physical
on physical literacy as a comprehensive whole is literacy across the life course.
The mandate of the group is to advance scientific
While Dr. Margaret Whitehead can be credited for research in the field of physical literacy, and to act
leading a resurgence in interest in the construct, her as a connector group to foster greater collaboration
contributions predominantly focus on the concep- between researchers and stakeholders across multiple
tual and philosophical background. In other words, sectors. A major focus is on translation of knowledge
theory in physical literacy has significantly outpaced to providers and policy makers in public health, recre-
research. The exception to this has been in the field ation, sport, education and the arts.
of assessment. Early on, practitioners and researchers
interested in physical literacy acknowledged signifi- Collectively, the group has already published several
cant gaps in relation to how best to measure physical papers contributing to research in the field, including:
literacy for both assessment and tracking purposes. In validation of both PLAYFun (Cairney et al., 2018b) and
response to this, three tools have been developed to Pre-PLAy (Cairney et al., 2018a); critical consideration
date (see Appendix D). for physical literacy policy across the public health,
recreation, sport, and education sectors (Dudley et al.,
PHYSICAL LITERACY RESEARCH GROUP 2017); and the commentary on using physical literacy
In 2016, Sport for Life announced the formation of as an intervention for brain health in preschool (Cairney
the Physical Literacy Research Group, chaired by Dr. et al., 2016). Doctors Dudley, Goodway and Cairney
John Cairney from the University of Toronto. were asked to edit a special edition in the Journal of
Teaching in Physical Education. The entire collection is
The committee is comprised of leading scholars in the dedicated to using empirical methods to advance the
field, including Dr. Dean Kriellaars from the University science of physical literacy.
of Manitoba, and several international scholars: Dr.
Dean Dudley from Australia, Dr. Jackie Goodway from
Appendices | 99

Appendix D: Physical Literacy Assessment Tools

(Sport for Life, 2018) (Pre-PLAy & Adapted PLAY)

Dr. Dean Kriellaars from the University of Mani- Preschool Physical Literacy Assessment – Pre-
toba created the PLAY tools in response to a lack of PLAy: An important development concerns assess-
standardized assessments of physical literacy. PLAY ment of physical literacy in the early years (birth to
includes a suite of tools: PLAYFun, PLAYBasic, PLAY- six years). Dr. John Cairney and colleagues developed
Self, PLAYParent and PLAYCoach. A recent study by Pre-PLAy (The Preschool Physical Literacy Assessment)
Cairney and colleagues (2018b) confirmed that PLAY- modeled from PLAY. The tool is an observational
Fun is a valid assessment of motor competence in assessment for use by early childhood educators to
children ages 9 to 14 years. Moreover, there is a lot of get a handle on where a child is developmentally on
unpublished data showing the reliability and validity their physical literacy journey, so that appropriate
of both PLAYFun and PLAYSelf, as well as endorse- steps can be taken to support the child. Educational
ment of the tools reflected in the widespread use resources to accompany Pre-PLAy are currently in
of the assessment tools across different sectors and development, and will better equip early childhood
provinces. One of the appealing features of the suite educators and other professionals working in this
of tools is that, once trained in their use, PLAYFun, space to use the tool effectively. The initial results
Self and Coach are relatively easy and cost effective on Pre-PLAy have been published and are available
to administer. (Cairney et al., 2018).

The PLAY tools were originally designed for research Adapted PLAY: A tool specifically designed for per-
but have proven to be an excellent fit with program sons dependent on assistive devices such as a wheel-
evaluation. The tools have very good to excellent chair, Adapted PLAY has been developed and tested
reliability, strong validity, are easy to interpret, and are under the direction of Dr. James Mandigo of Brock
very sensitive to change. University in consultation with Kriellaars and Cairney.
It assesses motor competence through a battery of
The assessment of physical literacy should include five tests assessing locomotor, object control and
more than just movement skills (movement repertoire balance skills.
and competence to move). It should also include
confidence, different environments, participation, More information on PLAY, Pre-PLAy and Adapted
comprehension and motivation. Perception of physi- PLAY can be accessed at:
cal literacy by the child, parent or practitioner are also
important to assess.
Appendices | 100

CANADIAN ASSESSMENT OF PHYSICAL survey which assesses feeling, thinking and relating to
(Health Active Living and Obesity Research
The model for Passport is consistent with the SHAPE
Group, 2018)
America (2015) criteria for physical literacy. Lodewyk
The first and most studied assessment tool from a and Mandigo (2017) have published data on the
peer-review publications perspective is the Canadian validity of the tool as an indicator of physical literacy
Assessment of Physical Literacy (CAPL). Born from a for students at the elementary level.
model that views physical literacy as the intersection
More information can be found at:
of a number of different domains including physical
fitness, motivation, understanding and knowledge of PHYSICAL LITERACY ENVIRONMENTAL
the health benefits of physical activity, and physical ASSESSMENT (PLEA)
activity itself, CAPL is a battery of tests that brings The Physical Literary Environmental Assessment
together many existing measures and assessments (PLEA) tool is a program evaluation tool for sport,
(e.g., Children’s Self‐Perceptions of Adequacy in and physical education and physical activity programs to
Predilection for Physical Activity (CSAPPA); Pacer test) assess how they are implementing the principles of
along with a new assessment: a “coordinated action” physical literacy. Physical literacy is defined as “the
circuit that assesses the integration of a number of motivation, confidence, physical competence, knowl-
motor skills (e.g., object control, body control and edge and understanding to value and take responsi-
locomotion) together in the execution of a series of bility for engagement in physical activities for life.”
tasks. The PLEA tool will be useful for teachers, coaches and
The research team lead by Dr. Mark Tremblay at the physical activity program leaders for program plan-
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario have conducted ning, delivery and evaluation.
several studies of CAPL’s assessment properties (e.g., The PLEA tool was developed through a rigorous,
reliability and validity). As a result of this, the tool has multi-stage process involving consultation with phys-
undergone several modifications since its inception. ical literacy experts, testing and validation in Hamil-
More information can be found at: ton, ON, and a Canada-wide national consultation
process. The PLEA tool received input from over 400
PASSPORT FOR LIFE physical activity, sport, recreation and physical educa-
(Physical & Health Education Canada, 2013) tion leaders from Hamilton, ON, and across Canada.
The Passport for Life tools were created to be used The PLEA tool was designed by Hilary Caldwell and
by physical educators to evaluate the physical liter- Dr. Brian Timmons at the Child Health & Exercise
acy journey of students in the context of a physical Medicine Program at McMaster University and in
education class. collaboration with Sport for Life, Sport Hamilton and
City of Hamilton Public Health Services.
Designed for children and youth from K–12 in the
context of physical education, the Passport for Life More information can be found at:
tool includes a self-reporting section on active par-
ticipation, a questionnaire about interested and
preferred environments, along with eight modules
that assess fitness (core strength, aerobic endurance
and dynamic stability), movement skills (locomotion,
object control and manipulation), and a living skills
References | 101

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