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CPBN 4th SEM Syllabus

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Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai

Diploma in Electrical Engineering/Electrical & Electronics Engineering Semester-IV

A) Course Code : 2025473(022)
B) Course Title : Computer Programming and Basic Networking
C) Pre- requisite Course Code and Title : Computer Fundamentals and Applications
D) Rationale :
This Course imparts problem solving skills in the students, using a popular structured programming
language `C'. The course is crafted to help the students to develop logical ability to identify the best
solution for a given computing problem. This will be helpful in developing programs for the scientific,
research, business and industrial purposes. It is also important to understand the function of
Computer Networks. The required knowledge about hardware and software to establish a network
and configure various services over it. The overall objectives of this courseis to develop
programming skills and develop necessary abilities in students to establish and make it operational
for sharing and accessing resources over network.

E) Course Outcomes

CO-1 Write a ‘C’ program using algorithm, flowchart and expressions.

CO-2 Develop program in ‘C’ using conditional and loop control statements.
CO-3 Develop program in ‘C’ using library functions.
CO-4 Develop program in ‘C’ using single dimensional array.
CO-5 Install and Configure Computer network and devices.

F) Scheme of Studies:

Scheme of Studies
Board of Course Course (Hours/Week)
Study Code Titles Credit
Computer Computer
1 Science & 2025473(022) Programming & Basic 2 - 1 3
Engineering Networking
Computer Computer
2 Science & 2025463(022) Programming & Basic - 2 - 1
Engineering Networking (Lab)
Legend : L- Lecture, T- Tutorial, P- Practical,
Lecture (L)CL Classroom Instruction (Includes different instructional Strategies i.e Lecture and others.)
Practical (P)LI Laboratory Instruction (Includes practical performances in Laboratory workshop, field or other
locations using different instructional strategies).
Tutorial (T) Includes sessional work (SW) (assignment, seminar, mini project etc), Self Learning (SL)

Note: SW & SL has to be planned and performed under the continuous guidance and feedback of teacher to ensure
outcome of Learning.

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Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Diploma in Electrical Engineering/Electrical & Electronics Engineering Semester-IV
G) Scheme of Assessment:
Scheme of Examinations
S. Board of Course Course Practical
N. Study Code Titles Theory Total
Computer Computer
1 Science & 2025473(022) Programming & Basic 70 20 30 - - 120
Engineering Networking
Computer Computer
2 Science & 2025463(022) Programming & Basic - - - 30 50 80
Engineering Networking (Lab)
Legend: ESE: End semester exam CT: Class Test TA: Teachers Assessment
PRA: Process Assessment, PDA: Product Assessment
Note: i. TA in Theory includes Sessional work (SW) and Attendance (ATT), with weightage of 70% and
30 % weightage of total respectively.

ii. TA in Practical includes performance of PRA, PDA and Viva-Voce with weightage of 50%,
40% and 10 % weightage of total respectively.

iii. Minimum two experiments from each units is mandatory.

H) Course-Curriculum Detailing:

This course curriculum detailing depicts learning outcomes at course level and session level and their
attainment by the students through Classroom Instruction (CI), Laboratory Instruction (LI), Sessional
Work (SW) and Self Learning (SL). Students are expected to demonstrate the attainment of Session
Outcomes (SOs) and finally Course Outcomes (COs) upon the completion of course.

