Image Denoising Based On Deep Learning
Image Denoising Based On Deep Learning
Image Denoising Based On Deep Learning
Volume 39 (2023)
1. Introduction
With the continuous improvement of image quality requirements in many scientific fields such as
computer vision, image denoising has always been one of the hot research topics in the field of image
processing. The denoising is usually based on some images with certain local defects, which mainly
come from the interference of imaging equipment or external noise environment and other factors.
The main problem of image denoising research is how to restore a noisy image to the original clean
and noise-free image. In fact, due to the irreversible process of adding noise, even if the various data
of the noise model are known, most of the time it is still impossible to perfectly restore the real image.
Therefore, image denoising, especially in environments with high noise intensity, is still a very
challenging task.
Over the past few decades, many efforts have been invested to improve denoising performance [1-
2]. Early image denoising algorithms were devoted to mining image features from different
perspectives, and representative algorithms mainly include the following three categories. (1) Image
denoising based on local smoothing. On the basis of noise reduction, this kind of technology
concentrates on local smoothing of noisy pictures while preserving as many images’ information as
feasible. Common smoothing methods include mean filtering, median filtering, bilinear filtering, and
Gaussian filtering. Although fast and easy to implement, the denoising effect of such methods often
cannot meet the actual application requirements. (2) Image denoising based on patch similarity. This
type of method takes advantage of the fact that different picture blocks in a picture are likely to be
similar to each other, and makes full use of local smoothness and global self-similarity to denoise
from the global perspective of the picture. Representative algorithms include Non-Local and Block-
matching and 3D filtering (BM3D), etc. (3) Statistically based image denoising. The traditional
approach is frequency domain filtering, and this kind of algorithm is based on the statistical properties
of natural pictures to denoise. Frequency-domain filtering separates noise from useful information by
altering the space, assuming that the high-frequency portion of the frequency domain picture is more
likely to be noise and the low-frequency portion is more likely to be useful information. Wavelet
transform and discrete cosine transform, etc.
As deep learning has gradually become a research hotspot in the area of artificial intelligence and
machine learning, the successful application of deep convolutional neural networks in the fields of
image feature extraction and recognition provides new ideas for solving image denoising problems,
especially when image has high level of natural optical noise or noises are entered manually by testers.
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Volume 39 (2023)
Existing image denoising algorithms based on deep learning can be divided into methods based on
convolutional neural network and methods based on autoencoder. Thanks to the design of the local
receptive field, the number of parameters of the convolutional neural network is greatly reduced
compared with the ordinary multi-layer perceptron. Denoising autoencoders are a special class of
neural networks that perform denoising via unsupervised learning, using learned hidden layer units
to represent image features. Compared with the traditional image denoising method, the deep
convolutional neural network has a stronger learning ability. By using a large number of noisy image
sample data for training, it can effectively improve the adaptability of the network model to different
standard noises, and make it has stronger generalization ability.
Although the previous works are different in the design of training objectives, selection of training
features and size of training set, they can significantly improve the denoising effect. However, limited
by the extremely complex actual denoising scenarios, how to choose the most suitable denoising
algorithm for different noise scenarios is still an open issue. In this paper, we build a denoising model
based on Feed forward denoising convolutional neural networks (DnCNN) and compare its results
with other representative denoising algorithms. DnCNN is a denoising algorithm based on deep
learning proposed by Zhang et al [3], which uses a single denoising model to achieve the task of
image denoising and usually performs better when the data are designed to fill with various unknow
levels of noises. For our method, we first extract the features of the input noise image and reconstruct
the image features extracted from the previous step. Finally, by combining residual learning with
batch normalisation to produce a residual image that is exactly as the same size as what we input, we
can effectively separate the photo from the noise.
Focusing on the above aspects, the arrangement of this paper is introduced here. In the second
section, we first survey the most representative denoising algorithms. In Section 3, we will introduce
the basic theory, key steps and implementation details of our method in detail. We then report the
results of our approach in and discuss issues and future directions for image denoising in Section 4.
2. Related Work
In this section, we first introduce related representative denoising methods. Block Matching and
3D Filtering (BM3D) [4] is a well-known denoising algorithm, which fully exploits the similarities
existing in natural images rather than relying on probabilistic image priors. In BM3D, many image
blocks that are similar to each other perform collaborative filtering at the same time, which makes
each image block provide context information reference for denoising of other image blocks.
