At 100 Brochure 0622
At 100 Brochure 0622
At 100 Brochure 0622
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An entry-level shaft alignment solution
● Two wireless sensors with their accessories
Laser technology’s high precision not only saves you time and money,
but also removes human error from shaft alignment. It prolongs the life
of your machinery and improves its performance.”
GUI that’s intuitive
Shaft Alignment is the key to success
Alignment intelligence
Measuring with optimal accuracy
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Cut alignment time in half
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✴Tablet is optional.
AT-100 P-0365-GB
preservation — safeguarding businesses and assets and
maximising opportunities while conserving the planet’s
resources. We deliver unrivalled, interoperable AI-powered
sensors and ecosystems that empower our customers to make
enlightened decisions based on accurate information.