CO-1 Write a ‘C’ program using algorithm, flowchart and expressions

(Approx.Hrs: CI+ LI=17 )
Session Outcomes Laboratory Instruction (LI) Class room Instruction Self Learning
(SOs) (CI) (SL)
SO1.1 Write algorithm LE1.1 Write an algorithm Unit-1.0 Introduction to ‘C ‘ x Use of
and flowchart and draw a flowchart Programming algorithm for
for a given for addition of two 1.1. Program logic development problem
problem numbers. using Algorithm and solving
SO1.2 Differentiate LE1.2 Write an algorithm Flowchart x Use of
keywords and and draw a flowchart 1.2. Algorithm-Developing and flowchart for
identifiers. for calculating simple writing algorithm using problem
SO1.3 Explain basic interest. pseudo Codes solving
structure of ‘C’ LE1.3 Develop a program in 1.3. Flowchart- Definition and x Evolution of
program with ‘C’ to display a simple Importance of flowchart, programming
example. message using printf() Symbols of Flowchart, Flow structure
SO1.4 Explain different function. lines, Terminals, x Basic data
types of data LE1.4 Develop a Program in Input/output, Processing, concepts
types in ‘C’ ‘C’ to find ASCII value Decision, Connection off- &data types
language. of a character using page connectors, Limitation used in ‘C’.
SO1.5 List various input/output function. of flowchart x Types of
types of 1.4. Basic structure of ‘C’ expression
operators used Program
in ‘C’ language. 1.5. Data Concepts- Character

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Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Diploma in Electrical Engineering/Electrical & Electronics Engineering Semester-IV
Session Outcomes Laboratory Instruction (LI) Class room Instruction Self Learning
(SOs) (CI) (SL)
SO1.6 Write a simple set, C Tokens, Keywords
‘C’ Program and Identifiers, Constants,
demonstrating variables and its Declaration
the given data 1.6. Data Types- data type
type conversion conversion
SO1.7 Write I/O 1.7. Operators and its types-
Statements for Arithmetic, Relational,
the given data Logical, Assignment,
Increment and Decrement,
Conditional , Bitwise, Special
1.8. Input/Output Functions-
printf(), scanf(), getch(),
putch(), getchar()

SW-1 Suggested Sessional Work (SW):

a. Assignments:
i. Differentiate between formatted and unformatted input/output function in ‘C’.
ii. Advantages of algorithm and flowchart.
iii. Differentiate between pre increment and post increment with an example.
iv. Differentiate between pre decrement and post decrement with an example.

b. Mini Project:
i. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to find given number is positive or negative.
ii. Write a program in ‘C’ to swap two numbers using third variables.
iii. Write a program in ‘C’ to swap two numbers without using third variables.

c. Other Activities (Specify):

i. A Seminar on -Use of Algorithm and Flowchart in programming.
ii. A seminar on -Data Types, Types of operators and Input/output Functions in ‘C’ language’.

CO- 2 Develop program in ‘C’ using conditional and loop control statements.
(Approx.Hrs:CI+ LI=13)
Session Outcomes Laboratory Instruction(LI) Class room Instruction Self Learning(SL)
(SOs) (CI)
SO2.1 Describe the LE2.1 Write program for Unit-2.0Decision making with x Conditional
syntax of solving quadratic Branch statements and Loop branching
decision making equation using statements. statements in
statements with if…else statement in 2.1 Introduction of decision ‘C’ language.
examples in ‘C’ ‘C’. making statements in ‘C’ x Multi-way
language.( if, if LE2.2 Write a program in 2.2 Decision making with IF conditional
else, nested if ‘C’ to calculate the statement, Simple IF branching in
else, else if grade of a student statement, The IF…. ElSE ‘C’ language.
ladder, switch using nested if…else statement, Nesting of IF…. ElSE x Unconditional
statements) statement in ‘C’ statement, The ELSE IF ladder branching in
SO2.2 Apply different LE2.3 Write a program in 2.3 The Switch statement ‘C’ language.
Branching ‘C’ to Calculate sum 2.4 The? : operator x Nested loops
statements on a of first ‘N’ natural 2.5 GOTO statement in ‘C’
given problem. numbers using while 2.6 Introduction, The WHILE language

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Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Diploma in Electrical Engineering/Electrical & Electronics Engineering Semester-IV
Session Outcomes Laboratory Instruction(LI) Class room Instruction Self Learning(SL)
(SOs) (CI)
SO2.3 List different and do…while and Statement, The DO…WHILE
types of looping for loop. Statement
statements in ‘C’ LE2.4 Write a program in 2.7 The FOR statement, The
language with ‘C’ to check a given BREAK and CONTINUE
examples. number is prime or statement
SO2.4 Explain the use not using loop with
of break and break statement.
continue LE2.5 Writes a program in
statements in ‘C’ to find Fibonacci
loops with series using
examples in ‘C’ for/while/do while
language. loop.
SO2.5 Perform
different loop
operation on a
given program.