Weighted kernel norm minimization (WNNM) [5] generally has good performance for removing non-
sparse noise such as Gaussian noise but struggles with mixed noise. Better performance can be
achieved using adaptive median filtering. IrCNN [6] is an approach quite similar to DnCNN that we
mainly discuss, which can also be used for deblurring and simple image super-resolution. It consists
of seven layers and three different blocks, where the first layer is a dilated convolution + ReLU block,
and then in the middle layer is the same block for batch normalization, and the last is a dilated
convolution block. The computational load grows when the filter size is increased, adding additional
parameters. ResNet[7-8] introduces a skip connection to fit the input of the previous layer to the next
layer without modifying the input. ResNet is also a deep convolutional neural network composed of
residual blocks. At the same time, high precision and good computational efficiency are the key
features of ResNet. Previous deep learning methods mainly focus on denoising images with Gaussian
or Poisson corruption, ResNet here can deal with denoising images with more practical Poisson and
additive Gaussian noises [9]. ResNet is considered and proved to be more efficient, has better
performance than popular variants of the famous BM3D algorithm.
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Volume 39 (2023)
3. Methods
3.1 Basic Idea of Image Denoising
The primary goal is to restore a clear photo from a chaotic input using an image degradation model,
which is defined as:
Y X V (1)
Here, X is indicating the original image without noise, and v is the image that has noise with a
distribution of N 0, σ . σ is referring to the noise standard deviation, and so Y is indicating the
noisy image. There used to be a lot of models with high denoising quality and good performance, but
at the same time most of the existing denoising methods still have two main drawbacks to deal with.
The testing portion of those methods typically involves a challenging optimization problem, which
adds time to the denoising process. As a result, the majority of approaches hardly ever manage to
attain high performance without compromising computational efficiency. Second, there is some room
to improve denoising performance because most models are non-convex models and involves some
hand-chosen criteria. To overcome the disadvantages listed above, some models are driven from the
previous ones which have improvements in some of the cases. The continuous optimization technique
in the testing stage can be eliminated by the generated models. This kind of training code approaches
image denoising as a more straightforward differing learning issue, which entails removing the noise
from a noisy picture using feed-forward, instead of developing a discriminative model with a clear
picture prior.
To be more specific, we would like to mention three most popular reasons for using the CNN
network instead of other similar models and algorithms. First of all, Convolutional Neural Network
is known for its deep architecture, which helps to increase the capacity and flexibility for both finding
and identifying the characteristics of certain image or picture. Secondly, there are already multiple
advanced achievements in regularization the network and optimizing the learning methods for
training CNN. The ones we might be familiar with would be batch normalization [10] and residual
learning [9], which have already been proved to have good performance. Both methods introduced
above can accelerate the training process and at the same time improve the overall performance of
the convolutional neural network. Third, CNNs are capable for parallel computation on modern
improved powerful GPUs, which means the running time can be improved through adding more
graphical computing units to increase the computation power during the training process. We will
call it as DnCNN, which refers to Denoising Convolutional Neural Network. The network is invented
to find a potential existing image, which refers to the discrepancy between the picture with noise and
the underneath relatively pure image, which means it does not directly output the clean image we
expected. With operations in the buried layers, the latent clean image is eliminated. The training
performance is then stabilised using the batch normalisation procedure. This model can also be
extended for handling other general and commonly known image denoising tasks, such as image
3.2 Key Steps
It would be quite convenient to generate a training dataset of image with noises from a high-quality
image set that can be used in the experiment. The design, training and testing of the neural network
for the denoising of images and pictures are main topics of this work. The methods of batch
normalisation and residual learning, which are both connected to our model and were previously
described in the preceding paragraph, are briefly reviewed below.
3.2.1 Residual Learning
Convolutional neural network residual learning is intended to address the well-known performance
degradation issue without taking into account the fact that training accuracy decreases as network
depth increases. The residual network intentionally learns a residual mapping for a few stacked layers
since it is easier to learn than the original unreferenced mapping. It is simple to train exceptionally
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Volume 39 (2023)
deep CNN using such a residual learning approach, and better object detection and picture
classification accuracy have been attained. The suggested model incorporates the concept for residual
learning as well. In contrast to the residual network, which employs several residual units, the model
we're talking about here uses a single residual unit to anticipate the "residual picture." The residual
image prediction technique has been applied in the past to several simple vision issues. But for now,
in the current stage of our research and studies, there is still no work which can in overall generate
the image we required directly using any method.
