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Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093, USA
Center for Memory and Recording Research, La Jolla, California 92093, USA
Materials Science and Engineering Program, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093, USA
Note: This paper was presented at the 67th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials.
Author to whom correspondence should be addressed: [email protected]
We present a general finite element linearized Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation (LLGE) solver for magnetic systems under weak time-
harmonic excitation field. The linearized LLGE is obtained by assuming a small deviation around the equilibrium state of the magnetic
P = (jωB + γCex ). (14) confined to the region of 10 nm near the center of the strip at fre-
quency f = ω/(2π) = 20 GHz. The results were obtained on an Intel
The inverse matrix of preconditioner P−1 can be approximately Core i9-9900K CPU.
calculated by incomplete LU decomposition (ILU)10 or using the Figure 1 demonstrates the validity of the solver by comparing
block-inverse preconditioner.11 Multiplying by P−1 in both sides of the results obtained via the FD-LLGE (15) with (12) and via the orig-
the Eq. (13), we obtain a preconditioned linear problem inal LLGE (1). The figure shows the space averaged y-component
of v for L = 100 nm. The number of mesh vertices for this case
was 3,927. The number of iterations based on the ILU0 precondi-
P−1 (jωB + γA )ṽ = γP−1 h̃a. (15)
tioner for the FD-LLGE solver was 57 and the computational time
was 3 s. The initial, i.e., early time dynamics, is different, which is
The preconditioned linear system of Eq. (15) has a significantly because for the non-linear solver there are initial non-linear effects.
reduced condition number and can be solved in a much smaller The later time dynamics is described by the FD-LLGE solver accu-
number of iterations than the original problem of Eq. (13). rately. A snapshot of vy at t = 10 ns shown in the bottom inset of
Fig. 1 demonstrates a standing spin wave pattern.
III. NUMERICAL RESULTS Figure 2 demonstrates the computational performance of the
FD-LLGE solver by showing the number of iterations and computa-
We implemented the FD-LLGE solver as a part of the finite ele-
tional time as a function of the strip length L and the corresponding
ment method (FEM) based micromagnetic simulator FastMag with
number of tetrahedral mesh vertices N. The results are shown for
tetrahedral elements.7 The effective fields are computed as for the
the non-preconditioned formulation of Eq. (13) and preconditioned
general LLGE. We note that the computation of the used FEM based
formulation of (15). It is evident that the non-preconditioned solver
effective field operator, such as Fredkin-Koehler method,12 results
requires many iterations, whereas using preconditioners leads to a
in non-perfectly Hermitian linear system operator A .13 Potentially,
significant reduction of the number of iterations. The ILUk precon-
it may lead to numerical challenges if a solver assumes Hermitian
ditioners perform better than ILU0 in terms of having a smaller
matrix properties. Here, we use a solver and preconditioner that do
number of iterations, but they have a higher cost per iterations.
not assume any special matrix properties. The linear system of equa-
Overall, we find that ILUk with k = 1 has the best performance in
tions (15) is solved using the GMRES algorithm with the relative
terms of the computational time. Overall, the solver performance is
error of 10−8 . The preconditioner is based on the ILU0 and ILUk fla-
good, and it allows addressing large scale computational problems.
FIG. 1. Time dynamics of the average magnetization obtained via the full LLGE
and FD-LLGE solvers for L = 100 nm, α = 0.01. The top inset shows the strip with
its magnetization equilibrium state. The bottom inset shows a snapshot of v y at FIG. 2. Size dependence of the linear solver iteration number and computational
t = 10 ns. time when using different preconditioners for α = 0.01.
Conflict of Interest
The authors have no conflicts to disclose.
Author Contributions
FIG. 3. Frequency dependence of the magnetization deviation magnitude for Zhuonan Lin: Conceptualization (supporting); Data curation (lead);
L = 100 nm, α = 0.0001. Methodology (supporting); Writing – original draft (supporting);
Writing – review & editing (supporting). Vitaliy Lomakin: Concep-
tualization (lead); Data curation (supporting); Methodology (lead);
Writing – original draft (lead); Writing – review & editing (lead).
increase is modest, which demonstrates a good performance even
when the excitation frequency is close to the resonant frequency.
IV. SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION The data that support the findings of this study are available
We presented a FD-LLGE solver that allows obtaining the mag- from the corresponding author upon reasonable request.
netization dynamics solutions driven by weak time harmonic excita-
tions. The formulation is based on linearizing the original non-linear REFERENCES