Cie CH 10
Cie CH 10
Cie CH 10
Emails are not sent out with false or misleading subject lines
Require senders of emails to obtain ‘opt-in’ permission before emails are sent
Must have a clear way for recipients to ‘opt-out’.
Organization must make privacy policy very clear to subscribers
Do not allow to harvest email addresses
Organization must provide subscribers with a very clear way to unsubscribe
Opt-in and Opt-out
Acceptable language
Do not use:
➢ Obscene images
➢ Language that is regarded as abusive, profane, defamatory, etc.
➢ Violent messages
➢ Illegal materials in messages
Security and Password Protection
Don’t abusive
Don’t send spam
Be clear and brief expressd with your message
Always check your spelling and grammer
Respect people’s privacy
Forgive people’s mistakes
Don’t plagiarise – always acknowleges
Don’t use too many emoticons
Any unsolicited email (unwanted email) sent over the Internet is regarded
as spam.
It is often sent to multiple recipients
Dangerous spam can contain viruses or be part of a phishing scam
Disadvantages of spam mail
It uses up people’s time
It generally annoys people
It uses up valuable bandwidth on the Internet, slowing it down
It can have virus attached or even be part of a phishing scam
It can clog up users’ inboxes
Email groups
Send out to multiple emails if the addresses are all grouped together under
a single name
Organisation can group people together for marketing purpose
Organisations use email group to set up meetings
Other Email Operations
A moderated forum is an online discussion forum in which all posts are checked by
an administrator before they are allowed to be posted.
Moderator can filter out any posts that are inappropriate, rude or offensive.
The internet is essentially an unmoderated forum.
Most social forums or networking groups on the Internet have a set of rules that
members are requested to follow.
Internet Service Provider (ISP)
ISP is a company that provides users with access to the Internet.
ISP provide the user with access to the Internet for a monthly fee.
ISP has the equipment and telecommunication lines
ISP used broadband connection, copper cables or fibre optic cables.
Web browsers
A web browser is a software that allows user to display a web page on their
computer screen.
They interpret or translate the HTML from websites and show the result of the
Web browsers:
o Google Chrome
o Mozilla Firefox
o Microsoft Edge
o Safari
Web browsers features
They have a ‘home’ page
They have the ability to store user’s favourite webpages
They keep a history of the websites visited by the user
They have hyperlinks to navigate the web pages
Search engines
Search engines are useful if you don’t know the URL of website.
Popular search engines:
o Google
o Bing
o Yahoo
Search engines
They use the words entered in the search box and lookup in their database
of web pages to find out which of them match your search string.
Advantages of using Internet search to
find information
Information on the Internet tendes to be up-to-date
The Internet has vast amount of information
Searching for information using a search engin is fast and easy
There is no need to travel to a library to find required book
Information on the Internet is usually free of charge
Pages on the Internet can have multimedia elements
Disadvantages of using Internet search
Internet is not regulated – anything can be posted.
Information may be biased or totally incorrect.
There is the risk of accessing inappropriate websites when using search
It is easy to be distracted when searching on the Internet.
The is the risk of information overloaded.
It is easy to copy material from Internet, so, there is a huge risk of plagiarism.
Some research skills are lost.
Why are internet searchs to find
relevant information not always fast?
It is possilbe for millions of sites to be found matching the given criteria.
It can also take a long time to obtain only relevant infromation.
When using search engines, there is the danger of informatin overload.
Search result may not contain exactly what the user is looking for.
Why isn’t it always easy to find reliable
information on the Internet?
There is no guarantee that the material returned is accurate.
The material can be inaccurate or unverified.
Material posted on websited does not have to be checked by other
Information displayed on the web pages is no longer correct or relevant.
How can you evaluate the reliability of
information found on the Internet?
Anybody can set up a website, so information is not reliable or accurate.
Some commercial websites will be biased
If a website has excessive adversting it could be unreliable
It is possilbe to use the final part of a URL to identify website’s reliability, eg:
.gov, .uk, .mm
Check if responsible bodies have endorsed the website
Check if the website has links to other reliable websites
Check if website has testimonials
Check if the date of the last update of the content of website
Hypertext Transfer Protocol
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
HTTP is a set of rules that must be obeyed when transferring data across the
Protocols are set of rules agreed by the sender and recipienct when data is
being transferred between devices.
Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS)
When some form of secuirty (SSL or TLS) certification and encryption is used,
then the protocol is changed to HTTPS.
This is often seen as the padlock symbol.
The letter “s” after http refers to “secure”.
HTTPS is used for sensitive or private data is being transferred across the
File transfer protocol (FTP)
FTP is a network protocol used when transferring files form one compter to
another computer over the Internet.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Web browsers use URL to access websites, retrieve files.
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Format: protocol://website address/path/filename
Protocol is usually http or https
Website address:
+ domain host (www)
+ domain name (name of website)
+ domain type (.com, .org, .co, .net, .gov)
+ Path, which is a webpage (root directory of website)
+ Filename, is the item on the web page
Internet risks
Internet risks