Boalan WFP-PPMP 2025

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FY 2025
Indicator FUNDS
(a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i)
KPI Decreased Drop-Out Rate
KPI Decreased % of Overage learners
ES Only: Complied with standards and % of compliance 35% Conduct assessment on kindergarten SH, Kinder Coor July 2025 1,000
Improve access to universal operational guidelines in the with standards facilities and resources
kindergarten education. kindergarten facilities and learning
resources from 10% to 35%
Procure Kindergarten resources SH, Kinder Coor August 2025 2,000
Improved percentage of overaged passing rate 50% Reproduction of materials for catch-up SH, Kinder Coor August 2025 2,000
Kindergarten learners under the program
catch-up program who passed/placed
in the PEPT from ____ to _____

Meeting with parents SH, Kinder Coor 2,500 sPTA

Improved the conduct of mapping of No. of mapping 1 Prepare advocacy materials SH, Kinder Coor 4,000
five-year-old children activities
Administer Early Childhood Care and % of compliance 100% Administration of the ECCD Assessment SH, Kinder Coor 8,000
Development and increase the with standards -Procurement of School Report Card,
achievement rate Dental Examination and Health Card

ES-HS: Improved accessisibility of digital % of classrooms 30% Engage with potential partners for SH, ICT Coordinator 15,000 sPTA
All Learners Transition to materials to all learning areas provided with Computer/ desktop tables and chairs.
the Next Key Stage through provision of ICT/Multimedia ICT/multimedia
packages package

Established functional Library No. of Library 1 Conduct a thorough assessment of the SH, School Library Year Round 5,000 5,000 LGU, PTA,
established school's current library resources, space, and Teacher
Identify the needs and preferences of
students, teachers, and staff regarding library
services. Train SCHOOL librarY TEACHER and
users on how to navigate and utilize digital
resources effectively. Conduct orientation
sessions for students and teachers to
familiarize them with the library layout,
resources, and services.
Repair and Maintenance of the Library.
Acquire additional learning materials for the
learners and teachers. Conduct reading

Established functional Science No. of Science 1 Procure Tables and Chairs SH, Science 10,000 SPTA
Laboratories Laboratories Coordinator
Implemented feeding program % of 100% Weighing and identifying wasted and SH, School -Based July 2025 1,500
implementation severely wasted Feeding Coordinator
-Conduct a meeting. Encourage the
parents, concerned citizens , NGOs to
help the feeding program of the school.
% of target 100% Conduct General PTA Meeting SH, School -Based August 2025 2,000
beneficiaries information and dissemination of the Feeding Coordinator
catered Feeding Supplies delivered in the school.

Implemented school-based feeding % of 100% Conduct of nutritional status SH, School -Based August 2025 5,000
program for targeted learners implementation Identification of feeding recipients. Feeding Coordinator
Orientation Workshop on

Complied with provision of % of compliance 100% Weighing and identifying wasted and SH, School Clinic Thrice a year 19,000
schools on health and sanitation severely wasted Teacher
facilities -Implement Feeding Program
-Nutrition Month Celebration
-Procurement of First Aid Kit
-Medical Dental Examination
-Clean Up Drive
-Invite Police Officers for seminars on
Drug Education program -Water
potability testing.

Implemented school-based learners’ % of 100% Conduct seminars and training to SH, School Guidance 8,000
mental health and psychosocial implementation teachers and Invite mental health Teacher
programs advocates, psychologists, or individuals
with lived experiences.
Establish a school mental health
committee to oversee ongoing initiatives
and address concerns.
Encourage open communication
between students, teachers, and parents
regarding mental health.

Complied with standards on Classroom-pupil 1:35 Engage with potential partners for SH, Partenership Focal 1,000,000 LGU
classroom-pupil ratio at the ratio additional classrooms and buildings. Person
elementary level

Implemented school based learning % of 100% Assess the learning gaps and challenges SH, MASTER Mid Year & Year 150,000
recovery and continuity implementation faced by students through diagnostic TEACHERS End
strategies to close gaps assessments, surveys, and teacher
observations. Develop
individualized learning plans for
students based on their assessment
Provide targeted interventions such as
small group instruction, tutoring, and
additional learning resources.
Offer professional development
opportunities for teachers to enhance
their skills in addressing learning gaps.
Conduct InServuce tRaining For Teacher
and School Leanrning Action CELL
ES-HS: Implemented % of 100% Conduct regular diagnostic tests to SH, School Reading Year Round 15,000
Improve capacity to retain remediation programs implementation identify students' learning gaps and Coordinator
learners in schools for struggling learners tailor remediation efforts accordingly.
Conduct Remediation
classes for struggling learners.
Reproduction of Learning Materials,
activity sheets and assessment tool for
the remediation classes.

Implemented counseling services for % of 100% Conduct interactive workshops on topics SH, School Guidance 3,000
students to address individual implementation related to mental health, stress Teacher
concerns provided in all schools. management, and effective
communication to pupils and teachers.
Purchased materials for the worskshops,
stiphen to the speakers and food for the

KPI Increase % of Learners Enrolled

Meeting with teachers for the

implementation of EARLY
SH, SPED Teachers,
100% REGISTRATION. Conduct Early Year Round 5,000
SPED Registration CARAVAN and Child
KPI 100%

Improve Ratio of Learning Organize drives to collect textbooks,

Materials to Pupils in supplies, and educational resources SH, SPED Teachers, Alumni, Spta,
Year Round 25,000
SPED from the community, parents, and local AO LGU
ES-HS: Involved BLGUs and barangay % of BLGU 100% Meeting with BLGU and barangay SH, Partnership Focal July-August 5,000 50,000 Alumni, PTA
Engage and sustain more officials on data gathering and Officials officials.
partners to improve analysis towards explicit participation Develop joint
implementation of inclusive solutions to identified barriers to projects with partners that focus on
education programs education implemented inclusive practices, allowing them to see
the impact firsthand.

