ENVR 202 - Class Notes
ENVR 202 - Class Notes
ENVR 202 - Class Notes
Three types of rocks: Igneous “fire formed”: formed through the cooling and solidification of magma
or lave, Sedimentary-formed from chemical precipitates or fragments of earlier formed rocks,
Metamorphic -formed by application of heat and pressure to either igneous or sedimentary rocks.
Radiometric dating is a technique that can tell us how old things are. Unstable isotopes undergo
decay. We can measure the amount of carbon 14 to determine how old something is. However it
can lony go back from 15,000 years. We can measure the decay of other elements found within rock
to determine an absolute age.
Assuming that when a rock forms it contains an unstable isotope and non of the daughter isotope,
and assuming that over geologic time.
Sedimentary rocks allow us to infer a age based on the sequence. Sedimentary rock is produced
from the gradual accumulation of sediment on the surface. Therefore newer sediment is continually
deposited on top.
Fossils are generally most abundant in marine sedimentary rocks. They are generally not found in
igneous or metamorphic rocks. Using fossils is not always clear-cut/straightforward:
A large river may dump a large amount of sediment into the sea. But rocky stretches of coast
may see very little sediment accumulation? Far offshore
Earth formed about 4.54 billion years ago out of a solar nebula.
?ebula: a swirling could made up.
During Hadean Eon, it was initially molten. There were constant bombardments by asteroids and
comets. The formation of the moon.
Bacteriophage – virus that infects and replicates within bacteria. Many do not consider
What is Life
Nasa ‘working definition’: “Life is a self-sustained chemical system capable of undergoing Darwinian
Requirements to be a “alive”
Maintain Homeostasis
Organisms regulate their internal environment to maintain the relatively narrow range of conditions
needed for cell function such as internal temperature, internal pH, nitern
How did we get such diversity?
Gene: A self replicating DNA unit that occupies a specific location on a chromosome and determines
a particular characteristic in an organism
Mate searching costs. As pop size go smaller the probability decrease and could have a positive
feedback loop causing extinction.
Simple observation and measurement suffice (NOT high-tech). Evaluate degrees of similarity and
account for patterns of change in time to reconstruct relationships and lines of descent.
- Photosynthesis evolves
- Eukaryotes (cells with a nucleus) evolve
- Proliferation of bacterial mats
Recall the Great Oxygenation Event
Aquatic organisms are adapted to being surrounded by water, dry out easily
If land was so inhospitable, how and why did life make the jump?
- From early cyanobacteria, green algae (eukaryotes, incl. multi-cellular) appeared ~ 0.75 bya
- What could have prompted plants to move onto land? Plants are autotrophs (get their
energy from the sun!)
- Advantageous to grow near the surface (near light), in shallow waters, on coastal shelves!
Over time, evolved from green algae to more complex forms that could survive entirely on land
Homo neanderthalensis
Sister species to us – not direct ancestors but share the same one as homo sapiens. They had food,
art… Timeframe: 400,000-30,000 years ago.
Another sister species to us. No homo because it identified through little bones and DNA. No skull
identified to date -> no official species name.
Homo sapiens
- What is extinction?
- …
Despite being in the middle of the ocean, the islands are full of life. So remote places have a
very interesting amount of biodiversity. Three ways to get to an island:
- Ocean dispersal – coconuts, vegetation during storms
- Aerial dispersal – very small plant seeds, fungi
- Avian dispersal – Birds can disperse it eating (seeds, eggs), stick to birds (
Random mutations between diff lineages – molecula clock