SW-2 Suggested Sessional Work (SW):

a. Assignments:
i. Differentiate between conditional and unconditional branching in ‘C’.
ii. Merits and demerits of multi-way branching statements in ‘C’.
iii. Develop a program in ‘C’ to print even and odd values in a given range.

b. Mini Project:
i. Develop a program in ‘C’ to convert a given number of days in terms of years, weeks and
ii. Develop a program in ‘C’ to check whether the given alphabet is vowel or not.
iii. Develop a program in ‘C’ to check whether the given number is palindrome or not.

c. Other Activities (Specify):

i. Seminar on ‘Use of switch case statement’ in ‘C’ language.

CO-3 Develop program in ‘C’ using library functions.

(Approx.Hrs:CI+ LI=12)
Session Outcomes Laboratory Instruction Class room Instruction Self Learning
(SOs) (LI) (CI) (SL)
SO3.1 Describe LE3.1 Write a program in Unit-3.0 User-defined x Concept of x
library ‘C’ to calculate Function Procedural
functions sum of two 3.1 Concept and need of oriented
with numbers using functions programmin
examples user-defined 3.2 Library functions: g language
SO3.2 Classify function. Math functions, x Advanta
different LE3.2 Write a program in String handling ges of
string ‘C’ using the given functions, other library
handling Library function. miscellaneous function
function in functions. s
‘C’ with an
SO3.3 Apply

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Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Diploma in Electrical Engineering/Electrical & Electronics Engineering Semester-IV
Session Outcomes Laboratory Instruction Class room Instruction Self Learning
(SOs) (LI) (CI) (SL)
function on a

SW-3 Suggested Sessional Work (SW):

a. Assignments:
i. Develop a program to Calculate power of a given number using user-defined function.
ii. Develop a program to calculate a square root of a given number using user-defined function.

b. Mini Project:
i. Develop a program in ‘C’ to find Greatest Common Divisor of given numbers using function.

c. Other Activities (Specify):

i. A Seminar on ‘use of functions in ‘C’’

CO-4 Develop program in ‘C’ using single dimensional array.

(Approx.Hrs:CI+ LI=15)
Session Outcomes Laboratory Instruction (LI) Class room Instruction Self Learning
(SOs) (CI) (SL)
SO4.1 Describe LE4.1 Develop a program Unit-4.0Array in ‘C’ x Advantages of
declaring and in ‘C’ to display list of 4.1 Declaring and array
initializing of values in reverse initializing One-
One-Dimensional order Dimensional Array.
Array with LE4.2 Develop a program 4.2 Array Operations-
example. in ‘C’ to perform 4.2.1 Insertion,
SO4.2 Apply different addition of all 4.2.2 Searching,
operation on elements of an one 4.2.3 deletion,
Array. dimensional array 4.2.4 string operation,
4.2.5Concatenation of
two strings.

SW-4 Suggested Sessional Work (SW):

a. Assignments:
i. Describe one dimensional array dimensional arrays in ‘C’ with examples.
ii. Develop a program in ‘C’ to search a given number in one dimensional array.

b. Mini Project:
i. Develop a program in ‘C’ that performs inverse of square matrix.

c. Other Activities (Specify):

i. A seminar on ‘use of one dimension of array in ‘C’ language’.