Implemented mechanism for no of mechanisms Conduct School Mapping and coordinate SH, Partnership Focal, Year Round 2,000
enrollment of pre- identified children adopted with potentials partners and SPED Focal Person
with disabilities in Kindergarten stakeholders in improving the enrolment
between and among ECCD, DSWD, rate of children with disability.
NGOs, and DepEd
ES-HS: Implemented programs to address No. of GAD 3 out of 3 Conduct workshops for students, SH, GAD Coordinator March 2025 25,000
Intensify the gender-disparities among children programs Programs teachers, and parents to discuss gender
implementation of implemented and monitored implemented were issues, rights, and the importance of
Flexible Learning implemen gender equality.
Options and ted Establish clubs focused on gender issues
Alternative Delivery where students can discuss, plan
Modalities events, and engage in community
service related to GAD.
Women Month
Celebration- Commemorate Teachers in
profession who supports women
empowerment. Conduct GAD Related
Activities. (Budget for the Food, snacks
and Stiphen of Speaker)

Encourage students to express their SH, GAD Coordinator March 2025 5,000
views on gender through art, writing, or
performances, showcasing their work in
school exhibitions.
GAD Related Activities- Poster Making
Contest, Bulletin Board Contest-
Procurement of Materials to be used for
the different GAD related Activities e.g.
Bondpapers, Epson ink, Fastener,
Folders, Scatch Tape, velum

ES-HS: Engaged partnership with external No. of partnership Invite partners and stakeholder to SH, SPED Coordinator 2,500
Engage and sustain providers to improve communication established participate in the National Disability
more partners to and advocacy plans for inclusive Prevention Rehabilitation Month.-
improve education
Autism Awareness Month- Deaf
implementation of
inclusive education
Awareness Month-International
programs Disability day. Hanging streamers,
tarpaulin, parade.Forums

Complied with standards and percentage of Procurement instructional materials SH, SPED Coordinator 20,500
protocols on the engagement of engagement of e.g educational toys, materials for
stakeholders in support of inclusive stakeholders’ transition, etc.
education. compliant to
Increased participation of standards of
percentage Conduct Caravan on the SH, SPED Coordinator 2,500
stakeholders in the implementation increase implementation of the different
of learning modalities for inclusive participation of leaning modalities for inclusive
education stakeholders
education. Conduct school mapping
for children with special needs.

KPI Implement early intervention programs LIS Coordinator 1,000
to identify struggling students as soon
Decrease Failure Rate as possible.
Develop and implement individualized LIS Coordinator 1,000
learning plans for students with specific
learning needs.
Encourage parental involvement through LIS Coordinator 2,000
regular communication, parent-teacher
conferences, and workshops.
KPI Encourage parental involvement through LIS Coordinator 2,000
regular communication, parent-teacher
conferences, and workshops. a. Faculty
Meetings b.
mappings c.
d. early registration
e. Monitoring of problematic
Decrease Repetition Rate learners
KPI a. Faculty Meetings LIS Coordinator, 80,000
b.Quarterly meetings Kinder Coordinator,
c. Monitoring of promotion rate Class Advisers
Purchase of materials to be used during
Moving Up Ceremony/Graduation
Ceremony/ RECOGNITION such as
Medals,Ribbons, certificates,
decorations, food and snacks. Stipend,
token for speakers, lei and invitations.
Purchase school IDs to learners.
Purchase Velum, printer ink and
parchment paper for certificates, SF10,
ECCD Checklist and Report Card.
Purchase Tarpaulin for every program
Improve Promotion Rate
KPI Procurement of materials for the the SH, Master Teachers 20,000
instructional matertials for teachers e.g
Improve Proportion of Children cartolina, epson ink, bondpapers,
Achieving a minimum proficiency construction papers
in NAT Test
66% Administer diagnostic assessments to SH, Master Teachers 2,500
identify specific areas of weakness
a. Grade 3 among students.
Utilize interactive learning materials, SH, Master Teachers 1,500
such as educational videos, animations,
and online simulations, to make lessons
more engaging.
Conduct regular review sessions to SH, Master Teachers 1,500
revisit key concepts covered in the NAT.
b. Grade 6
Engage parents through regular SH, Master Teachers 1,500
communication about the importance of
the NAT and ways they can support their
children's preparation at home.

KPI 66.88% Conduct diagnostic assessments at the SH, Master Teachers 30,000
target beginning of the academic year to
MPS identify gaps in students' understanding
Improve School MPS and Quaterly assessment. (Procurement
of school supplies for teachers e.g.
bondpapers, printer ink, pencils,
Implement regular formative SH, Master Teachers 1,000
assessments to gauge ongoing student

66.88% Provide continuous professional SH, Master Teachers 139,510

target development opportunities for teachers
MPS to stay updated on effective teaching
methods and assessment strategies.-
through LAC Session(13 SESSIONS and
INSET(Twice a year) Snacks for teachers
a. Overall MPS
Materials for teachers during SLAC and SH, SLAC Coordinator,
INSET INSET Coordinator &
Master Teachers

75% of Implementation of Reading program in English Coordinator Year Round 30,000 15,000 SPTA
learners the school, Procurement of materials
achieved needed for the program, Conduct
minimuml Training on the different reading
evel of strategies. Train and Engage student in
b. Percentage of learners proficienc the Journalism activities and competion.
achieving at least minimum level y (Division level, Regional Level, and
of proficiency in English National Level.

