CPBN 4th SEM Syllabus
CPBN 4th SEM Syllabus
CPBN 4th SEM Syllabus
E) Course Outcomes
F) Scheme of Studies:
Scheme of Studies
Board of Course Course (Hours/Week)
Study Code Titles Credit
Computer Computer
1 Science & 2025473(022) Programming & Basic 2 - 1 3
Engineering Networking
Computer Computer
2 Science & 2025463(022) Programming & Basic - 2 - 1
Engineering Networking (Lab)
Legend : L- Lecture, T- Tutorial, P- Practical,
Lecture (L)CL Classroom Instruction (Includes different instructional Strategies i.e Lecture and others.)
Practical (P)LI Laboratory Instruction (Includes practical performances in Laboratory workshop, field or other
locations using different instructional strategies).
Tutorial (T) Includes sessional work (SW) (assignment, seminar, mini project etc), Self Learning (SL)
Note: SW & SL has to be planned and performed under the continuous guidance and feedback of teacher to ensure
outcome of Learning.
ii. TA in Practical includes performance of PRA, PDA and Viva-Voce with weightage of 50%,
40% and 10 % weightage of total respectively.
H) Course-Curriculum Detailing:
This course curriculum detailing depicts learning outcomes at course level and session level and their
attainment by the students through Classroom Instruction (CI), Laboratory Instruction (LI), Sessional
Work (SW) and Self Learning (SL). Students are expected to demonstrate the attainment of Session
Outcomes (SOs) and finally Course Outcomes (COs) upon the completion of course.
a. Assignments:
i. Differentiate between formatted and unformatted input/output function in ‘C’.
ii. Advantages of algorithm and flowchart.
iii. Differentiate between pre increment and post increment with an example.
iv. Differentiate between pre decrement and post decrement with an example.
b. Mini Project:
i. Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart to find given number is positive or negative.
ii. Write a program in ‘C’ to swap two numbers using third variables.
iii. Write a program in ‘C’ to swap two numbers without using third variables.
CO- 2 Develop program in ‘C’ using conditional and loop control statements.
(Approx.Hrs:CI+ LI=13)
Session Outcomes Laboratory Instruction(LI) Class room Instruction Self Learning(SL)
(SOs) (CI)
SO2.1 Describe the LE2.1 Write program for Unit-2.0Decision making with x Conditional
syntax of solving quadratic Branch statements and Loop branching
decision making equation using statements. statements in
statements with if…else statement in 2.1 Introduction of decision ‘C’ language.
examples in ‘C’ ‘C’. making statements in ‘C’ x Multi-way
language.( if, if LE2.2 Write a program in 2.2 Decision making with IF conditional
else, nested if ‘C’ to calculate the statement, Simple IF branching in
else, else if grade of a student statement, The IF…. ElSE ‘C’ language.
ladder, switch using nested if…else statement, Nesting of IF…. ElSE x Unconditional
statements) statement in ‘C’ statement, The ELSE IF ladder branching in
SO2.2 Apply different LE2.3 Write a program in 2.3 The Switch statement ‘C’ language.
Branching ‘C’ to Calculate sum 2.4 The? : operator x Nested loops
statements on a of first ‘N’ natural 2.5 GOTO statement in ‘C’
given problem. numbers using while 2.6 Introduction, The WHILE language
a. Assignments:
i. Differentiate between conditional and unconditional branching in ‘C’.
ii. Merits and demerits of multi-way branching statements in ‘C’.
iii. Develop a program in ‘C’ to print even and odd values in a given range.
b. Mini Project:
i. Develop a program in ‘C’ to convert a given number of days in terms of years, weeks and
ii. Develop a program in ‘C’ to check whether the given alphabet is vowel or not.
iii. Develop a program in ‘C’ to check whether the given number is palindrome or not.
a. Assignments:
i. Develop a program to Calculate power of a given number using user-defined function.
ii. Develop a program to calculate a square root of a given number using user-defined function.
b. Mini Project:
i. Develop a program in ‘C’ to find Greatest Common Divisor of given numbers using function.
a. Assignments:
i. Describe one dimensional array dimensional arrays in ‘C’ with examples.
ii. Develop a program in ‘C’ to search a given number in one dimensional array.
b. Mini Project:
i. Develop a program in ‘C’ that performs inverse of square matrix.
b. Mini Project:
i. Design a small network layout based on LAN in your computer lab.
ii. Identify loss of datagram/ Packet in the Congestion network.
Note: Performance under Laboratory and Sessional work may appear in more than one COs/SOs.
Assessment of Laboratory
Laboratory Work
Instruction Short Laboratory Experiment Titles (%Marks)
Number Performance Viva-
LE1.1 Write an algorithm and draw a flowchart for
addition of two numbers. 50 40 10
(c) Others:
1. Learning Packages
2. Lab Manuals
3. Users Guide
CSVTU, Bhilai
Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University, Bhila
Diploma in Electrical Engineering/Electrical & Electronics Engineering
O) Course Curriculum Map:
Laboratory Instruction Classroom Instru
POs & PSOs No. COs No.& Titles SOs No.
(LI) (CI)
PO-1,2,3,4,5,6 CO-1 Write a ‘C’ program using SO1.1, SO1.2, LE1.1, LE1.2, Unit 1.0 Introduction to
7,8,9,10 algorithm, flowchart and SO1.3, SO1.4, LE1.3,LE1.4 ‘Programming.
PSO-1,2 expressions SO1.5, SO1.6, 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,1.6,1
PO-1,2,3,4,5,6 CO-2 Develop program in ‘C’ using SO.2.1,SO2.2, LE2.1, LE2.2, Unit 2.0 Decision makin
7,8,9,10 conditional and loop control SO2.2, SO2.3 LE2.3, LE2.4, Branching statements.
PSO-1,2 statements. SO2.4,SO2.5 LE2.5
PO-1,2,3,4,5,6 CO-3 Develop program in ‘C’ using SO.3.1 LE3.1 Unit 3.0 User-defined F
7,8,9,10 library functions. SO.3.2 LE3.2
PSO-1,2 3.1,3.2
PO-1,2,3,4,5,6 CO-4 Develop program in ‘C’ using SO.4.1 LE4.1 Unit 4.0 Array in ‘C’
7,8,9,10 single dimensional array. SO.4.2 LE4.2 4.1,4.2
PO-1,2,3,4,5,6 CO-5 Install and Configure Computer SO.5.1, LE5.1 Unit 5.0 Computer Net
7,8,9,10 network and devices SO.5.2, LE5.2 devices
PSO-1,2 SO.5.3, LE5.3
SO.5.4 LE5.4 5.1,5.2,5.3,5.4,5.5,
SO.5.5, LE5.5
SO.5.6, 5.6,5.7,5.8,
Legend: CI: Classroom Instruction (Includes different instructional strategies i.e. Lecture (L) and Tutorial (T) and others), LI: Laboratory Instr
performances in Laboratory, Workshop, field or other locations using different instructional strategies) SL: Self Learning.
CSVTU, Bhilai