Les Modaux
Les Modaux
Les Modaux
Exercice B
Remplissez les espaces vides avec le verbe modal qui correspond à ce qui est indiqué entre
Exercice A
1. Should go
2. should take
3. Must be
4. Should read
5. Should wear
6. Must finish
7. Shouldn’t play
Exercice B
1. should stop
2. wouldn’t obey
3. need not change
4. should listen
5. might be
6. could not fix
7. may go away
Les verbes modaux :
will, would, can, could, may, might, must, should, shall
Choisir le bon verbe modal (forme affirmative ou négative) plusieurs
réponses sont parfois possibles.
1. This women _________ be Spanish but I’m not sure. She sounds
Spanish though.
2. You ______ park here. You will get a parking fine if you do.
3. ______ I offer you a drink?
4. ______ you come to the party tomorrow? Of course, I ______ be there
come rain or shine!
5. She ________ speak English when she was very young .
6. You ________ switch off your phone when the plane is taking off.
7. You ________ really start eating healthier if you don’t want to get
8. He _________ (not) speak proper Spanish but he tries.
9. Hurry up! They _______ be waiting for us at the restaurant. .
10. I’m very fortunate, I _________ spend a lot of quality time with my
children this weekend.
11. You ______ be so tired after your trip! You ______ rest now.
12. I’m not sure yet but I ________ join as you asked.
13. __________ you give me a hand with this exercise?
14. Sorry kids, you ______ use mummy’s phone anymore. You broke it
last time!
15. I ________ like to order a pizza.
16. If I had more time, I _____________ visit my family more often
17. You ________ smoke here. It’s forbidden.
18. _______ I go out now? Sure, you _____.
19. ______ you marry me? Yes, I _____.
20. I _______ like to have a beer, please. _______ you also bring some
1 This women might / may be Spanish but I’m not sure. She
sounds Spanish though. (il est possible qu’elle soit espagnol, mais
on n’est pas sûr)
2 You cannot / mustn’t park here. You will get a parking fine if
you do. (cannot = tu ne peux pas / mustn’t = tu ne dois pas c’est
3 Can / may I offer you a drink? (can = est ce que je peux / may =
puis je)
4 Can / will you come to the party tomorrow? Of course, I will be
there come rain or shine! (can = est ce que tu peux / will = est ce
que tu vas)
5 She could speak English when she was very young .
6 You must switch off your phone when the plane is taking off.
7 You should really start eating healthier if you don’t want to get
fat! (conseil, suggestion, recommandation)
8 He cannot speak proper Spanish but he tries.
9 Hurry up! They must be waiting for us at the restaurant. (forte
10 I’m very fortunate, I could spend a lot of quality time with my
children this weekend.
11 You must be so tired after your trip! You should rest now. (forte
probabilité / conseil)
12 I’m not sure yet but I might / may join as you asked. (50% de
chance que cela se produise)
13 Can / could you give me a hand with this exercise? (can = est ce
que tu peux / could = est ce que tu pourrais)
14 Sorry kids, you cannot / mustn’t use mummy’s phone anymore.
You broke it last time! (cannot = vous ne pouvez pas / mustn’t =
vous n’avez pas le droit)
15 I would like to order a pizza. (souhait, conditionnel)
16 If I had more time, I would visit my family more often
17 You mustn’t smoke here. It’s forbidden. (interdiction)
18 Can I go out now? Sure, you can . (demande de permission)
19 Will you marry me? Yes, I will . (volonté)
20 I would like to have a beer, please. Could you also bring some
bread? (souhait / demande polie)
Exercices sur les modaux en anglais
Rappel: les modaux en anglais sont:
•au présent: can, may, must, will, shall
•au prétérit: could, might, must, would, should
Exercice 1
Trouvez le verbe modal qui convient (il peut être à la forme négative):
Exercice 2
Choisissez la bonne réponse:
5. If you don’t start working harder, you ___________repeat the course next year.
have to / must / will have to
Correction exercice 2
4.must not
5.will have to
6.been allowed
7.must be
10.didn’t need to
14.May I
15.are allowed to
19.be able to
20.having to