Conduct of Reading program in Filipino. Filipino Coordinator 30,000

Procurement of materials needed in the
Read-athone Competion and other
expenses. Participation in the Journalism
c. Percentage of learners
Competition-Division level, Regional and
achieving at least minimum level
National Level.
of proficiency in Filipino

Develope Election of Math Club Officers Math Coordinator 25,000

d Math Quarterly Test
competen Construction of Instructional Materials
cy and LAC Session/ Meetings of the Math
improved Teachers
the School, District, Division, Regional
mathemat Online Math Olympiad
ical Inter-School and Peninsular Math
proficienc Challenge
y of the Hanging of Tarpaulins (Winners of the
learners Competition)
Listing of Least and Most Learned Skills
d. Percentage of learners in Math
achieving at least minimum level
of proficiency in Math
KPI Selection and Classification learners who SH, Reading 500
will undergo remedial reading classes Coordinator, Class
Improve percentage of Learners Advisers, PHIL-IRI
at Independent Reading Level Coordinator
Teachers will conduct orientation to the SH, Reading 1,500
parents/guardians about the reading Coordinator, Class
program of the school and the different Advisers, PHIL-IRI
process involve. Conduct Reading Coordinator
Remediation Every Thursday and Friday

Procurement of materials for the reading SH, Reading 10,000

remedial classes e.g Printer Ink, Coordinator, Class
Bondpaper, Cartolina, Construction Advisers, PHIL-IRI
Paper, Manila Paper, Scatch Tape, Pilot Coordinator

Procure reading materials for Grades 1, 15,000

2 1nd 3 ( Bondpaper, ink, cartolina, glue,
puilot pen, colored paers, pencils)
Ensure alignment of the
curriculum, instruction, and
classroom assessment
methods in all learning
Percentage of Observe teachers to facilitate in their Master Teachers MIDYEAR AND
teachers teaching instruction using appropriate YEAR END
Implemented Curriculum implemented techniques. Include such topic in the
guides/Instructional plans reflecting SLAC and INSET.
the socio-emotional and 21st century
skills including the appropriate
learning approaches and assessment
are implemented and monitored
Integrated human rights principles to Percentage of Observe teachers to facilitate in their Master Teachers MIDYEAR AND
basic education curriculum from teachers teaching instruction using appropriate YEAR END
Stage 1 to Stage 4 integrated human techniques. Include such topic in the
rights principles SLAC and INSET.

Implemented Classroom-based percentage of Observe teachers to facilitate in their Master Teachers MIDYEAR AND
policies and standards on Good teachers teaching instruction using appropriate YEAR END
Manners and Right Conduct (GMRC) implemented techniques. Include such topic in the
and Values Education SLAC and INSET.

ES-HS: Improve utilization of learning percentage of Symposioum and Seminars to teachers SLRC Coordinator 1,500
Improve learning resource resource management systems utilization and learners. -Teachers attend
provisions trainings on the utilization of LEARNING

Implemented guidelines on safe use percentage of Conduct training to teachers on the SLRC Coordinator/ ICT 5,000
of technology in the teaching and teachers Guidelines on safe use of technology in Coordinator
learning process implemented the teaching and learning process.


KPI 100% Conduct symposium on Natural and SH, Child Protection 10,000
Man-made hazards/disasters among Coordinator
Grades 4 to 6 learners. Procurement of
materials to be used for the symposium
e.g Cartolina, Manila paper, marker,
epson ink, constructions paper, glue,
Managed percentage of learners pencils, ballpens, brown envelopes and
affected/displaced by natural % of affected notebooks etc.
and man-made hazards/ learners
disasters Percentage
Managed are retainedof learners retained
KPI who reported violence 100% Conduct team building activity to SH, Child Protection 7,200
committed against them by % of learners learners. Coordinator
other learners (bullying) or bullied and
adults (child abuse) based on abused
intake sheets
KPI Managed of schools
Percentage of students % of learners SH, Child Protection
with improved health Statistics with improved Coordinator
(elementary) health statistics

Implementated the following: SH, Child Protection


*policies, plans, programs, projects, % of SH, Child Protection

and activities containing implementation Coordinator
commitments towards children’s Orientation on the policies,plans,
rights according
*rights-based to rights-based
education (RBE) % of programs, projects and activities SH, Child Protection
framework implementation 100% Coordinator 10,000
containing commitments towards
* standards and mechanisms on child % of children's rights to teachers and parents SH, Child Protection
protection implementation Coordinator
programs, projects and activities
100% 10,000
containing commitments towards
children's rights to teachers and parents

* M&E mechanism on rights-based % of SH, Child Protection

education framework and legal implementation Coordinator
obligations and commitments on
Positive discipline
rights measures in % of SH, Child Protection
school and community implementation Coordinator
Trained DepEd personnel and percentage of SH, Child Protection
stakeholders on child rights/RBE teachers trained Coordinator
on CRE / RBE
ES-HS: Implemented the ff: % of
Incorporate positive implementation
child rights education (CRE) in the % of 100 Organize set of Officers and implement SH, Child Protection 2,500
discipline in classrooms
enhanced K-12 curriculum, extra and implementation the different program organization. - Coordinator, School
and all learning spaces
co- curricular programs, learning Children's Month Celebration (Christmas Project WATCH, SELG
environment and culture of the Festival), -United Nation Month Coordinator
school, learning center and other Celebration, -Love Drive, Clean Up Drive,
learning modalities Tree Planting, Comminity-BASED
Feeding Program

Utilized learning resources on % of utilization 100 Procurement of Learning Materials and SH, Child Protection 20,000
children’s and learners’ rights in learning kit. e.g plastic envelope, Coordinator
education guidelines on RBE and CRE notebooks, pencils, ballpens, crayons.

mechanism on learners’ participation 100 Conduct symposium to learners on the SH, Child Protection 1,500
on education and children’s rights Rights of a child. Invite speakers from Coordinator
% of the VAWC
ES-HS: DepEd personnel and learners 100 Seminar on the different precautionary SDDRM Coordinator, QUARTERLY 5,000
Strengthen the capacitated in providing the measures during earthquake, fire, HS, stakeholsers, lgu
implementation of DRRM following: typhoon learners,