CSVTU, Bhilai Page 28

Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Diploma in Electrical Engineering/Electrical & Electronics Engineering Semester-IV
CO-5 Install and Configure Computer network and devices.
(Approx.Hrs:CI+ LI=18)
Session Outcomes Laboratory Instruction (LI) Class room Instruction Self Learning
(SOs) (CI) (SL)
SO5.1 List the LE5.1 Establish a network to Unit-5.0 Computer Networks x Differentiate
applications of connect computing and devices between
Computer systems by using any 5.1 Definition & history of point to point
Networks. type of topology. networks, and
SO5.2 Differentiate LE5.2 Demonstrate the 5.2 Application of Computer multipoint
various line topology used in Networks, connection.
configurations. computer network. 5.3 Standard Organizations and x Difference
SO5.3 Design a LE5.3 Install, configure and Protocols, between
computer Test Repeaters for 5.4 Line Configuration Layer 2 and
network layout networking 5.4.1 Point to Point Layer 3
considering LE5.4 Install, configure and connection, Switches.
particular Test Routers for 5.4.2 Multipoint connection, x Describe
topology. networking 5.5 Network Topology Network
SO5.4 Categorise LE5.5 Install, configure and 5.5.1 Bus Topology, Management
computer Test Gateway for 5.5.2 Ring Topology, software
network based networking 5.5.3 Star Topology,
on scope and 5.5.4 Hybrid Topology,
connection 5.6 Categories of network
SO5.5 Apply different 5.6.1 LAN,
type of Network 5.6.2 WAN,
Topology. 5.7 OSI model and its main
SO5.6 Use of various function, feature of each
Network layer.
devices. 5.8 TCP/IP model and its main
SO5.7 Describe the function, feature and
applications of protocol of each layer.
network devices 5.9 Types of Transmission Media
in different 5.9.1 Twisted Pair,
layers. 5.9.2 Coaxial Cable,
5.9.3 Optical Fiber,
5.10 Introduction to Network
communication devices
5.10.1 Repeater,
5.10.2 Hub,
5.10.3 Switch,
5.10.4 Bridge,
5.10.5 Router,
5.10.6 Access Point,
5.10.7 Gateway,
5.10.8 RS 232,
5.10.9 RJ 45 &RJ11,
5.10.10 Client Server
Legend: CI: Classroom Instruction (Includes different instructional strategies i.e. Lecture (L) and Tutorial (T) and
others),LI: Laboratory Instruction (Includes Practical performances in Laboratory, Workshop, field or other
locations using different instructional strategies) SL: Self Learning

SW-5 Suggested Sessional Work (SW):

CSVTU, Bhilai Page 29

Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Diploma in Electrical Engineering/Electrical & Electronics Engineering Semester-IV
a. Assignments:
i. Illustrate advantages and disadvantages of different types of network topology.
ii. Identifies different type of topology used in different type of network.
iii. Identify application of physical scope of computer network.
iv. Describe the applications of network devices in different layers

b. Mini Project:
i. Design a small network layout based on LAN in your computer lab.
ii. Identify loss of datagram/ Packet in the Congestion network.

c. Other Activities (Specify):

i. Identify different type of computer network in real life.
ii. Difference between internet and intranet.

Note: Performance under Laboratory and Sessional work may appear in more than one COs/SOs.

I) Suggested Specification Table (For ESA of Classroom Instruction CI+SW+SL):

Unit Unit Titles Marks Distribution Total

Number R U A Marks
I Introduction to Programming in ‘C’ 5 5 4 14
II Decision making with Branch statements 5 5 4 14
and Loop statements.
III User-defined Function 3 5 6 14
IV Array in ‘C’ 3 5 6 14
V Computer Networks and devices 3 5 6 14
Total 19 25 26 70

Legend: R: Remember, U: Understand, A: Apply and above

Note: After completion of all the chapters student will be able to perform the list of following experiments:

J) Suggested Specification Table (For Assessment of Laboratory Instruction*):

Assessment of Laboratory
Laboratory Work
Instruction Short Laboratory Experiment Titles (%Marks)
Number Performance Viva-
LE1.1 Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart for
addition of two numbers. 50 40 10

LE1.2 Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart for

calculating simple interest. 50 40 10

LE 1.3 Develop a program in ‘C’ to display a simple message

using printf() function. 50 40 10

LE 1.4 Develop a Program in ‘C’ to find ASCII value of a

character using input/output function. 50 40 10

LE2.1 Write program for solving quadratic equation using

50 40 10
if…else statement in ‘C’.

