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Renewable Energy
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Article history: Microalgae Chlorella minutissima 26a was cultivated in a tube-cylinder internal-loop airlift photo-
Received 4 August 2017 bioreactor under continuous cultivation conditions. The goal was to investigate the influence of different
Received in revised form nitrate levels on the growth and composition of microalgae. Three nitrate concentrations (75, 150 and
11 April 2018
225 mg L1) were assessed under a fixed flow rate and the outlet flow was analyzed for concentration of
Accepted 12 June 2018
Available online 14 June 2018
biomass, lipid, carbohydrate and protein. Nitrate concentration at higher level (225 mg L1) in the me-
dium promoted biomass growth (188.6 mg L1 d1) and lipid production (92.8 mg L1 d1), and
decreased carbohydrate amount (29.1 mg L1 d1) without any change in protein content
Chlorella minutissima
(37.7 mg L1 d1). Use of tube-cylinder internal-loop airlift photobioreactor in continuous mode could be
Continuous microalgae cultivation a promising approach in algal biorefineries so called 3G biorefineries, resulting in high biomass pro-
Tube-cylinder internal-loop airlift ductivity in a simple cultivation system.
photobioreactor © 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
3G biorefineries
Nitrogen repletion effect
1. Introduction [4e6]. In addition, microalgae can also be harnessed for the pro-
duction of large number of bioactive compounds for different ap-
Emission of carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere plications in food supplements, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, among
by excessive burning of fossil fuels has considerably impacted on others [7]. Thus, a flexible multiproduct industry can be envisioned
the greenhouse effect, thus promoting global warming and unde- through integrated installations of 3G biorefinery by harnessing the
sirable climate changes [1]. Strategic actions to reduce the green- potential of microalgae [8e10].
house gas emissions and their harmful effect on the environment However, there are several obstacles that must be overcome in
are urgent and mandatory. Gas emissions caused by burning of order to take maximum advantage from microalgae in large-scale
renewable fuels can be sequestered through photosynthesis during processes such as production cost reduction, biomass yield and
the biomass growth [2,3]. In this context, microalgae have been productivity maximization, increase in the productivity of lipids,
considered as one of the most promising alternative sources for carbohydrates and other interesting compounds [11]. In order to
biofuel production because of their fast growth rate and high increase biomass production and to modify its composition,
biomass productivity thriving on cheap and renewable carbon appropriate strategies for example - evaluation of the effect of ni-
sources. Microalgae biomass can be employed as a raw material for trogen source concentration in the medium [12,13], promotion of
fuels production as it comprised of lipids and carbohydrates which intense interaction of microalgae with the cultivation medium,
are considered as promising feedstock for biodiesel, bioethanol and supply of optimized light and carbon source during cultivation, and
biochemicals production. Cultivation of microalgae require small the choice of an alternative photobioreactor and operation mode
physical spaces as compared to the terrestrial crops, and signifi- are necessary to adopt [14,15].
cantly contribute to the greenhouse gases reduction by CO2 capture For the appropriate yields from bench-scale microalgal cultiva-
tion, more studies are requires that allow to measure, evaluate and
control environmental and nutritional factors affecting growth and
* Corresponding author. composition of biomass production [16]. These benchmark studies
E-mail address: [email protected] (G.V. Tagliaferro).
0960-1481/© 2018 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
440 G.V. Tagliaferro et al. / Renewable Energy 130 (2019) 439e445
will pave the outcome for acquisition of necessary information for light penetration. The cylindrical tube was located concentrically
large-scale microalgae propagation. In such a case, photo- towards the outer column with 30 mm space between them, aim-
bioreactors enable cellular photosynthetic metabolism and offer ing to promote an upstream flow towards the central tube and
several unique advantages, such as low possibility of contamina- downstream flow towards the outer tube. Compressed air was
tion, better control of gas-liquid mass transfer rate, higher biomass pumped through a sterile filter and supplied to the reactor via
density, greater exposure to light, high productivity per area and porous stones placed centrally at the base of the draft tube at the
low cost of biomass harvesting. However, the main disadvantage of flow rate of 0.24 vvm. For all experiments, temperature was kept at
photobioreactors is the low penetration of light due to the 30 ± 2 C and continuous light supply was provided via fluorescent
increased cell density in the medium during the cultivation time lamps with photon flux density of 125e130 mmol m2 s1. A peri-
[15]. The later needs careful evaluation of reactor designing, inter- staltic pump was used to feed the photobioreactor during the
nal geometry of reactor, appropriate air flow rate and other oper- continuous mode operation.
ating conditions, enabling ideal amount of oxygen transfer and
removal, mixing, recirculation time and light exposure frequency 2.3. Batch cultivation in airlift photobioreactor
for adequate microalgae growth [15,17e19]. In continuous culti-
vation of microalgae, high biomass productivity can be achieved by Batch experiments were carried out to determine the maximum
reducing non-productive time, employing a uniform and optimized specific growth rate (mmax), with the estimated feed flow rate dur-
culture medium which facilitates the design of downstream steps ing the continuous cultivation. Culture medium was consisted of
[20]. synthetic seawater f/2 with 150 mg L1 NaNO3, and the seed culture
Despite their advantages, airlift photobioreactors have been (as described in section 2.1) was added at a volumetric fraction of
scarcely reported in literature for microalgae cultivation under 10%. Samples were taken periodically taken for dry cell weight
continuous mode [16,21,22], with no previous report on Chlorella (DCW) measurements. Specific growth rate was estimated by the
minutissima cultivation in a tube-cylinder internal-loop airlift slope of regression in the exponential phase (linear region) ob-
photobioreactor. Chlorella sp. have been reported as a promising tained from the curve of natural logarithm of dry cell weight as a
candidate, as they have a fast and easy growth [23,24], with lipid function of time. The hydraulic residence time (HRT) was calculated
content ranging from 10.0 to 48.0% (wt) [25,26], carbohydrate as a function of the dilution ratio (“D”) the by following equation:
content from 12.0 to 17.0% (wt) and protein content from 40.0 to HRT ¼ 1/D where D ¼ 0.8 mmax.