3.2.2 Optimization Using Batch Normalization
By adding a normalisation step, a scale step, and a shift step before the nonlinearity in each of the
layer, it is suggested to use batch normalisation to lessen internal covariate shift. Only two parameters
are added for each activation during batch normalisation, and back-propagation can be used to update
these parameters. The benefits of batch normalisation include quick training, improved performance,
and little initialization sensitivity. The input of the network is a set to be a picture with noise, indicated
by Y X V. The denoising models are usually designed to get a mapping function in order to
inversely predict the clean image hided under the noise. The residual learning formulation can then
be used to train and get a residual graph, indicated as R Y V. For the result, we can get the ideal
clean image by using the difference between the two, which is X Y R Y . The average MSE
calculated using the desired residual image and the estimated image we get from a data fed in with
noise can be modified to get the loss function to update and modify the trainable parameters.
3.3 Network Architecture
Given denoising model involves three different kinds of layers: Conv+ReLU, the previous layer
with batch normalization, and a single Conv layer, which we will introduce in the following
3.3.1 Layers
C is the number of image channels, which corresponds to one for gray images and 3 for colored
images. So the top layer contains filters in 3 3 C , and each of them can generate 64
corresponding feature maps. To ensure nonlinearity, we identified rectified linear units. For the
second layer to the one before the last one, filters of 3 3 64 are used, and batch normalization is
added. In total there are 64 such kind of filters. And so, for the last layer, 3 3 64 filters are used
to reconstruct the output. This layer contains C filters. The residual learning formulation is used to
learn R(y), as we mentioned before. Batch normalization is incorporated to not only speed up training,
but also boost the performance of the denoising result. The model can distinguish visual structure
from the picture with noise through the hidden layers by combining convolution with ReLU stage by
3.3.2 Reducing Boundary Artifacts
The output picture size must typically remain constant with the input image size in many low-level
vision applications. Boundary artefacts could result from this. The noisy input picture's border is
symmetrically padded at the MLP preprocessing step, but this padding method is used at every level
in CSF [11] and TNRD. To make the feature maps indicated before of the middle layers that should
have the same height and width as the data we fed in, we immediately pad zeros before convolution,
in contrast to the approaches mentioned before. We discover that there are no boundary artefacts
when using the straightforward zero padding method. This beneficial quality is possibly due to the
network's strong capabilities.
3.4 Loss Functions
The data fed into the model mentioned is an image that contains Gaussian noise, expressed as Y
X V. The previous designed model is introduced to help compute the image without noise by
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Volume 39 (2023)
training to get the mapping function F Y X, with corresponding loss function is calculated as the
1 n 1
L ∑ ∑w ∑h ||fi j, k Xi j, k ||2 (2)
n i 1 w h j 1 k 1
Here, f represents the image after denoising, and X represents the original noise-free image. n
represents the number of samples in each training batch, and h represents the hight, w represents the
width of the sample, respectively.
Where μx and μy are the pixel sample mean of x and y. σx and σy are the standard
deviations of x and y.
4.3 Experiment Settings
The models are trained using the train400 dataset, which is available online and contains 400 png
pictures. For the DnCNN model, the learning rate is fixed to 1.000e-04, and the number of epochs
increases with number of iterations, up to 20000.
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In addition, we also compare the denoising results using different kinds of methods, as shown in
Table 2. Finally, we visualize the denoising results of different methods in Figure 1. It is easy to see
that the IrCNN performs worse than the DnCNN we talked about on the same data set. The colored
version with three color channels has a better performance even on a binary dataset. After the
Highlights in Science, Engineering and Technology CMLAI 2023
Volume 39 (2023)
experiments we introduced on different models and algorithms, the new CNN model performs as an
outstanding one from the others where the functions and abilities it showed in the area of denoising
bring the problem to a new stage. For the experiment itself, the quantity could still be expanded with
more datasets with various features. The standard dataset is composed of clean images so the results
might not be as optimal as expected. With a more detailed designed dataset corresponding to the weak
points of each model, the result might differ much larger than what we have now. All the results
shown in the experiment demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.
5. Conclusion
This paper builds a model based on the representative image denoising algorithm DnCNN, and
discusses the performance difference with other denoising algorithms. In particular, we first extract
the features of the input noise image and reconstruct the extracted image features. Then, by combining
residual learning with batch normalisation to produce an image leftover that is the same size as the
source image, we successfully separate the image from the noise. The algorithm in this work exhibits
superior efficiency according to PNSR, SSIM, and good visual effects of all the experimental data,
which can improve the denoising ability in an environment with more complicated destruction and
noisy disturbance.
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