CSVTU, Bhilai Page 30

Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Diploma in Electrical Engineering/Electrical & Electronics Engineering Semester-IV
Assessment of Laboratory
Laboratory Work
Instruction Short Laboratory Experiment Titles (%Marks)
Number Performance Viva-

LE2.2 Write a program in ‘C’ to calculate the grade of a

student using nested if…else statement in ‘C’ 50 40 10

LE2.3 Write a program in ‘C’ to Calculate sum of first ‘N’

natural numbers using while and do…while and for
50 40 10

LE 2.4 Write a program in ‘C’ to check a given number is

prime or not using loop with break statement. 50 40 10

LE 2.5 Writes a program in ‘C’ to find Fibonacci series using

50 40 10
for/while/do while loop.
LE3.1 Write a program in ‘C’ to calculate sum of two
numbers using user-defined function. 50 40 10

LE3.2 Write a program in ‘C’ using the given Library

50 40 10
LE4.1 Develop a program in ‘C’ to display list of values in
50 40 10
reverse order
LE4.2 Develop a program in ‘C’ to perform addition of all
50 40 10
elements of an one dimensional array
LE5.1 Establish a network to connect computing systems
50 40 10
by using any type of topology.
LE5.2 Demonstrate the topology used in computer
50 40 10
LE5.3 Install, configure and Test Repeaters for networking 50 40 10
LE5.4 Install, configure and Test Routers for networking 50 40 10
LE5.5 Install, configure and Test Gateway for networking 50 40 10
* Assessment rubric, process and product check list with rating scale need to be prepared by the course wise teachers
for each experimentfor conduction and assessment of laboratory experiments /practical’s
Legend: PRA: Process Assessment ,PDA: Product Assessment
K) Suggested Instructional/Implementation Strategies:
1. Improved Lecture
2. Tutorial
3. Case Method
4. Group Discussion
5. Industrial visits
6. Industrial Training
7. Field Trips
8. Portfolio Based Learning
9. Role Play
10. Demonstration
11. ICT Based Teaching Learning (Video Demonstration, CBT, Blog, Face book, Mobile)
12. Brainstorming
13. Others

CSVTU, Bhilai Page 31

Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhilai
Diploma in Electrical Engineering/Electrical & Electronics Engineering Semester-IV
L) Suggested Learning Resources:
(a) Books :
S. No. Titles Author Publisher Edition &
Programming in Tata McGraw-Hills Latest
1 E. Balaguruswami
ANSI C publication Edition
Programming with Pearson publication, Latest
2 Ashok N Kamthane
ANSI And Turbo C Latest Edition Edition
3 Let us 'C' Yashavant Kanetkar BPB publications
4 Computer Networks Andrew S Tanenbaum Prentice Hall -
Data communication and 2007 or
5 Behrouz, Forouzan, Mcgraw Hill
Networking latest
Networking Essential – Joe Casad& Dan (MCSE, MCT) Tech 1997 or
Training Guide Newland, Media New Delhi latest

(b) Open source software and website address:

1. ‘C’ programming: http://www.programiz.com/c-programming
2. ‘C’ programming Language: http://www.w3schools.in/c-programming-language/intro/
3. ‘C’ Language: beginnersbook.com
4. Learn ‘C’ online:http://www.learnconline.com
5. https://www.tutorialspoint.com/data_communication_computer_network/
6. https://doc.lagout.org/network/Data%20Communications%20and%
7. http://www.studytonight.com/computer-network/tcp-ip-reference-model
8. http://www.studytonighty.com/computer-network/network-topology-types

