Ajp Project
Ajp Project
Ajp Project
Abhishek Ramesh Kolape EN. NO : 2210920128
Seal of Institute
We wish to express our profound gratitude to our guide
Y.B.TUPKE who guided us endlessly in framing and completion of
MicroProject. He guided us on all the main points in that Micro-
Project. We are indebted to his constant encouragement, cooperation
and help. It was his enthusiastic support that helped us in overcoming
of various obstacles in the Micro-Project.
We are also thankful to our Principal S. S. KHANDAGALE & HOD
A. C. NAIL, Faculty Members and classmates for extending their
support and motivation in the completion of this Micro-Project.
Micro-Project Proposal
(Format or Micro-Project Proposal about1-2pages)
Title of Micro-Project:
Event Handling
6. Performance Optimization
6.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activity. The following is for Reference, The
Activities can be Added / reduced / Modified )
Name of
Details of Planned Planned Responsible
No. Week activity Start date Finish date Team Members
1 1 &2 Discussion & Finalization 16/01/2024 17/01/2024 Abhishek Kolpae
of Topic
2 3 Preparation of the Abstract 17/01/2024 20/01/2024 Abhishek Kolpae
3 4 Literature Review 21/01/2024 23/01/2024 Abhishek Kolpae
4 5 Submission of 25/02/2024 25/01/2024 Abhishek Kolpae
Microproject Proposal
( Annexure-I)
5 6 Collection of information 01/02/2024 04/02/2024 Abhishek Kolpae
about Topic
6 7 Collection of relevant 05/02/2024 08/02/2024 Abhishek Kolpae
content / materials for the
execution of Microproject.
7 8 Discussion and submission 09/02/2024 13/02/2024 Abhishek Kolpae
of outline of the
8 9 Analysis / execution of 15/02/2024 18/02/2024 Abhishek Kolpae
Collected data /
information and
preparation of Prototypes /
drawings / photos / charts /
graphs / tables / circuits /
Models / programs etc.
9 10 Completion of Contents of 01/03/2024 03/03/2024 Abhishek Kolpae
Project Report
10 11 Completion of Weekly 03/03/2024 05/03/2024 Abhishek Kolpae
progress Report
11 12 Completion of Project 05/04/2024 07/04/2024 Abhishek Kolpae
Report ( Annexure-II)
12 13 Viva voce / Delivery of Abhishek Kolpae
Micro-Project Report
Format for Micro-Project Report (Minimum 4 pages)
Title of Micro-Project:-
Event Handling
1.0 Rationale (Importance of the project, in about 30 to 50words.This is a modified version of
the earlier one written after the work)
Forests and natural habitats play a vital role in sustaining biodiversity, regulating the climate, and providing
essential ecosystem services. However, they face numerous threats from deforestation, habitat destruction,
and climate change. This project aims to understand the significance of preserving these ecosystems and
propose sustainable solutions for long-term conservation.
The primary aim of this micro-project is to emphasize the importance of forests and natural habitats. By
studying the methods of preservation, we seek to identify strategies to prevent deforestation, habitat
destruction, and biodiversity loss. Through afforestation, sustainable forestry practices, community
involvement, and legal frameworks, the project seeks to explore solutions for protecting forests and
wildlife. Ultimately, the benefits include raising awareness, promoting conservation efforts, and proposing
practical steps for sustainable development.
3.0 Course Outcomes Achieved (Add to the earlier list if more Cos are addressed)
1.0 Literature Review:- ( you can include all the resources which you have used to gather the
information for the Micro-project)
5.0 Actual Methodology Followed (Write step wise work done, data collected and its analysis (if
any).The contribution of individual member may also be noted.)
1) IDENTIFYING : identifying the problem and course of problem in the area related and prepare
project proposals before starting the project.
2) SERIVE : Derive different possible solutions creatively.
3) DATA COMMUNICATION : Collect relevant data from different sources (books/the internet/the
market/suppliers/experts and other through survey/interviews).
4) DESIGNING : Designing micro project with minimum required resources (low cost).
5) DEVELOPING : Develop the prototype/model/ of the desired equipment/ machine part etc.
6) TEAMWORK : Learn to work in a team and boost individual confidence.
7) TIME MANAGEMENT : Timely completion of micro project as scheduled.
8) DATA ANALYSIS : Interpretation of data, drawing and analysis of laboratory calculations etc.
9) PROBLEM-SOLVING : Develop good problem-solving skills.
10) SAFETY : Incorporate safety features in products.
11) TECHNICAL WRITING : Prepare a report of the proposed plan and final report.
12) PRESENTATION AND COMMUNICATION SKILLS : Giving working model presentation of
the micro project.
13) CONFIDENCE : Confidently, answer the questions asked about the project.
14) ACKNOWLEDGEMTNT : Acknowledge the help rendered by others in the success of the project.
2 Literature
3 Completion of the Target as
Per project proposal
4 Analysis of Data and
5 Quality of Prototype/Model
6 Report Preparation
(B) Individual Presentation/Viva(Convert Below total marks out of 4Marks)
7 Presentation
8 Viva
(A) (B)
Total Marks
Process and Product Individual Presentation/ Viva
Assessment (6 marks) (4 marks)
Dated Signature:-__________________
An event can be defined as changing the state of an object or
behavior by performing actions. Actions can be a button click, cursor movement,
keypress through keyboard or page scrolling, etc.
The java.awt.event package can be used to provide various event classes.
Classification of Events
Foreground Events
Background Events
Types of Events
1. Foreground Events
Foreground events are the events that require user interaction to generate, i.e.,
foreground events are generated due to interaction by the user on components
in Graphic User Interface (GUI). Interactions are nothing but clicking on a button,
scrolling the scroll bar, cursor moments, etc.
2. Background Events
Events that don’t require interactions of users to generate are known as
background events. Examples of these events are operating system
failures/interrupts, operation completion, etc.
Event Handling
It is a mechanism to control the events and to decide what should happen after
an event occur. To handle the events, Java follows the Delegation Event model.
The three approaches for performing event handling are by placing the event
handling code in one of the below-specified places.
1. Within Class
2. Other Class
3. Anonymous Class
Note: Use any IDE or install JDK to run the code, Online compiler may throw
errors due to the unavailability of some packages.
Event Handling Within Class
// Java program to demonstrate the
// event handling within the class
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
TextField textField;
// Component Creation
textField = new TextField();
// setBounds method is used to provide
// position and size of the component
textField.setBounds(60, 50, 180, 25);
Button button = new Button("click Here");
button.setBounds(100, 120, 80, 30);
// add Components
// set visibility
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
// Component Creation
textField = new TextField();
// add Components
// set visibility
GFG2 gfgObj;
Other(GFG1 gfgObj) {
this.gfgObj = gfgObj;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
TextField textField;
// Component Creation
textField = new TextField();
// add Components