* Mental Health and Psychosocial % of personnel/ 100 Attend workshop,training on Mental SDDRM 1,500
Support (MHPSS) teachers Health and Psychosocial Support Coordinator,TEACHER
capacitated S,HS
* Education for Sustainable 100 Orientations on global warming/ SDDRM Coordinator Quarterly 1,500
Development (ESD) % of personnel/ Participate in contest,school level and
teachers District level
* Disaster Risk Reduction % of personnel/ 100 Conduct Tarining on Road SDDRM Coordinator, 1,500
Management (DRRM) teachers Safety,Evacuation execution training, Sh, Intermediate
capacitated different disaster drill learners
* iClimate Change Adaptation and % of personnel/ 100 Participate in Tree planting,CLEAN P DRI SDDRM
Mitigation (CCAM) teachers Coordinator,TEACHER,
capacitated LEARNERS
* Peacebuilding Competencies in the 100 Symposium/Training about peace SDDRM Coordinator 2,500
% of personnel/
K to 12 curriculum
Implemented the ff: SDDRM Coordinator
* Integration of Education for Contest poster making about peace, SDDRM Coordinator Quarterly 5,000
Sustainable Development (ESD), Climate change which is in line with the coaches, pupils
Disaster Risk Reduction Management year theme Slogan contest certificates,
(DRRM), Climate Change Adaptation medal, snacks
and Mitigation (CCAM), and
peacebuilding competencies in the K
to 12 curriculum
% of
*Provision of safety and emergency Procure rope, whistle, helmets go bags SDDRM Coordinator As need arises 15,000
supplies and equipment to DepEd % of supplies, flashlight,door knobs, bulbs, HS, PROPERTY
offices and schools implementation extension wires, padlocks CUSTODIAN
* Establishment of Early Warning To improve the early warning devices, SDDRM Coordinator yearly 10,000
Systems (EWS) in DepEd offices and magaphone, batterries, electrical wirings
schools bells or serene devices, low frequency
% of radio,fire extinguisher
Prepared DRRM Contingency Conduct operatioanal review on SDDRM Coordinator As needed 5,000
Planning with multi-stakeholder Contingency Plan previous activities conducted and
groups for the implementation of Approved pareticipated Prepared contigency plan,
response, rehabilitation, and eveacuation plan, fire exit plan.Tsunami
ES-HS: Complied with the ff: Creation of SDRRM organization, SDDRM Coordinator, As needed 3,000
Ensure compliance of functions and responsibilities of each Teachers
education facilities team,Conduct Disaster Drills, and
standards for safe learning Simulations( fire, Earthquake,, bio health
environment hazard
* Risk assessment data for DDRM, Monitor school building /Infrastructure SDDRM Coordinator Quarterly 6,000
CCAM, and peacebuilding for potentilas risk/hazard , Need
signages, stickers, paint, brush.wires
%of compliance
* DRRM, CCAM, and peacebuilding Clean up Drive, rivers, Drainage, Revisit SDDRM Coordinator Quarterly 5,000
plans; contingency plans; and public the Contigency Plan Procure Cleaning
service continuity plans in all materials Repainting DRRM WALL
governance levels % of compliance
* Institutionalization of DRRM Team Meetings and Evaluations quarterly- SDDRM Coordinator Quarterly 4,000
in all governance levels SDRRM TEAM-LGU-SNACKS CERTIFICATE
% of compliance
Conducted Research on the Invite resource speakers to discuus on SDDRM Coordinator Quarterly 10,000
implementation and impact DRRM, research parctipants teachers HS
CCAM, and peacebuilding No of research ceticates bondpapers snacks 60pax
Provide learners
with basic health and
nutrition services
Implemented the ff:
* Provision of schools’ health 100% Provide health sanitation materails @wins coordinator Year Round 27,000
facilities including WASH and clinics such as napkins, medicine kits,
disinfectants, toiletries. - Water
% of Testing- Declogging of Comfort Rooms
* Establishment of school-community 100% Conduct symposium on first aid among School Clinic Teacher Year Round 2,500
coordination mechanisms for health Red-Cross Club Officers and Members.
and safety of learners in schools Purchase First aid kit, medicines and
% of cabinets.
Nurture and protect Capacitate Teachers in handling Conduct Training and Workshop to SH, School Guidance Year Round 5,000
learners’ mental and students experiencing mental and teachers in handling students Teacher
psychosocial health psychosocial health issues experiencing mental and psychosocial
health issues. Invite Resource Speaker
No. of teachers
Promote learners’ physical Trained Teaching and non-teaching 10 Send teaching personnel to school- SH, Sports Coordinator 25,000
and socio- emotional skills personnelon after-school sports sports trainings and seminars. Conduct a
development programs one-day workshop on "Learn To Play.'
Inviting two(2) Trainors, Food for
Trainors : 200/trainor x 2 = 400.00
tokens/cert. =.1,000.00 Purchasing
No. of personnel 1 units Guitar
trained 1units ukalelee
1 unit electric organInstruments:
2 units Guitar 4,000.00 3units
ukalelee 3,000.00 1unit
TOTAL. 11, 900.00
Support athletes participating in school- SH, Sports Coordinator Year Round 25,000
based, district, and division meet
activities for sports development by
providing uniforms, food, and equipment
for the various events.

KPI Create flexible learning spaces that SH, School Property 1,500 LGU
allow for group activities and reduce the Custodian, School
pressure on individual classroom Planning Team
Improved Classroom: Learner Ratio
Partner with local organizations to
provide additional educational support
and resources

KPI Conduct regular assessments of SH, School Property

classroom sizes and gather feedback Custodian, School
Improved Teacher: Learner Ratio from teachers and students to identify Planning Team
areas for improvement and adjust
staffing as needed.

