TCW Module 1-4
TCW Module 1-4
TCW Module 1-4
It refers to the spread of ideas, values, culture,
and, customs around the world.
exchange of ideas, values, and cultural
This can lead to increased understanding and practices
appreciation of different cultures, as well as to
greater diversity and creativity. TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCEMENT
There are disadvantages, such as antitrust For some firms, the formation of a
issues and legalities, a reduction in flexibility, conglomerate enables them to stay afloat and
and destroying value rather than creating it. increase profitability by being able to lean on
the combined efforts and resources of
multiple companies.
This indicates political leverage of some States in The First World encompassed all
shaping the International agenda while developing industrialized, democratic countries, which
countries have fewer active roles. were assumed to be allied with the United
States in its struggle against the Soviet Union.
Though State is required by globalization to improve Finland and Switzerland maintained strict
its capacity to deal with greater openness, it must neutrality.
remain central to the well-being of its citizens and to
the proper management of social and economic
The following can be guaranteed only by the States
through independent courts: The Second World was anchored on the
industrialized, communist realm of the Soviet
Respect of human rights and justice Union and its Eastern European satellites, yet
Promote the national welfare it often included poor communist states
Protect the general Interest located elsewhere.
THIRD WORLD Home to all the members of the G8 and P5
members of the United Nations Security
This refers to countries that did not belong to Council
either types of formal economies.
The Third World was defined as the non- 95% has enough food and shelter
aligned world and as the global realm of
poverty and underdeveloped. Economy: industries and major businesses,
commerce, and finance
Low Poverty
As to NATURE, globalization promotes the integration Intra-regional trade refers to trade which
of economics across state borders all around the focuses on economic exchange primarily
world but regionalization is precisely the opposite between countries of the same region or
because it is dividing an area into smaller segments economic zone.