Gale 2016
Gale 2016
Gale 2016
Assessment of palpitations
1 2
Chris P Gale associate professor honorary consultant cardiologist , A John Camm professor of
clinical cardiology
Leeds Institute of Cardiovascular and Metabolic Medicine, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK; 2York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, York,
UK; 3Division of Clinical Sciences, St George’s University of London, London, UK; 4Brompton Hospital, Imperial College, London, UK
What are palpitations? ventricular extrasystoles (at least 30 per hour) may be more of
a concern in patients older than 55 years.5
Palpitations are a symptom characterised by awareness of the
Among 73 healthy patients (confirmed by non-invasive cardiac
heartbeat, often described as a strong, skipping, fluttering,
investigations) with about 10 000 ventricular extrasystoles per
racing, pounding, thudding, or jumping sensation in the chest.
24 hours, one sudden death and one death from cancer occurred
Some patients describe a sensation of having to cough or their
over a 10 year follow-up, compared with an expected 7.4 deaths
breath being taken away. However, patients occasionally mean
calculated from a standardised mortality ratio.6
something other than palpitations, such as chest discomfort,
which may need a different line of investigation. However, in a study of 678 apparently healthy patients aged
between 55 and 75 years, 56 had more than 30 ventricular
extrasystoles per hour, of whom 12 died or had a myocardial
What causes palpitations? infarction; in contrast, of 567 patients who had less than 10
Most palpitations are benign (being atrial, nodal, or ventricular ventricular extrasystoles per hour, 50 experienced such events
extrasystoles1), and probably less than half of cases are due to (hazard ratio 2.65, 95% confidence interval 1.41 to 4.95;
heart rhythm abnormalities or arrhythmias. Anxiety is a common P=0.0025).5 Although the extrasystole threshold seems much
cause of palpitations; up to a third have psychological causes.2 lower in this study, the patients were older and the risk of events
Infrequently, however, they may be incapacitating and can lead was greater in those with higher Framingham risk scores.
to syncope or sudden cardiac death. Equally, a large proportion Extrasystoles may sometimes be due to underlying myocardial
of patients with palpitations (67% in one study3) are diagnosed ischaemia, scar, hypertension, heart failure, or, much less
as having panic, stress, or anxiety when, instead, they have an frequently, a cardiac myopathic process or inherited cardiac
underlying arrhythmia.3 4 condition such as a channelopathy. Notably, very frequent
Palpitations that are due to a heart rhythm abnormality are ventricular extrasystoles (>20% of all heart beats) may cause,
usually tachyarrhythmias or extrasystoles. They are rarely due rather than result from, left ventricular systolic dysfunction.7
to bradycardias. By far the most frequent form of palpitation
comes from ventricular extrasystoles,1 which the patient often Supraventricular arrhythmias
describes as “missed or skipped beats.” Other common causes
Paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias are related to
include atrial fibrillation and/or flutter (paroxysmal, persistent,
conduction abnormalities in the atrioventricular node or to the
or permanent), paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardias or
presence of bypass tracts. Atrial fibrillation and flutter, on the
ventricular tachycardias (usually non-sustained and related to
other hand, are associated with hypertension, heart failure,
exercise) arising from the outflow tract of the right ventricle,
diabetes, coronary artery disease, obesity, sleep apnoea,
and sinus tachycardia.
thyrotoxicosis, acute or chronic alcohol misuse, and valvular
heart disease, and they increase in incidence with age.8 Atrial
Extrasystoles fibrillation and sustained atrial tachycardia at rates greater than
Generally, ventricular or atrial extrasystoles are not associated 120 beats per minute can also induce left ventricular systolic
with clinically significant structural heart disease. Relatively dysfunction.
infrequent ventricular extrasystoles are common in the
population and are not usually of concern in younger patients;
an underlying cause is usually not identified. Frequent
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How do we investigate them? tests, and 12 lead electrocardiogram may identify the underlying
cause in up to 40% of patients.5 Moreover, the correlation
Clinical history between palpitations and arrhythmias is poor,9 and the diagnostic
The history is central to ascertaining the cause of palpitations yield in the community setting is determined by symptom
and therefore whether the patient warrants referral to cardiology frequency.
and how urgently. Boxes 1 and 2 outline what to ask. If, from the history, clinical examination, and initial blood tests,
you are happy that the patient is describing infrequent
Clinical examination extrasystoles, an ambulatory rhythm monitor is not necessary.