KPI SH, School Property

Improved LR: Learner Ratio
Custodian, School
KPI Planning
SH, Team
School Property
Improved Seat: Learner Ratio Custodian, School
Planning Team
KPI SH, School Property
Improved Toilet: Learner Ratio Custodian, School
Planning Team
KPI SH, School Property
Improved Science and Math Custodian, School
Equipment: Learner Ratio Planning Team
KPI Increased No. of Research 1 Conduct 1 research study SH, School Reasearch Year Round 10,000
Conducted Coordinator

KPI Increased No. of Research 1 Utilized 1 Research Findings SH, School Reasearch Year Round 2,000
Findings Utilized Coordinator

Ideal learning environment Implemented integration of 100% Conduct Training on the integration of SH, ICT Coordinator,
and adequate learning educational technology in teaching Educational technology to teachers MASTER TEACHER
resources for learners and learning through LAC Session and INSET.
ensured % of integration
Improve and modernize Conduct training sessions for staff on SH, Administrative 10,000
internal systems and the new financial systems and best Officer
processes for a responsive Complied with Guidelines on modern practices in financial management to
and efficient financial financial management systems and enhance their skills.
resource management processes developed and
implemented % of compliance
Procurement of Office supplies and SH, AO and Teachers 25,355
teachers Supplies e.g. Inks, Bond papers

Strengthen active Implemented MOA/MOU 100% Scheduling of the conduct of Brigada Brigada Eskwela AUGUST- 1,500
collaboration with key Eskwela, this may be done by grade Coordinator SEPTEMBER
stakeholders % of MOA/OU level members.
100% Inform the community stakeholders Brigada Eskwela AUGUST- 1,000
through the posted poster, leaflets, Coordinator SEPTEMBER
community church and radio
advertisement, facebook/
messenger, youtube.

100% Purchasing of Brigada Eskwela shirt for Brigada Eskwela JULY-AUGUST 29,600
70 teachers and 3 utility workers. Coordinator

100% Repaint walls, and other furniture of the Brigada Eskwela JULY- AUGUST 10,000 10,000 LGU, PTA
classroom. Repair some faucets of the Coordinator
school lavatory.

100% Request disinfectants for disinfecting Brigada Eskwela AUGUST- 11,000 LGU
Coordinator SEPTEMBER
100% Prepare learners’ kit for the upcoming Brigada Eskwela YEAR rOUND 10,000
school year 2024-2025 Coordinator

100% Restoration of gulayan sa Brigada Eskwela AUGUST- 2,500 10,000 LGU

paaralan(SEEDLINGS) Coordinator SEPTEMBER

To allocate budget for the travel 100% Send teaching and non-teaching SH Year Round 25,000
expenses intende for teaching and personnel for National and Regional
non-teaching personnel Training
100% Organize regular meetings to discuss SH, 4Ps Coordinator Year Round 2,500
program updates, share experiences,
Strenghten partnership with 4ps and gather feedback from 4Ps members.
100% Expenses for the different scouting SH, BSP Coordinator & Year Round 10,000
To allocate budget for the expenses activities (BSP & GSP) GSP Coordinator
during the Scouting activities both
girl scout and boy scout
100% "Celebrating the World Teachers Day SH, Teacher's Club September- 50,250
School-Based Program for teachers and President, SELG October
Principal Coordinator
Giving of Tokens to teachers who are
25,20,15, and 10 Years in service
To allocate budget for the expenses Giving of Certificates to all teachers,-
during the school-based and Division Teachers Day Celebration t-shirt, food
wide celebration of World Tecahers and snacks"
100% Conduct of the ff. monthly activities; a. SH, ALL Program 16,309
To conduct monthly activties Nutrition Month, b. Buwan ng Wika, Coordinators
throughout the year that enabling C.United Nation, d. Reading MoNTH
participants to work together Celebration, e. Science Month
towards common goals. Celebration, f. National Arts Month
100% Provide Team buidling Activities to SH, Teacher's Club 27,450
teachers. Purchase Polo shirts for President, SELG
teachers and provide food and snacks. Coordinator
To provide trainings for professional Stipend for speakers
growth of teachers by 2025

Procuremelnt of Biometrics Biometrics SH, Administrative 10,000

Electric bill SH, Administrative Monthly 540,000
Ensured payment of bills Officer
Internet Bill SH, Administrative Monthly 50,376
Ensured payment of bills Officer
Water bill SH, Administrative Monthly 240,000
Ensured payment of bills
Ensured payment of manpower Security Guard SH, Administrative Monthly 96,000
services Officer
2 Utility Worker SH, Administrative Monthly 192,000
Ensured payment of utilities
Provided Load for SH and AO Load for SH and AO SH and AO Monthly 24,000

Payment for Fidelity Bond Fidelity Bond for SH SH YEAR ROUND 5,000
Grand Total 2,298,050 1,153,500 -

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Availability of Funds: Approved: -


ESP II OIC-Chief SGOD Division Accountant Schools Division Superintendent
FY 2025


Total Remaining
Activity January Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Expense Balance

Annual MOOE 2,298,050.00

Conduct assessment on kindergarten facilities and resources 500 500 1,000 2,297,050
Procure Kindergarten resources 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,295,050
Reproduction of materials for catch-up program 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,293,050
Prepare advocacy materials 2,000 1,000 500 500 4,000 2,289,050
Administration of the ECCD Assessment
-Procurement of School Report Card, Dental Examination and Health 8,000 2,281,050
Card 8,000
Conduct a thorough assessment of the school's current library resources,
space, and technology.
Identify the needs and preferences of students, teachers, and staff regarding
library services. Train SCHOOL librarY TEACHER and users on how to navigate
and utilize digital resources effectively. Conduct orientation sessions for
students and teachers to familiarize them with the library layout, resources, 5,000 2,276,050
and services. Repair and Maintenance of the Library.
Acquire additional learning materials for the learners and teachers. Conduct
reading activities/prgrams.
2,000 2,000 1,000
Weighing and identifying wasted and severely wasted
-Conduct a meeting. Encourage the parents, concerned citizens , 1,500 2,274,550
NGOs to help the feeding program of the school. 500 500 500
Conduct General PTA Meeting information and dissemination of the
Feeding Supplies delivered in the school. 2,000 2,272,550
1,000 1,000
Conduct of nutritional status Identification of feeding recipients.
Deworming Orientation Workshop on 5,000 2,267,550
2,500 2,500
Weighing and identifying wasted and severely wasted
-Implement Feeding Program
-Nutrition Month Celebration
-Procurement of First Aid Kit
-Medical Dental Examination
-Vaccination 19,000 2,248,550
-Clean Up Drive
-Invite Police Officers for seminars on Drug Education program -Water
potability testing.
4,000 5,000 5,000 5,000
Conduct seminars and training to teachers and Invite mental health
advocates, psychologists, or individuals with lived experiences.
Establish a school mental health committee to oversee ongoing
initiatives and address concerns. 8,000 2,240,550
Encourage open communication between students, teachers, and
parents regarding mental health.
6,000 2,000

