English Projct
English Projct
English Projct
Signature of
Teacher Date:
Action Plan for Project Completion
1. Research: Collect data on historical examples of
linguistic oppression and explore the concept of
o Timeline: 1 week.
2. Essay Writing: Develop the 800-1000 word essay,
addressing key points like the importance of
language, linguistic chauvinism, and problems
faced by linguistic minorities.
o Timeline: 1 week.
3. Collection of Additional Materials: Gather
materials, such as questionnaires, reflections, or any
relevant media, to
supplement the project.
o Timeline: Ongoing.
4. Editing and Finalization: Proofread the project
portfolio and ensure all sections are completed.
o Timeline: 3 days.
Project Essay: The Role of Language in Resistance and Cultural
Importance of Language
Linguistic Chauvinism
Preserving a Language