Although often normal, careful examination for signs of disease For palpitations that are not thought to be extrasystoles or for
associated with palpitations is necessary. These include signs patients with a high burden of extrasytoles, an ambulatory
of heart failure (raised jugular venous pressure, ankle swelling, rhythm monitor may help to clarify the diagnosis. However,
gallop rhythm, crackles), valvular heart disease (murmurs), restrict a 24 hour Holter monitor to patients who have at least
thyrotoxicosis (tremor, thinness, goitre), and anaemia (pallor). daily symptoms, a 48 hour Holter monitor to those with
Hypertension may be present. symptoms on most days, and a seven day monitor to those with
weekly symptoms, even if the 12 lead electrocardiogram is
Clinical investigations normal. Inappropriate use of short periods of ambulatory
monitoring for infrequent symptoms is cumbersome for patients,
Essential investigations should include blood tests and a 12 lead delays the diagnosis, and is costly.10 In a specialist
electrocardiogram. Other investigations may include ambulatory electrophysiology clinic, the Holter monitor is necessary. This
rhythm monitoring. If underlying heart disease is suspected (or is to decipher the morphology and anatomical origin of the
confirmed), the patient should be referred to cardiology for arrhythmia and detect short asymptomatic episodes that suggest
further investigations including an echocardiogram and the type of arrhythmia responsible for symptomatic episodes,
sometimes an exercise tolerance test. rather than to identify its presence.
The table⇓ shows the diagnostic scenarios of ambulatory rhythm
Blood tests monitoring. The absence of an arrhythmia on an ambulatory
These include: rhythm monitor is often reassuring for the patient. The recording
• A full blood count (checking for anaemia and infection); of an arrhythmia that corresponds to the patient’s symptoms
• Serum urea, creatinine, and electrolytes (checking for renal helps to clinch the diagnosis. Absence of an arrhythmia during
impairment or deranged sodium or potassium an episode of palpitations is also diagnostic and is of great value
concentrations as possible causes of arrhythmias); and to the patient and practitioner. Of note, when palpitations do
not occur during an ambulatory recording and no arrhythmias
• Thyroid function tests. are identified, the investigation is not diagnostic. The clinician
should, therefore, not dismiss the patient’s symptoms but
12 lead electrocardiogram consider an alternative ambulatory rhythm monitor over a great
length of time.
Even though patients rarely experience palpitations during the
consultation (and less so during the recording of the Patient activated event recorders—These allow investigation
electrocardiogram), this test is crucial in offering more of palpitations over a much longer period of time (typically a
information than other cardiac investigations for the evaluation month) and are usually reserved for patients in secondary care
of palpitations. Box 3 lists key electrocardiographic features with infrequent but sufficiently prolonged symptoms, who can
that should lower the threshold for seeking further advice. activate the devices and have been risk stratified as an urgent
Palpitations in the context of a normal electrocardiogram are referral (see next section). They diagnose clinical arrhythmia
much less likely to be associated with a cardiac pathology or in a greater proportion of patients with paroxysmal palpitations
adverse clinical outcome. For patients with infrequent and dizziness than do Holter monitors,11 12 and they are more
palpitations, asking them to attend your practice or the cost effective.10 Some hospitals now provide smart phone
emergency department to have an electrocardiogram recorded monitors that can be used in concert with a smart phone
during symptoms is not unreasonable. application (figure⇓).
Implantable loop recorder—This is a small battery powered
Ambulatory rhythm monitors device inserted under the skin over the left chest wall that
Ambulatory rhythm monitors include Holter monitors, patient records the heart beat. For palpitations that are uncommon but
activated event recorders (specific devices or modified smart associated with syncope, this may be needed because the patient
phones), wearable patch monitors (for up to three or four weeks, is not able to activate recording devices.13
and the implantable loop recorder. These are not always required
in general practice, however, as the history, examination, blood
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Box 3: 12 lead electrocardiogram practice pointers for palpitations—when to consider specialist referral
Atrial fibrillation or atrial flutter
Second degree atrioventricular block
Third degree atrioventricular block
Myocardial infarction
Left ventricular hypertrophy (with or without strain pattern)
Left bundle branch block
Abnormal T waves and ST segments
Pre-excitation (Wolff-Parkinson-White pattern of a slow rise in the initial portion of the QRS (delta wave))
Abnormal QT/QTc interval
are not needed but that you would refer to a specialist if the 15 Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency. For medical practitioners: at a glance guide to the
current medical standards of fitness to drive. DVLA, 2014.
palpitations occur with exertion or with other symptoms such 16 Binns H, Camm J. Driving and arrhythmias. BMJ 2002;324:927-8.
as chest pain, lightheadedness, or loss of consciousness or are 17 Banning AS, Ng GA. Driving and arrhythmia: a review of scientific basis for international
guidelines. Eur Heart J 2013;34:236-44.
Cite this as: BMJ 2015;351:h5649
© BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2016
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Smartphone monitor and app, with two metal finger pads on reverse and heart rhythm on screen. Reproduced with permission
from AliveCor
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