Assess the learning gaps and challenges faced by students through
diagnostic assessments, surveys, and teacher observations.
Develop individualized learning plans for students based on their
assessment results. Procurement of Learning materials needed for
the program. Provide targeted interventions such as small group
instruction, tutoring, and additional learning resources. 150,000 2,090,550
Offer professional development opportunities for teachers to enhance
their skills in addressing learning gaps. Send teachers to Regional and
national trainings related to learning and teaching process.

20,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 15,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 20,000
Conduct regular diagnostic tests to identify students' learning gaps
and tailor remediation efforts accordingly.
Conduct Remediation classes for struggling learners. Reproduction of 15,000 2,075,550
Learning Materials, activity sheets and assessment tool for the
remediation classes.
10,000 5,000
Conduct interactive workshops on topics related to mental health,
stress management, and effective communication to pupils and
teachers. Purchased materials for the worskshops, stiphen to the 3,000 2,072,550
speakers and food for the participants. 3,000
EQUITY - 2,072,550
Meeting with teachers for the implementation of EARLY
REGISTRATION. Conduct Early Registration CARAVAN and Child 5,000 2,067,550
Mapping. 5,000
Meeting with BLGU and barangay officials.
Develop joint projects with partners that
focus on inclusive practices, allowing them to see the impact 5,000 2,062,550
firsthand. Expenses include snacks, fare and materials. 5,000
Conduct School Mapping and coordinate with potentials partners and
stakeholders in improving the enrolment rate of children with 2,000 2,060,550
disability. 2,000
Conduct workshops for students, teachers, and parents to discuss gender
issues, rights, and the importance of gender equality.
Establish clubs focused on gender issues where students can discuss, plan
events, and engage in community service related to GAD.
Women Month Celebration- Commemorate Teachers in profession 25,000 2,035,550
who supports women empowerment. Conduct GAD Related Activities. (Budget
for the Food, snacks and Stiphen of Speaker)
10,000 15,000
Encourage students to express their views on gender through art, writing, or
performances, showcasing their work in school exhibitions.
GAD Related Activities- Poster Making Contest, Bulletin Board Contest-
5,000 2,030,550
Procurement of Materials to be used for the different GAD related Activities
e.g. Bondpapers, Epson ink, Fastener, Folders, Scatch Tape, velum
Invite partners and stakeholder to participate in the National
Disability Prevention Rehabilitation Month.-Autism Awareness Month-
Deaf Awareness Month-International Disability day. Hanging 2,500 2,028,050
streamers, tarpaulin, parade.Forums
Procurement instructional materials e.g educational toys, materials
20,500 2,007,550
for transition, etc. 3,696 5,147 6,817 1,111 1,581 2,148
Conduct Caravan on the implementation of the different leaning
modalities for inclusive education. Conduct school mapping for 2,500 2,005,050
children with special needs.
QUALITY - 2,005,050
Implement early intervention programs to identify struggling students
as soon as possible. 1,000 2,004,050
500 500
Develop and implement individualized learning plans for students
with specific learning needs. 1,000 2,003,050
500 500
Encourage parental involvement through regular communication,
parent-teacher conferences, and workshops. 2,000 2,001,050
1,000 500 500

Encourage parental involvement through regular communication,
parent-teacher conferences, and workshops. a. Faculty Meetings
b. mappings c. campaigns 2,000 1,999,050
d. early registration
e. Monitoring of problematic learners
1,000 1,000
a. Faculty Meetings b.Quarterly
meetings c. Monitoring of promotion rate Purchase
of materials to be used during Moving Up Ceremony/Graduation
Ceremony/ RECOGNITION such as Medals,Ribbons, certificates,
decorations, food and snacks. Stipend, token for speakers, lei and
invitations. Purchase school IDs to learners. Purchase Velum, printer 80,000 1,919,050
ink and parchment paper for certificates, SF10, ECCD Checklist and
Report Card. Purchase Tarpaulin for every program