60.0% (wt) [27,28] depending on cultivation conditions.
This study reports the effect of different nitrogen concentration 2.4. Continuous cultivation in the airlift photobioreactor
on growth and composition of C. minutissima 26a in an autotrophic
culture by using a tube-cylinder internal-loop airlift photo- In all experiments, seed culture was prepared as described in
bioreactor. The cultivation was operated in a continuous mode, and section 2.1, was added into the medium at a volumetric fraction of
biomass production and chemical composition was assessed in 10%. For continuous cultivation, firstly, the airlift photobioreactor
terms of lipids, carbohydrates, protein and ash content. was operated in batch mode until the microalgae growth reached
to the exponential phase. Thereafter, the airlift photobioreactor was
2. Methods fed with the culture medium at a flow rate of 0.4 mL min1, cor-
responding to a hydraulic residence time (HRT) of 155 h. The har-
2.1. Microalgae strain, storage and seed culture vesting was performed daily (approximately after 24 h), and the
culture solution was centrifuged at 1800 g and dried in an oven at
The microalgae C. minutissima 26a was provided by the Seaweed 60 C for 24 h.
Culture Collection of the Oceanographic Institute at the University
of S~
ao Paulo (S~ao Paulo, SP, Brazil). Microalgae were stored and kept
in artificial seawater f/2 medium [29], composed of: 33.3 g L1 NaCl,
75.0 mg L1 NaNO3, 5.0 mg L1 NaH2PO4$H2O, 3.15 mg L1
FeCl3$6H2O, 22.2 mg L1 ZnSO4$7H2O, 180 mg L1 MnCl2, 6.3 mg L1
Na2MoO4$2H2O, 10 mg L1 CoCl2$6H2O, 9.8 mg L1 CuSO2$5H2O,
100 mg L1 Thiamine (B1), 0.5 mg L1 Cyanocobalamin (B12) and
0.5 mg L1 Biotin (B7), in 250 mL Erlenmeyer flasks kept at 20 C
under illuminating conditions (photon flux of
80e90 mmol m2 s1), and sub-cultured every six weeks. Seed
cultures were prepared in the same f/2 medium (900 mL) with the
addition of a stock culture (100 mL). Thus, autotrophic cultivation
was carried out during 10 days by using a batch tube photo-
bioreactor which was consisted of a transparent plastic bottle cyl-
inder of 12.0 mm of diameter and 28.0 mm of height, and aerated at
0.24 vvm. Temperature was kept at 30 ± 2 C with continuous light
supply at photon flux of 130 ± 2 mmol m2 s1.
Fig. 3. Biochemical composition of Chlorella minutissima 26a cultured in media with different nitrate concentrations in continuous internal-loop airlift photobioreactor. Data are
correspondent to average composition at different hydraulic residence time (HRT).
Table 1 Table 2
Carbohydrates composition after acid hydrolysis of microalgae biomass cultured at Influence of nitrate concentration on the biomass productivity, lipids, protein and
steady state (HRT3) under different nitrate concentration in the medium. carbohydrate amount in biomass during the continuous cultivation in airlift pho-
tobioreactor at steady state (average ± standard deviation) with D ¼ 0.006 h1.
Sugars Mass fraction (%)
Nitrate concentration Productivity (mg L1 d1)
Nitrate concentration (mg L1)
(mg L1)
Biomass Lipid Protein Carbohydrate
75 150 225
75 100.2 ± 6.1 45.1 ± 2.7 20.8 ± 1.3 21.3 ± 1.3
Total carbohydrate 21.6 ± 2.10 16.1 ± 1.98 15.2 ± 1.56
150 138.8 ± 12.3 67.9 ± 6.0 27.8 ± 2.5 22.6 ± 2.0
Glucose 5.94 ± 0.31 6.07 ± 0.52 8.18 ± 0.28
225 188.6 ± 11.2 92.8 ± 5.5 37.7 ± 2.2 29.1 ± 1.7
Xyl þ Gal þ Man 10.85 ± 0.55 7.12 ± 0.43 5.11 ± 0.48
Arabinose 3.60 ± 0.62 1.51 ± 0.32 1.12 ± 0.41
Others 1.21 ± 0.42 1.40 ± 0.61 0.79 ± 0.39
using C. minutissima as reported by Tang et al. [48]. In this work,
HRT3 e 3rd hydraulic residence time after starting continuous process (from 465 h
to 620 h of cultivation).
when microalgae were cultured in a continuous stirred tank
444 G.V. Tagliaferro et al. / Renewable Energy 130 (2019) 439e445
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