(c) Others:
1. Learning Packages
2. Lab Manuals
3. Users Guide

M) List of Major Laboratory Equipment and Tools:

Computer System with latest configuration and memory

S. No. Name of Equipment Broad Relevant Experiment Number

LE1.1-LE1.4 ,LE2.1-LE2.5
1 Computer System Latest Configuration LE3.1-LE3.2 ,LE4.1-LE4.2,
LE1.1-LE1.4 , LE2.1-LE2.5
2 ‘C’ compiler ‘C’ Version (or latest) LE3.1-LE3.2 , LE4.1-LE4.2,

CSVTU, Bhilai Page 32

Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhila
Diploma in Electrical Engineering/Electrical & Electronics Engineering
N) Mapping of POs & PSOs with COs:

Course Programme Outcomes

Outcomes (POs)
PO-1 P O- 2 P O- 3 P O- 4 PO-5 P O- 6 PO-7 PO-8 P O- 9 PO
Basic Discipline Experimen Engineeri The Environme Ethics Individual Communi Life
knowledge knowledge ts and ng Tools engineer nt and and team cation lea
practice and sustainabili w o rk
society ty

CO-1 Write a ‘C’ program using

algorithm, flowchart and 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 2
CO-2 Develop program in ‘C’
using conditional and loop 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1
control statements.
CO-3 Develop program in ‘C’
3 2 2 2 1 1 1 3 2
using library functions.
CO-4 Develop program in ‘C’
using single dimensional 2 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 2
CO-5 Explain basics of Computer
3 3 2 1 3 1 1 2 2
Networking and devices.

Legend: 1 – Low, 2 – Medium, 3 – High

CSVTU, Bhilai
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhila
Diploma in Electrical Engineering/Electrical & Electronics Engineering
O) Course Curriculum Map:
Laboratory Instruction Classroom Instru
POs & PSOs No. COs No.& Titles SOs No.
(LI) (CI)
PO-1,2,3,4,5,6 CO-1 Write a ‘C’ program using SO1.1, SO1.2, LE1.1, LE1.2, Unit 1.0 Introduction to
7,8,9,10 algorithm, flowchart and SO1.3, SO1.4, LE1.3,LE1.4 ‘Programming.
PSO-1,2 expressions SO1.5, SO1.6, 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1
PO-1,2,3,4,5,6 CO-2 Develop program in ‘C’ using SO.2.1,SO2.2, LE2.1, LE2.2, Unit 2.0 Decision makin
7,8,9,10 conditional and loop control SO2.2, SO2.3 LE2.3, LE2.4, Branching statements.
PSO-1,2 statements. SO2.4,SO2.5 LE2.5
PO-1,2,3,4,5,6 CO-3 Develop program in ‘C’ using SO.3.1 LE3.1 Unit 3.0 User-defined F
7,8,9,10 library functions. SO.3.2 LE3.2
PSO-1,2 3.1,3.2
PO-1,2,3,4,5,6 CO-4 Develop program in ‘C’ using SO.4.1 LE4.1 Unit 4.0 Array in ‘C’
7,8,9,10 single dimensional array. SO.4.2 LE4.2 4.1,4.2
PO-1,2,3,4,5,6 CO-5 Install and Configure Computer SO.5.1, LE5.1 Unit 5.0 Computer Net
7,8,9,10 network and devices SO.5.2, LE5.2 devices
PSO-1,2 SO.5.3, LE5.3
SO.5.4 LE5.4 5.1,5.2,5.3,5.4,5.5,
SO.5.5, LE5.5
SO.5.6, 5.6,5.7,5.8,
Legend: CI: Classroom Instruction (Includes different instructional strategies i.e. Lecture (L) and Tutorial (T) and others), LI: Laboratory Instr
performances in Laboratory, Workshop, field or other locations using different instructional strategies) SL: Self Learning.

CSVTU, Bhilai

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