2,000 2,000 4,000 2,000 2,000 54,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 4,000 2,000 2,000
Procurement of materials for the the instructional matertials for
teachers e.g cartolina, epson ink, bondpapers, construction papers 20,000 1,899,050
5,000 10,000 5,000
Administer diagnostic assessments to identify specific areas of
weakness among students. 2,500 1,896,550
Utilize interactive learning materials, such as educational videos,
animations, and online simulations, to make lessons more engaging. 1,500 1,895,050
Conduct regular review sessions to revisit key concepts covered in
1,500 1,893,550
the NAT. 1,500
Engage parents through regular communication about the importance
of the NAT and ways they can support their children's preparation at 1,500 1,892,050
home. 500 500 500
Conduct diagnostic assessments at the beginning of the academic
year to identify gaps in students' understandinga and Quarterly
assessment. (Procurement of school supplies for teachers e.g. 30,000 1,862,050
bondpapers, printer ink, pencils, ballpens) 10,000 10,000 10,000
Implement regular formative assessments to gauge ongoing student
1,000 1,861,050
understanding. 1,000
Provide continuous professional development opportunities for
teachers to stay updated on effective teaching methods and
assessment strategies.-through LAC Session(13 SESSIONS and 139,510 1,721,540
INSET(Twice a year) Snacks for teachers
69,755 69,755
Implementation of Reading program in the school, Procurement of materials
needed for the program, Conduct Training on the different reading strategies.
Train and Engage student in the Journalism activities and competion. (Division 30,000 1,691,540
level, Regional Level, and National Level.
15,000 15,000
Conduct of Reading program in Filipino. Procurement of materials needed in
the Read-athone Competion and other expenses. Participation in the Filipino - 30,000 1,661,540
Journalism Competition-Division level, Regional and National Level.
15,000 10,000 5,000
"Election of Math Club Officers
Quarterly Test 25,000 1,636,540
Construction of Instructional Materials
LAC Session/ Meetings of the Math Teachers
13,000 12,000
Selection and Classification learners who will undergo remedial
reading classes 500 1,636,040
Teachers will conduct orientation to the parents/guardians about the
reading program of the school and the different process involve. 1,500 1,634,540
Conduct Reading Remediation Every Thursday and Friday. 1,500
Procurement of materials for the reading remedial classes e.g Printer
Ink, Bondpaper, Cartolina, Construction Paper, Manila Paper, Scatch
10,000 1,624,540
Tape, Pilot pens
Procure reading materials for Grades 1, 2 and 3 ( Bondpaper, ink,
cartolina, glue, puilot pen, colored paers, pencils) 15,000 1,609,540
5,000 5,000 5,000
Symposioum and Seminars to teachers and learners. -Teachers
attend trainings on the utilization of LEARNING RESOURCE 1,500 1,608,040

Conduct training to teachers on the Guidelines on safe use of
technology in the teaching and learning process. 5,000 1,603,040
Conduct symposium on Natural and Man-made hazards/disasters
among Grades 4 to 6 learners. Procurement of materials to be used
for the symposium e.g Cartolina, Manila paper, marker, epson ink, 10,000 1,593,040
constructions paper, glue, pencils, ballpens, brown envelopes and
notebooks etc.
5,000 5,000
Conduct team building activity to learners.
7,200 1,585,840
Orientation on the policies,plans, programs, projects and activities
containing commitments towards children's rights to teachers and 10,000 1,575,840
parents 2,500 5,000 2,500
Organize set of Officers and implement the different program
organization. -Children's Month Celebration (Christmas Festival), -
United Nation Month Celebration, -Love Drive, Clean Up Drive, Tree 2,500 1,573,340
Planting, Comminity-BASED Feeding Program 2,500
Procurement of Learning Materials and learning kit. e.g plastic
envelope, notebooks, pencils, ballpens, crayons. 20,000 1,553,340
3,094 4,659 2,247 10,000
Conduct symposium to learners on the Rights of a child. Invite 1,500
speakers from the VAWC 1,500 1,551,840

Seminar on the different precautionary measures during earthquake, 5,000

fire, typhoon 5,000 1,546,840

Attend workshop,training on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support 1,500

1,500 1,545,340

Orientations on global warming/ Participate in contest,school level 1,500

1,500 1,543,840
and District level
Conduct Training on Road Safety,Evacuation execution training, 1,500
different disaster drill 1,500 1,542,340

Participate in Tree planting,CLEAN uP DRIVE - 1,542,340

Symposium/Training about peace 2,500 2,500 1,539,840
Contest poster making about peace, Climate change which is in line 5,000
with the year theme Slogan contest certificates, medal, snacks 5,000 1,534,840

Procure rope, whistle, helmets go bags supplies, flashlight,door 15,000

knobs, bulbs, extension wires, padlocks 15,000 1,519,840

To improve the early warning devices, magaphone, batterries,

electrical wirings bells or serene devices, low frequency radio,fire 10,000 1,509,840
extinguisher 10,000
Conduct operatioanal review on previous activities conducted and
pareticipated Prepared contigency plan, eveacuation plan, fire exit
plan.Tsunami Dril Earthquake drills. Participants teachers, HS, 5,000 1,504,840
learners , stakeholders LGU 5,000
Creation of SDRRM organization, functions and responsibilities of each
team,Conduct Disaster Drills, and Simulations( fire, Earthquake,, bio 3,000 1,501,840
health hazard 3,000
Monitor school building /Infrastructure for potentilas risk/hazard ,
Need signages, stickers, paint, brush.wires 6,000 1,495,840
Clean up Drive, rivers, Drainage, Revisit the Contigency Plan Procure
Cleaning materials Repainting DRRM WALL 5,000 1,490,840
2,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Meetings and Evaluations quarterly- SDRRM TEAM-LGU-SNACKS
4,000 1,486,840
CERTIFICATE HOLDER 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Invite resource speakers to discuus on research parctipants teachers
Expenses for certificates, snacks and other materials intended. 10,000 1,476,840
2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500
Provide health sanitation materails such as napkins, medicine kits,
disinfectants, toiletries. - Water Testing- Declogging of Comfort 27,000 1,449,840
Rooms 6,098 7,902 13,000
Conduct symposium on first aid among Red-Cross Club Officers and
Members. Purchase First aid kit, medicines and cabinets. 2,500 1,447,340

Conduct Training and Workshop to teachers in handling students
experiencing mental and psychosocial health issues. Invite Resource 5,000 1,442,340
Speaker. 5,000
Send teaching personnel to school-sports trainings and seminars.
Conduct a one-day workshop on "Learn To Play.'
Inviting two(2) Trainors, Food for Trainors : 200/trainor x 2 = 400.00
tokens/cert. =.1,000.00 Purchasing of:
1 units Guitar
25,000 1,417,340
1units ukalelee
1 unit electric organInstruments: 2 units Guitar
4,000.00 3units ukalelee 3,000.00 1unit elec.organ3,000.00
TOTAL. 11, 900.00
12,000 2,000 11,000
Support athletes participating in school-based, district, and division
meet activities for sports development by providing uniforms, food, 25,000 1,392,340
and equipment for the various events. 12,000 13,000
GOVERNANCE - 1,392,340
Create flexible learning spaces that allow for group activities and
reduce the pressure on individual classroom settings.
Partner with local organizations to provide 1,500 1,390,840
additional educational support and resources.-Fare Expenses and
other materials needed 1,500
Conduct 1 research study 12,000 12,000 1,378,840
Conduct Training on the integration of Educational technology to
teachers through LAC Session and INSET. - 1,378,840

Conduct training sessions for staff on the new financial systems and
best practices in financial management to enhance their skills. 10,000 1,368,840
Procurement of Office supplies and teachers Supplies e.g. Inks, Bond
papers etc) 25,355 1,343,485
6,339 6,339 6,339 6,339
Scheduling of the conduct of Brigada Eskwela, this may be done by
grade level members. 1,500 1,341,985
750 750
Inform the community stakeholders through the posted poster,
leaflets, community church and radio advertisement, facebook/ 1,000 1,340,985
messenger, youtube.-Fare Expenses
500 500
Purchasing of Brigada Eskwela shirt for 70 teachers and 3 utility
workers. 29,600 1,311,385
Repaint walls, and other furniture of the classroom. Repair some
faucets of the school lavatory. 10,000 1,301,385
5,000 5,000
Prepare learners’ kit for the upcoming school year 2023-2024 5,000 5,000 10,000 1,291,385
Restoration of gulayan sa paaralan(SEEDLINGS) 1,250 1,250 2,500 1,288,885
Send teaching and non-teaching personnel for National and Regional
Training 25,000 1,263,885
10,000 15,000
Organize regular meetings to discuss program updates, share
experiences, and gather feedback from 4Ps members. 2,500 1,261,385
208 208 173 51 306 356 227 208 345 208 208
Expenses for the different scouting activities (BSP & GSP) 2,000 4,000 4,000 10,000 1,251,385
"Celebrating the World Teachers Day
School-Based Program for teachers and Principal
Giving of Tokens to teachers who are 25,20,15, and 10 Years in 50,250 1,201,135
Giving of Certificates to all teachers,-Teachers Day Celebration t-shirt,
food and snacks" 50,250
Procurement oof materials needed for the monthly activities.July-
Nutrition Month, August-Buwan ng Wika, September-Science Month, 16,309 1,184,826
October-United Nation 3,262 3,262 3,262 3,262 3,262
Provide Team buidling Activities to teachers. Purchase Polo shirts for
teachers and provide food and snacks. Stipend for speakers 4,000 27,450 1,157,376
Biometrics 10,000 10,000 1,147,376
Electric bill 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 45,000 540,000 607,376
Internet Bill 4,198 4,198 4,198 4,198 4,198 4,198 4,198 4,198 4,198 4,198 4,198 4,198 50,376 557,000

Water bill 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 240,000 317,000
Security Guard 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 96,000 221,000
2 Utility Worker 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 16,000 192,000 29,000
Load for SH and AO 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 24,000 5,000
Fidelity Bond for SH 5,000 5,000 0
TOTAL ANNUAL MOOE 191,504 191,504 191,504 191,504 191,504 191,504 191505 191504 191,504 191,505 191,504 191,504 2,298,050
191504.16 191504.16 191504.16 191504.16 191504.16 191504.16 191504.16 191504.16 191504.16 191504.16 191504.16 191504.16
Prepared by: - 0 - 0 0 0 0 0 - 0 0 0 - 0 0 - 0


School Head Division Accountant Schools Division Superintendent


FY 2025
Charged to GAA
Projects, Programs and Activities (PAPs)
SIZE BUDGET Procurement Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec

001 Vellum Paper 2 rms 1,000.00 Shopping 500 500

002 Bond paper Long 8 rms 2,000.00 Shopping 1000


003 Bond paper Long 8 rms 2,000.00 Shopping 1000 1000

004 Tarpaulin 8 pcs 4,000.00 Shopping 2000 1000 500


005-1 Vellum Paper 6 rms 3,000.00 Shopping 3000

005-2 Printer Ink 4 sets 5,000.00 Shopping 5000

Food and Snacks and Stipend for the

006-1 10 pax 2,000.00 Shopping 2000
Repair/ maintenance/ improvement of School
006-2 3,000.00 Shopping 2000
Library 1000

007 Snacks for the Parent- Participants 75 pax 1,500.00 Shopping 500 500
008 Snacks for the Parent- Participants 200 pax 2,000.00 Shopping 1000 1000

009 Arroz Caldo for the Deworming Recipients 500 pax 5,000.00 Shopping 2500 2500

010-1 Tarpaulin 1 pc 500.00 Shopping 500

010-2 First Aid Kit 1 set 3,500.00 Shopping 3500

Food and snacks during Medical and Dental

010-3 100 pax 5,000.00 Shopping 5000
Food and Snacks during Clean Up Drive and
010-4 100 pax 5,000.00 Shopping 5000
Fogging activity
Food and Snacks during Seminar Orientation
010-5 100 pax 5,000.00 Shopping 5000
on Drud Education Prevention Program
Food and Snacks of Teacher-Participants and
011-1 100 pax 5,000.00 Shopping 5000
Resource Speakers

011-2 Stipend for 2 Resource Speakers 2 pax 1,000.00 Shopping 1000


011-3 Bond paper Long 4 rms 1,000.00 Shopping e
1000 t
011-4 Manila paper 100 pcs 500.00
500 o
011-5 Catolina 30 pcs 300.00 300 f

011-6 Oil Pastel 4 sets 200.00 200



TOTAL BUDGET: 57,500.00

NOTE: Technical Specifications for each Item/Project being proposed shall be submitted as part of the PPMP

Prepared by: Reviewed by: Approved:

OIC-Chief SGOD Schools Division Superintendent


Division Accountant

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